Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 22, 1897, p. 1

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volume xxiii no i acton ontario thursday july iij 1897 price three cents bu ciflit jfm nss ih pudlikh1 d every thursday mflrnin at tiir l ico pilbjjstcuni 1 rilitiiik oilu mil l htltli t ac ton ont ti asm ol smiauui nonoiid dollar iir j oai htricllyln iiuimco all ml uorh tioiib llhi011 uuuod uhc n thotlmofor li itlilioy imvo boon paid liah oxnirdl 1 ho lato to which tnory tubicrii tion la i all is donated on tho uddrosa lubol advlhtihino ratts traiibltint advt rtlso moots 10 con to l or noiij aroll liuo for llrwt iu bortion j coutu nor huu for ouch eubaoquout 1 laortion contjiaot hatlb tho ollowliir taulo shown our rates for tlio insertion of ud ortiuoiuimts for specified porlodb spact j 1 1 jl 1 mo i bio 1 mo we are certain if you need a room or sollialloh v 10 limbos c lnchou liuoh i e o oo euj oo jo 00 20 00 jo 00 13 00 6 00 j 50 20 00 ww 7 00 2 00 67 00 300 350 100 advortlnomontfl without speoifla drroctionn will bo inserted till forbid and plmrpod accord ingly transient vdirtiumeutb munt bo paid advertlflomonta will bo cliaifo i onco oach month if dodlro 1 lor changon oftonor than ouco a mouth tlio com oaltlon must bo j aid for at rogulai rates chancon for contract acjvortihomonta uiubt bo in tbo o ill co by noon on tuoslajs accounts i ajablo monthly h v moobd editor and proprietor wall taper a baby carriage a hammock law ii tennis or base ball jloodb abooktt s toj ar book r lor your hoy or olrl 1 int ul c1ll hou 3 oil the liest stock o select from and our prices are far the lowest i days bookstore otjelph day sells cheap fltadersbanihjfganad authorlzod capital 1 000 ooo cuelph branch surna of 81 ami upwards received on dopositand highest current rato pf in tercet paid or compounded hall yertjlj deposit receipts tabued for iura puma deposited advances made to responbiblo farmers on their own names na charge made for collootmg sales noicb if payablo in guolph a general banking business transacted vl i h joni s ipaftrg in raspberry rim i hese hree hincs lin rahpborry tiuiu aud tlio pasture hih up pn tbo hillflldo 1b swoot ith fruyrunco of bay and tbo lllooi bo of llowera you crush uoath your foot tlio btono wall la crimsoned with briers iho clematis t iiiriob lt spray 1 lie deep niuo ro 1 i luinu of tlie aumac upllftb like a soldior at ba bob wblto with bra silvery wltlatlo hlngh shrill from tbo heart of tbo corn uid clilar over fir top aud olul top tbo caw ot uiu black crowirfborub aud hlfiht falla in shadow and bhciico suv o only tbo katydid a strath an 1 the boot of tlio owl from tbo tlikkot or tbo wtiip i oor will s plaintive rofralu 1 1b jiam berry tluio in tho mountains tbo thno ot tbo quiver of boat iba tiuio of tbosuddon down elashit f of rain that f s wolcouio and awcot tbo barefooted brown dimpled children lioop out with tlioir lrabkote and pitlts i ho rabbith aro scared at jhoir lausbtor and btartlod forth llutter tbo quaila mcuq tut saiiffgter m kitchen mafiamc select jfamtlu fkamg should interest tan hammocks from 90c ice cream freezers 2 00 refrigerators from 6 75 summer comfort in the home hot weather necessities from j m bond co guelph jvk jviertons jv three points dii r 6 mercer dlstihl gra lunto of toronto unlvorslty and it c d 3 olllcoovci drnj btoro acton vlolllvu ij vlh tliunda and i jlldai m bell dds lps pentist dltool mlle honoil guaduatj ol tohonto umvfilhltv work mado batlefacftory i rices modorato vihitinu das tuosday and i rlday qf each d r g u cook dentist cor collcgo fit and sj adlna ave toitosio will ylellacton on tlio ii rat an 1 third s itur day of each month o i a gn o w ghotol m clean a mclean tiarrlfltors solicitors notaries couvoyaucora jlo private funds to loan ofuco townllall acton wh a mclean jno a mclean douglas a muituay baiiiiibti it9 solicitoib notaiiieb fto oiffickb 120g quoon bt parkdalo victoria chambers 01 victoria st tmnniiniinfliry tqhokto joun douqlab a o aiultray a j mvckinnon llalinihteh solilltoit conlasceh oke ice mill strcot lu uattbowb block upatalra to mithesonj b mcleod aiuubtl ilfl hollcirohb conyacluu uoorgotown aiid milton money to loan at lowest rates r j monabb ulork fourth blvlnlon court county or hal on conveyancer agontliroandlifo aaaurauco ltel jifluk to akoutmouoy toioauotc office 1 orrymau a o lock acton ont miscellanso us henry grist ottawa canada solicitor of patents for invention oto propards applications for tbo canadian amor loan and european patent omceo and for tbo ltealatratinn of trado marks