Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 5, 1897, p. 1

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v j volume xxiii no 0 acton ontario thursday august 5 j897 price three cents is vvmabukd every thursday morning at thk free pressstcum printing onicc mill btileet acton ont tbiufs oir suiibciurtion ono dollar tier yoar strictly in advanoo all aubboriiitlonb diacou- tinueawhcn tlio time for which thoy havo boon paid hasioxplrod tho dato- to which ovory subscription ib paid 1b douotpd on tbo address label gr apvbnribina jltkb transient- advortiso- wonts looonts per nonparou lino for flrbt in sertion if oouts per lln for ouch subsequent lasortion gontoaot hatrb thofonowlngtablo shows our ratios for tbo insertion of advortlaomonte for specified periods- we are certain if you need a room op bpaob 1 tit 0 mo 8 mo imp filnohos i 6000 3500 3000 700 3900 2000 rtoo i 300 3000 1900 700 ato 600 am aoo 100 aavertibomonts without spool flo directions irlllbe inserted till forbid and charged accord ingly transient advertisements must be paid n advance advertisements will bo ohanrod once eaota month if desired for changes oftenor than enoe a month tho composition most bo paid for atrogulai ratoa changes for contract advortiflomonts must bo n tho otooo by noon on tuesdays accounts payablo monthly hpm0oie editor and proprietor wnaitwaa jiwrforp t f uken m d 0 m offlco and rosldonco cornor mil 4 frederick atroets aoton wurpi a baby carriage a hammock laavn tennis or jbase ball goods a book f a toy oibook fqryourdoy or girl r that we can show you the best stock to select from and our prices are far the lojyest days bookstore ottelph bay sells cheap jlrmroaniljmanaim r a 8 elliott mb m d acton gnipoate tonomto univenaity office main stroot third door south of presbyterian church acton ttr dryden- eye eaii throat and nobe moloaus block douglas st near p o guelph owes hotms 10 am to l pm and a to o pm- bond aia 10 am to 1 pm veterinary surgeon a lfred p husband v 8 3raduato of the ontario veterinary college honorary member of tbo veterinary medical bocfoty office win husbands lot 34 con noub- agawqya calls day or night promptly attendod to dental l bennett lds dentist obonobtown ontario dr f 8 mercer dbktibt graduato of toronto unlvoralty audjrods ofllco over drug btoro acton vlbitikq days tiidilbday and flllday j m bell dds lds m dentist brtooevttxb honofi gnaduate op toronto university work made satisfactory prices moderate vibitzno days taosday and friday of oach week d r g h g00k dentistv- cor college st and spadlna avo tononto will vlrlt acton on tbo first and third satur day of each modth orxicb agnows uotol legal m clean mclean barrlilerisouotort notaries oonveyancora 0 private funds to loan offloo town hall acton wh a moliam jno a mclean douglas mdrkay baiuustbns solioitocb notabikb eto owceb- lqofi queen st parkdalo victoriaohainberbeiviotorlast tnlft phopc 207 lojiqhio- john dooolas a g munnay a j mackinnon bahiiistbb solicitor convkyanceii on ice mill street in mattbows block upatalra g matheson j b mcleod 1 aiuiibteb solicirons convetanceiui georgetown and milton money to loan at lowest rates t r j monabb ulork fourth division court county of hal- onoouvoyancor agent flro and life asburanco nl ptt agnnt monay t loan etq offiok porryinan bloc k aoton ont misckllaneo us henry gri8t ottawa canada solicitor of patents for invention etc prepare applications for tbo canadian amer- leananduropoan patent ottlcea and for tbo liealatratlon of trade marks bond for pam- pbfet thirtytwo yoars experience piban0fl5 bookbinder wyndham st guelph ontario over william a btoro acoonnt books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every deserlptlonoarefullybound bnllnffneatlvitnd promptly done m arriage licenses h p moobe ifhttfit of mjjuuaar lloenbes private ofllon no witnesses requlrod isauod atlroildcrjce in tbo ovonlng froo press ofllco aoton 7vsqny 1abmer8 if yotlwlsh to reduoo yonr intorost or secure a nrstoliss loan of money at tow inurost and on easy terms of repayment call on me i mako a apoclauy of lending tnopoy- and bavn plonty of funds i also lend on village property w q jackson oonvbyanovh and money lkhdell ovpick wyndham st near city hall ouelph wellington mutual fire insurance company established 1840 insuhanoe on oaeb and mutual plan any eoinmunloatlons forwardod to nfy address box 638 or tolophono 08 will be promptly at tended to john taylor agent quolpb w m hemstreet llobnbbd aoononeen for the ooantles of wellington and hal ton order left at the fabb prbss office aoton or atmyrealdenebln aoton will be promptly at- teadeol to fm reduced to 1 bo0 for farm bales also money to loan on th6 most favorable earns and at tbe lowest rates of interest in samsof tbooand p wards job minting 1holudinq book rmphlu poilsnnil hmds01raalftmo ao exoontod in tho bf i