Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 19, 1897, p. 4

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r- fifty veara ago president tollc in the white house ciialr vhilcliri lowell wnfl doctor ayer both were busy or human wcql oue to govern and oue to licl and na a p residents power o will somcumrt depends oa a hvcrpiii mr polk took aycra fuui trdw for ills liver bo years mf t ayers cathartic pills were esiffned supply a model purgative to people who had so long injured themselves with griping medioiriea being carefully prepared aiicl their in gredients adjusted to the exact necessities of the bowels and liver their popularity was in stantaneous that this popu larity has been maintained is wey marked in the medal awarded thedo pilla at the worlds fair 1893 50 years of cures mpnw thursday august 10 1b97 ijc joomtg folks before tjtjs toy shop window 1 know its mighty weak in mc to cry and blubber like ababy sir but i cant help them tears im old enough i know to put away such childish thinfis ive known the light of day some sixty years its this way sir about thirty years ago we had a baby home called joe named after me for joes mamma before site cameto die asked me to name him that ar way and i just did you see small joe he was just three weeks old that day when sho just smiled and passed away and mc and joe was left to help each other on me to keep the little fellow goin he to soothe my woe he did it too did joe he did a heap twas l mighty comfortin to watch him sleep and coo arid smile i seemed to see her smile when joe looked glad and then i kind a didnt feel so sah a little while and then joe went i had torgo to town and joe while i was gone crept off to drown fell in a dam and while i was down town i bought a toy to bring it homo to give thpboy a woolly lamb and when i got home some fellow said as kindly as he could that joe was dead my little joe and then we placed him by his mammas side and with him was the woolly lamb that i hrought home you know and todays the first i cried since then cried like a baby sir in the sight o men but it aint no whim why in the winder o that shop there sat a woolly lamb just like that i got for him and for a moment my old heart felt glad 1 kinder thought to see the little aa stm at my side and then rememberance came that neer again id see him smile or hear his laugh and then why then i cried elec- doctors advice to tors- do laborsaving machines deprive men of labor i boliovo that for ovory fact which can bo brought to bear upon the question to hhow that roaclunoa hvo deprived tuon of labor another fuot can bo referred to which will provo that moro men havp boon sup plied with labor tliun httvo been deprived of it every impartial investigation of the hubject has provod ihu thro has buca no dobaaomohtof humanity by the substitu tion of machinery for human labor and that thoro it no dunnor in auoh aubstilu- tiont rniubtinafiiithttfit baa npfc-help- od tooroato new unj tromondoiia iuequali- ties of hooioty or turned thousands into tramps vagabonds or hardouod the natural eolnahncbb of men iu any way it has changed the old individual relations of theemployer and tho employee to tbo cor porate relation but it is now forcing men tothoconoluaion that moral attributes are jaetab powdrfiil and the upilioation of moral principles juat aa feasible under the new corporate aa ouder vlievold individual relational it has been the moousvof re ducing the workday from twolvo or four teen howb to vue or ten hours uud ttip ineyitableresult will be btill further re- duation in the limb neaeshary for the ear p iog of a living it jias not only shortened tbo workduyvbat h has increased the re muoeratiqn por hour moat machinery isexpeneivoabda workb well equipped with the very best appliaucos undsitself obliged when now proceaaoh aro invented and now mechanical devices brought into exietance to sell its old machines for old iron labor maat then replace it all and so the evolution of invon tiona goes on ever widening the opportuni ties for employment evon shortening the workday even increasing the reward to jahor and oven bringing a larger propor- tion of the whole population into employ ment in reaching this conclusion which is obatantially supported by actual facte no consideration has beon given to specula tive perioda or periods of depression only tbo general tendency from one deeado