Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 22, 1897, p. 2

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f horn wathonrat don mdih on hut unlay 10 july to mr umlmrh i a yhuhoii aduiibltur mcpm imon in i s ti nlui on thurslni iltli juno to mr and mm arihil nld mtllniuon aiioy houmi atoutli t rnllmr lnj llthjulj itov jolm uoum iihu7 jouib coikjamiu fraiiioha on i hday tho ii til july aniiio cujuliitid b ud 17 yoiitu bniii itat huldurit cornor irafnlqj on haturlay july 10th joh m buidor nfit 1 78 yoaru yoosnin cornwall on monday tbo 1 ui luly at tljo rcaldonoo of lior boh iltntor widow of tho into james ouuy in her 79th join m6daatjtts tuuksday juijy 22 1897 notes and comments in yitvt of tho wonderful diacovory ol gpld in tbo ukon district it in expected that confront will at ouco ratify tho treaty for doterrhmwg thp boupdary htio botweon canada and alaska and deciding id whoso territory the rich gold deposits ho r canada is already quito satibued in tho matter noxiona weeds destruction bomln are to bo established the country dibtnctu of new south walos to enforce tho new law compelling owners ot land to root out eweot briar bathprst burr star- thtatle stink wort and snch other pjanls as tho govern meat may from time to time declare noxious the elections to the legislature or prince edward island tako plaoo to day and are for bomo reason looked forward to with moro than usual interest by tho people of the dominion generally probably out of cariosity moro than auj thing oibr ay to wb other the unbroken lino of liberal bug cesses in renoral clem ion a ia to be continued tho loronto jtlrgrawi hints that the provincial revenue from crown lands eto this year will bo si coo 000 instead of 8700000 tho amount estimated this is due it saya to tbo mining boom in north western ontario the total rovonuo last year was 8925000 but there were some large timber sales which increased the receipts mr hardy is feeling good over tho prospect of a surplus the united states havo restored the 9200 duty on lumber by legislation passed at the labt eesaion of the dominion parliament power was given to tho oover nor general in council to declare an export duty of not exceeding 81 per thousand on canadian sawlogs and pulp wood in consid oration of tho action of tho republican conferenco inrogard to the lumber bohedalo will canada now retaliate it wonld bo difficult to believe ono half that is told about tho marvellous klondyke region itsotiraalolthnid3piltosb wealth it the men who are- returning were not bringing with them such tangible proofs of the truth of tho most improbable part of tbeirstory discovery has followed die covery in now gold raining regions with bewildering rapidity lately and it is an interesting fact that tio latebt and greatest finds aro though far apart all in canada a dispatch from athens states on reliable authority that the powers have fixed tho indemnity to be paid to turkey by greece at 1000000 and have accepted a com promise giving a moro limited line of frontier turkey and greece bavo been loft to settle tho question of the capitula tions between themaelvea towfik pasha the turkish foreign minister has inform ed the ambassadors that the sultan has greed to tho principle of the demands of yukons golden store millions havo already been mined and yet theres millions more canadas rich possession slum wuah july 10 tho excite mint about tho groat gold strikes m tho valloy of tho canadian yukon which bus been at fever hout for days wna increased immensely saturday by tho arrival w tho steamship portland from st michael e alaska tho tales that had beootold heretofore about rich btrikoa palo into nothingness when compared with tho reports urouu taowh yobtordory 1 facr stoambbip arrived bhortly after midnight and within two houcs it mas known that buo curried a ecoro of prospectors who had struck it nob uud who deolarnd that tho gold mines of tho states wtrp poverty hollows when compared to tho woilth of tho klondike aampo moro than 91 000 000 in gold dust was brought doyyu from daweon city and tho surrounding olaimb 1 ho minora who were aboard tbo boat say that enormous quantities of the precious motul are bting boarded in tbo camp iad that tho luaky prospeotors are only telling of half thoir wealth now claims are boing work ed and tho rush to dawson city is bo rcat that sufficient load cannot be transported scores of new llnda are ia everybodys mouth throughout tho valloy and the men who arrived this morning are tolling tulea that make the brains of tho listeners swim the portland brings moro than a ton of solid gold and eighty bix passengers in tho captains cabin are throe cheats and a large safe filled with the precious nuggets most of tho metal was taken out of tho metal wab taken out of tbo ground in less than