Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 2, 1897, p. 1

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1 volume xxiii no 10 acton ontabio thtjbsdat sdptem3jek 2 189t price three cents ij dan jm fjress 1u p d fl tjbh ko every thursday morning at tdk- free frcba s ten m printing office mill street aotqt ont thumb op sdusoniptio ono dollar per yoar strictly lu advauoo all subscriptions discon tinued when tlio tluia for whioh thoy havo boon paid bos oxplrod tho data to wnloh every subscription li paid 1b douoted on tbo address label f amatfafama iuteb trannlont advertise ments 11 coots por nonpareil lino for ttret in sertion 3 oouta iior lino for oqb subsequent uaortlon ootiuot rates tbe following tablq ahowb ourjates for tbo lhbcrtlou of advortlsoinouts for specified periods school supplies 1arents bhould sue that their children go to days bookstore fop tiilik school books trfflersbaflrorcanadir 5potr cttrjtsr up winches lofnqhea 0 inches jtaob 1 1 yn a mo a mo i m ftus 00 i 2000 i a 00 20 oo 1200 i a oo 13 00 7 00 2 go u6o i a oo loo 88000 33 00 20 00 coo advertisements witbout specific directions will bb idbertotr till forbid and ohbrgod accord ingly transient advertisements must be paid n advance advertisements will bo changed onoo oacb fjnonthif doalred tor changes oftonor than onoo a month tbo compoaitlon must bo paid for at rifiulai ratos chkngosforoontraotadvortibomonts must bo u tbofhco by noon oh tuobdayb accounts payable monthly h f moore editor and proprlotor business btrrtorp medical j f tjren m d c m 6ffloo and resldcnco corner mill prodorlck stroota acton as elliott m d m b e acton quaquatu toiiokto university office main stroot third door eouth of rrosbytorlan pburob aoton tr dryden eve eaii timoai aid nobl mcloau b block douglas st noar p o guelph office holiih 10 a m to 1 p m and j to 0 p in sundays 10 a m to 1 pm veterinary surgeon lfked p husband v s graduate of tbo ontario votorlnary college honorary mombor of tbo votorinary medical society oppick wo husbands lot 2j con 4naaa- agaweyo calls day or night promptly attended to we line opened a targe and complete line of public and jiikii schpol text books our scnbbers and exercise bodfts are the largest and beat in the city at days bookstore a prices win every time days low day sells cheap authorized capita 1000000 cuelph branch sums of 81 and upwards received ou deposit and high oat current rate of interest paid or compounded halfyearly deposit recoipts issued for largo earns deposited advaucos made to responsible frtrmors on their awn uamcb no oharge made for col i bating safes notes if payable in guolph a general banking business transacted a f it jones manager i have yen feeh- dental lv l bennett lds dentist qeohqetown ontario dlt t p mercer dentibi graduate of toronto unlvorslty and it cd s q flic j uicr drug btoro acton viaixino days t11 ijhsday and riav jm bell dds l d s v dentist uooilvlxu honoh gluduatb op tononto univehhlty work made satisfactory pricea moderate i vibitinq days tuosday and friday of oaoh we ok d r g h cook dentist cofcotiogo bt and siiadiua avo t toltonto will visit aoton on tlio drat and third satnr day o each montu orflcb agnoffhotcl i leqal m r olean mclean barristers solicitors notaries oonvoyancera o pritato funds to loan offlco town hall acton wu a molkan jno a mclean douglas murray llahitlbtklu bolioitocfl noaiiieh etc or vice 11 1206 quoon st parkdalo victoria cbsmhfiiinivlrtnrlabt tplopone 397 john dodolab tononto a o munay a j mackinnon ilanniaten bolicrron conveyancen on ice mill street in matthews block upstairs t g matheson j b mcleod anuibtbns solicirons conveyanceks georgetown and milton money to loan at lowest ratos t jmohabb cleric fourth division court county of hal- on convoyancoir agontljlroandxafo aaauxanco ileal estate agont monoy to loan etc opifiab porry mans ulook aotot ont miscellanso us h enby qbist ottawa canada solioltor of ratonts for invontlon oto prepare applications fortno canadian aroor- icanindssropoanratontornoo and for tue itoglitratlon o trado marka bond for pam- pblot thlrttwo yoara oxporloneo p iranoiblfnnan bookdindek wvnduamst onolpli ontario ovorwllllama btoro aooount book of all klhda mado to ordor roriodlealaof ovorydoaoriptionoarofullyboond bulinffnoaswnf promptly dona rabriage licenses h p uoobe ipimpn oy mabbuob iiicrnbes prlvato ofllca no witncbbos required ibbuod at roridoneo in tbo ovonlog free proaa oluco aoton fa11meu8 if you nlh to reduco your intorot or aooure a flruolaa loan of nionoyat low interest and call op me i a nratilaea loan of monoy at d on aaay term of repayment i mako a apoolalty of londinr vxttlontyohairffctalboib modoy aud ni on vlllaeo property w c jackson cqnveramoen ahd mombt iiendeb orrtok wyndbam btnoar cltynallgucllii i j wellington mutual fire insurance company