Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 22, 1897, p. 4

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i do you use it its the best thnir for the hair under nil circumstances just as no in in by tikng thouglit can add an inch to hib stature so no preparation cm make lyiir the jitinost that cm be done is to prg- niote conllltloiisrfavorabler to growth this is done by ayers hik vigor it re moves dandruff cleanses the scalp nourishes the s01i ill which the hair grows and just as a desert will blossom under ram so bald heads grow hair when the roots are nour ished but the roots must be there if you wish jour hair lo retain its normal color or if you wish to restore the lost tint of gray or faded hair use ayers hair vigor keeping the house cool how to keep tho liouao cool in oummor 13 n grave problem writen mru b 1 koror lu tho july jtitliu ilomt journal diirmi tho hot mouths tho lioiiau ii mnoh inoro liaulo if aptiuoml hottt can llo cut down lo tho minimum uno tin stow curly in tho morning protaro certain loo in that will keen woll uml ttioid tho nocosmly o ii bi llro dnrnil tho rebt ol tl o duy aro doom uro vcrj much mom louuult in gummor thnn straw maltiiil nllhoutli tho latter in prifirablo to carpets or ruy whoro ono can command a wator supply tlm lioiiso is moasuiably cooled by redacmi a prominent city official b 2mnn jm ss thursday july 22 1897 ffilj ffauttg jnlltb true love that lovo is purest aad most truo which beam a upon tho saviours broaat aud thinks with pleasuro over new how in all thliicb to ploabo him bogt av hich iu all things not great alouo on sorvlng him is fully bont and knowingly will not to ouo jno not tho smallest sin consout begin thou flrat with httlo things tho smallest sin avoid ana hato obodlonco to lo o addb wings and llttlo faith will ron to groat selected our love of change iifty yearu banco tho historian of tha evopta of t day will note few things moro bigaificant than our love of change unless indeed that love of change will in that half centnry bavo dovelopod into a veritable obsession which is not improbable facility of change of scene of domicile of coon try of allegiance of opinion of creed of constitution has made obango eeem almost the normal condition of humanity all the more bo as a obango in the last can bo brought about almost as easily as a chango in the ilret instead of being a it vas in tho last century tho result of revolution and in tho centnry before of civil war even fifty yours ago to remove an impobt on corn required a national clamour continued for years to day to lay a prohibitive tariff on five hundred commodities requires but a general election given a parliament for every hrovinoo and a council for every tho tomporatnro of tho pavement and grounds arouud by copious sprinklings a goodly strewn of uow an should bo allowed to sweep through tho entire house mornitir and evening x ho hot air of middiv will condonflo quiclily on col walls and cuiiho mould and dampness consequently it bhould not bo allowedmo enter unv portion of the house all tho ftoma in tlio liouio should bo keptetrnpulouslv neat aha oleuii if the outside temperaturo ia nolappreo labty lower at nifebt than during tlio day it is almost impossible to keep nufliuirtilly comfortable to obtain necessary rcat iho sleeping roomb may be cooled by placing in tho centre of each a tub two thirds iva of cool or better fee i water tins will absorb tho heat of tho room in a few hours and will bo found particularly helpful wboro there aro children if tho heat continuoa during tlio night the changing of tlio water wltl preserve an even temporaturo in tlio room air jour collars at nilit whoro it is possible ciobo them at mno in tlio morning and they will be cpol and dry tho ontire summer lxceptious tq this rule are on windy das as the rapid motion of the air dries not allow condeubation keep tho collar perfestly clean and frcih frequent coats of whitewash with plenty ofhmo aranftha greates vidua in bammer thinks as highly of paines celery compound as he did years ago uncle sams first postage- stamps paribh natural legislation marches apace whether its path be progressive