Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 9, 1897, p. 1

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volume xxiii no 3 1 actotn ontarip thtjbsbay september 9 1897 price three gents fflbt ttan jfrw flrws ib pdolibueo evi3uy thursday morning at the free frcssstcam printing ofllce ullt street aoton ont toiims orsuuacniption oho dollar per your strictly iu advance ail subscriptions discon tinued whou the tlmo lor which thoy have hopu paid has oxnirod tho dato to wliloh evory aubiorlptiod it paid la denoted on tho address labol l advkntiaina iutes traftniont advortlso- luquta 10 oonts per nonpareil liuo for qrot in sertion 3 cents per lino for oaoh auuaoquent usortfon rcofttnionutkg tbo following tablo shows our rates for tbo iriaottion of odvortisomonta for speolfiad porioda school bfaok 1 xa jo uo jj ho- luo 80 inches 101nohe8i filncbos ilnou 86000 3900 8000 600 3900 3000 iaoo aso 62000 iaoo 700 900 700 aoo aso 100 advartisomsnts without apoolfla directions mil bo lnsorud till forbid and charged accord ingly transient advertisements must bo paid u advance advertisement will bo changed onoo each month if desired for changes oftonor than enco a month the composition mast bo paid for at regulai rates changes for contract advertisements muat bo n the otfiao by noon on tuesdays aocguntbpayablp monthly h pmporb editor and proprietor upplies iarents should ace that theirchildren go to days bookstore fortheir school bodies we hnyc opened a larfio and complete line of lublic and high school text books pur scribberb and exercise bgsiis arc the largest and beat- in the cityat days e00kswee thb- tbaoeeybrnirorca ijorfrg buhintaa fiinrtory -medical- j f urbn m d c m offloo and residence corner mill frodoriok streota acton a 8 elliott m d m b acton gniduate tohokto univensinr office alain btroot third door eouth of ircsbytorian churob acton trdryden eyb eab timoar ano nobe jucloans block douglas 6t near p 0 m guelph office bovna 10 am to 1 pm and 3 to 6 pm bdndats 10 am tol pm veterinary surgeon a lfred p husband v s graduate of the ontario veterinary collooo honorary member of tho veterinary medical society office win husbands lot 2 cod 4tasa- agaweya calls day or night promptly attended to dental t l bennett ld8 dentist jljtv obonaktown omtabio drf 8 mercer dentist qradoato of toronto unlvorslty and rcds offico over drug storo acton vibitiko djlth tnonaday and fiudat i x m bell dd0 lds tj dentist bhoqkvixlb honob gjuduate of toilqnto univehblty worlf made satisfactory prices moderate viaitwa days tuoaday and friday of each p week b r g h cook dentist 0or college st and bpadlna avo toronto k will vieit acton on tbo flrat and third satur day of each month office agnowa hotel leqal im olean mclean barrlbtera solicitors notaries conveyancers to pritate funds to loan bfflootown ball acton wh a molxah jo a mclean w ouglas mdrray ilanribtbhb boitloltocs notahieb eto offices ilwi queen bt parkdalo tolophone 297 john douglas touonto a g munnat j mackinnon bannistbn solicrron convkyascen ofiick mill street in matthowa block vpataira 1 1 0 matheson ll b mcleod aiuutbiis solioirobb converancenb georgetown and milton monoy to loan at lowest ratos a t lo j monabb filifk fourth division court coltnty ol nal- onoomoanooriabontflrondiaioa88urnco uoalbluw agent monoy to loan oto owiob porrymanbblook aoton ont miscellalfso us ewx gpi0t otti oixadi pblloltor ol patenta tor invention oto prorarea applloauom for tho canaillap amor- ssssbotoman patent omoe and lor tho v itosltratlon ortrado marka bend lor pam- k v phlet thirtytwo yearn eiperlonce jiribanoib ntjnan booebindeb b wrajlumbtvv qnolph ontario l k aoeonnj booka ol all ktnda made to order pjrlodlcalaoreverjdeaorlntlonoarelallybonnd builnf neakvanfl promptitdonn m faebiage licenses jlf mootb ittniiflt or mannuan xioenbkb privatoomoav nowltrioaeoa laaued at reildenee in tua evening froopioeaollleo aoton fr jfflhsitft s ifriii rooney sf have plfaty a on vlllale property fcjackbon cosvbrawcbn ah0 uovnr ijbndbn octjct wyndhain btnear qlrjr hall oubiiph wellington mutmtl fjfo fnsuranpo company sit4nri 1b6 tbuba0b on dainand al plan any one forwarded to my addroaa bwotlalipboao w will ho promptly o- oodoato m aaent john tayiob agent ouelph jchbmbtiket iirotxnp adotiob fcvnrorw oonn wellington and ballon riitnsreeldenoela acton will b promptly at- feundedto foeerodiicedto 3 r bo fqktiiak baijib im alio wnay to loan on the molt favorable qm5vnaathlowaat ratee of interna in hann of wwwa pwarda tnplleeappfr