Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 22, 1897, p. 3

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the bank of hamilton hamlfrlon head office capital all paid up 1 25000000 reserve fund 72500000 total assets 9b4eq7845 nuarly ton mlllloiih of dollura board op directobs ag jiambay vlco1rubldout geo hoacu jons plloctolt a t wool a 13 luutorouto wm glnaon ml j tullnlluijit cojblor hkbteviin anst cuhior ttmtwxtsos isibimotbr georget agency a genera hnnltinr business transacted notes of responsible farmers discoiinitfcl and special attention riven to the collection of sale notes and commercial lapor generally drafts issued payable st all principal pointsin canada and united states r jjrafts ongreatbritainboiiiit arid soljl 8vingd6partmi3nt deposits of fti and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and jtldid to principal every year whether passbook is brought in or not special jdcposh receipts issued for large sums jvl bell aaerlt georgetown ont the news at home i vjortltf of a looat character and every item interesting 1 mammoth iiuc stiim- liut thuruday motmrtj w dongius and j mcarthur hucooaufully pulled a pine btump of almost unheard of proportions on tho farm of georga douglas lot 17 cod 1 edqurjuing their stumping maohiuo proved ithbuporior merit during tho opera tion t tho stump measured novon foot in diamotor twentyneven foot from tip 1o tip of tho roolaartli tho roots wont ooven and u half ftet iuto the ground amat i su i gu tl neighborhood news crewsons corners table spoons desert spoons tea spoons knives and fprks jsto other store in town can show you such a fine assort ment of this line of good quality the bestyprices low if you need some give us a call creo hynds jewelery store aoton look at tho dftto on tho label on your 1- panor and you will boo how your buuscrlp- tfpp planus jlonow promptly it will confer a tow v mb jutntt jfxtt vm thursday dtilyt22 1897 little local brieflets hlch caught the eyes or ears of free press reportors this weak tho garden party itiat friday evening at tho homo of mr jcsuph arthurs third hue was qui 10 a supcchi aoton cornet band aud arthuru and manna orchestra provid ed an excellent programme while tho eooa of aiimbus molood of georgetown and nickllu of acton and rov mr mokiy of norval were much onjoyed mihq tjajdlijwandmiaa storrit of union acted is rfocornpsniats tho funds of knox churoh sunday school are consider ably uurnitod as a rodultpf this social uveuing jsclipsa of the putt visible here iraftttrationpare being made to take pbsovation ol the annular eclipse of tho l oq thursday july 2u tho difference between an an dutavand a om oclipe la thfttlwitbutba former there remains a hng of light around the margin oftho shadow tho ro- bdu of the moou being nearer to tho sun and fart i or from ud than during a total eclipac this oolipao wilt bo visible as a partial eampao throughout canada tho united states mexico and the northern part of south amerioa an appreciated ifypruvontqfit- for yoarb the need of a oroeflinfi over the gf t it tracks hae been felt and wish- the fluo rainh or tho nast week huvo greallybouetuod the root crops a number of tho farmers in thiu yiciuily will commence hiuir wheat harvest this week tho buty lium of lha ihrcahing maohino will bhortly be heard quito a number of wheelmen from acton paid hub place a- llyin visit on sunday messrs goo and c a rtunshaw of lowville spent sunday with friends hero mrs jaa gambio miss lixie and mr chas gambio visited friends in lilora dver sunday mr w and miss a caun of east luthor spent a few daya this week at mr goo canna mrr- obrien of bay city mich is visiting friends here milton comingani going visitors to and from aoton and variousother personal notes message from the queen lliu fitkjs 1jiebh iuvltcb all its reudori to con trlbuio to tlila column if youor yourfriouilu aru yolng away ou a holiday trip or if you bavo ftluzuls vlsltiugyoii drop a card to tlio fitbis iltlibh mre dr urou visited frionda in toronto tho past week mr chas ityan jr of toronto was in town on siturduy mrs james moliim visited friundeiu toronto last week mra it craino and children are at tho old hjmo with miss kennedy baupborry time is hero again this is not a d fry july at any rate what about civic holiday for wy counoil meeting ueit monday evening wodaatooltfi pate of taxation this year is 20 mills tho fiiee pbksb to the ond of the year for forty pents prepare to viow tho ecligboof tho eun next thnradayr new potatoes havo