Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 23, 1897, p. 2

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alutaiur1 iii aotonou monday sothboptombor to mr a ml mrs jamca abraham n ban wihtewkiid ijitiik 111 tho iriwbytorlau church ouorcco town on wcdnobflay 15th kept by ittiv h vorriii ii a j wbltuualri now yurli tamiss mitry llttlo daughter of david lutlokuiludglur iui cuahk at liurhomo in autou on tiiosday niortiiuk 8opt illat tfolllo aoooiid daughter ot juiuoa clark- wt jktittii xtt 3rm thurbday september 23 1897 notes and comments bratlht roots a ay 8 toronto morohanta report ibe urgent distribution of genera merchant iee withiu a week for ten years anil free deliveries pf rraia good prices far which oontirmo to blirhuv6 interior buying considerable activity mark a the merohandibo movement at montreal also and at halifax there is a fairly goad trade in general hnea word comes from ottawa that a report has been received at the department of 1 asrioqltaro on the condition in vrhioh bhlument of early apples inr bolil atorage qbamber arrived at glasgow the shipper was mr fowlpr of brighton andmontreal auaftuo cablefam ceoeived states that the cpld storage was a complete success and that the apples returned the shipper handsome profit the faot that six murder trials are set down for trial in ontario this fall is dis tressing the list includes the old man convey at woodstock for murdering hired boy mrs sternaman for killing be hubbanci jametvalufion for the murder of mrs orr w h hammond for wife mnrder thompson the alleged minden murderer anctthat of the allowed axcom- pltoo of troy in the napanoa m ardor a our to as suggestion has been made with the object of emphasizing the union of the britiah jbrnpire andis meeting with con siderable favor the idea is thai in place ot such diatlnotivo names as canada aus tralia etc etc the designation of british empire should be applied to all the countries under british rale under this plan great britain proper would be known as british empirecentral canada would be known as british erllhre -north- west etc etc the brltinh trade returns as showing the condition of anglo canadian trade under tho dominions new tariff regulations are still much dieoussed in england further enquiries bhow that although the lower oubtoms rates have iiot yet bad time to materially affect the large body of eng lish trade with canada many enquiries are coining from houses which hitherto were unrepresented in canadian buaipesi- the outlook for increased trade is most hopeful there was never a more auspicious time to push canadian trade at last an official end has been put to the grecoturkish war which really ter minated some 15 weeks ago by the sultan ou sunday afternoon attaobing his signa ture to tho terms of peace it took the ambassadors of the powers more than twice as long to arrange ibem as the aotuil boatttities iabted at present the result of the straggle is a military victory for the sultan over greece and undoubted ly the saltan hopes and intends to gain a reward for bis latest not of complaisance in the shape of concessions in the matter ofcrote akothermllestone trio roopenlngh services at tho methodist churoh markedly successful sermons by rev dr dewart in all its hutory covering moro than halt a century the methodibt clmrah hore has never had moro fluoceaaful and inter esting bervicos tluu were oxpiriencod at the ro opening uet sunday tho weather was pleasant ami the attendauco equalled that ot any provioua bpcul aocasiou it was evident at tho commonoemopt ot the services of tho day that tho members of tho congregation mot to participate in the sunshine of prosperity bright prospects among manufac turers and the business com munity generally a memblt of the globe stuff has been viiliny the mauufuoturing cenlror of wcbtirn ontario tho pabt week and iu his report aaya a visit to these contrea must go fur to couvinco tho moat casual observer thut u period of good times ii now being entered upon on tho htroots there is a livolinoss of roovemontund it hopofulness in conversation which have hcon hitherto noticeable ouly by their absenoe enquiry at retail btorea revealu tho fact that tho merohdntb are expecting a livoly fall and the reopehiug services iu the very best ot bpirlts there wai first tudo to god that the extensive improvements had been con summated bo buooessf ally and without accident to any workman there was genuine satisfaction expressed io word and manifested is iookt the exooiloqt oharaoter and extent of tho various improvements undertaken thjeio was a determination within on the pwt of the worahippers gonertlly that nbtnithataudiuu the con siderable bqbaoriptiopb paid toward tho cost ot the improvements a few weeks ago a liberal tt an k offering