Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 2, 1897, p. 2

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t- nickult in ksqueblng on friday flotli august to mr and mrs john nlokoll a daughter dkhbky in urln township an saturday august fllat to mr and mrs wlu uosaoy a daughter somkuvixlh in aotonjintaoida to mr and mrs ittcmerd daughter slit august loniarvulo a ma it it it j lauten bntnomsnuopfat tbo residence of mr inaao taylor georgetown on august lbtu by rev o o latigfordil a u th joseph carter of blniooo ont to louisa ilrluckorboff of georgetown died merchant tiant the pre return sir wilfrid and lady baurler royal- y welcomed at many points theres no place like home montlvkuaor 81 sir wilfrid laurler lady- laurier and party arrived itim- ouski on filday evening on the domlulon line steamship labrador- amonii those present on the mail tender were messrs augusts tessier mayor of riraouslii h 0 carroll mf v a chonuette m p dr quay mp hon charles langelier botoiroirrnflyrffltnaujnitplatntosiiib7xhatlc-doioist-seeretary- f ol john j allan in nor 31 o tbe qaebej rio committee the klmouiai battalion o militia waa drawn op on the wharf and fired ifeuhilrjoic bb tiie boat came nsar madamo fieet wilo oipr iiast bip for rlmouabi presented lady laurler with a beautiful bouquet lady laarier also received amaguincent basket of cut tlowore from the ladies of toronjo mayor tessier presented in address- on behalf of the plllzeos of btaouiki there was just aaaspioiou ti ntgisture iu8ir wilirida eyes as in the course of bjs brief wply ho alluded to the welcome he had reoeittd jo england and everywhere but added that after ail the reception nhloh wont rlhi to the heart of a man was that by bis own people upoa bis return to bis ownioopntry as thervossel approached tier dock on saturday morning immense browda were in view at every point of vantage at tho ancient oapitol at qrqaie isle quarantine atalion dr montirambert the superintendent had a saints fired at the request of hon sidney fisher tbe minister ot agriculture short ly after 7 oolook the government steamer bruid appeared haying on board the q b commi sir wil- ailan in qoataotowriroir catborioo wlr year imnopord iu georgetown on saturday 91st of auuubt to hev and mrs q p langford bdaaou botytat oakvule on tuesday 3hh august john a doty lumber merobant ot brlgdon in bis blat year allan in georgetown on tburaday 10th uat to mr ana mra jobn j allan twin daugbtora xwuon in- aoton on tuesday 81it august john aloxandor aopof alexander juawaon ol laiuosing agod 6 montba oairriibxl at bla home churoli 6t acton on thursday aoth august joeoph woaley cami boll agod 20 years and 4 monthir wt ttait jfo vess tnurejday j 1897 notes and comments hamilton city council bas instructed its reprosobtatives to the tax exemption con vention to protest against the power given municipalities by the legislature to exempt manuraotnring industries from taxation either lolroduoe tho single tax or tax all is their position assistant secretary bingham of the agricultural department to day expressed tbo opinion that the american farmers thia yea would receive in tbe ag frpm four to five hundred million dollars in cxoebs of that received lost year for tbelr r wheat the first oensoa ot bnssia baa now been completed and shows that the population in european as well aa aaiatlo ruaaia amountsaltogetber to 130000000 inhabi tants tbat is to say 8600000 more than thoflgureb at whloh the empire baa until now boon officially rated in point of population- therefore russia cornea bird in rank china heading the list with estimated horde ot 400000000 while tbe british empire cornea next with 208000- 000 tho india famine fond oloaed in canada on the 1st of july last with a total of s175 923 notwithstanding tbat it was cloied then oontribatibna have oontlnued to oome in to the extent of b239 so that the total now reaobea 9170201 the whole amonnt has been forwarded to india by mr conrt- noy doputy minister of tlnanoe who is trcaanrer of late amounts whlohhavo been received there is 1300 from british columbia j848 jrom the lieotgovernor of tbe northwest terrltors oflloe and 71 from the mayor of montreal tho popnlar opinion of london wbiob rejoicoa at frenohbnasjan alliance aa being entirely directed against germany is well voioed by the saturday hevitw which says tbe emperor ot germany baa received a rebnef whiob he will bitterly resent there is no doubt the formal allianpeof franoe and rusaia makes it henceforth impossible for bim to be that arbiter of the destinies of eorope