mellank of hamilton head offioe hamilton capital all paid up 1 26000000 rbssrve fund 72500q00 total assets sb 84a 67846 nuurly tuu uiihoub of dollura board op directors ohn stuaut a q kamhay lruhldutit vloulrotilluiit ko lloacu john lltocioii a t wood a ii llu troronto ww omaon m i tuunuulu caalilor ii s stevun at ooabior 11 m watson inspector georget agency en fll ba lnffbusn notes of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to the collection of sale notis and commercinl paper generally xafts issued payable at all principal points in canada and united states drafts on great britain bought android savings department deposits of 8i and upwards received interest allowed m current rates and added to principal e cry year whether passpopk is brqught irr or not spccinl deposit receipts issued for large sums j p bell agent georgetown ont the ne at home mostly of a looal character and overv item interesting mcthotlltt you ii leopla and jutaalane llw fred c btopbensou of toronto will uddrqeh a pubha moanuj undor tbo uuspicoh of tlio epwortblcaguo oa monday uvomng sotli august on lha forward moomunt tu miahioub as h relates to tbo vouug people mr btoplionuoii iapubliuhor of tbo niiihtonaiy cavipmijntr a jouruul whoso object iu to protnotu united prayer for uiucty or und kwuk to muniono mr stophuuaou m a moot laturebtinr and in- bpirltig epeukur hair brushes tooth brushes fine combs dressing cbmbs circular combs toilet soaps give us a call when you need anyof ttie abovetlinest you will find our prices ldw our assortment the best geo hynds jewelery store acton look nt tlio dato on tbo labol on your apor and you fvll boo how your eubscrip- kuue ilonow promptly it will confor a i dhs ctmt jfm rm thursday august 19 1897 little local brieflets which caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week weather cool and pleasant civio holiday nextmonday oar boyb cad play ball after all thepionio season is rapidly waningr4inga monday is georgetowns civio holiday also the dog days havo vanished for ibis summer the country schools reopened ou mo u day a o u w excaraion to buffalo and tbe falls on monday next well it was enough of the bog pipes for another year wasnt it fairfeedfnbhas been commenced by soma of the wideawake farmers the threshers are bnay now and have three months of steady work before them the street lamps have been bhining f forth their effulgent rays each evening this week the framo work of the largo six story addition to the works of the aaton tann- tripg co has been raised xon may spend civio holiday at ho go or abroad yon pays yoar money and you takes your chotco bohoofa ia again to the boys and girls 6f the rural behools and will bo to the others in about ten day straw stacks of unusually generous i dimensions are coming into view at the far mere barns throughout the country if the early bird is the one that catoh- f j ilm bfirm the gnrly hrivnrtjhprh am mm ones who will cat oh the first of the fall trade tho guelph mercury and herald base j ball teams played a match on satur- day which was won by the former score 12 to 4 electric light ia within the possibili ties for aoton in the near future a well- gl known business man in town is consider r ing the matter messrs beardmoro and co are putting p- in a large leadlined tank to hold sulphuric acid they will thou get it in car lota and tore it in balk tbo victorias of guelph came down on saturday and played a garao with tho r janjora oar boys took second i place score 12 co 2 it is said that the g t b pay oar is 10 be used again and everyeniployeo has to sign bis cbcoka formerly tho checks wer sen in bulk to each btation repent rains guarantee a magnifleont supply of late grass and root crops in this portion of canada this will bo an espoc- r ul boon to every farmer who feeds cattle for shipment wonder where the milton papers will zbriog the aoton players from this time it li will likely be given out that they were hired for the occasion from toronto buf falo syracuse and springfield mr anson smith si of hannon l who removed from aoton a ooupje of years pago fell down stairs at his home on bator- aayevcning and is now irr a very low con dition b haa been stricken with para a- sis the uf tormath of yonng clover in the wheat holds is a sight togladden the farm- ffy heart in many places it is dp to the knees already now says sn old farmer lit tbey will let ft grow feed it later off and ijpext