would bo contribatod now- the results of the days offering proved qtt the spirit of malaohis exhortation bripg ye all tbotilhoa into the storehouse and prove rashow here with saith thexjordl ot nests it 1 will not p pen you the windows of heaven and pour yon out a blessing that there bball not be room enough to receive it was acted upon the hoar for the morning service saw an unusually large congregation the dta- ooarsea ot rev dr dew art tho preaoher of the day were able expositions of the passages selected they were praotioal encouraging and helpful and were listened lo- throughout with an interest at once jptepse and devolloiaal thqxnbrnjhgbqrjl ho suffered greatly from kidney trouble and indigent onhe doo- tored for a long time without aettlng- any relief prom tlio standard cornwall the march of tho worlds progress is forced protraoted and continuous the com petition for supremacy is keen tho man of business must keep rank if ho would aeouro any covetahlo measure of buccobs the watchfulness vigilanoe aud thought involved in modem superintendenoy pro- wwefans- bt n thn p tho london eng globe iu au editorial on the fatilily of arbitration with a power which disregards alike the legal prescrip tions and ordinary courtesies of civilized nations says lord salisbury has treated the united stages with a kindness they do not- deserve always wearing the silk glove until america has forgotten the exist o the iron hand beneath it the idea of oar being afraid of a forth rate power like the united states could only have occurred to sufferers from a severe attack of swelled head america has lost ail flense of proportion and has forgotten ane piaja onlya minor role in haflairt of the world in- referring to evidences of returning prosperity to canada the globes report on saturday pays this compliment no summary of the conditions however can indicate the temper of the manufacturers ho woll as does the unanimity of their expressions in the course of the brief oon- vorsalibns i have had with than at the different places where it is only at long intervals that one is foand whose view djffers from the general hopeful tone he may bo taken as the exception that proves tho rulo it is worth mentioning in regard to quite a number of interviews i have had that tho impression i derived from- the men themselves was not nearly so favor able to the good times theory as were state ments made by the same gentlemen to their personal friends who repeated them to me political oonslderationp i have been jed to believe are partly responsible for this minimizing of the truth stalwart conservative prophets like mr storey of aofon and borne df the berlin and gait happily and gave tho nows of good times with businesslike sincerity and courtesy a parmers awful death drawn head foremost into a threshing machine and fatal ly manfffed owkn sodko sept 20 raturday morn log a fatal threehinfi accident happened at the farm of mr william dee in the townihlp of sarawak whereby mr albert like lost his life the unfortunate man- wafl i jeedihg peas to the machine- when his hand was caught and he was hauled headforemost into the thresher rtsuarm w to off ne the uuou the top o his bend crushed in and he wan otherwise budly torn and omened death was ail nioit in start tan eoua luko leaves a wife and six young children in poor olroum- atanoes he was known as an honest and faithful workman and keen syfcpathy is felt at the occurrence mon was based upon aots 0 c v and he trembling and astonibhod said lord what will thou have mo to do the discourse wsa an impressive and intensely pointed exhortation to christians individually to recognize that god a will is the supreme law and to ask thomselvea what would god have me to do the character experience and accomplishments ot st fan frona the hour ot hu ei clamation in tho words of thetext through all bis sofferinga and trials sus tained by his indomitable courage aud implicit faith io god up to the time ot his wellknown declaration at the close of his life i have foaglit a good fight i have finished my courioao were vividly por- trayed and applied there is work for all of us to do he declared and no matter how lofty or how lowly we may be it wo are endeavoring io docrods will and work oar names will shina before him at the evening lerviee the church was crowded to its utmost capacity a bare- fdrebtimate of tfaenumber present places it at upwards of a tbouband- the congre gation commenced to arrive at bix oclock and by the time foe opening the service the ushers were obliged to announce that they oould not find a place for another chair a coapla of hundred desirous of being present were consequently turned away the congregation was swelled with that of koox church and reprea- entatives from all the churchoa