tyla ol tb art nt moderate prloo- end on tbort notice apply or eddrem ii p moobe m faiim olbce acton if every cook knew what every cook should know every cook would know enough to use authorlzod capital i oqoooo cuelph branch sums of 91 and upwards received on dopobit and highoet odrreot rate of in tercet paiufor aompounded halfyearly deposit racoipte isancd for laro auirib depobitcd auwancofl made to respdnaibjafarmora oh tltolr own namce no obarpe miidc for collecting 3nlea notes if payable in gulpb a general banking business traubaotccf a f it jones manager loetrg s i alex stewart family and dispens ing chemist cuelph ont j we keep things moving by keeping things that move a stupid fellow who guages the quality of bootaand shoes by the price has ho busi ness to be married yet one of this class directed his wife to buy footwear for herself and the children from another firm beeausc they charged more for them and they must therefore be beuer his better half bought several pair from us and several from the other house and showed her hus band they were identical being even manu factured by the same people this proved conclusively how foolish a man can be when he really tries the lady of the house gen erally knows where she can get the most and the best for her money and if you were to ask the ladies of acton the question where can i get the best value in boots and shoes the answer in nine cases out of ten wouldbe at w williams our prices arc hard to beat try us for any thing you want in our line w williams mill 8treet acton binder twine v in leadingjbrands and close cut prices is now in stock at acteri fleur and feedstbre call and examine beforo you bny frank harri8 manager acton saw mills and wood yards jpctuebs brosnin vahoraotcnenanddeaxbaiw dumber i iath shlnglea wood etc all kinds of wood in etook arid promptly dollvorod to any part of the town at roasonablo pricoe hardwood and slabs out atovo longth always on hand a telephone aommuolcatlop acton livery ahd bu the undersltmed respectfully solicits thepatron ago of the public and informs tbem tfiat well equipped and stylish rigs oan al wayi be becrared at his stables aeomfortabe bns meets al trains between 9 am and 818 pm oarefal attention given toevery order tbe wants of commercial travel lersfnllymet john wjllia3c8 pbopbttbtob fallterm cuelph bdsiqesscellege vlll commence sept ist circulars free j sharp principal refrigerators these hot days emphasizew your need bp a refrigerator the iceland refrigerators are simple easily cleaned thoroughly well made ice savers our prices start as low as 675 others up to 1500 j m bond co hardware three points there is a great deal of satisfaction in knowing that your clothes fit y an look well it is as itiipor- oant as the wearing qualities and when the three points are combined you have just the kind of clothing we are selling our priqe is in strict accord with the quality and is the same to all special line of tweed suit ings for business wear shaw twiner merohant tailors ouelph 189798 tasl hll ph styles and prices to surprise you frames pictures artists upplies headquarters for presents c waters bros st obobqes sqtjabb otjelph we bought our fruit jars before the price raised you get the benefit buying from us now by tc moore son south cor mill and main streets 7q acr shrubs roses lnbs hnbsee0 pototoes we have tbo lament assortment and employ tho vevy latost and most improved meth ods for propagation all stock carefully packed under our personal supervision and all now varletloa teatod at our trial farms hoforo being catalogued these are tho only testing orchards connected with any nursery lu tho dominion agents vfantfld to represent ua special attention given to park gometerv and boulevard orders estimates furnish od for supplying entire orchards why buy of foreign conoorns or of middlemen when you oan purchase as cheaply from us and get bolter value our stock 1b canadian grown and acollmatod oauloguo english or french free on applica uon stone wellington fonthlll nureerleb toronto ont the zteadlng canadian treo uen agetitsfor quoen victoria nor llelgn and diamond jubilee overflowing with latest and rich contains tho endorsed biography iesty with authetitio history of iter e reign and full account of tho dia mond jubilee onlyhfio dig ilook tremon- dbuidamand llonnnra for agents commis sion so per coat credit aiveu vroluht paid outfit kbxb duty pam write quick for thb dominion com- chicago of her halt retnarkabfe outfit and territory pany dept7 s5g dearborn st word to tho rcstloob pooplo fuvcrlah ago a perfect manhood is bettor than any wealth or wafio somo are for gold souio glitter but toll mo toll mo when will wo btatid for tho farm and tuocollofio that go for tho maklutf of 111011 i yea what la tho old farm flfor7 tho wortlia wisely said there may be atunipa in tho pasturo