threo months of last winter- the nuggete rangemensefromapoatto ft guinea egg of tho sixty eight miners abroad hardly a man hab less than 7000 and ono or two havo moro thun 9100 000 in dust a detachment of mounted police of tbo northwest territory which pasbed through seattle on thir way to the klondike gold region two years ago were among those who struck it rich fiva of the twenty guards returned on tho portland with gold amounting to 200000 the othor fifteen remained in alaska to engage in mining the oountry ia enormously rich tho present gold diggings are only a very small part of it and there u little doubt that there are millions only waiting for the minora to como and dig it out omw july 20 tho roports from tho yukon oountry of the enormoua riohnossot the placer gold deposits ia tho klondtko dibtriot havo moved the government to consider what steps should bo taken to protect tho interests of canada whatever dispute tbero may be as to the exaot tb- boundarylino between canada and alaska there is no question at all about tho klon dike gold fields being altogether and dearly in canada this being tho case tbo quea tion arises whether americana and other foreigners bhonld be allowed to como in there and take away millions of dollars without leaving anything in the country or contributing anything to the pnblio rflyqqhq a great conv tho epvvorth loaruea of america sunt pvor zoooo delegates to toronto the crops in canada largest we have had for years and higher prices referring to tbo crop prospects for the present year tho qiobe saya irebentpros peats indicate tbo largest crops of wheat and coarse grains with which the country baa ever been blessed in ontario tbo cutting of wheat baa alroady begun and ahohacwoatmruitioftllpgobabiutybe gen- iho third ltitornntioual lpwprth league convention hold ip loronto last weok was tho j contest of its hind over held in tho provuico it was li auccoaa iu every respect tho attendance reached between 20 000 and jo 000 an 1 moludnd reprobonta tivea from hourly over province stale and territory in orth amorica toronto s welcome vaa meat hospitable and cordial and tho dologaton felt iu love with tho city an i province mobtrn wcro-holrf- tlfursday today suturdu and sunday saturday was praclioully tho labt day and tho proceedings all through woro a fitting oloso to bq oolhuniaatic a convention that much good has been done there iu not tho alihtest doubt 11 it were possible many of the virftforn wentomo morocnthuaiabtio and morn fully conscorated than before throughout iho eutiro convention the meetings wcro marlicd by groatj earnestness never boforo pore the churchos in toronto so crowded with btraugere no matter whero you went do sjunday nor what church you attended they wero there- n boaros anil hundreds of coureo tho big churches had attractions for the dolegatetfthateomoof the araallar editlces bad not 4 but tho former in many cases wero so full before tho tmefor commence ing the services that tho doors had lo bo closed tho pabtora of toronto a metho dibt baptibt audi presbyterian ohurohes did not preaob their places wero taken by delegates to tho groat convention eloquent speakera anil very clevor men deliverod sormons to torontos church going population and tho latter appreciated what tboy said in nearly evory instance tho epoakors referred to tho kind treatment they ljocoiyedatlt hoh and aqlcanftd ian a and to the beautiful city some spoke of tho imprebbiona that had boon mado by tho visitors here before arriving in toronto dozens of delegates thought when they got to canada it would be a desolate- sort of a spot but they wero agreeably surprised instead of a wilderness tboy found a city as fine as any iu the united stateb at the closing proceedings tho report of dr sohell tho ueucral secretary of the lpworth league paid a high compliment to toronto tho mayor tho premier and tho press for their graph 10 and accurate reports it also thanked tho dominion authorities for the uso of tbo armouries and the customs departme for having put on special men to obviate any unnecca aary delay iu attending to tho baggage of tho delegates tho report says wo exproaa our un wavering devotion to the causo of torn porance pjodgo ourselves to total absti nonce from intoxicating liquors and urgo tho complete prohibition of tbo liquor traffic wo commend io the epworth leagno early atllation with tho anti saloon lcaguo and earnest co oporation with their plana for tbo deatruotion of tho open saloon we aro firmly and earn estly opposed to tho uso of tobacco and urgo our mombors to abstain from it in all its forms we call upon all members of the lpworth losguo together with all friends of true mooality to aid by their person at influonco tbe maintainanoo of the christian sabbath wo havo boon most favorably impressed