Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 5, 1897, p. 4

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yo its the best tiling for the hair under all circumstances just as no man by taking thought can add an inch to his stature so no preparation can make hair the utmost that can be dotie is to pro- mote conditions favorable to growth this is doiic by ayeks ixair vigor jt re moves dandruff cliianscs the scalp nourishes the soil in which the hair grows and just as a desert will blossom under rain so baia heads grow hair when the foots are nour ished but the roots must be there if you wish your hair to retain its normal color or if you wish to restore the lost tint of gray or faded hair use ayers hair vigor ljrftortrr5s thursday attgtst g 1897 ij jgoungxolhis wisht x wvs vlsht i wubagurl stid uv b6in a boy an bangroy bair ail cat lco croam an rido ttblad iny follors team likodurlffduz wiflbtlwusaglrll wiuht i wus a gurl an nbont como sunday nito id whack that old pianuor just oloati apouton bitu au id marry homo ricb fellor likoeurlh du wiaiitlwubaglrll wiubtlwubarurl id juat cbaw gum an talk an whpn outtcr promonod id tako ap all the walk liko bum rlrib duz wiabt i wua aglrl i wiabi i wnaarnrl all boys good for lat tor carry coal an run odd jobs an git off tbo walk tor dndy bnoba like i did tfotbor nito wiabt t wus a girl wiflut jwus a gurl wlsbt tbs lord made all boys gurlo an niako gurlb boyb tad boon tbo namo an id boon lloy ann by namo an abod boon jobn or joo stid of jaho wiibthobad wiabt i wus a girl odd wagers r the queer things that mon havo staked moneyqn itis abtonianiiih what quoor tlihiffn paoijlo wiiliintlcrtuko to porform for tbo aako of winning o wjor a gorman man naroeu honripli stott mnilq a bet ot 12g0 that during tbo timo between juno 15 18111 and january 1 1810 ho would walk through ut leaat two countrioa of oftqh of the ft vo con tinentb of tbo world defraying the oxnona- ob of hia journoy with the inouoy ho earned en route stott had plenty of advouluroi on hia journey in alglore ho was arrested as a bpy but acquitted after boing detuindd fou months in prison he anally won hia wager with some dayb to epare another uniquo performance was tlit recently aoaompliahod by a wealthy amor- ioao named has bam of cincinnati this gentleman made a bet of 5000 against 810000 that ho would trundle a wheel barrow 10000 milob in 450 days under tho following peculiar real rib lion a- and con ditions he was tp atari from oinoioiiati with only foaraericain hb pdaeeeaipn and ho had to retam within uua tinio fpaolflod eitbor with 8300o mcaeh ora wifb uo had neither to beg borrow upr- ateal any money during hia journey nor use any of bia private drlane but must earn the money to pay hia way he had to put up at the beet hotel in every placeat which he stopped and tnaat pay not leas than j3 day attadi of tliem the wager arofloout of a diaousbiou aa to tho ohauce of obtain iug work in the united states the man who eventually laid the wager contending that money could always bo made easily by one able and willing to work ilia inter- eating to learn that ho won hia bet bring ing home a wife and money also not long ago a parisian student in order to win bet swallowed five bilk neoktioa tfce event took place in a beer house juat outside paris tho conditions were that the neou- dont knock- underv fim ruined utterly mined 1 eaid a oleonedont bpoonlator in oar hoaring the other day the gentleman had invested hibeaab in several tempting bubbleo ond they bad all bnrbt leaving him without anything in the world that ho could call hia own aavq his watch hie wardrobe lot of unsettled bills and the illwill of bia creditors and so and ho migbt have sat for a piotare of despair when be said it although he was a etoutbalo man of thirty- five he baid he wab rained and might ae well knook nnder knock under 1 ko never 1 always rally yonr forces for another and more dea- perato assault npon adversity if poverty oomo upon yon like a thiet in the night what then let it rouse y on an the pres ence of a real thief would do to energetic action no matter how deeply yon may have got into hot water ftlwaya provided ties should be out into piecoa and dreeiest aa a salad with oil bru vinegar and pepper and thib original mixtqro should be swallowed within six minutea the btu- dent performed tbie difficult operation in five minutes and a bait and washed down tbo salad with uo less than ten litres of beer he therefore won the bet