to another can be considered legitimately wise men know it is folly to build on a poor foundation either in architecture or in health a foundation of sand ia inaecuro and to dead en aymptonib by narcotics or nerve com pounds is equally dangerous and deceptive the true way to build up health ia to make your blood pare rich and nourishing by takinghpoda raraaparilla hoods pillflaoteaaily and promptly on be liver and bowels cure sick headache the habit of looking at all questions from a moral standpoint ia ono of vast importance castoria for infanta and children thtfad llcaatu vfttcjm a double cure mrs jaa e elwood st thomas ont bays my haaband and hiybelf have taken jdoans kidney pilla wo used them for kidney and back trouble for which we had buent a great deal of money without getting relief doans pills cured ub both in a remarkably abort time 1 believe they will ouroovon after all other medioineb fail why did youdjamibb your doctor i had five prescriptions from him and there was not a bicycle in one of them rheumatism can be cured nearly thirteen years ago i waa taken very severely with rheumatism and al though i have been treated for itby sovoral doctors hero and elsewhere besides using any amount of patent medipinea and vaunt ed rheumatic cares i never found only temporary relief until six mpnths ago when dr haieteds rbouroatio cure tired mo bo that i im uul fell any of it since rodt l bingham acton march 15th 387 young father ia it a boyor a girl doctor a cyoliat no its a tandem over a year dr j wqroayenpr of buffalo n y read a paper before the amerioan academy of modicino in philadelphia may 31 on the kelation of alcohol to preventive modioine in thia paper among other things be said if a board of health for the safety of the community can rightly kill ibe butohera diboaaed cattle on what ground can it be forbidden to destroy the saloon keepers liquor poison it may bo object ed that auoh an act would bo an infringe ment of personal liberty bat it is not bo all right methods ebonld bo nend for elevating to a bighor plane his physical mental and moral oatare and to aooom- plisb thia noblo object due recognition should be given to tbe part played by alcohol aa an anlagoniet of preventive medicine tho american saloon ib not only a crime producer hat a dfaesebreeder the persona who driuka in the alcohol io saloon will oftentimes drink accident suioide murder epilepsy insanity diieaie degeneraor death if it is a good law to close the shop that flells-diwiruwd- moat or poiaoned oiieese or dooaying vegetables 1b it not good law to close the saloon that boiib the pouon of alcohol it ib not only good law but common sense as a sani tary moabure the drinkiug saloon sboujdbe supprcaaed- a countess challenged god ml vm inibotownof hao6nri in gormany evidgellsl moody writoh in bis bible class dlecoareo in tho aokiial lailiu homn jonr- na ihero fs buried a gorman oouutcas who denied tho oxistnnoo o god and ridi- oaled the idea of the ruanrroollon to forthor show her oonlempt for ohristianity ha arderodihat on her death her grave should bo bnilt up at solid maaonry and oovored by larffo atones fateoed togotber by iron olampb on thia tomb waaengrav- ed hor dellant clinllongo that tbrough oternrty this tomb nlionlrt never be disturbed bnt olio day tho seed from some treo either blown bytlio wind or oarrled by a bird beoamo lodged in a small orevice of tho tomb whore boon it sprouted and iuginto arow and then as if nature had smiacd to mook the haughty iiifidol he quietly extended her rielloale roots of that seedling under the mawivo blooka of tone and slowly rslsed them from their plane and now though scaroefourgener allonsa ilassrl alnco ihav tomb waa sesiod that nost liiinlhoaht seedling hsa imiihsawhs himself was ehal- cliioponp wmmmii i havdbeen troubled with sick hoadacho for over ayear lately i have used laxa liver pills and and that tboy help me more than any other modioine i bave over takoa tbey are an excellent pill causing no pain or griping and leaving no after ill effect a miss mary elton hicka boothbay ont the highest position in the dominion of canada paines celery compound the popular medicine with the people andthe medical profession only a truly great and tltootlvo romody could contimiu av piiiiion celery coni- pqund iiub done to hold ita high place in tbo ohtiuiatiun of ihenblebt phyaioiana and ofthe tonsof