volume xxiir no j a r aqton ontahio thtjksday september 13 189v price three cents t ctoit jtreje prrss is puulibubd evbkythuhbday wohnin0 at tna free press s team printing ofllcc viill 8trbet acton ont tkiius ob souaonittion- ono dollar por year trlctlylu advance ah suliacrlitioiib diaoou tlnuocf whon tlio time for wtiioli tlioy liavo bpon paid has expired tlio date to whlou ovory subscription 1b paid 1b denoted oil tho address label advbiitibino- luiffea transient advertise wonts 10 conts por nonpareil una for flrat ill aortlon s cents per lino or each subsequent flftiop t qpicnuqt iutbb tho following table shows our riles for tlio insertion of advortiaoroonta for specified periods bpaos 1 yn fino ska imo so inahes so 00 s35 00 90 00 7 00 10 inohes 85 00 woo 300 filoohea 2000 12 00 700 960 ooo 8 so 00 100 advertisement without spociflo directions will be inserted till forbid ana charged aboard lagly transient advertisement must be paid n advance advertisements will bo obavngod onoe cacb month if desired for cliinsoo of toner than enee a month tho composition must bo paid for at regulai rates obanses for contract advertisements must be n the office by noon on taoadaye accounts payable monthly h p moore editoranil proprietor baginiga flirtctorp j f uren m d 0 m offloo and residence corner will t frodortck streets acton as elfilott m d m b acton qniduata toronto univbiuixt office main street third door south of presbyterian churcn acton tr dryden eye en tiiqoatand noe mcleans block donglai st near p o guellh office hquhs 10 am to l p m and otoopm s bohdatb 10 am to 1 p ni veterinary surgeon a lfredp husband v b qradnato of the ontario votoriuary colloco boaorary member of tbe veterinary medical bocloty office wm husbands lot 31 coo 4 nobs agaweya calls day or njgbt promptly attended to dental ll bennett lds- dentist ok0hoet0wm ontario dn r 8 mercer dektibt qradujato of toronto university anub cds qajco oi cr drug btoro aotqn visits a data tuudbmy and fiudat jm bell dd6lds ientibt baooktille hokqb giuduate op tononto utflvbubttx work made satisfactory prices moderate vibitino days tuesday and friday of each wtok d u g h cook dentist cor collogo 8t and bpadlna avo tobonto will vie it aoton on tbo flrat and third satur day of eoob month officea gnow a hotel leqal m olean mclean barristers solicitors notaries gonvoyancors sto private fands to loan office town hall aoton wm7a molxah jko a molxan douglas m0r1ay banmsteito bouoiiorji noxadlea etc orvicbs 1296qaoonbt perkdalo viotorla guam bun 61 victoria st tolephoncwt tnii flurry johirdouoia8- a g mwiray a j maokinnon baubibtxb sollclton convbyaliced qvilob mill street in matthews block upstairs t g mathesona jb mcleod ahjufitebs soliclrobk convbyahcebb georgetown and milton money to loan at lowest rates r j monabb clerk fourth division court county of ilal od gonveytooer agont if ire andllf o assurance ileal batato ageut money to loan eto oarics larryninaulock aoton ont miscellanso us enbx gw8t ottawa cajuda qollotor of patents lot xnwntlon oto h prepares applications for the canadian amer- loan and huropoan patent otflom and for tbe ttegiatretlon of trade marks bend for pam phiot thirty two yean eiperlsnoo pibanclb nonjln bookb1ndee wyndbam st oaolpb ontario over wilhaiai store account books of all kind mswde to order periodloala pf every deacrlpuom carefully bound aaunvneacwatiri promptly done tvtaiir1age licen8eb hp m00bk jpbttkb ov mabuxwe xilofnbss private offloa nowltnusea reqnlrod itbuod alreildenee in tbo evening froc proas offloo aoton paitubils if yon wiah to reduce your interest or eeeuro a nritelftm loin of money it i6w interest and on easy tern of repayment call on me 1 make a apculty of londing money and have plenty of fanda 1 also lend on village property r w c jackson cohvxyancvii and uot uxvdxn ovricu wyndbam btnearcuyheul qukliii school supplies i a rcntf should see that their children go to days bookstore school books we have opened a liro vnd omplelo line of public- and hiph school tet bodkb our scribfaeib and exerc66 bsoks arc thelaresi ond best in the pity it days bookstore days low prices win every time -thb- traoers-bank-flf- day sells cheap 5pwroseto hiltons famous fruit a vinegar r madebyanewscienufig process and without doubt the most wholesome vinegar that can be purchased used both for pickling and foti l table use is made from pare fruit juices and does not contain a trace of sulphuric acid yields a fine flavor to pickles price 10c a gallon alex stewart di tiding ind manufacturing 1 chemist i