ot d8 m bp uodrk po pvcn omce acton va daya cow prices win every time authorized capita s 1 000000 cuelph branch apuma of 81 and opwardb rcoeivod on dopoait and bighobt current rtvto of intoreet paid or compounded halfyearly depoeit rocoipta iaaued for largo bams depobited- r r ad van cob mado to reapoobiblo farmers oo thoir own names no ofaargemadc for collectings alee notoa if payable in ouelph a goneral banking babinesa traneaoted a f njowes manaer nem cash store tust opened opposite ihc dominion hotel brand new goods in dry goods groceries crockery ware etc bought for spot cash nnd will be sold at right prices give us n q scefipqjjs f yo terms cash or produce jgmcbafh acton ontario the wilkinson plough company limited wilkinson plouglis last longest work easiest and draw lkhlcst 1ointsand solca last twice as long all cost parts have our nime nnd address in full on thorn see that you get thcrn it will pay you potatoe diggers 1360 35 75 all thoroughly tested and giia ran iced or no sale responsible agent wanted limitedr tortolnlto ibjbek- 7q ar we bay tbo jargafc ajiortmtind employ tbo votx ifklw apd nt ltnprovod meth od for propbgatk andar ottr varletlm tml catalotfuod tboe ar ibsonlr toting orofatrd connooted wltb any nnrorr la afar dominion tho votx lauwv mo nmf ltnprovoa mem- r propbgatfonf all itook oirtf ally mokml ottr porional aaporrlilodi iwia n new imtmtadfttoar trial faraii below- bwog agents wanted to represent xjb bneelal atuntioo given to fark 6aniitr and boalflvard order batlnlajm rarnfabed tot upplylng onilre orchard why buy of f orefgpednoorqf or of dilddlainen wban you on purobaarf aahaatly pronnrad gat better vklne our itook la canadian irnmn etna aoollmatptl caulofiaoibngljth or frenob no on appho tlon stone fit wellington fonthlnureerles toronto ont- tho xadjns canadian tno men feds er ovarlll i agent for qaoan vletorln her jtolgo end diamond jnbn omllowingwiua uwatand oontaloa ibeibi iim rlob off japanese matting matting that was 72 25c now 20c a yd 30c now 24c a yd 35c now 28c a yd its all your way theres nothing in it to us we simply must clear by sept 1st youll be sure to want to cover one floor anyhow let us figure the cost j m bond co hardware guelph satisfied customer is our best advertise ment we have many satis fied customers in acton who will be pleased to tell you about the kind of clothing we make ask them youll know them by their clothes if you have never had the pleasure of wearing stylish well fitting clothes let us make your fall suit we can pease you shaw tuhneb merohant tailorb guelph auelpte cloth ball wejceep things moving by keeping things that move a stupid fellow who guages the quality of boots arid shoes by tho price has no busi ness to be married yet one of this class directed his wife to buy footwear for herself and the children from another firm beeauso they charged more for them and they must therefore be better his better half bought several pairfrom us and several from the other house and show her hu3- band they were identical being even manu factured by the same people this proved conclusively how foolish a man can be when he really tries the lady of the house gen erally knows where she can get the most arid tho best for her money and if you were to osk tho ladies of acton tho question r avherc can t get the best value in boots and shoes the answer in nine cases out of ten would be at w williams our prices arc hard to beat try us for any thing you want in our line w willflkms mill 8treet acton gu6lph gentralxhibitiqn- waters bros will hold a special exhibit in their store si georges sq all cars stop opposite their doors pictures trtte fancy goods wall papers at prifes that wjli surprise you waters bros otaioroba square guelph aoton machine and ftepair shops hhnry ouindelti ironrlotor ann well aflnlpped with all the inaehlnerv neoeasar toeaoanto all repair to machin ery and agricultural implements and to do all klndi ol teamfltlng horabboelng and general blaokamlthlm woodwbrk repairs performed in a satisfactory manner we ean repair and mmhlno or implement of any make- saw gnmdaloksqdfllluidon f onrrrt pasyfoipfcwiacvoni bwclnisio 1 tls tt slirismtttra or the wlif cohinieneo septv glrcolars trie sharp phaalftl iiy sianoaniit vandeomrr it wag out on tho western ronllor tlio minors ruggod and brown woro fittthorod ct0und the postora tboclroub bafl obnio to town i tlio firoat tont bhouoin tho darkoot liko a wonderful pateao of llgbt audrougb mon crowded tbo entranco slioiva dldntcouioovpry