v 4tatuulmmliitmlf e- his question fifty years ago who could linngluc tlmt this nhould be the plncc where in elphtceu ninetythree that white worldwoudcr of arch niid dome should shallow the nations pblychroma here at the inlr wan the prize conferred on aycra pill by the world preferred chlcauoliue they a record show slucc tlicy started go years z ayers cathartic pilte have from thd time of thbjlr jlh 1t preparation bed a continuous success with the publio and- why that means that ayerc fihfl- tm rorgot it accomplish what is promised foivthem they cure whero others fail it was fitting therefore that the worldwido popularity of these pills should he recognized by the worlds fair medal of 1893 a fact whioh emphasizes the record 50 years of cures ffib ttoit x rm thuksday september 30 x897 ffilje oimg jolhs give me the children glv omutholittlochlldrod lheuidiurfroohol said tho httla houu all tlilratlug aud hungering to bp fid lilko uio uovora that bavo wakouod whoa eprlugtlcuo kibbod the bod aud thoy shall blopm and bloflfloin in the gardan olqur clod i will teach thoiu of thofatharandhlahoautiob ono by one and lovo eball bo tlio shower abdiovo shall bo thosun aud faith and eoqtlo patfonco tbo frosbonlng dow sbnll bo atila sytnnliony of boruity shall 1iobb3u1 hero formo glvo niothe little ahlldrou and tlio national will make tho wprlduhall bo all buauty and hwootnosa for hlaeako weary world of mou sudor tho littlo cbildron to como to him again keeping the old green cemetery an old graveyard had beon neglected as the town rrew up bboditdntil finally per mission wsb riven ft flbokroaster to tarn bia fibcep into it if ho would pall tho mulleio out tho thistles oto tho sheep did not eat tho fence was dot only bheep proof bat dog tight tho dors could look wietfully through the pioketa bat could not enter at first there waa a cry of sacrilege bat now after a few yeara trial all are pleased it seoma elngalarty appropriate to see tbo gentle lambs bo freqaently mentioned in tho lords book caring for the old churchyard without any labor or expense the cemetery is as dean from any coarse growth as a well- kept lawn those sharp noaes of the sheep pick like shears all around each stone whilo- their droppings are bo evenly and finely distributed as hardly to bs noticed so that each year the yard ia grow ing bettor nor ia this all the ignorant city dogs are learning what sheep are the writer daring thisrtime baanot bad in sheep killod though i thoy are kept only a tnite away this fiook runs in their pas ture every day alono whoroaa before they had boon attended bya man and gan eaoh oju aooxponaj f i need b litilo claronco with a ribing inflection fn doyon iciqw mr qallifnra tryini -to- runl no i dont dont what pn7 dont know tho anawer to whutover question you aro about to uhii why you jonhknow what i yati goidg to ask do you pa no of cotirse idt then how do you know you dont know what it is- i dont kbow wlmt it ia that i dont but all tho eumo i know i dont know it but pa it you dout know what jt is that you dont know how do yon know you know you dont know if you dont know it leema to the tlmt you dont know whatever you know or dont know and 1 know 1 dont know hiraply be0auso i know i dont know tbo answers to any of the outlandish qaoniooa that your peauliar inquibitivencbd la forever promptinc you to ask bar pa ob well ask your question and bo done what ii it that you want to why i i dont know yotl ve made hard to reclaim a drunkem woman it ia not flattering to women to be told that when one of their sex gives way to drink she is much harder to reclaim than a man this bttemont wasimade tho other day by miaa gorham of the chnroh ot england temperance sooiety at the womana guild conference in edinburgh she said that after 14 years experience in the caubeof temperanoe bho had found that it needed threo christians to bring a man baok u aobrioty jind at least six to bring a wotnm back bhe declares that drunkoddeas is muob on tho juoroaee in london a publio bouse iu the old kent road was watched one day last august and from 7 in the morning till 12 at night 2412 women 1160 ohildren and 059 babies entered it st louis urpahlic delicious boston brown bkead in her cooking loaeon in the ladies home journal mrs b t rorer writes of breads and breadmaking and gives this her favoriteformula for