that the hiatoriau of 1947 must decide if ho can not much more than ono hundred years ago tho key stono of the old fabrio of booiety fell aud of the rains society has been trying ever since to build itself a new edifice of the rums that is what so many forget the old masonry does not fit the now mansion yet other material there ib none amorica ever rushing in whero others feared to tread sot the fashion and did her best with her astound ing specification anftnt tho equality of man franco followed and sucoeeded in sab btitutiug for the rule of tho tyrannical monarch tho rnlo of a tyrannical mob england always hastening alowly brought upthe rear with the gift of votes to those unlearned in voting doubtless by all tbreo changes much was gamed but nothing so much as tho knowledgo that demolition was oaey ihero arowho think we are now beginnrng to learn that edification is difficult here at all events began the era of ohanfio and of that dis satisfaction with the moans at our com mand p attributed to tho on worthy workman we qnarrel too much with our tools it is bo easy to try new tools that wo are too mo oh tempted to try them with tho result that no tools satisfy us and wo clamour for thoro never yet made by man and porhapa unmakable t arnold hani tain in canadian juapaune fifty years ago in july 1817 undo sam issued his first postage btampa wrltcd fannio madb lothrop in the july ladies home journal in lngland seven years before rowland hill father of the penny post introduced tho sticking plasters as tho stamps were contemptous ly called john m niles our poatmaater general at that time tried boroiciilly but in vain to move congroas lo authorize stamps for this coun ry his successor cava johnson waa moro fortunate and the bill desired was approved on march 8 1817 tho stamps not being ibsuod how ever till aqgubt though the timo appoint ed was july i only two valuea of tho new stamps wore introduced in 1817 a five and a ton cent stamp bearing re sgectively the portrait of franklin in a bronze tint and washington in blaok the first purohaaerof stampa in tho united stateb was henry shaw tho father of henry wheeler bhaw better known so josh billings the humorist jur shaw- was in the postmaster general a office on august g 1847 when mr johnson entered with the printer from whom he had just received sheets of the new stamps mr johnson passed a slice t to mr shaw for inspection after giving the stamps a hasty glance mr fihaw perhaps with an eye to future fame took out his wallet counted out fifteen cents and purchased ouo of eaoh arioty the five ho kopt tie a curiosity the ten he proaented togovur nor dnggs as an appropriate gift the value of personal re sources ho who ib resourceful in thought and whoacou stoma himself to both plccunot- and sorions reflection has no need to droad retirement or regret tho absence of com pany he is never lonely ho enjoys at times tbo society of others and finds it agreeable and advantageous to compare notes or to impart ideas and information but be is neither restless nor dia con ten ted beoauee congenial association is uot at hand he who is given to complaints bo cause he bas to bp alone shows that be is an empty vessel mentally ab well as spiritually ho has very blender supplies upon whioh to draw it is wiso then to mr j 1 dillon chairm ij of the buaid of aaueshora of the city of montreal is ono ot thn beat ituown und moat popul i altima of tho reat motronolih as mr dillon hu i hoiiil vetrn ago gnotl imblio testimony rcj irdinjj ho lift ixmik wrtuea of palm h culury cuniuanmi lie was rlllinly ubkul if bin opinions had in any way changed us f ii as tho valuo of tho great curing medicine is concerned mr dillon s reply wis prorop and ijft statement as strong as words could make hi his brief lotttr reads aa fallows lamin receipt of jour vafuod fuv6r and would bay that i most cheerfully testify again to the woith valuoaodmerka of fames celery compound i om nover without u bottle of it in my possession find i partake of it daily llns i havo bceu lnxhtfliabit of doinu tor some seven years aud nau ufiirm that judging from expenenco it i a most wonderful uervo restorer