Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 8, 1897, p. 4

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sss do youjjse it its the best thins for the hoir under au circumstances just as uo man by taking thought can add an inch to his stature so no preparation pan make hair the utmost that can bo done is to pro mote conditions favorable to growth this is do tie by ayers hair vigor r it re moves dandruff cleanses the scalp nourishes the soil in which the hair grows and just as a desert will blossom under rain so bald heads grow hair when the roofs are nour ished but the roots must be there ifyou wish your hair to retain its normal color or if you wish to restore the lost tint of gray or faded hair use ayers hair vigor ffilje jtctat fnt nsz thursday july 8 1897 ije l oang jolhs tub reason why what makos you buy that brand of soap t i askod a wouiim shrewd 8omq others havo far largor soopo their uarjboa 1 horo reviewed what makos you buy that qprtstu brahd l tho tvouiau lookod burprlsod and thus alio auaworod my demand because it b advortfsod 1 wliy did you choose that ribbon fair i i asked a little miss tho ntorokoopor bad othora uioro why did vou auk for tliis hlio gasod at loo with pitying i yes my face bho criticizod thouanworcd vary simply why b acauso it e advoi tlsod i what makes you always buy that liuo i i askod a bublnons frioud its a n favnyhn nf nilnn but why holoct thia brand ho lookod astonished and my aim 1u had uot recognised but still ho al bwored just tho same bocauso it a advortisod and so you 11 find whore or you go whorevor people buy tbe gooda that havo tho groatoat show and on which folks roly aro those mado knowu thro prlntorb ink and it may bo surmised ouo merit is tho people think bocauso its advortisod i prmttrt ink his qrat1tude a gentloman who bad sent aa irishman a little money to onable him to emigrate to america received iho following letter which la certainly grateful though peoullar l itonoitbk sui god hleaayo f w you have sent me if i gota on ill bend aa much baok bat if i dies plaze god ill meot yoa in tho lizzam fields and pay your honor there bat any way v over havo tho prayorb of yoar hamble servant michael biueh p 8 is there any one here haa over dono any thing to offend or injure yon that yonr honor would like something to ho done to id like to do some thing for yonr honor before i goes to show how thankfal i am a funny duel borne trenchmen were boasting of their affairs of honor when ono of them deolared that ho had mutated upon an antagonist tho most dreadful fato that a duellist had ever mot how was it askod everybody i was at a hotel and i ohanoed to insult a total stranger it turned out that ho was a fonctng master one or the otlier of us he declared in tearful wrath will not go out of this room alive bo let itbol urinated in response and then i rnshod oat of the room locked the door behind mo and left him there to dial what he couldnt do a atndont of one of tbe buffalo medioal colleges is responsible for tho statement that in a certain plaoe of pnblio entertain roent one of the boys was bragging of his manifold bcooraphehmenu until one of the company lost patience and said lu a draff tone now weve heard enough of what yoa can do copte tell us what you oant do and ill undertake to do it myself waal replied the student with a yawn i oant pay my account here so glad to llud jouro tho man to do it aud the oritio paid the soon amid roars of laughter from tho party tribute to a model wife i want a death eertiuoate said an untied individual rushing into tho health offioe yesterday afternoon he got it and was askod for the oastomary dollar whats that he exolaimed looking surprised ill give yoa 00 cants itll nevor do eaid beoretary combs nodding his head conldn ttako a penny less well heres the dollar deolared the man i wouldnt havo had hor die tor live bho was a model wlto a growing sponge it you want something pretty for tho children to look at buy a cheap sponge damp it sprinkle flax mustard or gross seed on it and haug it by a long string in a snnny window in a fow days yoa will haven boaullflll groon grass ball keep the apongo very wet and when the grass begins to