cuelph 1 tbfjirsaanjir1rifi jbbijti isrr iiaaiiftiitii rrstai cu6lph gentramixhibittbri waters bros will hold a special exhibit in their store s george s sq all cars stop opposite their doors pictures artists supplies fancy goods wall papers at prices that will surprise you waters bros st obohoe s sqttare que lph we keep things by keeping things that move a stupid follow who ruages the quality of boots and shoes by the price has no busi ncss to be married yet one of this class directed his wife to buy footwear for herseli and the children from another firm because they charged more for ihem and they must therefore be better his better half bought several pilr from us and several from the other house and showed her hus band they were identical being even manu facturedhy the same people this proved conclusivojy3i5w foolish a man can be when he reallytries the iidy of tho house gen erally knows where she can get the most and the best for her money and it you were to ask the ladies of actpn the question where can i get the best value in boots and shoes the answer in nine cases out of ten would be at w williams our prices arc hard to belt try us for any thing you want in our line authorized capita 1000 000 cuelph branch sums of 81 and upwards received on deposit and highabt current rata or mtoreet paid or compounded half yearly deposit receipts issued for lar samo deposited advanoos made to responsible fufmors on their own natnesr no oharce made lor collcptin salca ncjtog if payable in guelph a ooneral banking buainesa transacted a r u jonrs manager tyoztvij tub hoy op tub uovsb the advance in wheat will put monein your pocket how about that lamp you thought you couldnt afford during the hard times we are ready for you now with a beautiful stock of stand hanging hall and library lamps niceiesigns better values and more beautiful goods than in former jears no matter the kind of lamps or how high or how low the price we feel quite sure we can please you j m bond co guelph- a satisfied customer is our best idvcrubc ment wo have nnny satis fied customers in acton who wilt be pleased to tetl you about tho kind of clothing we mike ask them you 11 know them by their collics if you hie never had the pi ensure of wearing stylish well fitting clothes let us make iour fill sujt wc can peasc you shaw turner merchant tailors guelph otjelpu cloth hall new lall gboods ineryi mantles dress goods mens and boys readymade clothing special value in these lines a full assortment of fresh groceries always on hand try our teas the best in the market ho wus a boy of tbo houso you know a jolly and rollicking lad ho was novor urod andnovorslok aud notbiur could niako him sad if ho ltartod to play at suurlgo not a root would bo tako at noon so day was ao long from beginning to ond llul bs botltimo oamo too loon did boma ono uro that ho mako loss noiso ho would say wjth a sauoy grin why ono boy atotio doosu t mako muob t stir i iu aorry i ian t a twin 1 tbeuo a two of twins o it must bo fun to go double at everything to it oil or by twos and to run by twos to wblstlo by twoa and to singl his laugh was something to mako you glad bo brimful was it of joy aooiibcloncahohad norbapa in bis breast but it novor troubledthe boy you mot him out in tho gardon path ith tbo torrlor at bis bools oa know by tbo shout he bailed you wltb how happy a youngster fools tlio umldon auntie was half distraught at bis tricks as tbo days wont by tho most mischievous child in tbo world i bbe said with a ehrug and a slgli ilia father ownod that bor words wore truo and hla mother doplarod each day was rmttlugwtluklob into bor faco and vaa turning bar brown hair gray od it a littlo girl who wao making art floial flowers by the light of a kerosene lamp sprang to her feet at the sound of thnir atfiph hia grown up alatonefcrrodto hlra as a troublo a trial a grief tho way bo ignored all rules she said was eomo thing beyond belief but it uovor troublod the boy of tbo houso ho rovolod in clatter and din and had only ouo regret in tho world that ho hadnt been born a twin theros nobody making a noiso today tboro 3 nobody stamping tbo floor til ore a au awful bileuco upstairs and down thoro s orapo on tho wldo ball doer tlio terriers whining out in tho sun whoros my eomrado be seams to say turn your plaiquvo oyoa away littlo dog tboro s no frollo forou today tlio freckle faood girl from tbo houso next dodr is sobbing her young heart out tjbutcry httletglrl you ii soon forgot to mfes the laugh and tbo about tlio grown up sister is kissing his