da nog our brief visit to toronto with tho btrong pub lio sentiment beta presont on thia question and tho thorough determin ation of our canadian brothern to maintain in its integrity thia holy day absolutely essential to a religious life publio righteousness and christian oiviliz trttun tho lpworth league of the united states and canada embracing 2g00 0q0 mombors pray for and antioip ate tbe day when great britain and tho united stateb ahall dotermmo by honorable treaty tho terms of a perpetual peace resolve honcoforth to avoid war with each other aud buttle all international diflicul ties by arbitration in all respects tho convention fulfilled anticipations the addresses wero invar iably able and improsolvo tho conferences practicalanded acati veand thoraanli mobt impresslvo and influential r a pion story rollowlnff an attaok of iagrlppe he suffered day and night for foilr years a well known clergy man endorses his statements liom tuqltbcdrd whdaor out among laiojreaidi ntu of klngiviuc ont nono ia hold iu higher osteom than mr jbp lovolace who ia known not only m town but to mauy throughout lbbcx county when a corrobponduit of tho ltcord called upon him and aakod him to verify certain statemeutsaa to his euro from a painful malady aftor sever ai cars of suffering ho cheerfully did bo mr lovolaoo said roiir yctjra ago i ha i a bad attack of la gnppo which left i io with a pain in tho pit of my stomach aftor trying houbohatd remedies and getdiu no roliof i consulted a dootor but aftor long treat which did not help mo i becaoio discouraged and con oluded tlioro was no relief for me nifeht and day for four years that pain never loft me at times it was bo bidthat i had io give up work i had frequently road of dr williams pink pills anovpcrhiips as much out of curioaibt as with any hopo that they would help mo i bought a box i followed the directions carefully and by the time thebox was finished jewaa sur prised to find thatlwaa getcjng relief f con id not understand how after all the the medicines i hal previously tried had failed thia one box of dr williams pink pills bhonld help me- i now cheerfully oontinue their uso and by tho time i had takon five boxes ovory traco of pain had left me and i felt as well as ever i bad dono iu my life to day i am ab sound as a dollar and believe thoro is no man of my ago in lsbox county wbo can stand a hard or days work itov it d ilerriogton baptist minister at kingbvitle sajs haviug known mr james lovolnco for tho past thirty years i boliovo thoabovo btntonjbnthtnadb by- him to be strictly true i might also say that i havo been greatly benefitted myself by the ubo of dr williams pink pills captured in michigan freser who escaped from central prison the kiciimoni mich july 20 john i raser a much wanted criminal has been oaptur ed in the farm bonso of fred sbafer a short distanco from thib village where he was in hiding praser who also goes by the names of hamilton and ewer was convicted at quclph ontario some time ago on a ehargo of forgery and larceny and sentenced to tho central prison toronto for two years prascr had served only aix months of his term when ho mado his escape and has since beon dodging tho officers officers at erin aro also very anxious to secure prascr he haying com mitted some crimo tbero tho canadian authorities have been notified of bis capture and the pris wilt b turne over to them upon their arrival prasor escaped from the central prison in june 1690 tho peoplo of erin village and burroupding country hopo that bo will bo etraditoot besides tbo forgory goods stolon from postmaster woods store in erin were found on tho promises when arrestod high constable merewether is responsible for his capturo lho attorney generals department has been notified and will doubtless take tho neoosaary step to havo john fraber brought back new fall goods are already making their appearance at ch e m ps i d e u tlyg nlnn with flip art thnt i co enlargement must b made to our store within the net 4 weeks makes us anxious to clear out everything pertaining to this season with the least possible delay light weight and light colored dress goods will be sacrificed a lot of 12 pieces some of them all wool mixtures none of them worth less than 25c to be cleared at 125c another lot of 15 pieces all wool splendid quality goods 40 to 45 inches wide regular prices jo 60 75 and 8oc to be cleared at 25c a few elegant dress patterns wool filling pure silk warp regular 85 and 90c goods to be sold at55 and 65c 7 pieces new colored broche canvas cloths shot effect leular 60c goods to be clear ed at 30c your choice of 7 different patterns small neat cheek dress goods finest llama wool with silk mixtures regular 75c igoods for 25c 300 yards elegant quality small peat check silks regular 75c goods wash