in town and the vicinity- dr dewart spoke from deul 82 47 for it is not a yain thing for you bocahae it is your life ia the evening theae dying words of israels greateat leader spoken upon an occasion ot wonderful interest were powerfnlly amplified the ruling thought of- the discourse was if yoc love me keep my oomraandmenta and the closing words were let it bo the purposo of your soul to oooseorate your all now to him no man in the methodist church has ex erted a wider influence for good daring the last quarter ot a century than dr dewart as editor of the christian guardian he bad muoh to dovlth educating the rank and file anflong churchs raombord in its doctrines aud theology and iu all of these as well as in the fundamental prin ciples of chrlatiaxi life be has over been traeand loyal and uncompromising in bis advocacy the dr is remarkably well versed in tho charchs hymnoloay and throaghout bis discourses appropriate stanzas are frequent ly used wi th impressive effect at the conclusion of his discourse in tho morning the dr recited with much i op pressiveness the following stanzas of the late dr panaboria beautiful hymn sweat ia tbestabllant after rain and sweet tbssloap wbiob follows pain and bwut stctu ibe sabbath rest upon the worlds workwearlod broast of heaven tuo ilan ol earth the calm ttaopoormav birthright an bia balm gods witness of colostlal tulogi a sun with fauling in iu wings are found to be wording up to their fullest capacity and in many cases working over time iu order to keep up with tho demands made upon them in the past week i iioao attlled at moat of the mauufitoturing outublishmenta acton guclph berliu gait preaton and hoapfilor and in till thorn placss heard but a single complaint about business being poor ibis case being cue in which tariff obangea are supposed to have worked b oonaidorablo iojary among the manufso turprs tholoutlookis rogarded as exceeding ly hopeful and they are in many bases in creasing their working btaff adding new buildings or working overtime in the hope of catohiiig up with orders on hand referring particularly o aotqn the globe conlinuos in the leather business great strides aro being made at aoton where the beard more company have investment in plant and buildings to a very large amount there are extensive now buildings going up this will soon mako room for more men in addition to their already large btaff their splendid warehouse near the gtr station is thojreoeptaole for sole leather from the compaqyla tanneries in northern ontario hero top the leathers are gvnded fo sh ment largo quantities gotngto the english market somp idea of the improvement in the volume of trade iu leather may be bad from the statement that 195 tods about 7 carloads were shipped from aoton in august 1817 in excess of theoutpat for the same month last year io harness leather too the production is tykely to rapidly inarottse from a harness dealer in acton i learned that already the sale of harness has begun to revive the farmers nolongdr pleading the familiar hard times as anauswer to their own and tho dealers desire that they should purchase they either want harness or they dont and if they do they bay it here or ol so where a few minutes lator i found mr a o beardmdro thoroughly informed of the signs of the times and baying that they ex pec ted to at once begin making a great deal mdre thaansual wh storey a son glove manufactur ers are working overtime a month earlier than ever before have stopped soliuiting orders cannot keep abreast of the demand mr storey says he thinks the period of depression has about reached its natural limit and that be wouldnt wonder if we were to bavo boveral years of good times arnold bros glove make rs libt year was their best binoo ooramenoiug eight years ago but this year bo far has been still better prices are holding up well and are expected to continue to do so at least until january 1 when british goods will enter into keener com petition are adapting themselves to meet the new conditions by installing improved machinery and pre paring for a larger output have remodelled and refurnished their tannery and will build a larger workshop immediately forty hands employed steadily mr arnold expects a big trade intheuear luture and bays buying is on a much better oasis than formerly there being very few losses unstained i francis tans glove leathers mr francis has all ho can do the tanned akinb aroused chiefly at storeys factory where thoy have to compete with similar skins imported from germany his finished article is the glovemakors raw material an interesting phase of tariff adjustment unveiling of monument kidney t cured a well known hotelkeeper relates his experience jf at tur- mental powers of modern business mon and exposes them i j