Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 26, 1897, p. 4

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s dont whine fifty vears ago this 13 tlie stamp that the idler bore which curried thc story far atd wide of certain cure for thc loatlibonio bore that bubbled up from the tainted tide of iheblobu below andlwiji aye rs name and his broparluo that all bbw fcuow that urns just hcglnnlns lla fieht pf fame with 118 cure a of- goycora agoi ayers rpkr ilia is the original sarsapartua i has behind ita reoord for opre unequalled by any blood puri fyingcompoiirirl ft in frhfl onlf oarsaparilla honored by a medal at the worlds fair of 1893 others imitate the remedy they oant imitate the record bo years of cures 3 wlttttnruttts thursday august 20 1897 lj f oung joikb v1ai si iks riondts i doan vas breaching vimmins righdts or nnyding lige dot undjligcjo see all beoblcs shoosi con tended mitder loti litid i vond to gontradict dot shap dofmake dis leedle shqke a voman vas der dender vine and man der sturdy bag herhaps somedimes dot may be drue but ten dimes oudt of nine i find me 6udtdat mam himself vas shoost der glinging vine und ven his friendts dey all vas gone and he vas shoost deat proke dots ven der yonian steps righdt in und peen der sturdy oag shuost go up to the pase pall groundls und see der sturdy oags allblanted round upon der seats shoost hear der laughs and shokes den see der vimmin at der tubs mil clothes out on der lines vich vas der sturdy oags mine friendts und vich der glinging vines ven sickness in der house he comes und vceks und veekshe slays who is it fighdis him mitout rest those vcary nighdtsund days who beicc and comfort alvays prings und calms dorfefered prow more ligc it vas der dender vine dot oag he clings to now man vanta but iecdlc here pelow der boetvon time said deres leedle dot man he doan vant me dinks it means instead und as time goes grceplng on its cares und droublcs pringing he vants to pe der sturdy oag und also do der glinting maype ven ongs dey gling some more und doan so sturdy peen der delfdervfifssvlllhafsbme shance to help run lifes machine in health or sickness shoy or pain in calm or stormy vedder tis pettcr dat dose oags and vines should aunys gling togedder a school of morals the devotees of the drama ockn speakpi it as a bohool of morale aud indnlftoia patronizing en cere at the expense of those who volontarily and ooneelanuonaly cut themselves off from thib means of onltiva- tion bnt tbey do not erjjitain their posi tion by arguments drawn from the sphere of concrete realities what might be the effect of an ideally clean theatre ifl one thing and what is be effect of the thea tres actually to orwrahonia qnite another thing we feel perfectly sure that we are keeping within the limits of the troth when wo aay that ninetenths of all the plays that are put upon the boarda are either ailly or nasty nor in this an individual or a prejndioed opinion it is confirmed by the utterances of ecalar orlttobip all parts of tbo country lot any one who donhts whether we- ire speaking soberly mako a carefal examination of the facta the dullness and the dirtiness of the modern stage have both become a proverb christian people who care for their own morals and for ibe welfare of their child ren will ive it a wide tertk an an in stitution it is an ally and servant of the devil the force of oar assertion cannot be broken by calling attention to the fact that there have been and are some aotora of the highest personal character pur belief is that edwin booth was every inch a gentle man and that joseph jefferson la a man of irroproaobable life bat will anybody dare co assert that they fairly represent the irthioalstshdards of their profesiion we are not talking aboat dreams and shadows but about realitiw the theatre of thrt uineteoiuh century like that of the eighteenth is the enemy of pare religion inhbrbrjo m n faintest indication that it jj likely to ohiu go ha aharaoter it is one of those things which the duolples of christ pledge themselves to renounce if tbhtis puritan- urn bait bo there are a thousand other epithets to which we should more seriously object nashville advocate to make yourself miserable by constant oomplainiug is to irnpurt your uhnpiness to the oirooln which yon move a long faco ud a whining voloo niiko a bad impression upon onos own spirit aud iho spirit ofothera no one loves o listen to murmuriuks and complalntb speak of your troubles only to intimate friends and do that oooapjonauy when you have thus uubosomed yourself to oue who cym- pathizeb with you then trj to diamiab the matter and avmw upon bomelhing pleavarit and cheerful you have had