eltactimied 1810 insuranoe on oaah and mutual plan anyj ooujinunlcationa forwarded to my o dor bbs or telephone 68 will bo promptly at tended to john taylon agent guolpb w ulimstbeet llon8id aootiomeb for tha oonntloi of wellington nfl halton orirlfttthefluibi pdibb offloo aton or at my raaldenooin aoton will be promptly at tended to koea redpeed to i 5 oo vou farm sales also monoy to loan on the most favorable sums and at tbe lowest ratos of interest in sums of m0 and pwardi jobprintino best style tof tne art at modorato prloas and on abort notice apply or addrws h p moobb p0 puna office acton if so keep them keep them white keep them sound keep themhealthy by the ubb of stewarts antiseptic dentitrice 1 0 cents an ounce 25 cents a bottle off japanese matting matting that was 2ocrnowi6c a yd 25c now 20c a yd 30c now 24c a yd 35c now 28c a yd its all your way there nothing in it to us we simply must clear by sept ist youll be sure to want to cover one floor anyhow let us figure the cost a uhlo bird einga aud bo sings all day- obcor up i cheer up i choor up 1 no matter to him if tbo skies be gray choor up i cboar up 1 choor up 1 ho flios oor tho flolds of waving corn and oor tbo riponlng wboat ho nubworn tbo lark in tho early morn in cadoncan obooryand swoot and only theso twollttlo words bo bingo choor up i choor up 1 choor up t a mossauoto earth wblob bo gladly brings clioor upl cboor up 1 cheer up 1 je sings in u volco that 1 blithe and bold j clioor up cbopr up i choor up i and httlo caroo ho for tbo storih or cold choor up 1 cboor np l up 1 aud wliou in tho widtor tho siipirooinoa down and nolds araall froaty and baro ho lien to tho heart of tbo busy own and blnga jubt as choortly thoro ho ohirpa from his porclxon my window bill choor upl cboor upl cheer up this message bo brings with a right goodwill qhoorupl cheer up t choornpl this dear liltto mossongor can but say cboor upl obocrupl cheer upl as ovor tbo houbo tops bo makes bis way cboor up i choornpl cheer upl ob lot us all loam from this little bird a lasbon wo suroly should hood for if wo all uttorod but ono bright word tho world would hnhrightflrindood i if only earths oblldron would blithely say choor up obcor up cboor up i how jolly a world would ours bo today choor upi chpor up i ch up i eva beat in childlife for to bo able to see overy step forecast a resource for erncrfionoy provide against evqrjr poflbible need is not possiblo tho the campaign prepare for winds wo would l joaratteotion to tbo fact that we aro prepared to supply yon with jumbor of bojtable loogth for yoar barn doors viz 10 12 13 or 14 feet also sash doors frames mouldings etc for building storm poors put op at atj low a rato aa possible fv3tcrs repair yoar pumps or pat in now onea before it ia too cold wl can do it shop at foot of river street acton th08 ebbace manager main street plan i imc mills acton ont john architect cameron and contractor manufacturer of sash doors frames monldlua 1 in all stylos dressmo matcbjno and moulding to ordor on short notloo woll assorted stock on band at prices tosul tbo times john cameron proprietor acton saw mills andwootlyarli hahoriottjukb jltfd dejxbb 11 xu tuber lath shingles wood eto all kiuds of wood in a took and promptly dolltorod to any part of tho town at roosonaulo prlcoa hardwood and blabs oat stovo length always on hand tolfipnono communication e b collins butcher dob ires to thauk bis humorous onstouon for tholr liberal patronago ilnoo be coram enood businoss last january and hopes that by careful and oourtoous attention to merit a continuance of tholr custom a complete assortment of firstclass beef mutton lamb fork fresh and salt hams sausages poultry lard o in aeoaon- irlcos always aa low aa consistent with tbo boatfjualhy prompt dollvory fa stock wanted li xi collins acton livery 1kd bus line the uudorstgnodreipwitfullt solicit tbopatron ago of tho public and informs them that woll equlppod and stylish rig oan al tf ays bo seourad at ids stables a comfortable bus moots al trains botweon 0 am and 818 pm careful attention glvan to erory ordor the wants of commercial travel lers folly met john wjitams padrancton fallterm cuelph will commence sept il circulars free jsuaitp principal j m bond co hardware guelph satisfied customer i our best advertise ment wc iide nnny satis fied customers in acton who will be pleased to tell you about the kind of clothing we make ask them youll know ihem by their clothes if you have never had the plcisurc of wearing stylish well fitting clothes let us make your fall suit we can pease you sfiaw turner merchant tailors guolph quelfb clots ball 1 89798 ln7ll php6rs styles and prices to surprise you frames pictures artists supplies headquarters for presents c waters bros st qeobaes square quelph awnings tents etc pike roberts 147 brunswick ave