and the liouflo may bo a abod j put what if a lincoln or oladetono ho horo jn tblbboy of toni and whafbbonia tho foriinbflfit for if net thp raibldgoriuen tie aecanty soil for tbo soodiiifl but herb we winour hroadi atid a stout heart may grow btrongor whero plow and harrow arospod then break urr tho bleak high hillaide and tronoh tho swamp au fon por what should tbo farm ho fit for if not the raiolugof men tho crop hy tbo frost in blighted a niggard tho kb0bb0h hoouib tit tho ready hand finds duties and tho heart of youth iibb dreams tho bar and tho souato tomorrow tomorrow tho sword or tho pou far what should tho farui bo ut for if not the raising of men and what if our lot bo humbler if vq on the farm ahido tlioro ib room for nobloiving and tho realm of thought is wldo a inlnd on rich od ia a fortuno and you will know it whop youboo that tho farm ia fit for tho roaring of uobjo man wo troad tho hilla that tho holy that tbo beau tiful baa trod we till tho noldo or tbo infinite wo dress tbo gardono ofgod tho aoor thobago and tho poot thoy utter tbo word again and ask what tho farm is fit for if not tlio roar ing of mon did nob give mo tbe pleasure afforded by the joyous welcome of tbe girl who bad so evidently been in dread while j wbb gono uwaajuaujomiogadtbeniroibod ekct sfamtlit 3fua5ing a emouqtain rose i reckon its irae that there ia at leabt one romance in every life from personal knowledge i can only cite my own case but ill venture that there wbb never a good atrodr etory written that did not find its inspiration in truth the author of this oraonlar dellvprauoe eat with hie children and bis grandchildren on one of thoao great viuo shaded veran das that belong to every preteptions country homo in tennessee ho was a giant slowly going down under the weight of years yet to live in tbe past was to recall borne of its vigor now his eyes brightened his form straightened bis broad shoulders wout book and his voice was without a quiver yon look the picture of her he said tjbtrengtbened with an iron pokor and then tho little tot on his knee as he stroked ber seizing the bag from under the hearlhbtone curia then it took a request for tho story to call the old man from his dearest mem ory in those days he began there was more family pride than there is new perhaps i should bay that family preja- diooa were stronger we had a caste as wellgdefiued as thnt in india for one to marry in a lower class was social buiuide and my folks being of the socalled aristocraoy were among the stalwarts of tho stalwart in upholding thu intolerant creed i became something of a heretio while in the north completing my edaca- lion but it tanes time and experience to get rid of a strong hereditary bias we were fairly well ofl for thobe times but i had an ambition to do eometbiug more than cumber the world aa a mere conbamer this inclination rather troubl ed the family bat after numerous fconsul- tations it was reluctantly admitted that i some coal andiron interests that we had in a mountainoussection of tbo state and atill retain my sooial prestige i went at the enterprise in earnest bringing a lot of men from pennsylvania tliat understood the work and founding a primitive village of log cabins in a region as wild- aa any encountered by the orig inal picnecrj the miners had heir families with them and all supplies had to be brought fifty mios over the mountain roads the foreman was a big hearted but shrewd and fearlesa scblobirshmadjvhcuwiiajufltutotho men and loyal to my interests his home was looked after by a daughter who had lobt her mother years before the men usod to call her the mountain hose for bho had all its delicate colorings and was just as fresh and dainty and gracofnl though strong and lythe because of the manoer of her life she looked the patrioian from head to foot and had an innate refinement of charaoter that ho culture oan supply hor voice was mbsioaj and to me her timple songs wero more bharmlog than the usual effort b of a prima donna her education was of hor own acquiring and was strange ly out of the conventional lines her knowledge in somo directions only sur prised you lees than her tact in acquiring information in others but i would nevor tire of talking of hor after dor rough colony had beootne so tiled and wbb progressing finely undeair- oharnotere wero attracted to tho vicinity borne men put up a shanty j as toff my land and stocked it with mountain dew num erous rough looking oharaoters oamethere for the obtebbible purpose of bunting and fishing pitching their tents in onrvioinity i heard atorles of gauihling and the men rfrnotrfteffgularafctheir wor aa tl were beforo these iuterruptions rosser the foreman wanted to adopt heroio measures for getting rid of those pests but i saw no way hut to wait for bome breach of the law and then seoure the intervention of