supplanted tho old ones for this year rmr thomae perryman now sportb a floe utile pony and car butter and eggs continue at the uniform price of ton cdntfl ik looks as thongh ooal will bo higher than usnal the coming winter r j edmibton ocoapied tho palpit at blloam and edon mills last snnday itf t bftdmy ohpjpo t ooonpationa ed for but unttrthe councnof the- present year took hold of tho matter thoro was not much prospects of it materializing several months ago trap attentiou of the g t anthgriticg wftacalled to the matter and after repeated ezhortatipng thojf acquiehcenca was seoured workmen have been engaged on the crossing this woek and they have make an excellent job of it mr wallaces fence will be moved baok a few feet and the mill street sidewalk will run diagonally to conncot with tho croab two pino now rtttttti a fine bank barn was ralsjd on tho farm of mr joseph arthare on tho urst line last wednesday and thursday owing to the rain on wednesday the work was not finished until thursday messrs jfiynn and p mflleaao were captains their teams were very evenly dtvded as tp gjji and speed and molsaacs side won by about a rninuto one very pleasing fea ture of the raising was the absence of profane ladgaage bo often hoard at snob gatheriiirs gfi the hatpo qya- mr harry heuderoon eldoat eon of mr t iloudoraon liaa been appoiutod koufo agont of thedominion kxpross co with headquarters at st john n b itev and mrs malm fry loft thit week or a months yacation the band gave au ohjoyablo open air concort on courthonae square lust friday eveuiug homasjjowo of jfclnon waa flenteicoi last week by judge sarpiltqu to pno yoap in cen prison au to reoeivo thirty lashes for criminal aesiiult upon alitu uinoyear old jjlrl grace ohuroh sunday school hold their annual exoursion to tho boaoh last thurs day a lawn social wab hold at t w beatye 5th lino nearomagb on tuesday evening in aid of christ church limehouse on account of the absence of hey l perrin ba the pulpit of the presbyterfan church was filled by ltov mr forbes of the churchill congregational churoh he preached a lino sermon text lake 12 chap 27 verse mr d oowfjy ofuelpb spent atur- day with friends herp the raspberries aro boinniny to rinon and aroa fair orop mr john h lindsay is tho first to com mence the w harvest in this vicinit he finished baying on saturday aud com menced cutting bis wheat on tuesday the email fruit orop was never more abundant nor yf better quality than this year rov ijvm bryerb baa always been rioted for riot allowing aoy appointment to go by default owing to bad weather hodrovo to limohouso sunday evening through the pan wag drenched to tho ukln and found an empty ohurch upon arrival ilia bou and daughter who were with him wore also viotimb of the ahowera n assaqevva mr j norrie of the g t it viultcci friends iii waterloo tbib weok miss small of fergus was tho gtioat o misa kttio laird the past wok misb thomab of glovorsville n y h visitiug aoton friondg this week miss jean boattio of guolph- is tho guest of her brother mr d seattle mjra revwm bryors and mas nottin visited friends iu toronto last week mra britfga nieltlih of torontois a gucatat the home of e niokiiu esq mr will waldron uaolpb is a gueet at tho homo of excouncillor frapois iiov j k iowoli m amvoi waterloo qasiu town a fow hoqrs qq saturday mr and mrat jamea mooro and miev poarl of guolph aro bojidaying in town mrs allan mann spent a few days during tho weok with relatives in toronto mr j s willaon managing editor of the globe will loavo for europe this week c mr jos mckoague of winnipeg is the guest of his brother dr s a jdckeague miga ella 8oy0f and mrs iv allan attended the convention at toronto last weok mips gavillerpof ben tonbas boon a- gooat at st albana parsonage tho past her majestv gives utterance to her feellnars for the univer sal and loyal attachment of her subjects london july 1c aspeoial supplement to the jaztttti- publishes tbo following lotter from the queon dated windsor july lflth i have frequently oxprcsaod my person al feelings to my peoplo aud though on thhi memorable oooabton there havo been many ofiioial oxpressious of my deep sense of tho unboundiug loyalty evinced i cannot reat batiefiod without personally giving utterance to these sentiments it isdik fijjliu formoonjbifl opcasionjo bay how made ind morit maintains the confidence of the peoplo in floods sarsaporllu ifa medicine cures you when slot jf t makes wonderful cures everywhere then bfyond u question that