toronto arc expert makers of aw nines tents tarpaulins fly 8creens balcony curtains stopmsashret i sh rnuldqpqnhbvyib iheir work speaks their merit ixamino the awnings jirt put up n moorecroft acton orders promptly filled prices reasonable tents to rent for nil purposes aoton machine aud repair shops u13niiy qrindblti lroprlator arr well equlppod with alt tho machinery neoassary to exotuto al ronars to maobln ery and agrloaltural implsmenu and to do all kinds oi steamfitting horsa shooing and aanoral blacksmith lng woodwork repairs performed n a satisfactory manner via can repair anil maeblne or implement of any make saw gumming and flllnn done daguta for quoon viotorla hoi llelgji and diamond juliiloo overflowing with latent and riota- tfmft contains tbe endorsed blograiiby hmtsimf with anthonuo history of nor itabtavalgnrand fall aooount of the ula- jublla only fi0 demand uonans fo alon w pn cent credit fli opt kaandutr njud outfit- anduirrluiry ti1u kbiatliabtvalgnrnd fail aceot r mondjnbu y only is0 lilg hook trem ou- don demand uonanaa for sgonta oommis- assjkh2 iven trelabt paid write quick for outfit- andtitiury thk- u0min1un oqm- lanv ppt7aodoarboruhcubinbo he grossroads angel ii em01l j hae8 i d go right ahead my son youll find ooda augel at lie forks of the road when youot tbore tho angel will surely bo there my boy but you muat be there to meet htm for ho ib not here hes waiting t tho orosb roads and bo has the heaven sent money in his wallet a soldiers widow said this to her only son some years ago tbe boy had beeu work ing in a now england mohlue shop he was now just seventeen years old he was eagor for a college education and oould be ready to enter with ono year mora of night stud one hundred and seventythree dollars howoior was all the cash he had in pocket and that seemed pitiably small in view of the eight j ears need the mothers pension merely supported ber but she was bnro a way would bo provid ed if tho son had tho courage and faith to go on tlio good lady did not oontout her self with baying where theres a will theres a way for her seneible piety lifted her to tho plain of a higher truth she knew that this sou of hers bad natural endowments and aptitudes for a physician oho felt convinced that the world needed him and ho was born for a purpose and if that were so his creator would meet bim more than half way provided tbe dear boy would start tho day that youth started for coll ego ho was roduoed to a mere paltry pittance in pocket bgarce enoogh to pay railway fares jot the trunk was packed hie old employer surprised him by placing one bnndred dollars in blb hand at the railway depot when that was exhausted the angel at the cross roads made him an offer of saventuvo cento ap hour for all the coaching of laggard and conditioned students that he could dp later on liter- firy work wab offered bim in short through a full course of study extending over oight jeara this now eminent surgeon found whenever ho was reduced to tbelaet extremity apparently and before he reach ed it to suffer at all his earnest purpose commanded the timely help of providence w a t g rm ha never was entirely creed from what might havo naturally produced anxiety hut in bis case it produced thoughtfulnees gravity care and increased olnosrity of purpose ho was saved from folly for lifo was at once grave and manly with him had ho insisted on seeing his way through beforo be started ho would not now be tbe grout blessing to tbe suffering world that ho ia i ought to go and take those ohildren homo with mo said a poor olerk in a large bobton store as be read bis dying sistors letter there were four young ohitdron iu the city of columbus ohio crowding round tbo invalids bod why do you not go then askod bis young wife because i cannot see tho money wheres it to p6me f7ono brave wife replied mat if was his duty to go and if it were her sibter she bhould so consider it bo should start aud leave some good angel to help him to rive those orphans care tbe man started gathered up the fathooloes mother- lea a brood of his then doad aislor and re turned homeward not knowing how under heavens he was going to feed this addition to his own flock at a railway junction an olderly lady helped him oare for the children for an hour one of them being somewhat ailing the benevolent lady bo- came interested jn the ohildren id few words she adopted the eldest boy last juno this onoe poor olerk lost his eyesight by an accident tbo boy whom tbe wealthy lady had adopted came into his fotef- mothers whole property tho sixth of laat july th young millionaire 17a a just sent his blind undo to enropo for treatment of his kind good eyes god bless them 1 tbo youth told me last week that cablegram was moat reassuring that jlorqjk6irujl a man had waited till be oould aee bis way clear to do what bo