Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 15, 1897, p. 1

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o t volumlj xxi ii no n acton ontario tnuesday july 3 5 1897 price three cents ria i uulibiird dvirbythlfbbbarmohningt at 1iie- frcoriirssuiuuvilntliironuc mill btkei t acton ont tuisinoi suiiacuinios ouo lollur p r yttxr btrlctlyii nijvmiio all hiibktrintiqna dluion tluuo 1 wtiuu tho tiiuo fui wliicli tliey havo been paid iiuh oxpuol llio thilo to wuiui ovory uibsorjnmou if i aid in donotod on tho addrcsa label anffeiliisixa juri h transluut advortjuo in outs 10 cents nor non arofl uiio lor urst iu burtlon j cent byor lino tor oath subsequent iuaortiou r contract ltxil a tjio following table slious our rates for tho iwortioii ofjuu urtlnomoutii for hi trained poriodu 1 j a l mo l jm to clear the balance qf1qiib wall papei c inu reduced the pric to c tl 1 111 bulpc tlbcs below co t prick aoluohob g0 00 jj5 00 mx 28 00 87 00 10 luohos hjoo 13 00 3 00 fi inchon 20 00 laoo 700 2fl0 1 inch 600 igo am 100 alvortlsomants without apooino dirootioan will bo inserted till forbid and charged accord iugly trauslout advcrtloomonta must bo paid lu advance advortlaomonta will bo changed onco each month if don i rod tor chanfioa oftouor than on co a month tho comi osltlou must bo paid fpr at rogulai ratotw oh an cob for oontractadvortisomouth niuet bq iu tuo ollloo by noon on tuesdays accounts i ayablo monthly n p mooite editor and proprietor sussness jdirrjorp hit bt ck lb wlm sburtlcl lonibimtiond pcrhu c can ihow j ju iu mccsl m i cjilipcstj 1 apirs in hx citj vu bac inont ctr lime bckiling a l days bookstore day sella cheap the tfladers-bank- of canada authorizod capitals paid up capital and s assets favor 1 000000 zafiooa t r tjrln m d c m omco and robidoncocoruor will a frodorlck utroota aoton as elliott m b m d acton oluduatj tollofcto unllltbltl office main stroot third door eouth of iroabytorjau cburcb acton s tk dkpln tin taii timoai ahu nohi moloaus block douglas st near p o guelph office houiiej 10 a in to 1 p m and j to b p iu veterinary surgeon l1red p husband v s graduate of tho ontario otorlliary college honorary uiouibor of tlio votorinary medical society okiile win itunbaudti lot 4 con 4 nass aflftwoia calls day or night promptly attended to l bennett h d s dentist georgetown ontabio dk t 8 mercer ll ntihl graduato of toronto unuoraity and it cd s offlcu ovor drug btoro acton viaillno davh tlivuhday and 1 itldai save ysor teeth stewarts flnliseplig denlnfice will preunt dccij will nnkc ihe tcetli white willsuellcn the breath will fliti delifjlifful bense of tf cleinhncss and coolness to the momh tb endorsed b leiding dcntisls prcpircd nnd sold only bottles 26c sample package loc 6 300 ooo guelph branch 3j 6flmfl of 81 and upwards received 5 on dopoaitandsi pprcont lntorebt paid or compounded iiulf yearly depoait roooipts leaned for laro auma deposited advauccs made to responsible farmers on thoir own namea no charge made for colloitinfi 3ulca nolea if payable in guelph j a general bankitffi business transacted a i ii jon m n after jjoutrir hese hree tiir gossip 1 o 1h it down the atreut will trot with inico bofnat it makes lior hot wbllu dinners half cooko 1 iu tho pot tbo bobblp who to hor ueilibor a bpi40 ill h ibiiidl all ihufr diugtt to know hor broad bulut only half cooked dough tho boubii who 11 softly linger round a door lior stock of iiwfl t6tnako much uioo wbil i nurio too clean a her kitohbn jtoor i tbogobblp wmo through i window blind wltlpoor tihquld no obaorver be too near while lu bor natitrya boniqthlnn queer j tjlo gosblp who 1 scale a ladder up bo high or tit a crovioo placobor oyo bile iu bor butter s many a fly tho gossip vio novoryot was known to fail in making up a wondrous talo vbllo iu bor pautrv stands that pail tho gossip ear could make nothing of it tlon after a moments silence came words broken and fluttormpbut to hie quick approhen bion thoy hounded like an articulate cry o 00 help 1 then a aonfusion of olioks and again the instrument aoem ed to cry out 1 o save l he bpranp to ihe key and tried to tolc stelcrt family 3ua5m torn the jloudb stewart jm bell d d s l d s plmibr llftookmllt honor giuduath or toiionto usienbity work made satisfactory prices moderate vihitisci days tuesday and friday of each wtok d w g h cook dcnti8t cor collcgobt and hj adiua avo toiionto will vie it acton on the first and third satur day of eactinioutb offill agaows hotel m clean a mclean llarrialers holicitors notarlub conveyancers lo private funds to loan offloo town hall acton wm a mclean jho a mclean d y murray bannistkhsf somoitoes nchtailleh etc offices 120g queen at parkdalo victoria chambers 61 victoria 6t lolouhono 307 tononto