Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 26, 1897, p. 3

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the bank of hamilton hbadofpipe hamilton capital all paid up 1 26000000 reserve fund 8 72booooo total assets 859 84667845 nearly tou millions of dollars ohn stua1it lruuldunt board op directors a g jumhay vlcoproblucnt tuo itoaou john lnoctoli a t wood a b lcb toronto wm gibbon mp tultnbuliicaahlor h b steven atat caahlor ii m watson inspector ceorqetown agency v agenecal ranking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special nttcntion given to the collection of saleotes and commercial paper generally drafts issued payable at all principal pointsiri canada undunited states drafts on great britain boughfandsoid io 7 9vipiss departments v- deposits of ji and upwards received interest allowednt current rates and added itp principal every year whether passbook is brought lin or riot special deposit recei issued fpr large sums j p bell agent georgetown ont hair brushes tooth brushes fine combs dressing combs circular combs toilet soaps give us a call when you need any of the aboye lines you will find our prices low our assortment the best hynds jewelery store acton look at the datojon tbo label on your taper and you will aoe how your subscrlp- nda ilenow promptly itwill oontora u hj mtm f rm thtjbsday august 20 ib97 little local brieflets which caught the eyes or eara of free press reporters this week the harvest is now pretty well in tot ontoexfai bjtionope n a nexfcifolc wo bad qaeena weather- for civio holiday tle exhibition season will afford tbo next faoudayfl that was a very pleasant trip to tbo falls on monday the annual talk of big threshing xploiia ia again being indulged in mr edw matthews is building a btone fchop 18x 24 on the lot next bis residence onmill btreet w p campbell is adding another to v the big list of houses erected by him on moant campbell in the adjourned hearing of the case gminat j p motion of the commercial hotel last friday the charge was dismissed interesting copies of tbo illustrated buffalo jteprtaa g a r edition have been received from mr h f hill of that city owing to the rise in wheat quel ph bakers have put the price of bread up to 13 cents r notwiihbtanding the lato harvest the farmers are pretty generally at their seeding waflfe and dram band is likely to be organixed in connection with aotou xodge f3fc0l through tbo efforts of excounoil- or kenny v colleotor graham is presenting hia tp ne at home kjstly of a jooal character and evorv item interesting our hyio holiday monday was delightful for a publio holi day mid wan pteasuutly spent by tho majority of our oitizons a largo number took iu tbo excursion to niagara fulls and had a vary onjoyablo outing though it wab rather tedious gettlug home after midnight many of j who remained at homo spent thtf afternoon at st josephs church pio- uio in tho park r burglary a gain attempted the burglars who went through motav- iaiid tatlov shop lust weak evidently made eqoh ii good haul they determined to try another yesterday morning a member of tho family of mr ohas t hill across the street was awakened hy tbo noiso of break- ing glass aud gave tho alarm threo men worn been at the window on tho elgin stroet aide engaged in affect log an entraoce jjut they hurriedly dooampod when they wore discovered tailor motavisb is nowiu possession of a genuine bargiura vjimmy which they left boh i ml them aiinnqutfinc carriage ono of iw handsomest carriage a ovet maburaoturediii tawn has juss baeumade by culp fc mokenzid for mr w h btorey of acton it id made of tho very best material painted and varnished in the most urtistib manner the seatb- are in terchangeable and the means of mounting and dismounting are the handiobt pobbible tbo upholstering trimminga c arq com plete io every respect and indeed you may visit the large exhibitions tbi fall and we doubt if you oan find a oarriago more sub stantially conetruotcd or more artistically finibhed georgetown jjerau two driving acoittenta mrs eogeno sullivan of campbellville whiledriving home fromabton one evening- last week mot with ap aobldent whereby she had ber oollar bono broken and was otherwise injured the horse took fright at a straw stack on the farm of mr james fietoher nabsagaweya and upset the rig miss befle ferguson who was in