the bank of hamilton head office hamilton capital all paid up j 1 26000000 reserve fund 7g5o000o total assets 984667846 nearly tun mlllloua of dollvru board of directors oi1nhtuaut a g itamhay rruiiiilunt vico1roslclulit lio ltoaon john riiootoii a t woou a13 lkk torqntor wu oiusos ml tullnuuiiij caibjer us steven aaatonslilui- h m watbon inoiioctor georget agency a general bnnking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discouniecl and special attention given to tho collection of salb 1iotes and commercial paper generally drafts jsiucd pavable at all- principal points in canada and united states drafts on great britain boufht and sold y styrings department depositsr of fti andupwards received interest allbwcdatcwnerit rates ankadded to principal overy year whether passbook is tjrohtia or not spectnl deposit receipts issued for large sums j p bell agent georgetown ont thenews at home montly of a local character and evarvitom interesting a irttty floral service a very pretty flower service wus held hy thp junior lotvijuo on tuatiday evening tho icriptnro iiuotalionb hymnv rcoita- tionp etc nil hud reforonco to flowers and ovory motnltbr mid their visitors were bouijuets to mrh oram thoauporibtend- ont unci jova matthowb president credit ib duo tor tho huccoss of tho service what is home without it in answer to tho quabtiou what is homowithnut ftnoaflpaperau-exolang- neiqhborhood news table spoons desert spoons tea spoons knives and forks nb other store in fown can show you sucha fineussorr ment of t line of goods quality the best prices ijriow if you need some give us a call geo hyndsy jewelery store acton fkrf look at tho dato on tlio label on your tv paper and you will aoo how your subscript itonow promptly itwlll oonfora iftpor tlonstnds ivor ftyt 3utott jfrie ffeisa thokbday auqtst fi 1807 little local brieflets says well brother after scratching tho thin spot on our head several times wo novo oomo to tho tjbnoluaion that it ia tho place whero old hats are bluffed into broken windows whero tho wife looks liko a bag or wool with a string tied around tho middle of it whore tho huebsud has a tobacco panorapaa pointed bn his shirt front and the neglected children wipajheir jdobos on tbpir jacket sleeves wodd all those wants could bo supplied by thb news paper a farcical gamo of ball tho public was iuviteritq the park on saturday afternoon to witness a good game of ball those who accepted tho invitation and paid thetrdminsion feo were treated to tuo worst exhibition of ballplaying put up this season iubtead of coming with a full team of playors strengthened by one of the beat batteries in toronto the brampton olab oamo up with only seven men and lad to draw upon acton for a couple of pi ay ore tho game wab indiffer ent throughout tho visitors wore weak and the homo team complotcd thefaroo by not trying to play score 12 to 7 in favor of acton 7fewa6f our churches in the absence of rev j k qodden m rockwood tho kings daughter lawn hocial wiiu held qd tho man ho grounds on friday oven- ing and although the weather waa very unfavorable u lurgo number attfiidcd it af tor supper hud been bervcd the pro gramma wub given iu tlid church speeches wero made by ruvs straohun and bilker and by hugh black kaij the ladies band of uillsburg played frequently dur ing tho evening mieb muokouiie and mr j btraohan sang boioh mr r stowart who is attouding college atloxington ky was at hia parontu 1a 0 mo here for a short visit laat wcel coming and going visitors to and from aoton and variousother personal notes rev mr straohaut held a salo of hia household goodb on wednoaday 11th ult mr emugeo is homo on a visit to hie mother mr mgeo loft tho villuge elovou ycare ago ancp ainoo that time has been living iu idaho a who was taken suddenly ill inmuskdka and unable to return nemo rev jag ross conducted the jcr vices in st albans ohuroh last sunday morning andeyphtngt rev mr maopherson is keeping op his reputation in tho matter of the recep tion of candidates into membership of knox church last sunday at the com- mnniou eervicetwempbew members wore received the owt oommnnion service under the pastorate of rev j a molaoh- lan m a last sunday was full of interest tho new pastors sermons were able and appro fri llinn whlcrr cauffht the eyes or ears of free press rodorters this week well what about civic iloliday good harvest weather siuce friday couuoil meeting next monday ovoning t