joiin douglas a g munrtay a j mackinnonr daiinifltbil fioltcttoll cohvlyaijcln office mill street in matthowe hlock u pst lira t g mathesondc j b mcleod anitistens bouiciroiib convkyanckiib georgetown and milton money to loan at lowest rates o j monabb clerk tourtb division court county of hal on conveyancer agent tiro and llfo assurance kol fcbttaagont mouoyloloan etc office porryutan auloek -act0n- ont miscellaneo us henry grist ottawa canada solicitor of patonts for invention oto propareb applications for tho canadian amor loan and european patent otncea and for tho uogiatratlon of trade marks bend for pain phlot jbirtv two voars oxpcriouco p ranoifl nunan bookbindeit wyndbam 9tif guelph oiitarlo ovor williams storo account books of alt kinds made to order periodicals of ovory description carefully bound uuhnpnoativd promptly done 189798 -inmi-i- phprs- styles and prices to surprise you should interest you hammocks from goc ice cream freecrs from 2 oo refrigerators from ifrg 75 summer comfort in the home hot weather necessities j m bond co gvjelfh frames pictures artists supplies headquarters for presents c watersbros st georoe s square guelph fruit ornamental trees 70 acr shrubs rosqs lnbs knd seed potkt08s tx7e liavo tbo lsrhobtaflsortniotit nnd oninloy tt th l mot oda for propagation all elock carefully packed and all now aiudor oar porsonal suporvisfon varlotlob todtod at our trial farms before being catalogued those aro tboonly toatidgorcbards connoctod with any nuraery iu tlio dominion agents wanted to represent ys special attention given to park comotcry il boulovard ordora esslluaates f urnisbod for bupnlyjrfr oil tiro orclmrde why buy of fo wlion you can pi got bettor value why buy of foreign concerns or of middlemen wlionyoucan purchtuo ob cheaply from ub and cataioguo engllbh or kroacb freo on applica tion stone 8c wellington fonthlll nurdertea toronto ont t10 loading cansbdian troo moo j h hamilton dealer in marble and granite hamiltons block cuelph mjabriage licenses ii p mooile tffftttfn of manhiaoe llcenheh private oftlen no wttneasos required jsouod at residence in tho oveniug froo proas olfleo aoton fahmehb if you wish to rodnco your ltiterent or sociiro a ilratcloks ion 11 of inouoy at low interest and 011 easy tonne of ronaviuont all on mo i make a specially 01 lendlnfl i nrt imifw plfttij of fh i alflo loud on villade proper tj w c jackson cocim- yancf11 and mohe 11 mflt ovfili wyndltaiii at near pity hall gui li ii woulngton mutual fire insurance company bbtabububd 1610 inbuuancn on cash and mutual plan any aominuiiioatlonn forwarded to tny addrubb llox chi or telephone 68 wll be promptly nt- tonde 1 to john taylou aeont gtiolph w m hemstreet ijiobnbbd aoctionbbb uor tho oountlos of wellington and hal ton orderaloflat tbelneh piikbh oolco acton or nt my rosldoneoln aoton will bo promptly at toudud to k ees reduced to 45 00 fob farm saleb also monoy to loan on tlio most favorablo auiufl and at tlio lowest rates of interest in bu tan of 600 and rnjards job printing jkoludino books pamphlets ioblors illl heads circulars ao ao oiocntod in tlp best htylu of the art nt moflnrato prlcos and bu abort notice apply or address ii p moork ifakn pitesa oiqco aoton having on hand a largo quantity of scotch norway swedish and russian crhnite and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchased i will sell it a reduction of 20 per cent and uill illow nil expenses to customer to nnd from our works jokuh hamilton main street placing ivtills acton ont architect and contractor x manufacturer of hash doom frames moulding ill allstyloi dressinq ma tcmivg nnd moulding to order on short notice well assort d stock on lutij at prices to cni tho timos john cameron proprietor acton- livery and bus line tho undersigned respectfully aoliciu the natron ago of tho publio tnd informs thorn that wo 11 equipped and stylish rigs oan all waysbobaourod at his stables a comfortable una moots al traim botwoon sam and bib pm carofnl attontlongltontoovsryoraer the want of oommorolal travel tors fully hist john wjlliam8 paopnietoii light summer tweeds that look cool and feel cool stylishly cut properly finish ed and generally- well tailored not high priced but high enough to ensure every satisfaction to the wearer the pleasure o first choice is yours if you there was a little old fqbhioned eqfe in buy now shaw ic turner merchant tailors guelph more than half your life is spent in your shoes then why not have them comfortable the ease of a slioe depends on the material and fit that is the reason our shoes give general satisfaction all grades of boots and shoes in the latest spring styles and best quality at w williams boot 8h0e 8tore mill street acton -the- j n stinson