many blessings aud mercies and let thomind give t to these in stead of to the occasional afflictions that come to you a cheerful bpirit imports good cheer to othcrb a gloomy friend ifl a monotonous gueui but a bright companion in alwayb a desirable as9oolute make it a point to overlook the little annoy ances of life and tho larger ones will become less numerous speak often of ho good that comes to you and eh- will for the moat part seek other quarter undorlhat sort of plrityour health will improve and your cbmpauionbhip will bo greatly enhanced a winona lady cholera and all summor complaints are bo quick iu their action that tho oold hand of doalb isupon the perou before they are aware that danger is near if attacked do upt delay in getting the proper medioiqe try adoaeoldrj d ktlloggsdysontry cordial tiudyqu will get immediato relief lb acts withwondfifut rupidity and novor faifa to bctect a cucu saved from a life of misery paines cklery compound conquers after years of failures with other medicines mrs u h parker of winona outwjia tor eighteen ypitrli a complctomftrlyr to non ralgla that cruel and meroilesa tormentor of ihdaianda of old and yodng in oanada darlnr her long yeara ot brony ahe had the ervioea of eoroe of the beat medical men and conaomed any quantity of patent med- ioineb out all failed to drive ofl the tyrant that was making life a burden at last she wi peranaded to test the power and virtue of paiuea celery compound and the happy results that rewarded her faith sire described in the following letter i have been a great aufferer from neu ralgia for nearly eighteen yttsa these sufferings at times were bo badtbat worda woold fail to deaoribo them after having tried every known remedy and different pbyaioiana and receiving ho help i was peranaded to try yoitr pairtea celery jpom- pound whloh i have been uaing for the paat four mootba i am happy to bay that i am n a diffe woman and oompleto- ly cured i can recommend your faidea celery compound to all my frienda for it has been worth hundreda of dollars to me the world ia full of blind 8ambons who apendt their life grinding in a inill like blllonaneba dyapepila headache con atl- patlon aoiir atomaeb indigestion are promptly and by hoods p11u they do their irerk easily and thoroughly bit after dinner plus is cents all drtselats rrepnred by c i hood s co iowelmai the onlv nil to take with if ooda saraaparlua the more reckless a ship captain is tho more wrecks he is apt to have the adnlt scalp should be thoroughly waabed occaaionally to removo tho oily particles then apply halls hair reaewer to give the hair a natural color doctors are bard workers considering how easily they could take life if they woolctp the price of paateboard has riaeh and it may be necessary to make ahoee of leather have you ever had in the mornipg what la f anolf ally called a dark brown iaste in the month if ao it fa tbe erlect of a deranged atomach and liver the beat remedy for whloh is dobo of ayera pills togathet with a little disoretion aa to diet and mode of livlngv when wo ret to the end of lifewe ahall find that nothing good has been lorn for infants and cbildreu determine every day to do your prayer- f al best and leave tho result to god others fallit cores t tired norvoussleojiless men and women how gratefully they writo about hoods sarsaparilla once holples9 and discouraged having lost all faith iu medioiuoa now in good health and able to do my6wn workbeoauso hoods sarsaparilla baa power to onriojiandpjiti- fy tho blood and mako tho weak btrong this ia tho experience of a boat of people iloodti pillu are the boat family cathartic aud liver medicine gentle roliablo sure if you light on mi imporliucnt talker that slicks toyouliko a burr deal freely with him break off uio discourse and pumntj ypitr bijulnmip chompley tlmt- hypnotistib a fraud he couldnt control my mind at all last nlght r pobley of couceb ho had boiiiq excused chumpley ytb ho bitid- there j material i6worltoh i you ought to have beard the audience give him tho laugh the bebt cough cure lahagyurde peotor- al balbam it heals the lungs uud oiies coughs andcolde that young actor wo met last wintah mast have a largo assortment of uoukwaah why do you think bo cbawlie becanso when i awaked brown about him he baioi fie was out webt counting uea a double cure mrs jas e elwood st thomae oat sa my huaband and myself- have taken doanskidnoy pilla wo uaed them for kidney and back trouble for which we had spent a great deal of money without getting relief doanvpills cured ub both in a remarkably short time i believe they will cure even after all other medioincs fail tatterdou torn miater wont you give me the