und touie hardly a duy passes by mo that i am not asked the question what do you do to yomaolf to preaorve jour youthful appearance my reply is i tako puiuo o celery com pound do you know 3 our uoibbora the mippor on 8no wo dont know them at all they merely ubed to lend us their lawn mower lost sunyrncr a dlacolorod faded or gray board doea not appear tidy but may bo made so by buckinghams dyo for the whiskers which colors an eon brown or blaok taiu t nllus dom as has most said uncle lben dat manages ter hoi onto it do long ob do cullid genman don get bald mgh zz quick att do wbito gemaian baby was cuicd dlaii sikh i cau highly recommend dr lowlera extract of wild strawberry it cure 1 my baby of diarrhoea after all other means had failed so t give it great praiao it is excellent for all bowel com plaints mrs chas bott harlow out biliousness iscattscd by torpid liverrwhlch prevents diges tion and permits food to ferment and putrlfy in the stomioh then follow dizziness hoadacbo hoods insomlna nervousness and m m if not relieved billons fever h 1 1 or blood i okonliib hoods iii s pills tlmuuto tho stomach rouse the liver euro litndtcho dlzlness eon- stfpnttnu tc 2 cents som by all drugslsta the onli 1 ilia to take w ith ilooa s uarsupurlllu like a friend in need tho handle is moat appreciated when the road is rough kidney pain john snoll of wingham ont was in a maelstorm of pain and agonff from diseased kldneya south american kidney cure was the welcome life pfq t uf r nud store mind aud heart with tbo best hi at can bo gathered from observation from study from experionco from nature nnd from grace and to live virtuously and soberly so that wo may havo dolightful and profitable companionship within our selves which shall servo ua in tood stead when nut off from outward intercourse a will and a way he enjoyed the book tho prussians tell a good story ot an aide de oamp to the king colonel mala ohowki tho man was an exceedingly bravo fellow but very poor and the king noting this hit upon tho following plan for presenting him with come money without wounding bia feelings he had a book hollowed out and neatly bound in morocco in it ho depobited five hundred orowna in gold and then sont it to hin aid mala ohowkj met the kim not long after and in responpo to the question how did ou like tho book ho made tho following reply sire enjoyed the book immensely it was so cxomsively interesting that 1 am more than impatient to raceivo thn accoud volume rho kinii whh much plunsed at tho roply tmitl vhott ihoo bi cumo- urouud ho sont him another book circular in every rospcoc but engraved upon the front were iho words this work i completa in two volurned a matteroffact hero at a country station a httlti child owing to the runh of a crowd of trippers whs pueheuuvor in front of an outgoing train quick aa a fiithti u workman jumped into tho four foot throw tho child updii the pint form and nerambled up himself butficarec ly quiok enough ua tho onumo in jmsain rolled liiinover on the platform several people husioned to his sticoor but be arose uninjured nnd with a face exprovaivu of extreme concern drew out of bis pojket a colored handkerchief contain ing hu duh vinluils whioh he cursorily examined and then ruefully exclaimed ooafound ut jupi my luck i whatt the matter why i vu broke twotggn and a rhubarb pte and iti nil mixe i up with my tea aud sugar ambition u much like a bicycle saddle hough much sat upon it generally man a gos to ba on top i several years ago an effort was mado to oollect all the chimney eweepcrs in thocity of dublin for the purpose of education among others came a itt1efellowwhovab asked if he know his letters oh yes bir waa tho reply do you spell ob yes sir was again tha answer do you read f yes air and what book did you learufrona 4 ob i never had a book in my life sir and who was your schoolmaster ph i never waa at school hero waa a singular ease a boy oould read and spoil without a book or master 1 but what was tho fact why another little sweep n littlo oldor than himself bad taught him to read by ehuwiug him tho letters over the shop doors which thoy passed as they went through tho city