ilio pull it all off and try it again a trick of the trade first iarls artist vy you put t lo zer paint 8eo4nd artist eot is fer a marine pio- tore i make paint salt zen whon ze arnoos fln on nit iterward pat zair ungors to zlr lipi xy say fot is wooderful i ve almost taste salt of ze ocean zen zay buy the usual wav da you ct muob return from your poetry lljhuu returned the danger side of l1qhtn- inqrods the conventional lightning rods lhat ono eeos ovor housed aud barub in the country and small towns afford but litllo protection to tho buildings small as this security is it is wholly lost it thi so oallod con duotors nro impropolly constructed and and not lu porfoot older whon thoy m faot booomo an absolute inonucu to tho building thov nro roared to guard it lu assontial it tho oonvontional rod is to bo eot up that tbo work bo entrusted to roll able and oopablo persons otherwise it may become a shimngjavitauojujpdjiugorb it is probublo thoroforo all tilings con aidorod that a building ib as well if not bettor proteoted without buoh oouductora as aro in general use as with thtm it is bafo to assort that the groat majority of buildings damaged or destrojed by lluu ning were provided with likhtntug rods and in tho majority of these oases the con doctors invited tbo thunder bolts and for aomo coub0 probably improper aoiistnroo tioo could not lead the lightning lmrirlless ly to tho oarth j e ioueli in july lamci homo joiiriml not in his pocket when fene ot the recklebs men of boom tlmb appeared 10 a kansas court a fow days sinoelhe judge etoppod hio howl in about this manner i havo been amsod at the brazen attempt of thie prisoner to rob tho men who trusted him a mans credit should bo ob dear to him as his country and hib god i will lino this fol low 11000 all right ive got it in my pooket said tho prisoners lawjer and tho judge repeated slowly ono thousand dollars and two years in the penitentiary havo you got that lust id yourpookouir attorney chlragn timet herald bearinc others burdens ono day a quaker met a friend who boomed in troublo tnend what alia theo ah friend my son has run away and got married oh i baid tho first quakor don t you trouble yoar head about him but tho other did not seem as though ho conld be consoled for tho lose of his son at length tho flrbt in his efforts lo con solo bis friend eaid well if he were mv son i shouldnt bother about him no said tho othor with a twinkle in his oyo if ho were thy bon neither should i knew what it was a doctor once took a tippling scotchman to task and graphically described for his benefit the effects ot over indulgence add ing thiuk of what phyeioal pain a man suffers after drinking tho aching brow tho parohed throat the trembling norvos whereupon sandy interrupted him with giofl yer ban doctor roan yo do eonbo the sensations sao woll that i think ita no tho first time yeve beon fou yetbel dark thero is a singular story told of tho years production of piotures by tho artists of fans donbtless by way of batiro of tho way in whioh cortain painters pull the wool over tho oyoa of tbo publio ono artist it is said has covered a can van with nothing whatever but a thiok oloud ot black paint in which nothing whatever in uishngalbhablorond he p es to exhibit the oanvrs under tins title night attack of negroes on our black troops in danomby 1 this is progression shades ot john wesley end john calvin defend us i what would those groat good men have thought had they aeon what 1 did in a tishlonablo madison avenuo oburob in now york tbe other sunday morning a pew holder brandishing her kodak daring bervicc and taking snapshots of tbe altar llowers barpllcod chuir uud the olergymatrjin bis most tolling altitudes the autograph send is not in it with this monbter philadelphia presi oelng tho queen oace at balmoral the queen wont out alone visiting she entered a cottage and found an old man bedridden and all alonp have yoa no one to keep you company said her majesty na maam they aro all gang to sse tho queen bho took a bible and read to him and on leaving gave mm some money saying tell your folks then that while thoy have beon to soe the queen the queen has been to soo you ernest