year fill tho ground with clover seed ithaund will get each a renovation as it fae ft has not had for twsnty yearn mayor hall of penotanguiehlne frwrites the free fnus why did aoton spot arrange an exonraion to penetang on fyoar civio holiday 7 i should have been arranged for an exonraion fctof my old townspeople from my old home mayor hall has been vory kind jb his invitations aoton should in urtesy aooept the work on the improvements at the jtfatbodjst church is being pushed forward nad is hearing completion the reopen- gog services will probably bo held on the flrst pr second sunday of september rev tjf grlfflo of toronto will preaoh the tpeniog sermons and rev je ianeeley srampton ts xpeoted to give his tit ore the devil of names he follow- monday eveni i jxtto lsr handsome media miizod sire pp prinelpsl corner aoton mas 8 skoovd elr charged tylth huiutny soiling j p mulloo of tbo commercial uptel wbu up boforo justice storey last thurs day charged with sailing liquor on sunday let august a number of witnesses summed aucl tho 6a bo was ad- joitriild until tin a morniug couocrniog the uvidoucg given by a number of tbo wttueaatb county crown attomoy matbeeou rernurked that ho thought aoton a model lowuwheu eo many men aoknowledgiid loitering about a hotelon sunduy without jgottipgany thing to drink civic hqlltuiy lack otchterpriso in tho usual quarters is responsible for abaenceof several clyfcf holiday exoursion under local aubpicea this year a vory general desire for an oxour- b ion to brautford was exprsssed but no organization nor society saw at to embrace the opportunity au oxauralon will how ever betruu from georgetown to niagara falls which will tako in aoton on mon day tho faro is 5110 and the excursion givcb eight hours at the falls the day proclaimed comes at a very good time for a holiday and no doubt citizens generally will find vvayu and means for enjoyment the picmo at tho park will attract many others will have their own oa tingarrange ments and some wih take outoftovvn trips the day is a general holiday st josephs church plonlc ae there- waa no other doings ia town on civio holiday rev father haley has arranged for bis annual pionio whioh he had proposed holding in georgetown to take place in the park hero that day tho programme oovera the afternoon and even ing at 2 so oolook thero will be ladies and gentlcmew bicycle races other sportb including a togof war between aoton and georgetown will take place during the afternoon bat the event of the day will beabaso ball match between aoton and berlin father haloy is bringing the jboeun team here at considerable expense and an exolting matoh is looked for the berlins are me rubers of the waterloo county league and laat saturday defeated the waterloo team by id to 3 the game will be oallad at 3 p m in the evening a concert will be given in the park hills- barg brass band will enliveq tho proceed- meals and refreshments will be served on tho ground a milton team vanquished aoton bane ball team went to milton last saturday and again defeated tho milton nine this result gives acton three oat of four games played with tbo county town team this season the game played by aoton was firstclass in every respect- and dearly demonstrated their superiority and also gives the players reason to feel that no toam in the county is able to defeat them the score was 7 to 4 ae follows 123450780 it he acton 3 0100210 7 14 2 milton 10 10 0 0 0 114 0 3 batteries steber and ryder brash mahoney and elliott umpire mr hall of toronto struck out by steber 10 by muhoney 4 the bt auns baseball team play here on saturday next this wellknown team has defeated all the olabs io tbo southern par t of the county thib season they are besides a most gentlemanly lot of players and the aaton baseball 01 ub hope tbo citizens will turn oat to seo them for un doubtedly tbey will be rewarded by seeing a good clean game of ball the handicap road race atbletio skill and endarance always command the interest of onr citizens this was specially true of the five mile bicycle raco on tuesday evening in con- ngotlnn with ihn finpn nf boollanrl flftrdfin killed at oakv1lle a respected aged couplo killed by ac p r train a shocking fatality took pluco withiu half a milo of oakvillo on tueaduy after noon by whioh an elderly farmer and his his wife mr and mrs jticob colton of trafalgar wero instantly killed thoy wore crossing tbormlwuy trucks