nlghtt not awoniaufl fooo among thom many a faco that wasiad f and souio that wcro only vaoant and bothotbat woro very iad and bbhlnd a- canvaa curtain in a cornor of tbeplaco tlio olownwlth ehalkand vormllllou waa roafilng up blbfoco a woaryioaklng womarj with a smlio that still was ewoot bawod 6a ej utfclo garment with aoradlb at hor foot pantaloon stood ready and waiting it woe tlmo for tbo going on hut tlo olown in vain soarobed wildly tho property baby waa gono 116 mumiurcd impatloutly hunting its strange that i cannot find thoro t ivo lookod in orery oornor it mubt havo been loft bohlnd i tlio miners woro stamping and shouting tboy woro not vory patient mon tlio clown boot ovor tlio oradlo i must take you jlttlo bon 1 tlio mothoratartod and shivored nuttroubloabbwffhtworotnr4irt bbu lifted hor baby gontly youll bo vory careful dear careful you foolish darling 1 how tondorlylt waseald wbllo a emilo shono through tbo obalk and paint u tovo eaoh hair of his bead t tlio noise rose into an uproar ulsrulo for the tlmo was king tlio clown with a foolish chuoklo itoltod into the ring bat as with a squeak and flourish the fiddles elosod their tune youll bold him aa if ho was mado of glaset eatd tbo olown to pantaloon tho jovial follow nodded ivo a oonplo mybolf ho bald i kpow besjjjtohandlo em blass you old follow go ahoad i tho fun grow fast and furious and not ono of all tbo crowd had gaoflsod that tho baby was alive whou he suddenly laughed aloud oh that baby laugh it was echoed from bo bonohos wltb a rtag and tho roughest customer there sprang op with boyb its tbo roil thing r tho ring wattjemmod lo a minute not a man that did not btrlvo for a shot at holding tbo baby the baby that was allvo i uo was throngod by knoollng suitors in tbo midst of tbodiiaty ring and ho hold his court right royally the fair little baby king- till one ot tbo shouting court ars a man with a bold bard face tbo talk for milos of tho country and tho terror of the place raited the ilttlo king to his shoulder and chuckled iiook at thatl as the chubby flngera clqtohed his balr then boys hand round tho hat i tboro never was suob hatful of silver and gold and notes pooplo are not always pennlloss bocauae thoy dont wear coats and tbon throp oboero for the baby 1 i toll you tboao oheora wore moanm and tho way in which they were given was enouflb to raiso tbo tont and thon thore was auddon illeneo and a gruff old minor bald comoboya enough ot this rumpus i its timo it was put to bod so looking a littlo shooplsh but with faces strangely bright tho audlonco somewhat lingering- flocked out into the night and tho boldfaced loader cbuoklod f lie wasnt a bit afraid hoa aa gamo as ho is fioodlooking biyb that was a show that paid r lrittle hot a iiy g ii dibhole hed a splendid oard exolaimod the manager onthnsiaatioally la lie indeed said vance raymond rather abstractedly aa he gazed at the packed aaditorinm thoy wore standing jn the lobby of the pooplos raymond had dropped in or a few minutee while making his nightly round of tho theatres tho manager eager for a good notice la the paper qpop which his companion served as a dramatic orltle was mnklog himself almoat offensively agreeable tho bit of tho show i he emphatically affirmed youll wait for him wont you he comes on next i dont know whether i oan spare the time said raymond smoothing out the playbill that had been throat into lilf hand and in type that stood oat bolder than the rest he read little dot i tub llikhomenai child antist in his won- denfcij oiu1u0tbr changes followed by more terms of a laudatory oharactor similarly extravagant raymond oareleaily oast his programme aside and watched the two upon the stage tbpy wore going through what figured on the bills as an acrobat i o song and dance prszentlythey executed a remarkable som ersault thai brought forth a cloud of dust and made their exit followed by tbo deaf ening applause of the gallery in rsaponae tbey came oat and bowed and the stamp log of feet and clapping of banis gradaally ised i the quiet that fell upon the house was broken by the tinkle of the prompters bell tho eyes of the audience expeotantty sought tbojvings the musicians mis thoir ioslrorrionts and began io play pneot tbo popular airs in vogao watob biro whispered the manager a born actor and no mistake as ho spoke a little figure olad in a blaok velvet salt with delloauly striped pink stookiugs appeared op the stsge a crimson handkerchief protruded slightly from hit pookej and an eyeglass dangled