the boggy also had a olose call but escaped unhurt mr fletcher drove mrs sullivan home las friday afternoon as mrs mcgregor and her daughter of laesaga- weya were driving up churoh street their horse became frightened at a pile of rub bish which a resideot aoroae the street bad oarelossly deposited on the side of the road the animal shied and overturned the buggy both ladies receiving a eovere bhaklng up whichin the base of mrs mcgregor was somewhat berious the buggy was con siderably damaged the rubbibb was re moved next day mrs mcgregor has beon very ill at her daughters mrawra- mofhni maria st ever since rev father haley a- ploalc through the personal buperintondence two victories fob actqn interestlnff exhibition oamea were played on saturday and monday tho st auub buboball club played a frlqpdly game hero with the tuoat nine on saturday last and wero defeated with the following aooro i 1 334 00780iluk st amis 1 ooo o0uo0- 7 a aotou boao ioou i ia tho berljp buacball club who occupy second place in tho watcrlovtofltty league played aotun bere on monday civio holiday thogarno waaono of tho best played this aeason and would bo a credit to moat of tho professional teams in the llret inhlhg aotdia blltleka hlr molaon freely and scored two eprnod rune after thia inning berlin pitcher ateadied down to hia work and hopt aotond liite scattered until the eight inuinga when lawsou hit molson safely for a sinlo and was brought iu by mcdoiuda two badger then stqber mado a bafo hit wbioh acortid moppnold the berlin batters were unablo to do anytbrng yvlib steber only making one hit off him in ilia kame- tho fielding oftboiobal nitip vaa of the first- olaas order ap1 nb doubt qbntribated largely to winuing thonarao it id hard to speoialio any of the rriohabors br tetoam as they allplayed good hal i tho score was acton boatty c f w clark a s lawour f f jtydor o k itydor 3 b mcdonald 1 b btoberp jago if q olarkub coming and going visitors to and from acton and varlousother personal notes trlbuio to this column ittou or your frlonds aro going away on a holiday trip or if you have frloudavlflltlusyou drop a aard to tbofnsa piteaa dr meroar spaob u ton daya vacation at a everal points miaa tubby of torouto iu a guest at sunderland villa misses nettie and martha noblo are viaiting friend at bel wood the miasesweber of johnstown n y grnvib at m n mr k j gurney bpent a few days this week with friends at hillsburg mm d henderson has been visiting friends at sarnia tho past week next years examinations interesting information from the education department the minister of education by oiroular informs all concerned that for the academic year 18978 the following modifloatlonfl are made an the roviaed regulatipna puduo fliyiool leavxko exaulftation this examination will be conducted in 1808 by the high school entranoe board of talks u u v ioro it ila ttao merjl when l examiners and on the same course of fltudy hoods sarstiparlhand take it according and under the same regulations aa in 18d7 botany will therefore not be required and physiology aod temperance will as for merly be one of the aubjeota of examina- tinn high schoolptipila are notsligibla4o- merit talki the intrlnslq value of hoodasarsaparilja merit jo mcdlclno means tho power to cure hood s saranparllla poisesiej 101011 and unequalled ourstive power and there- foro it ho rrao merit write at this examination rtnsr ronu examination this examination which ia open to all pupils will be conducted us heretofore the course embraolng beading writing aod uuuroo dujuibuiufi acnuii vriuj nuu bookkeeping drawing geography and auii in r o a s b 1- ail 4 00 0 a 0 a n o 0 o 4 1 8 1 0 4 0 14 2 1 41 a ia o o 4 u i 0 0 0 4 0 iooo utsnlin huuking 3 b btonomau o f ohalloran 1 b haundora ub martlnz f ii lack lock f mattnoyrssa molaou p graham c au 4 lfl 27 17 111 1 o a 112 0 1 0 0 u 9 0 1 j 0 0 0 o a o 040 0 0 0 u u 0 rannual billet doux inviting property owners to hisjavpayidg receptions on sept 4th and kavember 6tb mr it noble has had hie grain ware houses at the 0 t r reshingkd and oihetwiio put into good order for the masons grain trade the camels are coming waa the tune the band struck op when tho bioyollblb appeared around the bond humping them- selves like all poaasaed vb j bennett of this town wheeled froin acton oti wednesday in 30 minutea