bond for pam phlot thirty two yoaro oxi orlouco f iranois nunan bookuindkit wyudhain st over william ouolpb ontario i storo account books of all kinds mado to ordor periodicals of ovory description carefully bound ilullnpnoruitxnfl promptlvdono m arriaol licenses h p moonr ifhi ku ok mauiuaop ijickmifh prl atoofdcr no witnobhotiroijulrud ihhik d at reildoiin lu tho ovonliig frooprohb oillco acton ip vltmkitfl if you wish to reduce your intercut 1 or securo a first class loan of money at low id teres t and on cany terms of repayment call on me i inako a tipuolnlty of londliir innv tifl llfttn ploutv of fiind 1 ano loml on vjllago proporty w c jackson cowblfancvh and monpv ll ndfli oifici wyndliamst near city hal gui li ii wellington mutual fire insurance company estajjubiied- 1h0 inhuhvncr on cash an 1 mutual plan any communications forwarded to my ad irosn box ci8 or tolophono fl will bo promptly at tend od to john tayloit agont guolph w m uemstrelt liobnbkd auotionkkh for tho oountlos of wellington aud hal ton orderblort at the prbb pnesa office acton or m acton will be promptly at tonde hi toob reduced i 5 00 for farm sales also money to loan ou tho most favorable bums and at the lowest ratos of in tores t in aumsof 0ond pwftrds job prltino including books pamphloti postors bll heads clttfulars jfo dec executod in tt o lmt stylo of the art at modorato prices and ou short l of ice apply or address ii p mooite fubb fiibrb ojuco ackn leading brands and close cut prices 1 now in stock it aeten fleur- a and c ill ind cn mine before you bny frank harris manager fruit ornamental trees 7q ach shrubs roses mines knd seed pothtoss wi have tlio laifet ahsortmout and onij loy tbovorj latoat and most improved mutli ods for i ropogation all atock carefully packed under our pompnal suporvlalou and all now ariotioa teato 1 at our trial farms ikoforo bolng catalogued those arc tho only tofltliigorchardb conuoctod with any nursery iu tho dominion agents wanted to represent us special attention given to 1 ark comotcry and boulovard orders 1 atlmatca furnlebod for supplying ontiroorchardfl why buy of foreign concerns or of m iddlomon when you can purchaso as cheaply from us and get hotter value our stock is canadian grown and acclimated catalogue english or 1 ranch freo on appllca tion stone 8c wellington fon thill nurseries toronto ont tho loading canadian troo mod j h hamilton vealeit in marble and granite hamiltons block quelph having ou hand a largo quantity of scotch norway swedish and russian grhnite an 1 in order to dispose of it to mike room for spring stock now purchased i will sell it i reduction of 20 per cent and will illow ill cxpcnoco lo customers to md from our worka john h hamilton main 8treet planing mills acton ont pott architect and contractor manufacturer of 8nsli doom 1 ratnos moulding in all stylos vbessino ma tch1no and mouldino to ordor on abort uotloo woll asnortod atock ou hnlld at prlcoh to sui tlio timov john cameron proprietor w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont hub k spkcultt of machine finished book papers pakd iiigii ouadk wekkly nkw8 there is a great deal of satisfaction in knowing that your clothes fit jou and look well it is as impor- oant as the wearing qualities and when the three points are combined you have juht the kind of clothing we are selling our price is in strict accord with the quality and lb the same to all special line of tweed suit- lnnrg fnr linqinp- ivmr shaw tuenek merchant tailors guelpb 189798 stfhil p7tp9rs- irror ji i it m ci luh at thorlrutbbotrnytidvcrbaryfoll shot through tho heart btonodoadl lucy hooifn say yoe lovo 1 but my dear fitrl now charloy dont bs oroaa i ho wab only a fow montha married ha wits houd ocr cara iu lovo with bia wife and juat now when bo felt tbo toucb of tbo soft alim fiuerd on bis hair and look od up into tbo pretty petulant coaxing face above lie found it bard to refuse auy request of bore no matter bow unreason ftblo i am uot the least bit oroaa darling bo eaid loaning back in bia ohair and pull mk both ber arms down around hu ncok 4 but dou t you think two hundred dollars id rather bih for someching wo do not really need t oh but we do charley 1 alio intiated oifiorly a poraon must have a chevftl glass nowadays and this is a beauty beveled 1 rench plate of course and all framed in mahoauy the real robo mahofi arryyon lraowandrfinibhe brasp why barloy it ib a bargain at two h uud rod dollars i ho amiled xbe furmehing of their pretty homo bad already coat a ood deal it was a bund aomo three btory bouse