tho authorities our pay day came every two weeks and i brought tbe money from tbe nearest bank in a town some distance away hav- two good men go with me as a guard on ono onasion nettie the foremans daughter met us ton miles from tho settlement goid jng ub in a circuitous route for she had heard from a wild young girl at the drink iug don that thero was a plot to waylay and rob ub nettie had promptly pushed her way through tbe dangers of the moun tain paths 0 warn us fearing that delay in securing somo other messenger might be fatal to us and at tho same time endanger her informant on the way in i learned more of the girt and ber life than i bad ever known and she aroused that interest which la so likely to eventuate in love it was n month later before we were freed from a snow blookade and tbe next time i went to the bank ft was for doqblo the usual amount 1 took more men and wo re tarried without aooident evon ibis the canvas bag containing the money to the foreman for he was tbo onstodian and woutd pay off at noon hour next day i nevor felt afraid when he was on guard that night the storm was on ua again and with a view of making some arrangements for the better protection of the mines i ssnt for bini i never thought of the- money till ho apposed at mydoor ehort- ly before eleven ooloak covered with drip ping enow- tbolt he sbslired rao that the treabnre was bafe with nettto as no one would think of injuring her we had been larking nearly an bpur when there was tjio bougd of a muuted oryj and a bpdy falling against thovdoor bosfer reabbed jt with stsprlng and threw it open td find a woman btrefohed across the step quioklyha lifted bar in- bis strong arms and laid- bergently on the rough couch i had pulled before the blazing logs it wa nettie unconscious and apparently more dead than alive her lougffving hair was loose disheveled by tbe wind and wet with snow that melted to glittering drops in the warm glow of the room her upturned face with its per- feotly ahlbeledteaturea had tbe unattainable beauty of the artists dream through caii that terrible storm she had made her way for half a milowtthout a wrap or even the blippers in wbioh she eat while awaiting her fathers return for they bad been lobt in tho first few steps as i grasped ber pretty hands to chafe them they tightly clutched the oanvas bag to her bosom and only when the half erased rosser ultimate colonial eiqnty mr lourier has loati no popularity in kngland by asserting that canada consid ers heriolf porfeotry free to oome or go at bar own pleasure it is significant that nobody in england bftb denied this propo- eitfon if canada should wish to cut the slonder thread that now joins her to the british empire- it la conceded that she may do eo without let or hindrance canada however ib oniy a looso fedora- tjonof 8olf governing states if canada may leave england at her own pleasure ia it noteiaaly true that bruiflh oolum- bia or manitoba or qaebeq might at their own pleeare withdraw from the canadian oonfedenuiou and resume their direct relationship witheogland having rireolaey ly the earao status that newfoundland tiqw has or ttie same as that of victoria new south waleb new zealand or tasmania certainly canada poseeasea no right of withdrawal from the british empire that newfoundland does not also poaaeaarandit is haid to boo what right of withdrawal newfoundlaud poaseases that is not also j inherent aoverally in quebec or manitoba or british columbia it is to be remem bered tbat tho line wbioh noy separates canada from the united states is purely arbitrary and ibatitdosa not correspond with any sharp division whether of physi cal fieogrflpliyofcommercoorof racial obaracteristias furthermore theoonfed- eratidn dfprovincos which pow has its scat tof government at ottawa is also rather an arbitrary than a natural grouping when therefore onr friends 1d england are dls- qqbbibgtliqfuture of canada they are for youno man and opportunity ujji u jij i siting thefaot that canada is a deaigna- forced eomd brandy down her throatdjd w v u u v u ia j which does not of necessity oorres- she relinquish hor hold tryiog to riso fllio said rapidly hurry f alher hurry it wbb black joe hes looked up io the strong aloset 1 brought tbe money you said you knew 1 would protect it there ft is how blaok joe did curse and swear to kill qs both i but i captured him and her unnatural laugh told how intense bad been the strain upon her nerves we found the villain vainly trying to batter his way out and in dae time a long sentence pat bim out of the way he had stolen in on nettie shortly after her father left no threatb could induce her to betray the hiding plaos of the money till she sud denly devlbod o boheme to keep both it and the robber appearing to yield bhe told joe look behind the chest rn tho oloset which wbioh rossor bad