Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 9, 1897, p. 3

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lhfi bank of hamilton hbadobtioe hamilton capital all paid up 1 26000000 reearve fund 8 72900000 total assets so 84867845 noarly tun millions ol dolwa directors a o bam8ay vlco1restijout board op ehn stuaiit vroaldout jxo roacu john fnociolt a tj wood a 11 ijke toronto wu qiuson ftli tuhnuylij omulor ubbtlsvun alat uuhlor 11 si watbon luiiiootor georget agency a general bankins business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special attentiongiven to the collection pfsale notes and commercial paper generally draffs issued payable at all vprihcipaii pdjntsjn canada and united slates droits on creat britain boughrpnd sole the ne at home monty of a looa charaotpf and every item interesting linrvoht- llomo fefcilvnl the annuel harvest homo festival sor- vico fri conneotiou with st albansonuroh wilt be held next friday evening at 7 do thu ltov rural dean irving of dundas will bo the preacher for the occasion tho thank offerings of all are rcqucbtool on behalf of the parsonaxo debt all are cordially invited tho servioo will bo con tinued next sunday imbor day picahtirca tihnr day m nn rufinnt a hnllriqy hy the municipal council small d6oket of business ac cumulated the past month sayings department i deposits of 8 1 and upwards received jhierestafibwod at current rates and added ipprlnclpal every yenr whether passbook is brought in or not special deposit receipts issued for large sums j p bllagent7 t georgetown ont hair brushes t6oth brushes finecoiribs dreaaintx combs circular combs toilet soaps give ubacall when you needahy of the above lines you will find our prices low our assortment the best geo hynds jewelery store aoton nssseate jf ik at top date on tbp label pp jropr paper and youwulaeeppb yonrjphsirlp- lua benpw promptly it will copier a tlon itani favor irfefti iim wvtt ss tflttobbdat beptembeb 0 1807 little local brieflets whph payaht tho eyes or ears of free press reporter yip week labor pay hall to out newest holiday tbo day of labor 1 not founded in some frlghti ul fray 0 gub and laber it itandi tiot merely for what men havo fought it btandi not merely for wbat n3on bave thought it stands not only for what moo havo eoogat it f jppdi for all tbat men havo oyor wrought adcitiboib the free prcnl should joor obioription bo renewed thetood times are at tbo threshold gain faimoib 1 what about thai ilray apimal on your place special train tp apd from toronto have fcctn ncmerous this week mr jamta wileon is building an ad dition to bia dvs elliflpbn main street collector graham reports that taxes have ccmo in fairly well the past week fghhu a plain blaok lonntain pen owner may have it at fhkk puce office fthrebbinp seeding fall ploughing and ihofiira now occupy the auerjtlpnpt tbo ejarmera the toronto exhibition has teen the heccaof hundreds frcm this icinity the paet wetkv i the christmas chow of gnelph fat pto olqb will be held on the osh and 10th pixepemter a vepypreity bopqqet from tbegardpp pf mus lottie e speight adorno the statuto that tho pnblio hae hardly come to realise that it is intended for all to partic ipate in the holiday ib fixed for the first monday- in september the weather on monday was gloriously full of fluoebino and warmtii the public bohoola of opane obeorved it a a holiday and the varioqb buainefib placea in town e re closed in tlip afteriioon a good many of our oitieedtf wen ho toronto to vlaitthe fair and num bers of others took in ibe baseball matohes at the park labor day la slowly ijrowiog in popularity prouipv settlement of claipa tha card of ucknowlddfieiwut from mrs kfcoamphfiui widow of the late joseph wesley campbell epcaka for iteolf and the woodmen of caoipwo 72 are deiotvltig of maoh praise and credit for theirprooapt action in paying a widows claim i of flow- within one short week of the deccaeo of her hnaband prorantneea bnah as this and at sqoh a time 1b a truthful exemplifloation of real sympathy and devotion to the inter