the attacks of certain diseases considering that much depchdu on health in this struggle it behooves those who would be victorious to guard against tho first approach of disease neglect of early adjustment pf digestive sad kidney disorders iaofjtun fraught with dire reaalts added to this is the unpardonable trifling withhealth by experimenting with all manner of worthlees decoctions it is simply iovaluabloto make the acquaintance of a safe and offeotiyo remedy suoh as williams pink pills james mnopherflon hotel keeper in the village of lancaster glengarry county has dpue business lot s number of years ii lanuaster having suaceafefully catered for the patronage of the travelling pubjio therefore is favorably known not only at home but also abroad in oonvorsetion with a newsnaper reporter he enumerated some of- his ailments and how he was cured auout two years ago he said my whole digestive apparatus seemed to become disordered some days i could move arorind then again i would jiepbliged to go to bed i tried several things but with indifferent success occa sionally j felt relieved but in a day or two the old symptoms would return with more derelwlngeffebt thistiihdolth i ng went on until i beoame troubled with my kidbeyewbloh was a very annoying addi tion to my sufferings i was restless with a sensation of slokness at the stomach with intermittent pain in the small ot my back i was miserable enough when i consulted the doctor who probably did rae bomegood beoause i felt relieved the doctors medi cine was taken and bis directions obeyed but i did not improve i had heard of the fame of dr williams pink pills my wife believed in them and urged me to try them i am glad i did so for after taking one box i felt better and i continued taking the pills until i was completely cured this summer i bad an attack of the same com plaints and i foand dr williams pink pilla aa effective as before i bad this ad vantage my knowledge and belief in the pills saved me from costly and tedloui ex perimenting such as i bad undnrgono pre viously i may- further add that both myself and mrs maopheraon have derived mnoh benefit from the use of dr williams fink pills and i can cordially reoommend them to thoae who are suffering similarly dr williams pink pills ouro by going to she root of the disease they renew and buira up the blood and strengthen the nerves thus driving disease from the ays tem avoid imitations by insisting that every box you purchase is enoloaed iu a wrapper bearing the full trade mark dr williams fink pills for palo people this falls fairs central canada ottawa sept 1735 montroal sept 1028 centre wellington fergus 83 21 horticultural clifford 8opt23 24 esqueslng georgetown sept 231 pool hrampton sept 2s20 veai wclhngtobjferrlbton boptso i pit king ton andgjpjjk elora soptao oct 1 kramobftbooksod oct 6 7 erin erin villa go oct 1415 how to cure corns eaby yes if you go about it io the right way get tho best always put nams painless corn extraotor never fails to oare acta in twentyfour hours and causes neither pain hbr discomfort put nam v corn extractor cures corns it is the best to the memory of sov joseph woodmen ntuoh interest and attraction on sunday last owing to the unveiling of the monu ment to tho memory of soy joseph wesley campbull by acton campno c2 woodmen of tho world at the hour appointed for the ceremony there must havo been bix or eight hundred citizens present the interest of the mul titude centered in the beautiful ritualistic ceremony of the order which was one of fittingsolemnity the woodmen to the number of forty assembled at their hall at four oclock and marched in order to the cemetery where tho offioers of the camp under the djreotion of sovereign hawthorne performed the ceremonv of unveiling the beautifal wordssfthe ritual worenotonly impressive bat touching the scene was one ot un usual solemnity a quartotte consisting of miases nioklin and patterson messrs jeans and jennorgayo several selections of appropriate music af tor which the rev mr maopberson of knox churoh gave a th rhnir n j ii7 twjgbjulmedand instrpotlve address tooohing newriiicnin this floipeltlmo- and in its aevodioid light subllmo illeatdayof godl wo ball its dawn to gratitude and worship drawn o nougbtof oloom and naught of prldo should wlta thoviaorod boura abldo at work for god in loved emnloj we lose the duty in tho joy tho dr ifl hiniiolf a recognized poet the methodist hymn book contains three hymns of bis composition and a volume of canadian poems compiled by him some years ago contains a nam bar of his com positions the part taken by the choir daring the services of the day was highly orodi tabic t- three qibl8 b terrible fatal disaster to a kent county family ciutiuu bept 17 a lorrlblu trigedy look plob port