Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 16, 1897, p. 1

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volume xxiirno 1 2 acton ontario thursday september 10 1897 price three cents bt cton jw fjms is pudlisnbd at tnr t free fresssteara trlntintf offlco uill street aoton ont tbhub op sunbobiftiom oiio dollar por year tilotly in advance ah subscript oris dlbcoti- tlnuod wbon the tltno for wblob tuoy bavo boon paid bu oipirod tbo flato to which ovory abiorlptloq le paid is donotodeii the address label advhbtibino itatbbntranalenb advrtlso- ruouta 10 coats por nonparolllino for first in sertion 3 cents por lloo for each subsequent aserticd covrnact itirkb tbo following tablo shows ourratosfor tboinsdrtlon of advortlbomoiitsfor speolflod porloda sliool arice ib illuo s iu iiii aoinohea tolnohos iuobee 6000 8300 acoo 600 woo 9000 1900 380 3000 1900 700 300 700 800 1 0m 100 advertuomontb without apeblflo dlrootlbna will be ltlorud till forbid aftl charged accord ingly transient adyertlsamonts must bontld n advance v- advertiiemohta will bo changod once oaoh month if deslrd for c ban rob of tenor than qpoe a montli the composition must bo paid for at regulai rates otiangos for contraot advertisements must bo u tbo otqoo by noon on taosdays accounts payablo moutbly 0 h pmoore editor and proprietor supplies parents should see that thetr children go to pays bookstore for thglr school books we linve opened a lare and complete line of public and hich school text scnbberb and exergibe bgofes are the largest and best in the city at days bookstore thb- tfmbersbamihifgahaoii authorized capita 1 000000 rgoeinj days low prices win every time day sells cheap uusiruss ircctorp medical t f toen m d 0 fit offloo and rebldonco corner mill frodorlok btroota aoton as elliott m d m b aoton giuduate tonokto univedbitv office main btroot third door south of preabtftorian oburob aoton vr pryden eye eau throat and mcleans block douglas stiaiv p o 3uelph or pice houbb 10 am to 1 pm and 3 to 0 pin sdndays 10 am to 1 pm veterlnajiy surgeon yilfbed p husband y- 8 graduate of tbo ontario votorlnary colloco honorary nlouibor of tbo votorlnary medical society office wmhuabanda lot 24 con 4 nags agaweya calls day or nigbt promptly attended to dental l bennett ld8 dentist obonqetown ohtab10 dh f 9 merger dentist oraduato of toronto university and rcds ofuco orer drug store aoton vlbitika days tlioflbday and fill dat jm bell dds lds dentist bimokvile honon ghacuate op toronto university work mado satisfactory prices modorato vibitinq days tuesday and friday of eooli week will visxacton on tbo first and third bat ur- day of ease mootb mx agbowfl hotel m clean a mclean barrlsurr solicitors notarlos conveyancers ftc private funds to ipan offloe town hall aoton 1 wm a molsah jno a mclkak d ouqlas murray bamubteiu solioxtobj notaiiieb eto offices lm6 quoon btparhdalo t victoria chambers 61 victoria bt tbnontol roiopbono jai jodn d0u0la8 superior pickling spices tbospicobtbooiioriorsalclara without adultoratlon and pobb- v osb a full riobllavor and aroma nv isnt cliis what you want in tbo spicollne corks and jar rings corka that are corkers thoy will neltbor lot tbs oontentb of tbo bottle into tbo air nor tbo ooiitonta of tbo air into tbo bottlo you may count on the rubber blnga we soil loatlnv more than one season turmeric and garlic our turmerlo is tfurmorio that is turmerlo and tbo garllo is not an ordinary onion boo samples in oar window hillons famous fruit vinegar wo aro always on tho lookout for a good thing and this vluo- aris one wo bavo it both or table and pickling uso we boliovo it to iftt the ooit and most wholesome article on tbe market tho prlco is 40 conts a gallon alex stewart importer of pure drugs and bpiceo cuelph branch sums ot 81 and upwarda received on deposit and bighobt current rate of intireet paid pr compounded halyearly depoaitrocoiptaibbued for largo sums deposited advarjcea made to reaponbihlo fur mora on their own uamee v no oh a r go made for oblleotin saios notes if payable in quelph a oonorul banking buaineba trauaaotd a f ii jones mattner f lamp timeifain lengthening evenings suggest them our lamp window the south one- shows-the-latest- cuelph gug1p central exhtbmeri waters bros will hold a special exhibit in their store st george9 sq ah cars stop opposite their doors pictures attistvsupplies fancy goods wall papers at prices that will surprise you watees bros st georges sqtjakb gubijph