Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 26, 1897, p. 2

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y born ciaiik in acton on fiuiiday ajiguot squd to mr urul mm willum v cjlurk a bod aiinoiiiiii aotoiij on friday aug shli to jiru nail lor mid mm arnold a dauijutor mdwat in kpqnobltihou balurrtay 14th aug- ubttomr unil mra jaiiobmotrftt a eon maiihtiari at isvurton on sunday antf hth to mr and mrug a mtiralioll poutm outer a hon kiiim amy at oiiklaml brant co on tuesday mil august iylv thoa amy fathor of tho hrido mr martin korr irinclpal of myrtle st kcliool tit thomas to jbtrot oldoat tuufjutor at hoy t amy wiihon hasnant at graco church milton on tnuhdav 17th auiiubt hv itov j k ouddun m a tirnoat wilson to caanio nooond ihuirlitir of tholato holoinon hauuant eb br hoth of milton urg i tlio mot chur ouwodiibiiaayttilb auflufleuy couragi thu hov eh ltuport m a oailstod by tho jtov dr btouo frenmont of tlio toronto con- furuucd tho itov geo c balfuur bovoru llitilkf tomtflj ma m itunort parry bound died brr vintjk atclarlrtbnon tuesday aufiuatl7th frudurlok j winter aged 3iyoara fkathbuhton in trafalgar on friday aug ljtli bidorson feathers ton aged 67 yoara cunnlwcjiiaw at the roaldonoo of her brother hornby ou friday aug fltb mary jauo cunningham ia her 48th year rbninbow atbearertod on tuesday 17th august itutb itodforn second daughter of c blaakott hqbluaod publlaborcaimda ircaby teriau toronto v v howflon at aahgrovo on monday auguat 33rd morv pldkard third daughter of into itev william imckard gualiibondbolovodwlfo of matthew howaou aahgroyo jz retort w fjrss thursday august 20 1897 notes and comments tho arm stand taken by the mrqnls of baliflbary in refusing to allow turkey to retain theaaaly until the greek indemnity ia paid fa embarrassing the powers they are anxious on one hand for a settlement of tho question and on the other they do not relibh the idea of yielding to the dicta tion of groat britain new one and two dollar hotea have been issued by the government the first new issue in fifteen years- both bills arq green and the faces of the bills are considerably harder than the old bills in the centre of the ftl is a river scene showing in the foreground men at work rolling iqga to the river while in the background may be seen several lumber oamps the bills are rather pretty in appearance the pr is the time to see that your name ia on the voters list of the muni cipality in which yon reside on the list now boing prepared and which will be completed by the judgo in a few weeks tho next election of the legislature will bo held lists may be had by applying to the municipal dark seo thatyoor name is on pcho only qualifications ate a briluh enb- jeot 21 years of age and a resident of the municipality millions for farmers the prlqoa for wheat in ontario and elsewhere advanolnffy good t1mesare at hand farmers should bo happy present prices of wheat aro tho highest for several years and growers aro getting tho full benefit of tho nuubually good prices tho bout of it is that orops of both spring and fell wheat aro greater hum for many flor- sons with prices 15 to 20o hixlibr and an increase or fi000000 buihels lu yield tho vaiuo of tho wheat cropi in onturio will bo between 905ooc0o and 88bq0o00 more than lubt year thu la a very en diotiou that gonoraltrade lu canada will be better the coming year than our mer chants have of late years been accustomed to experience a comparison of prices of mauitoba wheat ohowa a still groater contrast in favor of thfpflqaeon at fort william and port arthur no 1 hard ia worth 05o a compared with g2o a year ago the bamo grade sold last week at 103 in toronto as against 70o o year ago hrveetlng began early m manitoba this soieon and a good yield seetns to bo- expected oondrvatiya ostimalea place the crgp at about 25000 000 baahela whiqlr ib much in excbis of last year- grain men ori the toronto board of trade aro alftalking dollar wheat and iv is along time ainoe the quotations coming over the wires have been so eagerly watch ed the reoent rapid advances have led to the belief that a still furthur rise will take place and the btrong statistical position is pointed to aa showing that the advance is legitimate ancplikely to hold a large deficit is reported in the european orop and if this tarns oat to be a fact then our wheat will be requir ed and