whloh he aaplreb to beoome the dnal alliance is at least as powerful as the triple alllanoe waa formerly it fa no longer a dream german hegemony has vanished and with it the dreams of the abasement of england a worlds orop report just iasued says tbo favored rodnntries are canada and the united states tbs former of wbiob will soon be one of the liaoat important of the exporting countries its excess over last years production being 7000000 bushels ot wheat and 20000000 of oats its output of all sorts of grain 370000000 bnshels the yield o wheat in great britain this season is 0000000 bnsbels against 6 8000000 last year the wheat- area ot british india is reduoed irom is- 000000 acres to 18000000 aere and the wheat vield from 294000000 boshels to i02000ib00 buahols the farming oommnnity are the funda mental basis of the eoonomic structure in danada aooordingly when the farmers aro prosperans it la obviona that the oon ditiona ahonld favor prosperity in all other branobea of business if there ever was a year when fortune smiled on tbs agrioul- tnrist the present la one and for this reason the business outlook is considered very bright in almost every braoch ot produce in whlbh the farmer is interested high prices are tbe rule he is getting mora for his oattle for the produce of these samo oattle for the fruits of the earth in fact everything that he markau 6ano- ifuia qrocau the apple season has opened this year with prospeota of fair to good retaroa for tbe growers last year the orop was a tremendous bnsibat thoprloeswhiahrblsd wore so low that it was hardly a profitable orop this year the orop will be below tbs average aooordrng to the traile buuetin abont fanrtsnths of an average crop but the prevailing prices are high aa oompared with last year last year prices opened at from so to 75 oenta per barrel and declined almost immediately tofrom 80 to 40 oenta por barrel this year prioes opened at abont 3 00 to f33s and have fallen off to 91 50 to 1176 the uuuetm saya canaofas orop for export la eatimatsd at from two buodrsd and fifty to flvo hundred thou sand barrels and thinks tbsprmr es- tlmato nearest tbe mark last season canadas exports amounted to about nine hundred tbooaand barrels in anmmarlzlpg the reporuof oprrespon dentathroughoutthe oo th can 4griaittiirut ot saturday aaya all reports apeak of great jubllallon among farmers rapid payment of their debts and onlveraal puns lor lroproyemenuin syery- thlng pertaining to the farm a look and honse the outlook for bntlusaa in tbs agricultural trade and among the rural population la overwhelmingly brilliant should anythlngllko anticipated figures for grain stook and produce be generally realised more than halt of all the mortgag es on all the farms in tbe united slates oan bo paid off thu year the jrtouftiir- m also discusses the worldwlds situation as to rtomani aupply and prioes showing lllt the oouutryia iu for a period of unprecedented prosierlty this prosperity should be ot prolonged duration because rounded upon lbs solid baala ol prosperous aurlcilllnre the roekboltom foundation of natural wealth but it also warns the farmers that in refusing a tibbd fairprloe they thereby assoms sprpulators risks and tho fpeoulatot usually ottsu as lia wp frid ha3 already been informed by mr oharloi deguiae the secretary of the oommlttee who went to rimouaki fortbat purpoie notlme was lobl him and lady laurler to the jruul where they received the heartteat welcome and congralolations as the vessel arrived a little earlier than it was expected the druid steamed up- the river above quebeo to the lite of tbe proposed bridge at tbe cbaadlere tho advantages of whioh were pointed out to those on board while tho eoyal oanadlan artillery band played pairiotlo airs pssaiug the citadel an other aalute waa fired and banting and flags were run np on every yossel in port the citys reception was a magnifioent domoeitratlon in honor of the premiera return his reply to the addreaa pro- aentedvas in keeping with bis splendid addreiios delivered during the various jabflee f unatlons at london and elsewhere in referring to canadas future in one of his addresses at the qbebeo demonstration be said every country has a history we also have a history the volume of our history is not ss oompaqt aa that of the countries i have just visited but page for psgo it la as well filled and further if these countries have a history if they have the past we have the future and it is towards tbe future that my soul that all my faoul- ties are direoted and it was always with my eyes