ought to do the duty would never bava been done evidently it was a brothers duty to inateh those chil dren of his sister from the almshouse even if ho had been forcod to sell bis cloak as the ecrlpturo bays what a man ought to do oan be done the way ia not hla look out beyoud the initial steps he muat not act tho fool and rashly mistake mora inclination or impulse for the divine call of duty it is no sign a thing la duty because ono is inclined to it or wishes he could on co settled however that a thing is sacred duty go on and expect tbe angel at tho cross- roads these two inoldenta from real lifo could bo multiplied indefinitely every ruajur will think of a case in point within his own knowledge and probably within bis own experience especially if one is accus tomed to ask thai exalted question what is my doty there is a miserable com mercial fosrfulnoss often denominated caution or pyudenoff which la not the gen uine artlolev look before you leap ia hoontf wisdoki jet bone of the brave things ot life are dona on a oertsinty what ajnan soetb why doth be jet hope very business moo who sometimes seem to sdvise young men in this cold calculating way aro themselves examples of the results that follow daring for what one of thorn but took tbe hazard of duty nd walked blindly vory often to arnvo at his present eminence it ib the finest of skill to doteot tho dif ference between raehnesb and faith be tween heaidtrong folly and gentlo hope tho one is left tfithoata helper at the qroaa- roads the othtjr finds gods angol there it may boald tbattboaros3 roads angol ishimself uqaelfish therefore if ypu opeot to meet bim you wilt bo disappointed if your errand is aefftoq there ib a differ- enoq between proper tolmove and sol flab- neas any a opposed duty that means good- to your neighbor or benevoltnco to the weary world will command the angel where the roads fork aud you need him tbe angel is kind is pure is devout you may be bure since he cornea down from above the oaah in hib wallet is clean gold supplied by tbo father of us all any purpose that is of like nature may expeat his cooperation bo at least i believe for many centimes there has been jabroad rntbj a belief th roan coald command a help not found in hia arith metic there hab beon of late years a growing ooatiter faith in arithmetic only the result ia that many young lives are slaves to the arithmetic they hear so much ridicule of men who btarted upon a fools errand as faith and pluak nre often called that they stifle noble purpobos and submit to mediocrity rather than take risks whero they cannot calculate each atop they do not aarvfally distinguish between mere boom era and men with a genuine orrand the daily newspaper chronicle of iailaro of the adventurers overthrow is ono thing the unwritten history of a brave mans pursuit of duty in the dark is quite another vou who road this who havo a worthy dream yet un spoken to tbe world i bi i you r ahead youll find tho uogol nt the crossroads a mothers influence when qod stooped to earth and placed tho crown of mothorhpod on t br of the retired burglar people rig all eoru of pitfalu for the man that comes in lato and wjthvut tbe formula of kuooking but there are some men who take a more cheerful view of things who preserve thoir property at tbe cost of vory little trouble to themselves and without doin any injary to anybody elfie that man odd familiar story about tho basiuesb man who liad a floe big safo io which he used to keep bis books and papers but in which he never kept any monoy who always tho last thing beforo leaving at night used to hang on tho knob ot tho bo co door a card which said dont break the safe you will find the key in tbe npper lefthand pifieoohole over the desk i never doubted tbe entiro truth of that story and i venture to say no man ever looked for the key i met with something of tho same aort cf an experience once my self uthe first room i went into in a house that i was in was darker than 12gypc but there was a littlo glow over on one bide np high near tho coiling and when i looked over thero x saw this sign flickering in phoaphoreacont letters on the wall tako afriondaadvioe and dont waste time here it was simple onouxh of coureo it was juat painted there in luminous paint it didnt show in tbo daytime nor in tbo night when the lamp wai lit but it came out in the dark i aint auperatuioub not a bit but i took his adiioe the true athlete it has been recently bald by some phy- eiolan and the baving has gono tbo rounds of the newsptipera that athletes aro bhort lived i j would bs better to say that ab normally developed men and womeu aro abort livod tho true athlete man or woman is not overdeveloped or unovenly developed brain heart tangs muscles aro equally and oorelatively sound and aotive yonr bulletbeaded sprinter whose legs and