all of it that can bo spared borne of the ontario dealers are said to have thontattorburea no f s tat istlcsrff porta that the yielde of tho present year on the whole promibe to exceed those of 1896 and bibo to exceed the average of the fifteen years 1882og fall wheat bo owe an in- craaeed area of 73000 acrca with ten million bubhela promised an average of over 25 bushels an acre spring wheat has taken a movo up again bath in acreage and promised yield the acreage and yield of barley are both somewhat bojow the previous year the yield of oats pro mised is 4000000 bushels greater than the enormous yield of 1800 in roaud figures the crop ia estimated at 87000000 bashols the yields of rye and beans are above the average and that of peas below the average noonejrho has lived among the people of tho udtted states can deny that hoblility to groatfcfritnin is one of the most potent forces mf tho make- a p of the average american it is notable that it crops out oftenea in purely friendly disoassion let a canadian go to new york oity for instance lot him form with bo me oitizen of the united states a friendship that apart from consideration of nationality is ideal ho will find canadians are finding overy day that his american friends hostility to the mother land ia aggravated to tbo war pitoh it is the simple result of cdtication the common school histories of the united states are so fashioned as tq made good profits in purchasing and re- oiling ontario wheat there was an ad vance on the toronto market of bix and a half cents on saturday and if this advance holds it would moan no less than 53500- 000 more into the poqkets of tbo farmers taking the oropb of manitoba and ontario at the present advance they wijl yild in money the enormous bum of 920000000 more than last year the advances all through are of a mobt retnarkablo nature np 1 hard manitoba wheat which this time last year was quoted at 62 cents aflcat at fort william sold on saturday at 9110 a bushel one lot of no 1 hard sold at goderioh at 9110 and 8112 was oabod for more il is held at montreal at 9118 in the same way the advance in in manitoba wheat is moat marked new north and west wheat sold last year at co to gl oente on saturday it bold at oocedts oldnorlh and west whfoh was quoted last year at 64 and 65 centsrfloldodsatnrdayat5cenfb7aolear advancotn both oases of 80 cents abuabel local deliveries at the present time are very liht as is natural upon an advancing market bat if the price goes up to a dollar the farmers will bo free bollora both ontario and manitoba fioar bavo also sharply advanced manitoba patents show an advanba of 8210 a tantl tho advanoe in ontario flour ia about 8150 a barrel being quoted on saturday at 8470 a year ago it sold at 9320 the udvanoe in prioos givea the farmers an advantage which all will appreciate aa usual notwithstanding the hopes for still higher pricesi we believe it is in the farmers best interests that they sell their wheat within the next fow days an ex perienced dealer in one of the big markets tenders this advice farmers sett your wheat there is a very large supply in ontario and you bhoald retrid of bo mo of it while the export demand is good prices are unusually high and tho farmers should reap the benefit of them dealers have utile or none let them have it and let the dealers and speculators assume the rtab valuable varieties of fall wheat re porta of suoooaeful win tor wheat experiments from 231 ontario fatrme tbero will likoly be about 800000 acres sown with full wheat in ontario within the noxt month it is vory important there fore that fall wheat growers take every available means to secure thoao varieties which uro likely to aivo tlie boat reuulte dy- experiments bond noted wlthiu the past eight ycura tit tho ontario afjtioultural colleo with 152 variotiea of winter wheat it lu found that ihero iu u groat variation in the comparative yields ofrain produced by tlio diffjront varibtitb it ia uluo found lliat the varieties whidh bavo given gool avorago results in tho exporimouta conduct ed at the goljpge for avfaw years in success ion have ubuafly given rood eatisfaotion throughout ontario t this faot hab been determined by the reaults of opoperativo experiments conducted throufjhoul the province during each of the past five years lu conneation with tho experimeutftiwpr at the college from seven to nine