built of btrong oak planks as a place of safety for his few valuables he made her hold a candle whilo ho search ed ae he leaned over tte cheat nettie summoned all ber strength and opurago threw the door shut clapped the hasp over the staple and closed the hook that was attached this she hurried frond her prisoner and bis blood curdling throats 1 loved bar and told ber eo bat she was as copragoub morally as pbysicatly she wab no rutted for ray station in life walt two years and bee if i still wanted her her father was going to bend her away for a time i protested but she went and i only heard occasionally through her father that she was well apd happy one night eighteen months later i wall at a pretentious sooial gathering in memphis i was not a bocicty man but had gone as atfold friend of the family some one sang and i thought it tho divines muaio 1 had ever heard as the singer robe from the piano i got a view of a regal beauty who seemed familiar to mo but i only know her when that voice i had learned to know sowellin the mountains responded to an introduction it was nettie who naudoon had woman accomplished more in the same length of time she was the belle of tbe ariatooratio circle in memphis but when i hod drawn her apart she laughingly admit ted that i bad the rtfaaal of her and that bhe wbb just the same honest girl sbo used to be i protested bo vigorously that we out- the probationary period short and she was your beautiful grrndma uttlo one detroit free preta truths told in a few words a childs respect for its parent ib not secured-by- over leniency any- more thaaby over- severity a daughtor should never seek to nor bo allowed to outdreas ber mother in every family the mother should be tbe bebt dreesed member tbe discarded finery of u daughtershpuld never constitute a mothers wardrobe no one feels especially dignified in the presence of one whose old clothes she ib wearing and a mother should at all times preserve her dignity before her children the mother who never loses tbe queenlinessj will never me her orown preventable misfortunes consist ohiefly of manifold things little to do but im mense things to have done tbe man who earns one dollar and spends two and the man who earns two and spends one stand on either side of the hair line between heedlessness and discre tion between ruin and safety parents generally reoelve tbat measure of filial respect they deserve not always perhaps but very generally 3vhenvm other julowfl ber daughter to appropriate her wraps gloves veils or other artiolea of personal attire she begins a policy of familiarity which sooner or a reaped for ones is contempt belongings engenders possesaor a respeot for their too awful- a prospect a german peasant family had mado all tbolr arrangmenta to emigrate to tho united states the day before the family was to take its departure the eldest son flane who was ai tuormous eater inti mated that he did not care to go west haa some village mairion begailed thee to remain behind askcmhe father nothing of tbu kiod why ihenvlost thou not wish to go wtthub ive been talking with the schoolmaster aud well what did bo ssy v ho sayb that when it is twelve oolook with ub here in germany that that what when it is twelvo ocuok with ub that in america it is nine oo ck fn be even ing well i dont want to go to a place where i havo to waic that long for my dinner and the poor fellow oemp lately broke down at tbe mere thought of it pond to any permanent integral fact even if tbs canadian government desired annexation to the united states and the proposals were received with goodwill at washington it does not follow that the dominion government could be competent to make delivery it would probably turn out to be question which the individual colonies would insist upon deciding for themselves we arejiot likely to face any annoiation problem along our northern boundary lor many years to oome but in any case englishmen seem to forget that annexation would probably occur not at a gulp but by individual provinces there have been times when manitoba was very near withdrawing from the dominion and stranger things might have happened than her application to be admitted as a state in the union newfoundland in exchange for earn e substantial relief two or three years ago j might readily enough have sought and accepted political union with the united states for the sake of the ad vantages olcommeralal union our eng lish friends do well to consider the organi zation of thair empire but they will not be able to invent any machinery of imperial federation that will be strong enough to thwart no an i feat destinyt the future of the great englishspeaking colonies must be worked oat by processes whieh no man by taking forethought however anxiously can control from the pnoanfcss of the world id american mohthly review of review for