ebts of tho widow and fatberleu and speaks volumes in favor of any order oap able of doing soon kindlyaocs we wish the order the suocebb and prosperity it bas bo well merited methodist church reopeatag the aaored ediilco of thometbodlbta here which has bpen pndergojqg extenajvo improvements and alterations the put two or tbreo months will bo reopened on san- day september 10th rev dr dowart lateeditor of the cfwuttati quardian ql toronto will preach morning and evening dr dewart is one of the strongest preach ers of the chnroh and hoso who have read the guardian the pabt twentyfive years wih b dplfrhtgd to have tb opportunity of hearing him on this opcteion bo v fr griffln was announced for the lath ibet hat the building committee found it xuj passible to have nil tbo icaproboroonu oompleled for that date and dr griffln ja engaged elsewhere for the 19th j sttcccsmta season closed the moat buceetsful ball season in tho history of the acton baseball club was wound up here on labor day when the homo team defeated the argytee of toronto for tbp oeoonc time th is beason the team this beaton have played twenty one games and have won eighteen out of the twentyone all the aoton playors live right in the town and it is a credit to aoton to have produced such a gentlemanly jot of boys they are how acknowledged to be one of the strongest amateur teams id canada the eoore in tho game with tho argyles wab as follows 1s8 4 5 0tn0 it uw argjlee og0010080 4 8 6 acton ouimood 117 batteries scott and tvray steber and ryder umpire geo niokho george town acton union exhibition talcca a reat after ton yoara of bqcc4fi8tollyconddbticg aoton union fixbibftion the officers and directors have decided for tbo present year to rest from their labors of bourse it can be easily noderbtoodthatindepenpantpr council met on monday ovening tbo reevo took tho chair promptly at 8 oclock members prosent reeve ijickllu and all the councillors exoept mr arnold the mluutoe of last meeting were road and approved tho thirteenth report of llio committee on finanoo waa presented and it was recotnmeuded that the following accounts bo paid john wdtscii timber for brldgo aiid kravol u s11h 00 ii j mooroririuttub o b5 ltoya oil co oil wnj wordou work david mills cartao win word on outtlng wood wui snjlth work 4 10 1 25 coming alfll going visitors to arid from aoton and varlousother persona notes tho fnsm fnaan inrltm all ita readorl to con trlbuto to this ooluma if you or ypur frlonda aro going away on a holiday trip or if you have frloutls visiting yon drop a card to the fnkb 1ltkbs midb nolllo drown ia vlaitfog frioods in bookwood miab curk la bpendiug a week or bo with friouda in duhdub mra ilarry joana viaited friends in grand valley the pabt week mr wm peacook and eon of pern the news at home total s18o0i moved byw u braith bocoudod by win browptbkt ihe ihlrtcontli report of tbo flnaioooonraittoo as road bo adopt ed carried mr j q mobeatb the now mcrobant who rebently opened in tbo atorebppouto the bomipion jlotel addrcased tho oouncil aejiidg that ibo ambant ol taxes do uis building as vrou aa bis stock ho dodiiotod frotn the- flooo lie waa ohijedto pay under tho tranaieuttradprabyiftw the bylaw willauor taxeu for tbo pjo- porttonrjlitho yearmr mobpath bas beeio in busiooas here on the abaea3roent of itoak bntnot on thoarhqont xor abscbs ment of tbs roal qstafe ojonrjled after oonsnltation of th prqyibons qffpiir wppjf n pharge of mr j tbo bylaw roovo sjickllu explained tq mr modeatl to abovo effect ho then expreisedtbe bope lb at it waa nitibfaofory to mr mobeutb mr mobeath it oortainly is not satis factory to me and is nottbe conolufloll 1 expeoted would be arrived at i muat say it lobkb very mnoli as if yon do not wish any other bubtnees- men than- those -yoa- have to settle in aoton hoveral of the members ol tbp jonnol admitted- that tho bylaw reatg pretty heavily npou a bonande rnorobirrt hat in order to proteot establiabed btiblneabes here from transient traders with bankrupt atooks it was found necessary to make the bylaw very stringent