do arrivals of the nicest goods we could find with new york makers in stand hanging hall v and library lamps dont forget to look in on us first time youre up fkffssqyca bon oath the bot midsummer aun tho men had marched all day and now bostdo a rippling elroam upon tho grass tboy lay tiring of games and idle feats as bwopt thp hours along thoy called to ono who mused apart coma friend give us a song i fear i cannot plooso ho said tho only songs i in6w arothobo mymotbor usod to slug for mo long years obo singouoof thosoaroubhvoicocrlod tborob uono but true mou horof toovory mothorabou ofus a motbera sbugsare dtar tbonswbotly rose the alugars volco amid unnontod ealui am i a soldier of tbo cross a follower of tbe lamb and shall i fear to own his causo tbo very stream was stilled v and boarts that never tbrobbod with f oar with ttflidor thoughts were nil od kntlod tbo loug tbo singer said as to hts foot be rose thanks to you all my friends good night qod grant uaawoqtropoio sing us one more the captain bogged the soldier bont bis boad th en- gl and ugrouud with smiling lips j with mp ho fl bolf more able to look th logs in tho face mrs berry etill etiff and eilont oon- daoted ninette to an artio cold bedroom at thh 1apo h w theyery- oandle peomed to bhtver whats tbe matter now said mrs berry why aro you orying i am bo hungry sobbed ninotte in whose nature starvatiou bad completely overoomo the heroio element 1 bavo had nothing to eat since eight oclock this mofniqg i mrs berry lit her lip impatiently arid the kitchen fire ronp down said she and noa drep of milk left i well ill go down and flee what i can flnd- bnt wb bbo came back poor liltle with its bright open flrob its sweetness of i botbouso flowers itsmoas soft carpets dark oiled boards and walls tinted with ibasoftestofoolors m bond co guelph satisfied customer ms our best advertise- ment we have many satis fied customers in acton who will be pleased to tell you about the kind of clothing we make ask them youll know them by their clothes if you have never had the pleasure of wearing stylish well fitting clothes jet us make your fall suit iwe can please you shaw turnee merchant tailors quelph ouelph cloth ball- awnings tents fete well sltig this old familiar air bweet as thobuglo call all ball the power of jesus name lot angels prostrate fall ab 1 wondrous was tbo old tuuos spell ab on tbo singer bang mau after man foil into lino and nd tho voices rang t tho songs are done the camp is btfll naught but tho stroam is heard but ah tbo depth of ovory soul by those old bymns is stirred and up from many a beard od up in whlspurs soft and low iubob tho prsyor the mother taught the boy long yoars ago chicago i nteroccan sbtitzl yomtlg sluaiiinij en lrjeites career lax iiv miv uakpoiru it wab snowing till sharp priokles of whitenebb in the gloomv deoember dusk when ninetto bean voir was driven cp to her cousins bouse the sjr was intensely oold the houses on either side of tho street loomed up like hnge phantoms and the gaejets seemed to tbrilland shiver in the wind and the welcome of mrs berry her coubin bouaekefipr was a dead match for the weather and the wind i am expected i buppose said ninette wondering why the woman did not open tbo door a little wider what name cautiously inquired mra berry mibs bcaovoir fr6m atlanta qeorgia i have heard nothing of it said mre berry without opening tbo door an inch farther mr treble ton is at home i suppose no miss bea not still frigidly i will oome in said ninette trying to swallow tbe euffocating eenaatlon in her throat i will wait for him it ia eo qoid and i i am half frozen mrs berry hoeitated a moment then opened the door ungraciously enough well sho said i e appose yoa can wait in the study until he comes she showed nioetto into tbe red oartain- ed cozy little rootn lined with books lighted by tbe soft ring of flame that streamed from a shaped gasjet warmed with the glow of tbe oorai red fire upon the beartb and berc surreptitiously taming the keys in the score tarydr awerb and writing table and taking them out mrs berry left her there are the paperweight said mrs berry to herself vnd tbe ivory paper- oattorb and the iukstand with the btags head in bronze but i dont believe shed take ihemf while ninette left alone orouched down in ibe low ohair before the fire and burst- into tears la all the north as orael as hard as frozen oold as this sho aaked herself with a convulsive shudder oh it would have been