mod loin opouesses merit ilghoa tired man id bo a bobool tcachor for tbo next two months vthe heavy bhowers at the hour of even ing eervics on sunday peroeptibly thinned the attendance at all the oh u robes nov that orop prospects are so excel lent do your family a good turn by renew ing your subscription to tbo fiikk press the free priksa baa been favored with copies of interostlog papers from chicago dnriug tboweek from w h storey esq some of oar farmers aro having the fir- otparlphnn thla qpabfin o harvest- ing their fall wheat before they commenro baying r the arthurs mann orchebtra took part in tbo hornby presbyterian garden party a woek or bo ego where tbo receiptb wci4150 tho aoton and milton base ball rivals will meet for a match in the park satur day afternoon at h0 oclock an exolting game la in store mr j mcbeath lato of elmvale hao leased the store lately occupied by t ii harding he will pat in a stock of dry goods mtttineryond groceries i a large gang of etooe cutters brick jayera and tack pointers are at work on tbo mobodiat church improvements tbo carpenter and tinsraithing work are nlso progressing tbo brusbsle poet celebrated its silver wedding labt iesae and bro kerr labappy as be ought to be his paper a ft parpesb and as a public mau he is a power in this commnoity a oago of twontyflvo beautiful oarrter pigeons was sent to aoton on tuesday mornicg from toronto for agent holmes to liberate after olroling over town for afew minntes they took their bearings direct for toronto dont take it for granted that yon have made a success of oleaning np when yon have deposited the rubbish from tho front of your premises into tbo yard in tbo rear or on the side of tbo atroot as somo good people have done citizens send us tho names of your guests dont be so unreasonable bh to expect us to know them without informa tion orihtroduotiou and tbep charge tho fflkk pngsfl with partialjty it noreferoppe appears in these colhtnnb the fariqers aroqnd the country havo oplv one oomplaiqt nqwv said an old veteran op the market this mbrning that is laok of barn room everything in the orop lino is good and wheat is ifflmenio gaelpb advowee a saroplo a red currants from tho garden of mr rloljard marshall lime- honsewas bentthefnpepnusa this week they are wonderfully developed and resemble cherries in slice somo of them aro noarly half an in oh in diameter three small boys browo into tiiob hendersons grocery htore on sunday morning andwere eanght by mr hentler- ion albo wore helping tbemselres to candy and allowing gum on account of the lon- der ages of tboyoumtalcrs mr henderson did not prosecute bill loft tholr punish ment to their parents milton champion h yoq want any of tho following artloles call and see john moqueon agent at bis warerooms cooking stove bedroom mite bedsteds sideboard cxteoilon table stovepipes and a number of other articles thomas coxe of the first line raised one of tho beat barns iu the ooonty it is 02x108 and constructed on tho moat modern prana rave sniiroiftfora the frequenters of tho base ball field were treated totwo fine exhibitions of the flamo on saturday- at four oclock the juniors of aqtoh and bf il tan play od a raatoh in which thoro wero a number of orbiting and highly creditable plays the game rcbujtod in favor of aoton in a score of 19 to 111 at six oclock a match was -playod-botween-the3annasand-01ove- makers it was also an interesting game seven innings wore playod and the score of 2 to 3 manifested tho auporior work done tho glovemakors came off victors stoiborana llydor woro battorfcq fqr tjp uovo au tanner tchhons from the elf conyctitiou tho epworth loagao devoted the moot ing on tuesday ovoning to impressions of tho international epworth league convon tion at toronto by the dologates who wero in attendance tbo proceedings were highly interesting brief reports wero givenby revfl j a molachlan m a and wm bryors president edmibton mesars jno ti cplemanjohn lalng and h p moore and misses maggie h alatthows and lottlo e speight miss thomas of uloverbvine delegate from that oity was introduoed nd made an interesting address giving liar impressions upon this her first visit to canada expressing her dollght at tho cordial woloomo reoeived and gratitude becauso of tin bloeamgb derived from tho convention servlcou in tuc churcbcti itev a j holmes of ajgonao mich who spent a fow days in aoton on bis way homo from tho international epworth leaguo convention took part in tbo ser vices of the methodist churoh