in a cov ered buggy atlond oiosiitig on tbo aixth concaapion road when tlitir rig was struck by tho c p h through oxproes no 32 which pasbcbs oakvillo at 3 10 tho man was dragged under tho whooltt for 100 foot and killed instantly and tho woman was iiirowjijlqfeotiptotho s coming and going actons lived for about throe minutes after the acaident oopurred mr colton was a wellto do farmer about seventy years of age living at fttiihiih flnmrw lit nui hm nifii wtmfr to oakville and made a number of pur chases and then started for homo tjio railways raaks at ions crossing run through a high embankmcut and when one ia driving south it is jmppn sihlo to sea a train approaching in ad dition to this the old man wiia said to be a trifle bard of hearing tim buggy was right on the traok before its occu pants saw their danger and- in another second the engine hud atruok them hurl ing tho horse high iu tbo air and scat tercd the buggy into small pieces the train was running at between fifty and sixty mites an hour at the time thomus cavan who lives near by was the only wuuobs of the accident with tho exception of the engiueor he ran to where mrb colton was lying and raised her up she was still living but beforo thobe from the train could reach her bbo was dead tho bodios were taken to oakvillo bta tion ou tbo train and conveyed to w h youngs undertaking establishment the8ceho q tho acoident ia described by residents ob nothing better than a death trap the embankment was thrown up when tho traok was graded and owing to a number of other accidents the resi dents of oakvillo recently petitioned the grand trunk railway to remove the em bankment in order to loasou the danger to the public but nothing has yot been done about two xaaottib ngo william smith was driving across at this place when his rig was struck and he waa seriously injured abont two yoars ago an old couple named van norman were thrown out and both maimed for life seven years ago one jacob rlbblo lost his life at the same spot visitors to and from aoton and varlousothctr personal notes tho thick fithsh iuvitoa all its readors to eon tribute to this column ii you or your friends uio joiuk awuy on a liolldoy trip or if you liavo frlondu vialtlug ynfi drop a card to tho ftiub illksfl mibh maggie mopjmil u visiting friends iu guolph mistiea iltittio aud auua oram are visiting friends in norval the miesob dale of toronto were gnestb tluu woek of mrs jennie smith aid it k nelson guolpb bpent labf t w frl i to mr and mra adam laing brampton visited relatives here thib week mr ediboa smith of hannon was in townyesterday for a brief tjbu baseball milton club at rov f w luxford of buffalo n y ia spending a week or so in aoton misb ton a blair of pans is spending a few holidays with her alsterahoro rav father cosgrovo of flora was the gyoat of rov jp haley on monday mrs cmurreif of hamilton mado actop friends a brief visit this week mr and mra j w bows of milton wero guests of aoton friendsover sunday mr w g ramshaw of chios go is in town spondlng a vveoka vaoatlon with rela tives hero mrs wm stone and mbs stoue of tor onto aro visiting at the home of mrs jen nie smith reeve nioklin returned homo on friday from hia trip to nova scotia and prince edward island tbo misses nelson of aoton spent san- day in town tho guests of mrs j w bewa miltbn rrformrr mibb jebsie modonald returned to bor for tho fli bo fukbs docuotbhiblamwltli aomo alloy is mot with now aud tlion dot troasurod in its purity dy actoua loisuro mon dot tho bueboll club aro all up aud do wlion thoy to a eontdst hlo and do up tjo as wlltous nlno cnu truly tostlty to milton flocked tbo countryside tbdt popular garao to aoo j bugrostiiigas it doou the tluiu tbo diamond jublloa tlio luningo toss up orthodox bout acton to tho bat it thou farod 11 with miltoua bravos ntmimf own yrouml at that to beard tho monster in hie doii waa much from them to oak but tlio prowess of the aoton men was equal to tho task discomfiture and doon illgriibt the worlds wheat crops france has a surplus germany a deficit and russia is behind london aug 17 the mark lane express in its weekly review of the grain situation says the french wheat harvest overyteld is estimated ut 33000000 quarters though excellent judges say it u not so much tbo german yield is expected to bo 1- 000000 quarters below that of 189q austriahungary will bo almost self supporting with nothing to spare for oxport