better to have died of starvation in my own sunny golden south i if a stray dog there bad crept in out of tbe storm at nigbt they would at least have given him a bono and a kind word but forine there u no welcome i when mr trebleton oaroe in atniue ocooli he found ninette still looking at the are through eyes that awamwhb tears i um ninetto beaavoir your cousins child bstd she rising with varying oolor happy to fbake yuu agqnaibtano r am sure said mr trebleton apparently so busy in removing hie gloves that he never noticed bier proffered hand what oan i do for yoa miss beaavoir ninette looked at him with large grave eyeu papa said before he died she faltered that you would give me a home with your daughters i have no longer a home of my own papas lllnees was ejtpenslyo and took all our means quite out of the queition quite oat of the question said mr trebleton hurried ly as he took up a poker and began beat ing the topmost lamps of coal od the fire perhaps you are not aware miss beau- niriette who bad crept into bed to get warm was bqundaaleep ahd tbe niggard- ly aandwioh and sucq of witliacod cako were too late -r- mr trobloton tookinotte to a gontoel intelffgenoe bureau the next day thfb lady v ho flaid to her indicating a stout female in blaok silk behind a tall desk will procure- decent lodgings for yon and put yon in the way to employ ment and if i oan be of any further aervioe to yoo pray let me kpow and be had given her hand a flihlike preabureand was gone- before she fairly oomprebeoded that tlila was hie way of getting rid of her poor ninette i poor little tropioal ohlld of the south how infinitely lonely bhe felt at that moment i but tbe stout female took up a pen opened a big book and began to ask ques tions with bewildering brusquoness and rapidity and ninette eoon caught the infection of her energy tho rest of the week was like the shift ing bdenes at a pantomime years and years ago she was hurried from place to place in tho great noisy bedlam of a city no body wanted nuraery govern ejs the school lists were crowded to overflowing from the stores ninette shrank with trem bling horror after she had seen the smooth nioe oilyfaoed superintendents of ono or two i can do uotbiug more for yon said tbe stout female at length unless indeed they can give you employment at the doooratiou rooms it wout coat anything for you to go audseo to the roomaof decorative art ninotte accordingly went tbe direotreea was engaged she would eoo the youog person presently ket her be bhbwn into the wookroom a great briuht well ventilated apart ment filled with buty workers some at frames some at tables some standing before easels and one pile middleaged woman was drawing a design for wall paper on a huge eheet of coarse paper daisies oorofl6werb trailing vines all tangled together that fa not right 1 exclaimed ninette involuntarily as she watched tbe slow uncertain progress of the ponoil lot mo show you how to btiog that vine out i the woman stared but ninette had caught tho penoil from her band and with two or three bold strokes altered the whole charaoter of the bebign from raedicore it became original from biffuess it took on a wild woodland grace how did you do that asked the btnpid middleaged woman in bewilderment i dont know coofeased ninotto orini- souing but dont you see cant you comprehend it couldnt be otherwise it mubt come oot so 1 a hand was laid lightly on her shoulder and turning around she found herself looking into tbe calm amused eyes of tho direotreab yon are right my child said she it could not be otherwise but it is not one in a thousand who would know it come h i ro t with y i mr trobleton sat feebly down in the big velvet arm nbair bis pale stokly daugh ters btood beside him embarraboed yet happy in their young cousins warm southern welooroe do youmoan he faltered that wo are to livehob alffayb what else aoald i po3sibly mean said ninotte kneeling to avrango the oof- feo and fruit on th table at thoaide you not my coasinb jvherp should your home be but withms mr trobloloa bruihed something from bis eyelashes ninetteflaidhey faintly i do not debervo tbjsy ii didn treat yoa so whop you oarooa eilftary orphan to my houael lot all that be forgot said ninetto gently ileraombwr only that you are weloomo more than welcome to my hearth and home i bo stephen trebleton and his daughters lived on always in the sunny little brown atone hoube and ninette was happy for she had it in her power to bestow