face and calling him darling and sweet tho maiden aunt la holding tbe shoes tbat ho woro on bis restless foot iiow strangely quiet the littlo form with tbo bands on tbo bosom crossed not a fold not a flower out of plaoo not a short curl rumpled and tooeod i so solemn aud a till tho big bonso sooms nojaugbter no racket no din no startling shriek no volco piping ont im sorry i ian t a twin 1 thoro a a man and a woman pale with grief aa tho wearisome momonta ore op 01 tholonollnesa touches ovorythlng tho boy of tbo houso la aaleop toronto globe select sfamilg bribing nty a milliners jirl 11v am iundol1h how it rattied that bleak winter night 1 how meroiloasly the torrents oamo down raboundiug in a beets of spray from the pavements and swelling tho gutters iuto miniature rivers tbrourb the whitening miet tbo shop windows aired dimly and- the jellow stars of tho street lamps shono liko beaoon lights far out at sea there were not many pedeetriaos on broadway thut niht save thoso compelled by grim necetbity to fane tbo storm and gay morstta binding down the western bide had the right of way all to himself theres no hurry no hurry in the world said mr moreaa calmly to him w williams mill street acton acton saw mills and woodf yards wellington mutual fire insurance company bltabusm 1810 insurance on casb and mutual plan any eoinmnnloatlons forwarded to my addroas box 6s8 or telephone 68 will be promptly at- john taylxm agont oaolpb box two vi tended to w m hembtbeet iiiomiexd aiotiomba vat tbo ooanlm of wrtllngton n4 nlton ftrfrtlil ukfni mu ino anton or 5 00 job farm bftxks a money to joan on ifa moilyatdratut aatastand as the lowest rati of interest lo sumsof5eoand pwardi job printmft best style of tbe art at jaodertu prloes and on abort dohce apply dvrtsil w f u p tfothul fan firb office actoo hahuacrrunbn akd dkalbb vt lumber xtaih shlttftea wood j5fo airttfnds hkwood in stock and promptly dellvortd to any part of tbo town at reason b hardwood and slabs ont stove length always en band telephone communication w barbjsr bros papbir makers georgetown ont kianoultio terms cash or produce jagm acton ontario a j ha la r a am my ooot is qt for nothing bat the outside pegs oi a second hand otothlog store oonse quently hallo here whata the matter he etoppod short at tbe boaud of a illght aoream cloaejo him a shabbily dressed young girl carrying a load of oilplolh shield ed handboxoa had slipped on a pleoe of banana rind almost at bis feet guy moreaa made uo pretensions to the rank of a ohevalier bayard bat he had a kindly human heau within his bosom and stepped instantly forward to help the young girl up not hurt are you ho asked kindly the iiirl looked at him with big eyes fall of pain and terror my bandboxes faltered stio glancing eagerly around theyre not wet are they no hut yon are iiook at your shawl poor thing 1 ob thats no matter said she it was very awkward of me to slip so and wbats the matter now moreaa asked oh nelly are ou hart what is tho matter cried ehe what makes you look bo white ita my littlo sinter baid tho girl turn iug to her conductor wo live hero to gether oh air i am very much obliged to yon i but when guy moreau wus gouo old mrs smaorabbin who had come up stairs to rutf nelly kaoxf ankle with camphor shook her head gloomily at tho reoital jof the evenings adventure wabut ho kind and a perfooc strati ger too said nelly radiantly poor dear i said mice macrabbiq what do yoa know about tbo ways of a city its no wayd hkeiy that youll ever aee hide nor hair of them bonnets again what db you meau cried nelly in dignantly moan why that ne a confidence amo to be ture and your fine genteel young man has made off with the french bonnets nonsense 1 cried nelly with a face liko that and buoh a voice and euoh a manner i well uaid mrs maerabbio well seel and bhe rubbbil away harder than over of me now that ffhod a treat lady and has a whole house of bor own with velvet oar pets on the floor and two maid servants to wait on her and little i at a boarding school too and going to be brought np 4ikoajady aud it all oiono from nellya slipping on a bit of banana peel that rainy night id go out and blip down od one myself if i thou kb t it would do any good i told nolly he was a real gentleman tbe first time 1 ever pot cyeaontym and mre maorabjln firmly believed she was bpeaking tho truth thr new york girls way young man said mra fetheriok eourly what do you mean by leaving a white tulle hat here with a water lily and three sinful plumes on it do i look like a person who wears