on one of iho moat fusbionablo residence block a of tbo city alra crua cbonon baa one purred on the en treating voice not as bandaome as this though i m euro it coat more she paused waiting for tbo effect of that last shot iu hor acboimug oouaxousneaa pho wia woll aware no moro effective argument could bo presented for hadahe not rcfuaed gyrua cannon to marry charley morton ho roso with a lenient laugh from tbo richly appointed breakfast table 1 aupposo jou must bavo your may ou iittlo dcapot 1 oh youdarlingi 1 criodtttrptutdiia iy and abo promptly paid him for his por mibbion by giving him half a dozen delifiht- li kiaaes then aud tbore he went into tbo ball for bis overoiat and camo back friezo envelopd and hat in band i m pretty positivo ldoa bo eaid that not a lookiug glasb in chicago wil bavo aa sweet a face to refloat as will yours it certainly ought to feel flattered ah the others would bojealoua it tboy know 1 david roaeo iea i met him at yvaukeshaw flvo yoars ago alio uaid a triuo nervously mrs mortou imaginod a casual acqaaiutanco wellcq ihou m a burst of confi donco wo wcro ongagod for tbroo mouths you woro mtcrcatodly what broko it on voh grow jealons and tbnre a thd curtain very little indeed did mrs merton hoar of tbo last act diplomatically buhy was that bright brain of hera fcuut you bho asked uljllic aa togoth or tboy passed out of tho theatre u over to dinner to morrow evening tojnorrow let mo aeel yea 1 11 aome wbon mrs mortou got homo biio fpuud hor precious rofrrar thero before her qbo was still admiring it wbon charley reach od home she called to him over the banister to come up and aeo her troaanre ian t it lovely charloy lovely ije aanontod he wbb gravely regarding the entbusjau tio face in the glass but i moan tio mirror 1 dont staunchly ahdt adoringly ho put hia arm around her and they wentnlown tothed inner- together victim of a weddinc1 rice thrown at a newlywedded pair led to a ne ru on thc pennsylvania railway just for fun which stylo do you prefer in cuarnapr italianor mnrhy styles and prices to surprise you frames pictures artists supplies headquarters for presents c waters bros st oeorob s square quelph the campaign prepare for winds wo would cull jour attoution to tho fact that wo aro prepared to supply you with lumber of biittablo length for your duru boors viz 10 12 13 or 1 1 fcot also sash doors frames mouldings oto for building storm doors pnt up at as low a rato as pobbiblo pumps repair our pumps or put in now ouca boforo it is too cold wx can i o lr shop at foot of river street acton th08 cbbace manager mrs 8 roszell iliymg purjnscd tho acton i inndry is anxioui to mike it a success our vvork ins been well received ind wfi thnnk those who linvc fiorcd us with their pitr jn ifo wo hive the c lpicity for fillinr many more orders sitishctorily ind solicit lcncnl pitronicc iriccs rcisomblc i aundry in cook s former stind rbssion cuelph wit i iii iii 1 i at till business college shorthand institute 1 rom july 5th to august 131b write for pirliculars j sharp principal tho pamper ubed in this journal 10 from tbeabovo mille wh babbsr bkos lllltrn aonu for oiiuon victoria hor vf all i rll hoirii ntul 1 lain ond juhlleo fiavibw oxorllowiiibwitti intent mid rich oitpletnrai contains tho oniloraoil biography of hor majbity with autliontla history of her rein ark able reign ami full account of the ufa uond jubilee only si fio hl hook tromon dqua demand llonanra for agontn coinmln i on so por cent credit nlvon ireliibt paid outfit ihkt duty iiaht wrlto miick for outfit and tvrllorv rlllj dominion com lany doih 7 3jg doaxborn st obloauo howaa too intel married to have ceased tho bouemoon habit of making pretty speoclio3 mrs merton bluubed in tho protlicbt manner imaginable yon deaervo another kisa for that i alio declared she btood on tiptoo to givo it to him then bo folded op tbo morning paper thrust it m ins pocket put on his hat and went out to catob bia car ho was glad bo had not refused to gratify bis wife s request in deed tho genial glow which follows a generous act kept him all day long moro cordial with himself and tbo rest of ibo worid hardly bad charley morton left homo whan bis victorious bride mailed up stairs to dresa previous to making hor oovotod purchbo when bhe descended to lior coup quite a vision of fashion and loveh nosa in her leaf brown plaah and costly furs she was a very proud woman indeed proud of her home hor husband andtho bautiful mirror ebo was going to bay and when ttho bad ordered it sent to her residence aho thought with satiafaotion