mcilvken paper cans every now and then ono heara of people being poisonod from eating food proberved in tin oans the amount of risk wo incur from eating these preserved foodb lboxoeod ingiy small and it ib likely to bo dono away with altogether for paper amis arc now manufactured in tbe unitod states which are designed to supersede tho uso of thoso of tin altogether disappointment qualified lady i was awfully sorry professor j was anable to oome to your lootnro last night wero there many thero 7 tbo professor irish urn well not so many as i expected bat i never thought there would be london punch eyes with long corners and thiok lids that cover half tho pupil aro always indl native of talent blood pnriders though gradual aro rad leal in their effects ayer s sarsaparilla is intended as a medicine only and uot ub a stimulant oxoltant or bovorage imrood iato results may not always follow its uso hut after a reasonable time permanent benefit ib sure to be realized this hot weather you ar physiqally and mentally exhausted paines celery compounuls- the great builder and recuperator ah a rulo thero is no p nil physical and mtntnl i liainlion and de bility you know ou ato woalt faint languid llavo lots of mom jr dt prosnion ol bpirits with a wauling of twh your troubles procood slmpl from rffcnoua oxlmusoif and though ou uro uot tufforlng pain and ulouj bo assured jour condition is tx tremely ptnloii and denlandb immodiato atteution that wonderful btrovm iho blood that runs to ovory part ot tho body supplying the moat minuto nemo uud ihbiks is foul and poisoned in jour present cpndmon your blood is not a hfo stream it ib a stagnaiit pool of dtaraso and death tho healthy halo and strong that bear up during tho hottebl weather and that aro blebsod with clean pure blood and atoady nerves aro tho people who make use o laino s celery compound tho only medicine that rovilabms tho blood that fortifies tho norvouo byotem lhat gives pet feet digestive power oouud sleep and a new lease of life to those advanood iu jeara lamo s oelcry-coinponndiatrnlyjhu- grcat modern cllflr of life aud no wonder that doctors upprovo of it and strongly recommend it why to on in wretchedness and misery whon such ft medioirm promises health vigor and new life wo rooommond ou no untried remedy jjvor hottlo of paioc b celery compound is warranted to do the work il promises thero ih health and life in ovcry drop e asy tp take asy to operate aro features peculiar to hood s fills small 13 size tasteless efflolent thorough as ono mno hoods aid you never know you havo taken a ptll till it is all over s5o c i hoed co 1roprieiors lowell mii- xhe ouly pills to ukn with hoodg saparlhj t baby vas cured 3 tr r men 1 pr 1 owu n 1 xtnut f wild it mih i m b il y if b diarrli liitftct i tl n num r itkcl 4 n i ii it irtiiit i rut mi itivtxctl lini fui nil i i i nupl linth mrs chab 111 hirlo out t j m j- flao 1 hliui v i t t th em eaqma ib tfnlllmln i 1 uvjonr 1 fi lit x ilwnutiniliuiui j 1 t h i u 1 ii 1 1m1i1iii i ii hi i i i j gy hgylthoql kirchiijlo nhgj lnf uil isirnwl ii it i nnltuil i n 1 till i i m i hti in -r- 1 miillnt j it s pkiisiil to mo tort mnimnl t it to tin i it lit j u u mahilvrtovprlns an insurance mans st9ry j j hanrntty inspector for th standard life assurance cb at peterborough cured of mubcu- lar rheumatism hy the great south amejloan rheumatlo cure it turns tho midnight of suf- forlnff into midday brlghtneaa of good healththese are hla words i was a groat sufferer from muaoqlcct rbeumatism in my arm bo muob bo tlmt or daye at 1 11110 i could uot sleep i yajkei tbo floor id pain tbo groutor part of tho nfgtit i procured a bottlo of fioulh american khoumatio cure and foiad treatrohof aiter a fow- dosos itui aauui cure and i heartily recommend it bold by a t brown half shut oyaa biiow grrut natural shrewdness and laok of binoorify sutibiilcturj illbtlltb so ba a dr curlett an old uud honored practitioner in belleville ontario who writea tor waatiofi dieoaeoa and scrofula j have ued scottfl lmulbion with tbe most eatafactory reaultb my husband is never a bit moved in tbo patbetio scenes ot a play is yours ob yes thoy penorally move him clear out of the houae