on sunday ite made ah impressive address in tbo snnday school in tho afternoon and in the evening preached an able sermon from 1 cor 2 2 mr holmes has been an occasional aud always cordially welcomed visitor to aoton bnt ft is over twenty years since bo occupied the pulpit here his sermon was magh onjoyed by the few friends who braved the storm on sunday ovenlng the annual sermon to the members of aoton lodge a o u w was preached in knox church on sunday even ing by hey bro maopherson his die coarse was based upon ono of jeremiahs prophecies and if the workmen follow the oxcollent teachings of tho sermon they will not only excel as members of tho order but always bo regarded as most exemplary citizens the members of the local lodgo attended in a body tho eorvicea at st albans churoh wore acceptably conducted on sunday by mr f w goodove b a rov nelson masai as of dowagiao miab will occupy tho pulpit of tho baptibt churoh next sunday afternoon iiiy ioirr offi clorrlch a wpflkrfown citisop in tho eastend has a favorio ohorry tree near tho mill street fudcq ouhisproporty ybis yearit w vary woll laden with fruit as tbo oberrlos began to assume the rioh red tints indicat ing rlpenojs tho number appeared to diminish as oaoh sanoooding mornings sun bh ono through tho branohos one evening last week the owner decided to watch the trteo fpr an hour or so to ascertain tbooauso at tho diminislfiug cherries shortly aftor taking his position on a boat nndor the tree with a blaok shawl over his head a biped of the human bpeoiosbtealthilyapproaohed iio climbed tho fence and cautiously steppod upon what in tho dim light of a vanquishing moon resembled a stump but which was in reality the oovored head of tho owner of tho cherry tree- a ptlfied groan gtfeveevidenoa 0m1 is mistake andrwith a- bouud like a deer bo sealed tho opposite fence and rutdicd lhroogh tho hold on the other side causing con8idorablodamgo to ox- warden warrens quo crop of oats the young man who lost his expected treat of ripe cborrios was identified by tbo owner bnt oat of consideration for bis friends his namo is luppremed the old time retort buy your owu cherries fits in very appropriately in this instance mr john anderson thresher of knatoh- bull is busy fitting up bis machine with tho ropo driving attachments to roplaco the old belt drivo from the ongiuo thb- weather the last week bn9 boep rather catpliy far haying qiwing to the rain on tho filth inst tho jubilee festival of tho fjbonegcr qhurchttss ntit tho suecebb that it would otherwise have been nevertheless tho social on thursday eveniug was a grand bucccbs whiph partly makes up for tho deficienoy at the first gathering mr and mra dunoan a kingsbury are visiting relatives and friends hero it ib with regrot that we loarn of the doalh of the hey john hough formerly pastor pf tho assagaweya circuit al thongh dpad uia memory and preaohing live in tho hearts oi toe people for we know that bis labors wero not in vair in tho lord ho hap entered into bis reward with tho welcome well done good and faithrul servant enter thou into tho joy of thy jiord wo extond our sympathy to the bereaved family erin mr john justice of this plaoo lost a very valuable cow last sunday through the effects of a doao of poison it is sop posed that somo malicious person or per- eongp ppjeo i the field wh the cow was pasturing a seriona aooidont happened to mrs smith of credit forks while going to a pionta in stanley park on monday aftor- daon it scomb while on tho way to tho pionio the rig in which several woro riding collapsed with the result that mrs smith had her arm broken a miraculous enoapo from instant death was that of charles gillet of hillsburg wbilo asbiating mr v mcgidvary in re pairing a well at mr thps keelers on the gth line ono day last week they had oompletod planking thowoll jwhiohis c0 feot deep and had nailed btops within 8 feet of the top when gitlot overlooked tho nailing of ono end of a etep and placed a plank upon it to continue the work wbon h gave i way and ho foil to the bottom of the well but fortunatoly for him however ho itraokabtepdeosndlag that somewhat broke the fall ho landed on one font which is sobruisod that it wilf bo aoruo time before mr gillet is ablo to use it but has other wise recoverod from the bhook rockwood week miss jonuo matthows whq has been in toronto o naat month baa returned hflme lr george harwflqd of acton visited ot wm haddonaoyor the 12th bramp ton manner itov j h mcarthn b d of norval iato of