tho voleta list for 1r1i7 has been iesued the threshers are commencing their round a emancipation day camo on sunday this y cur tho farmers are in better heart thin week than last the pretty and graooful golden- rod is gain iu bloom tho jee fbess to any flidjeaa till the endoftbeycar for 40 cents rit costd 950 a day to live in klondike- and tho landlords dont trust did botoe one bay there was ababoball mat oh in lbs park on saturday the fall fair season is at habd toronto fair opens thrco weeks from monday a party of citizens went to burlington on tuesday on the georgetown exenrsion rbv t rforbes conduoted auccessf al fconlversary services at oh a rob ill last bantlay ho grass has grown under the farmers feet tbhv week while getting in their bay ana whoa t when you go away for yoar bummer vacation order the free press sent to your temporary address another week of dark nights and no treotumps the poople are getting im patient borne ones to blaffle it is olainied that ammonia will cure a moequilo bite so willa hard alap given jtiat before the raoefjuito gets his drill adjusted rovr e a cary7oft3raliav will pretoh for the diaciplca on sunday th aqgast llevijmr j lofeyro tho pastor will officiate at grand valloy that vbabbatb rraty county editor says he wrote a strong artlclo on supporting home indobtry and one of the store keepers wro to him than king him for hiaaenti- ment on a letcerhead printed in toronto anotherlotof 100 carrier pigeons was eeninp tomr h sholmea of the g t v r from torontoon saturday to be liberat ed they circled about aoton for about fifteen minutes before arriving at their 1 bearings tor toronto tho pigeons invari ably make for fafry lake before leaving for their destination 1 a treat is in etoro for base ball lovers on saturday the st lawrences of gv toronto whoso visit a few weeks ago was so touch enjoyed will meet the aoton s in tbe fark here in two games tho first will be called at b p m and tho second will i follow immediately upon the conolasion of t the first one admission fee will admit to both games the comwdrctal examinations the following high school pnpila were buccossful at the recent examinations in tho county georgetown v p barber j 1 boliulo honors h a bracken j a clark c p cross w j graham j g henderson a g holmes m f hatcbin- bon d mcgibbon h g mitchell f h mitchell j h oneill h f oram e m roy l t routledge j scott 1 c smyth e m wilson 6kville j b earlo alex orayr andrew gray irr husband g e joyce jas luscombe boiiors juiialubcombe honors barbara maopherson honors beatrice maopherson e m moulton m picket ella m sheri dan i m wasa called ia tlie prluto pf 11 fe about the lft9t of may mr robert moore of fergus spent a conplo of days with aoton friends last thursday tho bad qewb of his death reached hero he was affiiotcd with an internal tumor an operation was porformed a weok before hib dsah bat it was unsuccessful mr moore was a strong hearty man of vigorous con stitution and was highly esteemed in the circles ia whioh he moved he was in his flftyseoond year an active mombor of the methodibt churoh and also- of the i 0 forebtors the funeral laat friday was conduoted by revs t w jackson and matthew swann tho foresters also took part in the labt cad rites mr moores partner in lifo and bis family of three sans and two daughters survive him they are left in vory comfortable circumstances death of rev fr hehmaaa the sad news of the death of rev father lehmann reaobed acton on monday ho had been ill for some time and last friday was operated upon in st josephs hospital gaelph for appendioitns ho did not rally after the operation and died on sonday morning father lehmann nativo miltow xbepulpit of knox churoh waft occupied by rev mr milne of j3 baton cjhurohjjp the morning add rev mr mcquarrio of nelboriino ovohiugjast sunday mrs j s doaconand the misses jea- con are spending tho holidays at uielr eum- tuei homo port kewiydid lake mus- kbka j one morning last week as albert walea was operating the metalia aiding press at the milton wire rooflog co he careless- iy loft his right hand on d shoot of iron which ho had placed underneath tho die tho diedeconded and out off the tips of the second and third finger a dr robert- eon dressed tbe wounded hand last woek rev a ojborne d d in cumbent of grace church received a telegram convoying the bad news that mr osborne who has bejinn invalid for borne time and who remained at princo edward