russia reports that her wheat is some what below tho aorafio though not berions- ly bo in conclusion the mark lane expresn notes tho curious faot that england jabt week exported wheat to france american jingoism party tho course was one lap around tho pork coarse oat to the fourth uae and return and finish with another lap ovor the track tho roads wero in- bad condition owing to tho recent rains bnk tbo riders made good time ten contes tants entered but only eeven of them finished thero reapeotive places time and tho handloap atlowsdt re officially given by w stark timekoeper as follows flooo handloap tlmo 1 it m mcdonald a min 2gimln 2 ei franolj 4 do 22 do avf araoji fldo 23 do 4 jamoa barry dq isi da 6 ejmoore noratoh 393 do 0 ttioslee imln 25 do 7 a e mpora do 272 do collldod od oatorlds park gato the best time was made by james barry 16 minutes the starters evident ly wero unacquainted with the ability of tho several riders as it was clearly to ho seen that tho handicaps fixed wore far from being equable tho grand stand at tho park was crowded with spectators and mill street waa lined for several blocks t2io sons of scotland garden party camp ivanhos sons of scotland never does things by halves and their garden party in the park on tuesday night was oonduoted in this spirit the attendance was vory large and thero was manifest ploasuro on the part tho assombly respect ing tho proceedings of tbo evening chief momabb was msbter of ceremonies the strains of the pipers band from hamilton of course attracted every man woman and child who has an atom of scottish blood in their veins and some who are tetotally devoid of it they gave aj liberal selection of scottish airs and these were supplemented by numerous selections on the part of acton cornet band tho scottish danoing by thebtiand sisters of london wasrnoob in demand the bicycle race was quite an attraction while the antics of the itinorant ropwalksrlentsrietytotbe occasion the speeahes delivered were brief happy appropriate and well suited to an open air gathering the speakers were revs h a maopbersoo j a m clacblan m a acton d l camp bell batlinafad d m henderaonm p capt d m robertson grand beorotary toronto and w a mo lean esq- gnelph the parade from the g t it to he park at aoven oolook was oredt- able and it gave lbs pbpulao informa tion as to who really were the sootobr- men in town good nsw wood stove alio second band cook stove flower pots 2 cents eaob a large patrol oage for salo obesp mis s a bbcoed if yon want first- ahus gnelph saiu and doors at gnejph prices x fuo can fill your order at bis planing mill the queens portrait cut out of the toronto exhibition pos ters in rochester n y rociikbteh n y aug 1g a disgrace ful ocourrenco has taken placo here which is strongly condomned by all tho better classes of citizens last week the bills advertising tbo toronto industrial exlnb ition arrived and wore posted all over town those posters wbiah advertised the fair to open on august 30 at toronto wero hand somely gat up and decorated in tho contre with a large portrait of thoqucoo on monday night a band of hoodlamb went round and with knives out oat the por trait of the queen attorly spoiling the appearance of tho bills the action has called forth the heavy disapprobation of all rtgbttbin duties atrlorno sohoorbttmonday after a pleasant visit at orangoville mr john warwiok left yesterday for glovcrsville n y his many friends wish him success iu bis new home messrs fred kilmaater of port rowan and will lowry of guolpb are vieitingrelativea in town mrs ttiob j speight of georgetown and mrs brady of newmarket were in town for a short vlbit laat week mr w b l howell b a of slmcoe high sohool was in town this woek a couplo of days the guert of dr uren mrs rev j howell left for fair grove mich on saturday on a prolonged visit to her bou dr howell waterloo chronicle mr robert stark and mioa stark of scotch blockwere gacbts at the home of mr john b cameron bower avenue this week mr john and mias bella adamaon of st catherines and master john macao n of glenorcby are visiting at the home of mr georgo douglas mubtor dave kennedy son of aid kennedy guelph made a short visit at moorecroffc on tuesday while touring through on his wheel mra j o bartle and miaa fannie bryers returned on friday evening from a very pleasant trip to kingston and through the thousand islande crewsons corners two children poisoned