nuking boston brown bread mix two on pa of yankee rye meal one pup of granalatod yellow indian meal and one cup of whole wheat flour add a teaapoooful ot salt and bift diaeolvo level teaapoooful of soda in about two table- apoonfpla of warm water add it to one and a half pints of thick sour milk or batter- milk then add to thin one cup of molaeb- es when thorotihly blended pour it over l f 1 ingredients andmix -thorotogbly- pour into a greased twoquart brown bread mold pot on tho lid tightly and steam oontiauouely for five- houre lift the lid allowing tho bread to cool and at erviug time bake for thirty minutes how to succeed any town on fonco with some sort of steel prwiroor netting that will be not only effective bat qaeful try it and if it doeaat prove a blessing inform juliaa w xalo rapid stenoqraphy anout the prevailing discussion as to the hi ghost bpeedever attalued by expert short hand writers thero is a btory going the rounds of tho fot of a georgia court stenographer who by long odds broke the worlds record in that line of work it was when the etninenj juriet the late jadgolliohard clark was presiding in the atlanta- curcult of the spperior court one of tlio most remarkable raarder trials was in progroaa tho evidence was con victing and the judgo was called upon to oharge the jury on some decidedly new apd intoreatiog legal points now the judge was a rapid talkor in this instance it was important that every word he spoke should bo correctly recorded an3 so be cautioned the stenographer then judge clark began as he warm- ed up to his oharge ho was speaking at the rate ot 250 words a minute onoe he the fact that sucooaa is mainly due to hard work bae been expressed in many different ways bot one of jt he best was that reoontly employed by a very successful drummer or commercial traveller he was talking with a companion a rather laz y fellow when the latter exclaimed i declare jaok i cant understand why yoa always suoocoil in soiling so many more goods tbaa i do illtell you why it is replied- jaok but he added its a trade toorot and yoa mustnt give it away of ooarsel wouldnt do such a thiug 1 was the answer well tten bftid jsok impressively i saooeed beoaase vhen im after business i wear oat the soles of my shoes more than the seat of ray troaaora gaming of all puiiodi gaming is tho most dangerous and inexcusable a gamester endeavors to e prion himself with tho spoils of those le oalje bio friends bat how m armies are id arms against him i a joy that endures- cures made by paihes celery compound are permanent recent testimony of a lady cured years ago somu yoara ugp mrs d oconntfr guclpb out auflerod from lite tortures indigoetiou nouralgia heart trouble noibo in the hood nlueplcsbneas despondency and weaknoob her case was an exceptionally borious one ub her troubles had been drag- iiin her down for over tweutyiive years at the time her casu quite buoled tho skill of the beat dootors t getting wearied with medioal treatment that gave no promising rosuitb she was fortuiately directed to that life eaver pttinofl celory compound aud liko thda- sands before lior bhe found a uew life mre oconnor was rqceutly asked the question what is ypurpreaont opinion of faines celery coiripqnnd she answer edav follows xq in reply toyour communioalionrfgtttdv ng pttlqas celery coriipound would bay that i cheerfully reoommend it to any one bfluctdd as i was it did for mo all that waa required my advico to everyone i come in contact with id always keep a bottle of puines celory compound in the boabe suveral peorile have used it on my recommendation and have been benefitted you can use theae lines in any way yoa desire much in little is especially true ot floods pills for ho meal- elhe ever contained so great curative power 16 so iroilf opaofj they ore iawholomedicln ehest always- rja4y v sjroys efficient always sat- urfactory prevent a cold or fever euro auvftver 1dj lick headache jaundlco constipation eto soo tho only fllui to take with hoods sajsaparill tbe only safe foundation apon which to butjd for eternity is faith in god ayera sarsaparilla is not a secret prep aration any jrtfbwiafi may have the formula on application frhe secret of its success as a medloine lies iitb extraordin ary powcrtoqjcanbo tho blood of impur ities apd cure the mobt deepbeated cases of blood- disease