islandwhonheoamertcrmtltohrwabdyingr dr osborne took tho 1043 a m c p r train for tho east champion tho fikk pittas invites all jta roadora tooon lributu to this column if you or your frlonds uro goius iway on a holiday trip or if you have irioiulh vlflitinsynu drop a earoy to tbo fiieb pukhb master charlio hoi men id visiting friends in goderioh mrs a spoors ward ia viailiug friends iu hamilton miss jennie and ada gurnoy aroviuiting friends at belwood mibs susie grandon of berlin visited aotonfriendn t r for n assagaweya tbo wot weather the last week oaueod omc of the fall wheat to sprout in the shocks as well as as thu standing grain mrs joseph aud mrs hey ward cornells of beverley township spent sunday tho 25th ult with their mother mrd wm langrili at kuatnhbull mr thos storoy had tho misfortune while cutting grain jabt week to drive on a grahrbradle and cut his horsed leg so badly that it will bo laid off work for a month or more it is an old proverb that accidents will liappeu in tho beat of pec pies hands mrs robert coxo is visiting frienlv in flamboro at preeent mr aud mrs scott of eramusa npont sunday with roeve marshall farmerb are busy rushing iu thoir fall wheat crop thia wtok tho tino warm weathertho last few days haa driud out the straw and grain so aa to make it fit to bo gathered into tho barns if tho woathcr continues favorable for a few day a wo will hear the steam whistle calliug tho boys to tbo threshing about tho beginning of next weok mr c a goodeve expects to loave winnipeg man shortly mr 0 a qampbell of gnelpb spent a day pr so iu town this week miss clara cobban is spending a few weeks with toronto friends miss mat boson of erin was the gaeat tliis weok ofmrs n f moore miss may moore returned from a weeks visielit gogrgetowo oh saturday mra harry tindall of arthur is ttfe gnobt of mrh roy jas a mclaobfan mrrobt watabn of norval vieitod at the homoof ocancillpr donny last week mra daniel graham aud bbldron have gone to erin fqr a couple of weeks l mr and mrs josm moore of george town were guosts of aoton friends this week masters george and hobey cooke of guelph are visiting friends in their former homo mr and mrd alex smith and misb maggie visited relatives in luther last week mrs thomas smyth of penotangai- shene is the guest of her sister miss maggie cures talk in favor of hoods saruaporilla as for no other modi- of no its sreat oures recorded in truthful convincing lauguago of grateful men and women constitute its most offectivo ad vertising many of tbosb cures are mar velous they havo won tho confidence of tho people jiayb given hoods sarsapa- rllla the largest sales in the world and have made xtecosbary for its manufacture the greatest laboratory on earth hoods barsaparilla is known by tho cures it has madeuurw of morula salt rheum and eczema cures of rhoumatlam neuralgia nnd weak neryoa cures of dyspepaia liver troubles oaurrb cures which prove alma cqlleoe for young women areiltlcnilalictiool collegiate and pre- elocution m tin mi mormlandiilicilc aclvantagei afllu- aud with victoria eight aero park iow ratti- foruiuitratcdtatklpsueandpanlcultnaildrclit fiivrwirnir ma prlnolpil st thomnonl krilta jb jhe initio fiet tlip oiia true blood piirinor m nfi rc llvcr- lll easy to w barber bros paptir makkrh harvest time in retail buying- no matter where you turn in our store tho harvest lime of unusual values for nice fresh uptodate roods is ready midsummer prices arc the lowest ol the year tho discouraged purse can got a great stroke during this sale it is a funeral of profits and the procession conies from each department its a harvest time of splendid yields ior tho frugal economical huyer mllllnnry and blonsea georgetown ont uakx i srbouxtx or machine fifiisiied book papers aitd ciii0hoilaigweekitffewa thopaper used in thia journal ia from tbeobovbmillb wm babber bhos the v days are ncjw wijh us an extra v effort will be used to keepour business ahead wall paper half price will be accepted during these hot days window shades cost is all stock lasts ave ask awhile tie ashqrove theoefiationof the oontidnod rain of the pmt week aud half hs afforded tbe ifairmere of thia looaiity a nidob wiihedirfor tralty for gathering in tbelr grain feoomplainta of wheat growing in the sheaf are brd and in tome oaaea they are only too well grounded however taking tbinga jlioiteihtr we believe that oar neighbor jhood baa not suffered aa ranoh from the lwjt weather