canned salmon responsible for two doathsat mtr forest mount foiiebt aug 10 two fatal cases of poisoning from eating canned balmon occurred in thia place yesterday mr c l king station agent g t b here through using a can of salmon has lost two of his children ruth aged three and randolph aged five years are dead and arthur aged fourteen is vory seriously ill with little hopes of his recovery nesolc cbatheraud rnprtqatwotvo7tcnttnrd oigbt respectively aro also suffering from tho bame cause mr and mrs king have tho sympathy of tbo entire community in their sad bereavement a boys good fortune w e sculthrope a mnrohmont home boy falls heir to a fortune brighton aug 10 w e scalthropo a marohmont out no mo bay who has for nearly nine years boon employed by mr 0 0 lawson ono of the districts well- known farmers has received a notification from london england asking him to presentblmaelfattemplodar on september 1 tho jotter saya that on that day soul- thropo wonld bo 10 years of ago and tho heir to 200000 bterliog sculthrope left last woek for england to claim the fortune will be popular and useful tbo canadian manufacturer of toronto baa just issued a n amber which will bo of tbo utmost value to the business pubtio and particularly to tboae engaged in impart- in exportin speci gives the fall texts of the united states tariff 1807 tho canadian arid the british tariff extracts from the british mertthan- diae marks act and tho nowfonindland tariff these important documents are jromjthqoffioialtflxt and the entire volume is a folio of over 214 pages murdered at galt the body of mra orr found burled in a cornfield gilt aug 10 the body of mrs orr of north dumfries near gait who myster iously disappeared from her borne during her husbands absence iftbt monday was found yesterday morning in a shallow grave in a corn patch close to the house she had evidently beep murdered and several arreats bayepted made f the offlolals of both the g t it and 0 1 r roads state for faot thai there are no less then 10000 tramps on the move between montreal and the st ouir tnnnel numerous freight ears have been broken into and goods stottu there is abundance of work but little news iu this vioinity this week a number from here took in the sons of scotland garden party in aoton tuesday night threshers say that there is a great deal of light wheat in the country this year mr jag modougall of aoton who is threahing with mr wm cripps this year mot with a serious acoident laat tneaday he waa engaged in feeding the operator when his left hand oamo in contact with tho oylinder and wab badly laoerated fortunately the glove whioh he was wear ing at the time waa torn off or he would undoubtedly have lost his arm mr mo- dougall will be laid off for some time lome school opened on wednesday during the vacation it has been remodlcd and repainted and now appears like a new sohool in its interior the cltisona betra tifl futllo to attempt to stop tho acton foghorns bray rot urn tuoy now to acton proud with juelr vroll oopnod fair renown vvlum lal in spoyaldos buburbs tboy ara mot by half tbo town tbo throng ffcll intotuolr tioroos tralu a jolly cava cad o llko a royal prosrofls through tho laud ero thoroworovrollways made but whon tbo milt stroot cornor a rooohod tlip crowd is surging wild tbo populace- aro tueroen maaao eaob man in aid woman child tbouco beaded by tbo band thoy march to tbo civic tcmplo whoro orations arc the order from tho magna toe and tho mayor three rousing ouecra rovorborato with a bh bip lilp hooray the victors bluab tbo ladles smllo but wo know not what tboy nay vociferation mlnglos with tho music of tho bend whon noxt tboy lay tbo mil tons out wo all shall be op baud diamond acton aug 17 1897 cant this is the complaint of thousands at this season jw set tbey have no appetite food lifc doos not relish tboy need the toning up of tho stomach and digestive organs which a course of hoods sarsaparilla will give them it nlso purifies and enriches tho blood curbs that distress after eating and lntornal mliery only a dyspeptic con know creates an appetlto overcomes that tired feeling and builds up and sustains the whol physical system it bo prompt ly cd etlclontly rellovcfl dyspoptlesymp- toms and cures norvous headaches that it seems to have almost j a magic touch one of tlie most intelligent men on wyndham strcefsaid to us this morning that ho did not know wc handled readymado clothing