japan made aoton friends a bhort visit on tuesday miss hanoy of st catherines mjasouri opent q few days at tho homo of mr john warren labt woek mrs p c maddock aud children of toronto are guoats at the homo of post master matthewj mijs hjcfiregoi o milwaukee wis ie iu town for snramer vacation the gucbt of mrs h s holmes miss maggie kennedy returned home from toronto pn tqeaday not much inprgvert in henlhi master walter jouiibori typo at tbet globe office toronto is spending a few days with aoton friends itev byron laing who has heen travel hng in to qtqtpg the past two years is bqme or a brief vacation mri j w edy tho editor of tho st marys journal has been ordered by his phybician to give up work mrt gordon yilaon and mr charles 8piuldiog of pqoclaa wore gueata at tho hflmp of mr james clark thlj week mr morloy bryors of the gonoral sup erintendents office of new haven conn is homo for a conplo of weeks vacation mrs j c burtlo fend miss elalo of niagara falls aro in town and will spend a month at tbo homo of rov wm bryors mr- nnd mrn o w crink and llmir truly touched andgratoful i am for tbo spontaneous and universal outburst of loyal attachment and real affection ex perienced on tho completion of tho sixtieth year of my roign during my progreag through london on 22ud june this groats ontbuaiaam was- bhown in the mobt atriuing manner and oftu npvpr bo effaced from my hoart it is iudoedgralifying after bo many years of labor and anxiety for the good of my beloved country to find that ray oxer tion a havo been appreciated throughout my vast empirp lu weal and woo i have ever bad tbo truo sympathy of all bay people which has boon warmly reciprocat ed by myself it has given mb unboauded pleasure to see bo many of my aubjoots from all parta of tho world shsom bled here and tpflnd them joining inj aoolamations of royal devotion to myself nd i wibh to thank them all from the depth of my grateful heart i shall ever pray god to bless thorn and to enable me buh to discharge my duties for their wolfare as long as life laata that is juat tho truth aboiit hoods- sar- saparhla we itnow it pobsesses merit becauso it cures not onco or twice or m hundredmmesri nbanda and thoubonda of cases we know it cures absolutely permanently when all others fall to do any good whatever wo repeat haryesttimev in retail buying no matter where you turn in our store the harvest lime of unusual values for nice fresh uptodate roods is ready midsummer prices aro the lowest ol tho vear the discouraged purse can k a great stroke during this sale it is a funeral of profits and tho processjon comes from each department its a harvest timoof splendid yields for tho frugal economical buyer hlla fatiiebeat infacttlieonetriio imood rurlflcr hifhrl o diri curo 1 noocl s hlils bllloufluoas 25 cent the dog days an extra corba must be independent london july 20u tho houso of little bon of grand rapids mich made their acton frionda a ahort vibit this week itov ii a maopherson attendod the presbytery mootinr at guelph on tuesday and then went over to gait for a short visit rev aj holm 03 of algonoo mioh epont a fow days this woek with ac ton relatives after attending tho great epworth loagao convention rev jos edgo of godcriob hab been invited to tbo pastorate of wellington st churoh lon ne year the invita- rev distrachan of hespoler has recoived a call from brookvillo at a congrogational meeting at hcspcler it was decided to increase his salary and use every effort to have him remain dr liviogatono and his fatbor were thrown from thoir buggy the other day by their horso bolting very itttlo daraago was done but mr livingitono was badly ahakon up tho ladies of st ttohnu church held a inwn booial at mr r hamiltoua on fri day night it wau well attondod tho people fro in tho villugu woru taken ovor in the cariolo and by boat mrrl straehautgiielplha vieiting at- the manao at preaont he ia buffering with a bprained ankle tho reports of the entrance and loaving examinations readied hero last week the bohool bore as well as tho pupils from tho surrounding schools mado a good show ing mr j oconnor has returned homo from worohoster mans whore ho was attending col lego for tho past year rosio padmoro swallowed a pin which lodgod in her throat the other day and alio had to bo taken to guelph to hivo it romoved mr and mrs m gardinor of aoton woro fn the v ill ago j as t sunday wrst a smltlyactonrtpont-lkht- wcolr with friends in aookwood mr it j eqminbton of aoton preach ed on the ilojokwood