store rockwood special bargains 1u in ordered clothing and mens and boys h kummer bss10n wn 1 ui in 1 1 at uil business and shorthand institute 1 rom july 5th to aiiriist ijlh write for pirticuhrs j sharp principal guelph college aoton machino and repair sjiopy ileniti qrindbeiy lroprlolor a iic noil oqulliod with all the machinery naooshary to exoouto all ropalra to niftohiii ory nnd nurloiiltural liiiplonuntb and to do all kludioibtoam flttlnit horbdahooltignndconoral blaokmnlthlnit woodwork ronalrs iiorlornild in a aatlafaotory manuor wo oan roiiair and maaliine or itnplomoiit of auy uiabo haw gummluff and fllluu douu wanted agouti for queen victoria hor jlelgn and diamond uublloo overflowing with la tost mid rich est plolnrei contains tho ondorsod biography of her majesty with autheutio history of lior remarkable reign and full account of tho dla mood jubilee only ml ulfl uook tronion dons doinaiiil jtonnuna fur ngeiifm onnnl slon co per ront credit ulvun freight pafl outfit purr duty paid writ fjulak for mitfu and territory thh dominion com pany dept 7 jm dearborn hi chicago tho depot at dumphreys glen but overy knew that it nevtn contained anything of apecial valuo it sorved well enough to hold tho books and papers of the office and a littlo jooao change thero waa practioally no bu8inoaqdono at darapbye if it bad been otherwise the station wbuld never have been left in charge of a mere girl like lena stearns fifteen years ago it waa quite another btory al that time damphye qlen was m tho midst of its boom ae a prospective summer resort and when lena a father bought the barren little plot of gravel and baro granite upon which bo bad erected hm store he had paid for it at the rato of 10 a kront foot and had trouble in getting ixat that but ho had gied long amoe broken in fortune and in bpirit the big dismantled sanitorium on tho hill was utterly abandoned half the tjsa i its dark dirty windows was brokoc equirrels scurried ovor the bagging verandas the warping shingles blow down fromtheroof inevery storm the eavea- were a line for wasp and hornets the streetj that were so hopefully laid out led nowhere park avenue started well but boqu lost ltdctf among brambles and bushcb its pretentious name hang aekow from its rotten post held by one rusty nail i ho btore however was kept up for tbero j was btill a little country trade mrs btcarns lived with her daughter in tbo upper story and managed to sell or barter aoroaa the i dingy counter cotton thread nails molasacs and patent modicines enough to pay the intercston the mortgago and live lena who was now eighteen bad to do something of coarse and as uho was un miatakably a bright girl and had mastered boob keeping and telegraphy she easily obf uined tho unimportant position of station agent at dumpby s where bhe sold wires soeraed badly out of order ho was much alarmed something was wrong horribly wrong at dumphy glen it wonld not do to waste time ho ran out of the depot look after things mao ho called to the baggage man hie bioyclo was loaning ogamot tho building be had brought it out that day for th0 first time oipco wintor set in witha quick push and a leap he wtts in tho saddle boundirig along tho dim frozen road dim yet for mere starlight the night seemed wonderfully luminous but the light waa fitful there were moments whon all seemed buried in darkness then tho landscape brightened as if tho moon had emerged from behind a oloud but there was no moon he knew that the moon would not rise till morning was near the railway circled the foot of the hill but tho road ran straight over the summit by btrenuoua effort ho had already reaohed the crest and the hard dm on wheel leap ed forward with a fresh burst of speed as if1 it felt the downward elope suddeuly the air eeomed full of rosy light as if tinged with tho glow of dawn though be waa now running at a break neak pace he glanced upward the eky was aflame with tho flickering pennants of the aurora boroalis near the horizon lay a bank of dustv haze through which the stars gleamed faintly above it wavered a palo phosphorescent curtain whtoh ahtver ed as shaken by gusts of wind frpm behind which ruddy streamers shot up to the very zenith and flickered and waned and bright oned it was a magnifloarjt display but fi9 tbo descent was becoming bteeper every moment ho was oblidged to keep his eyes fixed on the road ho was now running down the rongh track with a violence that almost defied control ihe overstrained tubing gave under his weight to tho very limit of its strength tho machine heaved and palpi tated like a frightened horse and shied wildly amid the ruts and btones that he graphed mo for help ad long bofore those villains reached tho depot i telographllfiho