borne- months ago a proviaoial bair dresser named jacques won a bet of 81000 wbiobbe bad made with a rival that he would blindfolded sbavo 80 men in an hour he performed this remarkable fot in fiftynine minutes without inflicting a single cut it isrecordod that out of the 91000 jacques gave half to the deserving poor of his town whom ho offered to shave gratuitously ever afterward anothnr ahaving feafewfta that performed some time ago by a hungarian barber ho made a bet of 100 florins that he would on a railway jonrnoy of twentynine miuutoa from piatayn to neubtvdt abave twenty- five men without catting them- the bet was more than won for be aotually shaved tbree more than the stipulated number omo yeara baok a farmer- at kirton lindaey in xtnoolnahire undertook for a wager ofa few pounds to ride a pony up two pair of btaira into a chamber of tho george inn and down again which feat be aotually performed before a large com pany whose astonibbraent was heightened by the rider being upwards of 240 pounds in weight and bia horse lesa than c00 pounds they were weighed after tho feat to decide another wager a year or two ago profeaapr julea gaut- ier accgmpliehed a remarkable feat in swimming from folkestone to dover about eight miles with bia hands and feet man- aoted although tbo sea was somewhat rough and unfavorable gantier b tar ted from the victoria pier at folkestone at 1210 p m in the presence of a large con oourae of people and auccesafully accom plished the dialanoe reaohing dover at 410 pm a city mans wail thee are thousands like him in canada to bo candid und truthful i am mieer- abjouaed up nervoim nudaant bleep those days i feel as if lift wua not worth living i uavo triad country air and have etriotly followed my ilootorh udviop yot hprd i amfubt woarinu nwiiy this confession made by a roaidont of ono of our largest cauudiati oiliop truly roproeentb tho condition of thousands of mon and women old and jouog at thie lime of tho year it iti almobt certain that euoh weukly and brbkoii down men and women have not yot hoyd tho joyful ituws that fainea cblery oomppundis lliegroat life ronewer and buildor the mctfiuino tlmt makes tlm woak btrgiig that gives vim aud truo apjmty totliq languid and dcbpondent that makes the hlqpa pure and red ilia givoadigebtryo vigor aud sweet- rbfreawng sleep aro ybii dedr reader amongst the afflicted ones aro you pining in misery and suffering and foil of dread fears p it so let nb point you to the only frtediolne that can meet your case without fear of failure it is paiuoa jelery compound natures medjeino for the tired and worn out body aud unstrung norvofl the vir tues of thia medioiue strike right at tbe boat of tbo trouble quiokly briugiug health and bappinebs it has a marvellouarecord of cures a fabt and enduring fame won by rescues and life saving will you tebt its eifioacy you rouat if you dobire bealtb pn v a well as extended yearn much in little is especially true of hoods rills for no medi cine ever contained so great curative power in o small spaco tbey are a whole medlelne terrors of rheumatism a remedy whloh lo instantaneous and pormanont in effect a calgary resident crippled for three years becomes strong as an athlete no subtle or myatoriouu force coulci bo moro miraculous i its effaots than is south ambrican uheumatia cure in all cases of rhoumutiam jumeb a arideraon of calgary n v t says that soyon oroight yoara ua he ho- qurao a hi toted with rhuumatlbm and for threu yoaru it mad him a cripple bo that be had to use a atioc to got ubout iu hia own words 1 snfforod uutold miaoky und though treated by the beat phybiaians in tlio country ami l spout u term in j lie hospital rooovery i oomod aa hopeless as ever a friend rec umanded south amer ican itheumatio cure it gives help im- hicdiutoly and atter tbo second bottlb i threw away my btiok today j am aa strong as an athlete price 75 contfl 8old by a t brown it ia not ypureelfonly yon will serve by the fbffiretfoitdltopefnfa ha you will be a perpotual cordiul and tbnio to all those among whom your jot iacabt rheumatism can be eureo- nearly thteen yeare ugo 1 wus taken very severely with rheumaturh and ul- tbougb ihavo beon treated for itby beveral pbctotaetandoibowhereboaidea using anv amount of patent medioines and vaunt ed rheumatic oureai never found only temporary relief until six months ago when dr halatcda rhoumatio cure ured mo so that i have not felj anything of it bince rioitl binoium acton march 15th 38d7 when you