tjilstmtiiiriatalltamiltodripryo local bloyoliets olairo this to be an impos- aiwllty the st albansghurob and parsonage property have been much improved in fjspparance lately by the removal of the old p- fence surrouudlng the former and the v erpotlon of a now ono at the latter 4monday will be the favorite day fvof the week for clyio holiday hereafter showing to that arrangement xnaoy oltlisni werebe to vltlt friends at ontaido points frotn saturday until monday evening r ifhs new presbyterian book of praise wi ibtfoduwd in knox ohurcl last isabbalb the new volume ib rcoeiviog twryfavorable comment both as to the srrapgement and tho excellent mechanical sexeooiion by tbo oiford press vy heat still rises and the hopes of the greuaioeas men of the country follow it ptho best feature of the situation is the faot that the jrita ii oaas by rtportainty of increaied foreign demand and oot by mere speculation t in ita lasvlbiue tbo cowotiirtn a mart cannot chicago makes tho following kind- x ly referenoo the bandtomest bpocimen of bev father haleyttoaephs churoh pfonioou civio holiday woa quiteasuooess the fine weather of tho afternoon brought out a large attendanoe the afternoon had a wellill led programme but of course the baseball match between acton and berlin woe the chief attraction acton won with o score of 4 to 2 the bloyole races were exoitlng barry who made the best time in the road race last week came out viotoriqua again his conteatanta were all georgetown boyt a little lady from gait gave an exhibition of fanoy danoing and the rope walker who perform ed here last week was again in evidence mr lou oflannagan who is a member of st josephs churoh ohoir bang a number of humorous soleotions the wants of the inner man wero woll supplied at the various booths on the grounds hillsburg band discoursed a long programme of num bers during the afternoon and evening they play very well but tjieir selections are invariably simple a seriotts camping accident the riohland iowa clarion gives the following particulars of an accident which befell mrs dr jesse d payne of rich- land iowa youngest daughter of w h storey esq aoton mrs edith pay no mot with a very serious acoident last fri day evening at the picnio grounds over on the river she in company with others bad taken the ponies to the river for water w a 1 24 10 4 ilia 456 780 n he norni 0000020003 14 acton 30 0 00ooat 4134 earnod runs aotou j two bsae hiu f bydcr mcdonald stolen boaei acton 6 berlin 2 dpublo playow clark to e itydor to mo- donald base on balls oitilolion 1 struck out by moibodo by stcbtir7 poaacd balla grab am 2 time of eruo lh 25m eittcrlos molson and graham stoborand bydor umplro b warnor goorgotown aoton juniors also playtd a winning game on saturday afternoon with the comets of goelpb score 18 to 14 the same team played the sbamrocka of milton on civio holiday and lost to them in a score of 21 to 7 pitkha a pleasant oall on saturday miaaoa miunie aud lily nelson visited friends 1n guelph duriogtho week mieo dunn of chatham has been visit ing her brothers bere the- past week mr john moore of southampton is spending a week or so with acton friends mstruohanof gaelph waa a guest last week at the home of james clark esq mr e j moore wheeled to elraira ou saturday and remained over bivio holiday rev and mtb henry caldwell of abing don made aoton friends a brief visit last week reovo nioklin is attending the grand court of the a 0 f at owen souud this week 7 mr 0 moffat waa in guelph on satur day attending the funeral of the late robert little mies emma m moore of toronto is spending a coupl of weeka vacatibn at the local brieflets firat of september neit wednoaday of courae you oojoved the civic holiday the open season for duck bhooting o 1s septemb and oh the way book to camp they wero riding along at an easy gallop when her pony suddenly stopped as they were pass ing through a gate and before she could regain her equilibrium the little animal sprang forward again jerking her from its book ohd she fell heavily backward on her left arm breaking jt in two places just above the elbow and just below tho shoul der fortnnately her husband was on the ground and tho wound received proper surgical attention at once and no doubt the wounds for that reason will heal much more ra mrs payne was brought io gof the art typographic as far as canadian