o- tbe poaeuro ahe would tako in showing her acquisition to mrs cyrus cannon aa biio left a reatanrant after a dainty lunch whom ebould she meet but charloy s particular friond david rosea at least bo bad boon tho particular friend of clmr ley a baobolor davs now young mrs morton was very wise in her way she had ireatdtmdread tlnstkbrlrtirnbimljr chtruncs tbo friends of hor husband and tbua mdlrectly arouses tho resentment of tbo latter lo this rule she bad resolved to provo herself an ugreeableo exception so abo gave mr rooea hor hand and a graoioub smile and invited him up to din npr tho following ovening ho had feared that b a comradeship with charloy mortem moat end with tbo marriage ot tho latter ho it waa with roprobbcd surprise and oxpreabodtgratitudo that ho accoptcd tho invitation it s a pity she said with a com pas bionato sigh as abo was whirled along to the matin that poor mr roboa hasav a moo wifo and home like charley i which roforenoo ovidonced tho fact that mrr merton poseested a proper approola tion of her charming self the oartain had just risen wbon a lady outered tbo theatre and waa uo tiered to the boat adjoinining that of mrs merton why ldna my dear millio 1 though several yeara older than ldna millio jqyoo had been her f icpj hut it waa ft long timosnco tboy bai nioi a few wocks before lduaa wedding millie jo 00 had recehcj a sammona to tho bod bide of a biok brother in dakota and hid only lately returned bo very pleasant indeed both ladies fonnd the meeting i was just speaking to an old friond of gbarloyb said mrs merton between the aots im not sure that you know him ula name is ilossa millie d rather faded fnon unshed brightly when tboy woro alone in their parlor which by tbo way possessed tho refresh ingly bright if unroathotic look imparted by brand now furniture and draperies bhe broached her iittlo plot 1 1 mot mr rosea to day she said you did yea and i asked bun to come op to dinner to morrow that- was moo of you lovo i and at the nmttneo i met millio joyce aud i aoked her to coma also but darling woll they wore enjagod once bbe npdded i know it that wai why i aaked hor but the cmbarraaameut neither will oh you stupid boy ejio laughed wait and aeel tho following oveningwbon mr merton c home ho found hia wife s frie boated by tbo log tire which it was fashion able that winter to uitunt she looked un commonly well in her artistic gown of absinthe oilh cut to abow tbo full add white throat which waa her obiof beauty ho had juat spoken a courteous wolcome when the door bell raug almost immed lately aftor mr liosea waa osbored iu he waa n tall soldierly woll preserved man rray haired aud handsome ho started at tho sic lit of tbo figure by tbo flrosido then bo went forward charley met him and said awfully glad to aeo cou davo misa jo j co i believe you know with quickened heart throbs david rosea fuced the music ho was tremond ously glad to meet millio joyce agaii dinner was announced to banish tbo restraint each dreaded the conversation was kept up with pomstent gaiety bud denly occurred a startling interruption bang i lorcely sharply outrang the report of a revolver all sprang to their blankly with blanched faces they looked around charloy merton started for tho door oh dont wildly entreated bis wifo you will bo killed dear 1 dont go 1 at that very moment a second shot was hoard merton dashed out and up tbo stairs bia wifo following him and down dropped wlhin joy in tt dparl fmnfc whoq flho revived bhe found herself seated in tbo host a chair and david rosea bending solicitously over hor ho waa gently bath ing her forehead with water from tbo carafe aro you bottor millio yes thank you david her color com ong back with a ruab i was wrong a fow eara ago millie i waa too habty duvid but i ve loved you ever since millio and i ve refused two offers for yonr sake david yon angel v when they anally deoidod to go up stairs and discover tho causo of the commotion tbey found mr and mrs merton ruefully regarding tbe ruins of their mirror which was fractured from eido to side an attempted burglarly explained merton indicating r half open satchel near the window the fellow had got hia bag jlljed with jowelery bilver toilet articles arid whatever he could pick up when ho observed bis reflection in tbo mirror and thinking probably that ho was detected fired at tbo supposed enemy the shots wo hoard see i cried ldna half hysterically hero are tbe marks of hie feet on tbe window ledge ho ronbt have got out that wty slid down the porch pillar aud escap od my poor dear lovoly ohoval glass 