criedihyhy ididnl i couldnt i hudn t the smallest cbanoo until after you camo jaat in the nicjpjof time and saved me john a oh i exclaimed burly man who waa standing by it 11 bo them northern lights graph but ho could get no response thodonoitlfkelyv yurkuow faddlo theyll make long b the wires an bet all tbo bouo ora a lacking an im thirikinsturgiu somebody s whim wham done tlio robt was a message straight from heaven murmured lena and doubtless both she and mao wore right half a dozen tickets a week flagged a train when there was a passenger and boarded at home lena was not only bright and efficient but decidedly pretty this fact had been disoovorod by john john seurgin the station agent at pino bidgc ton miles above it was a bourco of regret to him that ho was not tho only disoovorer as it was he porvcrsoly tdrned his back on the well stocked stores at the ridge and did a suspicious amonnt of trading at the glen ho also did more telegraphing at times thttci business beemcd to require the wires must have felt a queer thrill as bome of theso messages pulsed them though the words were as trivial and remote from the sentiments they voiced as in ofmv other rustio courtship though scarcely auy money ovor found lodgement at damphy s glen a good deal passed through it about 20 onles below were thp great saw mills at sabine falls and every week a heavy oash box was expressed thither from theoity to pay the men the train which conveyed it how ever soarcoly ovor etopped at the littlo flag station bat there waa one notable exception it was about the middle of march and heavy rains had stripped tho bills of their white winter cloaks theyro just like folks who lay off thoir wraps too soon thought xjena drawing her fleecy i anoin ator more closely abqut her neok and bii ou id era for the sky had cleared and the air was growing frosty they look as if they wero catching their death of cold she waa standing on the platform watch ing tho belated express as it rounded the ourvo to her surprise it slowed and came to a stop though bhe had not flagged it tho door of tho baggage car slid open and the agent jumped out dragging the oaah box after him 1 shall have to leave this here to night ho explained bad washout at tamarack creek three miles down and wo cant get through to sabine possibly orders aro to run back at once haved wired to tho nulls to send men down by ihe road and they h bq here soon itll be all right no body olae will know the staffs here come well put it in the safe for you ho lena oponed the safe while the agent with the help of a brakesman bronnht in u box it was a snug at though she pull ed out all tho books teynako room for it thou tho men boarded the train which hlowly baokod up tho hue until it watf out of bight the girl ro entered the depot looked tho door threw a fresh supply of coal on the iiro and waited alone for tho messenger from tho mills an hoar passed and anothor nnd another at last tho hand of the olook stood at 11 and still they had not come john sturuin was sitting alone in the ticket lice at pino ilidgo thoughts of lena wero uppormost in his mind a thing not unprecedented but to nhht his head is full of fancies ho know about the cash box for ho had spoken with the exprcea agent as tho train backed through im afraid the littlo girl was worried about that money he mused she isnt used to that bort of thing but it cant hao been in hor hands moro than half an hoar the telegraph at his elbow waa olloklng in tin uneasy irregular fashion bat ho had scarcely noticed it all nt once tho signal sonnded loudly this was followed by an unintelligible rattle oven bis practised could not avoid at a eharp turn in the road ho swung out so far that he felt tho bind tiros slipping on the icy edge and barely esacped plunging down the ora j bankmont then the depot flashed into view j after that tho bioyclo must bavo chosen its own coarse for sturgin was not con scions of guiding it for tho sash was raised and againit tho yellow lamplight ho saw tho dark outline of a man crawling through tho opening anotljbf followod tho last had scarce disappeared whon bis wheel came to a atop in the deep sand of the station yard he dropped from tho saddle pulled a 11 cohbre revolver from his hip pookot and sprang to tho window the depot consisted of a single room tho safe and telegraphio apparatus were on tho further eido in the middle of the floo o w c h and glowhijjjsbeekb looking btright down tho black muzzle of a pistol that a hugo desperado was holding closo to her faco you unlock that safo right quick and no nonsepse ho was saying i won t i can t oriod lena thp other intruder a seedy littlo follow with thin lips and hatchet face was at the safe examining the look ho turned toward tho