tho hardest thing the devil ever tried to do was tosturvo p good man to death a pparentlva hopeless case a- klnoardlno banker who suffered distressingly frorn indlareatlon apparently a hopeless case of stomach trouble until south american nervine was used his words are it cured me absolutely ifitou wave weak back came back backache lumbago or rheumatism doans kidney pills will cuhf vou do your hands os fbbt swell ipso vou iiavb v 3ak kidnbv3 doans pills will strenqthen tlieh havb you prc3w kidney or uri nary troubles tf anv kinp ipso doans pills wili curb you something v0rth knowing headaches dizsiness priohtpul drban5 d15tukued sleep drowsi ness poroetpulnbss colo chills nervousness etc are often caused by disordered k1dnevs bvfin ipvour flbfiogls defective you should always rbfleriber that doans pills curb all kidnev trou- burs and every d03b hhlp3 thb alxdrua stobe5 rheumatism can be cured nearly thirteon-years- sgot was taken very severely with rbeunaatiam aud al- thoughi have been treated for it by several doctors here and oibs where besides usiog any amount of patent mediates and vaunt ed rheumatio oures i never found only temporary relief until six months ago when dr halsteds rheumatio cure ured me bo thit i have not felt anytbiug of it since rort l bikoiuu actom march 16th j807 the yankee national air is getting ohanged around to yankee boodlo that haolciur coorii can bo quickly oared by hagyards peotoral balsam price 25c money is tbo wheols a candidate rnnb a summer specillc dr fowlers extraot of wild strawberry curebchoiora cholera morlm- tliprohoea dysentery crampi colic aummer com plaint oaiiber of the mouth and nil bowel complaints of ebildreu or adults it is a soothing effectual and nover failing medi- oloe whioh gives immediate relief and speedily effects a cure the baoredness of of tbo ballot box is guten kind of d waybacked it s only necessary to read tho tebtfmon- iala to bo convinced that hollo way a corn cure is unequalled for the removal ofcorns watts eto it is a cornpleto extinguisher the people that hollers tlio loudoat about hevin doceutpololioks is the ones ttr th l t ma ho that good blood and sound muscles scotts emulsion is a blood- making and streorthproduoedg food it removes that feeling of utter holplosbnoja which tabee pobsesajon of ons when buffering from general debility what this wonderful remedy for all forms of stomach trouble can do is beat told in tho words of john doyer banker kineardinejont about a year ugo as a result of heavy work no doubt i became very much troubled with indigestion associated with it were those terribly dis tressing feelings that can hardly bo de- sorlbed in any language iliad tried var- ions methods of ridding myself of the trouble but without success until i was in fluenced to use south american nervine the result and i gladly eay it for the benefit of others this remedy cured me and i never hesitate to recommend it to any person affected with any form of etomaah trouble behold that motbor 1 her tears reproach tirniwithlh8 ru1nbfhei ooy aon1thttr father pronoonoea bis name with horror and contempt to his children 1 pursued by hatred overwhelmed by calumny he feels himself condemned by reason and humanity and after wandering long in the mazes of vice ho finds nothing before his eyes h ruin and remorse glanced toward the stenographer that worthy official seemed to be half sleeping over bis wojk and apparently writing very ulbwly njjr are ypu petting my words down correctly asked tho judge 1 at this the stenographer seemed to wake up with littlo con corn he re plied that ft nfi judgo are away i am about fifteen words ahead of you now 1 the true life shall i save myself or save others 7 is the problem that confronts the true soul to say myself is maoh the easier it is possible to live on easy going self satisfied olfooroplsoont life but this is not worthy to be compared with the life of him who bad oompasiiou on tbo sbepherdless multi tudes who strewed his pathway through life with deeds of loving kindness wtio dropped tears of lovo over the sorrowing and the lost only by a life of service can we bless the world and mako it pare and happier by oar live rov dl b obeiiey a man that will sell his vote aint fitted o raise a boy speaks from exqcrlencc mr j tomlinson amberstburg ont peaks from experience when ho