ihousiinda of blwy men and women whone unly means of judgfng iu from tho actuit rtenlkiu their own homep or amoiifithuir friiiidri no remedy was over bo highly ttcotpmbuded bepauao no other over aohioytd ho many graud victories over dibcaao and aiektieaa for feeding exhuubtccl nerves building jp tho btreiigthof tlio body giving a natural and eauviy- appetite und as a promoter of rcfroshiiig aleop iaiuoa golery compound standh today without an cqal in the world mrs garland g7o crawford st toronto glvevhtr experience with the worldb bett medionieaafoflovvh your painos celery compound has most wondurfutly improved my health heforo ubium it my appetite was poor almost gone iwua albo woak an j dobili- tatodi and hiifforod from ptiina in tho head a compound docs all that is claimed for it- i lavo recommended it to my friends and they all npeak highly of tho results received from it i wish patuoa celery compound tho siicoeas it so richly deservoa asy to take- i asy to operate are features peculiar to hoods nils small ia itzo tasteless efficient thorough as one man said younevcrkriow you have taken a pill till it is all over 2cc c i ilocd co proprietors lowell mass ilie only pills to toko with hoods susaparlu pills hobbswhy did the oabhier loavo the country dobbs tho ohly reason was that he couldnt take it with him thirty years of gloom he had hunted the world for a ray of hopeful healthful sunshine but in vain until south american nervine brought a midday burst of heal in er ll9rht to him and rnade him strong again thomas waterman a wellknown and popular roaidont ot dridowater n b had boonbufforing from indigeatiou aud weak- q09s of tho nerves for nearly thirty years ho had triad every remedy and treated with boat phyaiciane but all failed to give any pormanent relief ho bad almoat glvpn uphopa of a cure and aa a last resort procured south amerioan nervine one bottle greatly-benefiued-and-after- takiug threeor four bottles be proclaimed bimbelf perfeotly woll sold by a t brown l oof uoisft jfvtge able picparalioit tor at r slmilating ukroatflmlrcgiiln uqgthcslonirasrncldbvvcls of fgrognsgittti promotesdi6csloiighccrrul- ncssandrcstcontalns neither opiummorphlrte nor mineral hoxnarcptic juismma i- apcrfcct ilcmcdy f opconstipa- tiori sourstoiwchdiarrhoea worms convulsiortsfevensh- ness and loss of sl tac simile sisnaturo of exact copt of wrapper fdhm that the facsimile signature of- is ion the vbqtire oin oastorla la pat upin olieidte lottloa only it ifsnot sold la balk dont allow anyone to sell lyoa anything also on tho plea or promleo that it i ib just as good and wilt anawer ovory pnr- lio 5rbcp that yon got oabtoeia 1 vhttm i slmua frilbltahl a no day is longenongb for tbo man whoso heart and hands aro both tilled with love for the master sick headache aud citnatipation are promptly cured by banlockpilhu easy to take sure in effect mother kleptomania iatakin some thing more than you want johnnie i roubt have had arjmo ot that when i was aiok if your children are troubled withwormb give them mother gravea worm exter minator pafe sure and effectual try it and mark the improvement in your child somo folks is bo mighty tricky dat when doy comes acrost a oobd whats reely sure nuff honest dey rub ewixt an thinka hes playin fomo mighty deep game llunlock illooil illltera burdock blood bittora reulatca tho stomach livor bowola and blood curing dyspopaia bilioiibncsg flick headache rheumatism scrofula and removing all impurities of tbo blood from a common pimple to thoworat scrof ulooa soro aa an invigorator and tenia b b b is an un equalled medicine jebb i wonder why they call tho expen ses of a church llio rawiing expenses i buppoao its bocauae the vestry men are never ablo to catch up with them the public should bear iu mind that dr thomab jecleotric oil has nothing in common with tho imparedetiorutinfj cisbs of socalled medioinul oils it is eminent ly pure and roally eticaoioub-t- relieving pain and lamencaa ptiffacbq of the joints and mueclea and soreo and hurts besides being an oxoelleut speoifio for rheumatism oougb and bronchial cota plaint a biliousness cdhstjpation sick headache liver troubles as a laxative one pill acts perfectly and if a stronger action is desired a cathartic effect is produced by two pills in obstinate cases wlicrea purgative is necessary three pills will be found sufficient these pills- leave