girl ye might aa well save trouble be said agekdowghaiflhereand wo ro golng-to- have it this is biz understand we bhan t hart ye if ye behave the girl glaced at him with angry con tompt her blood was boiling thoro aint going to be no one to help ye tho fellow continued tho road bridge is down swept away by tho freshet and fhe fellers from tho mills won t got here yet awhile yer mas too fir off and ehe aint no good anyway weve got to have that key fur we aint got no tools handy bo lively now wo kin be rough if we havo tor witlla euddou motion lena pulled tlo kep from her apron pocket tho big ruffian beside hor snatched at it lowering bis pistol an he did so but with tho quiok rjosa of a oat she flung the littlo pleco of ateel through tho open door of tho stove where itblipped down among tho gtowing coals tho fellow caught up the poker and plunged in into the red hot mass but while his back waa turned she had darted across tho room and jerked open a drawer throw up your hands joa aoouodrel tbo command came in a hoarse roar from the open window the desperado wheeled saw a fleroe livid faco glaring in from tho outer glodm saw also a leveled weapon and suspeoted more behind he dropped bis pistol and obeyed laying his left hand on the sill john sturgin leaped through the window with one bound there la no record breaker liko lovo and anger in things athletio meanwhile tho lesser villain waa struggling with fastenings of tbo nearest window but when he glanced ovor his shouldor and caught the glint of another revolver in tho hands of lena as alio stood by the opou drowor ho dobistod give it up ho said coolly ye got jme surer littlo girl though how thpm- fellers got aoroaa so quick beats me now don t get uarvous with that popper of yourn 1 11 rest easj an i am t got no guu anyway give mo jour pistol lena said sturgin his voice still quaking with ex citemont now you two brutes stand hore face to tho wall hands up lena pleaao sand a messago through to grand port for a tram an 1 u posao sho sent tho me it ago as alio was bidden but tho steadinops waa jo 10 from her hand and the cotor from lit r cheek she felt faint she threw open tlu door and- gaed up the track tho tiighi had grown very dark though n hlmj veil of auroral light still flitted now and then u cross tho starry back ground at length the rumblo of an engine was heard a weleomo souud to sturgin whose arms wero so palaled with wenrinebb and nervoua teneion that ho could hardly bold tho pistols it waa jast as well that his prisoner were so placed that they could not boo 1i m soon how ever they worojn the hnuds of the deputy sheriff and the strain wrs over sturgin sat holding both lena a hands in hid i cant trnderutand it he said how did it happen dear that you tele a touching scene it is nlwaya charming to see children- manifest tender affection toward their pareqts and this is still more pleasing when the children are themselves men and wotofln the writer remembers being on a rail road train several years ago when directly in front of him sat a kindly lookiog snowy haired old man evidently unaccustomed to travelling and as manifestly in his second childhood he was very talkative and bo told mo all about the journey ho was taking i m going out to iowa to seo my son jimmy and my daughter nolly just think 1 i ain t soon oither o them children for most six years and if they aint tiokled to oee me i ii be bo mistaken an this train seems to fairly drag i get so im patient every time it stops at a station i wish it d keep right on an never stop until we git to k thats whoro jimmy and nelly jive he began gathering up his few belong ingb when we wore still an hour a ride from his destination i want to be ready to git right off when we atop he saltl jimmy and nelly 11 both bo at the depot to meet me although they live nine miles out in the country and there aint need o both o them comln bnt they 11 ba there you seo if they aint when we reached k tho excitod old mnu btartod to leave the car in eager haste but tho train had not yet come to a stand btill when a great bearded jjant of a man fully fifty years of age hurried into the oar jimmy 1 called out llio old roan eager ly hero i am jimmy i rather 1 oriod tho son and be took the little old man right into his arms and hogged him while tears stood in the eyes of both a stout plainly olad middle aged woman appeared at tho car door and cried out father 1 then ehe turned and called to someone on tho platform horo ho is 1 here s father 1 nelly my girl i said the old man the eon and daughter both bad an arm around tho father as ho left tho car on the platform wero seven dr eight graud children of from flvo to twenty years of ago hero a your gran pa 1 said nelly joy fully and a great