Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 7, 1897, p. 4

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our is and mother eyes our io nru just na strong rs they were fifty yours ngo when yu huve cauna to use them hut vc hivc lurti and lci cause to raiic ourselves since others clo the praising and ve arc more than willing for you totxc iirt through other eyes this ii liow wclotli to s f hoycc wholesale niil retail druggist dulmh minn wiio after a quarter of a ccutury of obscr- vation writes i have sold aycrfl tarsnpa- ig f tl yenrs sloth nt wholesale mid retail mid have never liciird anything but worda of praise from niy custbmcrv not- a single com plaint lias ever reached me i believe ayer sarsaparilla to lie the best blood purifier that has been iutcoduced to tlic gen eral pxiblicv this from a iiinu who has ftold thousands cf dozens of ayera sarsaparilla is strong testimony but it only echoes popular sentiment the world over which has nothing but words of pralso for ayers 5a rapar ilia aytoult nbout it sond f otcurtflo6k it lcllls doubts and curd doubter address j v ayeu co lowoll mnsa klje jkxian jfe frm thursday october 7 1897 ij tyanriq 3tolhs in pursuit of game by josephine pouialld twiio tho tall of tbo year and tho woods were sore tud doad loavos rustled oer bill and hollow and tbo birds woro taking tboir sonthward night r and calling tboir feathery mates to follow i saw tbo meadow lark flying low i board tbo rustlo of qaall and pbooaant and bald to tbo maid my boart bold doar thbrobplouty ofgamo around at present trffatwvffirtoiportndf tuoth ctboi and had little skill with a gnn or rlflo ami to to i tbo trutb was a modest youth with dabgorbnb woapbno not wont to trlflo a nd 1 askod bor wbob was tbo proper tlmo to go for duoks or for quail and pheasant and bbo said with a pout as if iioltoput out for bagring gamo tboros no tlmo hkotbo prosent a bint that bbo did not cbanoo to boo i took from tbo maid i bad long boon wooing aud isold in bor ear i am fond of door and obor gaine isnt worth pursuing so toll mo tbo tlmo that will bring tne luck sboanswcrod mo with a smile most ploasant for tbo capture of ofther door or duck youll find i think notiraollko tbo presont i spanned bor wsjs with my arm lu haste and kissed bor lips in a forvont fashion and tbon and there in the crisp olear slr in words tbatwero few doolarod my passion andoablubbcsdyod bor ohooks she sighed and said with frown that was evanescent you might bavo chosen some other timo i ausworod thorobno tlmo like the presont how to ruin a town a very pointed and pruotfoiii article appears in the orftngoville out auoertiaer on the pobblble results of townbpoopio doiiir all their buying ju tlie oily we quote jt for tho merchant lo show it to intelligent customerb who are raeonablo enough to eeo that citybuyirg if carried out to its erlreme limit emply a town of both trado and prosperity let uaaeaumo that a town which lucks local pride und spirit apd whose inhabi tants oeud much of their cash to depart mental atorep currka tho thing to its joui- oal conclusion aud buys everything away from home and what follows the mer chants put up their abutters aud quit tho main btreet baa gone out of business the post office and express cfuoo are tho jooal branches of the departmental b tore and arc busy rending off order a aud handling par cola the merc wjlhthoir famil- ies and their gierke scatter lo the four corners of the earth there are perhaps two banks in town ariti one oioecv at once bat the other waits to beo fypw busiucai will be the editor of tho lodal paper looks over bis fle1d and peers intothe future and thon removes hta plant to eomo place farjrom an over- shadowing city those who own property along the niainatreet find it almost valueless one of- the local lawyers moves away ope of the dootorrr eells out to the other the farmers of the burroundidg country rwn at 3 am and drive on through tho village to the oily to sell their produce and make their purchases they coobult a city dogtor or ittwyor or dentibt if they need advice or treatment their farms onoo worth 8100 an aero because adjacent to a living town deoline iu value until they aro worth only s0 or 40 an acre because no living town and market are near the owner of the big mill or factory which was bonuecd years ago will now hearken to the offers he gets to locate in other places and tho town having how no jntare no proipect of better ehippiog facilities the faotory will paok