no unpleasant after effect one pill taken each night during uijr y days will cure constipation rnicc ano ptf o ron ioc orflwtb id rraco is thebnly safeguard against baokaliding and apoatany severo col da are easily cured by tho uso of biokles antloonaumptive syrup a medicine of extraordinary penetrating and bealing properties it is acknowledged by those who have qed it as being the beat mediolne sold for courba ooldv inflamma tion of tba lunge and all affections of tho throat and cheat its agroeableness to tho taste makes it a favorito with the ladies and children a man recently drank a pint of yeabt in mistake for- buttermilk ho rose threo hoars oalier than ueual next morning a prominent tawyer snya i have eight children everyone in good health not ono of wliom but has taken scotts emulsion in whioh my wife has boundless conlldeuco they say people in this country spend more money on bicycles than on bread i know but thon pooplo cant bbow off with a loaf of bread tho best cough euro is halyards pector al balaam it heals the lunua audcures coughs and colda crimaonbeaktheroa 6no thing thats pretty hard io understand whata that how a man blind drank can sea doablo eighty unfortunates is the estimated proportion in every hundred people in this climate affected with that dread disease catarrhhow easily the proportion would be re versed if dr agnews catarrhal powder was universally used it relieves in io minutes vdr agnowa catarrhal powdor bene fitted me at onoe its so oaby to apply aays kov w u main of emmauuel baptist church buffalo tliousandu more in professional and in humbler callings of lifo qould say anion to this atatemant dr agnowa catarrhal pow der gives rolief in from 10 to i0 minutes in most aouto ceos now is the aeaaon of eovoro weather chanson and how is the aeaaon when disease germs develop that sli hneezink cold in tho head may mean that tho beeds of chronic catarrh hnvo been sown tho tcetod cure id the safest and quickest sold by a t brown summer boarder la thia farm of youra very fertile kansab parmer jot very i tried to raiso a mortgage ouitlaet yeur sud oould not i and akuo and bilious derange- mohts are positively removed by tho nnn of pftrmolonh ijlln t not only cleanse tbo stomach aud bowels from all hilionbmatter but thoy open tho exorotory vebsels cauaing tbeai to pour copious citubious from tho blood into tho bowels after which tho corrupted mass is thrown out bj the natural passago ot the body they aro used aa a general family medi cine with tho beat results when- we ory out of the depths god always hears and and answers bar prayers fagged out none but those who have become fagged out know what a depressed miserable fooling it is all strength is gone and despondeuoy baa taken hold of tho sufferers they feel aa though there was nothing to live for therb however is one euro ono box of parmeleoe vegetable pilla will do wonders in restoring health and strength mandrake and dandelion aro two of tho articles ontering into tho composition of varmeleos pilla arthur i would marry that girl butfor oho thing chester afraid to pop the question no afraid to qucbtion tbej pop norway pino syrup cures coughs colde and allthroat and lung troubles prico 25 ancl fioc cora college men seem very- much in clined to tako lifo eafiy dora yes even when thoy graduato thoy do u by degrees d1z71iick8 mul weak eyesight how to cure them mrs j doll chatham oat bays for two years i ooald novor go to sleep before two or three oclock in the morning i buffered much from vertigo and dim oyesight milburna heart and- nervo pilla have removed the dizziness restored my heart to healthy action strengthened my oyeaightj and i oan truly say thoy aro a bloaaing to any ono buffering as i did a cinch thoy offered a bible at oar church labt year to tbo moat regular atten dant who got the bible the sexton cant budge him solence is rlht oo times in a hun dred medloal solence say that pills and powders will not dissolve the solid secretions whioh cause kidney disease it has proven that a liquid kid ney specific will do so and thousands have testified that south amerioan kidney cure a liquid specific for kidney dis ease has done so the bcoret of the aaccesu of south amer- 4oanjfadaeycareia t f sola- ly a kidney apeciflc ic disolves tbe ario acid whioh is roally tho base of all kidney diseases and it ia only when those aolid matters and