at his side- in bis hand he held a light bane which he twirled foppishly at in tervals suoh a pinched wan face ho turned toward the audience as he began bis konj- in the yellow gleam oc the footiights a feverish floih was on bis ohetlu and his eyes sparkled with nnworited brilllanoy raymond felt bla heart rbii sofrwllh pity si he lihtfoedto the iar sweet ifbloe th to hte experienced ear already show ed signs of breaking v poor little ohapahe raorolored hes osroeiy seven t somehow a lender thoaght bhfs own two uttlecbildreo dreamlngrhapeoi thefi childish boroob at the time oame to blra the aodg boonoaroo to au end and the ihlldlbspeared iastfo approval of tho audience the manager joined in the applauso and turned to raymond bia face beaming with plesmrc db eli hp said delightedly doesnt bo bring down tho house au infant prodigy and all that you know pen ray word its worth the price of admission to bee him alone ritherfaflt eubjeot for the proventjoo of oruohy to children i ahould eay re- marked raymond dryly for my part i bate your infant prodigies tjiey ought all to be itf tbeir bode at this hour crrjuy iqg tlio aleop of healthfucohlldron tlio i manager eyed htm sharply btoltand porisenbe ho grunted then in a more cheerful tone jaot watch him this next tarn- his drunkon man 1b simply wonderfai im capable of criticia- ing bat yoo know and bo bashed the chuoklo on his lips us little dot a cora- pleto oiotamorphoaib staggered in with a high silk hat crushed over liia cyen and a while biandkcrohlef hanging from his coat- tail pocket the drunkon hicoough aud thick attor- anoe with which be rendered the song fairly couvnlaed the audieuce wheu he was ihroujib lie was greeted with a terrihu stormof applauses trove to life wasnt it laughed the mananor well it ought to be hos oard and a request to know how tho utile fellow was feriiaeritly the answer oxma no batur- had plenty of chances to get pointb good nessknowoo his fathers whitely of tbo stare who are playing at the globe this week good actor bat boozes too much that is why be and his wife separated its luolsy shes got the boy hoa worth a cool 975 to her every week raymond listened with his eyes intent upon the stage little dot was respond ing to his second encore when he finish ed he ffao vooiferbasly re- demanded agaiu he oame ont and delivered a pathetio little reoitalion that evoked frebh applause what a flhiiino 1 bo mattered angrily theyd boep the poor little chap before them the wbolouight if they could at that moment littlo dot appeared from the winb and raised his band to bis lips the pink glow on his cheeks had died out and id itbplacv was a look of attor weari ness ccbo audience most have noticed it for the house grew still- and the perfor mance proceeded with the next act raymond buttoned up bis qvorcoutand left tlio theatre the snow lay deep upon the ground and a raw bleak wind blew the still falling flakes remorselessly into his hoe in spito of all bis efforts he could pot dismiss the peaked wan face from bio thoaghte a pioturo rose boforo himoililtle dot trudging his way baok to the hotel in all the snow at an hour when other children were cosily tuoked away in bed and his heart was filled with pity at the oonetrast poor little chap i be said again with a blgb ill give htm a good notice the next night found him at the peoples behind the spbnea at his request be was taken bytbe managor to the dreaelngroom that little dot ocanpled and latrodaced to him the child was with bla mother waiting to go on its tlio keutlcmau who was kind enough to write that notioo about you she bald to him you most thank bim for it oh it woe you was it ho said turn ing his big blao eyes op at raymond yosra an editor aint you tuqawe with which ho asked ibis ques tion broaght aemile toraymohde faco not exiotly bo replied i write for the new ei papers do you said tho qhild eagerly how oleter vo most be 1 aud it was yon who wroto that about me thank yoa ever so rauoh you are vory vory good he placed bia band to bis foretead and held it there a moment raymond noticed it and looked grave are yon quite well ho beked kindly qaitevwell the child faltered only only i tired aud my my head aches hurry naammft aa tbo callboy appeared at thedoor and turning to raymond he held out his hand goodbye he said its time for me to go on little dot hastened with his toother through the- dark and gloomy passage loading to the atage and stood at a wing awaiting for huane his mother stationed hersellnenr by to assist him in making