aagaad he yearned for ohicken colonel henry a newman confesses to a normal liking for tbe good things of life among them each edibles ae are calculated to tickle tho inner man ho tells with gusto a story of his efforts to gratjjy this liking in the oyes of superior officers i may have lacked a good mauy essentials as a boldier of the confederacy but no one can say that i ever lapked n ablebodied appetite says tbe colonel during my confederacy eo much worried me as my appetite toward tbe close of the war i suffered vry much on this account one night after a long days march and nothing to eat 1 stole two ohickens and the cir cumstances attonding the theft are atill froah in my memory j it happened in the tennesson moon- tains tbe country had been pretty well foraged by both sides and there was nob much chance to find anything passing by a bumble log house after dark i observed a few ohloheoa roosting in fancied socuriby cnthe fence enclosing thehousoandaj small patoli of ground a hungry soldier has liltlo coneoionce and i didnt waste any time in debate with mioo about taking a pullet i had in tended to grab the chiohon by the throat so as to shot off its wind bat missed calculations and it squawkod loudly with the first squawk io cabin door flew open and a woman oame out- taking in the embarrassing bituatlon at a glance ehe shook her fist at me and angrily said you tfaisf youll pay for stealing my chickens on the day of judgment madam i laid with my acoubtomed politeness if i am to have that long credit i will take another one and bo it bapponed that i arrived in camp with two chickens st louis republic the sweettie between moth er and daughter the careful shelter of the girls of the stately colonial days in american history is as poaaiblo with ub today as it was in the olden time writes edward w bok deprecating in the august ladies home journal th lrtn qfmt lbtt gi uitn yvnnjj- glrls by their parents not in thp letter perhaps but in the spirit bnt before we can bring back those ideal influences it is neoosbary that we shonld return to one or two of the condition a- which existed and mide thoso inflnencea possible our mothers bhould be more familiar with their daughters than they are tho multifarious outside duties into which women of this latter day have gono have not served to strengthen the tie between mother and daughter if anything thoy have loosened tbe relation the colonial mother lived in her horned tha mothor of today lives too much outside of it the daughter in the knickerbocker home was the first thought of the mother the daughter q today is all too often the last thought of her mother suota changes in home affairs are not nisuis of progress in foot it re- quires a reading of old books some times to see how liltlo aotnal progress we have really made more often the wisest prog ress would bo lor us to go back ai bit and see whence we started there are potent lessons for as in the past our grand mothers knew a thing or two some thing they knew better than do iheir grandchildren y woak men wait for opportunities strong men make them oh how i wish i were rich 1 oxclaim- o3 a brighfindubtrious drayman in phila delphia who had many mouths to fill at homo well why dont yoaget rich asked stephen girard who bad overheard the remark i dont know how without money replied tho drayman you danft need money replied mr girard h well if you will tell rde bow to get liou withoumoney wontlet the grass grow boforotryhgit 1 aahipload qf obnflsoated tea ia to be sold at auction tomorrow at the wharf said tho millionaire go down and buy it and then come to me but i havo tfo money to buy a whole bhip-ioad- of tea with protested the drayman you dont need anymoney i tell yoq said girard sharply go down and bid en the whole cargo and then come to me the next day the auctioneer baid that purchasers would have tho privilege of tak ing one case or the whole bbipload buying by the pound a retail grocer sturtod the bidding and the drayman at once named a higher figure to the surprise of tho large crowd preaent ill take tho wholo ship load said he coolly when tho bale was announced the auctioneer was astonish ed jjut whou ho jearned u ypqng bidder was mr girardb drayman bis manner changed and he said it was probr ably all rtgbt the riewa bpread that girard was bnyiog tea in large quantities and tbe price rose several centb per pound l and sell your tea said the great merchant tbe next day the young man secured qnick sales by quoting a price a trifle below the market rate and in a few hours he waa worth fifty thousand dollars tho author does not endorso this method of dolog business bnt tells the story morely as an example of seizing an opportunity there may not be one chahco in a million that you will ever receive aid of this kind but opportunities are often presented whioh you oan improve to