ai waa at flrat antiolpated v- itlemnob tothe oredic of par farmore g that tboorh exceedingly anijona to tave f r their crop they oould itill wait for monday mornldg and did not aa we learn was done in other plaoe deaeotateihe sabbath eby drawing in whoat barley etc on that pv wy mtss minnio morrison of orangeville is fcji t pending a fw wecka with her cousin of thii plaoa mr aahenburst wife and child of itoroiito spent sunday at hia old homo vlire mr w cook of st catharines is viiit- jjngamongst hia former friends in this lviowuf jvtllmount of money handled at our eatorea mnufaotorim etc has been ma oh tmajrer- this week than ever before pflfhapa hard limes are- coming ouf way bflvive irait to aee a marked improvemont n ba-r- with the close of harvest gpojl pair wood stove also second- btpd oflbk blove for sale cheap men s waa a nativo ot formosa and was 30 years of age it is a striking coincidence that death olainied him on the anniver sary of his ordination when be came to aoton to tako tho duties of rev father haieywhen ho went to tbo old country last year on a trip for bis faoalth during his residence in aoton of three or four months father xiehmaun mado many friends who regret his untimely death tho funeral took place yesterday to tbe family plot in the cemetery at iormosa rev father haley attended from acton are they quite consistent thero irjrihvdorhiht ion no exceptions to the rule everywhere it is the same but citizens may he found who purchase articles from every tramp pedlar who arrives calling himsolf a travelling representative of such and booh a house teas dry goods groceries jewel ry spectacles stationery inks oflloe supplies printing etc tbosovery oitizens are also the first to run to tbo borne mer chant when donation is required for tbo church or charity and to the printing office to ask the publisher to help thorn out of borne t rouble or givo somebody bail colum bia or trot out some fad of theirb and abuse every man in thfi village and if yot ask that kindota man if he takes the paper ho says why no i have no use for it but he borrows it from some prompt paying cubacriber before he has had a cb an oe to read it himself just tho same an a bundant harvest being housed during the past week the fnax puess has talked with farmers in all parta of this section respecting the oropa and tho con sensus of opinion la that although the heavy rains of last week did considerable damage to the hay and fall wheat crops the damage is not nearly no great aa waa at crewsons corners tbo raiubtorm of last week dil not do as much damage to the oats and whoat as was at first thought quite a number from bbro attended the anniversary services at churchill on sun day 1 mr a mceachorn of eriu is tho first thresher to make his appearance in this vicinity with his now waterloo th re ailing maohino with all the latest improvements he threshed for mr morgan crewson yesterday mr s lasby met with a very painful aaccidontono day labt woek whilo in tho act of reaching for a chisel it foil wlthsaoh force as to out a deep gash in hia foot it required flvo stitchos to sow up tho wound mr lasby will be laid off work for some- lime mr chas sahly of toronto who olaims to bo the smallest man in the world pass ed thro ugh here on july 23th on his way to guelph ho was the gneat of mr george cann ho ia 38 years old and measures 8 feot inohes in height and wu 69 puuudul mr m 1 campbell of fort erie is visiting at his aunts mrs jas gamble mr robert orippa left last tuesday on a three months visit to friends in mich igan miss emma cripps who hab been spend ing her vacation at her home here returnod to hamilton this week mr and mrs robt sherlock and mrs richard sherlock and children of park- dale are visiting friends here mr a kentner and miss ethel kent nor of ballinafad vieited at mr n forbes on sunday 7 mr and mrs jos anderson of arkell visited at mr n forbes this week miss cynthia cripps who has boon in hamilton for some time has returned home mrs henry moore of walker ton is visiting friends bore kennedy mr and mra hamlu and children of guelph wore guests o mr william gurney this week miss liizda mclam loft on saturday for norwood where she will spend a month or bo with relativos mr and rrs r d warren and family of georgetown visited friends in town daring tho week mr fred tushingham of toronto spent a week with relatives hero and returned home on monday miss gertie glabsey of georgetown