the 950 paid in for lioense nt the outaot will however re main to the credit qf the moroiapt who pays t nnljl oihanntod by amount of tal tius on his btqok year after year after- oonsgltation reapeptinr eovera tbero is conalderable talk about rot in the jotaloe crop but not much evidenoo is seen yet benabonts i the house and lot on young street lately occupied by mra morton ia offered for tale by councillor penny aoions second nine played an errorless flauio with the vlol gnelpb on 1 jiabor pay wien tbey won with a aoore pf 8topr jld dupka are neyer vory pleutif ol on tho ponds here bnt dnring the paatweet thfe haw been a nqmbor on fairy lake local sportirhen espied them and seonred j bttbera stock is away op since hit big tocoest in palling the maplo leafs of qnelpb tbrodgh to victory in their game with london jart friday and with hamil ton on monday blndo the harvest ia orer there are 1- signs in all quarters of prosperity and improtemenu fenoea are beingremoved hpntet painted and improvements general rly are the order of the day i jl jtate letter received by a friend iu levin ijs tbal mr jos anderson who ircoid jbbineyi last apripk ptcta to have about aoco bushels of wheat inaddition to coarse grains pretty good iorijittiinop j 4metri cooper ndalini two prao- tailors and onttera of experienoebavo pnrohssed the butineuof e hsohlimmo on liaf u sireft and have taken postenion triejariopalarnd entrgetlo yonng man candanionl3dqfeil v j lmr w d storey glove manufacturer vleiobr iicd wrlwnii flawthoro bead pigmlser of the oanadiari order of wood- nun of the world were in the city on bat rt orday andpafohased a monamenl from taldjobn jbaniilton to be plaoed over the irareof the late bro j wesley campbell w-ciaaiflfhtitrilii- j jojjhff omt groupd out the if following ispt satnrday 1 bttbtf ssne from aotpn to pttob gams ot ball rmpltdnad a ringtail snorter iitlialtpni bulla that all r i wbypoibeiipluihod monday yes pltph with all bis rolbt andifbekillbtbablaokbtalt well thn say b all right asviiewwftotieietilcon monday the k i 2one hiosi onigap and soaohfnl qrabdarmy ifiybcoverrinformnd i1peniwpi mmm govsrnment granta and mnnioipal aid exoept in two instances those who hvo had charge of the annnaf exhibition hva reguired year after year to pub united energy individual effort and ooreful foro- tbongbt into the enterprise fn orter to bring it op to tho saccess and popularity which have characterized each taodeeding exhibition no fair in tbo province large or email baa been more pbpalar with ex hibitors and the visitors have invariably been impressed with its nnlformexcellence is mast be admitted that it baa been somewhat difflonlt matter tp meof all 4nanoil abligptidns qpon the indepepden hl jnptyh nil lb has only hean e oomplished throngh the careful anpetvlsion of all details on tho part of the efflcers in oharge and the liberality of the friends ol the society when their aid was needed a deoadeot saoh effort particularly upon the part of tho samo pereont mithoat remaneration surely merits a rest for year at least and soph a coarse hai con- seqaontly beeh decided qppn he seoiety has no liabilities whatever every clairn being honorably discharged t wl oftt b tq sfy that to ftohn1aff the itte president george hynda the beptetary treasurer add t h harding chairman o oohoert afrangeniehis assisted by the active directors generally is duo the oredtit for the suooeaevwbioh has marked acton union exhibition daring the put too yeart a dainty wedding at wellaad thefsskpsssa has pleasure in qaoting from the welland telegraph the following particulars of the marriage of miss carrie vanderborg ooutln of mrs 3hoi perry man jr who waa an oooaaional visitor to actonand has numerous friends jiero a quiet bat very pretty wedding hid 111 scene on wednesday sftemoon at9 pplc at the homo of mr and mrs marpue vn derborgh when the marriage of their daughter carrie to mr norman cameron boston was solemnised by bev d 8 honok of pioton mr cameron is a son of the rev dr cameron of provldenoe b i and a rifeing young lawyer of