weekiiea are oonoerned is the aoton qui bmiutm editor moore is to be con gratuwted on his enterpriio in getting op auoh a weekly in so small a- place as aipiiyy tf acton baieball team oond noted themselves ft ungentfeinaoly when they cwehtout of town to play as the berlins did n monday aoton would disown thorn tbe visitors from the waterloo ospltsl wers dtonk and uproarious after the game and nrlog tb evening several of them modfutqt jot ijob ovsarvicand her home that evening and has boon rest ing very comfortably ever since though somewhat sore from other bruises wbioh she received in the fall mrs paynes many friends in aoton unite in the hope that reoovery from her acoident will bo speedy profanation of tho lords day the fitebpueab is informed that it bas lately become tho custom with a number of- citizens to negleot their shaving rintil sun day morning and give the barbers to under- stand that unless they attend their ton- serial waptb that morning tlwy will with draw thelr patronage these people evi dently overlook tho faot that they place the barbers in n very unenviable position as regards tho provisions of the lords day aot which says it is not lawful for any merchant trades man artlnoer meohanlo workman laborer or other por- son whatsoever onibo lords day to sell or publicly show forth or expose or offer for sole or to parohase any goods chattels or other property or any real estate what- sbeyeri 01 to do or exeroiae any worldly labor businesi or worc of hib ordinary calling the penally for violation of this act ib fpr e offen nnt naafung the alationora aro receividk big stockb of sohporsupptreb for tboreopodiugnext week it is difficult to rivo definite quotations on wheat this week tbo market boingvery unsettled r with wbeat at 91 and atoadily rising it bbouldnt be hard to keep the young man oajho f arm the presbyterian sunday school pic nicked in the park last tbarslay and the dlsoiplea in warrens grove on friday tho commercial hotel milton was sold by publio auction last week to john bennett of the bennett homo at 85200 the contractors aro laying the founda tions for another new hark bhcd for tho aoton tanning coon tbo property faoing agnes street it will bs 380 x 25 feet mrrarprbrownrmsnotfibr of tho bell telephone co here has had a cabinet put in his exchange wbioh will afford a privacy in telephonic conversations which t business publio will not fail jo appreciate tbo offioialeof both the g t r and 0 p r roads state for fact than there aro no less than 15000 tramps ou the roovo between montreal and the st glair tunnel numerous freight oars have been broken intp and goods stolen tbero aro evidently people ia this neighborhood who are making butter on a oheap scale on monday night the milk bo o mr gfoham wan v lulled for the third time within a couple of weeks and last thursday niht mr aroh mopberson lust twb milk cans full the tbeives will and tbemaelvea itia trap one of these nights old borne mr mamillan representative of the qlobe mado the free fnitas a pleasant oall on tuesday mra j t eaaton of sarnia was in town this week visiting her parents and other friends mibb broohle of hamilton was a guest at the home of mr anthony stephenson thepaet weefc mr aod mrs j b bandereon of grand valley were guests of wm iemond esq the past week rev cbas a cook of bloom field n j ia the goebt of his father bey b cook fairview avenue miss lizzie martin arrived home from johnstown n y on tuesday evening to spend a short vacation miss helen symon was succosaful in in the second glass examinations at george tbwnh igh sohool botany first form oertifinates willl5ave the same qunlifylog value for teachers obrtilicates as for pcblio sohool leaving oertifloatos z junior anl benioil leavino 7tegulalion4g is amended so as to allow at tho form hi examination for junior xisavlng the following oplions a fronoh and greek b german and greek 0 french german and chemistry d- gorman pbyoicaaqd chemiatry german pbyaloa and chemistry f botany physios and chemistry the obligatory aubjeota of forte iii for junior leaving are as already prescribed viz english composition english litera ture ancient history algebra geometry and latin kegnlatlon 47 is amended so at to allow at the form iv examination for senior leaving the following options a frenoh aud greek bgeirna njncujteck cording to directions to