bappioess of what useis mouey if not to help others with siid attest niuotto and they are my cousins too i but mr trebleton had not argued thub onthai snowy deoember this is dissertation night whpn homeless and ninette beauvoir solitary to him jjord be rhoroif at to me a sinner be breathed bat 1 nover knew until i saw it in the uncompromising light of the past what a miserable aelflah brute i was didnt take it it is not of tea that one oan soo from without the actual work eg of conscience when it is possible however he must rejoioe greatly if right prevails- the new jfork tvifiuw gives tha following instance of such moral welfare i one day a man on a railway train picked lap from the oar seetl a paokage- that the former odonpant of the seat who bad left the train at the last station had forgotten he looked at the giokage crltiaally and then glanced at the oondabtor who was at the other end ol the train he evidently thought himself anobsorved for after a few minutes bfreileallon be put the paok- age which was aemtll onei into his pocket and then resumed the reading of his paper but bia mind was not at rest he tried several times to read and eaob time re moved tbe papor from his eyes and gazed into vacancy lost inmedltation the oonduotor passed him and it made him uneasy he moved about nervonaly in bia seat presently he folded up hie paper put it in his pocket leaned his elbow on the windowbill and allowed his head to rest on the palm of bis hand ho was having a hard struggle it would hive been interesting to know the drift of his though ts perhajpi the quea tion of the valae of tbepaokege entered them bat it is to be hoped that it did not at any rate hia senoe of justioe triumphed hd raised bia head from hie hand in a determined way and took the package from his pocket it was easy jo see that he was happier now the next- time the oonduotor passed be handed him the paok- age with the remark herei sometbidg the lady who left the train aj the last atatjoa forgot work well but rest it is over work and not hard work that kills ever man wb it soever iiie business or profession is juatiqod in working bard work keeps the body in health as well as the wolf from the door but no man is justified in overworking and underresting himself overworking and under- rest log are to day common experindoes and the con comitant is broken down debilitated and prematurely old men man like a piece ot machinery can be overworked and like arpteoe tof naaohineryi hemuetpay thepenalty thorefor it is often not until a piece of machinery has collapsed tbatlbe injury done by over work baa been realized it ib the same with tho overworked man he is a deluded nan who imagines he oan overstrain his brain and his mo sole for fifty weeks iu a year and then recuper ate in the two remaining weeks it la an exoellont thing for a man to take a few weeks respite every year frorrt busi ness or prof casional cires bat it i better still for him to daily take that rest whioh nature demands he ihontd he is a fooliih engineer who is no sparing in the use of oil upon his engine that ub bearings are not properly lubrlbated and heis an unwise man who rob his body of that resreation and rest whioh are neces- h l j i i 1 lit imnwn rnntlwfl n hraalflnp it takes mdney to ran a nowspapor says the bt joh kana uould anything be more absurd v the statement is an exaggeration it is an all- wool and yardwide whopper i it has been disproved a thousand times it is a clear case of airy fauoy it doesnt take money to ran a news paper or people wouldnt climb the golden stairs to the office and get a copy of tho paper free it is a charitable inatitutioo a begging cqnperna highway robbery a newspaper ia a child of tho air a qreature of a dream itng6 on and on and on when any other concern would be in the hands of a reoeiver and soon wound up with the windows full of cobwebd money is the root or all oyii7gfye your job printing to some ot those traveil- iog soojllawsga and then oome and ask free publication for the oboroh notioes get your booiety letter heads printed out of town and then flood yoar home paper with all the beantifal thoughts in resolutions of rebpeot and cardb of tbauka they make snottapioy reading and when yoa pick it qp filled with thoie glowing and vivid mortuary articles you are so proud of your little paper sol ah i it takes wind to run a lewpaper i takes gall to run a newspaper it takes i scintillation aorobatio imagination a half dozen white