beautifully to be cleared at 20c s 250 yardsnevlla tosca jacquard prints chiefly black grounds new design printing regular i2jc goods to be cleared at 7c t 100 yards linen organdies pure linen cloths with colored neat small sflk stripes regular 30c goods for 20c lots of other wash goods much under regular values at our clothing store lower wyndham st we are giving specially good values to reduce stock we are clearing bicycle suits regular 6 for 4 50 and the regular 5 suits for 3 75 51 boys 2piece suits regularly worth 3 for 150 200 felt hats mens and boys sizes chiefly hard felt shapes not the newest styles to be given away they are in a case at the door take your choice freely without money aiutwithout price attentive salesmen will put them in bags for you we would make them cheaper if e could the zieglerhinch co cuelph the xjity and the leaguers the leaguers came saw aud wero con quered by toronto sboauty aud bobpitahty and by their uniform good nature and vivacity did a little conquering on their own account it was a largo tutbusiaatio splendid gathering of earnest young men and women with enough of tho older people to direct and give solidity aa well aa eothus iasrn to tho organization tho were welcome visitors hero and if thoy or similar bodies wish to como to toronto in tho future they will find our doors wido open it would bo folly to deny that toronto expeotod and bop6ot for wido advertisement from tho presence of tho convention tho city frankly admits that it looked for an advertisement and there is abundant reason to behevo that not only illt o an that our famo will bo spread well wisely and with desirable results as a corporation the city did little tho chief credit is duo the methodists of toronto young and old and tbeir officials and turned in and mado it a magnifl coot success to rev mr crews and all who labored with him to tho motbodiets as a whole and to tbo focil epworth leaguers the olty owes warm thanks toronto tar knother gold medal for qlevela dutch experts have awarded first honors and a cold medal to the cleveland at an exhibition just closed at frank- forton the- main comprising nearly every european and american maker clevelands are still i oo and 76 u h m lozier si co 1 69 yonge street toronto agent a t brown acton ihtto adbertisenkitls teaghebs 1 ii youwaut to makxj 8150 00 during july and auhubt iu a too4 causo writo r wlro tna- ijuicklj j i t ii llncolt totolito out wanted i can pay tun dollars wuoklv o a lady of maturo oro rontioinont and tact to upotid lior tin o in a yood oamo 1 r 1 ii ijinbcott toronto ont wanted npl achi h8 and other brlklitmoii for vacation tot per tu bo a i ncyclopodia of tho country in flvo royal rjunrto volumca no dolivoritib commission l aid wtnklv tilbllnscottcompanv toronto ont wanted mch and won 911 who can work imrd talk i us and rlthir six hours dally for six dya a wook and will uo cpntaut with ton dollars wook ly addrubb nl wxdla6co mcdica1 uulldinyv toronto out your spare time m en women to conduct bualnosa at homo work la filuiplo writing and copy of addreason received from local advorttcng to work la fliinjilo writing and copying llbta jreasob received from ioeat advorttcng to bo forwardod to tin dally no canyaaainfljia bo forwardod to us daily no canyaaauifljia previous axneriqnce required but plain writers preferred fermauont work to those content to earn it or more weekly in nparo tlmo applvto waiu1cn pud co london ont agents second edition qaooa victoria exhausted jubiloo edition onprefla boat history of tbo ouflonaaid victorian era published tbe only canadian work aeceptod by her majesty sales unprooodonted knock tbo bottom out or all rocordi canvassers coop no in money bvon boys and gbrla soil it fast bifl commlaalon pr stralsut weekly salary after trial trip 1he bradley qauretson co umltod toronto ont the- j n stinso store rockwrood special bargains in ordered clothing and mens and boys hats acton liyery bus line the andoreiguodrcbpecttalysoiloit the patron ago of tho public and informs them that well equipped and stylish riga dan al ways bo secured at bl stables a oomfortable bai meets al trains between 9 a in and 18 p or caret al attention given to overy order tho wsnti of commercial travel lers fully mot johnvjihams pnopnieton we bought our fruit jars before the price raised you get the benefit by buying from us now the xmera aud wa3 prepared to accept their viewe on tbe peace conditions in many ot tbo states nono but a citizen of the united states can hold a mining license but here tbe canadian govern ment lespes licenses to anybody for a paltry fee v bother under tbe present regirao of retaliation and reprisal miniog iiceubea should be confined to british subjects is a qaoetiori which may be considered it public opinion were expressed in favor of