1 w orled merton with a laugh let us bo glad ho did not get away with tbo p under 1 lite tboy bat diacuasiug the affair and when they finally broke up it waa david hosoa who saw misb joyco home charloy eosutioally confided yonug mrs merton to her husband tbo follow ing night millio has been horo and 1m and ittvnl roeearttro going to i married i and ita all on account of nay mirror 1 how a that dear why if i hadnt bought it tbo burglar couldnt bavo bhot at it and if he hadnt bliot at it wo wouldr t b ivo run up stairs aud it wo hadnt run up ntairs they couid not havo had an opportunity to make up charley langred out 111 hearty amuso me nt i really beliett i wan inspired to buy it avowed ldni solemnly yea darling mkj assented charley hut he groaned remembering tho check ho had drawn in favor of tobejy u besides she atd couvincsnoingiy if the mirror had not been there youd bavo bporrlnhed forthattrwfnl man waatrying to ahoot you to this romarkablo argument charley ro turned the only reply a womans logia should rcooive a kias tins is tho atory of a grain of rico it was small unattractive and uncooked and was one of a shower thut waa thrown after a newly wedded couple iu tho railway station at wilmington del wbon tboy boarded atravn bound for now york last week tbe r idea maitfa and ushers tollowod the uowly made hbaband and wifo to tbo 6tation secreting on the way tbo usual bags of rice and qld ehoea to itovi after tbo uu suspecting couple the brido and bride gcoom took their seats in tbo pullman oar and talked to tbo group of friouda until tbo signal for tho starting df tbo tram was given then the bridesmaids and uabera burned to tbo platform aud as the trdlu mo veh blowly out of tbo station tbo fun began rice fairly rained ovec tbo oar it foil on tbo roof in a shower it peeked in through the open window upon tho young couple and it fell into tho engine room on tbe engineer just aa tbo train moved away an extra hurricane fell on tho platform of tbe oar wbero tbo brakoman ntood of course every ono laughed tbo oynio bad not yet been found who would be disagreeable enough to object to rice throwing otra wedding people bfushebnr oat of their clothes and tried to look ab thpugh tbey enjoyed it but a brakeman got boveral grains of tho rico in bis qara he bhook them out as bo buppobod and thought no moro about tbe matter until next day wbon ho notioed a nharp pain in hia right ear it became ao keen towards night that be decided to go to a doctor next day tbo dootor tried all sorts of simple rdmedioa to discover tbe cause no one thooght of tbe rioo the ear was syringed and washed ropeatcdly but tho pam and throbbing became most mtenao and the dootor directed thepationt to consult an oar specialist the specialist decided that a foreign substance bad lodged in tbo ear ho syringed it with water and tben with oil ho probed into the ear cabal with little hooka of various aios and shapes all tho time the crake man waa 6 offering more and moro he could not sloop at night uud thought he would go mad ho eaid that aomo insect was in hia qarxio could hoir it buzupg all tho tim tben tho specialist called in ahotbor dootor and tboy bold a consultation thoy decided to use a pair of forceps ou tbe brakemana ear ho said they conld da anything thoy liked with him aud auy thing to stop the pain and buzzing sp tbey got a pair of tbe flnobt sort of forceps bent about to euit tho delicate ear oanal aud thoy reaohed gently into tbe ear and felt about nntil thoy found a small hard substance it was drawn out softly and carefully it was a grain of rico it bad swelled blightly in tho ear pribou the brakeman waa angry he went to train master trank carlisle of tbe mary land division of tbo p w 4 b railway and made a complaint against tho practice of rco thrgwmg tbo train mastar iasuod an orater to tho trainmen giving them bpoioliqhtructiqnajo prevent rice throws- maude th mj ltbol oh trench bj all mnna thero waa a loqely one m front of me last week green velvetnvith black and white ostriob tips combined with lace and pink rosea mra welimont poor follow i havo yon no friends beggar sobbing no leddy i ham t got nntbin but rolativoa a lady bad been 3ii and undor medical troatmontfor a long time aa she grew no better alj tbe wbilo abo becamo distrust ful of her physicians skill and did not wish to sos him and yet waa not bold enough to tell him eo she comrriuuaated her state of miud to ber maid lave im to me mum lavo im to mo i eaid iho girl by aud by tho doctor came to dooj and bridget oponcd it about an inch sorrr air bind bbe but