varje- iios have been soteoted eaak year for send- ibg out- to exbtudents of the agricultural oollege and to other intoested and pro- greaaive farmers throughout ontario who have expressed their desire to join in the cooperative experimental work and have written for the necessarymaterlal in the autumn of 1800 soven vurieuoa of winter wheat were aclcctod for distribution and were divided into three sets with three varieties in each the dawsons goldon chaff being used throughout as a basis by which the reaults of all the varieties could be compared wjth one another wo have received 231 full and satisfactory reports of carefully conducted winter wheat experi ments for 1807 thlb number is more than doable that pt any previous year these reports oame from 35 counties 10 of whioh are situated east and 1g west of guelph thefollowingiablo gives the comparative results of straw and grain per acre of the winter wheat varieties tested during the past season on 231 farms i- straw per aero a rain poraoro tons bugolba dawaona goldon chaff a 3 iwq stewarts champion 337 early xtod clawaon 31 31 j pridoof goneaoo 2j 310 farly qoaoeco giant 1 305 iberian 21 2s6 loolo 18 375 as none except the 231 good reports of successfully conduoted experiments have been used in the precoeding summary of reanlts the tablo should be of great value and worthy of the thoughtful attention of wheat growers in ontario muoh credit is due to tho oaroful expsiimonters who sent us the reports of the testa made on their own farms cokcluhionb 1 in the average yield of winter wheat por aore the dawbonb golden chaff stood highest among 11 varieties tested over ontario in 1808 0 varieties io 1894 9 varv disease con dr williams pink pills oain another qreat victory a roportore sbarohlns invpstlffa- tlon into a caao at oransevlllev the claims made on behalf of this medicine fully borne out the greatest healing medlolne of the aire from tho oraugovlllo fluu lu a cosy little houso jn murgarot street in thio town lives mr john gurrity bin wife and family tlioly aro indeed a happy family although a few yours ago a sadder household would ho hard to find their happineaa was not ocoaaioued by tho sud- -dnob4ftioiug-ota- thing muoh more pfioioua tho restoration to health of a wifo nd mother when ovary- oue whispered tbt she mast die our reporter heard of mra garritya illnesa and cure auxl for the bouollt of our readers inyeatlgatedtho oaee what ho loarnod ib well worth repeating a few years ago mr garrity kept a well known hotel at cheltenham and wa known far and wide for life hospitality and kiudrjoas his wife toojvas noted for her amiability how ever she was stricken witha peoaliar eiok- neaa her health failed rppidly and from one hundred und fortyaoven ppuuds her weight became reduced to riitrotyflve pounds fainting spoils bocaine freilnent and a opntinnal pain iu the back of iet head almost drove her frantic physicians were in attendance bat the doctors all said there waatio hope mrs garrity saw death starlbgn the faceand the thought of leaving herittttoohildron baused her muoh sadness sbe was advised to try dr williams pink pills but thought they could not possibly do her any goodvhen pbybicians had failed to alleviate her suf ferings hoping however almost ag hope she procured a supply and wonder ful to relate bhe had not been taking pink pills long when the dreadful symptoms of bojrs hhimmmwhh georgetown the following candidates in third and fonrth form work were saooessfal in the moent high bohool examinations tinnn fonit c h bennett passed in lipmiat j o fits w e f f j ietiea in 1805 9 varieties in 1896j and 1 varieties in 1897 also among 53 variutioa fjrown at the agripultural college for bix years in succession 2 three varieties of winter wheat have been tested over ontario for four years in euocesbion with the following average yields of grain per acre dawsons golden quaff 82 bushels early red clawaon 29 i boshels and early genesee giant 20 120 boahelb 3 dawbonb golden chaff was the must popular variety with tho experimenters in each of the past four yoara 4 in the cooporativo experiments for 1897 stewarts champion pride of gene see dawson b golden chaff and siberian made the best appearance in the spring 5 dawsons golden chaff and early genesee giant possessed tbo strangest and the pride of genesee and siberian the weakest straw in 1897 0 the dawaona