water lilies aod mara bon and guy who was walking whistlings away after leaving his labt bandbox btopp od short at the old ladys shrill voioo hallo 1 said he ive left tbe felh e ha at bh jam hat at petberfokfl i must go back i should think en said mrs pe tbe rick in my daye errand men attended to their business nine oolqok at night and my new black velvet hat with the eatln bows not come home 1 im very sorry muum ssid ouy mueh difference it makes whether you are borry or not eaid mrs potheriok leveling her blue speotaoles wrathfnlly at mr moreau you most bo a very pre aummg oung man to have any opinions at all on the subject i beg tbat 30a will set thia awkwarl blunder right at onoe and i shall mobt assuredly report it to madame danoyer and mr moreau had no alternative but to trudge back again through tbo blinding rain to mies honora si james brown btone residence the milliner s man again 1 said miss st james sharply well i should think i to leave me a dowdy old black velvet thing instead of my whito crape opera hat i and to come back at this time of night i i shall certainly let madame dunoyer know what i think of ill here you boy 1 is this the way yon my goodnoai me 1 ita mr moreaa 1 guy buret oat laughing he could not help it at the comical suddenness with which honpra a frown melted into smiles i beg your pardon miss stjarneb saidlie bnt i am really very deserving of blame heres your bandbox and ive left old mrs petherioke here by mistake is it a joke said tho bewildered fair one or a wager or what neither one nor tho other eaid guy sober aerioup earnest and now if youll let me have the other bonnet ill get back before mra pethoncks rogo waxes any hotter ho lifted his dripping beaver and van ished with the band box nndor hte arm smiling to himself at the insight ho had obtained into miss st james character a new firm or tailors cooper akins have purchased the merchant tailoring business of l h schhmme next door to mtsjadamsnndw illcont 1 nua-tln-busincs- yith energy just opened a nico assortment of black vorsteds tweeds overcoatings c call and examine our lino assortment a perfect fit ruitraqlccd cooper akins 1 high made wkeklv news tho paper used in flili joornul la from the above mllli wmujaihmib bbob guelph i bualnwcbuege a 98fcirtli9id institute bookkeeping penmanship shorthand typowrltlng and actual office work a specialty write for circulars js ouojpli tn macllhio aoton and ttepair shops tlbnrt oiundbli proprietor abb woll wiulppod with 11 tlio msohlnorv neommry toexmuta 11 ropaln to uwililn ory and agrloultnnl itfiplomonu and to do all klaaaolsuamnttlnghora shoeing and gsnoraj b mlsmtthiiib woodwork repairs nsrrormod in a atlsraotorr manner w oan repair sna maeblne r implement ol any mike imminlng and flllug dona ussy u treason iany pspt t awdoafborbtcblcbo p s h ste s in the a to mova forward again i m afraid my ankle is sprained 1 she wailed oh dear what shall i do sprained is it confound those people who eat bananas and fling tbe rind on tho pavement i inwardly mattered gay iiet mo call a hack he added aloud ob no sir 1 shrinking baok i couldnt afford a hack im only a mil liner apprentice and aft these hats mast be delivered before nine oclock to night gay looked reflectively down at tbe band boxes then at the pale pretty face with its dork spanish eyes and lashos sprinkled with rain aftri tr said he but i must 1 said the girl positively 1 can t yoa take them baok to the shop ita olojed for the night and madamo would nevor fprgivo me for not delivering the hats i i think i oonld walk very slowly but as she made tho effort her oheeks blanched onoe more with pain andt a low cryjnvoluntsrily escaped from her lips no said she i cant walk oh what shin i do gay knit his brows and considered a moment how far from here do you live he aeked 1 on bleeeker street only a little v j but the hats i t dont fret aboat the hats said moreaa ill attend lo the ihats howmany of them are there tioketed and labeled all right here lean on my arm and ill take tjbo bandboxes in my left hand now then i inos too fast 1 clny moreaa hod qeyer been id a work ing womnnu room before and as he stood en the threshold heooald but marvel at kha espeol of utter qwitotlop that pervad a regular httlo virago 1 he told hlra beir a regular little virago 1 ho told hi 03 self a face like oxalic acid and a voice that would do for a fisberwomanl truly we are not what we seem a ho went baok the next evening to nelly knox to tell bor that he had duly perform ed her behests nelly isut here eaid the pale