alma oft ths bora of lauo erie early ihia mornlnk aboat 3 oolooklroaenxiowrd a wehlodo farmer notoke lultooalldb aud fonod tbe hoae a man nl flame ha caoaped willi bi lf and ibrao aona lhrouih tho wlodtw hie ibreo duhblers boyover ke raapeptlnly 10 10 and 8 yaare all lohbelrlltfi ooe of tho ilrli got ool of ibe building bat raibod back p atienipi to nve her lteri flret lime tbdir preaedoe laoing tbe con gregation ia a great eatlaf action and tbe ohange baa effected a deoided improve ment in theelngliiii tbo morning anthem wae sabbath mornlog by j 8 fearii and the offertory tsleotloo prof qabriele new bymn let thsqnblnein in the evening tbe anthem arise o kior by a bierly waa reodercd and during ooortory tbe quartette by ok gabriel xht won derful story ike fiiatrumental poit- ladea by the organlit morning and evening were rendered witfa an aooaraoy and effeot favorably oommerited opon bypiusioian preeent piliosophy oftdaklnginany pilla there is no end every pillmaker says try my pill na if lie were offering you bontonsl the wise man finds a good pill add sticks to it also the wise man who has once tried them nevpr forsakes ayers cathartic pills clothing store 33 lower windham st mr ziezlezs old stand thjs solo is iraporative becauso our leaao expires on the 1st october and there is a delay about the coniclotion of our new building wliich malces it necessary to reduce the stock to the lowest pos siblb pofnt before that dato wq have only 9 days in which to do this sothat we commoncoat once a ieastgubsble of xercoats and no reserve wiatover we do not quoto priceswould take tho entire paper to publish a prico list showing the original jtnd reduced pficusbut yoiill get anything you want atwholeaale price and many things less dont tofgotthat after octobor let all our business will be under buo roof at 77 upper wjnd- ham street our new stobe x- r we havo a special mantle nnd flannel sale this week at our new storf and it is a moneysaying opportunity whidh you ought not to neglect v the ziegrerh co guelph the enlarging our premises is almost complete and there is a lot of seasonable goods yet to be- slaughtered we have just opened out all the latest novelties in dress goods and dress trimmings imported direct from the leading markets of the world a complete assortment of ladies smallware for fall and winter inclusive of gloves hosiery under wear etc fine highglass tailoring we do and have done one of the largest and best clothing trades west of toronto and why we are not experimenters but thoroughly uptodate men in this business you get the nest fit best style best workmanship and a larg aggortp of fine imported suitings overcoatings trouserings etc to choose fromj liy ptadhg your order with us you are sure of satisfaction every time fur department we are making a specialty of all kinds of fine furs for ladies and gentlemen our gents furnishings you will find complete in all the latest styles of neckwear collars cuffs gloves hosiery underwear etc blankets union all qualities and staple department you will find a full range of fine allwool blankets flannel sheetings and a full and complete stock of yarns in colors at close prices hats hats the latest styles in english and american hard and soft felt hats our readytotwear clothing you will firirtcomplete in mensvonths and boys suits overcoats odd pants overalls etc at the lowest prices we would like you to inspect bur stock before purchasing elsewhere we buy cheap and sell cheap and you will money by buying your new fal 1 outfit from us a cordial invitation extended to all save isv 7vci x7mzg roeblock whin st produce taken in exchange every bay barkain day here guelph advocate saya of prtngles jewelery store school reopening boy are wlip alo fiwfjpiljttaflblitai itternpvtp eahifraaiwntint atfemjjy ukhteri le arloaly vv an event of mnoh interest io dffiftsctioii with tho evening urvioe u thvbaptlem by dr dawart of the infant ion and heir of- the pastor in dmlng tbo bbo tho dr wn honored harold dewart mo- idtdfihlan being ttat sotjuomen eeieoted rflvi h a maopberion wrn bryere t ii fprboe and iitv t a holiauablin lobk part in the eervioea of lha iy the finanolal retolte of tba reopening were moat latiefiotory thin oongrexa tion baa evidently liarned that dlreot giv- log ie not only the nriplural plan but the moat latiiaolory the improvementa ooat upward ollm0 at the looeption of tba work a aobeorlption of between 11000 and 11100 waa given and daring be paat few weeki the first instalment over 600 wsa paid tho board ol trrjeteea tbopghi if under the oironm- atanoatr10b pinto oolltotlon wa raised iltbi ravpaiiln iirvioea it wonli be a jjrw porilson the part of the oongre gmtlojii4xnli opdn the tincortatniia bfluti ub ljiilntetl out by tho oobaaionand adnionlahed