flxad on thn future it waa alwayb with ay eyea fixed on canada that each time tbat i opened my month in england or in france i soagbt i found rnyiubpir- sllon applause gentlemen i am not one of those wbo make patriotism consist in prolonging old straggles to eternity i am not of those who bellevetbat providence suited as here men of every race to con tinue the fights ot our fathers i am one of those who believe that h is neoessary to be inspired by tfie past in order to find there the source of national unity i have the pride of my origin i have proclaimed it huudred limes i have the pride of my olyic katie as a british citizen and par tloularly i bave tbo pride of tbe aspirations whloh i entertairrfor the future otoanada onr common country x have defended its oauaeis best i could i have pleaded its cause with the imperial autborieties i assuredly do not attribote to myself the victory but i say that viotory crowned our efforts as 8ir wilfrid laurler approached the heart of the oonntry the dem in hiii honor gathered foroe from tne moment thepremier entered the st law- renoe eitiasna of all shades of politics united in welcoming him baokbut tbe uernoqitratton in montreal the commer cial mttropolls of canada was a fitting oul mlnallon the city with its large and pigeon loving population baa been the loene of many a remarkable display but that ol monday night far eollpaed sill others and it will be many a year before it is ever equalled tbe arrangements were carried onl to the letter without tho slightest mlabap john b coate8 burned out his stook and thos p watsons bulletins destroyed rumstowk aug80 afw mloutaa past ten oolook this morning fire started in the oooper shop of mr j b coatea the bnlldicg la a two storey frame one and is alio uied by mr thomas bteel as a grain warohonse the fire made rapid headway and tbs building waa scon a mass of flames the large crowd which quiokly gathered readily stsslated- in removing the oontenta o the bolldlng and mr steel bad 1000 unahsli of beans oonveyed to a place of safety hon than 8000 bubhola more were in the bolldlng but fortunately after thetladies ware subdued it waa fonnd that tilth the exception of the upper portion of theblnslhe beana werein good condition mr steels loss will come within 1o00 on whlph there was an insuranoe of 9500 mr coates loss is fully covered by iniur- anos the building on whioh then is an insuranoe of 1400 is owned by ex mayor thba p watson 3ho loss to the various parties interested will be serious from tbe act that the busy season was juat on but work sill be resumed at onoe burquars get a 32000 haul craok a napanae bank vault and chamsted the cbminlnatlons naumis ont aug 80 on friday nighs barglars eeeurod admission tn the dominion bank here worked the combin ation and secured 133000 and then obang- ed the pombibation tbs bsvnk officials thought tbe combina tion had gone wrong and falling to open ike vanlk bad an expert aeoured saturday nlnht the door flow open and to the man agers wrprlse the big robbery was made knowni aaoiutlnyof ihe bank ebowed how the llilevei had neatly out their way in there it as yet no due it h etipeoted that the first hundred rhileaol tbe crows neat pass railway will be completed by november 1st tbs doited rules alien tax law bas been ddeol jo be ufioonslliotlonal by jnaoblssxro of- the united states court mmmr- v 1iiiinsmrlnr atosit 61 lbs i v crfiwsons corners tho troat hailing aoahon with ua utile flab and big btorien will shortly oome to an end for ibo year fstrmera are bmy with thoir fall need ing a groat deal of wheat ia bslng sown thin year quito a number from hero will take in tho toronto exhibition noxt we ok mr alex orlppa had a narrow oacapo from death at aotoo uat wedneeduy even ing no doubt tho fhkk pbeh8 will give partioalarb of the accldont in ita looal jlqwfl l i mr wrn grippa alao met with au aooident ittat weeh lie vtaa threabing at mr b hobultza and waa btandiur on a scaffold placing a pulley in the etraw-oar- rlora when tho aonffoldrng gavo away throwing him to tho ground and fraulur- iog several of hiariba the many frionda mra wm kitohllng ot nubaagaweyyill bo pleased to bear that aboia rccovetiu from tho offedta of tho recent jraruly tic titrokq t a eg tt age prayermeeting will bo held at mr j drrtwua on wedneaday oveniug bi next week rev mr forbee otoharohill wlllionduotit all are oortlially invited mr john crowboo spent several days laetweek with frlenda at niagara falls mr a moeaoherri threabed in 5j hours 700 bueholo of wheat for mr b watkins laatfriday mr il damper