purify your blood or cureanyofthe moriy blood diseaaesyou aro morauy certain to receive benefit tbo power to cure is there you are not trying an experiment ifc win blood puw rich and nouvishlnff and thus drive out the germs of disease strengthen the nerves and build up the whplesysiom 7c as mado its appearance and p date 7 cjtsos and bales of fall goods have been put siock more are lhl3 antime our efforts go strongly to make room ko off dig discounts in each department- weeli and each week following in t for thbso arrivals all this week ive note a few bio smtin srlir heavy colored duchess satins in ao different colors regular 81 and si peryard ao pieces tweed dress qoods regular 40 and 500 for 26o block brocaded drebb goods regular 50 arid 60c for 40c so per cent straight discount off lathe host infaettlitidbotriiebiooiirtiriller prenarodonlybyqihmmi s co lowell mass hoods puis feiiresfflipisj read e frenoh and gorman d frenoh and chemistry euerman and ohemlatry f biology and chemistry the obligatory subjects of form iv for senior leaving are already proscribed viz eogih composition english ltt- eraturp algebra qeometfy trlgorjomeiry english and ancient history physios and latin candidates for junior and senior leav ing standing will be required 10 make co per dent of tho aggregate marks allowed in the subjects presoribed in oaph of the forms or parts of forma as well aa one- third in eaoh sobjeat 07 per cent of ilq argregate will be required for honors the qzamluatians io botany and biology in forms iii and iv will bo equal in diffionlty a near aa may be to the exami nations in the language or languages for wbioh botany and biology are taken aa options a wayward o irl thn police took charge of a girl named ethel byder wednesday night she was found wandering aroncd the streets whenarreited she said her home was in aoton that she oame here on taesday eve that she met a yoppfi man at tbo station and nltb him went out to slee mans parkand remained tuero nil night friday morning ethel was remanded for a week in order to give the polios an oppor tunity to oommuuicate with her grand mother margaret joyce who lives foar roller east of acton qdolph lltrald tbo girl baa since been taken in okarjgo by tbe salvation array and scut to their home in toronto mo nor less than 100 together with the ooata and ohargea attending tbe proceedings and oonyiotlon wo believe tho barbers would muoh prefer their customers to call during legitimate hours they would at all events be juitlficd and upheld in keep ing their doors looked daring the sabbath day they are just aa likely to be appre hended for violation of this act as are hotelkeepers for violation of the liquor laws the toronto star said on saturday toronto polioe are after sunday bathers one of them contributed 2 and ooststo the oily funds thursday in guelpb the aten makaa jolqt jaononoe- ment to tlielr ooslomors that no sunday shaving will bo allowed in their shops iifyonwanfflrftolasaouetpba opni ifliintfoi ebbio qan limehouse mrwrneastou of the sarnia canadian spent a week at the home of his grand father thos eaaton esq miss mary holmes of norval who was the guest of aoton friends for several weekp has returned home mr henry bauer who has beep in the qnelph hospital for treatment for several weehb has returned home mra b a seoord was over to buffalo this wook vibitingherbohleroyr mr john secord of orillia was also there mr isaao strong of chicago 111 and mr oeorge molntyre were guests at tho homo of rev father haley this week mr t james moore left here on monda ifcthods set forth in ciroolar 0 to attend the high conrtof the i o f at debember 1897 every bandidate toronto aa a representative from ooelph mr and mrs fafriok kelly of buffalo were in town last week for a oonple of days renewing acquaintances and looking after their property here b linton the genial and energet ic dibtriot manager of the ontario mutual llfo assurance co of gait is spending a few days in town mr andrew patuiio m p p for north oxrord and editor woodstook sentlne iltview is hi with typhoid at the home of his fatherinlaw r c balmnr esq oakville mr chan w hill of monroe mich and mr flliss hill nf toladn ohio arrived in town on their wheels tuesday theyfwill bpend a few days at the home of chaa t hill esq mr w h lowry of guelph who ia at present visiting his grandparents here