hie changoi raymond and tho manager sqnght tho front of tbo house that youofiater is going to be sick said the journalist with conviction as they parted ho looked half ill now its too bad that suoh a weak delicate child should have to be oat nights in snob bitter weather kh wbat was that sick did yon say cried the manager with alarm i hope noti hope not it might affect basinets yon know if he didnt appear jbte ts the itrongept card on tho bill this week raymond onrled his up slightly at ibe others iieartlessness and walked off somehow little dot inierested him strangely it might have been that he regarded the titty favorite of the footlights with pitylog tendernesu for the sake of bis own children the neat bight when he returned to the people be manager met him with a note in hia hand read it he said with a scowl on imb fab thai ad a red raymond took it and glaneed hurriedly at its contents it was to the ertclthak little dot was daogor- ously low with soarlet fever and as a odnseqaenoe coald not perform the rest of the week the words he road brought op a viid recollection of the two babes who had lito iu tho terrimo graap of the scarlet flenduntiloiily tlio iireat motherlove had won them back to life a lamp took pos session of bis throat poor xlttld dot he murmured i wouldnt have it h ppen for a hun dred dollars grimmlj d the manager it plicee me io a pretty fix its next to impossible to put any one iu hit plsoe at suoh a abort notice youre lo hard hues raid raymond coldly 1 sometnlog impelled itlin before be went to the novnpaper offloe that night to seek the seoonrdclati botel bete the ohlld and bis nouj were ato ping pusslng s fionrlit cm ibeway he urohatedaf banoh of thorm fullblowu roses tbac were teroptlogdy dliplayed in the window thstflbe mdj op to the room with bis would ho go up mrs whitoly would liko jo ace him raymond followed the boy upstairs and softly entered the darkened room the motbur with tho marks of weariness about her oyes oame from the window whore aba had boon stauding aud led the way t6 the bed ho was taken ill last night on his way back from the theatsr ebe whispered in ahoareoatrainod tone t thought it waanothiog but a cold and and did not oall in a dootor but ho grew so rauoh worso in the night that i had to send for one aod ho says ita soarlet fever in its most maliguant form ho has been delir ious nearly all the time the dootor did not tell mo so and jet im sure hell never get well again sho gave a bitter sob but hor eyes were dry hor tears bad been exhausted long ego ob whydoosnt ho come why doebnt he come she resumed her place by the window looking vaoantly out at tho wild black night raymoud remained standing by the bed and gazed passionutely down at tbo small face markod with livid spots near him stood a stand upon whiuh his fra grant offering aud several viala ot medlotno wereplaced waitino for your ideal lady tub grassuoppj5r and the ant r when a young man la in a situation to suddenly the little sufferer opened bla eyes with a faint moan for a moment tbey rested on raymond and then wearily closed again dad i tho parohed lips formed his mother approached tho bed noiseless ly and bent auxionsly over him yes dot she said soothingly ho will boon bo bore soon be here yon wont have long to wait now darling and look ing at raymond she continued in a ohok- iugvoioeyibi have sent for htm but i dont know whether he will come he drank and and we parted god forgive mo i have been to blame too ob do yoa think that he will oome raymond looked at hie watch the timp lacked a few minutes of eleven yes i am sure- ho will he said pityiogly hols at tho globe i think tbe per formance is eaarcely ovor no matter how heavy an actors griet may be he is obliged tddisguiseit sometimes and play his part yes be will oome without doabt slowly tbe minutes dragged by finally a faint knook was beard at tho door she went and softly opened it a man entered on tiptoe thank heaven yoa are here at lastl she said i could not come before he uttered hoarsely how is he better she moornfully shook her head he went and looked down at bis child his haggard face told of the violent grief that was raging in his breast raymond turned to go he deemed the scene too sacred for his presence bat the mother caught him by the arm giving bim a wild imploring look stay she bald he liked yon while- bis father stopd there tbe child opened bis oyes and recognized him dad 1 be orled stretching forth his little hot hand affectionately his father caught it end