jocant come in tho day dootber cant enmo in 7 how a that tbo mistress do be too ill for to bee yo tbo day air 1 an english country squire who wished to mako an ontry at an agricultural oxhibi tion wrote thus to tho aooretary please put rao down on jour list of cattle for a catt i wish there was aomo now way of kill ing time eaid young mr point breozo to mibb homowood last night i can ang o cjod thy world jh 1 hoot with 1 raj or tim breath of clnlht la in tl u ulr wo who 011 thy fruo u irll x viii a and cvory thought uittiin un uiu thou art oui uiornhif un 1 a ir huu our work is glad in thoi bcuu our foot worn path 1b froah filth dmi i or thou croatost all tbliifa now o god wlthjn un an 1 above close to lis lu tho cluint wo love throurh him our only tuido and way may hoavonly llfo bo oura to day i t lucn i aflcon ing within tho btation a celebrated specialist of this city eaid to a n y world representative the oar is one of the mcbt delicate of organs foreign substances often lodge thero insects frequently get in tbo ear and children are very much addicted to putting poas in fact anything thoy handle into their oars tho tendency of aucb anbatancoa is to awoll ond this causes intense pain and sometimob suppuration tho usual method lstosyringetho tfarout thisbrings oufc- tho substanco aa a rule but in obatinato cases wo use oil if it still resists small steel hooka are used thore 16 a slight bend in tbo oar canal which makes it difficult to reach any object that has passed a certain point i do not myself approvo of ubing forceps tbey aro apt to puab the object further iu and sometimes injure tbo ear drum the pain begins when tbe substance swells sometimes the pain is oxerttciat ing i should imagine that a grain of rice would have grown softer but it evidently iudjautldobq jn this oaeo whenan insect geta m tbe oar wo hold a spongo saturated with chloroform against the opening this kills iho insect and we then syringo it out an army on paper tho british army looks woll on paper aays the london cotlrt journal acoord ing to tbe latest return the army at homo and abroad musters tbo very respectable total of 221000 exclusive ot tho reserves of this number nearly 100 000 are at homo about 70 000 in iniha 4 000 in lgypt tho remainder being distributed over tho mediterranean garrisons and tbo colonies at home in round numbers there are 20 000 troopb in ireland 1 000 in scotland and 70 000 iu england and waloa tbo bengal command has tbo greatost share of tbo 7g 000 m on iu india tiiib distriot tab ofl up 21000 iho punjanb 20000 madras and burma 14000 bombay 1g 000 the remainder being on pausago in south africa there are about c 000 men tbo garrisons at gibraltar and malta absorb over 1 1 000 mon tho wobt indies about 1000 the west african colonioa 1000 hong kong nearly j 000 tho straits settlements 1 000 uoyion rattier more mauntiuq 1 000 halifax nova scotm 1600 bermuda 1500 cyprus 100 and st holena 100 the thing he forgot the abnent minded german profeaaor continues to contribute to the gaiety of tho nations lately ho had late at night in hia chamber disrobed himaelf when he aat down with his head in hia hands donnerwotter 1 ho said thore waa something i waa to do what waa it now he bat and pondered intensely for half an hour growing colder and colder final iy he sprang up ah i have it 1 ho exclaimed i in politeness la roach like a pnoumatio lire thero isnt much iu it but it eases many a iolt in tbo rough journey of life wo know the great euros by hoods sarsaparllla are genuine because the people th em selves write about them tended to go to bed i very mean geatdne way ol killing timo which was not possible for a long while rcplod the maiden well sleigh it 1 a livery stable was rung ap by telephone little maribel had heard her papa bing ing the notes ao just remembered do sol and was dinging them over and over mother wishing to toach ber ono more note aaid sing do sol me do maribel hesitated cumomont and then struck up do sol mamma do mias qualnngton to young widow wboao husband has left a largo fortune that b tbe fourteenth mourning coatumo i have seen yon wear in three daya and each lovelier and moro becoming than the other youol widow 0 my dear i have forty but auch a bother tbey were to havo made 1 at one timo i almost wished that poor dear george badn t died dearest she asked snuggling up to him are you bnro you lovo me more than you did yonr firufc wife why darling he repherliipaiii only 87 for her wedding ring yoars coat 915 than a look of trust overspread her countenance and she murmured o you bavo