returned home last thnrbday after spending several montha travelling through the southern and eastern states and england bob itkea ontario beat yet mr wm coleman rtjturuod home from hamilton on monday it was with feelinga ot deepest regret that tbe many friend b here of mr j w campbell ot aoton heard of hia very aad- dend deat onthursday eventaglaatr mr campbell lived for sometime in this place and has spent the moat of his life in thia yioinlty he wab highly eateeraed by alt who knew bim rockwood rev mr stephenson gave a sermon on the miaaions ot the methodist oburoh on sunday ovening he is a very aooeptable breaker some of the aoton juveniles oelebrated the villago civio holiday by holding a plo- nioon the roaka here mr t west was npbet from bis buggy on saturday eveniog his borao was frightened by a tbreabing engine no damago waa saatained by the odoupants the prizo uste ot the eramoaa agrioul- tural society show are out now the show will be on wednesday and thursday- 0th 7ibof october at itookwood mrs traoy of now yortt oity isyiaiting mram pbarry mr and mrs skinner of sobomborg spent part of last week with mr t lundy mr geo dufqeld one of 4he best known farmers in eramosa was found dead in bed last saturday moruing the news dould aoarbaly be oredited at flrat but it proved to be too true he had not been very well lately but was not in perfect health and seemed abont aa well aa uaoal when be retired mrs duffield found bim dead on going to oall him up frank chapman a red about twelve son of mr j chapman near kockwood met wth a fatal aooident on monday a windmill was being ereoted and frank had climbed half way up he fell fo tbe ground breaking both arma and a leg he died daring tho night and was burled on wednesday save his boy a plain statement from mr robtmtflbod of oalt his little son was paralyzed on one side and dootors treat ment did him n6 oooddr williams pink pills were filvon and ef footed a cure from tho gait itoportor mr robt moleod is a gentleman well- knowa in the town of gait and tbrooghuut tho dibtrlot in conversation with a mem ber of the jtrporter staff recently ho oon- -mnt-to-nake-piuiuohojaou-oodoornidg- tho illpeaa and reeloratlon to health of hia littto boy he fliid yea i believe t- u had it not been for dr williama fik pills my little boy would not have bo it living today willie who u ten years q age waa takoawlth an illness that develnped into paralysis of the left side ho had the beat medical aid tfithin ray rtfaoh but nothing seemed to benefit him he got ad bad that a pin oonld be run into his latp hand to the bone without his feelipg it in the least if he attempted to walkbe oouldonly get over the ground by dragging his left foot be hind bim be bad no power in it what ever- one night was feeling projly blue about him i felt that bo was going to be an invalid atlhia life and i viewo things in their worst light oo thia particular night i put on my hat with theintention of going out to take aqdlet walk but just as i got to the door i saw lying on tbe step a pamphlet i pioked it up listleasly and saw it was an advertising book of the dr williams medicine go i only read a few words when the cgnviotion seized me tbat here was something that might possibly benefit my boy i at onoe went down to mr ferrabadrng store and purchased a box of tbs pills by the time be had taken two boxes the oolbr had come back into bis hand and arm and by the time he had taken half a dozen boxes be was oared and now hela better tbauheever was before in bis life and as hearty and strong as any boy in the town yep sir i believe dr williamb pink fill are a won derfnl medicine coal in newfoundland prospects are thatl mlnlntt will become an important in- dustry st johns nfld aug 80 there is a great boom iu this ooldny owing to the recent discoveries of coal on tho west ooaat tbo deposits are very exieubive and tho seams vary in width from 0 to 13 feet the quality of the product ia believed to be equal to the heat welsh team coal experts pronounce tbe pros pects excellent sixty thonbqnd tons are already visible and it ia ex pec tod that coal mining wift beoomo one of the moat promising reaobrces of the island x pheno record toronto daily hooeaug 28 a moat remarkable record of success baa been made by albert college belleville in both departmental and university examina tions- out of a total of 81 oaodidatea prepared for senior matriculation into toronto university 28 have been suooesa ful aqd of la candidates for seniorxeaving teachers certificate 12 hivebeon buocess- fal of this yeaci class