hold it in his cool palm yea my boy bo said his strong voice quivering give mo a drink dad ho whispered with difficulty oh dad with a pathetio moan im all burning up 1 his fathor moistened his lips with water there dot bo said with forced cheer falneas you feel better now dont yon and youre going to get wbii soon socb good times well have together when you do well the child interrupted him with a faint shake of tbo head no dad ho said flxiug his big oyes solemnly upon him 1 wont get well and i want you to promise me promise mo yes dot be said with a groan that you wont get get that way ho looked steadily up his father bowed his head too full of anguish to speak thats a good deal said the child fondly i i knew yoa would ypu couldnt holp it coald yon dad every word was a stab at the mans heart ho turned to raymond for qode sake get a dootor hes dying no no v interposed the child hastily its too late 1 wheres mamma i cant see i want her hand his mother camo and held ont her trembling hand to him his father en deavored to draw his away no no i said dot the words coming in gaepa i want both both he strove with his ebbing strength to join them together they saw what be wished too and o a aped hands a peaceful smile lit on bis wan face he said no more but they understood legs lost in battle i canrtttl almost tea certainty to which branch of thesfirydb he belonged when i bm an old sofdiofstalkldg around on one leg said colonel lamar fontaine of mlaalsalppi the famous confederate soout and poet who was at the laolede if the left leg is missing then i am pretty certain he b t th l a i ti is minus the right leg then i feel safe in say ing that he was a cavalryman in either caseths absence of the leg proves more oonolns than the written record thfct thomau who iosvifwai flghtidg like a soldier when wounded the reason the infantryman loses tbe left leg in battle is this infantrymen are drilled to place the left foot forward when firing in order to balance the body so that steadier aim oan be taken this naturally acts as a protection to the right leg which of coarse is more or less concealed con sequently tbe ballet of the enemy is maoh more apt to find lodgement in the left leg than the right mow the cavalryman ate a pistol nearly altogether it is handler and less aatnbersome the pistol is held in the right hand ottft this causes tlio cavalryman when firing to place his right foot forward for support in this way that aldo of bm is rnqob more likely to suffer than thsleft buy isaldeilbtromois oonelqslye evldsncotomythat the soldiers thus maimed werofaolng the- eneniy wban sbo thvloss of thflfg iodiof tes almost toaceruintytbattliew ing in military roltlon and not oroaqbing or running support a wife and household ho should marry but how long ho shoid wait in making up his mind depends on too many things to bo here specified but a few oautions may bo suggested 1 a roan ought to consider what he has to give aa well as what ho expects to receive if one expects alt the grades and virtues to reside in a worn an per bo ual beauty agreeable mannerb intelligence pradenoo good managobient devouinebb aff ectionatenessrby what right does helay olaim tothe heart of pacha one what rare oreatura are you that suoh a paragon should be yours is it modesb or manly to suppote that you have only to aej to receivo suolr a noble creature on what grounds do you claim the alliance of a great soul in a royal form when you yourself havo no equivalent to offer no man tliinks of tslkibg so about anything but women what it a plain laboring man bhould ask shall i buy mo a horbo now or wait till i meet my ideal of a horse buy a horse that suits your oironmstanoqb and la within the reaob of your money a yonng clerk might aak shall i buy me a cottage or wait till i can find an ideal manoion bat your ideal thansiou la far beyond your reach and a oottago is a grasihoiipor sat lu his plush- jovcrod chair audastodded4tisf ootr th ho had allppors of folt and a cap of rod blut and all that onoa heart oould donlro and ho was just thinking with samallud mind of bla lardors bouutootis btoro whou tho butler announced wltli a look of disdain a httlo hlaol ant at tho door tills lttloants talfl was dlstrosalti tohoar hor cottifjo was oovirod wjlh onow and all tho provisions laid in for a yoar woro oattyrandgono long ago tho flrasahoppor loaned his ohln ou his hand andho thought of tbat day in tlio pout j whou auuuole of hers told an old aunt of his bho could dandolthowiutrytlafll but hagivo her soma