make everything else cheap yon makoyourbelf cheap ritiisant huro and quick uektlbuen 1 amploahodtb raoo m ro en d yonr laxa livor pills for ooustipatiou dyspepsia and biok headache i have used them far those troubles and and them a pleasant eqco and quick enre frep from the annoying griping of other pilla i have heretofore need signed h jamea st nicholas hotel hamilton ont chest always ready al ways cfuctcnt always sat isfactory prevent a cold or fever tiureau liver ills sick headache jaundice constipation etc 25a the only riilflto take with hoods barsaparllla a judioioub combination paya better than trusting to one thing a summer specific dr fowlers extract of wild straw berry euro cholera morbus diarrhoea dysentery cramps colic bummer com plaint canker of the mouth and all bowel complaints of ohtfdvon or adults it ia a boo things effectual and never failing med ioine which gives immediate refief and speedily effects a euro a shrewd princeling that yon did not help the father of ilea to beat it your qaao if yon are made of the right sort of atnff is not desperate for it ia in accord with the divine order and sweep of tbioga that life should have no difflonltieb which an honest determined man with a fair share of brains and bleavona help cannot surmount where smokinp is prohibited at stargard in prussian pbmerania a paragraph of the police regulations made in 1840 and a iff in force reads aa follows smoking in the street or promftnaflo ot thi town is absolutely prohibited violators of this law being punished by a fine or eventually by a number of lashes with a switoh equivalent to the number of marks the fine amounts to a number of respectable citizena of stargard were recently brought up charged with a breaob of thib law and the magistrates having no option fined every one of the accused all having admitted the offence of imokiog in thestreete smoking at one time was in beveral countries punished moat severely offenders in russia in the early part of tfae beventeonth century havinc their noses ont off and in morocco being imprisoned and then flogged through the streets quickwitted a inilkmtnwabhrlfiuing alorig one morning lately when he saw tho milk iir peoturin the dibtanoe evidontally prowl ing for samples as ho came near him the milkman stumbled over a briok aooiden- tally on purpose and hia can rolling in tho road was emptied are you hurt aald the inapector kinlly a ho helped him to rifie 1 am he replied a little but i am i ui i m i arri sorry for you a aid the inspeotor for i was just going to ask for a sample but it is no me now when the inspeotor had gone tho milk man muttered to himself that it had to be done for tho spilling of the milk had raved him from a fine of 15 and boats i alphabets of the world the lettora in the alphabets of the dif ferent nations vary in number of letters from 12 to 202 tho sandwich islanders have the first named number the burmese 10 italians 20 bengatese 21 hebrew syrian chaldean and samaritan 22 eaoh latin 23 greek 24 gorman dutch and english 20 eaob spanish and slavonio 27 each armenian bb russian 41 old muioovlto 48 sanscrit aud many other oriental languages havo 50 eaoh ethiopian and tartarian have 202 each make the farm a home tho pleaaant- cat place lu the world some paopla ara always finding fault with nature for potting tborna on roaaa i ibank liar for having put rom on thorue the eleven- yearold son of princebb beatrice has marked utilitarian tendencies his grandmother the quoen had sont him a sovereign for pocket money he quiokly spent it and then olivortwiotliko he applied for more the qaeon wrote him a refusal and alao abided the boy for his ex trvagance the businesslike young p dutifully r dearest grandmother i received your letter and hope you will not think i was disappointed becauber you could not send me any money it was very kind of you to give me good advice i sold you letter for 1 10a when tirod and hungry eat something easily and qaiokly digobtcd u the bestcough cure is hagyards pec toral balsam- it boals the lungs and cures coogbb and colda dont your father and mother go to ohnrab boy they oant go tor- day fer mother sprained hoc back chucktn father down at aire and bo got hialeg broke see pale eiokly children should nao mother graves worm exterminator worms are one of the principal oauaea of sickness and should bo expelled from the eyetem castor i a for infants and children tbsfu- ilmlli slffaatara z is os tery impptr the turns of a sentence has decided