mado me eo happy a gentleman while walking noar a rail way encountered a number of insano peo plo in charge of a keeper nodding to ftno of tbe lunatics be eaid wboradoos this railway go to with a boornf ul look tho lunatic replied it doean t go anywhere wo keep it here to run traiub on she trjed the new mount they met in tho drug store and tho latent comer threw up her hands 111 amaze ment eaya the chicago 7 tmey herald gracious goeftneas gwendoline bbe exclaimed excitedly what under tbe canopy have you boon up to now you have the worst black co i over saw yaar nobe ib bruised your cheek out and gwen doline armstrong i verily believe yoa bavo been boxing i the dilaqtdated ljrl rophedv no ahe said dejectedly it a the wheel bat i thought you learned two years ago ejaculated tbo other girl wonderingly t so i did was tho doleful response but it was tbia years mount that did it you know ldwin latham of courso well progress in victorias reign when victoria was called to tbe throuo tho unitod kingdom contained 20 000 000 people writes william george jordan of what victoria has seen reviewing in jane latitat home journa tbo worlds jirogrobs daring tho sixty yoars of tbo english aovorign s rale to day it haa over htoorrood tbo wiee men of tho time said tho nation would go to pieces they olaimed it could never govern ita home colonial possessions under victoria the new torritory acquired alono ia one sixth larger than all europe to day victoria rules over 102514 000 people or twenty eoven per oent of the population of thn globe her empire extends over 11 j00310 equaro miles covering twenty-oue- por coot of tho land of tho world the united statob at the timo of victorias oor nation had only 17000 0c0 people today it baa 70 000 000 arkansas missouri and louiaanna were tben western frontier stateb alt our territory west of tho mississippi contained jess people than philadelphia has to day our present trans mississippi population oxeceda in number that of tbe whole couutry in 1837 oar territorial area haa increased seventy five por cent onr national wealth baa in creased about seventeen hundred per cent the men of the canadian commonwealths closer aaaooiationb with england than ia canada rrom tho progress of tho world in amoncan monthly ficttuu f lifincwh for july in the dead of niqht a lady who was elceping in tho nursory during tho absence of the nurao was aroua od one night by a load clattering and break ing of crockery in tho adjourning room she went to aeo what it was and on pnah lug open tho door waa alarmed by seeing a large wator jag advauceing towards her iu a horizontal position a few indies from the floor aa if bomeoue had it on a long stiok occasionally knocking violently on the ground lbooluer eoning ho called and bo digl nothing but talk of the new 07 mount it was bo graceful and protty ho told me how to do it you eet your left pedal lever he kept saying and put your left foot on tt then you givo a iittlo bprmgj and ab that foot goea down you awing your right foot over in front of tbe saddle and thero you aro you have to bo a iittlo quick that 8 all and tho girl who mounts that way is tho prettiest picture in tho world well that sounded easy and i ve always been ablo to do anything with u wheel why when i firat learn tojido i know i know interrupted tho other girl interestedly but howmbout this time did you mount right cfi no snapped out tbe battered gul bbamofacedly bnatcbiuc up her glaeb qf eoda water fdidnf i tried to however and well hero s tho result hereafter i ii stick to tbo old way of mounting so will i aaid tbe other girl bympa thntically but tho war worn damsel saw something suspicious in tbo habte with which sbo led her wheel around tbo near- ebt corner and smiled comprcheodingly at tho d olork givo her that combination of hartshorn and arnica that you mixed for mo when biio cornea beak sbo said amusedly and tell her to put a lot of it into hor bath instead of trying to rub it in ita muoh earior and far loss painful and aho left tho store with a happy smile lightening tho thundoroloud which surroundedber blackened eye buying homes on easy terms tho contraot between tbe company and ita clients etipulateb a monthly pay ment during ten rifteon or twenty yoars at the cboico of tbo purchaser this sum includob an instalment on account of prin oip si per c interest de payments aud tbo life insurance premium taxes and repairs aro paid by tbo purohae er clients aro advised to obligate them bqivob for a twenty year period rather than ten or flftcon because in bo doing tbey are better able