of 5 senior matrlq- ulanta all were suooeisfdl of 8 oatidldates for senior leaving 7 were sncaesaful and tbe eighth will without doubt receive his oertifloate hit name not apptaariog beoanae uf srrur i babrwithontconntidg this oandidate over 00 per cent of the oan- didaies have been successful this la oer- tsinly a phenomenal record acton markets bopt11807 flour 8 a ao to s a to wblto wheat old 78 to 00 white whoat now go to 75 bed wheat old 76 to 78 lied whoat now 70 to 75 oats aa to a rooa a0 to quelph markets bopt 11907 flour bollor 8 30 a 65 wboatnow sou hotold t 85 to 85 00 goofcewboat 60 to go barloy 28 to 83 onto 23 to at bye 15 to to teas ao to 15 hay boo to 000 kow hay a 00 to 700 jqggspordoa 09 to 11 butter dairy paokod 10 to 13 butter rolls nto 1g potatoes per bae- as to 80 new fotatoee per bueh 10 to 60 apploa 25 to 50 toronto markets sept 1j6ot wblto wheat nam 80 to 06 bed whoat 85 to 86 oooeo wheat 66 to 75 oats 26 to 99 bayi 6 00 to on barloy ai to 27 foaa ii to 10 butter roila 15 to 10 egga 10 to 10 potatoes new 65 to 00 this falls fairs soleot the falra you will at tend and include aoton union aoton union oot a and 6 soronto iriduetrlal aug 80 to sept 11 ublph oentijalsopt 15 10 nortb groy owen bound sept 11 15 16 wellealoy wollealoy sept 14 16 korthorn wajkerton sept 15 16 central canada ottawa bopt 1725 montreal sept 1028 north waterloo berlin sept 21 22 southern brantlord sopt 21 93 centre wolllnfrton fergos 33 31 horticultural clifford bopt 33 2ii eaquealnff ooorgotownbopt 23 ql rool brampton sept 28 s9i woat wellington harrtlton sopt 20 30 rileln an blo so 3 on 1 bramoa bpokwooia oot g 7 milton milton oct 7 6 erin erinvill8o oot h 15 burned to death current literature interesting numbers of our maga- zlnes and periodicals mcuiodut jqagaziae and review for sep tember 1807 toronto wm brlgijl price 200 a year 100 for six months single number 20 oents a strong point of this magazine is its superior- illustrations in this number thsre are over forty tjioae on the applan way and eootprinla of st paul speolany conneotoil with the llfeof st patll now belnp aturliedin all tbe sunday schools are of unusual mserest ophe tarioos artiolos aerials and religious intelligence make np a valuable number jollen gordon mra van bensieler oruger has qaed for her last novel a atudy ol new york newport and boapn life whloh promiaea to be read with lotsreat by l table at 99c- i table at 126 vljiimslrisiajnsto all whoarointereared 111 amnrloau fathlon- able nfre7nosi6 knows the society or these three ceoters of fashion batter than mra cruder from her girlhood up aha has had every opportunity to observe- and we have no amoriosn woman of inore brilliant poweri not only of reading tbo hnman hear but of putting her implos ions in delightful aihlou a charmingly fresh haisabusetts girl is aacrifloed in her youth to the ambiljnn of a rich marriage deprived of love she throws herself into the raos for aoclal leaderahlp and we follow her lot twenty years with er inorsaslng interest the oarcer ot this beau tiful and able woman as sha captures out post after onipoal falling in boston only to change the base of operations lo edland and then atteoaing the nlaln works pt the enemy at new york and so on to new port and finally beholds hie copllolatlonof benton itself the tlrat chapters openjln the september cosmopolitan 1 the twejlb annual meeting of the cana dian medical aaaoolalion opened at mont- soomiiajrr am macrae han been aenteooai to four years in he penitentiary for forgery miss tlndall of wnlkerton loses her life by a coal oil lamp walkebionont aug 80 a very sad aooident occurred here saturday night by which a ne young girl 17 years of age eldest daughter of hev william tlndall lost her life she waa sewing in her fathers office when tho lid of tbo desk fell 4own on the lamp breaking it and spilling the contents over her olothing in an in stant she waa enveloped in flames and waa ao badly that she died in a few houri the merry sound of the hammer and chisel is heard ht all this week ns case aftcrcase has been opened all hards are busy marking and putting away the new fall goods the contents of 18 large cases haye been passed into stock and our store is rapidly assuming thoappcarance of autumn goes without saying that values here aro unsurpassed anywhere wc are now showing ranges of new dress goods at 10 12 15 20 25 35 40 50 60 75 85c 1 and r25 newest aveavesnnd colorings new gimps brnids ornaments jets buttons all the newest dress trimmings and linings tfew flannels blankets sheetings groat