is bpendinga couple of weoka with her aunt mrs alfred sopor mies carrie smith who haa been iu sarnia during the millinery boason return ed home laat woek mr roab and children who were gueata of aoton friends during tho weok returned homo on saturday mm c f gbodevo received last week tho pad intelligence of the doath of her bister in hartney man mr und mr narold wianifrith and master gordon of toronto were gueata of mr alex secord this week mdebra albert and willie gurney and master ernie loft on monday to spend a few holidays at bracebridge mr and mrs r j sherlock and mias ruby of pdrkdalo vieited at the home of mr w p campbell this week mr e j moore left last friday on a wheeling trip to toronto newmarket and roaohs point on like slmcoe mrs chas ryan of georgetown who was the gaebb of aoton friends for several weeks returned home on monday mr and mrs robert hyde of sprlng- fieldonthocredft were on a viait to esquqbiug friends duriog the week mr j g gallagher of the ontario bank buokingham made his friend mr a t brown a abort visit on saturday mr and mrs molgau miss mqligan and mias clark of hamilton were guests at the home of mr james olark labt week mrs godden went to muskoka on mon day and iseiatod rev mr godden home ho is suffer ing from a severe attaok of gastritia mr and mrs w t stono and family of toronto misses agues and winifred wnrrnn of walkertnn are vlfiting at thn baby bugslea- invoice prices can procure these only nine nice ones on hand chas i nelles bookseller cuolph adtofi mr8 8 roszell having purchaaed the acton laundry is anxious to make it a success- our work has been well received and we thank those yho have favored us with their patronage we havo the capacity for filling many more orders satisfactorily and solicit general patronage prices reasonable laundry in cooks former stand aot machine and repair shops henby qbinobli propriotor a be woll oquippod tthb all tho macblnorv neooasary tooxecute all ropalrs to maoblo- ory andagrloulturallmploniontiiandto do all finds of ateamnttlor hona- booing and general blaoksmltblng woodwork repaira norformod in a satlafaotory manner wo can ropalr and maolilno or implomont of any maa 9aw gumming and filing dono uy piece of trimmed millinery at the price of the most ordinary style or rjualily wo are slashing the prices badly 24 childs linen iimbroldcry tarns regu lar ioo for 50c 250 straw sailors at half pi ice blouses woll yes not the badly cut out of date blouses sold elsewhere but pricesjust its low only better style summer dress goods this meansloads ofpretty rflaterials from the cheapest to the dearest quality it means only hew stylos and tiatty designs it means goods in ilackand colors it means the cheapest dress goods in the city see them silks fancy blouse and dress silks at less that half price wash goods iive bigfables full hem including i2je prints jot yc arid fancy oigondics of every quality away tlown inprice smallwaresr belts another lot of novelties just opened pretty belts at almost any price from toe up corse1s cool as as an offended friend are our linen and canvas corsets of french make v stockings children rcaisc to go barefooted just becnusc of the luxury of wearing our cheap stockings parasols plain ones at 35c ones at higher prices hut- all cheaper than- the cheapest fancy of them rji mens and boys wear strav hats are ripe come in and pick one wehave tile best variety in the cityand bought at less than 50c on the summer coats ond vests well made in good stylesind good material tho only thing low about hem is our summer price the hot waves will come like rollers on tho beach our light bnlbriggan nrtd natural merino underwear is the most comfortable clothing prices cut e k bollert 25 and 27 wyndliam street gtjelph co ouse cor of king iand fluglison sts no time like the present undeniable bargains are the order of the day dress goods 63 luoh colorod iustrp regular ai35 now roll ing at me these ore in good ohaqos and at tbo prlee will eoll quick eaincb all wool twood tegular goo gooda reduoed to 85c per yrd french uoaturuo drosses regular 10 dresaes selling your oholae for aiiw all woo navy borge lnohoa wldo 25c blouses ladles blouse walau wblto laundered collar and cans ad j as table unoncolors regular price 9135 nowroducodto75o tnese- aro vokouaok and fall front 10 gents pays for your name on 10 boautlful didren namk card8 loveiy ptoturea or fl hrfndaame nalllag curdu cash with order fltamrawkeu