can it be posbiblo that not every man woman and child in the community knows of this important department of our business true wo have never advertised it with any great blaze of trumpets we leave the screeching hysterical method of advertising to the sensationalists in business the windbags of business and et it may be that we havent said enough about it there are so many people who have purchased their readymade clothing from us for years who knowing tho reliability and wear of the goods wo nev think of going elsewhere and vet fo fe tuatthcrc shouldtlirbvatltctflfccrof the cdmthunnywhohas overloolfcd ourreadymadc clothing sarsapariria is the best in fact tbo ono t moon purifier hoods pill nro the be it after dinner i pills aid digestion 35c department we want to speak right out now with all the empliabis we can command and sav yes ffiedsgell readmade glstniftg i the tog pays arc now with u effort will be used business ahead an extra to keep our wall paper baseball twenty years ago flnshed with the sucoeas of the preseut seasons viator tea the looal base balliets aro aptj to imagine that acton nover had snoh a team of brilliant players before bat aoton had players of provincial reputation before some of the members of the pre bent team were born in turning over tbe pages of fuee pit e as fylea of twentytwo years ago one day thia week wo came across re- ports of a tour of victory in whioh tbe aoton base ball team of that date partici pated in tho fnee fauns of sept 8 1875 the following item appears ah desptran- dam will be the watchword of our boys on their up country tour next week they play with fergus oa monday harrlaton on tuesday lieiowel on wednesday kin cardine on thursday laoknow on friday and brussels on saturday that they met with success and made scores in those days is evidenced by the report in next issue at ferguu the score was 41 to 14 in actons favor at harris ton 44 to 7 at listowel they e off ore d defeat in a bcoro of 8 to vl2 but the item adds here only beven innings were played owing to two members of acton team being obliged to leave to catch the train being summoned home to look after tbe runaway shoemaker employed by kennedy bros- tho team was also successful at the other points visited the following gentlemen compos ed the team fred h storey a e nioklin tom kennedy jas bt nioklin isaac francis j a speight david mcmaokon jacob dempsey davo ligbtbeart and angus cameron encouragement half trice will be accepted during these hot dayb window shades pcost a all wc abk while block lasts the baby buggies invoice prices can procure these only nine nice ones on hand and not only jhatbul you will find nothing of the kind in the citythat is more up- todate is better more reliable better irvvalae or that will give you more satislacfion- than tho readymade clothing wc sell wc are lot only sellers we are manufacturers as well thats where we nf advantaged we lest and kndvv he material and make of every garment we selj we employ the best people in our manufacturing department and the work is as good as tho highest priced ordered work there now let the point- of this advertisement stick and when you need to buy come here first and see what wc have v strictly cash e r bollert co 25 and 27 wyndham street guelph wire fencing qpit bbvvaott chas l nelles bookseller guelph death to the pests poison kills pure paris green for potato bugs cheap i cheap thfse cheap th ontario wiri fknoina co ltd hotan attuia fgncings as well ab a mcmuliens choice steel wire nettings for trellis poultry yards lawn fencings etc are sold much lower this year than ever before they are the bet ask your hardware merchant for them insect powder iok iuesetc tanglefoot the sealed sticky fly papee catches em browns drug store mill street acton olrs wm jtliipmng or naaeagaweya who had a paralytic stroke last tneaday morning ib btilt in a oritioal condition with alight hopesfor hor recovery bev mr forbes of aoton spent a day laat week at messrs wm swaokhamora and r wansboroughs mies tena moore of eden mills spent monday at mr john browns acton markets august 16u11b97 flour 6 1 00 3 00 white wheat old 71 to 74 juutojwbounowi wto60 hod whoat old 70 to 73 hod wboatnnw co to 55 oats 23 to s3 fooa r 38 to 40 guelph markets august 18th 1b07 70 to 73 75 to 73 go to 60 38 to 0j i 22 to 23 32 to 84 tl to 43 wheat now vlioauold qnoba whoat barloy oata ityo iaaa hay 7 00 to 8 00 kow hay 5 co