hugging and kisbing iimo ensued ho byatandgcsprj the platformjmiled ibut i think that most of them agroed with a lady on tho car who said it is a boantiful sight to seo an old man loved and revored by his children and grandchildren nnd i only wish that each exhibitionsof affection were moro common unii entifiid the brakeman9 no a flue young fellow waa tom jeffrey a strong pleasant anardl6okfig he was but eighteen 3 cars or a when he began railroading but ho could sat a brake with tbo beat when bis clear doop voice announced tho stations people listened and raado no mibta old la caught tgegleam of his pleasant oyo and lot him help them on and off with grateful surprise mothers with more oh id rob i than thoy covld manage tired men bundle maden and ojd men recognized a friend and mado use of him nor were ihe rail road officials blind to the yrjutig mans helpfulness and popularity nndi although tom did not even dream of it bis was one on the list of dames that meant promotion the young brakeipan a easy going good nature was however a draw back in ope direction ho disliked to say no whon the train reaohed boston bo always had b boars to spare in that time bomo one of tho boys were euro to say come tom lets go the barbers now this sounded very innocent bat in the barbers back room was a green door which opened on a stairway leading down into a drinking saloon hero the men uaed to gather a few at a time to take a- little something tom usually said his good hqmored no that meant a reluctant 1 yes and ended by going ho nbver fettwhoiiy at eoso when taking hia beer he would not have taken it alono over and over again be acknowledged to bimbelf that it was tho langhtqr of her chums that tftbk his courage away and so things went on a year slipped hy and boor had become an almost everyday drink with him when one afternoon he waa summoned from the barbers shop to tho office jeffreys said the superintendent when he entered i have been very much pleased with the way your duties have been performed in the past and i find we ueed another conductor the gentleman suddenly stopped and then the pleasant amile was gone mr jeffreys your breath tells me that you have beon drinking only a little beer eir said poor tom flushing crimson i am very sorry replied the superin tendent but that will be all to day yoa may go the young man left the office downcast disheartened what he had been wishing for w ho had so n gained ha been vistrda y toda y and to m thoy ipvednnd laurhod thoylilbsot and obiffod they throw tho happy hours awny that the way tho world fcoou rouud that s tho story 0 yesterday they talk of fatoand oaleulto and keop account nnd m ti and ji eih t that a tlio way tho world feooa round tlmtb tho story of today thif 11 seo ou high in yonder sky tho god whoao power doatroyoth sorrow that a tho waj tho world goofl ouu 1 tliftt s tho sttfryrot tomorrow philadelphia north american one honest man j first sunday school in the world in recounting tho ministrations of jotn wesley m georgia where tho fanaon preacher sowed tho first boeds of methodism in america tho rev w j scott d d in the june ladies home journal claims that wesley established the first sunday school in the world at savannah in cod nootion with his other labors whtoh were indeed prodigious wesley soon after his arrival in georgia in 173g began to provide for the sauday school instruction of the children of the parieh his devotion to ohildren at times almost amounted to in ftnation children were likewise equally attaohed to him as shown in their inter courso with him both on weekdays and sabbaths hegave no little attention to educational work as a preliminary labor on tho sabbath before tho evening service bo required them to conveote in theohuroh at whtoh time he catechised them thorough ly and furnished them with additional tea oh ing from the bible itself iu the present wesley an memorial church in savaunah georgia thero is a sauday school room into which hundreds of children crowd for sunday instruction the original school was leas in number but it waa unquestionably tho first sunday school in the world when taught by wesley it numbered between sixty and seventy five scholar bat from all accounts there were few if any indian boys in his earlier classes a very high authority sir charles reed m p ll d of england is clearly of tho opinion that this sunday sohool waa the first founded in the world and that it antedates by a half century tho secular instruction of robert ralkea at ulohcestor england as well as the first school id america upon raikosplan which was established in tho oity of now york just for fun write for tbo papers do you 7 asked the great editor kindly ot the young man who had come in to ask for something