mittens a hood and flliaw a lio flliod with evory thing nice as hotendorly ho1rod hordown tho iroiit stapb iio addod this parting advloo i foar my dear ams you work too slow whan the summer days aro long wlionovor i find things aro falling bohlnd 1 braco myaelf up with a bong now hero is a point just boarlt in mind when you start out again in tho spring you can domoro work in tnuoh lean timo if you merrily whistle and slug within hand as you mubt live some where v yon had better ohoose modestly jn prop erty matters men accommodate their ideas to their circumstances thoy do not wait for ideal olothes or houses or business they would laugh at thextravbganoe of waiting for that which was not probable or nhioh might not reasonably be ezpaoted to he within their reaob but men ppeaibly not that sex alone picture every imaginable excellence in the chosen one whom time is bringing to them it does not seem to ocaur to them that it would bo a shame to graft a branch from tbo tree of life itself upon a miserable crab of a btick or to ally oue little lower than tbe angels with a plain on- gifted ordinary mortal 2 but there is a wiser method of selec tion let one find one who is fairly his equal and who will be able without loss to adapt herself to him aud to his olroum etancos let the partnership be equal do npt ask her to bring everything and yon nothing if she brings health goodnature and industry so must yon if she brings devotion sacrificing lovo and a gentle and complying disposition so mast yon to marry yoar ideal woman may all be very well but yoa will have to live with a real one and good health a good dls position industrious habits and prudent management will be more- to your happt- peas than all the sentimental excellences in the realm of imagination inbteadof spending hours in fprmiog an ideal make yoar own dlapositlon agree able your manners genile correcting con ceit and arrogance and fitting yourself to make an honest and virtuous woman happy u w n by actual proof dr b w richardson the noted physio- ian bays that be was onoe enabled to preaoh au effeptnal teroperanco lecture by means of a scientific experiment an acquaintance was singing the praises of wlneand declared that he oould not sjet through the day without it will yoa bo good enough to fool nay pulse km i stand here asked doctor richard eon the man did bo count it carefully what does it say seventyfoar tbe physician then went aud lay down oo a bofe and asked tho gentle mm to count bis pulse again it has gone down to sixtyfour ho said in astonishment what an extra ordinary thing i when yon lie down at night said the physician that is the way nature takes to give your heart rest yon may know noth ing about it but tbe organ is resting to that extent and if yoa reckon tbe rate it involves a good deal ot rest beoiuie in lying down the heart is doing teu strokes less a minute multiply that by sixty and it is six hundred multiply it by etglit hours and within a fraotiou there is a dlfferenoeoe flvo thousand vtrokos and as tho hoart is throwing six ounces ot blood at ovary stroke- it makes a difference of thirty thousand ounces of life during the night when 1 lie down at night without any alcohol that ia the rest my heart gets bat when i take wine or grog i do not allow that rest for tbo influence of alcohol ie to increase the number of strokes in stead of getting repose the man who uses alcohol puis on something like fifteen thousand exua strokes and bo rises quite unfit for the next days work until he has taken a little mora ot that ruddy bumper whioh he calls the sonl ot man below laugh cure persons suffering from rhenmatism are naturally anxious to try every proposed remedy john raymond of northern iowa had tried without relief nearly every alleged cure suggested by friends then he read this in a medical journal there is more benefit in a good laugh than in the hot water remedial the faith cares the eleotrio and all other new treat ments in the world and it costs nothing i yuu uf uuthlug e tu laugh a laugh at your neighbor this was a new idea to poor mr ray mond but what should ho laugh at in the houao was nothing amusing however the medical journal said laurh at your neighbor he went out on the front porch and sitting in a chair watohed the people on the streets for a time he saw nothing fanny then a big german walked by mattering aloud to himself ha ba ha i went mr raymond the big german stopped and looked vols dot t ha ha ha i vot vor you haw haw haw roit me ha ha bat over tbe