royahty ot 10 15 or 20 per cent h go t affayjromtbe genu dlan streams in tbo yukon country tbo government would doubtloss be largely gofdod by it here is the suggestion which school boards might pjofitably adopt by direction of omaha board of education boys in the publio schools are abbed to sign of their own free will a pledge to abstain from the ubc of tobacco during their aohool days with a proviso that they can be released from their pledgo at any time on a personal request the teachers repor th the plan has wor well that very many of tbe boys have signed the pledge and that keopidg it has como to be regarded as a matter of honor better oholarabip better morals and moro clean ly habits are among the direct results of the movement henry clowe the well known new york financier looks for high prices aa woll as good crops ho says europe will soon be buying in largo quantities and instoad of argentina india and australia being ox- porters of wheat as heretofore and in con sequence serious competitors thoy are likely to ltriport more or losa the exports of wheat from the uulted statca last year amounted to 117000000 bushels appear anoes indioate that a muoh largor quantity wilt be required from the presont crop this insures a remunerative price for tbo product of this year and prosperity to the farmer canada will be in on tbo ground floor in anything of that hind this la a good tiroo to talk up canada first livery thing abont our country is on tbe right side vfo eccm to have moro gold than nnyono also if that ia io let ua got it ont for ourselves lot ua boom our eral withir a week wheat cutting is at present confined moatly to the early dis tnats along the lake uno shore the grain is very hat it factory the straw is good and the berry according to roports received here is woll developed and plump some new wboat was offered in this market yesterday and buyers quoted 03 to 04 o on tho michigan central for it or equal to fil and c5o on tho grand truuk and canadian paoiflo west the offering of new orop wheat this year is no earlier than 18c but the opening price for the newwheat is five cents per buahet higher than it was on last year a crop trade of the dominion ip war were declared the year just closed has been the best in history except 1803 own country we would like to have pre ferential trado with lnglnnd and wo hope to ret it but in the meant mo let ua trust to oureelves anil devolop our own jrado our own prod no tu why should we be slow to work our own mines when yankees are mailing over to grab them times aro on the mend tho crops promise a flno yield business with our neighbors is also mending and what bene fits them must also benefit us let ua gat rljtlt down to business show more oonfidenoe in ouvbelvea in our country andwtowill oomooutat the top of tho heap canada first ia tbo word at presont worll a wellearned rfcst ottauv july 10 the aggregate trado of canada for tho paflr year ih next to tbo largest on record this is shown by tbe returns of tbo customs department tho total aggregate trade on tho basis of goods entered for consumption and exported amounted in valuo to sjubl 000 com parodjntb 228728 ooothecorxeanonding returns in 189g making an increase for 1807 of 10121000 tho figures fxiollth imloilth 8133521 000 111231 000 118140000 110588000 ts for the month of juno amdnnudio 88008000 agaiost 0083000 last wear arm the exports to 16827000 against 11031000 in 1890 the duty collected for tho month was 1501000 as against 1172 000 in 18 in 1803 was tbe largoat total trade re corded for canada namely 247638020 the iri porta wero 12j 074 2g8 tho exports 118ji04852 it would first be a contest of navies and then a blocade of the ports fast run on the g t r toronto july 10 a grand trnnk bpccial train with tbo passengers from the boston express made a remarkably fast ran from montreal to sarnla tbe train was running to make tho connection with the grand trunk chicago oxproaa and left montreal at 12 50 mldnifiht on friday toronto was readied at 11 05 a m on 1 ri day and sarnitt tunnel at 12 ib m tho afternoon tho entiro distance 50 1 miles wan covorod fn eleven hontn fifty eighwmn utee hiettmo between 1 1 io two- points being out down by two hours aqd soveotoen minutes collapse of a barn frame loio july 20 tho morning pont in its issue to day again dieenbaed the relations existing between tho united states and great britain and the possibility of a war being forced upon tho latter tho paper saye that the idea of damaging america by tho bombardment of open coabt towns is- nonsense great bntaiu will not-mako- war upon helpless non combatants a war with tho united states would first bo a contest of navies and an effort by cruibere to protect british sea borne trade its second phase would be a blockade of tho united states not an