the cuiinred oily about 3uv guests inolading only the most intimate friends witnessed the ceremony the house was tastefully and profusely decorated with palms ever greens add out flowers the bride looked very sweet in a rich gown of india tllk and oarrledaboupuetpfpreain roset- 8lie vrai atisnmby mils otrtlb mlnsdw of bjaju m berstone prettily attired fn while muslin over pink and carrying a bonijaetpt pink rotes mr gharles page of flpffalo did tbo honorp for tbp groofll thebrid wm the reolpfent of many presepts numytins ol which werii xyliiitmk iily i knife among them was a hai from the- melhodufy0ondajrpbobool in which miss tanderbnrgh bad tango olaasfor tb6 past few years she was also organist of the sunday bohool for aen years and hor services in each capaoill will be greatly missed follpwing the ceremony a dainty lanbneon was sorted on a table deooraud with vines- ilnd rosea mr and mrs cameron left on tbo ei3 w o r train for niagara fallt whore they will visit the numerous points of jntenil prior to taking tip their realdeooe in boi- ton ngland it still soffetlog from ellsaitrotn- jlyhsavyjiains xrk plcaooof work qececiary on iiq atrpp tho qonncit adjoarned local bbiefietst pqaiooxal gales may bo expeoted in another weeh thronrb tho effort b of john waldio exm p barlingtori has been re-establidh- d aa a port of entry the jadjrea qqitt for hie fovibjon pf tho voters hat will bo bold in aoton on monday 37th september mr james clark of acton roller mills hab been shipping coneiderablo flour jo toronto gnelph and other poihta lately tbo juniors wont to georgetown on monday afternoon and played a loaing jjamo with tho bida there eome of whom woar wh iik era jhp bcbre was jjj lo if istiao clark wan badly assaulted robbed- of hia bummers varoh and locked op in the qeotion mens tool bouao on tuebday night be clairob to be able tov identify htt bbtiailantb i councillor denny thinks he has the biggebt shallower ihatexibta in these parts it is 9 feet inches in oirbnmferenco weighs 0 poanda i oancca and tho stalk is 0 feet 0 inches in height- jlvery pretty floral nervico was held in kcoxchqrch saaday bohcol last ban day afternoon the numerous bonqnets presented by the bcbolars were sent on monday morning to the hospitals in toronto the contractors have both the six- story addition and the new 280 foot bark abed for aoton tanning co tip and enclosed when this thedie completed mr alex cripps will havo built sheds apgregatiog nearly 1500 feet in length at the tinnerlea the paat two years the third anneal convention of te nwortfi eagpes and other yopng peoples gaieties of milton diatrict hamilton ool w b jri the mr visited friend herb this week mr and mrs stewart of georgetown visited acton frlenda this week i missea nolliean ada hynda are viaiting toronto friendo for a week or bo mr john moltae of st catharines spant labor day in his old home mias mina walker spent aeye rat days this week with frieuda n bookwood mrs w b molanfiblio of niagara fullan v s vibitieg aoton frionde dr m roracer of faimerston made aoton friends a ilyiog vloit on taesday mips belle barrio left on tueeday jot biqria whfare ahe wjll attend high bohool mrs mgrosamau and mr g grbbb- man of troy n y afe gaeatb of mrs jos holmes mr allan mann has been in toronto the prle stallion misb mrglo kennedy who baa been yery fllfgr several mqnths lat bean very low the past few day mr heotor johnsod of johnstown n y dame to town last friday to spend a few days in hi old home mrs c bapooby of hamilton arrlv- old times ravivedi tn conversation with hulo old gol allan of aoton yesterday hefcelq us of the time when there wejrjyatynaltadozon residents of branipfon no streeta and no roads so called but the level of the how road beds was only a few inohea- higher than the pre sent etobiooke so that nearly ton feet of soil mubt have got piled by degrees oh the old roadway verily we are getting up in the world brampton timen tho iocal movement of fruit the amount of fruit oto that bas been dibpoaed of id town by fruit dealers from thevioinltyotbarlidgtoandwatcxdown