to do yet sir rephod tho applicant modostly bo you intend toaupport yourbelf in that manner o no sir i only wantod to wrlto for the papers in order to bupport myself whiio im getting an oduoation a little girl we heard of tho othor 6 aw a picture of miss willard and lady somer set sho waa intorestod in her mothers story of these two famous temperance women and a few days later was expatia ting upon their character but could not remember their names mamma bhe exclaimed this is miss willard but is tho othor lady turnover these girls love one an other maud what would you think if i said that jaok mortimer danced with me six times last night t clara i should ihtnk very highly of his unselfishness pure rioh blood feeds tho nerves that 10 why hoods sarsaparilla the great blood purifier euros nervousness lost through bis ownrfrniaconduot as he thought of it- tho good natured lips took on a firmer carve tho next day one of the boys said comin over to tho barber s no replied tom o come on what etrook yer that barber has shavod me all he will i was the answer although toms no seemed very deter mined in its sound thero waa yet some thing wanting in it he felt it and when after a few dajs tho real longing for a glass of liquor became felt it seemed as if tho no would become yes in bpite of himself no use in loakiu the barn door now saedbibchum tho hoss is stole the super knows yon vo taken a smile now and again and hell never forget it better be young while you oan tom btill said jnobut the little negative grew weaker- and weaker tbe next thing would be yes when this was almost accom phsbed spurnod by hie danger andromem boring his early training in tbo right he went into an emply oar and kueelingon the floor prayed for strength to resist and then ho said i learned to speak a no that all the men on the road couldnt torn into a yea our agricultural fairs the vmtu jubi day a a mow of tho pabt and the next important events of tbe year will be the agricultural exhibitions of canada there are quite a number of these jairs bnt none of them is ot more importance than tbe western fair at london commonly spoken of as canadas favorite live stock exhibition a title which la largely the faot and doe to the especial interest taken in theso depart meats by the management who are anxious to do everything necessary for tbe comfort of both tbe exhibitors arfd their animals ad have in this way established in the minds of buyers and sellers that the western fair is tbo proper place to do business tho large and commodious buildings ereoted last year for tbe cattle sheep and swine and thought to big tocifill was prov en to bo altogether too small to accomodate tbe increased entry tberofore the direc tors btave decided to remove tbe swine into new quarters this year and are having a bnilding erected i5g feet long and 81 feet wide in this way they purpose providing all tho accommodation necessary for tbe recep tion of a very much larger entry than hero to fore and whioh they feel sure they will have fartbur provisions have been mads for tbe comfort of stockmen and their friends the building formerly ocoupied by the jadietbrthe w c t u has been placed a little to the sonth of tbe main entrance to the cattle and sheep building being altered so as to provide a large hall comfortably soated to be naed aa a place of public 00m fort and meeting of the sovoral asaooia tions during tho fair also a room provided witb stoves to prepare food for them eel vea and animals t preventing the dan arising from the use of those small coal oil stoves etc in or near the stock buildings there is also a storehouse from whioh will be sold all kinds of animal food at the low est prices by tho pjrjse list jubt recolved the pro mi urns remain much the same as last year with tho exception o improving tlio ilaak ney horse class adding a olasa for general purpose teams and in tho poultry a claas for halt bred fowls tho coming fowl for the farm and four new varieties of pheasants wo noto a new dopartnro hi tho dairy classes by openjng one for domeata 000k ery and from whioh good results ara an tioipated many handsome special cash prizes have been donated for competition tbe special attraction s aro uot yet 00m pitted but the com mil tees seleptions iu the past aro a guarantee to the visitors that a good after noon and evening entertainment will be provided for eaoh day the special train service and excursion rates are being arranged from all points we are requested by mr thoi a browno tho secretary to say that all applications for pitae lists programme and their map of wostorn ontario will be appreciated and filled with yfeasnre the fair dates are september olh to 18th if i toll the old man that i wantr to go to a funeral be