price uv a lodgiu i hanent slept for six days benovelent old gentleman heres a doll an is it pointlble suoh deatitutiom exists i tatterdou torn yea i alwaya sleep at nighta a helpless woman for yeara a rheumatics cripple under the heallnar balm of south american rheumatic cure suf- ferlnar vaolshearxhcftuah faith in the testimony of others she is today a well woman my daughter mrs gregory had rheu matism bo badly iu her right band aud arm that they wero rendered almoht help less for over a year notioing the testi mony of persona who bad been ourod by south amerioan rhoumatia curo i pro- oared a bottle s re almost in stant relief and when the bottle was used the trouble had completely left hor it ia a great remedy and wo take pleasure in reoommendiug it neil morrison st john n b sold by a t brown profesaor oxygen gentlemen is esben- tkil to all animal existence there could be no life without it strange to bay it was hotdisoovered until a century ago when student what did they do before it was discoyered profeeeor 7 rheumatism can be cured nearly thirteen yeara ago 1 wae taken very severely with rheumatism and al though i have been treated for it by several doctors here and elsewhere besides nalhg any amoont of patent medicines and vaunt ed rhenmatio onres i never found only temporary relief until bix months ago when dr halateda rheumatic cora ared me so thit i have not felt anything of it since ronr l bisojiaii acton march 15th 3897 dkab fiins from my own experience i can confidently say that dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry possesses trfle merit it was the means of saving my little girls life last summer she was teething and took violent diarrhoea dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry cared her and i feel that i canuot say enough in its favor mrs william arthur teetervilto ont whosoever by worjd of mouth or shrug of eyebrow or by expresslvo silence or by stroke of pen endeavors to give a false and injurious iroprebsionvekpeotlog another hircbaraoter his opinions or hisaotions- violates the ninth principle it js this whiob idtrodoces all the heartburning into society andll the bitterness into religious and pblftlcal controversy eh v advantaoeofsleep i reply to the question if it wise for a man to deny himself and get along with a few hours sleep a day to do morn work tenia the great eleotrloun is said to have replied that is a great mistake i am 1 convinced a man lias jast so many hoars to ha awake snd the fewer of these be uses up each day the more days they will last- that is ibe longer he will live i believe that a maii might live two hundred years if ho woold sleep most of the time that u why utrocs often live to advanoed old agoj beonnse thsy bleep so oeh i it js jatrtthat glaotitoas sleeps mvetwn hoars oyvtfyithstl why his- facaltl tro lu his vegetable pills dr parroolee 4ias given to the world the f raits of long scien tific research in the whole realm of medi cal science combined with uew aqd valuable discoveries neyer before known to man for polioate and debilitated constl- tntlons these fills sot like a charm taken la small dotes the effect is both a tbnq and a stimulant mildly exciting the secretions of the body giving tone and vigor i tried to pay the new woman a compli ment last night bat it wasnt appreciated what did you say t i said that the new woman would leave large footprints in tbe sands of time nob muoh wonder then an irishman went fo a dentibtia to have a tooth extracted the dentist told his assistant to get behind the chair and at the proper time to jab ay pin in the patients leg so tbt tha pain thuru wuuld u attention from the greater egony inliis jaw tooth pull and pin stab came together and the irishman with a howl of anguish turned a double somersault ob mur der i he yelled i didnt know tho roots were so far down 1 miss mary ellen hicks south bay ont severe colds are easily cured by the ubo of dickies aoticonsumplivo syrup a medicine of ex traordinarypanot rating and dealing properties it is acknowledged by those who have used it as be log the best medicine sold for coughs colds inflamma tion of the longs and all affections of tho throat and chest its agreeablenesa to the taste makes it a favorite with the ladles and children ooxse cor of king aiidhnglison sts no time like the present undeniable bargains are the order of the day f rhbbff-qoqd6v- burtlock blood illttcrs bnrdook blood bitter regulates tbe atomach iivor bowels and blood oaring dyapepaia biliouaneaa aick lioadaebb rheumatism aorofula and removing all impnritlea of tho blood from a common pimple to the worat acrofulooa bore as an invigoralor and tonlo b b b is an un equalled