bocrotlona havo been dissolved jind eradicated from tho system that a cure oan bo hoped for pi ii 8 and powders from a medical science standpoint or from tho standpoint of common sense cau hardlybe expeotod to do what this liquid remedy has done the rfeopte aro learn ing it mra norman 12 cook of delhi ont sttyd i tried no end of remedies pills powderb and porous plasters and ilwore uaod invttinfivoliqttleaj ot south american kidney curo completely restored mo to hoalth sold by a t brown hnnurl midsummer bargains wc arc now in the midst of our midsummer pale and are anxious during the next ten days to clear out the whole of our stock of warrcotjjclbv cents wearr dress goods hosiery cottons sheetings carpets c reduced prices in all lines lowquotatiqns in extra value in teas goods delivered to any par of the town stpre closes at 7 ptii mill st acton henbersonst go glrlsgow house fancy ribbons flowers straw shapes and everything in our millinery department clearing at greatly reduced prices the stock is fresh and clean and will e cleared- out regardless ofcost bargains in parasols dress goods muslins ging hams etc to clear out immediately full assortment of gloves hosiery summer under wear ladies and boys belts ladies collars and cuffs fresh shipment of these goods just opened henderson 4do acton its in your pocket when you order your clothing here we just opened a new range of nice neysr style suitings they should sell for 21 and 2250 our prices for them in the best style of the tailors art is 1800 cash see our all wool pants to order at 325 new ties the latest just in all styles at ren15ls0nr cash tailoring and mens furnishing store ofguelph 99 wyndham street mouraing ovor waatdd opportunities dboa not bring tuom imck otlisrs fallit cures babv was cured deati sirs i cfln nlffhly recom- mend dr kowlcrfl ilxtmct of wild fitrnwberry it rcl my bnby nf i dinrrlttvanftcmll othcriiicnmfuilcd o i kive it trqat lmlsc itincxccl lent for nil bowel camplnlntr- 1irs chasllotr hnrlow onl a ball trath is tbe worst sort of a lie it speaks well tor an dotlolo when the longer it is nird the better it it liked buoli is tho cae with aycrriilnlr viuor pooplo who have been using it for years eonld not bo iudoood to try any other dres- slnk for their hair becume it gives sooh perfeot satisfaotion are you ono of ho striking miners asked tbe woman at ibo door yea mum im what dey oall de bulldog i struck tirty yearasgo and nsvor glvo iu yet of all the wbilker de offered to the publlo none hava proved lo drairablo and esy of iirplfehon as bdbkingbams to keep up hope there are thousands of cases where re covery from consumption has been complete plenty of fresh air and a wellnour ished body will check the progress of the disease nu tritious foodsare well in their way bujt the best food of all is codliver oil when partly digested as in scotts emulsion it does not dis turb the stomach and tik body secures the whole bene fit of the amount taken if you want toregd more about t let us send you a book j scott it bownh oioiylla oa 1 ive fawml fret j bnfpr iowlcrn t wlicjriytinilcoit t in iill cnseh nf t rricr complulnt t the head master ofntiuhrh i tmve fawml crcatt fintlbrnctlonlntlio inn o kxtrnutofwildstrnwii nlilerit invntiiaulo ir thiixrhnen ftnd nmnrricr cotnpluiit it la a plcntniro to me to recommend t it to tho public j r ii mastkiiton prlncipul i high school lllverchurlo nnf dftan rina from my own oxporionoo i oan confidootly buy that dr fowlora extract o wild strawberry poaaoaaoa trao morit it was tlio means ot saving my littlu rirla life last atimmer she was tcotbiog anti took violoat diarrhoea dr fowlora extract of wild strawberry ourod hor and i fool that i oannot say onourh in ita favor mra william arthur teetorville ont shops and warerooms foot of willow st calls attondeid to day or night good food tliero ibor ahamo orlbd tho young wife not a thing in tho houso fit to oat im going rijjhthomo to papa 4toudonltminddcar thq huahautv raichnf for his lmt ill fio with you to romovo worm a of all kinds from ohildren or adults dr lows worm syrup is a oafo and euro remedjr senator silver xjooa thq goiitloman moan to aay that 1 j io senator fence tho gontlcman has too much rrurd for tho courtesies of bo chamber to titter tho eutimeut eo aptly exjireahtti by hia learned frioncl a hummer hcclll dr fowlora eitrnoto wild htrawborry ourobohotornmorbubdinrrhooayactitory