burdook pills do not gnpo or bicken they euro constipation and biok headache a httlo systematic btudy overy day will mako a sobolar at lust an 111 tilted tmlit mr j riimmor ot windsor ont wab on the train wbtob wont through tho bridge at st george ont in 1888 in tho accident jua kidneys and back wore seriously injured and havo since caused lum groat boitenug mr lhramor haya until i obtained doans kidney 1illa i never know what it was to bo free from pain they havo entirely removed the pain and i am abto to work every day now they have produced hotter results than all the othor medioiuea combined which i havo used in nil my yoara of buf faring i regard lhrm as a specific for kidnoy trouble which would you rather trust ait old true fiiendof twenty years or a stranger have little health you may left will you risk it with a stranger if you have a cough are losing flesh if weak and pale if consump tion starc you 1 1 the face lean on scotts emulsion it has been a friend to thou sands for more than twenty years they trust and yooeantrust it let us send yolt abookf telling you all about it- free for the akin cot- uowsl bclevllle oot yon acorn so cheerful when you have to move mrs diggu yea uch a lot of our ugly wedding preaonta alwaya got broken like sufferers only know r scrlver carpenter of hastings was a great sufferer from kid ney dlseasesouth american kidney cure effected a quick curelt is a specific remedy for a disease it dissolves and eradicates nil solid matter from the system is safe and per manent a thick neok generally accompanies a grobs organization and low tastes a cine lor chilblain dlui sum i ubod hugyardb yellow oil for ohilblams this winter aud found it most effectual it relioves tho irritation almost instantly and a fow application resulted in a complete cure r lsriinui port sydney out rheum ati 6tvvneecureo noarly thirteen years ago 1 was takeu very sevorcly with rbouraatidm and al though i have beon treated for it by oral doctors here and olsowbere bobldea uemg any amount of patent medicines and vaunt ed rheumatic oureb i never found only temporary relief until six months ago when dr halatede rheumatic curo ured m si tint i have not felt anything of it bince hoiit l binoiimi alion march 10th j8j7 m011 love bobt tho cauaea for whioti thoy havo buffered mot norway pino sjrup cures coughs colds hoarsonest sore throat asthma brgu ohitis etc all hie too lo should keep themselves healthy and cspcoiul care should bo given to thia matter at lb ia timo health depends upon pure rich blood ior when tho blood is iinpuro auil impovcriahed diseases of various kinda aro almost certain to result iho ouo truo blood punqer is hood s barbanarilla by its power to purify ahd vitalio tbo blood it lme proved itself to bo tho eafo guafd of health and tbo record of romark able cores effected proves that it has won derful power over disease it actually and permanently euro a when all other pro par i 01 will iloiih milburna lie irt find ncrvo 1 ills for weak pooplo having lu irt or uero troubles buoh aa pulpit lit 1011 throbbing hptibiiik dirimcbh iioriihuj of bicath utuothering fooling iuin in the brat t aro uu 111 variable modiciua an liuntlrtdrt if mriiflod euros bear witnebu 1 or iitiimia ciobili t aftor effecta of grippe and 1oh of uppbtito thoy u pccilll bprokot did your wifo run into any thin when alio iirst author wheel ulom or c alio ran into debt ihouhancu lilto llei lenu mel od bavoru ijridf- vritu3 or owu a dfiut lratitndu to dr ihoma i lltctrn oil for curing mo of il eoro cold that troubled mo noarly all list winter in order to ivo n uiotii- to to a hacking eolith take a dose of dr ihomu- 1 ckctriu oil thrice a da or oftcuiu if the t ouh hpwtt render it uocobirj any marked peculiarity of totiutoimno fndicaua aomcf peculiarity of mrud lo iicatr6y woma and expel them frpra children or udulta uao lr low a worm syrup warta on tbo cum or necli mdioato mdustuoua active bauuiuopetvpjia lhekreat luuj healer ib found m lhat oxcollent- methoino sold as bickle a ariti consumptive syrup u soothe and dimnf ishos tho seiiblbility of tho uierabrano of tho throat of tho air pisauges and id a bovorolgn remedy for all couyhb colds hoarseness