his teacher then waa another little sweep like himself and his booki tliofn boards un the houses what may bo done by trying wliorq there is a will there id a way i he myrtu server it relieves instantly nnd cures surejy tive yeara ago i had a sovoro altaok of la onppo which a up o ted my kidneys and caused intense pains in my back and unn ary organs i suffered untold misory at times i could not walk and any standing pgguion gave mo intense pain i becamo worse so rapidly that my family became alar mod jnbt at this time i noticed south american kidnoy curo advortised al though i bpd little faith loft in any remedy having tried ho many worthless ohob bt b man will gfaop at a ol and i prooured a bottle iu a few davb it had worked wonders nnd beforo half a bottlo was taken i was totally reliovod of pain and two bottles entirely cured mo sold by a t brown stove that gives out cold profcbsor william m watln of klill pond has a novolty in tho form of a culil btove the stove is for ubo in tha heated mouths uf h fo roduc turo just as stoves boated by llro are tiled to raise the temperaturo in winter by the use of salt a small quantity of ico nnd jb patented chemical the most intense tie grce of cold ia secured bo groat lathe cold that it is as daugeroub to toifhh this cold btovo when in operation as it would be to plaoo tho hand on a flro stove at a high degree of hour tho skin is instantly taken off aud painful injuries are tlio result of tho slightest contact professor watts stateii that during tho hottest weather the temperature of a room may be run down aud made pleasant by tho use of this novel device tho new process was discovered by a college mate of tha teacher of the still lpnd school tho coat of operating the atovo is very alight cheater town trannerlpt qrit makes a man but mars a bcrlng it ti your duty ua woll as privilege to look joung aslong as oq can one way to do so is by dressing jnur hair with ayors hair viger it okupoi tho hair to maintain its color and fullrteib to a into period in jifo and keeps tha sculp in good healthy vondiijou las tern i thought you lived just oppos ito tbo station but i find ou ten miles back in the country kansas yea a oyclono moved us last week the boat lmls mr wm vandorvoort sydney crossing ont writes wo havo been using par melee a piiib and find them by far tbo boat pills wahavo over uhed1 tor dolioate arid debilitated constitutions thoso pills aot iiko a charm taken in small dasoo tho effect ib both a tonio and stimulant mildly exciting the secretions of tho body giving tone and vigor de baby was cured j ttrify i inn 1il1i1v f fcf nit 1 11 in mini or 1ovt i 1 xtrnrt of w1i f x strnwlvriy 1 im 1 m t ii s i iltnrrl e mfler 1 tl i j s t lvt it u l nil 4 lent f r nil t 1 nj i mrsuias 1111 hiilivotl j t the hed master j i j1 i 1 min i h fu tl 1 1 l 5 hiilsf cti n in tl i st fdii i i i x hvtr ttofmllstnvblii irt u n j h itr it invuliiulile i ill r x dtirilixi an 1 kin jmr ii i int t t it m i pjlfihuie to uje tt ii nihlenu t t it totlic publn j r lmastritton prlneipnl f hlgk school river charlo n b f a pleasant dibpoamon like oil in a bearing reduces fridttbu aud provents a world of wear and tear rheumatism can be cured in january ib 10 i was attacked with sciatica from which i vo tt ternblo suf ferer i could find no roliof for nine months then dr halsted a treatment cured mo and i have never had a rheumatic pain btiioo an m son ogs s rs acros march loth 18j7 i like to havo ou como and boo sister mr thomklns why dickie causo alio nover likes that candy you bring her and gives it allto mo to destroy worms and oxpel them from ohildren or adults uso dr low b worm syrup suitor i oalled tbisovening mies shook to aeb you to bo my wife miss shook i am sorry to say my friend that you have made a mistake in jour calling tho great lung healer ib found in that oxcollent medicine bold as bickle s antl gonaumptiye syrup it soothes and dimin ishob the sensibility of the membrane of tho throat of tho air pabasgoa and is a sovereign remedy for all coughs colds honrsencbs pain or soreness in the chest bronohitia etc it has cured many when supposed to be far advanced in consump