cironit to appreciative congregations on sunday last tho paalor was absent on acconnt of tho death of his mother miss wilhumbon daugblcr of itev dr williamton of mt forest was a guest at methodist parsonnge for a few dayb last week tion has been accepted mr w w buchanan of hamilton baa resigned tho offices of general manager of the royal templars of tempqranoo arid editor of tke ttmpldr mr a e matthews of chicago sou of post matter matthews is at prosent in the coalfields of west virginia and kentucky buying and shipping coal to chicago uiss frezer of al toon a peon who was over as a delegate to the international epworth leaguo convention at toronto is a guest this week at the borne other uirolorex warden warren mr sidney w smith of cleveland who has been in california the past month arrived hero yesterday to spend a week or aoat the old homo mrs smith and bon havo been here for some time mr and mrs w h storey and aire jennio b cameron returned- from iheir trip to iowa yesterday morning the trip was very enjoyable except for tho hot spell whioh prevailed during the week of axtreme heat here tho vacancy caused in the general sunday school and epworth league board of the methodist churoh canada by tho death of the lato w g smith guelph has been filled by tho appointment of mr t ii preston of tbo brantford kxponltor d hondorson eaq the able and popn lar m p for halton was in town this morning he says the divisions which oxiafod in tbo oousetvalive party during the ihbt fow mouths of their time in office havo boon healed but there aro very strong indications of similar troubles affecting the grit party bramptpucouacrwior the aged mother of mr 0 w young of the cornwall freeholder died on sunday night after a long illness tho remains were n tor red at the georgetown cemetery yesterday afternoon mrs young was the widow of the late james young who burvoyod that part of aoton west of the grand trunk railwav and whose name the loading street there bears w h storey and wife and mrs jennie cameron of aoton- ont and miss aimja payne and dr jessie d payne and wife and two sons nptnt snnday with dr w r nugciit mr storey is prop to tor of one of tho largest glove manufactories in oiitarlaand is visiting a few weeks with relatives and faiqnda iu iowa dr im 4alooalaurgcaufortha iawaceniral rail way company onkaloosa iowa journal ttommonb b peaking for tho government mr g n carzon ntafis a statement on tho jforenjjn office vote with roference to corel during which aftor making light of the british trado iriterebta there he baid our main interest ia to see the independence ol corea maintained and that she be not territorily or ad ministratively joined to russia and tbot her harbors be not tbo opera- tiona which might dibturb tho balancq of power in the eabt or give any power matltjmo control of the eastern fleas if any buoh attempt be mado it will ba for ua to protect our own interests are now with effort will be used to keep our busincsh ahead wall paper millinery and blouses ladies can now buy the most fashionable piece of trimmed millinery at the price of the most ordinary stylo or quality vvc are slashing the prices badly 2j childs linen embroidery xnms regu lar ioo for 50c 250 straw sailprsat half pi ice blouses well yes not the badly cut out of date blouses sold elsewhere but prices just as low only bcller style snjumer dress goods this means loads of preily materialh from the cheapest to tho dearest quality it means only new styles apd natty designs it nieans goods in jilack and colors it means the cbeapest dressgooda inthe city see them silksfancy blouse and dress silks at less than half price wash goodsfive big tables full of them including iac prirfts for 7c and fancy organdies of every equality away down in price bmauwares belts another lot of novelties just opened pretty belts at almost any price from ioc up corsets cocrf as as an offended friend arc our linen and canvas corsets of french make stockings children refuse to go barefooted just becauso of the luxury of wearing our cheap stockings pakasolsrplain ones at 35c fancy ones nr higher pricej but all of them cheaper than the cheapest mens and boy a- wear stravvt hats are ripe come in and pickone- we have tho best- variety in the city andrboiight at less fflaii 50c on the 8 summer coats- and vests well mado in good styles and good mftterial the only thingiowabout them is our summer price v the hot waves will come like rollers on thp beach our light balbrlggan and natural merino