pain or aoroucbs in tho chost brorrclutis etc it has cured ma iy when supposed to bo far advanced in consump tion piojocting aud rolling ojea blont to people tleatiluto of genuine vnoratlou parmeleo a villa poaseaa tho power of aotini bpccibciay6ritltbdiwaaeodorranflr stimulating ottotioo the dormaut enorgios of tho sybtem thereby removing diboabe in fact ao treat is the powor ot thia medi cine to clcanao and punfi that diseases of almobt ovory name and nature are driven from tho bo jy mr d carswoll carbwell ont writes 1 have tried parmeloe s pills aud find them an excellent medicine and ono that will bell well dodo now tell mo what do people think of mo penruirr and make an ono my for hfo not much cure biliousness constipation sick headache liver troubles as nlixajayqonc pill nets perfectly and if a stronger action is desired a cathartic effect is produced by two pills in obstinate cises where 1 purgitive is necessary three pills will be found sufficient these pills leave no unpleasant after effect one pill taken each nigh during thirty days will cure constipation price 25c on s ron i 00 ojuartoroak has sued a bioyclo maiufac turer what for lie baa tho man has forced hib arm chair factoty into bank ruptoy uil lhurt muster tions fail to do any good whatever sold by a t brown thicb heavy regularly arched eyebrows ulwajs indicato sound judgement convinced the sceptic the merits of the great south- amerloan nervine withstand all the assaults of the credulous and sceptical when they are converted to its use in their personal ailments they become its best frlendfor it never falls them mr dinwoodf- of oampbcuford oai says r tccommons south american nervlno to everybody i consider it would bo truant to the best interests of humanity were 1 not to do o in ono instance i convinced an avowed sceptic to all remedies of its curative powers ho procured a bottle and it has beon of bitch benefit to him that ho continues to purchase and use it and has proved its great worth as a btomaoh and norvo tonic it lma done wondtfrb for ma and i keep it constantly in my houso an occasional dose acta aa a preventive aud keeps me well and strong it is a wonderful modioine sold by a t brown gkrr5ilv i have found groat satis faction in tho use of dr iowlors lxtract of wild strawberry and consider it invulu able in all cases of diarrhoea and summer complaint it is a pleasure to mo to recommend it to tho public it b mbthlton principal high school river clmrlo n b tho chief characteristics of a broad face are inflexibility and obstinacy in his vegetable piiib dr parmoleo hab klvun tu tbu th f tong-fieien- tilore3earoh in tho whole realm of modi cal bcleuce combined with now aud valuable discoveries never boforu known to man tor delicate and debilitated consti tutious these- pills act like a charm lakon in small doses the effect is both a tome aud a stimulant mildly excjii if the becrotioue of tho body giving tone and vigor tbo roman nobo shows tho greater character tho greek noso tho greater tag to castorra for infants and childreu thtfu- tlmlla ilgutar- is oa titt impptt if you for many oars i havo been troubled with kidney disease necessitating the taking of mueti in thp way of remedies two years ago thoy became bo bad that i had to seek tho aid of a physician my urine was moro hko blood than anything else and was very painful just at that timo i began using south american kid- noy clirp it qnvi mn immn relief do you know a good touio for ncrvouh peraone simpkinb no what i want to and is a good tonic for persona who live with them prnruro economy in buying medicine as in other matters it is economy to got hoods sarsaparilla because thero is more medicinal value in hoods baraaprilla than in any pthor kvery bottle of hood sareaparilla 0011 tains 100 dot oa and will average taken aocording to direction to last a month while others last but a fortnight sootspilla are tbe only ph to take with hoods saraapariua eaay and et eulolent a very short upper up indicates liveli ness of ditpoaition though not always klndljneir why look older than you reilly are whan halls hair reqewer will complelly rettora tbo qfttnrftl color ai in jouth to gray fadtd or