bhlrta an a raitroi pasa to child of uiyboort adieu god keop thoo in ills caro bacolyn this parting nfnli- uollovo ibis parting prayer and do not quite forgot tbo fow iirlgbt hopes wovo known adioul adiou itemoinborvaulshod hours lot memory softly dwell on ono who thinks of thoo with thoughts too doop to toll v ono whose lovo morp stoodfabt grow mid olpuds and toars adioul adiou lot gonto droams arise when tboni art far from iiio of alltlie counsel swoot tbatl bavesluirod with tlioo tblnk of me stlllob wbon wo two mingled bweet thoughts- j z adleni adieu i ran a newspaper an oooaslonal invitation to froe janoh to be paid for iu ahalfoolumu writeup helps to all up tho paper like wise the editor but money heavens to betsy and six bands rouod whoever needed money in con duo ting a newspaper i kind words are the medium of exchange that do tbe business for the editor kind words and oburob booial tickets never give money to an editor maeebim trade jt out he likes to awap money is- a cbrroptlug thing tbe editor knows this and what he wants ia your heartfelt thanks then he oan thank the printers and thoy can thank the boarding misses and she oan move to keep from paying reut ob no it dont take money to run a newspaper i it is sometimes neoebbary though tbe entire force econo mise this they can easily do by eating dried apples for breakfast drinking hot water for dinner and swell up for supper at night they oan bleep on the press bed and qover up with the ofiloe towel a few fiery editorials will provide all tho heat needed but money aoorn the filthy thing dont let the pore innocent editor know anything about it keep that for sordid tradespeople who oharge for their wares the editor gives his bounty away the lord loveth a cheerful giver hell- take care of tbe editor dont worry about the editor hell get the paper out somehow and pjtind up for you when you run for offioe and lie about your pigeon toed daughters taoky wedding and blow about yosr simiaheaded aons when they get a job at shovelling smoke tben when yon die after having stood around for years and aneerod at every effort the paper baa mado for tbe advance ment and prosperity of the town and people rest assured that your bereaved wife and weeping children will be amazed when they read in the local piper what a model mau has gone glittering through tbe golden gate to glory even tbo cherubs on the torabbtones in tho oemetery will open their eyes in wonderment while the minis ter reads the tooobidg trlbuto hctch she wa8 prepared a oertaln minister always feels it to be hia duty to give eaob young couple a little serious advice before he performed tbe marriage ceremony and for this purpose be usually took them aside one ata tinifs arsinbt the store will oause the loaa of other and talked very soberly to eatfb of them regarding she great importance of the step they were to take asd ths now reaponsiblli- tiea they were to assume one day be talked in hia mott earnest manner for sev eral minutes to a young woman who had oome to be married to a bright looking young man- and now heaald in oloaiog i hope yoa will fully realise the extreme import ance of the step yoa are taking and- that you are prepared for it prepared i she said innocently well if i aint prepared i dont know who is ive got 4 oommop quihs and 2 nice ones and 4 brand new fealhor beds 10 aheeta and 13 pairs ot pillow slips 4 all linen tabieelolbs a dozen bpooaa and a good six quart teakettle if i aint prepared no girl in this country ever was dundee tlaxe tblnkiof tboboarboflove that everbpragt tt uieat thobllghjtesttrisb anddeemod nooarthlyjorsosfreet ah wbon on spirits wings it how to spook with tblno f adieu 1 adieu i think of tbo hoartof faith that watched with anxious pain par tidings of thy love that neror novor camo think of tbo loving heart and truo that writbs with lears adiou i adlou 1 though dark with many a fault tho selfsame heart may bo ithauiouasp it never erred to tboe those aro no idlo words nor now thou knowost tbolr truth adieu 1 adioul wanted her moneys worth anyone who had not been the woman with an angry eye wobble just before she dismounted from her wheel would have taken her for an experienced rider a heroine of century rahs she strode with majestic c through the store and eo impressed another woman that bhe forgot herself and let the nowcdmer be waited on first i suppose she said to tbe olerk that i looked rather hew at bicycling and that you thought that there wasnt much