mndioine c beat lady said tho little boy on the oar- as he sprang from bis seat on hii father knee slid doffed mb hat the lady looked like a bliiib rose the women giggled the father aigoalod the oonduotor to atop and half a dozen men etoodup while urging tbo lady to tit down a summer specific dr fowlora extract of wild strawberry cures cbolora morbub diarrhoea dysentery cramps polio aumnier complaint canker of tho mouth and all bowel complaints ol childreu or adulta it ia a sootblog effectual and never failing mediotne which gives immediato relief and speedily effoots a cure thib story you gave me to read ie not cdmplotod in thisnnmbor it is a contin- uedfctory stopa ehort doea it yoe then i ejiould think it was a dlecoutin tied story to removo worme of all kinds from children or adults dr lows worm syrup ia a safo and sure remedy solera- hp and all uh ol ohlldran or malta ntics 35c beware of imitation man may doubt here and there but mankind doea not doubt the univeraal oonaoienoe is larger than the individual conscience slok headaohe- and- constipation- are promptly oured by burdock pills easy to take sure in effect scotts emulsion is cod- liver oil prepared as a jw- at the same time it is blood maker a nerve tonic and ah upbuilder but principally it is a food for tired and weak digestions for those who are not getting the fat they should from their ordinary food for chil- dren whom nothing seems to nourish for all who are fattaryed and thin it is pleasant to take at least it is not unpltasant children like it and ask for more some druftaul itav jut ps good kind unl the kind til oumt try to iul good enough for you la buiff out instant relief pilb8 from this moat irritating disease relieved in ten mlnellea by ulog dr agnowa olnt- ment a oaro in from three to six nights tbooblrida iaallfy of its gobdnaas good for k bali bboom nol all liktiityipiutffni v wtiout ifwtb bpo applloalion will rollove 13 oobii bold by a tlrdwd wmil y rflidl a western newapaper has sent around to advertisers a aouvonir in the haps of a handsome pair of offloe aolaaora on whiob lslnimlbvo dipping ooupona with theaa if you keep on advertis ing in lbs parmeleee pills pjiaeaa the power ofi acting apsoldaally on the diseased organs atimnlatlng to action the dormant energies of the system thereby removing disease in faoti ao reat ia the power of thla modi olqa fooleaoae andurifyihatdlaeasea of almost every name en naturs ere driven froiiilltsbbdy mr d oarawllqariwell 6vpjni levs pill aod ind them to u an exosllsnl medloldeand onethatwithliwiri misa karaon isuppoae that yea domin- ies takca great manynotea for yoar ser- moos do you not well when the trustees oant pay the cash wo either have to take thorp or go broko a prominent lawyer says m have eight children everyone in good heath not one of whom but has taken sootta emulsion in which my nifo baa boundless confidence norway fine byrup cures coughs colds and au throat and lung- troubles prioe 20 and 60o i dont think jerkloy would hesitate in telling a lie oh yes ho woold he has to hbatnttera an advertisement this is an advertisement which tells the truth about milburna heart and nerve pills people who suffer frbmficcpkrtsness dizziness shortness pfbrmtb miiolhering feeling- j 0 ti heart pains through tltej breast and hcarra anxious moiibidconr dition of the mind groiihcltcs fears of coming- dangrer antenna or impoverished blood after effects of la grippe general debility etc should try these pills as they cure these complaints every box is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money rofunded through the party from whom the pills were purchased and we authorize them to do so ontlic strength of tlie ahovc statement this offerls limited to the first box used by any bno person t milburn co toronto them j mrs j dell chatham ont says for two yeara i could novor go to bleep before two or three oclock in the morning i suffered ma oh from vertigo and dim oyoaigbt huburns heart and nerve fills havo removed the dizziness restored my heart to healthy action strengthened my eyesight andi can truly say they are a blessing to auyono suffering aa i did arent you late in getting homo frdm sunday 8obool bobby well i gueba there was a man there who madeabpeech who was ho i forgot mb name hut he was an escaped missionary pale biokly children should ubo mother graves worm exterminator worms are one of tho principal causes of suffering in children and bhonld bo expelled from thosybtem i wish there was some new way of kil ling time said young mr poinlbreexe to miss homewood laat night 1 can boggeat one way cf killing time that has not been possible for a long timo replied the maiden wolf