says i am well satisfied with doaue kidnoy pius they are undoubtedly the best pill on the market fo any one afflicted with kidney or urinary trodblos such as pain in the baokttired feolfrig oramps numbneis otot they cared me and removed all pains aud achea for infants and chudien tlwfw shalk a railway uarner swsr la reply to your question do my child- dreaobjeat to taking sootv- emalajon i say no 1 on the contrary thoyarofondp it and it keeps them pictures of health some polotioishans dont oare what rode they tako to get something thoy want burdock pills bmall safo and sore regulate the liver and onro constipation cmi work all the time my daagbtor wqb suffering witkfittarrh of the utomuoh and triod many different presoriptjont without benefit finally she boun taking hoods saraaparilla uiid it helped iter at onbo bho has tulten fifteen bottlea aijd ia now able to work all tbo tima wo prize hoods suroaparilla very highly anna merrill eaton quo iloodrf pills act harmoniously with xlooda sarqaporilla cure all liver ills 25 cents a man that wont vote and kin voto ought to be made to vote undoubtedly tno he st gorjtlemen 1 wish to eay that dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry baa proved a wonderful remedy ii my family we would not bo without for tuiou its price i bay it is the boat not merely oue ofthe beat but the beet medicine ever brought before the publio for cummer complaint or diarrhoea either in children or adults john underbill j license coaqmiss loner strathclair man it e a mighty dirty baby that dale wont hiss norway pino syrup cures coaghs norway pine syrup cures brqnohitis norway pine syrup heals the lungs candi- tbar aint no bottor stump speech than a fat hog and a full corncrib wrong heat action wrcmg action of the heart aauebs ner vousness nervous dybpbpeia shortoesb of breath and other distressing symptoms mr samuel yelland of london ont was cured of these troubles by taking milbarns hoaetand nerve pills mr yelland bays they are a remtrrkable medicine and i havenot been troubled in the least since taking them flattery is no object to stateemerj biliousness dijnstlpatlon sck headache liver troubles as a laxative one pill acts perfectly and if- a stronger action is desired a cathartic effect is produced by two pills in obstinate cases wiicre a purgative is necessary three pills will be found sufficient these pills leave no unpleasant after effect one pill taken each night- during thirty days will cure constipation pricc arfc on o ro aioo a woman with a family of children aint got much time to bo thinkin about her rightb in june 1895 i was attaclied with in flammatory rheumatism with which i suffered under continued medical treat ment five months the- last five weeks i waa not ablo to got out of bed i then sent for dr hautod his treatment gave me immediate relief and in a few days i was at my work and i have had no rheum atism since hiram sornnunaen mclntyre deo 2gth 1805 dr halsteds rheumatio ooro may be bad at themedi cal hall- mainstreefr acton fall during the past week we have received shipments of our fall dres goods consisting of silk and wool mixtures in broches and grantic cloths black grepons also a full line of priestleys black dress goods new cottons cottonades oxford shirtings sheetings pillow cottons tickings etc a fine stock of groceries wmt gburne rco mill st acton dlae right house cor of king and huglison sts carpotandbousetutbislivagdept our new carpets have irmed and are now on sale they compribe ill that is most desirable ronvthe world s best makers including the product of the famous john crossley son limited brussels and cook- sons liversidge makers of wool lor which we are sole agents new brussels new tipestnes new wiltons new axminsters new ingrains new floor cloths nairn s scotch manu facture new ruga and art squares dress goods 44inch covert suitings 35 45 55c a yard 44inch all wool vigreau twills at 50c latest shades 44inch fancy french dress goods in red greens browns blue tnd purple mixtures at 50c yard 44inch tweeds special it 35ind80c per yard farley mohair effects in black 44 inch 40 56 65 and 75c per yird coating serge suitings all wool 44 inch 35 50 and 75c new double warp cashmere 46 inches wide 5065 73cand 1 peryard mlwnery felt walking hats lor early 1 all wear felt shapes ol all the newest styles trim