golden chaff and the stewarts champion were the least and tbe pride of gouesee and tho early genesee giant were tho most effected by ruat 7 the stewarts champion and the pride of geneseo prodnoed the- greatest length of straw 8 the early red clawson and the dawsons golden chaff were tbo first to mat are and lhe early genesee giant and tho stewarts champion were the last to mature 9 th d g chaff th her illness began to passu way and today bhe is the picture of health afewmonthb ago mr garrity and family removed to orangeville and in conversation with our representative mrs garrity said i can not find words to exprebb my thankfulness for what dr williams pink pills have done for rue why it 1b almost miraculoqs i wish that everyono who is buffering as i was will hear of thia remedy we alwaya keep a box of pink pills in thehouse k the murder of mrs orr coroners jury finds a verdlot against younar allison the farm hand galt aug 20 tbe evidence in the inqaest upon the murder of mrs orr near gait wae completed last evening air the evidence was in shortly afte 2 p m and the jury retired to render a verdict atlfljalf ailhoararetirfirpent the jury rendered tb fol verdict that on tho 9th day of anguat 1897 james a allison did unlawfully malic- iossly kill and murder emma orr tho preliminary hearing before a magis trate has been ohapged from monday aug 23 to friday aug 27th allison was removed to the county gaol at berlin lait monday evening the piraumstanooa sarroundiug the murder as revealed the past few days point very strongly to allison as the murderer avers pills having lieonjiabject for yearsito constipation without being able to find much re lot i at last tried ayera fills and testify hint 1 have derived great benefit from their use for over two years piiat i linve taken one of those pills overy nhrlitv g w itow- 11ak 20 koat malu st carlblo ia v oujrh constipation if you have this ia for you wo madu a great bargain in hoys 2 piece suits sizes 22 aj 24 2 26 27 antl 28 inches they are all rriade in the newest styles splendidly made too with firstclass trimmings material of light and dark tweed mixtures nil nice patterns plenty of variety 10 choose from tbero arc 137 suits of them 49 snits aro worth from 8250 to 835i nd ve are going to qlear them at 82 per suit qq c- 4 are worth from 8 3 50 tp 956 and we are going to clear theni at 8250 per suit this is a cjcj fttlllis cnance rarely to be met with and occurs at an opportune time just aa you are thinking about wwr fixing the boys up for school nice blue serge suits at 8150 and 8175 maybe these arc top small for your boys maybe your boy is 10 years old or over come right along and see these 3 illick suit bargains to fit any age from 10 up to 15 yoara special values nt 9250 83 8325 and 83-5- mists suits are specially good value too and we have a wontlertul offering of mens unperclqthing f 300 heavy i shetland wool shirts and drawers really worth 8130 a suit to bo sold at 75c a suit or 38c each garment please notje uicsc goods are at our clothing store mr zieglers old srarrrj lower wyndham street until the addition to our new store is completed r ht lpper wyndhm street wo are presenting ilmost numberllss money siving chances that cannot be had elsewhere there are print and ginghams bargains there are flannel and blanket bargains there are linen and table drapery bargains there aro dress goods and trimming bargains there aro hosiery and glove bargains there are flannelette and staple bargains beside a lot of blouse waists to be sacrificed your interests lie in visiting cheapside coon and often the zieglerhinch co guelph wliy not grasp this great opportuuity to get the balance of our spring antf summer goods at less than the manufacturers prices aoton machine and bepair shops henhy qrindell proprlot9r we intend to clear put our spring and summer goods regardless of cost dressgoods at cost allsummerwashgoods coster- prints at ctstanthesk parasols a large variety to choose from prices cut in two ladies shirt waists ladies collars and cuffs gloves hosiery small- wares etc in great variety fine highclass tailoring we still hold the lead in this and why we give the best fit best workmanship best trimmings and the largest and best assorted stock to select from we have a large range of scotch and english suitings to be cleared out before the fall trade at very close prices