underwear is the most comfortablp clothing prices cut half price will be accepted during ihcso hot days window shades cost is all stock lasts we ask while the baby buggies good prospects for the jjo1 tlronp in a note to tho oditor mr j fyfe of tho ethel group gold mioiug co writes from hobaland b c during tho weok our properties aro folly coming up to our expectations wo bftva two shifts of men working nl0ht and day some of bur men oamo in a week ago with samples from the 12 foot load in no 2 ah aft wo have bad it assa and it yioldod 88 in gold we uavo no doubt ono of the best proper ties iu tho mining distriot and will be heard from in the near future mr m k dickenson exm ejor- rqbsell died sunday mbrning ho was seventy fh o years bf age rov dr ohiniquy who is now 88 years of age has just roturnod to montreal from trip through europe he is in good health as if by magic this is always tho case when norviline nerve pain cure is applied to any kind of pain it is sure to disappear as if by magfd stronger moro penotrating and quicker in action than any other remedy in the worldpnln cannot stay w i i u imathethiogto have- in tho houee to meet illrieea a suddon attack of if you want firstolasa gqoiphgabh and doors at guolph prioon t ebdaoe can fill your order at his planing mill now tired business- weary mon thoir playtimcb are beginning wo ve reached the summer eoaeon when the outing has its inning acton saw mills and wood yards jk7uses brown mandpaotonenanddealenjk tumber hath shlnlva wood etc au kinds of wood in stock and promptly dollvorod to any part of tho town at roaaoqablo prloob hardwood and slabs out btovo length always on band telflpliono comiuuulcatlor invoice trices can procure these only nine nice ones on hand chas l nelles bookseller cuolph turnip seed swedes oreystonb w aberdeen3 globes etc all oilt edoe stock im- tportirijymyoetranrceobpor e r bollert co 25 and 27 wyndham streec guebpflb j sllrcs in waist lengths at special low prices than ever beloro hungarian mttttilt bookwhbat pahis sseen hellebore potato bug killek land plaster salt binder twine all kinds now in geo j thorp mjtrzet sq and macdonell guelph death to thepestst poison kill8 pure paris green for potato bugs insect powder for flies etc tanglefoot the sealed sticky fly taper catches em browns drug store mill street acton ge6rfletowri electric works t j speight proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams flpo and htom fitting and unnoral ronatr 18 being nulptiixl with agas brazing maoutne am prepared to do bratlngon illoyoloa frame wboelb oonvorted from direct to tangent obar bout to any koi kept la atook lovolmoamolled t j speioht goorgotown on the string- for new stockof silks laces gloves etc special low prices in wash goods during jiy new patterns in oxford shirtings ging- hams cretonnes etc try our grocery department as gcurney cfe co mill st acton golrjiiibia bmjteles h5ackv down 100 columbia now 85 85 ghents qpliinibia now 7q 85 ladies coliimbia uow 70 70 liadies hartford 58 100 cleveland good as new 50 sairage cfe go jewellers guelph lace curtains i lace curtains lade curtains art muslins for ctjetains remember we are sole agents in town for butterick patterns fashion sheets for august just to hand come in and get one we can get you patterns on very short notice a large stock of fancy goods on haud spokoa full line of b qandlobar bout to any dmlrod angle of apokof kept la atook batlsfaatk ftuaranteod illovolmoamolled in any color if you wih to eeoure a drat olaailoan of monov at low intoreht call on or writo to w o jarkron qnelb fruit ctiharo i more profitable lo tho farmer now lbau hia othor oropi drown bros co the moat extensivo nnraery hoube id canada have a vaoanoy in this taction write tliem at brown nuneriea p o ontario for tbeir terrui uttlopula they also relieve dlslrcjs from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per fect remedy for dizziness nausea drowal ncss bad tnstu in the monlh coated tongqoj tain in tlio side torpid liver they rcgulato the bowels pin uly vegetable small pill small dose 8mall prloe substitution tlio iraud of tlio 1ny sec you get carters ask for carter s insist and demand carters little liver pills cheap these f6mcings as wrll as mcmullens choice steel wire nedlnes w aallta n tr p n year ask your hardware tj for trellis poultry yards lawn fencings etc are sold much lowe this year than ever before they are the bet merchant for then l

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