book havo absorbed bis brain is not an athlete no more is the prizefighter whose chest and arms give bim tbe appear- ance of deformity to huge are they cer tainly the woman whbse physical tralnin hkb dastroyodiibr stifteymmetry cannot claim perfection of feminine physique iu a word a moubterls not an athlete and an abnormally developed being is a mon strosity tbe value of bicyollbg aa an outdoor ex ercise does not lie in its tendenoy to make amazons of women and gladlatorliko animals of mon the mind aa wall aa tbe body must feel tbe recreation aud gather in from air sunlight lights and sounds tho elements of perfect growth this fine ex hilaration of wholeiome activity is not to- be overindulged said turned into a debauch ery we tnuit know when to quit and how to turn our paw fund of health and delight to beat account it was a auib door thomas had been a jointer but owing to dullness in trade he engsged as foot man in tbe big hooae in the village ou tbo day of bis engagement his mis tress having a lady vibitor rang the bell for the footman you will ahuw this lady tho front door thomb yea mem replied thomas and bow ing to tho lady horeqaested her to follow him oncoming to tlio dour thomas opened it and tho lady nas about to pass out when tho mm tapping her on the ehoglder remarked this is tho doir mm guid pitch piue int framod twa auj a half inohes thick with raised niotimingu wad coat about two pounds un mini method oft touoht all from the huinbloa to the highest need to cultivato a oarrfut and accurate method of tbooglitin all things theoauso of tbiuga and their true relations to each other do not he on tbe surface wailing to be piuked up bat ire often far down out of sight and mast bodug for to bo discovered we ba i fipd them if ut all in the nature of the things tbemsbv not in soma obanoe oolooldeqos having no beating but that ot aiiootattoai prcjadiosst when elfted to tbeir recti origin will often dis appear fears will dissolve rooted aversloca be pulled up aa needs woman he onthroned in tho heart a poror truer holier love than man oan ever pobseaa this thought should be an iuoen tivo and a stimulating reflection to ai oareworn motherstbat while thoy carry tho real burdens pf life they possess the rear gem that rulea tbo world love a man woll advanced in life thus writes about his m other and tho lifelong im- probslons sho made upon hfsmind now i want to say something about parebta and especially in others experience teach ca mo that auim press ion mado on the mind of a child by a mother ia r diffi cult to eraso than almost anything else i certainly was blebed with a mother aa much devotedjo the welfare of hor family the church aud alt its interests ber neighbor and the oororoantty in which she lived aa any boy brought up in my time i often eit and btudy about her everyday life her godly walk and conversation her dally instructions to her children as to how they should live and her regular atten dance with her ohildren at sundaybchool another thing that can never bo erasod from my mind is never acoiog my fathor partako of a meal without first invoking gods bleaeing and if he was absent mother cover failed to perform the duty herself tho fact atared mo inthe facoja 18g5 when for tbe first time i sat down at my own table speeuhloes as it were think ing oven this was too great acrosb to bear and it beamed to me my mother said son thank your maker before you eat my devoted christian wife had the cour age to eay ask gods blessing my dear husband before we eat i did so and thank god i have never eaten a meal at my own tablo since without myself or some one else asking gods bloasing oh for more mothers and wivea of go and do yoara ago i there is one other matter that my mother impressed upon my young mlud with groat foroe and unless my reasoning faculties are dethroned it will never bo erased that is tbe necessity of secret prayer bile tanght me this from my in fancy and thank god i havo no recollec tion since i have been trying to live a christian lifo when a day passed over my head without my calling on my maker in eeorct prayer sho taught mo to call on him in every time of trouble and i call lo miud now two differont timea in childhood long before i profeaaod christianity when bewildered and lost iu the wooda i found myself with two other small companious down on our ttpeee praying god to return us to our homes talk to me about a mothers influence i there is nothing like it may god awaken the motherb of our country to their groat responsibilities i how such testimony as this should re- froah tired and perhaps discouraged mothers the burdens some moth ore oarry arc great indeed and it may bo the saviour had them in view in his ministries while on earth bomo of his messages heavily- freighted with lovo eeom intended for mothers surely come unto mo 111 