mings of all kinds in ribbons jets tlowers feathers and velvets tirst class milliners to trim hats in very newest style and on short notice shirtings rliimelattes sheetings new shirtings canadian best dye fast colors assorted patterns prices 5 7 8 xo and i2c our ngc is the best grade in canadian shirting made new cottonades prices 12 13 17 20 22 and 23c cottons grey and white it mill prices rlinnelettes in all grades patterns and qualities 33 inch 5678 10 12 ind 15c per yard txtra heavy shirting lines 8j to izjc per yard printed flonneettes very new patterns soft shades fast coors for waists wnppeis etc pneo 10 iaj 13 17 ind 20c per yard riannelctte sheeting paln and twill two yards wide 27 and 33c per yard sheetings bleiched and unbleached 72 luch plain 15 20 and 23c twill 18 22 and 25c 80 inch plain 22 23 and 30c twill 25 30 and 37c special unc tjnbleached 123c table linen unbleached wide with afi 30 etc to 73c per yard bleached extra quality and width prices 35c 45c to f x per yard grey flannel this season extra vilue full 28 inch all wool best grade 23c per yard try our mail order department sampleb stnt to any address on application trcight or express prepaid to your nearest railway station in ontario on all purchases ot s3 and upwards satisfaction guaranteed public men glle a good deei xnoro blame for what they do than credit for what they dont cancer can bo cnrptl fo din yearn i ou oaoo a god- nevor asks anybody to bear more than ono kind of troublo at n time pleasant bare and quick gontlemon- 1 am pleased to recommend your laxs livor pills for constipation dyspepsia and siok headaohe i hove used them tor those troubles and find them a ploassnt euro and quick eure free from tho annoying griping of other pills i have berctoforo used signed 12 james st nioholas hotel hamilton ont- do you know this a weather stone a writer lolls of a curious stone thai is 11 to b f in piuihd his flr-imtaral- barometor and actually forotolla probable changes in tlio woather it is called a somakuir and its peonliarlty is that it tarnnblofit beforo approaohibg rain while in fine woather it ii mottled with pots of white investigation ha shown ibe stone to be a sort of fossil mixed with clay rook salt and niter when the air is moist the salt tnnis blaok when the air is dry the salt shows in white spotion the bnrfaoe of tho stone all watchfn areoorapasbqs point tho botrrlmiia lo the nrttnathe adannr extotly half way botwoon the hour and iho flgaro xil no the illal for instanoe atipposo that is 4 oclock point tho hind indicating 8 tojho sun and ii on the watch is eiaoily boiitii snppose again that la 8oolook point tho bandinalbatlog eight to tho sun auil uio figure x on the dlil is due aoutb his reservation george i jus iw you coming from the oonservstory with miss qoldie bather hsndiomo girl but too roiorvpd for me thomas yoff ive jost reiorverl her for life the map who is oheated is that muob bottor off than tho man who oheats cucumbers and melons aro forbidden fruit to many parsons so oqnatltatod that the least iudnlgonoe la followed by attacks of cholera dysentery griping to these persons are not aware that they oan indulge to their bearlv dantont if thoy have oil band abottlefjdr jdkellogga dysen- tcay cordial a medioine that will give inatantreliof and is a sure cure for all sutnmer oomplainta j6inareueluntiliiiiedbordiojsbjooil bitters i used seven bottlea faithfoliyt when the oancer grodnall dried np and finally disappeared i axnnbw entirely welland rejoioe that by using b b b 1 have escaped death either toy tho ntirgeon koife or by the cancer itself signed mrs elizt j tnfford paris ont a good many publio men ought to be muzzled where rheumatism is un known jq poetry violets aro always blue never purple butie a matter of faot but half of the twenty and odd varieties in canada aro bias the mac are pqrple yellow white filao and ono green io years a sufferer a new instrument a scotoh becdle was lately xnuoh exer oiaed at tho appearance of aatranga old gentleman who when the sermon waa about to begin took an oar tram pet in two parts ont of hia pooket and began lorewing jpniogexjhjiiujm beadle watfttfri him nntil tliopvooeas waa completed itnotlien going up whsporcd ye tnanua play that nere l it ye dad ill turn yo ont 1 wjiou lio color of the hair is not pleas ingit may le