assortment of ladios mens boys and girjs- underclothing j we have tweed suitings and french worsteds make under these new scotch tweedv suits with best trimmings for 1250 1400 815 best values in this- district iletn atttrtisentrttts wanted men and women who can work bard talking and wrltlursix boun daily for all daya a wiwlf aad will bo con toot with ton dollar week ly aduroeb newid13abco medical llulldlng toronto on t agents i am juat btartlim tho best tblor for money maklab you liavo seen for many a day your name and addrobfl- will bring tho rolden tulormatlou ii p ola8gow toronto out wanted fiist sftniejit of our new millinery goods are hero too consisting of 2 cases containing ladles- newest kelt walking hats and sailors childrens felt sailors wool and felt tarns wool jackets fie new wings tips feathers ornaments c we nre first in thi field zir at our clothing store lower wyridtiam street a genuine sensation is created over the arrival ofour new fall hats see bur southern window for the very latest english american styles specially we call your attention to tho boston brown and black fedora made of fine eur felt leather sweat band good silk trimmings worth regularly 150 our price 1 the greatest dollar hat on the american con tinent we believe another great plum is our boys 2 piece suitsat 2 worth 350 and better ones at 250 wrth up to 450 boys 3 piece suits great value at 323 also a special line of mens dark grey striped tweed pants all sires worth regularly 175 our price 125 special values in balance of mens and yo tweed su i great underclothing bargains for men and boys specials in top shirts of every sort everything new uptodate best value for the money the zieglerhinch co guelph why not grasp this great opportunity to get the balance of onv spring and summer goods at less than the manufacturers prices we intend to clear put our spring and summer goods regardless of cost dress goods at cost all summer wash goods at cost r printsat cost and less parasols a large variety to choose from prices cut in two ladies shirt waists ladies collars and cuffs gloves hosiery small- wares etc in great variety t fine highclass tailoring we still hold the lead iri this and why we give the best fit b workmanship best trimmings aad the largest and best assorted stocjc to select from we have a large range of scotch and english suitings to be cleared out before the fall trade at very close prices gents furnishings we always keeji in stock the latest novelties in gents neckwear collars cuffs etc in our hat department we have just received a large assortment of straw hats the latest styles in the market also hard and soft felts readytowear clothing boys suits youths suits mens suits bicycle suits iri this department we will give 10 discount for the next 30 days dont fail to grasp this great opportunity to get goods cheaper thaci you can buy them any other place this is getting noted throughout the whole country as georgetowns livest and cheapest store gibson 7unlal7r st co r oeblookmhin st- georcetown produce taken in exchange every day bargain day hare shop filled with ns hundreds and hundreds of pairs of 8hoes all on tables i a rigby waterproof bicycle suit l shoreys make made of all wool tweed coat with four safety pockets pants v ith two side and hip and watch pockets made either to buckle at the knee or button with cuffs all double stitched seams can be bought retail for 475 worth 900 made to order for tale by all first class dealers in canada 000000000000000h0000000000000000000 they also relieve mlptoandoohearatlri- apov feet remedy for dliiiness nauaea drowsi ness bad taste in the mouth coated tongoo pain in the side torpid 14ver they regulate tho bowel purel y mall piu small dose small price v substitution r tbo fraud of tbo day see you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills kanes hair wa8h tbs worlds bbst sajr bsstobsr i restores gray hair stops hair falling cures dandruff and itchlnoof tho scalp prorholes a new growth i harmless to use no nasty odor not sticky or greasy onlrtlpoptrbottlo batunboo fletteklcodrgg8is illulgll j 503gailathwsfkvipfai x vilf4 i wo pay expressonjo bottles cut- thlf out and call onus when it town s a leading feature of tho toronto industrial exhibition will be the magnificent exhibit of bell plahosln ibo music pavilion hear their wonderful tone see their exquisite casing mndo and guaranteed by the largest makers of pianos in canada the bell organ and piano co limited ih right mouse cor of king and huglison sts no time like the present undeniable bargains