use bothering about roe because i wouldnt know the difference anyhow the olerk assured her to the contrary and said he was sure there was somo mis understanding there wab a miaunderatandlug ehe answered i understood when i got this repair kit that i vas getting all that a re- pair kit oaghtto contaid certainly he auswered is it all rlgbt d id n i you say expreesly that it contain ed everything that would be required for re pairs in an ordinary accident yoav- and i bought it with that implied guarantee didnt 1 undeniably you did and if things didnt turn out juat as yoa represented thera its your business to make good the defioenoy i suppose so all right theres your repair kit you can either put in a paper of pins and some btloking plaster or elsegive mo back my money little things in bubinesa it is the little things that count the loaa of a small- discount on a hill ia in itself a little thing but the sums total ot these little losaea reach large some the giving of a fraotion overweight is a small loaa in itself bat the daily trsnsao- tions of the store are numerous ahd tbo little overweight soon makes a big loss the loss of a tingle customer is perhaps viewed as a single iobb unimportant hut tbe influenoe ot the lobt customer exerted ons thefailure to deliver an order at the time specified is a little thing but the cus tomers plans may have been upset by the delay and a eeed of dissatisfaction sown that may result in the loaa of a costomef the failure to fill an order oorreotly or the omission of a single article may be a little thing but tho unaent article may have been the moat needed and an angry customer is the result little iobbob and little errors should be avoided qroeera review a o mdhbat a j mackinnon bannibtxb bolioixon convetakceii ofi icy mill btroet in mattbowb block upatijrs o matheson a jb molbod i abiu8txbs boucitobb convkyanckcb georgetown and milton money to loan at lowost rates t r j monabb allarki fourth civilian court county ot h1- on conroynoor aoont flro and llfo amurnco ul biuto agont monoy to loanoto ol0b rorrytaanidlook aoton ont misckllanko us phck butter we sell crocks cheap now is the time to secure your odd dishes for threshing and every day fine groceries always in stock t c moore son south cor mill and math streets pike roberts 147 brunswlok aye toronto are expert makers of v awnlnes v tents v tarpaulln9 3j- fly screens m balcony curtains storm sash etc rtenky grist ottava oabada bolloltor of rtnu lor imantioa prsdum applloitlon for tho cuidiu amor- mrsisdburopoanpuntoinom and for tho ujsitrvllon di trdo iibu bond for pm- pekt thlrtttwo vqaw oxporlonoo binder twine in jpbakois munan leading brands their work speaks their merit examine tho awhinr1 just put up a moorecroft acton orclers promptly filled prices reasonable bookbinder wvnabmst qnolph ontario wyna 0wwullnjat0r aooonn book of all kins mado to order riira3oftoryaoaorrptlonoarofollybound bnlingwoatlanrt prompt dono abbiagi3 licenses n pmoone imnifli 0 miluliiob iiioenbkb prlatoomoa nowltnoaoarilulrod at roildenoo iptlio oranlns m isfiuwl imtnu offloo aoton fabmebs if yod wlah to roduco your intoroat or swiro a nntolaaa loan of monoy at lowlntcroat and on oaoy torma of repayniant lu onmi i mako a ajjacialt of londlno s plnnty of fu alo hnj and close gut prices is now in stock at monffear and fed store call and examine before you bny frank harri8 f manager ttints to rent for allpurposes tbat halfhour in the wprkroom of the deooration sooiety was the turoinf- point of nioette beaavoirs life she ooald bcareely reokon up within bar own mind the rinmber of years that had passed when she sat alono in the little pxl- yate parlor of the deoorajtion booms in the soft dusk ot a maroh evening with the red gleam of the fite filling the room with dreamy softness she hadorown from an impulsive ohlld into a tall beautiful self- poued woman who presided over the ramifications ot the great sooiety with queenly dignity and wellbalanoed judg ment and ninette was happy now in having discovered her true career the rirl entered with lights miss beaavoir glanoed op i hall net need the light grotcheon she aid lam going homo as soon as the carriage come for me there is an old gentleman miss beau voir to seoyon saldthb girl apologeti cally i told him it wae past hours bat he said ho bad walkod a long distance to ynn nil mmed e old and feeble that main street planing mills john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of