the fate of many a frieddahip and for aught that we know the fate of many king dora wrong heart action- wrong action of the heart causes ner- vousneiistn i e if vbua dy spepsi atsh or tfteasof breath aud other distressing symptom h mr bamuel yell and of london ont was cured of these troubles by taking milburns heart and nerve pills mr yelland lays tbey are a remarkable modicine and t not been troubled in the least slnco taking them a policeman watt asked by a coroner whether be bad taken any atepa to attempt to resusoitate a man on whom an inquest was being held yce said the oonstable i searched his pockets what causes bad dreams is aqucatiot that has never been satisfactorily answered bnt in nine eases out of ten frightful dreams are the result of imperfect diges tion which a few do3ea of ayers barsapa rllla will effeotnally remedy dont delay try it today bad now pspa i know dear jack is just like yon papa humph i whydo you say that sadi i hoard yon bay tho other night that when you married mam ma you- hadnt a peony jack wants to marry me ami hes in the samo condition whilo every person cannot have au abun dant bead of hair it is possible with halls hair ron ewer to grow a respectable hirsutio covering a true perception of the gospel ia tho entireforgetfhldoss of self utter absence of any pretension and tbe complete and ontiro refusal to accept the worlds praiao or judg ment two inky w y9 thoro was a man who advortlsod hut oneea single tlmo in spot obboure placed be bis ad and paid for it a dime and just beoauio it didnt tiring nim oastomors by soore all advertlilns 1 a fako he said or rather sworo he soeroed to think one bammor tap would drive a nail clear in that from a bit of uny thread a weaver tents could spin if ho this reasoning bright applied to eating doubtless be would claim one little bite would food tan men a century borne dty tboogb bo will learn that to make advsrtiilub pay hell have to add ad to bis ad and advertise etch day biliousness constiprtiont sick headache liver troubles as a laxative on e pill acts perfectly and if a stronger action is desired a cathartic effect is produced by two pills in obstinate cases where a purgative is necessary three pills will be found sufficient thes pills leave no unpleasant after effect one pill taken each night during thiny clays will cure constipation pnicc 2sc on b roraion the man who beat understands hia bub- jeot uses the fewort words tired nervous sleepless mon and women how gratefully tbey writo about hoode barsspariila once helpless and discouraged having lost all faith in medioinos now in good health and ablo to do my own work because hoods sarsaparilla has power to onriob and purify the blood and make i tho weak stropg this is the experience of a hoat of people heode pills aro the boat family oathartio and liver modicine oeutlo reliable sure peopo are beginniug to prefer lightning to the lightningrod men hnlld up when the system is run down a person becomes an easy prey to consumption or scrofuln many valuable lives aro saved by ufling scotth kmulaion ae noon afl a dcolino in health is observed k waste of trifles eats like interest money in bard times the medicine fur liver and kidney oompltiint mr victor auger ottawa writos ml take great pleasure in reoom- mending to tbo general p u olio par meleos fills au a ouro f6r liver and kidney com- plaiut i havo doctored for the past three years with leading phybioians and have taken many medicines whioh wore reoo- ramendod to mo without relief but after taking eight ot parmeloea pilla i was quite relieved and now i feel as freo from tbe diaeaee as before i was troubled if you have tweak back lame back backache lumbago or rheumatism doans kidney pills will cure you do your hands or pebt swell f ip 80 you have weak kidneys doans pills will strengthen them have you dropsy kidney or uri nary troubles or any kind ip so doans pills will curb you something worth knowing headaches dizziness friohypul dreans disturbed sleep drowsi ness fbrdetfulness cold chills nervousness etc are often caused by disordered kidneys evetflf your riertory ifedefectivq you should always renehber that doans ptlls curb all kidney trou bles and every dosb helps tub curb soldat all droa stores- knowledge wab never btforo so oheap andonbyto got as uow j speaks from exuerlcnce mr jvv birqliubod- amborbtburg ont epoaka from experience when hq arye 1 enr well eatiafled jvitb dqane iidn9y pillb thev are undoubtedly the beet medicine an the market