to 6 00 egga por doc 00 to it butter dairy packed 10 to 12 hat tor rolls 10 to potatoes por bag 23 to 3u hew potatoes por buah 60 to 90 apples 5 tp 60 toronto markets august 18 th 1807 fall whoat new 65 to 78 spring wheat oooap whoat oats a hay i m barloy poos butter rolli kgea potatoes now 77 64 75 to 04 to 07 to 60 to 1100 25 to 27 44 to 40 10 to 10 to 00 to t f kalbs soloot the fairs you will attend and inolude aoton union aoton union oct 4 aud 5 toronto industrial aug b0 to sept 11 ouolph central sept 15 10 north groy owen hou b 1415 10 well 68 oy vvolfoiloytsopt 14 15 northoro walkorton sept 16 10 central canada ottawa sept 1725 montreal bpt- um north waterloo berlin sept 31 33 sou tbcrnr brautford sept si 83 centra wolllnrton fergus s3 84 horticultural clifford sept 80 94 peel brampton bent 86 80 west wellington harrlaton sept 80 90 pilldnaton and klora blora sept 80 oet 1 kramosa bootowood oat 0 7 erin krln village oat 1415 kiquflstng georgetown bopt s3 81 such letters as the following of whioh we are in frequent receipt serve to nerve us to still greater effort h p moons ebq fake press dear sir cards came to hand this morning and i herewith enolose express order to cover amout of account your taste and skill in thib description of work i highly appreciate all tho more perhaps owing to my long experience aa a typo and also to tho rarity of getting satisfactory job in this lino from the average printor yours with best wishes j j rice bellevilleaoguat 13th 1607 ys of the day the cdbdori clubhaa ceased- a special gold nledal to be struck for presentation tu sirwilfrid laurior tbe protest against mr davin sitting as member for west aisinaboia hab been dropped and mr davin retains his seat the exports to tho united states from some parts of great britain blnoe tbe pas sage of the dingley tariff havo decreased fifty per cent the yukon river ia thirty miles wide six hundred miles from it mouth that js a magnificent s of water but it is frozen up for the greater part of the year the mercantile firs insurance company of berlin will remove tbelr head offices to toronto on tbo first of septombnr mr jameb lookie for 50 yeara president has resigned tbo provincial board of health met aud recommended that tbe notion of tbe belle vjlle authorities in the meant small pox case bbould bo laid bo fore the crown for for aolion canadas population is increasing the beattf steamer monarch took up on its last week 100 michigan farmers they go to eettleon tbe fertile prairies of or canadian northwest anfiophotaia township farmer named william j murpby while in tbo general hospital at chatham oct threw himself out of a window on saturday night and died two boars afterwards as tbe result of tbe injuries received in the fall tbo worth bay train oa sunday evening wan four hours late and while running at a high rate of speed between riohmond hill and thornblll it struck mr benjamin lor i ojr a laekay storekeeper and instant ly kjlled him an investigation will be held albort roe a farm laborer who worked for mr shaw south of mill brook ont while under the influence of liquor tues day insisted on feedinc a steam thresher while reaching out for a bhoaf be toppled overandfeuihto ihe machine which literally grouud off his head the paperused in thisjonrnarisfromr the above mills wm barber bhos ayers sarsaparilla fa cooe for all llsaases thnl liavo tliclr origin lu impure uooil it la better tlinn otlior sarsaparlllas bet tor inndo qf better lngredionta nnd by better methods its record of oureanjfoelalms it the mtt ac8na- jbk yonr nam on 10 bj0c8n on io b8brlss 0aada acton saw mills and wood yards jhtuees brohin iianofaotoneil and deileiilh iu tuber iath shingles wood etc all kinds of wood in stock and promptly dollvorod to any part of tho town at roosonublo prlcoa hardwood and slabs out utovo length always on band tolepnono commaoicitlod w battber bros paper makers oeobqbtown ont hake a s7kcultt of machine finished book papers aim high grade weekly news o f goodeve co argt01f7 fancy goods a lot of new fancy goods will arrive tbe last of this week and we now hope we shall be able to meet the nee3s of all stamping done while you wait our grocery line is as full as usual come and see o f goodeve co acton bad watches are made worse by incompetent workmen because it takes a better workman to make a bad watch good than it does to rrnko a good watch bad if you have a watch which has done