baan doors frames moulding in allatyla dressing rae ana n i on yuiaiereparty w c jackson ooxvainilialdmoiltlkhdkn ottum wyaoiiambtnwjoitthal1qpblra wisuirinvutnta lflri bstabl 1810 inbukanoe on cash an jatataa i plan any coinmnnloauona forwaixlwl to my addrom uox mb or tolbphone 68 will bo promptly at- matchuto and moulding vplr that i have a largo and eipensiva family of my own and i couldnt tblok of andorlaking any additionaj expenses ninette listened apparently incrodalous ot her own sense bnt what am lib do 7 in asked what do other girl do who are thrown on their own readarcm rather ourtly de manded mr trebleton secretly wishing that the interview was over i dont know stld ninette imply i am only an ignorant southern girl no ont aver told mi i aupnosed of oonrae that i could coroe and jlye with yon i bump 1 aid- mr trebleton they tescb tbey take in miring they go into tores shops faotorle they strive for independeuce- cousin trebleton ij ninette with a quivering lip 11 1 ooald see your wife your daughter they are women like roe they r i am very sotry said hr treblelon stonily but they ar out of town there hobmkoeirmiborrw you io thmwrn1vyiflww mol your i didnt like to refuse hith he has portfolio under his arm where is he gretbhen in the recep- lloh room interrupted miss besuvoirr i will go to him a tall stooping old man with ecanty locks threadbare olothes and gloves mend ed until they resembled a pieoe of mosaic turned a she entered do i peakjie asked to the bead of the establishment miss beaavoir inollned her hoad in her dark silk dress and mantle edged with fur she looked oven older more dignified then her years 1 am very poor he said 1 have met with rey ln hl- m qnlt down work well bot real mail queens enolish im always perfectly impartial said an old man gravely but i do hate potato- bugs and farinerb bodoes manyanother kindly person agricultural oeography first western farmer at railroad station yonre a farmer too eh stcbnd western farmer yes been fsxmln a gqodmany yeara first farmer that so 7 glad to meet you where is your farm located in the ilood distriol the drought section the graishopper region or thgoyojono belt 7 sisterlv admiration husband and wife it is by no means a naw iboory that a man and woman who have been married a great many year grow to resemble eaoh other not only in nuiner and tploe bat actually a to foatnres sind expression a recent number of the illustrif i welt has an article oh thli anbjeot wblob state that the photographic asooiatlon of geneva has quite lately bn investigating the truth of this theory by the aid of the camera u the photograph of ejeventyslaht elderly an english bioyolist was ooming at great speed down one of the steepest street in edinburgh when hi maobine capsized and landedbiia4iithbjpidd1e of the road two carter were passing and they promptly oame to hi asalstaqoe maun boo did ye fa itindly inquired one ot the barters to whioh he reoeived this answer i vi was coming down that declivity with suoh velocity that i lost my gravity and fell on the msoadamlsed road the carter turned from the nnfortunato rider with true iniolar obnterdpt owa jbok ho said to his mate if id kent the orator wl a forriuer he would hae lain in the gutter lang enenoh for mwally citizen a raw scotch lad joined the volunteers and on the first parade day bis sister oame with bis mother to me the regiment on th maroh past jook was out of step look rnltber said hie eibter theyre aboto step but oor joi the old system gone better and easier work done by diamond dyes the dyeing ot cotton rags for the making of carpets mat and rag was for a long time a tedious difficult and unutisfaotory operation owlng to the prude and old fabtue dy tbat h d w obliged to use ot late year all this ba been banged for the advantage and benefit of ovary home bolonoe hat given the world the diamond dyes tbat bavo brought joy and oomfort to millions of hoasewivea the makers of the oelebrated diamond dya prepare special cotton colors such a fait pink fast orange fast purple fast garpet fast navy blue fast crimson fast seal brown fast yellow fait soarlal fast cardinal fast blaok and other oolorsthat are nnfading in color and fast in rain or sun no other dye in the world oan give auoh wonderful result on cotton goods and no other but the dia mond dyes are fully guaranteed the cam tended to john tatmb agam m m hemstbeet lloksd aactiohlib preparefor wltida we would ball yonc attention to tho fact tbat