learned by yesterdays dailies tho satisfac tory informatlontbat he waa successful in the recent matrioaiationaaminations tho fnaa pness congratulates willie upon hjs sncceis aud believes hohaa a bright fnturs before him calvert heard from goewn angrhjitaldicalvertrtlie missing chairman of flqanco who disap- peered about two months ago la acting aa agentof the diamond greaiso compoaqd company in london- eng in aletier received by aid kennedy it ia stated that mr calvert baa mailed bis resignation ot his seat in tbe oounoll the farmers inthlsviainlty aro thresh ing their peaa and report tho crop very g- one evening last week thieves visited llmehoase and helped themselves to ib of mr wm hills bens and soxco clothes off mr john wheelers ololbea line a nnniber from here took in tlio exonr- lon to niagara falls on monday and others tho pio nlo at aoton mr eobort wheelor left last wednesday forthonqrihwebt while at work t tho kiln last friday mr john uoou bad his wotobiloleti tbe alleged thief a vieltor staying vith a nelgb- bbriog farmer was arrostod and sent down totria r mlobael aogiolillo the asssailn of prem ier canovas has been fonnd ruilty of murder and sentenced to death by the garotte the suggestion is regarded favorably to create tbe duke of york frluce of ireland and to make that title a permanent one for the eldest eon of the prince of wales the eev father labelle ol st pauls boman catbollo ohnroh ajlmur que 6n sonday denounced masonlo fanerals and warned his flock not to attend thenh 3rtelegram from mlnnnjiolfs redncosr tbe estimated wheat orop of the three states- minnesota korlli and sooth dakota from 100000000 to 180000000 the qusen aocompanlsd by prinoess beatrice will prooeed to balmoral thbj week where she will take op her projeot of providing pensions for wldowa who are 75 years and upwards acton markets flour wuito wheat told white wheat new ited whoat old bed wheat now oota peas august astb 1697 a 30 to 9 o 78 to 60 to 70 to 70 to 99 to 0 to 75 78 n 18 theae modiuoations it wilj bo undor- stood make hochaugeidthe oourseorthe percentages required by tbo university for matriculation upecuubts the temporary provisions defined in ciroolar 5 for obtaining apeoiaiiets non professional standing will be continued in 1b08 to those who are candidates under tho regulations set forth in that oircular for ail other candidates the provisions of tho revised regulations ssotion 51 will gbvetn nonilal coueoe candidates entering the normal college inootobbrof this year or those writing at the final examination in december of this year may if they profer take tho course in after every candidate for tho normal college examination will be re quired to take tbe regular conrae of train ing in that institotlopl pnblio school loaviogenglish literatnre for 1808 xviii rale britannia xxviii the cottars saturday night xxxv the isles of groece xxxvii dear harp of my country j xlvx tbo bridgo of sighs li horatius liv my kate lxii the cane bottomed chair lxvii the hang ing of the crane lxxvi barbara freit- ohle lxxix the lord of burleigh lxxxii the bevenge the highest mark in entrance- history should have been 71 of 51 as given n list formerly published read read buy buy thli ma1jtwn liy diimaurier postpaid 75c thl christian by hall came postpaid 73c liiali1 y by btllamy postptid 75c youu wall paper 2 i rom c l ncllcs guelph your window shades prom c l kellea guelph always ask 1iil pricls of books 25 for 60c so per cent straight discount off ijaco curtains so per centstralght discount off choniile curtains trimmed millinery at half price childrens caps and tama regularji for 25c blouses and waists at 33 and 50 per cent discount firing aid wail poods all at pribea to clear parasols and sunshades all at big reduo hon between the attractions of the new goods and the bargains offered we are sure of a very busy week xi v- ira e k bollert 25 aud 27 wyndliam street guelph co c l helles bookseller guelph great event of tne jubilee year canada8 victorian era exposition and ikwotalfnlft toronto aug 30 to sept 1 1 croat attractions new features special jubilee novelties the latest in ventions in the industrial and amusement field im provements and advance ment in all departments j cleirelands excelling all previous years entries close auq 7th cheap excursions on all lines of travel for prize lists entry