gents fijrnishings we always keep in stock the latest novelties in gents neckwear collars cuffs etc in our hat department we have just received a large assortment of straw hats the latest styles in the market also hard attdsoft felts readytowear clothing boys suits youths suits mens suits bicycle suits in this department we will give 10 discount for the next 30 days dont fail to grasp this great opportunity to get goods cheaper than you can buy them any other place this is getting noted throughout the whole country as georgetowns livestand cheapest store i 5 iilclu 2luimtibctiteisi wanted men and won on viid can work haril talking and writliik nix ho tin dailyforfllx jays a wook nud will bo con tout with ton dollars wook- i ly addruba 1 newidljahcoi medical llulldin tf 3drputo out agents iamjuat btnrtlug tin iunltltit yoii hj vpurjianiu 11 lif5fiuatloii tlihik or money for imny a day aniuaud uddrooa will bring iho golden it i clhabcjow toronto ont wanted ritttfbit5 t li of fair oduoatloq to whom 00 a month would ho an inducement 1 could alio otarago a fow ladlos at tliolr own homoa t n linbcott toronto out 7800 given am v to persona who make the groawst number of wotuh out of the phraio pateot attorney woddorbarn ftfr particular ddre the national xttconlor vanblu8toi3d 0 waffdf i solionokb for canada an enoyolopodla of tho country in flvo royal quarto vol uunob nodollvorlng commlhlqp paid weak ly a canvasaor reports itfi flnt week nuklog over aeveuty dollars profit j the iilnbcotyrgpupany toronto ont youk spare time men roinon to condnet baslneoi at homov work ib ilmplo writing and copying hat of addreaaea received from local adtortlifiig to bo forwarded to ua daih no cantatmlog no previous ozperionoe requlrod but plain wrtteri preferred permanent work to thoao content to earn w or moro weekly jn aparq mmo apply to wabbenpubcorondoncnt the vvllkinson truss are you ruptured if so get the beat trail and you will always obtain the boat remits tho wilkinson tltubs which has onred many can likely do ib for yon at tbe same time it ib comfortable eaay and buro to bold when properly ad jotted fall line of othor bprlng and elaatlo halt traaaea liuautubuu ui4u bui uibvv4v dl kuuoi bio joleisasponaorloartiuppoxtcn oto- ow call at exhibition time b lindmanjproprletor 65yorkst toronto orit wanted canvassei3queen victoria her liflo and reign has optured tbo brltlah empire extraordinary teitlmonlsoi from the great mon send for copy froe marqtiui of iiorno says m best popular life of tbe queen i bavo soon hor majesty sendi a kind letter of appreciation boiling w thousands givn ontbuslaatlo aattsfactlon uamusera making 015 to 840 weekly prospectus free to agents toronto ont the bliadleygaiutetson con xitmtted toronto ont a leading feature of the toronto industrial exhibition will bo the magnificent exhibit ofi3ell pianos in the music pavilion hear iheir wonderful tone see thetrexquislie caaingjnade and a guaranteed by the largest makers of piano3 in canadarthe bell organ and piano co limited i gqrsetoitfn jshn mcqueen leave your orders now for your winters supply none but the very beat scran ton coal delivered i can supply egg stove and kut sizes the liberal patronage accorded me last season by mr brownscus- tomers whose business i bought was much appreciated lean give even better service this year and solicit a continuance of their orders coal delivery to commence in september john mcqueen the m 1 spirit in every man whom no material conofderation for any cultnre in high degree has led to a more proper con ception of the high duties of the anglo- saxon race tho feeling is actually biliona in its poraiatenoy and irritancy it makea the avenge united stateser hot under the collar to hear the name of britain men tioned and it is one of the joy a of his life that there are only ilvo millions of people in canada and that the colony seems to be an easy maroh for arneticnn con qnest prosperity ath an d the advance in the price of wheat la due to a deficiency in the crops in other oonn- triea and the fact that the yiaa haa come daring tbe harvest season moam thai the farmers will receive the benefit of the 20 and 25 oenta- a bushel over last years prices this is good news it means good times gobd times for the country and the oltles and towhfl freer circulation 61 money bills promptly paid and cash with which to boy neoessities