sleigh it i a livery was rang up by lelenhpno iobtruotor in latinmiss b of what was ceres the goddcbs miss d god- osa of marriage instraotor 01 no of bgrioultnro miss b perplexedly why im sare my book sas ahe was goddess of hubbatidry over a year i havo been troubled with slok lieadaohe for oyer a year lately i have uaed lax a liver fills and and that they help mo more than any other medicine i have ever taken they aro an excellent pill earning no pain or griping and leaviug no aftor ill effects by using bbb no other remedy possesses such per fect cleansing healing and purifying fropcrtics as burdock blood bitlcis t not only cleanses internally but it heals when applied externally all sores ulcers abscesses scrcifuloussorcs blotches eruptions etc leaving the skin clean and pure as a babes- taken internally it removes all morbid effete or waste matter- from the system and thoroughly regulates all the organs of the body restoring the stomach liver bowels and blood to hcajthy action 5a inch colored lustre regular ftl35 now noll- lnu at 50c tiiobo nro iu good abftdob and at tbq nrlco will bell nulok fljitiol all wool tweed rorular 60c gooda roduood to u5o per yard fruit ch uoflturarj uroases rogular 10 dresaos belling your oliolco or eyoo all vool navy sorgo 42 inchon wldo 25c blotjbes lad ion hlouso waists white laundorud collar aud cuitb aajuotljlo linon cqlora rogular price ei25 now roducidto70c thoao aro yoke liaolc audttill front latiloa uloueo walata wblte laundered collar aud cuffs adjustable plnk oambrla eboolc and fltrlpo roaular las doodn nrw soiling for 75ci tboso bavo- full front with points in yoke iiadltia ulousa waists wbite launuerod collar aud cuff adjustable printed lawn in pink and blue smas for 75o lddloimauvooambrloblouae walats collar ahd duns adjustablalas ladloit illoaao walats in navy and whlto scroll pattean amerioan musllii adjustable col- jnrbjmwnow35a ouambray biouao wauts id sky pink and codot adjuataljlb collar 810 now 0100 american muelln wrapper full skirt aud blabop blooveb 6335 now 6123 navy print wrapporu full shirt and yoke back 6100 for 8125 now black luatro dross skirts 7 gorodi 6875 oud 60q millinery legborn hats ifl and 20c tbeso aro lu blfcck and white tbo former prices wore 2s and 15c straw hats uiilrlmiucd t50o now- 23o 8o npw 35c 6100 now mo i co now 6100 ladloa sailor hats juht in tho vory latdot abapea colors and wbjto all trimmed mllllnory groatly rnducod ladlea touiflt oyclltig aud outlitu hats aud tama i- childrens mubiiq and embroidery hats and uonuuta a largo aaaortmont prices right linens and sheetings now apron linon aslnohoarltlo colored u6r dor i8o now apron llnou ombrotdored border in blue atod xaaa huok towels alt unoh 18x3 10c oacb hack tsowoli special value loxya lajc huok towrtb3sfl06 and e 81 plain bleaobed bootlagl au 20c 64twtll bleadhed bboeung ibo and 32c io inob plain hllow cotton 10c 43 inch plato pillow cotton 13o u inch plain pillow cotton lajc- kxtra value lu tahlo llnon 60 iqch unblcfich eda5cs3d45omaft5o 60 lnahlfloacbed table linen 35c 87c 45c movaiqcbj uteaohedtablexinsn at75o bath towo1o12ic 15o20c 35c bath towolfl 35e 40o 46c to 75o wash goods cotton cropons rodacod from 20a 25c37c t ods rodacod from 12jc 15c 20o dd prlco 15c cotton creiv to one pricorioc olngnams reduced from 10c and i2c to 7jc colored muslins roducod from 17c to 13c from 25o to 15o juat to hand a now lot of figured muslins fo 10c worth double mall ordora have our prompt attention railway btation iu ontario purchases of 6500 and ovor propaid to your nearest t homas c watkins the right house hamilton railway time taible grand trunk railway flolno wkht ooino kaht hail 1hoi i rxproaa ulam 10 xii ro a u 21 pm express mall 7 00 pm mall mlxod 10 47 am 0 it pan 10 03 ptn time ov clohimil mailh rgolng woat 0 25omi and 6 40 pm going eoatlq 13 ain and 6 45 pm this tlnio tablo wont into ultuctou monday nov dotb ibm brhntf0r d galvanized steel wind iviiiiw for power and w ingwithla-i- ternst covered qjoarjadrit mduer nf- blfsekiiags v roller bearings golumbia iycls 100 columbia now 85 85 gents oolumbia5nbw 70 85 ladies golumbia now 70 70 laxiiesbjartfprd 58 100 cleveland good as new 50 jewellers cfe go guelph f shops and warerooms foot of willow st calls attendeid to- day or night ji a speight ss co undertakers and em balm ers acton ont latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furnit of all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight jco orders left with j n stlnson rookwood will receive fthmediate atteniion wwwww lll newspaper advertising merchants i business men roold haply mauiri iboumj makers of the hglt- est running antlbestl constructed