good advantage if you will only aot you are too young said the advertiser for a factory manager in manchester eng land after a single glance at an applicant they used to object to me on that score four or five years ago replied robert owen but i did not expeot to have it brought up now how often do you get drunk a week f never wab drunk in my life said owen hlnsbing what salary do you ask three hundred pounds a year three hundred a year why i have had i dont know how many after the place bore this morning and all their askings together would not come up to what yoq want whatever others may abk i oan not tako less i am making three hundred a year by my own business tbe youth who bad never been in a large cotton mill was put in oharge of a factory employ iug 500 operatives by studying machines cloth aud processes at night he mastered every detail of the business in a short time and was soon without a super ior in fais line in manchester the beat men says e h obapin are not those who have waited for chances but who have taken them besieged tbe chance conquered the chance and made chance the servitor the laok of opportunity is ever tbe ex- ouse of a weak vidillating mind oppor tunities i every life is full of them every lesson in sobool or college is an opportunity every examination is a ahanoe in life every patient is an oppor tunity every newspaper article is an opportunity every client ia an opportun ity every sermon is an opportunity itnbbanraiibaatfonii tunity an opportunity to be polite an opportunity to be manly an opportunity to be honest an opportunity to make friends every proof of confidence in you is a great opportunity every responsibil ity thrust upon your strength and honor is prioeloss existence is the- privilege of effort and when that privilege is met like a man opportunities to suaoeed aloug the line of your aptitude will como faster than you can see thein if a slave like fred douglass can olevate himself into an orator editor btateaman ought the poorest wbiteboy4o do who ib rich inopportont- ties compared with douglass who did not even own his body pobuinotothefbqnt in ctqver somo sing of tho illy and dalbrwndt aud tho paniob and pinks that tho aumuiortluio tb ro wb 7 a poor woman understanding that the poet goldsmith had studied physio and hearing of his great humanity solicited himjo a letter to send her something for ber hubband who bad lost his appetite and was redaoed to a most melancholy state the good natured poet waited on her in stantly and after some discourse with his patient found him sinking into sickness and poverty goldsmith told them they should hear from bim in au hour when ho wonld bend them somo pills which he be lieved would prove efficacious he im mediately went home and put ten guineas into a pill box with the following directions these must bo ubed as necessities re quire be patient and of good heart he aeqt the servant wit the prescription- to the comfortless mourner and his golden pills no doubt cheered the drooping and despondent patient and brought hope and gladness to a heart bowed down how the q a me 19 worked here is a little drema in two acts wbioh has been enacted in many new york house holds within the last few months by several different teams of artists aot i enter a young man who begs the privilege of making a crayon drawing gratis from any photograph no the- portrait company does not expeoi an order for a frame it merely requests the acceptance of the finished portrait in the hope that it will prove a valuable adver tisement takes photograph with him giving receipt act ii several days later another man is discovered with the orayon por trait bnt without the photograph that will be returned with the frame what frame the 16 or 8 or 914 frame that the portrait company ez peels to sell no frame no photograph exit taking portrait aot iii portrait gaudily framed delivered with photograph and 0 or 914 paid aot iii may be varied or omitted he wanted a wheel well my son said che editor to his son who wanted a wheel youll find one in the front end of that wheelborrow and there in a big pile of coal ashes book of the house that will have to be moved the handle bars are of white ash and are ad justable so you oan get any atyle ofhump on that suits yonr fanoy it is regulated largely by the load you put on the bigger the load the more you havoto hump your self be oarefnl and dont mar tbe enamel on tbe frame and keep the ball bearings well oiled so they wont out into the cones the tire is absolutely panctu relets so yon wont have to take a pump and repair kit with you by tbe time yon have removed that pile of ashes i think yon will have made a century ran also the perspiration you had better coma in to dinner now experiment on a small scale if you do not wish to lose in a largo way economy and strength are combined in hoods