little girl who was wiring tho flowers on stems as diligently as if she had never left off 1 shes gone to madamoe she goes at seven every morning and don t come baok till nine at ntght ob 1 said guy and howe her foot very lame said tbo ohtld moistening a fresh wire at her lips and twisting it aroudd until oar heros eyes grow giddy with following her motion but ehe leaned on a oane and why here b nelly now and crying too i oh said gny what e the matter im discharged baid the girl with a sob in her throat mrs pother 10k has i kvkntb as recoitded tt iifit sunday thut tirebtomtr diok rabblelgh wag hero last night t thought he never would go i was awfully bored tuesday diok raableigh waa here last night i wonder why he peraistfl in perae- eating ma with hla at tuitions hee dreadfully stupid and aa poor as a ohoroh mouse mamma bay a thursday dick rashloigh called and though i didot want to see him tbe least bit i went down ho attempted to make love to mo and i sat od lilro hard as if i would look at hire why mamma says im euro to mako a brilliant match and it diok thinks pshaw howbtupid bo ia sunday dick tried to kiss me last night and i threatened to tell mamma if he ever attemted to do euoli a thing again i neverwas eo indignant ju rnyiife i could have boxed bis ears i never aaw the like of his impudence i just hate him and i wish i would qever see him sgtn tuesday dick proposed to me labt night and i rejected him with scorn 1 told him that dear mamma woald never never consent to our marriage and that anyway i detested him and woald not marry him if bo were tho last man on earth he eaid i was or col and was break ing hib heart and i eaid i didnt care that it waa a billy preeumtfon on his part to think for one mmnto that i could care for him when mamma objectod to him i told him never to dare to epenk to me of love again ii wi1a7 v3 really ii al pehinu its all right mammad up btairs reading my diary as usual and now wo oan enjoy ourselves you dear old boy i id be odutent to bit her j on your lap forever with your arm around ma and my head on your shoulder oh diok howl love oul aud lane that diary echo mo a great one 7 keep a clean mouth a distinguished author aaya i rcsolv od when i was a child never to ueo a word which i oould not prouounce before my mother he kept liia resolution and be came a puro minded noble honored gentleman hia rule and example are worthy of imitation bos readily learn a class of low vulgar words and expressions which are never heard in respectable circles of course we oanoot tbinkrof girl 9 as boiug so much ex posed to this ponl we oannot imagine a decent girl using word a ehe would not otter before her father and mother such vulgarity is thought by some boys to be smart tho nerxt thing to swear ing and yet not so wicked but it ia a habit whioh leads to profanity and fills the mind with evil tboagbta it vulgarizes and degrades tbo soul and prepares the way for many of tbo gross and fearful eins which now corrupt society young readers keop yoar mouths free from all impurity and your tongue from evil bat in order to do this ask jesus to pleanae your heart andlieep it clean for out of tbe abundance of the heart the mouth epeaketh the squirrel who loved music the drunkards end ono beautiful afternoon in august tboro came to me the heart broken wife of a his pardon and restoration to boms and tho world it was a very sad oaae he waa tbe only surviving sou of a very nobo man one who had lived only to serve the poor tbo tempted and the criminal all be bad all he was he gavo unreservedly to help thieyes and drunkards hie houbfl was their home hla name tboir ball to save them from priaou ii is reward their refor matlon it was a happy hour o near him tell of the hundreds he jiad shielded from the contamination an 6 evil example of prisons and of che large proportion ho had good reason to beliae permanently saed out of bupdrods be once told me only two leftlifm to pay tboir bail forfeited by neg leot to show themselves at court acoordiug to agreement only two t bred under auoh a roof the don started da life with a generous heart noble dreams and high purposes ten jeara of prosper ity fairly earned by energy industry and character ended in a bankruptcy as la otten the oaae in onr risky and changing trade thon came a struggle for basineas for bread temptation despair intcmper anoe he oould not safely pass the open doors that tempted him to tudulgence for getfalness and crime how hard his wife wrought and struggled to aivo htm from indulgencerandthenrto ahieldhim