and iqxuries the farmer oad pay the general storekeeper tho country merohantcah pay the wholesaler and the prodaotlon of goods will bo demanded farnlihiag employment to many men canada is in a position to take full alvantage of the advanqe n wheat al ready the dominion has been largely advertised in great brjlaio a vigoroni immigration campaign is being waged and the britf ah scientists are on hand to carry baovto tho old world reports of canadas vast riches in natural prod nets the alvertisomont of the jubiloe weeks will be continued through the autumn and bhould result in hriniog men aud capital to the ii t r l- hili e kennedy d j muoarty b j moooliom a mmofarlane b nixon g stark h flymod p yemen fourth fona b- parsons special sub jeota c h bennett frenob german authors and physics m b gowland french german physios mathematics a8hqrovb many friends will regret to learn- of the death of mrs m howaon nee mary pickardj which took place rather suddenly at her home hers on monday evening she was takenillabout a week ago -with- an- iuternal absoess and an operation was decided upon in the hope of saving her life though she rallied somewhat the relief was only temporary and surrounded by her friends she passed away deceased waatho third daughter of the late rev wtnpiokard so well known in this sec tion beside othersorrowing relatives she leaves her husband who has also been in poor hoalth for some time the family have bad a most remarkable aeries of bereavements and sorrows the past few years and muoh sympathy will be extend ed to them in this fresh loss tbe funeral took place yesterday to the family plot in the union cemetery guelph tho country is looking for a wave of prosperity and the indications are that we will not be disappointed orewson3 corners the weather for the past week has been remarkably coolfor this time of the yoar perhaps it is ceased by prof andree flod ing the noth pole aud now coming home ward bound via ontario mr john brown finished harvesting last week he fs the first to finish in these parti if the weather keeps favorable tbe most of the farmers will finish this week mr b townsend has been jn very poor health of late mr and mrs wm anderson went to nihgaraouthe aoton and georgetown cprsiou qn donoy mrmmjllsrd of ihv guelph luratd vjiimtbamphaw on friday uandre wm friok and children i4viffiiifauiaiaty hje weok at jibbv v fc-j- sjtwtiwatfaidt mr piisim- na8 bev dr soanlon arid family are visiting at mrs scan ion a homeblaevale and the dr is giving hisleoturo f life mctnres and the lessons they teach he returns to bis work hero lor sabbath next mr thomas vilipn was tho first to finish harvest in this vicinity having com pleted on tuesday morning bev george kuohing ocoupied the put- pit for the rev dr bosnian last sunday miss basin haw of muukokn is visit ing relatives and friends jn nnseagaweya at present miss mary haw of aoton spent a few days with her mother at knatohbull dur ing the week mrs asbdown of knatohbiill ia visltiug friends in beverley at present ve are pleased to learn that mrs wm kilehing who had the paralytic stroke a fow weeks ago is in a fair way to recovery st thomas times aug- 17 the marriage took place at 280 oclock this afternoon at the borne of the brides parents rsv and mrs thomas amy oak- und brant oounty of their eldest daughter jetrefc to mr martin kerr principal of the myrtle street sohool of this oity the oeremooy was performed by the brides father lb the presence of a few neer relstltes arid friends the hewly- inarried ooupis will spend a few days visit bf thomai sdjutk njp their residence at arohnawm stewarts champion produced the plump- eat grain and the siberian and poole the moat shrunken grain 10 the counties of grey middlesex and huron furnished the largest number of saccosafol winter wheat reports in 1897 11 tho experimenters have taken muoh interest in the work as shown by the many favorable comments giveu io the reports the following being an example m ativa experiments should be located in oon- spioloae places as object lessons my experiment with the winter wheat was the- road-where-300- to floo- r lg- passed dally the visitations to the plots wero very numerous the remarks by passers by and the comparisons made wonld fill a vol a me the experiment aotually beoame- the leading topio of tbe village talk for some time previo to ha thus many object