forms programmes all particulars address h j hill manager toronto j j withhow president run easier wear better and better than any other bicycle sell th st true wheel is u 111 i u l 1 1 mmi still 100 and s76 to all alike h a lozier e co toronto agent a t brown acton hnnuhl midsummer bargains queen wilbelmina of holland flatly refuses to marry prince bernard of saxe- weimar whonv bar mother selected aa the young qaeena husband ouelph markets flour roller wheat now wheat old qooio wboat barley oata august asth 1807 2 10 e 9 63 80 to 89 85 lb 85 60 to 60 98 to s3 aa to a lljo s3 to 84 peaa to 8 hay 6 00 to 0 00 maw nay 0 00 to 7 00 eggs per doa 09 to 11 butter dairy packed 10 to 13 butter rolls la to 16 potatoes per bag 95 to ou new potatoes per liuah 60 to 00 apples s3 to co toronto markets angqstasui 1807 whits wheat new a s to 80 lted wbeat qooao wheat oata hay harly777 peas butter rolls kgira potatoes now 87 to 17 to 93 to 7 jo to w to ll to it to 13 to mto 79 96 000 i7 is 17 ii 00 be warned dont be a fool know what yon want and refuse to ha imposed npon by greedy dealers when tbsy attempt to palm off sore prodncing anbsstldjii utftiv- less corn etrmtorjh palnuis amnyiintnfofjxii tracer itn lbt paluleii corn reoiedy r i they also relieve dlstreu from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per feet remedy for dirilness nausea drowst ness badtastoln the mouth coated tongue pain in the side torpid liver they rcgidatethebowela purely vegetable small phi 8mall dose small price substitution tho fraud of tlip day see you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pilfer 8hrtabs rostss slnbs and saebpotrtoas wb have the largest aasortmeqt and employ tbs very latest aud moat improved moth- ods for propagation all stook earefully peeked nndsr our personal snnarvlalon and aunew varieties mated at our trial firms before being catalogued these are the only tastuf orchards oooneoted with any nqrsery lithe dominion agatitjiwatitnrl tn riijsisftff jt bpeolai rattsntlon siren t parkcanil and boulevard order ijatluiatea furnished supplying entire orchards why boy of foreign consortia or of cnlddlecni whan yon eaupnrenaseasohsaply from os got belter value a atook la canadian grown aud aeollmat j h hamilton dk1leb xw mmblaridqrjijiiiej hamiltons block guelph having on hand a largb quantity of sootoh norway swedish and rosslan granite v and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchsed i w sell at a reduction of 20 per cent and will nllow all expenses to customers o and from bur works john h hamilton we are now in the midst of our midsummer sale and are anxious during the next ten days to clear out the whole of our stock of wash goods dress coods cott s cents wear hosiery c c reduced prices in all lines low quotations in groceries extra value in teas goods of the town store closes at 7 pm delivered to any par m mill st acton main street planing mills acton ont john architect cameron and contractor mauuiaoturor of sash doors framoa moulding in all alylea dressing ifatcnmo tad hovuhno to order on short hotloev yyell assorted stock on hand at prlcea toaul the times john cambron vrproprlbtor a rraldcntlal pchoc i tcolltglai and pre- wi s tttwe fina an tlltl0iiuuslbim it snttth tie oataloius bngllab or tlon rrown aud aeellmateetv praoeh free on appuoa sitqne wei lihgtpn fonthllinurserloar toronto ont vfttabioaiiiaillaijtraiatan roi msmmssm 8 in your eocket when you order your clothing here we jiist open2i a new range of nice nesr style suitings they should sell for 21 arid 2250 our prices fotthern in the best style of the tailbrs art is see our aliwool pants to order at 3 jnew ties the latest just in all styles at cash tailoring arid mens furnishing store of guelph 99 wyhdham street bods ronto in five years we have established the largest business in onr lino in canada we do not peddle our goods all over tho country but it will pay you to send for onoof our catalogues and if you send sample of hair wo uarantoe perfect satisfaction equal to your personal selection when vlsit- ugtctr6tortormvflrdo not fallto inspect our immense stock excel- leotworljnwppd ldvjest prices fsour motto we guarantee nothing tmxxmjesstjbmu u fjitohes batagsj j out this adnd1end by mail or i recelvo 10 per cent discount i27and 120 yofge8t vsi

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