ye who are woary and heavyladen and i will givii you rest is halm to the weary heart no music bo swoet when wo have beard its meaning 0 weary mothers i am convinced that there aro times iu every body a oiporieo whe th is s what shall women awheel wear perhaps there has boon a great deal too muoh worry about what women and girls ought to wear awheel my impression is that the joy of riding abopld largely out weigh the sense ot being stunningly appar eled comfort which excludes conscious ness of being drebaod for a special purpose or in unusual toggery is of first import ance hiding for pleasure reaches its lowest claim d reapeol when it coincides with riding for display ot course ttare can be no more exoofe for dowdiness in dress on tbe wheal than off it- in avoiding one extreme it ia foolish to rush against the other a girl need not tan her fair face as yellow as saddle- leather by wearing no matter how hot the aun a wheeling cap stack on the back ot her head a sailor hat of moderato brim and a colorless veil are far better if securely fastened on it ia easy to contraot troublesome diaeaaea of tho eyea by exposing them to tbe direct glare and beat of the aun permanent in jury to tbo tissue nnder the skin may also result from sunburn thus deatroying for ever tbo fino bloom ot complexion good aenae will suggest a safe course between rnnklaah pi and tho other extreme of refusing to ride in tbe sunshine at allt mauiuck tuoiipfion in tho chautattquan for september some queer facts nans usually live to a great age the smell of perfumes ia said to prolong life potatoes in greenland never grow larger than a marble japan has a written history extending over 2500 yoara horsea auooumb to cold quicker than any other animal postage stamps are gummed with a ataroh made from potatoes fully onethird of the female population ot franco labors on farms more than fourfifths ot the people of london never enter a place of worship it a snails head is out off and the animal placed in a oool moist place an other hoad will grow in upito of tho closest oapoinago tho diamond mining companies of south africa lose it is said 91000000 a jear by theft crusade against hatpins owing to tho fact that there bave been two oases rooently of persona having their eight destroyed by the enormous hatpins that aro now worn by women the news pipers have started a crusade against the fashion a man who was riding in an omnibus had ono of his eyes pioroed by a pin in the hat of a woman sitting next to him her heal being thrown against bis face by a su lden jolt of the vohlole in the other case a girl was blinded by a plu in the hat of a companion with whom she was play it natural and artificial paris has paper gaa pipes in japau women load ships arizona claims a lake of ink italy has the only latin newspaper australia makes 103 kinds of wine monkey akin ia used in pooketbooka no bouquets or imttoua may be worn by atlanta police mun muoh to be done that tl c only way to do it ia to lit down and do uothldg this sounds paradoxical but it is not fop instance there is the overtasked mother of a family in moderate olrcam- stances who must bo brains bauds btom- aoh and feet for a dozan little children and their father who counts full another dozen do tbo best she may plan the wisest she may her work accumulates fearfully on her hands one days labor lapsover on tho next till ehe cannot sleep at riight for fear sho aball oversleep in tbe morning and though she worka hard all day and ghes herself no relaxation sho can not see any resaft at the olpso save that she hath done what she could of coarse you say lot her bo eatiified with that and not worry about it that is only another probf how easy it is lor aomo people to bear tbe troubles of other people suppose her nervous ayetem baa beeu strained lo the utmost so that every step ib a weariness and every fresh and unexpected demand acts ber all of a tremolo aa women express it what ia the use of reasoning then about not working the more ahe cant work the more she will try to till bhu drops in ber trackb now there are eelfeaorifioiug mothers who jieodjaamebody-to-aay- to them stopl you bave just to make your choice now between death and life you havo expended all tbe strength you havo on hand and must lay iu a new atock beforo any work cau be done by you so dont go near your kitclien uet light into bed and he there just as a roan would do if ha didnt feel one quarter as bad aa you do and my word for it tbe world will keep on going round just tbe same ai if jou were spinning a spasmodic teetotum aa hens do jong after their heads lava been cut off yes just lie there till you get rested and they all find out by picking up the burdens you have dropped what a load jou bave been unoompluiningly shouldering yea juat lie there and tell them to bring you something nice