w areprepared to supply yon with lumber of uitable length for your barn doors viz 10 12 18 or h fmt also sash doors frames iomo0ipinas etc for building storm door pat op at low a rate as poulble to order on short nbtloo woll aiaortod stoek on band at prleoa loiui the times john cameron r for tbeoonntles of wellington and helton ordarslefiatthfnaa fsmsa dtnea aoton or it wrasanoeln aetonwllla promptly at undid to fmredtiort to y iboofor farm bales- also mine to loan on the most favorablo aumsapa th loweat rates of intmrest in utnao indiaf th loweas i rand bwarda bepalryonr pomps or put in new ones before it is too oold w om co it shop at foot of rlvr8trot acton thosebbace ylr1fijibiker e butcher daslraa to thank bia numeroua oqitomers for their- liberal- patronage sinoe be eommenoed bnalness last january and bopaa tbat by oarefal and oonrtmas attention to merit a oonuuuanoa of tbelreuatom a eomplete assortment of flratolaaa beef mutton lamb pork freeh and salt horns sausages poultry 1 lard ab in season prloba alwaya aa low aa eoniutent with the bant duality prompt dellvory fa ttook wanted e b collins jeststyieof tb arthttmmmate prlbes and on j ran pint office artou i agents for oneen vlotorlahr iia imamold vasllae riifiprll sfibrlhlyffl typewrlfm and aetna office work a specialty quelph jwrio foj cireiilaral iwm jrrfiioipaj dependent on the exertion of my daugh tera tbey bavo been i ronght up ladlee and oonsequently are comparatively help less but tbey have done a little needle work for wblob they would be glad to obtain a fair price and v mr trebleton nried oot ninette holding out both her hands be flushed deeply tbat lrmy nmj hoeaid bat i we bot aware hayo ytfn forgotten me ebo inter- rnpted little nluetti bsanvolrl dont yoa remember that we araeouaina7 my oironmetanocs ore goods18e addad color ing a little i receive iu exoellent alary here and bay money laid up do yoa think i oan allow my father ooustn to want i bay a oomforlable hornei it ahall be yours and my cooalns also my oarrlago u at the door now let ue go together to your home arid nlhlt in br outbaelaeni over- ruled pttor mr trebuona feeble objeq- tl0nj ximfprtable homo she had palled it bnl ia the rioysrty sttioken lohabiunu of a teuemon t hottao on grand street the little browp slouo dwelling mcmed a palae or very old resrrlied oouplen were taken and an equal nombeof family group the result proved qalte satlafaotory to bolder of this theory inasmaoh m in twentyfive oeio the resemblanoa between husband and wife wis inuoh greater than tbat between brother and sister and in thirty oases mora it was folly a great the failure ot the other twentyfour old couple to realise the expectation of those interested in tie mailer i apposably dun to incompatibility l disposition whioh timewa apparently unable to oombat ln ltaeffeoto he wanted a wheel to fallback on simplex answered an advertlaement ln which somebody oflered to sell him the seoret for njeventlng troneer from getting fringe around the bottom what did they tell lalm to wear knlokerbookere the horrid m sho 1 imagine bh home life ii rather etorroy he be carlilnly ha ohlldrcn anaagh to aooount for a low squuitt f well my son aald tbaedltor to bia eon who wanted a wheel youll find one lu tbe front and of that wheelbarrow arid there is a big pile of coal ashes baok of the house that will have to be moved tbo handle bars are of white ash and are adjustable so yoa can get any style of hump on tbat salt yoar f anoy it is regu- lated largely by the load yoa pot on the bigger th load the more yoa have to hump youraelf be careful and lions mar the enamel pn- the frirn and keep the iball bearing wll oiled so they wont out into tbo oones th tire a abaolntely panotore- leasiw you wont have to take a pump and repair alt with you by th lira yoa hyo removed thai pll ot aahe 1 think yon will bevmado a oentory run also the peraplr- atlon youd vetter oome in to dinner now danville prtnt pure rloh blood feeds tbe nerves thai is why hoods sarsapartlls tha rfreaf blood purifier cures nervousueas two bndred and fifty thousand dollars worth of gold is addad to tho worlds took very week there it nothing to preyont any one oonooottnr a mixture and calling it aaraap- arllla and thr is nothing to prevent any on spenoing good money testing tho staff bul prudent people who wish to be sure ot their remedy take only aycra sarsaporil- la audio get cured j wf fsfii

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