address canadacabd houbbrinserboll out vvvffwvvvvff www vwwvv wwvw we have not wings we can blouse waists white laundered collar and cuffs adjustable pink cambric check and tripo regular 1jj5 goods now soiling for 75c tbesa have foil front with points in yoke ladle blouse walatb white laundorod oollar and caffs adjustable printed lawn in pink and blue ms5 for 75e v ladles mauvooambrloblsuso waists oollar and duffs adjustable is5 ror 75c ladies blonso waists in navy and white jtorollpattaiii american muslin adjustable col lars lw now 75o chambrsy blouse waists in sky pink and cadet adjustable oollsrs tlso now aioo american mualin wrappor full skirt and bishop sleeves 9235 now 195 navy print wrappers lull skirt and yoke back l50 for q1j25 new black lustre dross skirts 7 gorod aa75 and 0400 muitlnbry leghorn hats 19 and 30o those aro in black and white the former prices wore 25 and 35o straw bats untrimmed 50o now 25o 85c now sso 100 now 50o 9300 now loo ladles sailor hats jubt in tbo vory latest shapes colors and wblto all trim mod millinery greatly reduced ladles toulst cycling and outing hats aud tarns ghlldrons muslin and embroidery hau and douuota a largo assortment prlcos right linens and sheetings now apron linon 38 inches irfde colorod bor der iso new apron linen onihr61dood bordorlujjiuo and redrsc hucktqwois alllinoulbx3010c oach huck towols bpoolal value 10x3 lajc huck towels 22x44 20o and 25o 84 plain bleached shooting iso and 20c b 4 twill bleached shooting 18a aud 221c 40 inchplain huow cotton 10c 4a inch plain pillow cotton lic 44 lnoh plain pulow cotton 13jc extra vol no la table linen go inch unbleach ed 25o 85c 450 65c 65c r 60 inch iiloached tablo linen u5b 37c 45o 55c 72 inch bleached tablo llnon at 75c bath towels 124o 15o 20o h5o bath towels 35o 400 45o to 75o wash goodb cotton crepona roducod from 20o 25a 27c t one price 16a cotton crepons roducod from lajc 15a 20c to one price 10c ginghams reduood from 10a and 12jo to 74a colored mjifilns roducod from 17o from sso to lso juat to hand a now lot of figured mubiiub for loo worth double mall orders have our prompt attoutlon railway otatlpn in ontario purchases of 6500 and ovor prepaid tc your nearest the raw cuttinq winds first 1 eft rod tbe weather which baa fol lowed the rainy spell has been of the exaot sort necehsary to minimise the avil effect upon grain of the soaking it got some varlotiea of wheat effpeoially the bearded and white variotios bp routed to a more or leas serious extent but tbo red varieties escaped almost entirely a large qdantily of late hay has been badly discolored the yield of fall wheat in this vicinity la very large boroo farmers estimate yields from thirty to thirty five bushels to the acre oats are a apletidfd crop generally and al though they wero hnooked down a good deal by tbe storms they have in moat oases recovered if tho weathor continues fine from this time forward the farmers will till reap an abundant and profitable harvest to lut handsome mbdiamaiaod store on principal corner acton has a becodd mclaren a oo gaelph give a scholars companion free with every pair of tobooi shoes thia con tains lead pencil elate pencil rud rubber iu a neat case bring to tho surfacd ovory latent pain kheumatism neuralpia lumbago and oomplaints of a aimiar character hold revel at this season of tho year amongst human nerves and human muscles the best tho raobt powerful and most certain pain euro is norvilino nothing equals nervilino for penetrating powor norvi lino la beyond comparison tho grandest discovery for tho relief of pain offered to the public it you want firstclass guolph sash and floors at guelph prioor t eona6kcan flll your order at his planing mill if you want any of the following- artioles call and see john mcqueen agent at his warerooma cooking stove bedroom suite bedsteds sideboard extension tablo stovepipes and a number of other articles fruit qutturo is more profitable to the ferine jiow than his other eropi brown bros co tbe most extonsivo nnraery bonse in canada have a vaoancy in this section write them at browns nurseries p oontario for their terms s the thermometer in lincoln nob on saturday registered one hundred and four in the shade home of mr john warren rev f w goodove b a left last week foe toronto junotion whore he will take charge of tho episoopal church during tho aboenco of the rev f h da verne t mrs wm smith and children of toronto aro spending a