to eat and drink yea drink and forbid under dreadful penal- tie anybody asking ou what the family are to have for dinner let them eat what they like so that tliey dont trouble you and season it to thoir taatea and heres hoping it will do them good and now baving located you comfort ably under the quilt out of harms way let me toll yon that if you think you are doing god service or anybody elae by ubiog up a years strength in a week you havo made a sinful mistake 1 dont mean that basket of nnmendad stockings or any nursery nightmare which baunta tbe dreams of theso martha mqthers yon havo but ouo life to live thats plain aud when you are dead all the kings men caut make you stand on your feet again t bats plain there then dont be dead io tho first place go out a part of every day rain or ehiue for the freah air and dont tell me you cant at least not while yon can stop to em broider your childrens olothea aa to dressing to go out dont dress if you are clean and whole thata enough have boots with elastics at the side in stead of theso that take so long to lace up in short simplify your dreaelng and then btop oyery wheel iu tho houbo if necessary in order to go oat but go fifteen miuutoa is better thau nothing if you cant get out in tho daytime ran out in the evening and if your husband oaot aeo the necessity of it perhaps he will on reflection after you have gono out the moral of all whioh is that if nobody elao will take oare of yon yon must just take care of yourself as to tbe children i might write a long book on this head or thuu huuda bl eml so homotimo wo khali know why ourauuniost mornings chango to hooijh of ruiu audwhvouratopr aro bbadowedhatypatn and why wo ofton llo ou oouchos bown with thorns of oaro and doubt and why our jlvos aro thickly bodgod about with bars that put our loftlost plans to rout sometime wo shall know why our dearest hopoa aro swept so swift awnj and why pur brightest dowers first decay vfhy hodg is lost lo nigh why clasping ungorp slip boboou opart estrangement spaao andsdatuh road limit from heart until from dodpoat depths tho tear drops htart gomotime o all shall know each other aye as wo ourselves aro known anil aoo how out ofdarknosb light baa grown and ho who lovoa ua so doepito our wliifuloobs and blindouiilaiut will hhowua how his bind and calm restrain b can mold a human soul into a saint i bomotuno oureyos shall boo tho silver lining to tho darkest oloud wbjlo silvery sohoos follow thunders lgud somotimo our hoarts bhall bo pantont forgetting all our root loss mood and knowing ovorythlog has worked for good tho how aud whan and why bo understood lillian dray m the boston watchman sunshine they cant help being born poor things though they otten got slapped for that and nothing elaa aa far as i can aee it ia a pity you hadnt three instead of six bo that tho oare of them might only be ajea- sure instead of a weariness but thata none of my business aa people say after they have been unusually meedlesome and impertinent still i repeat it i wish you bad three instead of six and i dont oaro if you do go and tell john onk of tiil wkau onkb reflections of a bachelor when a man talks about the poor busi ness oatlook he generally means the poor way ho looks out for business an engagod ttrlmaybolawiul a o j she doesnt eat many onions till after she gets married after a girl has onoe deoided that bhe wont have a man if he asks her sho will never forgive bim for not asking her a rainy day cos tame is an excuse for a woman to have all the men look at ber witbout having all tbo other women oat her a womans idea of pleasure ih to swing on the porch in a bammook in a white dross and watoh her husband sotting out plants for her about five mioutob after a man baa started an argument with a woman be feela aa helplessly mad as he doea when he baa leaned up against sprae fresb paint with nobody near to hear him bwear the very reason a noble little fellow waa onoe tempted by some of his oompanipda to pluck ripe oherriea from a tree whioh his father had fnrhtimm him in t yon need not be afraid said one ot hla companions for it your father should find out that yon had taken them ho is so kind that be would not hurt you that is the very reason replied the boy why i should not touch them it la true that my father would not hurt me yot rny disobedience would hurt my father and that wonld bo worse than anything also suppose suppose there were never any quarrola between brothers and is tare suppose brolbora were never rough and thoughtteas and aiatera never peevlah or perverse i suppose i ill an v were words never beard from little lipi and little flats were never clinched to strike suppose tears ot passion were never abed and thaaun never went down on angor be tween littlo one t suppose all thla to bo tbo oasc and would not some homes be