tion a i vo discovered why tho greeks were buoh happy people why waa it they didn t have tholr clothes made to fit burdock pills do not gripe or bioken they ouro constipation and sick headache fair poetebs won t ou please prlut my poem concilatory lditor i cant really but i should like to print your picture three weeks in agony inflammatory rheumatism so aoute he ooeild not attend to his dally duties lived three weeks in affonlziner pain when that good samaritan of all cures south american rheumatlo cnre pass ed his way it helped in a few hours and speedily cured cost 75 cents mr l a norton a well known citizen of grimsby out was severely attaaked with inflammatory rheumatism some 20 years ago after a tune ho recovered but five or bix weeks ago tho dread dibeaso re turned so violently ihqt ho had to give up work for nearly three weeks ho lay in bed suffering tornblo agony another reaident of the town who had been cured by south american ilheumatia curo per euaded him to try it and to his great surprise after using tho medioiuo but ono week he wusbo tar recovered as to go about town lromtho first doso taken ho felt marked improvement and to day ho is most enthusiastic in sinking its praises no case- too severo for south american rheumatic curo to check in eix hours and curo permanently sold by a t brown how time flies aa one gotb oldor yes when i was a olork on balary tho time did not pass half so rapidly ab it does now i am in business with notes to meet rehires medicine natures mcdioino for constipation liver complaint sick hcaduche biliouanobb jaundice and aallow complexion is laxa liver pills thoy are a per foot laxative nover griping or ciuaing pain ono pill oaoh night for thirty nights will curo con stipation she thoy say the only ones that appro ciuto tho actors uro those in the top gallery he i bhould n t wonder vuu hoo they aro huh enough to see over thu h itb mtui a oimg bin ii vhcti from over work pohnibly agisted by an inherited weakness tho health fuila and reat or median treatment must bo re sorted to t n m iw ployed wjill the samo bunefioial results as soott a lmolsion shattered nerves and par alysis shattered nerves developed ner vous proatratlonnevoum pros- 4ratlon developed total paraly sis of one aide great south american nervine in the teeth of moat adverse and complicated circumstances overcomes all and restores wife and mother in qood health to her family these are the written words of edward parr surry centre b c my wife was taken bad bint august with nervous prostration whioh later on dovelopod into paralysis of uno f lo wo tried may remedies but all in vain i thought j would try south america li nervine having seen it advertmed in the new westminster b o papers and i am glad to be able to aiy that the result after taking three bottles waa an aitonih meal to myself anl family ii worked wonders for her and wo can not apeak tco highly of this great remedy no qibo too aoute or ot too long atandiug to defy its wonderful morlts bold by a t brown w a wish we could make everybody believe that prompt ess is picvention that thcie should be no de lay when you arc losing flesh and when you are pale espec ially if a cough be present the continued use of scotts emulsion in the early stagepof lung affections does prevent the development of con sumption your doctor will tel you this is true and we state it without wishing to make any false claims or false promises free book tells more on the subject scot u nowne belleville onl i baliovo you men think moro of your wheols than jou do of your wtvos why not ve can get an improved make every year norway pino sjrup cures coughs colds hoarseness soro throat asthma br on chltis oto muud what makes you think mhj dulwit ia in the mejial scnico muy- becauso whenovor he appears the convor nation flals always on hand mr thomas ii porter lower ireland p q writes my i u mill ieit mi i ih ihu prieo of eiilth w u ii eurifully tin lirttl h inpti in i of impute bl qd tiro bull pirn irp liiinioro anl nrifttlu by talun uond h s r mil nrillu drive iwuy tho pi6us and uclilt of rhmiiimtiimi nulur ia and htonittali troubles itttiictt your nerves and