easy matter aud a land dofenco of canada these two operations would havo to be con tinned until the people of uuited states asked themaelves tho question what is the war about f xveutaally they would discover tbbt there was no real cause and peaoo would be made which would loavo tho two countrien exactly wbero they aro but both impoveriahod neodleaa ly and embittered broinst ono another this plcturo may seem one sided to americans who recall tbe uplondid exor tione of tho united states in tbo olvil war but tho victories of grant sherman and thomas were won in tho groat cacao of union and emancipation qreat3uilding sale why not grasp this great opportunity to get the balance of our spring and summer goods at less than the manufacturers prices t c moore son south cor mill and main streets editors table a famous qold mine sold to an eastorn company which one of actons sons le a member deputy postmastergeneral white superannuated after fifty- ore years service ottawa ont july 21 lie n tun snt oolodol white deputy ioalmaster oenerhl ha beon pupflraunuttod hiter fifty one years o aorvioe pirll under the imperial post mailer general and partly under tbe canadian ir robert miller oonlter of aurora has been appointed depnty post- mmlerqenorsl two men badly hurt and a num ber more or less injured foiit eunv july 20 a serious accident oocurred last evening at a barn raieing on the farm of angus mcgilllvary about two miles from this plaoo as the last bout was being put up ono of tho men named jaokson crowe using a v rong rope throw part of the timber againt tho frama work aud tho whole frame fell over demolishing tho strnoturo and seriously injunug himself andjasob schwalm ah tbo other men wererooraorleaaiiijufsd quelph presbytery thoguolph presbytery met on xuualuy hi hi andrews chnrcli guelph the resignation of itev d slraehan rook wood was atwptud to lake place after nrst sabbith ot atwust rev ii a mnoiaenon was appointed moderator of sesiiou daring the vacancy rev d 8trohbn of hctmckr accepted the call to u rook vi tie 1 roin the nuvtula 0it cal fiaimtrtj t we glean the loltaiwimfi interesting informr tion au important mluliig halo was oonbuiu mated this forenoon nnd one tbat means muoh for tlo future of nevada city it was tho transfer by lord ilousman of the sneath c ay quartz nunc to j w shookloy of cincinnati sydney w smith of cleveland and dr tiokell of nevada city the purchasers represent a com pany of eastern capitalists who propose to open up and thoroughly develop tbe prop erty the first payment on the purol aao- prico was made this morning the com pany has plenty of capital baok of it and will work tho mine in a eybtoraalio and thorough manner tuufluciithilllayminehab proved fnr the augt number of the jiincatt la called the inidaummer number and its ex position of hot weather modea and fabrics is made grapbio by full page color plates and intertextual illustrations bupplementod by a special article on mouromg attire tho number is notable for its notion frances lyndes diana of thobphealans a dainty love story with a setting among the mountains of northern alabama being oomplemented by tbo fasolcating narration ot an encounter with a paris neororaancer which forms tho seoond of martin orde a serial accounts of cllve raynora adven tares order from tbe local agent for tho butterick patterha or address tho delin oator publishing co limited 83 riolt ruond qt west toronto subscription prlco of tbo delineator 1 00 per year or 15o per single copy a big demand for lumber is reportod in manitoba mr henry lyman lho head of tho well known drug firm died in montreal mon day august and alex hammer two young mon in wollcsly township woro arrestod for cattle stealing thoy co of eased to tho stealing of five atoera near plattbvillo we intend to clear out our spring and summer goods regardless of cost drcss goods at cost all summer wash goods at cost prints at cost and less parasols a large variety to choose from prices cut in two ladies shirt waists ladies collars and cuffs gloves hosiery small- wares etc in great variety an all wool fast dye fine highclass tailoring westill hotdtire leadin thispand why the best fitbest workmanship best trimmings and the largest and best assorted stock to select from we have a large range of scotch and english suitings to be cleared out before the fall trade at very close prices gents furnishings we always keep in stock the latest novelties in gents neckwear collars cuffs etc in our flat department we have just received a large assortment of straw hats the latest styles in the market also hard and soft kelts readytowear clothing boys suits youths suits mens suits bicycle suits in this department we will give 10 discount for the next 30 days dont fail to grasp this great opportunity to get goods cheaper than