udoiord hair and from that time till now i havo had no difficulty loan afly and honestly ro commend this great remedy to all parsons buffering from kidnoy troublo bold by a t brqwn vou didnt resent my denial of your ougngomonw no mr mcwoolo 1 infer red that you meant it as complimentary to me cough a colds soro throat asthma brou chitie and all lung troubles are quickly cured by hagyarjn peotoral balsam stntwber why do jon think you will have any trouble in keoping the engage raont secret singorly i had to tell tho girl hadnt i there in nothing cojuhi to mothir gravo b avorm bxtorminalor for destroying worms no article of its kind haa given aaob eatis faotion ask jour grocer for back lame back ckacht pmbago or rheumatism doans kidney pills cube vo do vour hand5 or feet swell ip 50 vou i1avb weak kidnev5 do an 9 pills will 5trgn0thbn thbm have vou dropsy kidney or uri nary troubles op any kind ip so doans pills will curb vou something worth knowing headaches dizziness prioiitpul drbahsi disturbed sleep drowsi ness forobtpulness cold chills nervousness etc are often caused by disordered kidneys even ip your rmrlory is depcctivb you should always keneflhek that doans pills curu all kidney trou bleb and bvery d03d helps tttu curb sold at all druu stores oray eyes are generally found usiocitttld with prudence and forcuight weak ik ta ami djupopshi cured t kau slim i ean heartily reoommenil buriiujt blool bitter tor a long timo i was troubled with dyapepiia and wcakneis the loaat exertion would tiro me ont i am glad to eay however that your b b d hab greatly benefited mo oaring tho dyspepsia and making mo strong and woll jknnik uvani hepour oat a curling lip betokens a punoroilioioua and haughty torn per men t hue in the yu to euro all heart and uorvo troubles and that weak weary tired feeling oleoplosu lioss eto do ab mrs thoa glover chat ham ont did bajs mrs glover ono box ot milburns heart and norvo iilla ourod me i was so bad that i fear od paralysis but am now woll and strong thanks to thobo wonderful pill- wlckwiro strotohor has an itidia rubber imagination mudgo iudia rubber ia hardly tho term there are bounds to india rubber thero never was and nevor will be a universal panacea in ono remedy for all ilia to which ilcbh ia hoir tho very nature of many cuiativoh being euch lhat wero tho rorms of other and differently boated dmoaucu rooted in tho syalum of tho puticnt what would rohevu ouo ill in turn would nggravato tho othor wo have bowoor in quinino wmo when pbtained 111 a ho mid unadulterated state a romedy for many and griovous ills by ita gradual judioioua iibo tho fraileat bjbtcma aro lod into con valcacenao and strength by tho influenco which quiuino exerts on natures own restorativib it relieves tho drooping spirits of thoao witli whom a chroma btato of morbid deapondom and laok of intoroat in lifo is a difloaae and by tranquihzing tho norvee diepoaca to sound and refresh ing aleep imparts vigor to tho action of tho blood which being stimulated courses throughout the vims strengthening tho healthy animal functions of the eye torn thereby making activity a necessary result nirengrrtsning the frame and giving life to the digeilivo organs which naturally demand incteasod substance rosuh iro proved appetite northrop a lman of toronto havo given to tbo publio their quinine wlrto at tho usual rate and guagod by tho opinion of scientists this wine approoohes nearest perfection of any oa the market all druggists sell it purity strength and umtgobm xulvob in bvtoy paosa0g in lead packets only sprcially sclcctnj bjick or mixed half pound and one pound p ideas rar all gkoci ks 25 30 40 50 and 60 cents a pound the davidson a hay ltd wholesale agents toronto railway time table grand trunkirallway t j1s i 1 ols 1 am 00 1 1 1 mi l i i in 1 17 u m 11 i ik 10 01 i 11 inn gobi u usl 1 whit i tint im 11 this tu i l i lu wui t ml nov 0tli in 1 i i sisll ma1i h iii iii 1 till 1 1 111 1 ii if t uu mou h best 6teel wlflb woven wire fencing wire rope selvaqb toumfaotuitd thk ontario wire fencinu co ltd ploton onurlo cheap cheap cheap f6n as wli i as mcmullcns choice btect wire clhiib forlrollih poultry f irds liwn leucines ltc in sold much