the pabt noaple of weeks has been phenom enal lt friday bovon loadi oame to town and rarely a day passes that five or six loads do not arrive here grocer adams himaelf disposed of fivo loads of tomatoes within threodtvye the past week peaohob plnms pears apples tomatoes and mnekmelons comprise the variety offered t jpiumband tooiatoea are a drug on the market at present people like to be bumbu rfded an itinerantfakir bo gave a ecoond irate streftt perfdrmanoe on thorsday even ing after pasting tho hatthrdugh thg crowd to rfo n oipyoleon 7vtore with hood nilsaiestellian4 show that this medl- -r- olne has enjoyed publlo oonffosnoi and patronsge to a greater eitentthantccord- ed any other proprietary medlolne this ia simplyrbeaiube t possesses greatter merit and produces greater cure than i any othor it la not whst we say but whowiooda sarsaparilla does that telle the story all advertisements of hoods sarsaparilla like hoodie sarsaparilla it- self are honest we have neve deceived nnrpublio anovthu with its snperlstive medicinal merit is why the people have abiding conlldehcelnlt and buy mmm mmm arsapa loads of new floods are coming to hand daily eclipsing in beauty and variety our importations of any former season our buying is done in the best markets of the worldfqr our large a gr business a always w an eye to giving out customers flic mosfreliable materials which money can buy almost to the exclusion of all others try n rrefrrcjqnrybyrrttoreraiyiweh maai sjlre and uudryolher wonderful feats the following evening if ths spectators would eontrihute another dollar in adyanoe he got tbo dolbrae fakirs are invariably able to hoodwlnk a few firnes bqt p and hjs bjoygle and tiloptpd op failed to mpterjalljie the following evening and after waiting ap hour for the promised porfor mance to itprt the crowd gradually dis nerseol hoods piii sgsipaftl road the martian by du maurler new dross goods now millinery new mantles new fancy coods new carpets ntsw curtains new oillclfrths new 8ultiris new clohiln nbwovercoats new linens new underwear nevv wpollens new 8tatle8 rfcad here on thursday to spend a month with tier daughter at wihow 0qttage mra a ii kent mr harlan and master horace kent of sofbeld ohio aro guests at the home of ohas t hill esq mr and mrs james goodalt sr of chatham were in town during the week renewing acqualntanoes at their former home jfndge tamioaun waa taken to the general hospital at guelph anj operated on for appendicitis ast ufaday io is tojng fftirly well mr ben jnowlea of the fteputilloan jobnatown n v- spent a few days in town he favorod the fuebpheb with several pleasant calli miss may heppler of lia towel who has been holidaying at dafferln lake was in town last week the gueat of her slater mrat 8 vfard mr wra jifiokou and daughter of detroit arrived in towu on monday even ing to spend a week or so with frlenda in acton and vicinity mr arthur e moore of the fbee fnzss went to toronto last friday and apent sev eral daya with his brother mr ohas h moore oltbe canada pretbyterian office mr ohas jenner returned from johns town n v last thursday nd will speed a week or so in tojstj before vsmoving his mother end her family to their uejv homs mi hannah stafford who was very ill charob burlington on wednesday sept 15tb a splendid programme has been arranged in addition to local speakers bev g it turk toronto and rev g k adama of hamilton will deliver addresses acioftmarifets sopt8 1b07 flour 6 90 to a 40 vbto wheat olfl 78 to yblto y now 00 to 80 75 bod wheat old ih t w ro4 wtoat paw 70 to w oftta us to aa poaa 40 to 42 ooelph mahkets bopt b 1807 flour noller 8 2 25 6 3 60 whoatnow 80 to 80 wheat tola to to 83 qooae wboat 00 to eo barley 23 to 35 oata 2a to 29 bye j 3 to 40 poaa 42 to 47 hay 8 00 to 000 now hay b 00 to 7 00 rtggt por doe op to 10 butter dairy packed 10 tp 12 bfllter rolls h to 11 vew fotatooa nor bpsh 40 to 110 apple ho to 1 00 toronto markets bopt 1 1807 white wheat new 63 to ee bodwboat 80 to 83 qooae wheat 06 to 70 oats 22 to 23 hay 8 00 to uoo ilarloy 4 to 