to provido againbt contingencies arising from non employment aiokneas or other auexpootcd events that ib a man rnay not mortgage his income beyond a aafo point tbo company gives him tbe privilege of paying aooner it ho wishes either tho whole or a part of his indebted- reccitc at any timc d uens rs reccitc at any tnnc7 interest account properly adjusted this plan permits a man to provido for lean eara thero is alflo tho encouragement to bave and thus get tho homo more quickly both are important considerations because habits of thrift thus engendered are likely to become fixed pay mon ta made in advance aro a moat eflcotivo guaranty against diapoaeasion tbo life insurance policy baa alao a loan value in any year after tbe third purchasers of suburban homoa under this acbemo aro in every rrepeot most favorably placed aa regards onses biokneas and other ordinary econo mic misfortune rrom homowood a model suburban settlement by dr e r l gould in american monthly jtevieui of jttvtews in memory of two men tbopftrjiftrjqqntafyflyfltein in vogaojn the canadian provinoea has a tendency to to develop strong leadership and to givo that leadership a continuity of eervice that resultb in statesmaliko training of great value our amorioan bybtem gives higher avorago training in public lite to a larger number of mon but it would not soenr ao well to promote tho development of por manont and highly traiped leadore of tho flrbt rank whoso positions depend upon tholr unquestioned qualities ot intellect and character thore ia no particular reason why wo in the united states should not feel as muob pride in tho strong and admirable men who are onr neighbors across tbo lino in canada as anybody ib entitled to feol in great britain these men are the products of american rather than european conditions tboy owe nothing more to their traditional lies with tho old home beyond sea than wo in tbo uuited stateb owo to our historical european ilea it is rather a curious fact all around that canada is bound to tho united statos by tics far more essential and intimate than those whioh bmd bar to lngland wbilo on tbe other band the unitod6talea in social commercial and ll0 manufacturers of diamond dyea tbemmltmrvhtionaiandeetdediv tbo following epitaph is to bo found in tho oroaa kirk yard shetland ou a hand bo mo mausoleum don an roiiimsos born 1st january 17h died lib juno 1848 aged aixty three years ho was a peaceful and quiot man aud to all appear anco a sincere christian ilia death was very much lamontod which was caused by the stupidity of launkvcf tt ii och 0 clothmltov who sold him nitro instead of lpsom salts by which lie was killed in tho apace of thrco hours after taking a dose of it old fogy and shortsiffht ed merchants mrs snagga i read a paragraph in the paper which sutd woman was mado before mirrore bnt it wasnt her fault dont you think that ia a moan romark to make about woman mr snagge yea i think it ia what the writor meant to bay waa that woman wis matle before mirrora and had been before tlitm ever since rushing to her husbands room ahe told him that a burglar or lunatio had got in and was behaving in an extraordinary man uer and smashing all the things armed with the poker he went to en counted the invader it was the a pet dachshund who in trying to drink oat of tho jug had jrmmod hia head in it and was making frantic efforts to get it oul ono seized the dog another the jug and polled bnt in vain the jug had to broken to release him places for diamond dyes ladies say their village atoro keeper has boon talked into buying ono of the very inferior makes put up to outwardly imitate tbo world famed diamond dyes they havo tried these dyes and the result was failuro and loss of goods thoss oountrv storekeepers many of thorn will not put in a btook of diamond dyes until thoy got rid of their poor goods thib moans loaa of trado to a short sighted dealer diamond dyos aro certainly the favorites 111 ountry town and city and all live merchants soil them any lady in the country who cannot obtain diamond dycti from ber dealer can write toavolia richardson co montreal for th colorretiqiredatating whethemtna to dye wool cotton or silk and tho dyea will bo bont by mail neither mon nor bioycloa steer woll with tight hoada to make your business pay ood health is a prime factor to hcciira cood health tbe blood should bo kept puro and vigorous by the use of ayer s sarsaparilla when tbe vita1 fluid ih impure and sluggish there can be neither health strength nor ambition

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