from expoauro how long wife sister and friends labored to avert conviction and state prison 1 i would bpare him gladly wrote tho prosecuting attorney if he would stop drinking ho eball never go to prison if he will he a sober man but all this wretch edness and crime came from ram manfully did the yoang man struggle to reaibt the appetite again and again did he promise and keep hu promise perhaps month then fall he oould not walk the streets and earn hla bread soberly while so many open doors opened by men who bought to ooin gold out of thair neighbors vices lured him to indulgence so right fully tbe state pressed on and he went to prison an honored name disgraced a loving home broken np a wide olrnle of kindred sorely pained a worthy well meaning man wrecked sorrow and crime all come from rum aaid the keen aigbted lawyer as i parted from tho bad wife on my dooretep i looked beyond and oloae by the laughing eea stood a bandaome cottage the grounds were laid out expensively and with great taste over ibe broad piazza hung lazily an eastern ha mm 00b while all around were richly painted chairs and lounges of every easy and tempting form overhead were quaint vases of bearttlfnl flowers and the delicloae lawn waa border ed with them on the lawn itself gaily dressed women langhod merrily oer oro quot and little children played near a apan of bdpenor horses pawed the earth impatiently at the gate while gay falata tiona passed between the croquet players and the fashionable equipages that rolled by it waa a comfortable home aa well aa luxurious one nature taste and woalth had dono their best it was a scene of beauty comfort t luat aud wealth all came from runsiujbaaud diamonds flowers and equipage stately roof and costly attendance alt oamo from rum the owner was one who in a great aity coined his gold out of tho vices of bis fellowmen to me it was a dissolving yiew i lost bight of the gay women the frolicsome children tbo impatient horses and the ooean rolling op to the awn i saw in stead the pale convict in his cell twenty feet by nine the sad wife going from judge to attorney from court to governore council begging mercy for her over tempted husband i heard above tbe i have just read about a sportsman who onb day ia the woods sat very still and began to whistle an air to a red equlrrel on a tree in a twinkling saja he the little fellow sat np leaned ito hdad to ono bide and listened a raonaopt after ho had scrambled down tbo trunk and when with in a few yards ho bat np and listened again pretty sood ho jumped upon tho pilo of rails on which i na oamo within four feet of me sat up made an umbrella of his buahy tail looked btraightatme hia little oyoa beaming with pleasure then i changed the tune aud chat 1 away be skipped but before long he oamn baok to his seat on tbe rails and aa i watched him it aotually seemed aa it he were try iug to puoker np hid mouth to whistle i changed the tune again bat this time he looked so fanny as ho scampered off that i burst oat laugbiug and he came baok no more i had much mora enjoyment oat of this squirrel than il i had thot him been mere and mrs fetherlok ia an old oat i inter ropted gny hotly and ita all my fault 1 dont ory youre not able to work how as nelly eank white and ex h anted on a chair yes i know said nelly but what are we to do tan oan earn only a dollar and a halt a week and if i am without work 1 oan get jou work eaid guy all yoa want 1 loads of it i and vanishing he presently returned with a roll of orty yards of wamsutta whioh he flung exultantly on the floor but what am i to do with it baid bewildered nelly what why make it into lonr dozen sblrte to be euro 1 said mr moreau bnt that la all nonsenae bald nelly with a quivering up i am poor bat i oant take charity uanot oharitj auperiated mr mo reaa i need now shirtf atd i hlra you to make em i winre the charity but four dozo 1 if i wanted fuurlefen dozen ive a right to order em i fnppoae besides ive some notion of lit ting out a ship load of mlailonarles for tho sn bonloia islands if you want luitons or 1 todies and thread get em and ehar em in tho bill yes but well what now lifting hla eyebrows what slae am i to mtko them guy looked a little puzeod at this make am four different absoj and thon some of them will be auro to aoit said ho triumphantly weddieg cakeb ald mrs maorab bin pat op in a vmeredsllk box and lied wltb white satin ribbon i stdok fall of plurus and oltron and mellidgofspioia i vell its ury good of nelly kuox to think proved in court it ia a little strange