beautified by aahig balla hair luiiewar a preparation lnyantedr to from kidney disease- oravel and atrloture an absolute cure found in south american kid ney curs a remedy that never falls in the most distressing oases tbeaolld aridenta of experienoe is be hind booth amerioid kidney cure mr wilbur goff of ohlppowa oat- ia alroply one of hundrada who have apoken in equal ly atrong urmf tosssysj after taking six bottles of booth american kidney cure i am oomplloly oared of atriotaro s soffered from these oomplainta for b ten years i found graarle aier taking one bottle but coo- scrofula is a word you d o n i t qui t e un detsjta nd t if you talk with your doctor he will tell you that it is generally believed to be due to the same cause which gives rise to consumption il appears inos iliube who are fatstarved and thin usually in early life a course of treatment of scotts emulsion with the hypo- phosites wherever scrofula manifests itself will prevent the development ofthe dis ease let us send you a book free scott iiownu bdlavillt ont no matter how intense the pain south amerloau rheumatio cure will remove it quloklya lady of hlahuate telle what it did for heriperrnianerit cure of a case of yearn standing it has been deolared hy abientista that evory disease has a reniedy thodiffioulty is toalwayaflnd the remacly in-rbeoaia- tiam south amerioan bhenmatio ourehaa been found aoertain antidola for thiapain ial- disease itis always effeatiye mrs n ferris wife of a wellknown -man- nfaotnrer ot hlghgate ont aayi i was to believe ones aelf more ounniug than others is d mistako tho foe is more ounningthan the ass but thero are moro fox skins in a furriers store than asb skins thomas c watkins the rightf house hamilton shops and warerooms footofwillour st c1ii3 attendeid to day or night j a speight co undertakers and embalmers ont latest styles experienced attention serionsly affected with rhentnatio pains in my anklet and at times waa almoat diaabl- ed i tried everything aa i thought and dootored for years without much benefit i was indnoed to use sooth american rheumatio coro to my delight the flral i djpte gave mo more relleftuani had had for years aud two bottles have completely onrod mo sold by a t brown modern patriotb beleaves in the hdago hard work and no pay mako jaok a dull boy a- blneple la due to mrwii exbite- it is muob better to lovo aoma prople than it ia to agree with them thoy never fall itr 8 m boughner iiaogton writes for about two jears i ww troubled with ingardsliea bat by uilng ivmoleea pills i was completely oared and although four yearahayo elarj ed einoe theii they have pot relumed parmeleea pllja ro antlblilciovyaiaifiitj moot the delioately conatitnted the flnanoler and thoae whoia oconpation neoeseitatea great mental attain or worry will buffer lesa or more froin itv- bleep ia ths great reatorer of a worried brain and to gat sleep oleapso tha stomach frbm all impurities with a few doies of rrmeleea vegetablo fills gelatine coated containing no meroury and are guaranteed to give satisfaction or money will be refunded cured dear sins i con highly recom- menddr rxtroct of avild strawberry it cured my bnbylof 1 r diarrhosaftfterauntbernicanafallcd 1 ao i fflve it grcirt praise it la cxcel- 1 lent for all bowol complainta mrs chas bott hurlow out the head master ofntlemkni have found great aatlafactlon in the use oflr fowlers bxrract of wild strawberry and con- aider it invnluable in all cnaes o dlnrrhcea and summer coinplulnt j 1mb a pleaaure to me to recommend ittothe puhlfc- i r b mastbrton principal 4 hlghschool river charlo nba honesty is one of tho ornimentsof polli tioka t8ll-therdeafrmrrj-ft-kellockfprng- glat porthwritoa a ouatotoer of mine having been oared of deafness by the qbo of dr thomaa eoleotrio oil wrote to iroland tolltog hia frionda there of bia oure in obnaeqaenoe 1 received an ordor to sond half a dozen by oxpreas to wextordf ire land tnla wook r firstclass hearse moderate charges fvrni of all kinds a wellassorted stock atreasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co orders left with j n 8tin8on rockwood will receive immediate attention eatoaiaooateeeo railway time table crand trunk railway odiku vxut uoino kast mall 0ib aio i fcxproaa 8 1h anl 10 47 om b 11 pm 10 03 liui t j jf iiin 1 kxprona 7 cupiu wall i mixed tiirlk