will think i am going to the ball game and then of course i shall have to stay here mused the bookkeeper bat that wont do at all i must go i cant think of staying away from unole johns funeral poor old unole t he waa always kind to me ill go if i lose my job for it but no 1 11 not lose my job ill outwit that crusty old moneybags or my name is not lewellyn ledgers and walking briskly into tho private office he addressed the head of the firm as follows i should like to go to tho ball game this afternoon mr moneybags if you don t mind whatitthat snapped his employer glaring at him over his gold rimmed spec taales i bhonld like to go to tho ball game this afternoon air i havent seen one since last summer the ball game mr moneybags fairly gasped with astonishment yea sir yon see ivo got a little money up on tbo game and naturally lam interested in tbe result well you are a most original young man replied mr moneybags and i like your straightforward manner now if yoa bad attempted to palm off on me any of those timo worn lies about going to a funeral or anything of that sort i would have refused point blank as it ia i shall let yoa go yoa have been working bard of late and i think a littlo recreation will do yoa good as mr ledgers put on his coat and pro pared to leave the office tbe typewriter giri heard him chtfcklo quietly to himself and say jblonosty is the think journal bcse policy i isaac amjfmion in now otob york qood grounds for suspicion yoa say yoa do not consider hisreputa tion for truth and veracity good eaid the lawyer i do npt replied tho witness why not demanded tho lawyor well rotarned the witness thought fully i havo heard bim tell one or two stories that sort of gave me that idea were tho stories ever proved untrue no ooi cant say that they were and you would brand this man as one whoso word is not to be rohod on morely beoaaso yoa heard him tell one or two stories that seemed to yoa improbable why thats proposteroab i lots of things may be true that seem absnrd to yoa can you- recall anyofthose storios well i remember once ho told about building a dock with no tools bat a hatchet faced man and a bawfiab and somehow that didat seem to mo exaotly butthe lawyor was satisfied to excuse tho witness without going into any further details her bright idea mr slimparso who has been accepted by miss wealthy without inquiries as to hi s i w m darling if your parents will give their consent miss wealthy thoughtfully ma has always been very particular about the moral oharaoter of young meu i associate witb and im afraid abell ask a good many questions mr bhmpurse joyfully ob i oan get references from half a dozen min isters mies wealthy delightedly thats splendid tbon after that all youll have to do will be to get references from half a dozen bankers and youll ctotoh pa responsibility in work church we all need responsibility it rouses ns and helps us togrow and churches ought to be the first to aooord it it needs tact and judgment to divide it fairly for all aro not equally fitted for the aame thiog bnt there is no one in any parish in the land who is not able to help along in somo de partment of ohuroh work and most are far more willing to do their share than church offiolala always know the only perfect dye- stuffs in the world the soiontlfio preparation of dyes tuffs and patting them up in proper shape for family dyeing has beon brought to per feotlon by wells l richardson co who are proprietors of the celebrated diamond byes theao popular dyes have banished from the homes of canada madder fusti log wood coohinoal and all other antiquated dyestutis tbe work or bome dyeing to now done qniokly and successfully by diamond dyes tbe process la one thai would astonish our grandparents to day mill ion e all over the world use the scientific diamond dyes in preference to all others diamond dyos commend themselves to all who use them because they are the strongest brigbcat and fast est and tho easiest to work with diamond dyes like all other perfect and popular preparations aro largely imitated in style ot package and tho way thoy are ppt up those imitations aro worthless and adulterated dyos ruinous to all kinds of goods and dangerous to handle great caution is advjsod whon buying dyes for boms use ask for tbe diamoud see that the namo is on evory paokot strangely enough a porson can go a mile without going afoot tbo bicycle didnt really put on airs till tbo pneumatic tiroi came to prevent pale and delicate ohildron from lapsing into ohronio invalids later in life tbey should take ayorb sarsaparilla together witb plenty of wholesomo food and out door exercise what they need to blsud up tbe system is good rod blood

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