27 poaa ti to 48 bntter rolls 15 to 18 eggs 10 to 10 potatoes new 05 to 00 thisfatls pairs toronto industrial aug 00 to sept 11 rltirtb qiuy owen uotrad eiept 141010 welltaley wallealey beiitl4 15 norftern walrtflci sep w 10- ppptral tjanaoa ottawa sept 1725 wppbalaptlls8 milton milton sept 21 m north waterloo brllnbeptllj bouhlarntbrantford sept 21 22 oenlrweulnitton fargo jo jl horleiiijpralgillf9ra bept23s4 vnwlng qsorgstpwdbept to24 peel brampton sept sb 80 west wllngtobi btrrlstob kept 20 in fuungton and blora blora bopt so oot 1 eramoaa bockwood oct 0 7 grinbr noth1no h o corns like light boots a surf certain and painless remedy is found in putnams ooixaaaiottmoytt the wore at bor sisters mrs george leslie is rapid ly regaining health and is now able to walk about and enjoy out door exerojse agjji ltov j a moliohlan m a went to waterloo ontneeday to attend the funeral of the late i e bowman exm p who was a warm friend daring his pastorate there mr t w dubjgan and son of bramp ton wore guests last hnraaay cjf gol allan at plrvew fjape mr duggan waa a welcome caller at tho fuee viissa eanpturn xr and mrs uren have returned from montreal where they were in attendance at tho convention of tup british medioa association a most enjoyable and inter esting time was span mr ring pf the 0 p offloes mpntroal viiited his uncle mr w 0 king and other aoton frlenda last week he w qu fav i w a as a point for enjoyable visitation mr thos kennedy beglstrer of parry bound arrived in town on monday fo spend a week or to with friends i the old home his rflany friends aro pleased to have the opportunity of a ohat with hlm bitter disappointmint and family grief that can be avoided prof alexnnder mokenzie a mining export makes a very favorable report on the miohipiooten gold fields the spontaneous nhnularty of the duke ttd13h5bpss6rtfofl inlrsnsnoisiglvlng great satisfaction to the imperial author ities- the failure of the potato hay and cord orpp in most of the districts of ireland has resulted in the gloomiest outlook for tbo winter drongbt has destroyed the crops in a arge portion of southern russia and great distress ij inovitablp dpring tbp coming wintor the entire united states tjabinet will meat shortly to hear the opinion- of attorneygeneral mckennaon the disorirn inating duties and to take action intopeka kansas tho hands attending a diseased herd of cattle and epmeot the members of the farmers family have become infeoted with tuberculosis read buy thlichristian by hall caine postpaid75d eq11ality by bellamy 71031 paid 73c yoult wall paper fromc l nelles among them is e purchase of one case mens first cjss rubber cbatep the maltese cross br lystpaidc i cpat t the regular price is 160 for these coats v we willsll these at 575 each and you had better htlrry up and get one for at thit price they wont last long guelph buy your w1ndovv shades from c l nelles guelph always ask the prices of books rom cl heues bookseller cuelph 25 and 27 wyndliaiii street guelph astgo gikisqoifl house pills they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too ilcdrty eating a per fect remedy for dizziness nausea drowsi ness bad taste in thcmouth coated tongue tain in the side torpid ijver they regulate ithe bowels prejylftaiswblejr small piiu amell dose small price substituti6n tko fraud of tho day sec you get carters ask for carter s insist and demand carters little liver pills shop pilled with 1h8 hundreds and hundreds of pairs of shoes all on tables at50c paines oeleby compound brinq3 health joy and happiness you are williqg to oonfeas poor sufferer that you have been bitterly disappointed with past efforts and that in your esllma tiou your future isemi dark end gloomy yoa and your friends alone are to blami if disease it tightening its ohain aroon you making you a sore eaptlve for tni dark and dreaded grave why keep a wife or husband in feveril anxiety dally bending over yoo with fear fol eyes and almost broken heart f why cause your childrens voloet to be taaihed and their ohildlth sports and garnet to be dlarersrdea