for any one afllioted with urinary or kidney troubles buoh as pain iu the back that tired feeling crampa numbuesb etc they cured me and removed all my paina and aches a farm without a tool houeuiellko pants without a poakot 1 a dipnor pill many poraous miffor oxoruoiating agony after partaking of a lieartydinnerr like a ball of load upon the btomaob and instead of being a healthy nutriment it becomes a poison to the aybtem dr parmeleea vegetable pilla are wonderful correctives of suoh troubloa they oorreot acidity open the secretions and convert tho food partaken of into healthy nutriment they aro juat the medicine to tube il troub led with indigestion or dybpepsia rjependence on a airiglocropj may prove a diaappointment in june 1895 i wab attacked with in flammatory rhonmatibm with which i buffered undor continued medical treat ment five roontha tbo labt five weeket wan not able to get out of bed i then eent for dr halbted hte- treatment gave me immediate relief and in a tew daya i was at my work and i have had no rheum atism binac hiiiam boimnuiiokit mclntyre deo 2ctb 1b05 dr halatede rheumatic cure may be had at the mcdical hull main streot aoton education begins at the mothers knee and every word spoken within the hearing of little children tends toward the forma tion of their obaraoter sick headaoho and constipation are promptly onred by burdock pilli easy to take sure in effect no obe knows the oapaoity of soil or bow to beat troat it uudoubtedlythe beat gentlemen i wibb to say that dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry haa proved a wonderful remedy in my family i would nut ha withou it fui twi hh prioe i say it ia the beat not merely one of the beat but the best medioino ever brought before the public for summer com plaint or diarrhoea either in children or adulte john underbill liicenbo gommibaioner btratholair man all things oonaidered wire fence ia cheaper than atone wall severe coldb aro easily burod by tho nao of biokloa anticonsumptive syrup a medicine of extraordinary penetrating and healing properties it is acknowledged by those who have uaod it as being the best medicine bold for coughs cold inflamma tion of the lungb and allaffeotiona of the throat and cheat its agreeable nesa tq the taste makes it a favorite with the ladies and children when hib atook is not improving tlje farmer is falling behind money saved and piio relioved by the leading household remedy dr thomav eolootrio oila email quantity of whiob usuallyfluflloeb to onre erooughiheal-a-florer- out bruise or pprains relieve lumbago rheumatism neuralgia oxorlated nipplcb or inflamed breast it ia thought one sixth of tbe land ought o be devoted to timber beauty and health to fair women mlsa annie patterson of sackvllte n b- once the victim of ner vousness and general debility takes on the health of early veara somo remedies are nothing more than a temporary stimulant and the reaction aggravates tho diseaan whore the system haa become run down and nervous debility in its worst forma have shown themselves south american nervine will nure uhtrikaaat n nflnirim and builds up tho system by removing tho real cause of trouble mtaa annie patteraon of sabkvjllo nb a ludy well known in tho maritime provinces suffered terribly from indigostion and norvouaifca and her oaae beomcd incurable she accepted south american nervine without liopo that it was any different to other remedies but her words arc i had taken only one bottlo who my system began to tako on tbo health of earlier yearp and after tak ing throe bottles i was completely cured sold by a t brown good work depends not so maoh on the tools as on tho workman to remove worms of all kindb from children or adults dr lowd worm hyrup is a safe and sure rcmody the head master gentiemkn i llnvo found rrcnt natlbractioiilnthtiiiiioofljrfowlorb kxtrnct of wild strawberry and con sider it invaluable in nil cnfteii ot ihf n m tromplnlnt it is i plcamiro to ma to recommend it to the public r bmasterton principal f high school utverchnrlo nbg scotts- emulsion of cod- liver oil with hypophbs- phites brings back the ruddy glow of life to pale cheeks the lips become red the ears jose their transparency the step is quick and elastic work is no longer a burden exer cise is not followed by ex haustion and it does this be cause it furnishes- the body with a needed food and changes diseased action- to healthy with a better cir- culation and improved nu trition the rest follow or mle at 50 cents