fence leaped the big german his flats eplifud oh i dried raymond i meant no harm i was laughing for my health und den ypu leetle slok yankees laugh mlt hg dutchman i doi lah alf right dot lab von gool ahoke onme y ya bat mr raynjond who really had not rosaulio be rude in tbe least gave op the jangh onre believing that the ahoke was on bimttlf rather tbvo on the good german just for fun an illiterate young man once got a friend tow r i tea j let ter jqx jiimtohiaaweethuart theletter was rather prosaio for a love lptter be folt that an apology was due to his sweetheart for its lack of tender nothings it was as follows please exouso this mildness of this here letter as the chap wots ritth it is a married man and he says hooant bide any soft soaping it alius gives him the bpazzoms first boy my ma says i mustnt play with you because yoar father is nothing but a shoemaker second boy soa yonr father a ehoo- maker first boy ma says hes a roanufao tdrer he makes a thousand pairs to your fathers one pair second boy then he mubt bo a thou sand times worse than my father i guess i wont play with you any more step right in ladioa and gentlemen cried theshowman step right iu and see the educated pig add and bubtraot pshaw interrupted farmer baoklote my old hog at home has gpt away oyer to square root mrs murphy do you uso condensed milk mrs ofahey i think it must be con densed there is never more than a pint and a half in a quart a wit declares that the nose is put in tbo middle of the face bepaueo it is the center pieoe mamma said willie loaning toward his mother and speaking in a loud whisper the preabher said si little while ago one word more and i have done and hes talked 603 words since be said it ive been coouting em on him 1 oh children you are so noisy to day gaut yoa be a littlo quieter and better now grandma yon mast be a littlo considerate und not soold as yoa see it it wasnt for us you wouldnt be a grandma at all care of the sickroc5m mrs barton kingslaud writing of when nursing tho sick in the latha if omc journal insists that a tranquil mind is of the utmost importance to the patient and coubequontly everything mast seem to be moving smoothly and easily uo matter what difficulties tho norso may havo to encounter the invalid uhoutd not be allowed to feel any responsibility whatever about bis own case the sickroom should be kdpt scrupulously heat and made as cheerful and attractive bb possible that the eyes of the patient may rest with pleasure upon his surroundings the nurse herself may contribute to the agreeable environ ment it her own dress b simple and taste ful and above all conspicuously neat soiled dibbes should bo removed immediate ly after beiug ued and no food- kept in sight even the medicine bottles need not be obtrusively in evidence stillness has in itself a power to soothe and7aaairkh6w7 when tbe nerves ore quiot natures healing processes go on without impediment creaking shoes rustling of garments the rattling ot dishes and kind red noises are often tbe occasion of positive suffering to an invalid to accidentally jar the bed to spill tbe medicine when administering it to close a door noisily to sleep audibly are oases where a small unkindnesa is a great offense in the hyper- sensitive condition of tbo nervos of the patient the difference he made a careful examination of tho og and 07 wheels marked respectively 950 and 9100 and ooald doteot no difforenoe between them these wheels seem to be pretty much alike he remarked to the salesman the 07 model has exactly the samo kind of frame as the 00 one hasnt it yes answered the salesman the tubing is just the samo it is there is no difference lo tho sprocket wheels none tlnh iii preolsely it is the same chain on both yes i tbe tires aro of the samo make they are tbors is no change in the handle bars this year no and the rims spokes and nodal a aro alike in both wheels yes weill then what is the difference be tween the two whcolb fifty dollars after serious illness hoods sarsaparilla has wonderful building up power it puri fies tbe blood and restores perfect health little tommy rather electrified his mother the other day when he saw an ioe man delivering his commodity for the first tlmo ob mamma t just look at the inn carrying a ohnok of ioe with a pair of bowlegged sorssora i i if you desire a good head of healthy moist and sweet hair select the best pre paration tp eoooraphuh it halls har rehqwer is ho bsst product of soienco 3

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