perhaps and yet not so very btrange vrhea ono oomea to think of it that the troth of a thing la not always tho better eitabliahed because it baa stood the teak of a legal examfna ttou a colored man of rather doubtful appear anco applied to a coal dealer for a position as driver says tbe washington post on being asked for retorences he mentioned ope of the dealers old bands who waa called in and questioned aa tb the appll cants honesty tbo referoe rubbed bit oh in meditatively for a moment and baid honebt well boas dia yore mans ity hah been provedbofotla court he a been tried aeben times for steallo and osoaped ebery time and tho man expressed surprise that this strong lostimony did not secure him employment i jubt for to da y children noise tho o roquet laugh aod tbe surf waves that lawyer a stern reason for exacting the full penalty of the law all this cornea from turn woe unto him that giveth hla neighbor drink woe onto him that butldeth hie house by unrighteousness and bis chamber by wrong for the stone shall cry oat of the wall and the beam out of the timber bhall answer it wendall pmiurs better than song a worklngraan fond of his pint of boor on saturday night got very muddled some times knowing that hla wifo on snob oooaaiona searohed his pockets he when not to too far gone need to seorete his money in various places and it often hap pened that the next morning he oould not remember the biding place he had a eanary which used lb fiang in front of the window ono sunday morning he waa sitting looking at the bird when a neighbor looked in and inqaired if he would sell it as tbe bird was not mnoh use for singing he hlmul l wildlilirottll lord lor to morrow and ub iicu i11 i do nqt iray lapofroittbtaiuof ttlu juat for taday lot 1110 botb diligently work and duly pray lot uio bo kind in word aud duod just lor to day lot mo bo blow to do my will v prompt to obey iioli me to eaorlllco liiyaolf jubt for to daj lot uio no wrong or idlo word uuthinkiug say sot tbou 0 seal upon my ll a juat for today f 80 forto morrow and its naojr i 30 not pray nut keep- guklo uio bold mo lord justfor today i unfortunate interruption willie was asleep and dan was loney willie is tbe ministers eon dab was his dog it was sunday morning aud every one was at ohuroh but these two friendt it was warm and sunny and they could hear tbe good preaching for their house was next door to the church dan eaid willio it is bettor hero than in ohurcb7foe you cau bear every word and dont get prickles down your baok as you do when you havo to tut up straight tn somo wayrwhilowllliewa9 itetonlngj he fell asleep dau kissed him ou the nose but whou willio went to sleep he went to sleep to atay and did not mind trifles so dan sat down with tbo funniobt look of oareron his wise black faoe and with one ear ready for outside noises now the minister had for hu eubjeot daniel this was the namo he always gave dan when he was teaching him to sit up and beg and other trickp whio the dog sat thinking tho namo daniel fell on hiaraaayor dan at onco ran into the oharoh through the vestry door ho etood on hla hind leg with his fore paws droop log aloae beside the minibter who did nob eea him bat the congregation did whon the minister shouted daniel again tho sharp barks said yes sir as plainly as dan conld answer the minister started back looked around and saw tbe fanny little picture then ho wondered what he should do next but just then through the vestry came willie his face was rosy from sleep and he looked a little frightened he walked straight toward hia father and took dan in his arms and said please souse dan papa i went asleep aod he tunned away then ho walked out with dan looking back on tbo smiling congregation tho preacher ended his sormon on daniel as best he oould but thon ho made a rojolvo if he ever preached again on the prophet daniel he would remember to tlo up hie dog our little ones at her expense not eo very long ago a man took a fcirl and her chaperon to the theater ctrcum stance it so happened compelled him to dreea hurriedly and he urns fonnd himself at the box office minus any monoy in his pockets exoept just enough for ono eeat thie was highly embarrassing of course but thero was no help for it eo tho man went to tho girl and told her his predica ment v oh thats all right eaid the girl i have plenty of monoy with mo so i 11 just pay for tho other two seats and bbe handed her parse to the man who over and over again thanked his blare tbat ho was with bach a practical sensiblo sort of a person now the