barsoparllla every bottle eon tains 100 doses and will averago to leal a month in tho groon graeey lap of tho meadow that ays bunkin up at tho bhiob through- the uunuhiny days but what is tho lily and all of tlio rost of tha flowors to a man with a heart id liis- breaat tbathaa dipped hriuithiu full of tbo liouoy aifd dow r of thoowoot clover blossoms bin baby hood know o jcnovor sot oyes onaclovorrtbw now or foolround a stable orohiub in tlio lucnv but ruy childhood oomasbaobvfuvt do clear and ui plain as the smell bf tlio otovcr im suiiqu again i and i wauderaway in abarofootod droam whore jt tangibniy tocfl in thw blosaonia that gloam with thbdosr of thd dawn ooho morning o oovo ere itwopt 6cr tho graves thatlin weeping above j and so i lovo clover it a coma liko a part- or tbo sacred oat sorroaffs anil joys f-my- hoart and wherever it blobsoms 0 thoro lot mo bow and thank tlio good god as im thaukin him nowi and 1 pray to him still for tho strength whan i dio to go out in the clpvor and toll ilgoodbyu and lovingly nestle my face in its bloom whilo my soul slips away on a broath of perfume jambs wjiitcomu kimsy the harvest and its reward- there are eomo welcome signs that business conditions throughout the country are on tbe mend it cannot be bid that there ia any prospect of a great return tide of prosperity but the ooming year promises to be bettor than its immediate predecessors the american- fanner is getting higher prices atid existing crop conditions aro especially favorable pto our own producers this years wheat crop will have been larger tbaii the average in the united states whilo much emaller than the average of soveral proceeding years in the countries that compete with ua in supplying the european market thus it ib certain that oar good crop will bring relatively good prices and this means better days for the western farmers whose reasonable prosperity is fundamental to the business welfare of the country at large india with her great famine still raging will have no wheat to send to europe this year it is said that the aus tralian crop will barely suffice for homo consumption the argentine export hab almost reached the vanishing point while that of southern russia and the danabian states is also this year a amallor factor the prospect therefore is for a very large european demand upon the crop of the united states which is expected to be at least 30000000 baabela larger than that of last year and the average price ia hkoly to oontinuo at least twenty oents a bushel higher than a year or more ago from the progress of thoworld in american monthly review of reviews for angust golden medicine in a stranqe coffin ono of the strangest coffin over told of is that for which the british war depart ment is baid to bo responsible tho btory ib that a workman engaged in aaating metal far the manufacture of ordnanco in tho woolwioh arsenal lost his balance and fell into a oaldron containing twelve tons ofmolteri ritoej the metalwaaat whito heat and the man wab utterly consumed in less time than it takes to tell it tbo war department authorities held a con ference and deoided not to profane tho dead by using tbe metal in the manufacture of ordnance and tho mass of metal was ao to ally buried and a church of england clergyman read tho services for the dead over it a fashionable and moneysaving work home dyeing is now one of the true home arts a work that la artistic an occupation that has become pleasant and fashionable people in easy circumstances who give their at toot ion to tho work of home dyeing also find it a mobt profitable recreation this increased interest in dyeing work and the great success that attends it comes from tho use of the celebrated diamond jdyaathatarobo oaa t u sotruo to- color so pore and brilliant bo fast and unfading a costly wool or silk dress that has be- ooroo spotted or faded oan in a very ehort bpace of time be made equal to now no garments or materials need bo thrown away or bold to tho second hand dealer beoause of lost or dingy colors an out lay of from ten to twenty cents for diamond dyes- will recreate every pi ceo and save many dollars if you have not yet boguf tho easy work of home dyeing let us assure you that you miss a pleasure and loso money as well iiook np your faded aud discolored gar ments at once and uso tho diamond dyes yon will be surprised with your success doctor asked tho seeker after knowledge of the clergyman why do people get on their knsoa to pray instead of standing they want to bbvo their soles noltber oolomel nor any injurious drag js contained in ayera pills thoy are composed of the active principles of the best vegetable cathartics and their uso is always attended with marked benefit for a sluggish liver or for constipation nothing surpasses ayera pills if

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