good service give it a chance to do more a saving of twentyfive cents in the price of repairing will not make up for a more than likely double that amount of spoiling i have a reputation to keep up my lifes study has been repairing watches and how to do it well and i have been successlul at it i have every facility for doing tho best posbiblc work and i do positively desire you to come and ask for the return of rho amount paid if any timepiece of any kind repaired by me does not run well after my reputation is worth more to me than all the dollars i may havo to return please dont doubt my sincerity in this prjngle the jeweller guelph columbia bi hwry dosftjn 100 columbia now 85 85 gents columbiajnow 70 85 ladies columbianow 70 70 xiadies hartford 100 cleveland good as new 50 aoton machine and repair shops i1eniiv obindbiii lroprlotor ark well eanlppod 11th all the maohlnerv nocesatry to oxocnto all ropatr to maoula- erv and aflrlauhural implsmonta and to do all kind of f teamflttf off horafrfboaingand ronoral nlaoktnltblng woodwork repalra porformod in a batufaotory manner wo can rapalr aud maablna or itnplomont of any make baw gumming and flllug dona e b collins butcher desires to thank his numerous eustomsrs for ihalr llbvral patronage alno4iaoommsaaod botdnoss last january and hopes that by careful and courteous attention to merit a oontluuanoo of tbatr cmetom a complete assortment of firstclass beef mutton lamb fork fresh and salt hams sausages poultry lard 4o in season prlcoe always as lqw as consistent with the bast quality prompt delivery p atock won tod b coluns alma college for young women aratldmibilachool colmtiat and pre- inusv afflu- t with vlaoiia jvm iptffr low ia particulars sddrcu t st1semsf0at sairage cfe co e hers guelph lie right house cor of king and ilughson sts time like the present undeniable bargains are the order of the day dress qoods- 63 inch ooldred lustre regular 135 now boil ing at 30a tbme aro in good ihadoe and at tho prloo will sell quick 63 inch all wool twood regular 60o goods rodoood to 350 per yard g co rggularai0dr selling your oholee for as60 all wool navy serge 4fl inches wido qso blouses itodles blouse walau hundeood oollar and ouffe adjustable linen colore regular prlas 1 38 now redueod to70o these are yoke book and full front liodlu dlouse waists white laundered oollar and ouqs adjustablb pink cambric oheak and klpo regular tajts goods now selling for 7so ess havb full front with points in yoko ladlee blonoe waists white laundered oollar and cuffs adjuiubleprintod lawn in pink and blue farjue les ladles wonsewafste7rn navy and wblte lad i and duns ustabla slas for 7ffo scroll pattean anierloan maalln ad jut table col lore im now tse chambray blooee waists io sky pink and oadet adjuitablo collars 1150 now 9u00 american mmllu wrapper full aklrt and bishop slmvoa a95 now 135 navy print wrappers full aklrt ana yoke back loo for aias mew black lustre dress skirts 7 gotod es76 and i 00 miuunery f- ltghornllats l9t andfloo these aro in blkok and white the former prises were 85 and 95o btraw hats untrtmmed boo now flflo 85o now 850 t loo now boo aoq uow 100 iiadlee bailor hau just lu abapee colon and wblte the very latest pee u ail trimmed mllllpory urettly reduced toms ladles toulit oycllug and outlug hats and o moilio todjmb hats-and- bonbeta a large assortmant prices right unenb akd bhhxtinos now apron linen 88 inches wido oolorod bor der 18o new apron linen cmbroldsred bordor in bluo and rodjlfto hack towels all linen ifliso 10c eoob hock towels speofal valuo 19x38 luio hook towels akxtoo od 96e 8a plain blsaoued bbeeung 15o and 30o 6 4 twill blsaohad shseung ibo and ifcijc 40 inoh plain mllov ootton loo 13 inoh plain pillow cotton isp u ineb plato pillow oottcrj 19o bxtra value in table linen 60 inch unbloaob- ed tsort sboh 450 56o 05a wldonbld4chd table li don aoa 87o 45o 65o 71 inch bleoohedtable liaen at tlio bath towels iflfto lsc aoo aso bath towela 85o 40o ioo to 75o wash goods ootton orepons rednoed from 30o 35o 37o t ono price lo ootton orepons redaced from 13jo loo fioo to one price loo aingnams redneed from loo and lfljo to 7lo colored llmllna redueod from 17c to 13ao from 35o to mo just to baud a new lot of figured muslins fo loon worth double mali orders have our prompt attontlon railway station in onoario purobases of aaoo and over propald to your uearoat the rightt hottse s c f haniilton iifeiai ifjij