lesbona were learned by every day observers i have taken a good deal of pains with the experiment but fool well repaid the followiug leading varieties of winter wheat will be distributed this year for co operative experiments in ontario set 1 dawsons golden chaff early giant and early bed crawson bet 2 dawsons golden cheff prido of genesee and poole but 8 dawsons golden chaff new columbia and imperial ambor any person wishing to conduct a oartful experiment with one lo these seta should apply to tho experimentalist agricultural college guelph for tlio desired set and onohalf pound of every variety together with lnstrilutione foe testing and tho blank form on which to report will be furnished free of cost to his sddrobs tho supply of soma of tho varieties is limited bat wo will eriabiedterrnribhbr are well equipped with all tbe machinery neaeasary to exeuite all ropalra to machin ery and agricultural implements and to do all kinds of steamnttingboraesboelng and general blaoksmi thing wppdwork repairs performed in a satisfactory manner wo can repair- and machine or lmplomont of any make baw gamming and filing done roe blok w3e1n st produce taken in exchange every day bargain day here kanes baiit wash tbjc worlds best mairrxstojilci restores gray hnir stops hair falling cures dandruff and itching of the scalp promotes a new growth harmless to use no nasty odor notsticky or greasy only tloo per bottle o bottles b0o this beed belorotho supply is exhausted o a zavitz anr1 collfso experimentalist uuolpll aug 23rd 1897 fiett co druggists canadian agents 602 queen street wast opp por- land st toronto we pay express on 6 bottles cut this out and call on us when it town school re-opening- new designs exercise books notebooks scribblinsjjbooks school blanks lead pencils slates and all school supplies and sta- tionetyat this palls fairs seleot the fairs you will attend and include aoton union aoton union oct 4 and 9 toronto industrial aug 30 tabopt 11 uuolpll centrl soot 10 16 north oroy owen bound bept 14 19 10 wllenloy wolloloy sept h 15 northern walkerton sopt ill 10 cnntrl flnad nitwa rapt 1781 montreal sept 10 as north waterloo ilorlln septai su boatliern ilmotforil sept si 99 cntre walllnrton forgm s3 91 nortleulteral oliflord sept so riaaetildg aeprgetown sopt 83 91 pmi brmnipton sept 88 9u wmt wellington barrllton sopt 99 00 rilklogton and mora blora sept 90 ooc ibanioaaiookwpodi oat 0 7 wilton milton oot 7 krtn brfa villas ool 14 u browns drug store mill street acton storeys rlsby raliriprobfed frieze ulsters in ohc mix brown tawn claret and oxford gray 51 to 51 inches long with c inch collar 5 pockets and throat tab with wontcomeoff bunons can be bought retail in every town and village for q cheap i cheap these cheap fencincs as well as 700 v mcmullens choice steel wire nettings for trellis poultry yards lawn fencings etc am sold much lower this year than werbeforer they are the bct ask your hardware merchant for them limited toronto wilkinson ploughs last longest work easiest and draw lightest points and soles last twice as long all cast parts have our name and address in full on them see that you get them it will pay you c f goodeve co acton do phgk butter we sell crocks cheap now is the time to secure your odd dishes for threshing and every day fine groceries always in stock pike roberts 147 brunowiok ave toronto arc expert makers of avvnins w ten v tarpaiilln9 flyabreens f- baltfdfiv curtains atbrrri sash etci 100 dozp printed giipis a saoicers v tmm ckll hndseethw potatoe biggersi- si350 35 75 all thoroughly tested and guaranteed or no sale responsible ngontwanlcd toronto shop filled with afaopt41iyiloq olksgostf house their work speaks their merit examloe the awnings just put up a mooierpft aclon ttrdinjtly jjtled iebjlftile fancy ribbons flowers straw shapes and everything in our millinery department clearing at greatly reduced prices ihestockisireshandcleanand will-be- cleardou regardless of cost bargains in parasols dress goods muslins gingl haras etc to clear out immediately full assortment of gloves hosiery summer underl wear ladies and bpys belts ladies collars and cuffs fresh shipment of these goods just opened fi hundreds and hundreds of pairs qif shoes all i i wo neversfrlat jjjrgalnato fc- wrotpronipiiy vaiajtbjltevi yiiaij-r- r kv- irsmyiw

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