overcome that tire i feol in by tit itl lie tho hu me ereut me lu n hood h itllb aio the beet fumiu t ktliartiu and liver medicine oenth reliable sure coughs colds norothriat uutlimu iron chltis and till lime trouble- tiro q ilekly cure i by hue rrl i led nil jl lit u i tin in lh ilitj it ak strf i u in tic lil led willi pun in the baek fn in nitlic n i if t l tr i tie huvertu ruin lien uilh ml t ft t ihu ilii t i would tin 11 itit l 1 it yell w 0 i i am llad lo hi that afur iimiil two inillleh 1 wjih ooini letly cuied uu 1 e ttmot rcjni moiid this oxatliont runiely 1ooiiil1ii mi3 anna cbmiuan hnuth itigr d t i like to ccok enough to last remarked tho yonnl wife you do do you groaned the devoted hubby no matter how llttlo you cook mr thomas ballard byraouaa n y writo i havo boon ufuioted for ntnrly a j car with that most to be dnadel lieeubo dyspepbia and at tinua worn tjut with patn and lo a of bleep und tter try iiir ulmoat eerjtliiiil tccommetnlol i tried ono box of purmeleo s pills i an now nearly well unci boltovo thej will euro mo i would not i o without them for auy mone castoria for infants and cnildrei lmlls ilfftaturt z3x it m irerr vrtpptr tho world liko a bicycle would soon como to a stop were it not for the cranks shortness ot ilreiitli since last yoa 1 havo bad eeriaua heart trouuio oaueed by malaria short noes of breath smothering spoils on rotir lug voioleut palpitatiou oto ofton mado mo rasp for breath on procuring uil burnb heart and norvo pills i found to my surprise and delight that they gavo almost instant rolief i got healthy restful sleep my heart troubles disappear ed ant now i feel real well and stroog indeed mr hugh mooro ingersoll ont makes this statement for tho pubho good doans kidncytilll cure backache lame back rheumatism diabetes i bright s disease dizziness and all kidney urinary di8ea8e8 are cured by idoatkldneyi pills iithooght perhaps youwould give mo a lift bit ho eaid as ho entered tho oflice you will ilnd the elevator in tho front of tho bmldink replied tho bookkeeper dunn s kiilnej pills doan s kidney pills aot on the fainob bladder and urinary organs onlv thoy curo baokacho weak back rheumatism diabetes cangeation liiiiammatlon jrael cnlbta discuso and all other d soaees aristug from wrong action of the uidnoyb and bladder ih tho sail tho only thing thutguijcb tho ship asked the lrecn pagenger wo said tho mate thcro are ru iders there never was and never will bo a the 3rig3at house cor of kittgjhd hufehson sts short prices and long values go hand in hand heie note well the following reductions dress ooods all wo iwiol luiiieliib wl lo roular oe i on ih ii w lic t all wiol n iy b ru 4rlneliufi wldo 2jc ml wool l nfi navy ltluc linehoh wide 10c 1 nil i v 1 run h uofltutiioh rukular pricu 10 yo no v h mlol it ml io it all wool myrtlu overt cloth ioulur 1 low 7 e u ru luiirlm ulloll lliufl of drotth qoodh rtrul t o uu 1 1 l00 ib for e blouses larilub oraikllo ntiibllii blotinp waleta jolto but h full front wlilto i itnt clori 1 collar and ciiitb mliubtatilo toy ilnr 1 to for 1 00 ltidiuh mtihliti luouho svuistfi tiajtibtablo collar ami aulfd and voko back 9t j5 forl0e muslin hlotiho vnfttts wit i to laundered collar and cullli a ijusinlilo l 0 for ita bunt cumlirlo hiouho wntsta adjitbtablpcoliar and cuirfvyoku ba k autl full fronts 1 00 and snj irhit niousu wainta laundorbd collar and cotru mlo while lawn llotmo waists rorular 75o for 00c regular mlu forjjje rogular si m for 1 tx milxinery hchom hath black an 1 wbito fonnor i rloo 1 c and c no ijo an 1 20c hlraw ilath bl tele an 1 colore 1 foruiorly 92 09i now i 00 0 now 7ca cl 00 now goe 7oe now e i low era rolucod from 0c to jc from 1m to loc from to 10c oruauienth formurly from 2 c to 2 00 now eollhit t 10c jc 1jc mc all iriuiinod milliuory at groat reduction a all 1 attorn millinery markod down t ono jiitc 5 00 former rtrlcob ftu l4 nnd bit 1 ull ashortaiotit of muulin and wiuih goo ik for chlldroti i tnbroidurod hots llotinets oto wash goods 21 1 iocob i anoy fluurod oooda for ulo ivmh an 1 wrappers roijular price ac for 1 c hoc for ujt 11a for 10c tiiobo aro faht colon i rlntud laflib orrandlob