of clohinj ma1ls ooiiib wopt 0 25 am and 6140 pm doing east 10 15aia auds 45 pm thlo tlmo tablo went mto offoct bo moodju novtbtftn 18jc t sdl 7800 wven away to persons who malie tbe greatest numbor of words oit of tlio phraso pattsnt attorn oy woddorburn for pftftloulan addretl tb national aocordor yablngtoddc w barber bros papeb makers georgetown okft hub asuouxtz of machine fl b fape man obade weekly news tho paper usod in tbis journal ia from tho above mills wm babbeb a brob acton saw mills and wood yarda jhwes brown manufaotaneu and dkatazb xh jm zutuhcr latu shtale wood etc all kinds of wood in stock and promptly j dallvarod to any part of the town riasonido prices hardwood an 1 slabs cut stovo length lway on hand tolflpnooo communication we keep things moving by keeping things that move a stupid fellow who guages the quality of boob and shoes by the price has no bud- ness to be marnod ytt one of this class directed his wife to buy footwear for herself and the children from another firm because t hey charged more forthcm and they must therefore be better his better halp bought seicril pair from us and several 1 from the other house nnd showed her hus band they were identical being even manu he lured by the same people this provedj conclusively how foolish a man can be when he reilly tries the lady of the house gen- erally knows where she can get the moat and the best or htr money ind if you were to ask the ladies of acton iho question j where can i get the best value in boots apd shoes the answer in nine cases out of ten would he at w williams our prices are hard to beat try us for any thing you want in our line w williams mill 8treet acton- brhistford lvanized stec and towersj for powers shot ipamp- wyirt teraa corere qetr ptent boiler asif j 8tibotfnts merchants businessmen newspaper advertfsing brightly started r igutlystuckror soli ply backed up ensures holler bhabxmos makers of iho llgl t sat running and eat j constructed gaivan7 ized steel wind mills and towers madei also the celebrate maple leaf grain a grinder wnle forj brantfordcan illustrated circulars jxdhu bo no airee said mr weary walker i doni beteevo inetrikeb ie aomobody dont work how i the real of uo goln lo eat dr lows pleaianl worm by rup rs moves worms of all kinds from children or adults who does the best his circumstances allow does nubly aitl oould do no mors f oampajie llara ib purty likely to praotlaln all tho year round thero never was and never will be a universal panacea in ono remedy for all ilia to which scab is heir tho very natnra ot ma cfnativea boinff suoh that were thegermb of other and dilferenuy aeated diaeaueb rooterl in the 8yatom of the pationt what would relieve one ill in turn would aggravate the btbor wo have however in quinine wine when obtainod in aeouud nnsdauerated atalo a romedy for many and grievous ills by its cradual judioloua use ths frailoat systems are lod into con valescence and atronrth by the inflaonoe whloh quinine exerts on natures own reelorativea it relloves the drooping spirits of those wilt whom a chronlo state pt morbid desponusner and isok of intoreat in life las dlseaas and by tranquilizlng tho nerves dlepoaea to sound and refroah- ing aleep imparls vlror to ths aollon of tha blood whioh being atlmnlauci oooraos throughout the veins atrengthenlpg the healthy animal functions of the system thereby making aollvlty a neoeanaryresth stranglhenlng the frame and givicg life toc the digestive organa wbloh naupillj domaiid increaaod aubatanco reaolji proved aprillle northrop 4 iitrnani orpnto tjaye ivon to iho publio tbi mnttieiwrine at tho iiiual re- jljbythe opinion of aolentlata jjnjtheaeawf perfection of aji business suocess advertise in the acton free press buck mixedhalf and one poun bmoketovi retail g5 30 40 50 and 60 otntu wi davidson- tv haylttcwhldlssale aoents toronto acton agent for above also fpll frost and wood binders and mowers a full lino ol all klnda of farm implements and repairs oajtojhxyabv3cntniiaba 6npiefalf drokglatsab if islllbhbbbnbhbbbslr ywi tyhn v crieapi cheap cheap these i aswbtl as mcmuliens choice steel wire netting t trellis poultry ysrds lawn fencings are sold much 1ower this year than everberorp sjp b8 y hardware merchant for them anjraoliaittsomuraalwassjrti book oxjjjtfcrm afntraof munn a eo v 3uf drqtdivn wwr t4rli