are the order6f the day finuehs hona or other lodaatrlopfl persons of fair edtiastfod to whom 60 ft month would bo sd inducement 1 could also odrago b few ladles at thoir own homes t hlmbcptt t6rotil 7800 otay torsoos who make tbs greatest nrimber of words out of tbs pbrase latent auorney wedderborn vor partloolars address the national ileoorder wmhinfitoo d o wanted soliiqllobs for caoada ah bnoyqoptwla of tbo oountry in five royal quarto voi times no delivering commission jtaid week ly a oanauer roporu bis first wek making over seventy dolua profit r thblinbc0ttc6mpanytotbnto0dt your spabe txme man women to conduct bnslness at borne work is simple writing and copying list of addresses received from local advcrtiiiiig to be forwarded to nsdalls nocaavassingno previous experlenooteqalred bat plain writers preferred fermanetat work to tnoso content to earn w or more weekly in spare time applrto wakbbn puq co dondon ont wanted canvssbb8qneen vlotoria hr life sua itolim haa captured the british empire extraordinary testimonials from the greamerrxnaf hxeab mou aenu lur ovpt inw si u lome says the best popular 111 a of the queen i bare aoeu herjsajsaty sr- t ot appreelatlon selliugdy antboalaaua aatlafaeuon oanvaaaera making ms to sip weekly pros free to alanta torbntovont tbe bradleyoailbetson co limited toronto ont sends a kind tatter tnooeanda gives makln the j n iiaiii store rockwood we will make to your irder any of ou 91500 suits for 1200 ersh- this month order your fall overcoat now j15 coat for 1100 b school reopening new designs in exercise books note books scfibljlina books school blanks lead pencils slates and all school supplies and sta- tionery at browns drug store mill street acton umited torqnto wilkinson plouglis last longest worw easiest and draw lightest points and soles last twice aslong all cast parts bave our name and address in full on them see that you get them it will pay you potatoe diggers 1350 35 975 a all thoroughly tested and guaranteed or no sale responsible agent wanted toronto nsesui dress goods 63 iucli colored lastre regular 135 now selt- ingataoo these are in good shades and at tbe prloo will sell quick 63 inch all wool tweed regniar wo goods rodnood to 85o per yard timvbi the wilkinson trubs arb you nupturedi usointtlis basi tnih and iron will always obuseestwpltt the wltklnsbw torjovf akkme unit it is comfortable aaar anvsiite to bold wben properly adjasted fall cowt drtlj trosse bloye1apthpmsotttwbapporteneto4to pall at eitubluon time vmviindman proprletor fcavywwi tprpntov ofit oc tfiiirrfv iiffrfliinlrtnn reuei feguia 10 a sailing your choice for sfsjk all wool navy serge 49 inches wide flso blouses r ladies blonae waists white lanndered collar and cuffs adjnatabla llneneolors regular prloe llsowredaoedto70ow theaaare yokatiaok and full front- f ladles moose waists white lajaudered collar and caffs adjustable pink cambric oheok and stripo regular flju goods now selling for too these have full front with point in yoke ladles blonse waists white laundered oollar and caffs adjustable printed lawn in pink and blue 183 for 76o ladles alaave oambrle blouse waists oollar and dufls adjustable 15 for 78c ladles blouse walsta in navy and white scroll pattern american muslin adjustable ool- larsel13 now t5o ohambray blouse waists in sky pink and cadet adjustable collars eijo now 100 american muslin wrapper full skirt and bishop sleeves ass now iw navr print wrappers full skirt and yoke back 1bo for glfls new blaok lustre press skirts gored 873 and 100 millinery leghorn hate 19 and boo these are in blaek and white tbs former priceawerets and 86c straw bate untrlmmad floo now ado i ae nowbso 100 now 60o 100 now 100 bontutalarga aasortmencprteei ladles bailor bate just iu tbs vary laust shapes colore and white all trimmed if hllnery greatly reduoed ladies toulst cycling and outlog hata and urtlwsandbhxxtlhob nerwaron linen in inches wide oolored bor der ue lpnijimoembroldere4borderinblae imifjdev- rrr l j s a lfof wm 10o saob aadsgjo isoumbaobleaoh- llaabstablsransnmo to ale laaonvorwa uaan tbo batb towels lse ufa soo see dam towflaao soe ila to tso wabhaoods- on crroona rsdaoaol from loo loo ire t itjravuosjffonji asss r sad orsr tspsld to your nearest cash store just opened opposite the dominion hotel brand newgoods in bought for spot cash and will be sold at right atiiefes give us a call and see roods for yourself terms cash or produce mjgw mstmlimsliiksss hamilton ppfl mm fti- r- frjjcijlsbbsi ksiilmsasaffl

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