brighter live in tho sunshine if ypu wonld enjoy health and prolong life all nature re joicea iu it and is made a thing of boauty because god floods tbe world from its in- oxhauetlbte store neavenandeartharo full of it it pafnts the earth and sky aa no artists peuoil oould beautify the per fection ot art ia but a faint attempt to imitate gods touch whioh makes the landscape the plain the mountain tho river the lake the ocean the clouds and the blue aky evangels of the power and wisdom abd love lot god telling us of bis everywhere presence the almighty maker preserver and father darkness meunb decay and death and when qod would de- 4troy a nation lie sends as a forerunner tbe darkneaa that oould be felt there was light in the dwellings of his enslaved people there is always light in the homes of gods people no matter how dark tbo world may be build your homes that thoy may catch tbe sunshine morning noon and evening that they may have this daily perenial baptism of heavens light and love even the homes of the dumb annuals that servo you and whioh add so much to tho comfort and health of life need tbe sun- bhine without whioh your fiolds would be neither green nor golden nor yourorahards a thing of beauty and luxury and life the one thing that rloh and poor oau alike enjoy is the sunshine whioh heaven givea in a flood ot riohnebb every day and for throa hundred and sixty five days in tho year it may be utilized in ten thousand ways but the avarice and grand of depraved nature oan make no corner in it lven the bulla and boars of walt street aro un able to put any embargo upon it for tho great father maketh his anns to rieo and set upon tho evil and good upon all his children alike even where tho sun of rigbtousness has not yot arisen with heal ing iu hie wings reasons for singing pledge the sign the pledge it will benefit your health alcohol ib uot more necessary to health than any other chemical or med icinal agent it excites tho heart hindqrs digestion dieturba the liver and stupefies tbe brain it gives a momentary glow and stimulus but you have to pay for them afterwards by an inevitable lessoning of vital heat and animal power and mental force even in modorato quantities it acts as an irritant and a poison tbo athlete in training for a boat race a prizefight or a running mat oh must ab fo t u o aloobo if men do not want it for such extraordin ary exertions wby do you want it for ordinary ones keceut english expedi tions in abyssinia tho transvaal and egypt proved that if a general wishes his troops to perform forced marches or to undergo unusual fatigues he must substi tute ooflee for grog the extremes of tho arotio oirole and the tropiaal buh are bebt endured on oold water aa the experience ot many oxployers and travellers proves the tables ot insurance officers show that ono hundred moderate drinkers dio every aoventythroe abstainers and many officers have a speoial section to give ab stainers tbe benefits of insurance at a lesa price it would be a perfect revelation to bomo who read tbebq wordsit tpey wbuldgivo total abstinence u trial yonr appetites would be bolter your minds would be clearer your nerves would be stronger aud your whole system wonld get fitness and tone varieties japan ia filled from end to end with atl tho apparatus of tho latest civilization down to the eleatrio oar and tho interna tional exhibition an umberella insuranco company has jaatbetm organized in london it will iu- auro caaea aa well us umbrellas a genius it ib said has invented un india rubber fishworm which so greatly resembles tho genuine earthworm that a fish will not be ablo to doteot tho dif ference wbilo it ia a counterfeit and almost indestructible it answers tbo pur pose to the great satisfaction of the naher- man this will bave tbo small boy tho labor of spading up tho gardonrovery time he wants to go fishing mrs thomas a edison is a handsomo woman she looks liko an italian with a aoft brunette coloring and a fino complox- ioo she knows- very hitler of her hue- bandb scientifio work safe conditions what hood sanaparilla baa done for others it will also do for you hoods bar- aanarilbv ourea all blood diaaasea material aurroundlnga are a groat help to religious faltb aa this dialogue from an english paper will bhow do von always say your pray era at bed time asked tbo sunday school teacher affectionately no mlbs uot regular i dont waa the reply wby mary aro yon not afraid to go to aleop at night without asking a meaning not whan i sloop in the middlo i aint miss every season of the year has ita owu peoulier malady to render tho system malariaproof during theso muggy aud oppressive days thn blood bhould be kept pore and vigorous by the use of ayers sarsaparilla it will help you wonderfully through tbo dogdays

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