lowr this cir tlnn ever before ihey ire tho host ask your ilardwar- atercliint fjr them qjvl rnjtjxnjrrmnjxrvxrirrij summer suits aud some arenot suits ii shore y co s suit j can he honight from any rchqble 3 dealer n cunnda whose desire h to give their customers the jiest value for their money their workmanship is all guaranteed to the fullest extent and a fjua- rante certificate is 111 the pocket of each garment their bicycle suits and spring overcoats are alj w nterproofcu hy the rigby process cool iorous and jet waterproof 5 fh ruuijinjxnjtn- iruinjxrijinjtjruiru tii o ofrfroeo oew bliops tiici wirerooms 1 oot of willow st cill- attendcid to day or night hfcssaa j a speight co undertakers and embalmers acton ont latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges mmm furniture of all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited 3 7-peight-ech- orders left vulh j n stin80n rockwood will reccnc immediate attcnlion always always complete attractive it is the expression of usitors to our btore that our stock is most com plete attractively displayed and re- asonable in price we can suit you in your personal wants and if it is wedding presents or friendships tokens our stock offers exceptional variety just now jubilee medals pins c are 111 demand we have them gc d pringle jewjjlwsr guelp1i columbia bicycles klaiky down 100 columbia now 85 85 gents columbia now 70 85 ladies columbia now 70 70 ladies hartford 58 100 cleveland good as new 50 sairage cfe co jewellers cuelph rbtvyeb brhntford calvanized teel wind mills and towers for power and ptitjip- rap within teinal covered goar parent roller anct ball bearings ball bearings ffis i koller bearings brantforucan alakers of the liht est running and bebt constructed oahin itd steel wind mills nnd 1 ower made also i he celebrated miplc lcif grain rnjder write for mummied circulars john mqueen acton agent for above also i or frost and wood binders and mowers a full lmo of all kinds of fanm implements and r e paire the campaign prepare for winds wo would call our attention to tbo fact that wo aro prepared to sopply y with lambor of suitable length for your barn doors viz 10 12 1j or 1 1 feet also sash doors frames mouldings etc for buildiug htorm doors put np at ab low a rato as possible pumps ltepair or pumps or put in now ones b u i ton rn 54v shop at foot of river street acton thos ebbace manager georgetown electric works t j srjsjcur poprielor manufacturers of dynamos electric motqrs water moto a hydraulic rams s lil aiulrtcnin i ittinc nurt tloncral itui nlr hid holnu eiiuipi od with a uau brnslng uiaculdq i tun iiroimvl to do bragiiuu on ilicyoloa 1 rauio ac wbuou convortotl from direct to tanuon sboon uandlo dars bout to any ik hired miklo t uil lino of siiokoa kept in btock satlflfticttou ruarautood lilcjcloa unaroollcd lu any color t j speight georgetown aoton machine and repair shops nenh aiundill lroiritor a it k woll oqutpporl witbnll the maebinfirv- xoccaanxy toaxotlto rll ropftlrs to maoliiii ory find ngrlculturnl implcuionth and to do 1i kinds of et oa in nttlnn lioreo bbqoiugftudrcncral blachainltliing woodwork roimirs port or mod in a satisfactory maimer wo oau ropair any macliiiio or implomiit of any make saw gutnralufl aud tlllur douu job printing including nooks iampulat- toatorb itll hoab circulars ac ao oxoautod in tliu boat stylo of tho art at modorato prlcon aud on short lotlco apply or address ii p moore 1 nkb 1111 ss oolco aotou kellys music store will he found in future on- corner of wyndham and quebec sts premise lately occupied by traders bank iphkw uuuisjbkstf laroept slk in canada the public are are invited to call and see the finest music stere in western 0ntari0 c w k6lly right icli nml description mny oivlilttiur nil invunlltdi ft i x oiiimunkittlfmii 1 1 ial- mdiiaj lorkwtrltia putcn telephone 178 guelpii pubfjiwhial qjnuf mmtoj-ty- urltm putnt4 801entifi0 american thwuttfullv lllnstnttod lnnroat clrrml man of 1nf nldqtiaojpurititl wi klrturnis3ji a yoari ijoslac montli- nportninn cnrtbttaiidllamo 1001 on tathfts w nt f rc addrou addrou munn a co 30 x uraatlwnt now yrti

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