andpasvaeldotheyoertaln- ly cannot enjoy life when they lee a father or mother in the agonies of suffering and deep in mental despair yon citn change ths scene by changing and bettering your physical condition in ptbpr words you pan be ourea and made well again by the nit of celery compound yoar efforts up to the present to- throw off the enolrcllng and deadly bonds of dis ease have been vain and futile your doc tors well meaning work has net been pro ductive of cheering retails and yon are waiting money on medlolne that bah never meet your case being assured of new health and life by the use of palnes oeltry compound yon are tinning ojalnat heaven and false to your family and friends if you refuse to make trial of the great agenoy that has saved thonsandt in the paat painps osltry cornponod ii the grand est disease banleher that medical aolence ever devised and hiui ths inidrsatlbn of ogrfciis1aptorelawy metphantesniolhstsfjispstlngibpwsra sssyjirtiieirila wpi9imyissjtii itirspserjrman and woman ritrrfltntahij mm teave orders now for your winters supply none but the very best 8eranton coal delivered i can supply egg stove arfd nut sizes the liberal pftlronaiie accorded melastsenson py mr urownscus- torhers whose bustnet3 1 bought was much appreciated lean give even better service this year and solicit a continuance of their orders coal delivery to conmence in september john mcqueen awnings tentt5vtc pike 4 roberts 147 bnmswiolt ave toronto arc expert makers of awnlntts it tents y tarpaulins fly screens storm sash etc their work speak3 their merit examine tho awnings just put up a moorccroft acton orders promptly filled prices reasonable tents to rent for all purnobos school reopening new designs tit exercise books note books scrilablina books school blanks lead pencils rrstes and all school supplies and sta tionery at mill street acton j h hamilton diiixn m marble and granite hamlltona blook qub haying on hand a iargs quautlty of f3ootoh norway swedibh and rnsalaii v and in order to dispose of it to niake room for bprina stock now purchased i will sell at a reduction of 20 pee cent- and will allow all expenses to custonunt to and from our works johh h hamilton abbmetiw ont fssaitsipuitior mail anabi wjtncxy nbws alplfiwi the the above paper rued in thjt journal ifa ove mills from w babbbb b108 s fancy ribbons flowersr straw shapes and everything in- our millinery department clearing at greatly reduced prices the stock is fresh and clean and regardless of cost will be cleared out bargains in parasols dress goods muslins ging hams etc to clear out immediately full assortment of gloves hosiery summer under- wear ladies and boys belts ladies collars and cuffs fresh shipment of these goods just opened heiidersoia co acton midsummer bargains we are now in the midst of our midsummer sale and are anxious during the next ten days to clear 1 out the whole of bur stock of wash goods ovvs-irvls5sf- dress copds gents wear hii-r- cottons sheetings carpets c reduced prices in all lines low quotations in gbboqebies extra value in teas goods delivered to any par of the town store closes at 7 pm miistv abt0ii in your pocket when you order your clothing here we just opened a new range of nice wepir style suitings they should sell for 21 and 52250 our prices for them in the best style of the tailors art is see our all wool pants to order at 325 new tieshe latest just in all styles at c tai and ivi r- gg wyndham street oods 8 tejjlj 187 iso and 77r in five years we have established the largest business in our line ih canada we do hbt peddle our goods all over the country but it will pay you to send for one ofour catalogues and if you send samplo of hair wo r otiutteciusj to yopr personal selection when visit- jng wrontqiscrsufairdo not fall o inspect our immense stock kxcol- ipjrioes is our motto wejugranteo nothing sed bwitohes baagi waveb and cut oat this ad and send by mall or ou will recoivo 10 per centv discount i27and 129 yonge st mmmmm mmmmm iimhmmk piplv

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