thoae present totako warning by the ovont whioh had broaght tbem togother the bev gentlernw palrys feeling trlbnta to tbo deceaeedlrwjatafn mended tho prompt action of tbowobdmen of aoton in ereotingao soon arhonument to hia raomdry as well ao the praotioal sympathy exhibited by them to his widow and f ntharleaa obildran tho mondment bears the cmbiema of the order and tbe words s knecteu to the mruorv of fiov joskllr wehlkv gauikii iiy acton cauf no 02 wooiwm oy tub wonrn 8pv hamilton of quolph who was preeent eupptted tho monument to the order itie anoat and attractive dealgn of tbo saroophagaa style oarvedfromltuaaian pearl new designs in exercise books note books scribbline books slpli rlnnlf lead pencils slates and all school supplies and sta tionery at browns drug store ftvri v mill street acton binder tiii current literature br iii wj tkkn ib th wuoooo r i tba septomber number of the delineator li oallod tho aatomo announcement nam- ber iti foreomt of the autumn faihionf uh colorputo hlastratlont i muthorau- twe wltnthia cumber of the migazlne la began a department of exaeplional tutor- ost and value a pao devoted to poial obaervanoei in vthloti mrs alary cad walder jonob brin the weight of unquealloncd authority to the diaouiaion of food form other erlafeaturea accompany tho regal vr departments of tbe number leading braiids and close cut prices is now in stock at mm fleiur and there is one of the finest jewelry houses in guelph at no 41 lower wyndham street where the premises comprise two floors the upper flat being used forbvrc work the salesroom on the lower floor is one of the finest and best equipped of any carrying the largest stock in the city of everything in the jewelry line clocks and watches in all the leading makes fine jewelry of all kinds diamonds sterling silver and plated wares in hollow and flat goods also a large line of novelties for personal use la solid gold silver and plated goods nnd the only line of hand painted cnina novelties in the city imported direct from new york other goods comprise opera glasses fancy canes apd umbrellas c one specialty is the optical department carrying a complete line of lenses suited to all ages also afine testing case with special instruments for correcting the vision and taking prescriptions nnd eyes are tested and fitted free of charge this branch is under the personal supervision of mr pringle who is a practical optician of nearly twenty years experience and a graduate of the new york opticallnsthute his optical business is the largest in the city aa excellent business is also done in fino watch and jewelry repairing keeping four hands busy and is prepared to regulate and repair the most complicated watch to bo foil rid glvingpecialattetition tooldeugliall walphes plain engra1ng is also executed o order his jewelery trade extends to all the neighboring towns of elora fergus acton preston hespeler and other places with an extensive patronage in city and country the business was commenced by mr pringle twenty eight years ago and ho has had about thirtyfive years experience in the jewelry line in addition to the above he is engaged as issuer of marriage licenses this is also the only house in the city making a specialty of manufacturing rubber stamps which are made to order promptly in any design suitable for either business or private cards c in this line he tins an excellent trade throughout the city while fall diess qoodts during the past week we have received shipments of our fall dress goods consisting of silk and wool mixtures in broches and grantic cloths black crepons also a full line of priestjeys black dress goods new cottons cottonadesr oxford shirtings sheetings pillow cottons tickings etc- x fine stock of groceries ileto xiicctiscnunja a house cuelph frank murphy lessee and manager friday evening sejit 24th for 8ne dight 8nlv mr palmer coxs prices 25c 50c higher kseats now on sale at drug store guclph 75cv and f 100 no opera house house for sale rihe house and lot on yooff a lato rcildeuoo of mrs m 1 ibt actoa theva morton ui ba 7 m uold atabargafu for partioulara appl7 to- v whdnny wanted v i can pay ten dollart weekly to vladsf matum age rennenjeut ana tact to spend her time in goo4 oauae t h tlnbcott toronto ool wanted old eaubllthed wboleaalo flouae wants one or two honest and indoitriona repreaenta- tlvea can pay a hastier about su a weok to atartwtth advkbti8br medloal bolldldg toronto agents the beat popular xife of her uajesty i haira eret aeen writealjozd tjorne aboat qaeen victoria salea atipreoedentad buy to make floe dollara dally big oommlulon oritnt free to capva era tl bt a co li ml tod toronto one 1vsnted solioitob8 for canada an encyclopedia- of tbe country lp five boyal quarto vol- m nmu koellvetinji