and ijiujitich not woithur goodtt dafijty pattornb 10c uic ibe joo jl cimnl osbortmunt of i ngliah lilutu 1 io fforth 15c now oxford sbbrtiiika bio 10o and lo bust inllgq itltio gliirtiiiga ujc other llnou co 74c wc andjoc very epoclai hno of fngllth rlilrtiug llitht colors regular 30o and ao goodu lown to 10c aud lijc cptto mules bought direct from tbo mill 1 jjc 15o lbo joo 20 and i5c ducks and donluia laro ftbhortiuont and ilannul tihlrtlnga special bum in or weight 18c mo 22o worth 25c joo aud 3o flannolettob now goods aro in stock m inch obly o worth 7jc iiostlnbliflu gfooda wide width flc 10c and 12jo bheetlngfe and pillow cottons 7j inch shooting 15c 18c joc c twiilod and plain hi inch buooting 18o 2c jc joo lillow cotton plain 40 in 10c 12 lu 1 jc m iu 12io 4 in he circular ditto 10 in like 43ln he 4 in iso h in joc i actory cottonb c to loo per yard all makes in wblto cotton from 5c to j- railway time tablb grand trunk railway tojs vi hi u01nc1 latn mail 1 xii mail i 1 t i 1 xi r i 1 111 1 1 x iu n oy i t m i 1 mixel ii 11 dl tl 1im j vii s 1 am 10 17 a in if 11 p in 10 01 ptn hu we i i 1 i iii u lb i i n jping 1 ih t 10 1 i i n i 4 in i hi- tin no tntb t l i u it ii t ir t u i mori 1 1 j e b collins butcher utiait i to tl unk 1 in i ijiik rotth c intotuors for tlnir 111 oral itr t i hii l ho- eomiuoticotl 1 uhiiiuhi 1 it in i irj at 1 li en that by aaroful an 1 lo irti o i ultf uttoi n i itilt a eoutluuanco t f tholr uhiqin a cotnplc to ukhortin tit i flrnt el ana boef mutton lamb pork proah and salt hams sausages poultry lardjfcc in soson irjcobalwayb an lovv uu uaimlstuut witli tbo- bout jualitj romi t dullvorj la htocl wonted acton saw mills and wood yards i or yard thomas c watkins tttctrl rotise hamilton all lmtulp nf iv 1 frtrv ii ji dolivurud to an i art of thotown at r jaaotiab prlcoti hardwood an 1 blabs out btoo lougtb always on band tolopttgno cqmnunilqfttlqr henderson st co glkscw house fancy ribbonsftowers straw shapes and everything in our millinery department clearing at greatlyreduced prices the stock is fresh and clean and will be cleared out regardless ofcost bargains in parasols dress goods mrrslmsr gmg- hams etc to clear out immediately full assortment of gloves hosiery summer under wear ladies and boys belts ladies collars and cuffs fresh shipment of these goods just opened henderson co acton ca is kin this weeks sjpecikls 20 suits for 25 suits for 30 suits for 18 suits for 6 trousers for 5 trousers for 4 trousers for 3 trousers for made to order firstclass and fit 1650 2050 2550 16 00 5 00 4 00 3 00 2 50 guaranteed urmoreal panacea in ono rem oily for all ills to whioh flesh ib heir tho vory naturo of many curative being such that wore tho germs of other and differently beatod disoafeeu rooted in tho byatom of tho patient what would relievo ono ill 111 turn would neruvato tho other wo htvc howevor in quinino wine when obtained 111 aaouud unadulterated state a remedy for many and gnovous ills by its tfrudual judicious uso tho frailest ajatcms aro led into con valesconco and strength by tbo infjuonco which qmuino ctorts on naturo 0 own restoratives it relieves tbo drooping spiritb of thoso with whom a chronic stato of morbid despondonupand lack of mtorost in lifo is a disease and by tnmquilizing tbo nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vior to tho action of tbo blood which boinf stimulated courses throughout tho veins btrentbomtg tlio healthy animal fnuotiqtjs of tbo fiatem thereby makmpttctivity a necephory result btrengtheninfl tho frame and filvicg life to tbo dificbtivo oraus which naturally demand lqoreabed substabco result ira proved appetite northrop lyrnan of toronto havo k to thapablio thoir quinino vtno at tho ubuat rate and fiuaged by tho opinion of bcioiitistb tins widq approaches nearest perfcclion of nuy n tbo market all drurfiists ecll it gpn l a nothiur ravo relief until a neighbor brought mo some of dr thomas lcjcctriq oil which i gavo him and in nix hours ho was on red it is the boat rwdicmo i v6r ueed and i would not bo without a bottlo of it in my house drou njnnos is iho hardest man to tako in shorthand that i over blruak