you can buy them any other place this is getting noted throughout the whole country as georgetowns livest and cheapest store liaa twenty yara or moro to bo one of the richest mines in california and fow if any have produced moro mold lliiin uduriuej the jnara it ban been woikiri july wheat io cbieuo lit 0 untshijhor than last jcar olarkand milouey liavo beei sentence at barrio for barglary clark getting ten years fn kingston penitentiary and malon oy seveu aocordlog to ajjeapatoh from yokohama the japanese offiotal proas say it la probablo the mikados government will agree to tho hawaiian proposal to submit tho pending dieputo to arbitration a horse belonging to robt doyle near grand valley died on friday last aud next day the owner built a fire to turn tho carcass the wind caused tho firo to spread and about 00 oords of hardw6od j 500 rails together with a quantity of oats and fall wheat were destroyed in the flames mr boyles loss will be heavy gibson 7vnllkjr st co ceorggtown every day bargain day here rob block 7ushin st produce taken in exchange i blue serge suit which costs 12 oo to order can be purchased of shoreys make from any first class dealer in canada at 6 73 sec thit shoreys guarantee ticket tho pocket 4mmlmmmmwm we keep things moving purgatorial pills the druggist would linrdly flmilo if yoit aaked for purga torial pills there aro uinuy of them but lio would prob- j ably rccomniliid a jilll that did not gripe a sugarcoated pill gentle in action nnd sure in effect what ore hey called ay6rmrtc fruit ornamental trees 7q ach shrubs roses anises hnd seed potktoos wei have tbe largest assortment and employ tbe ver latest and moat improved motli ods for propagation all stock carefully iinokwl uider our nominal suparvlalon ami ail now varieties tetrt at our trial farms boforo botntf oatalognod tbote are tho only tostinroroliardn coil nee tod with any nursery tu tbo dominion agents wanted to represent us finoolal attention glvon to park canto tery ntf tionlovnrd ontors katlinaun 1 uniiolictl for up plying on tiro orchards why bu buy of forolcn concoriih or of mid hi nil n vftsi wlionyou oati purclisio as chusply rroltl tia auit get liottor valut our stock is canadian nrown rii1 ncotlntali 1 catftlogno kinjllah or lvtincli frtu on ni i ilea tion stone 8c wellington fonthlll nureerlgb toronto ont tho load tin canadian trmi mon wantedan idea had wa1chl3 rc undo worse by incompetent workmen because it tnlfes a butler workman to rmkg a bud wntch good thnn it does q mko a good wiioh bnd jf you have a watch which ins done good seri ice give it a chance to do mora a saving of twenty five cents in the price of ronilrlng will not make up for a more than likely double thit nnioiuil of spoiling i nae a reputation to keep up my life s atudy has been repairing walchoa nnd how iodouwoluand l-liave-been-suecesalur-ar- by keeping things that move a stupid fellow who guages the quiluy of iloola and shoes by the price ins no bus ness to be married yet one of this class directed his wife to buy footwear for herself and the children from another firm because lliey charged more for them and they must therefore be better his betjer half bought bccra piir from us nnd 3ceral from the other house and showed her hus bandfheywerekleiitlca itbeinge venma n u fncnircdby the aanle people this proved conclusively how foolish a man can be when he really tries tho lady of the house sen erally knows where she can get the most and iho best for her money and if ypu were to ask iho ladies of acton the question where can i get the best vnbjo in boqts aa shoes the answer in nlpe ctsc3 out of ten would be at v williams our prices arc hard to beat try us for any thing you want in our lino of aorao stinpl thing t patentr dbjrcu wealth m wotnltnt tt ifisf it i have eery facility for doing the best possible work and i do positively desire you- to come nnd ask for tho return of the amount paid if any timepiece of any kind repaired by mt dow not run well after my reputation is worth moro lo mo than all the doll irs m ty havo to return please don t doubt my sincerity inthis 1rinrlc the jeweller guelph w williams mill street acton iii llltr lor qu ylntoiu 1i- ovorttowlor with latest and rlota mtniqtami conuilii the onilomod blaomphy of llerublcity wiui authentlo lltkiry ot lir roiimrkrro rolsn and fall aoeonnt of the dl inoiid julilloo only l so llin lhk tnihn- iloiia ileinand llonanu for xlenu oomiiits ston 00 iwr oout credit given krclnht paid ptrrrir tunn dutvilald writo nula fnrnut nt and tmrltory thfc dominion company uept 7 dm dearborn ht uliloaso ih pcllto ev for your name on 10 luuchits doautlful bidcbn namh t i pleturee or b handmls clllnk oarda cull with order isffjk arrets oanada oa8d uoubk ingcnoll ont w

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