play that night was humorots dietinatly so i did not deal in horse play bat it rdied upon delicate littlo subtleties nf rlialngnp tmd aitnatinn tr wppply lb with rapturous the following poem wis sent to a yoang man in toronto by a hamilton girl who ia fall of fun he read tho beginning in rap ture and only toward tho lat did he dil coter the proximity of the imminent deadly breach praia me closer all my own worms my heart for thee alone every nerve reipoosivo thrills each caress my being fills rest and peace in vain i crave in eataoy 1 live thy auvo dowerd with hope ailtb promise bleat thon dost reign op on noy breast closer atill for i km thine barna my heart for thon art mine tfhqa the roemige ithewtre i thefprnaoehou the flre i tho servant thon the raiater i uouriug redhot uoitard plaster i reached the eago down f fl nelghbur tu look at whereupon his wife got very angry and hang ap the cage again i will not have that bird sold on any aooonnt bhe exclaimed i dont oare naught about it being a poor singer for its laid many a sixpence and a shilling and now its began to lay half crowns i thon itsj owner realized where some of hia hidden treasures had gone successful playing fun which subtleties were not of course perceivable oxoept to those bleabed with a very knen sonae of hnmor this however was just what tho girl with the man was besides her practical good sense she htftf plenty of humor and she therefore found much enjoyment in parts of tho perfor manco that ihe man conld eeo no fun in at all perhaps it was tbat he was still smarting too much from the awkward predicament at tho box oflioo to see fun in anything perhaps a guilty conscience made him suspect that not all tho girls merriruont waa directed at tho stage thero aro tfmes you know when yoa want to laugh so bally that almost anything will do to laagh at bnt at all events ho waa ill at ease at last tho girl broke forth into perfeot peals at abme thing tfoat none of the rest of the andienoe bmtledat it waa the last straw turning to the girl the man remarked im afraid yonro laughing at my oxpenbo oh no in deed baid tho girl im laughiug at mine mow to amu the hrtry toar year old nell waa visiting her aunt and her big oouain d ceased for the morning walk stopped for a few minutes to enter tain the little visitor her ehorta aeomed in vain nowevfotun til picking ap a mandolin abe played a simple melody nell listened in seeming entranoement aod when the last npte had been alrnok the little one pleaded for a repllltion bo tho big ooubio not a little complimented did ao 1 play it again begged nell when tbe pleoe was onoe more tin ished and play itv again she coaxed when the melody hadjwen worn qultotbreadbare from oonatant repetition the little ono shook her bead nq she said hut and ahe laughed gleefully i lovo to watoh yoa play yoar plumes do bob up and down so funny autobiographical ono way la to tie a long btring to tho ball or toy the baby playswitb and while nurse or mother sits sawing or working fasten tho string end to the arm of her ohair if when tumbling about tho floor the baby loaos its plaything a pull of tho string brings it to light or keeps tho tall rolling and the child steadily amuaod another way ia to smear both babys little hands or merely two of tho fingers of each hand with molasses or honey then give him a feather to play with picking the feather oft one hand and then off tho other will amuso puzzle and interest him longer than will a walking doll or a truly train nfcara the universal answer the self mad man was speaking he said my father- was a raiser of hogs tkerewa enjargof amlly si us iand then his roloe was drowned by tho applause tbe proper way to bulla heulth is to make the blood rich and pare by taking hoods saraparllla the one true blood purifier what dyee aro always gnaranteod and in onr country take the lead the diamond dyos i what dyes aro strong bright and fust and always dye to live and last the diamond dyob i what dyes bring prottt pleasure poaco and by their work a great inorcabq the diamond dyos i what dyea ehould overy woman try hark i listori to the mighty ory the diamond dyes i nevor shrink from doing anything your business oalla you to do the man who ie above his business may onp day and his baslness above bim one advantage of taking ayera barsapa rllla to purify the bood ia that you need not infringe qpon your hours of labor nor deny yourself sny food that agrees with you in a word yoa are not oompoucd to starve or lost while taking it these aro reoomtneudatlons worth considering