week or bo in town mr smith is contractor for the brick and stono work on the methodist churoh mr j o matthews returned homa on monday after managing georgetown oat ofco for a week dpring tbeabasvpco of postmaster henderson onjahpliday trip meaars jarries a nliomas moore mr and mrs william hemstreet and mr and mrs h p mooro were at fergus last weok attending the funeral of the late robert moore mrs o s kinnear of erio pa was a guest at the home of capt shaw she has heon visiting canadian friends at various points since the international epwdrth league convention rev p haley spent last wetk visiting friends in detroit sandwich and toledo ohio he reports crops not to be com pored to canadian crops in the city of toledo many are in want and destitution monday was torontos olvio holiday among the toronto visitors to aotou were mr and mrs w- p brown mr aqd mr f h smyth aud bon mr aud mrs p j smith and mtis queenie mr charles h moore mias emma moore mr richard sherlock miss emma ahera mr and mrs john ausmah mrs john mcglli mr walter carroll mr and mrs a wenham mr- and mrs t h thompson and master wuue mr geo a ooombes of hamilton is a gneat at tho home of mr w 0 king but we can alt ride it the nearest approach to heavenly motion streng safe speedy prices are still 100 and 75 to all alike whero hia grandmother mra corey realdea ho will upend a few weeka here on a vlait combining bnilneas and pleaanre br ooombea will bo roroembered aa the yoang man who ioit hie right arm by a gun ahot last fall he waa oat hunting had been riding in a waggon and while taking the gun out of the waggon oaught tbe trigger on the waggon box and diaobarged tho ooutcnta into hia arm hea a pluoky young fellow and aa abon aa the arm waa healed be went bank to toboolr oootlnued bia iludlea an 1 at laat otamlnamoue ana- oeodedin paaaing thotublio school iisay- ing examination oaring the holidaya be ia obgiged in oaqvaaaing with a uaefnl houaebold artlole and with hie prouti in- tendaaeoaring an arliflolal arm h a loier co toronto agent at brown acton aaaaaaaaa4iaiafcaaa ask fc esi a afc afc tsi aaaaasiaaa bad watchks arc made worse by incompetent workmen because it takes a better workman to mako a bad watch goo than it does to make a good watch bad if you have a watch which has done good service give it a chance to do mor a saving of twentyfive cents in the price of repairing will not make up for a more than likely double that amount of spoiling i nave a reputation to keep tip my lifes study has been repairing watches nnd how to do it well nnd f have been successful at it i have every facility for doing the best possible work and i do positively dosircyou to come and ask for the return of be amount paid if any timepiece of any kind repaired by me does not run well after my reputation is worth more to mo than all the dollars i may havo to return please dont doubt my sincerity in this prlnglc the jeweller guelph thomas c watkins the right house hamilton hknuhl midsummer bargains we are now in the midst of our midsuriimer sale and are a nxious during the next ten days to clear out the whole of our stock of wash goods dress goods cottons 4s heeti n gs keduced pric es all hnest gents wear hosiery carpets c low quotations irt gbrogeries extra valuein teas goods delivered to any par of the town store closes at 7 pm gblixmfcia bicjroles kiahv dosath bbttbh thrn 8usr bold in 100 columbia now 85 j gents boliimbia now 70 xiadies oolumlbia now 70 idalrjiesvhaitfbrd 58 100 cleveland good as new 50 jewellers pvjiev06 guelph a e xttrxy fe qo mill st acton c f qoodete c acton on hand get our prices before going elsewhere fresh qrotlndgdffee our coffee is noted for its jrine flavor purity and strength we grind it fresh as you want it thus preserving its strength no roasted peas in it chicory mixed with it if preferred only 40c a lb n b we have no intention of leaving town c f aoodeve co acton jb jsxxva th to 18th j 897 izinstoextuul arfaulturl exhibition uts stook bnudingt in amerioa mora improvements and jaajr wrart btookman agrloullurlat manunwturar dairyman 4wrtoaiouilylnltd plnahdapartmenu bnooeaa aaaured jf assfin ben am the arab prince has bn saaurad to furnish and auparlntand the stasa attractions auction sale ol booth and privileges aug 15th on the grounds nl 1 pm for priio lists programme and maps apply to lt col p b leys proaldent thos a browne saoretary the jnost extanatraf artiitafimt xntrlaaoiom m isjiii i