galvan- imdjstecl windmills and towers made also the celebrated maple leaf grain grinder write for brantfordcan illustrated circulars acton agent fob above also fok frost and wood binders and mowers 3 a full lino ol au kinds of farm implements v and repairs m binder twine- itf r leadiiig braiids and close cut prices is now in stock at actenfteur call and examine before you bny frank harri8 manager the campaign prepare for winds we woqld oall your attention to tho faot tbatwe are prepared to eapplyvon with lambsr of bnltaole length for yonr bara doors viz 10 12 13 or m f cot also sash doors prames mouldings etc lor batldin utorm u06rs psc up it ab low a rate ab posaible puffs repair yonr pomps or pat in now ones before it is too cold w cam do it shop at foot of river street acton thos ebbace imahaker brightly started rightly stuck to solidly backed up acton saw mills and wood yards mrs brown docb mra dorcas beloug to the sewlnft oirole brown i lliiuk so dorcas always fatena hia auapsnders with a nail the grim reaper bwoopa down on the old anu young alike tho promiaing buda ars ntppod off alonoat as certainly aa the fadirfg bios aotn dr agnowa cure for the heart hasatayed deaths hands more tiiiiea than yon will count- believes in 110 mlnulea over 40 oases of sadden deaths from hoirt disease wero noted lu the daily nipore in canada daring the past ten days it neemb inoredlbleand proves tbe uncertain ty of life where there is a tendenoy to heart weakness dr agnsws core for tlie heart is a never failing remedy or hetrt disease it aots like magic never fails to give relief in beamingly hopelesi ellons in 80 minuter and to ouro permanently t sold by a t bown there never was and never will be a aniveraal panacoa in one remedy for ail ills to which flesh is hefr tho very nature of many curatives being such ahat were thnr nf n and rliltnrentlv seated diseases rooted in tho ayatom of tho patiout what would relievo ono ill in turn would aggravate tho other we have howover in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated stato a remedy for many and grievous ilia by its gradual judioloda use the fralleet ayatema are led into con valescents and strength by the influonco whiob qnlulae exerts on natures own restorativef it relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a ohronio stato of morbid despondence and laok of intoreat in life is a dlsetae and by trantjuiliziug the nerve disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigof to the action of the blood wbloh being stimulated ooaraea tbrodghoot tbe veins strengthening the healthy animal fouotlona of the ayetem- tbeteby making aotivity a neoessary resoll atrsdglhsnlng the frame and giving life to the digettivo organs which naturally demand increased snbatsnoe result im proved appetite northrop 4 lyman ot toronto have slv en to the puhllo their jqulnlno wine at the uuai rato and jiusged by the opinion of selentiats this wine approacbea norost perfection of any ou tbe market all druggists selut ensures business success adverti8e in the acton free press bad watches nrc made worse by incompetent workmen because it takes a better workman to make a bad wntcb good than it does to make a good watch bad if you have a watch whlcrrhasdonettood service give it a chance to do more a saving of twentyfive cents in tho price of repairing will not make up for a more than likely double that amount of spoiling i have a reputation to keep up my lifos studyhasbee i to do it well nnd i have been successful at it i havo every facility for doing the best possible work aqd i do positively dealreyou to come and ask for the return of the amount paid if any timepiece of any kind repaired by me does not run well after my rcputalidn is worth more to me than all the dollars i may hove to return please dont doubt my aincerlty in thia pringle the jeweller guelph j 3r7vc bs v b rovveis manuyifetunbn and dbalsb itt lumber weft shingles waoil i jc all kinds ot wood la stock and promptly dollvorod to sny prt ot tbo town at rsasoaablo prices hardwood and slabs out stovo leuatb always on habd tolpiihono ootnmualoaubr e b collsl desire to thank bfa numerous emimtts for sa their liberal patronace aluoe ueoodulienoed fl buslneas laat january and hopes that bv eantul s and eoarteoua attenuou to merit a eontulnanee of their eustom a obmplete assortment of nratolass beef mutton lamb pork fresh and salt bams sausages poultry v lftrd a0 in season trices always as low aa oonautent with tho- bost quality prompt delivery fa stock wanted s it colitsa iuiy mimjmm wm h btt mollsnsa vbpewldsa 0 ok onuts3its seotfraov 861 drpanv fcw ysvlu sap

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