docs ho talk so fast a that no bo confoundedly slow motiior graves worm exterminator docn not retjmro tbo help of any purgative medioiuo to comploto tho cure givo it a trial and bo convinced woro thobo couh drops bemtioial they worked liko a charm they hava such a horriblo iatc tbtt thn children hno nil etoppltl cuukbin ak jpur grocer for biliousness uunoiiraiiun oui price for fustclass ordered clothinghas al- s been t lo jhmes- bromn manu1 acrlill ii and d axfh ts lumber i utlt hliglih wood etc georgetown electric works t j slight proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic ram lino andrloam i itthig anl u on oral itomlr ifiit irop irud to do brazing on dicycloa frame c wuloih convurtol from dlroot to tangent lnt uoiiir niuinpedwltif agaabrasfngmacmne p irou to tic i am prop 3 tlo brazing on dicycloa framoa jivortol from direct to tangent bnokou lltttidlo liars bont to any desired annlo t ull uno of spoto9 kept in stock aatlafaotlon guaranteed blcclea eiiamollod in any color t j speight georgetown aoton machine and repair shops henry gbindell 1 roprlotor alir wall equlppod with all tbo machinery locoseary tooxoiuto all ropairs to macbln eryftth3nfricuhitrttlimpiometitmiddoftlh kluda of btuain ivttiug horao abooliig and conoral blaqkamltbiur woodwork ropalra norformod in a eatlbfactory mauuor wo can repair and macbino or impfomoitt of any make baw gummiug aud nlluc dooo brentford galvanized steel wind mills and towers for power and pump ing vrithln lur c g jluuur uud ball bearings waji our new cash and one price system make them still lower at s r b nelson leading tailor and furnisher 99 wyndham st guelph cash and one price 4m shops nnd wircrooms 1 oot cf willow st cills atlcndeld to day or night j a speight co undertakers and embalmers acton ont latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furniturb or all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co i order ml uth j n stinson rockwood will receive immediate attention roller bearinos mikersof the light tbt running and hest constructed calvin yitd sttel wind mills ind 1 ovvers made also the celebrated maple leaf grain glrindcr write for brantfordcan lllusfrated circulars raold jhapley mulri john tqueersi rvtactontt aoent for above also ron frost and wood binders and mowers a all lmo of all kinds of farm implements and repairs sick headache l liver troubles asa loxitivc one pill arts perfectly r and if a stronger 11 lion is desired a cathartic effect is produced by two pills in obstante enscs where 1 purgitivc is nccessiry three pills will be found sufficient ihcc pills ictvc no unplcasint after effect one pill tiken each niht during thirty days will cure constipation price asc on b rcn 1 op dlynhiue that fellow ijo bomjiio e8 bomo vcrj dry thinrg docen t lto wyiikii yop ive heartl lifm bay du it oiro if i do rcpefttodly via irtriim tifiiu it ja witli plonbiire that i rolontmoiitl b b b for tho turo of imliulsttoii and impuro blood i hud tried many medicines but recoiled no brrunt until i tlm tkprovi dence i waa ndviaed to utl i b ii and it ron tilled in 11 pprfat on re mrn vvni locko otliawn ont oooooooooooo- i all wool bicycle suits of shoreys mnkc wnterproofi il b the uijliy process can be pur clintd ns chenply as unproofiri goods of nn inferior mnkc th aj oil will know that j our dealer gincsyousliorcysmakcof rcadj- lnndc clotliinrj is to look in the pocketsnud see hint yon find a card guaranteeing the goods to be shrunk and the workmanship not to rip and signed by h smorbv 0 il montreal 2 esome so delicious jor twbnttb81vbn trbara thecooksbestfriend largest sale in canada bo vbrs ann qulokr probr jjonfli to aroftrtott tekoii tbrouklt miiiit marks ili nnd domiiptlon niy whottii r an liivnntloh ii m tt tdlht coiumunlcatlonn tt toll ot wroiioyfjhtmh1 rlnu patpdl co xw 4vp o hava a wmhlnut laumtl taken ttiroilkb mum a poolajifoudo in i scientific american beautiful lllinitrntml i n011 1 il m in nf nnvnclpiitina joiirimil witkiy lrrnntwfl vnti tmnx muulifl hi il n f pi knntilland looit on xatlvis 11 il fru auiirum munn a co 311 llrondttit ntfw yoru

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