anil 100 by all druggbu scott uowxli hcllevlllc out tli e kiglrt house coir of kijig and hughson ste short prices and lon values go hand in hand here note well the following reductions -eyrafl-ooossr- au wool twoed 40 inches vilixo regular goo gooda uow wc all wool navy sorro 42 inoliob witlo 35o all wool fancy navy 131 up 42 inches wltlo 40o fancy french joatumoe regular price 1000 now rolliiic at 8500 goiu au wool myrtlo covert clotli regular 12f now 75c vo aro cloarlnplfll oddtlfiiob ofdrobb goo3b regular mo ajid 0o0 goods or 25o j blorjsks littrtloa organdlo miibuh dioubo waists yoke back full front wliiuimiuudored collar aud cufffl ailiustablw reuuur 150 for 100 jjddiub muhhii bloubo walflta adjustable collar andiytra ttudyokts bftokaiuj for fi03 muslin lflouao wafata will to laundered collar and cuitb adjustable 150 for 7sa boat cambric bioubo walbtsadjiibtablnaollar and cuffa yokobajk mid full fronta 100 and 132 print uiouho wslflta loutidorod corar and outfa mo i wbllolawn bioubu waists rosular 7ho for me regular 50c for a5o regular 100 for 100 mlllineryi- leghorn hats black and white former prlco asoand 25o now 12jo audaoo- btraw kata blapk and colored formerly 8200 now 6100 6150 now 70c 6100 now boc 75o now 25o flowora roduood from 50o to 25c from 70c to 35c from 25c to 10a ornamontr formerly from 25o to 6200 now sollinc at 100 25di5a 50c all trim mod mllliaory at groat roduotlona ahpattoruuillluary tuarkod4onu lirlco 6500 form or nrioos 612 614 and 61u full aaaortmont ol mualln and wa9b goods for children bmbroldorod ilsta uonnoti etc wash goods 25 nieces fanoy figured good a for dloufoaaud wrappors regular price 95a for 15a qoc for isjo isoforloo theo afo fat colore frintod lawna organdlou and dimltloa hot woatbor goods dainty patterns 10a 12aa 18a 20c 250 grand aaaortmont of english lrlnta 124 0 worth 15c now oxford bhirtldcsejcloo and lflio msatiridigo blue shirtings 120 other linos 0 74c 83c and 100 very apodal lino of engush shining llcht colors regular sooabd 25o goods down to 10c and 12jo oottouadea bought direct from the mlll 15olbo90o22o and25o ducfciand denims largo uaorunent and prlcoe plannov shlrtlnrs special tfumnioir wolght 18c aoo s2c rorth 250soa and 85c flannolbttea now goods ajro lnbtook 33 inah only 5a worth 7jc lioat english goodi wide width bje30o and 12jo sheboas and pillow cottons 72 inch ahootlug 150 1 18c 20c 22o twlllod and plain 81 luoh bheotlnr 18o 22o 25c 80o- fillow cotton plain 40 in 10c 42 in 12c u in ljioj 46 in ho circular ditto 40 iu 13jc 42 in lc 44 in 15c 46 ln 20c factory cottons tya to loo per yard all makob in white cotton from 5c to u5c per yard thoma c watkins r hamilton the- righ-p- house- henderson st qo clhsbqii h0s fancy ribbons flowers straw shapes and everything in our millinery department clearing at greatly reduced pr ices the stock is fresh and clean and will be cleared out regardless of cost bargains in parasols dress goods muslins ging hams etc to clear out immediately full assortment of gloves hosiery summer under wear ladies and boys belts ladies- collars and cuffs fresh shipment of these goods just opened henderson fc co acton sliop3 and warerooms foot of willow st jv a speiglxt co calls atlendeld to day or night undertakers and embalmers latest iatyles experienced attention firstclass hearse bo panotual ond aavo your time as well as that of otbors the door to good health is through tho kldnoysllke a well planned sanitary system they keep the body human healthy intereatlnflrstoryfrom quebec tho kidooya havo very appropriately been described as tho banitary system of tho human body let them beeome in operative and disease will qaiokly follow and noless the obstructions are removed death will bb tho result mr d j irookov jof bherbrooke p q snftored for years from complicated kidney trouble and pent over 100 in efforts to seoiiro reliof but no reliof oamo until ho used sooth american kidney curo bis statement is that four boltlos completely cored him today ho is in the enjoyment of sound health in tho mobt distressing uasos this remody givos reliof in six hours bold by atbrown may begay and if you think tho other party is bluffing of conrso you bet higher jaok potts well that ia tho usual oourso but ive foundthat that is nsnallv a good tliheto drop out ihero never was and never will bo a universal panacea in ono remedy for all ilia to which flesh is heir tho very satnre of many cuiativos being suph that wore the fiorma of other and differently- boated