crnmpfl oolio bqmrner pomplaint cankor ofiltn mouth mill all linwel cuniplutiilif ol chitflren or mini la it is u booth inp tlttfotual and never fiilin modioine which givei immediato relief bih speedily tffoctb hctira ask joiir nor4 or jess why dont tho flumly rlrla go ont any moro ou their bloyoloa boaa they heard a man tell his little boy they wero fat lachob from tbo cironont to advortibo the show thero never was and novor will be a univoraal panaooa iu one remedy for all ilia to which fleahia hoir tho very nature of man ouiatlvch bolng auoh that wore tho gorma of other and differently boated disoahos rooted in tho ayatom of the patient what would relieve one 111 in turn would aggravate tho othor we have however in quiaino wine when obtained in a sound unaduuoratedettv a remedy for many and grlevoua ills by its gradual judloioua use tho frailoat byatoma are lod into oon- valcacenoe and btreugth by tho influenco whioh quiuino exorta on naturoa own reatorativob it relieves tho drooping spirits of thoao witb whom a chronic state of morbid despondent and laok of interest iu hfoia a diaeabo and by tratkjuiliiing the norvea dlpowiv to aonnd and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the action of the blood whioh being bt ooorsoa throughout tho veins strengthen lug the healthy aniinil fnuotions of tho byatam thereby making activity th nepenaary reault atrengthonluu tho frump anil giving ljfu tb tho digoativu orrumr whiph naturally demand increased substance result im proved appetite northrop a iivrnan of toronto hve given lo the puhlio their qulolno wine at ihu uual rate and gaaged by the opinion of eclontiats this wn approaches neirebt perferl ion of any on the market all drungiita acll it j a speiglit co undertakers and embalm iers latest- styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges purnit of all kind8 a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight go orders left with j n 8tln80n rockwood will receive immediato attention railway timib table grand trunk railway uo i no uarlt ooinu wkht mall kxprofl mull piliaui 1 kxprorib j 25 pm kxnruno 7 00 pm mali i mixed fl yiam in 47 nm 0 11 pm 10 a pm nan 6v clohinu mailh goin wchti as am mid g40 ptii going kaat 10 15 uiii and fl 45 pm thfltim li1lo wmit into ulluci on monday nov uotfitltiji we keep things moving by kpeplng things that move t stupid fellow whogujigesrtbo quality of dootaand shoos by the price has no bus- ness to be married yet one of this class directed hiti whvto buy footwenror herself arid the children from another firm beeause- d they chargctl more fortherh andtheyv must ihereforo be better jfis better half bought several pair from us andsevbrat from the othcrtiguse and showed her hus band they were identical being even mahuv factuved by the same people this proved conclusively how foolish a man can bo when he really tries the ladyof the house gen erally knows whore she canget the-mosr- and the best for her money and if you wore to ask the ladies of actonthe- question where can i get the best value in boots and shoes the answer in nine cases out of ten would be at w williams our prices arc hard to beat try us for any- thing you want in our line w williams mill street actori main street planing mills acton ont jphn cameron architect and contractor maaatacturcrof saab doors frames moulding j in all atyles dressing matcbtmo and mouldino to order on abort notlco well asbdrtod stock on band at prices totali the times john cameron proprietor binder in leading brands and close cut prige is now iri stock at acteri fteur andm eedsterel callind examine before you bny frank harris v manager brhntf50rpl calvanized mm lhijw and puoj m iaevnthlur ternif covered ootr patent noufir and baliboartoss ball bkarrnos roller bearinqs merchants i business men newspaper advertising makers of tho llglim ostrunnlnff and besfl constructed galvana izcd steel wind mllu and towers mad also the celebrate maple leaf oral a r srinder write fog bramtfordcam illustrated clhcularj brightly started rightly stuck to solidly backed up ensures business suooess advertise in the acton free press johnmjqueen acton agent for above alsojpb- frost and wood binders and mowers a fall line of all kinds of farm implements and repainsl f9b swato 8cientifi0 ameri0ah3 301 draadsav naw vtfv is v te

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