commlaalonpald weekr ly a canvasser report bis flratweek making over aeventy dollara profit the lin8cott company toronto odt y0ue spare tnte men women to oonduet bualneas at home work ia simple writing and copying hat of addreaiea received from local uverttauig to be forwarded to ua dall no eanvaasfngdo prevloui experience required but plain wntart preferred permanent work to tboae content fo 9 oatd s6oriiioroweekly lnsparetimerapptrto wabren pubto fcondqnpnt mptotllent the eut half of lot tnnrty and the north- weal bait of tba east half of lottwantytr nine coneeaalon one townatiln of baqnaaing containing one hundred and fifty aerea this it tbe farm lately owned by henry tqwniead for farmer paruonlan apply to e o orabaitf barrister brampton or to bjmenabbaotbn wantedagents both mbn and women if yon are wuitnit to vdrk we oaii gtre ypa em nloymontwltn goodpr all or part time ana at nome or traveling tne work ia light antteaay writ alt onoe or trmaeto to thfc hwes nimallrt coicpamt agents sell 1kb a whirlwind bgperlenaed eanvaiaeni reaping tborioheitharveet of thelv uveal bennnara dolog wooden nearly every klondike gold fields r 1kb whirlwind j- veanlng tbe riobel new bennnbra dolog wooden nearly every booty anbgorlbea one yoong fenow on a farm at 1303 amonth la making7tu3 a lady type writer at aax week u olearlng- uc0 a meebanto wbo bad earned 6193 a day la olearing s5c3kdar we want more agents canvasalng outfit t5 eonta wortneic3 the bbadlbygaitbbtson co lfmlud toronto ont man wanted fob ovory unoocupied district in canada to sell our nign grade canadian grown wuaery stook every tree anobnih guaran teed ireo from ban jose male ubeial ternjs to pert tjme men and good wagea to thoae giving their entire mm t tt work tbo demand for good home growa and acc mated nursery stock ia on the lncrtwue apply how aud aecore good ground all our took guaranteed trqe to name or pur onaae prioa refanded u p vulokvom aj 06 toronto canada wanteiagents in every district on the continent to take orden for highgrade canadlangrown nan ery stock and beads largest and most complete aiaovtment in tbe trade fast- aelling speetal- tlea auperu sample fqrnltbed fee eorrea pondence in any laagnage these positions are money maker and territory should be i at odcef or the aeaaon b a good thing oar will lhtereac nyon year get in oommnnlcatton wtti offloe lhtenav anyone fot emrnlog icjooo par j in oar aaaresi i territory hould be aeonred ion by all haters joowugfor alary or oommlulon olten aeuot earning 1cx0 par mnlcatlon wttn oar aaareai an oiiportonlty to represent a tre11stablibed faonte ability more important than experience luke brothers company internationa nqnerle chicago 111 montreal que boobester n y wanted trail to sou tor tho tonthtti jftusarfe ovor700 aerea of cuuuuin orom stop- w import ho stock trom the sutea v ipbhbbs jarmera bona implement agpou 8aientateaebenntlraaiflnuteneder- jetleolerka who with to make adraneemaiit ik iiirnefe mill st acton m the work of belllno oar bmrtlt home powkuiaeiy stook pleaaant u wsl aa we want mate anehjnen thlaseaaon aa the aamaoa foronr gooavl ineraaalna owlna to the we make eontraota for whole brpait umeman imploimen the rear rooncj we pay both wrtta qa for oar tem oatflt me stonb wxjixkotohi toronto ontario prompt attention is olven to malt orders which aro often received irom other town nis far north as chesley west as far as bar lln with agbotl trade south and east thla branch was added about ten years ago and be is how doing the principal rubber stamp business in wellington county call nnd examine beforp ydo bny frank harris the ffimuti herald and wettlf star ol onttaalaeeinslo rrqw h talne eenr year rl jbaariow ii19 torvloes qt the beal ions aoooert toqbrtitftwmw years aobviriphoo 5 jw 5u v vawi if the campaign v piparlfbr win ds wo would oallybnr attention to tbo faot that we are prepared to aopply yoa with lamber of snltable length for your bare doora via 10 1l8or hfoejalso basb doors v frambjb ato for bonding 1 stormdoors put tip lip fc co jewellers guelph notice tabt held pnnal hla honor ttia jadoa coanty of baltoaatt town hatl acton on the 27th pity of spumttr lbi iiifssl harna determine the several ootupluots of- errors and omlaalona in sriefe mol of aeton ail penona narloa uusfnott at tba court at required to- attend at tbe said time and place dated tho ath day of bepumbar 1807 ttm00b8 clerk of tbe aald afaqlelpallty rohkal chkap cheap mm iln nawj m aarma 0 choles steel wire netlloga ppnltvy yards lawn fencings jfdmach lower this year than vratha bet aak your hardware wntfoythem 1 i do you fkk butter we sell crocks cheap now is the time to secure a your odd dishes for threshing and every day fjne groceries stock m vv

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