moderate charges furniture of am kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speightco i orders left with j n stin80n rockwood will receive immediate attention x raitiway time table grand trunk railway c10in wkht ooinq kaht exnraiu ttlall 1 4iam i exprobb 0 in am p m ijjtiirfjus 10 47 am 7 ooini mull oh nui mlxod 10 cu iuu tim- or txoriiku mailh cioilli wht0 25 am find 0 40 pm qolug kaht 10 15 am and fi 41 im thin tlmo tablo wont into oflfect on mbndai nov 30 tli ihju i j butcher doalrpb to thank bin numeroub ourtomoni for tliolr mloral patronngo lnco ho commoooad bus dohb last january and hopou that by careful atidoourteotia attoutlon to merit t conmuuace of tuolr cuqtom a complete ttsaorttnont of flmtclahs beef mitttonv lamb pork fresh and salt hams sausages poultry lard ao in season pricoa always aa low as confliatodt with tho boat quality tii prompt dolivory fit 0tock wanted e a cohttuis qeoretowi ijlccf rie vf piks trjo ffpeldnt proprietor- rvianufactiireraof dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams tlpo anil btoam pittlntt and qonoral rplr- iiir btlngonulppodwitbagabbrajngmaclilno i ain proparcd to do brazinfi on qlorolo framoa c wkuola converted from diroot totangont rpokoa handlo dors boot to anv desired angle full lluoof bnokoa kept in block satisfaction guarunteed hicyolea onatnellod id any oolor t j speight georgetown main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of sash doors fram6a uoalditii r iu all atyloa dressing matcbiho and m0uldinx3 to ordqron bbort botico woll assortod stock on hand at prlcos toiul tbo umofl john cameron proprietor the campaign prepare for winds we would oull your attention to tho aot that we aro prepared to supply you with lumber of suitable length for your barn doors viz 10 12 13 or 11 feet also sash doors frames mouldings eto for bnilding btorra doom put up at aa low a rato as possible pumps repair your pampsor put iu new ones bofore it is too cold wb can doit shop at foot of river street acton thos ebbace manager brhntfqrp galvanized steel wind wills and towers for power and pump- iajr -within- te cov p billeoarings me rq ants business men roller bearings newspaper advertising brightly started rightly stuck to solidly backed up ensures business suooess advertise in brantforocan makers of the light est running and best constructed galvan- ized steel wind mills nnd towers made also the celebrated maple le grain grinder write for ulustrntcd circulars john twvjqureen vacton agent for above also for frost arid wood binders and mowers a foil line of all kinds of farm implements arid repairs children aro often born with tobaoco juice arid whiskey in their veins norwap pine syrnp oures goukiir eolds and all throat and lung troublos price 25 and 60o mr city ways have you heard of those horseless carriages down in now york fojmor farmer no but i have beard of tho oowlesa mititaowfflnar cancor can ha onrod lor six years imifforeh frm enrtcer and hot no relief until i need liurdook blood bitters 1 used even bottles faithfully whon the oanoer gradually driod up and flpally disappeared i am now entiroly well and rejoice that by utfoff b b b i have ettaped death clihqr from the orgeoni knife or from the canoer itself blgnoil mrs ellia 3 tufford parlfi ont diseases rooted in the sybtoru of tho patient what would relievo ono ill in turn would ngkravalo tho othor wo have however in quiuino wine when obtaihod in a sound anadultorated state a romedy for many and griovous ills by its gradual judloious nae tbe fraileat bystcms aroled into conv valeacenoe and strength by tho jnfluonoo whloh quiuino exerts on natures own restoratives it relievos tho drooping spirits of those with whom a ehronio slato of morbid despondence and lack of interest in life ia a disease and by tranquilizing tbe nerves disposes to bound and refresh ihg sleep imparts vigor to tho aotion of the blood whioh being stimulated oonrses throughout tho veins strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system thereby making aotivlty a necessary result slronglbenlng tbe frame and givlcg life to the digestive organs whloh nalurally demand lnoreosed snbitsnoe remit im proved appetite northrop tit lvman of torontov have given to the pobllolhelr quinine wine the udal rate and goaged by the opinion of icieritlitb this wine approaohos nearest perfoctloir of any on the market all drdgglblb sell it t lavtov iimimkiiid ati daiin csbreor mtm

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