np and go away in bhott tho town will have no excuse for eziating the aarronndtng country does not need it it doesnt need itself its people might as well move away and gel into the oity to wbioh they really belong logically this ialho on too mo a whole province with no industry or trade in it hot places of tinkering and repair ing in a small way a whole province in whioh only rich cities and rioh men can thrive at all all retailing paering into the bands of millionaire men and oompanies strong cnoagh to praetico any trick or tin an no bfig strong enough to resist them merchants cannot afford to drift in this matter they must act promptly appeal ing to the ooromonbense of property owners in a town not to set the example of btiying outside if the owners of property will not them selves buy in the place whioh ret urn b them interest on tbelr investment of bourse the case is pretty hopelesc bat try what can be done by some vigorous protests and your looal editors are the men to help you the cabjbless and in different suffer intense agonies this month mawfcmen and women in great danger to such mortals faines celery compound guarantees a new life about b b b its purity its thousands of curos 3 its economy lc a dose bab3b regulates the stomach liver and bowels unlocks the secretions purifies the blood and removes all the impurities from a common pimple to the wont scrofulous sore and ot7xme1s dyspepsia biliousness constipation headache salt rheum scrofula heartburn ljur stomach dizziness dropsy rheumatism skin diseases the great medicine a sure curefor pfheumatlsm and sciatica v a girls impressive song just for fun ily dwir como in and goto bed said tho wire of a jolly aon of brio who had just returned from the fair in a deoidedly how comeyouso state yon mask bo dreudful tired sure with your long walk of six miles arrah got away with your uoneensesaid pabt i ratn thltlenk lb or the way at all that fatigued me twas to breadth of it a poor irishman offered an old saucepan for tale his ohildren gathered around him und inquired why he parted- with- it ah mo honey ho answered i wpald pot be ofther parting with it but for a littlo money to buy something to put in ft a yoling irishman who had married when about ninoteen years of ago oom- plalining of the difficulties to whioh his early marriago bubjeoted him said he wuulu many su young agaiu if lived to bo as onld qq melhaeaelah au invalid after returning from a southern trip said to a friend ob share un its done mo a warruld o good goin away ive come back another man al together in fact im quite myself again if anyone ehonld call this afternoon say that i am not well said the mistress to hor newly ongaged servant im afraid i nte a little too muohof that rich pod ding for lunch and it or something else has brooght on a severe headaohe i am gbing to liodown a few momenta later tho mistress from her room near the head of the stairs hoard mary say to two aristocrfttiq women who- called for the first timo yeam mrs bis at home bub she ate so muoh podding for lunch oho had to go to bed dick has broken hid promise never mind hell make another jobt as good withthatbreaoh of promjaosait oompromised it indeed yes he bought her a wheel mrs hooloy could you give me some thing to prevent my bnsband from talking in bis sleep doctor give him a chance to say aomething in the daytime at the time of the terrible accident a year or two ago at the coal mines near scran ton pennsylvania soyeral men were buried for three days aud all efforts to rescue them proved onsdcyessfui a spectator wrote the majority of the miners were germans they were in a state of intense exaltemont caused by sympathy with the wives and children of the buried men and despair at their own balked efforts a great mob of ignorant men and women assembled at the mouth of the mine on the evening of the third day in a condition of high nervous tension which fitted them for an y road aot a bo llea- murraur arose that it was folly to dig farther that the men wero dead and thiawas followed by cries of rago at the rich mineowners who were iu no way responsible for the acotdent a hasty word or get to re might have produced an outbreak of fury standing near me was a little german girl perhaps eleven years old er pale face and frightened glance b from side to sido showed that she folly understood the danger of the moment suddenly with a great effort she origan to sing in a hoarse whisper thoueanda of people die annually f rheumatism ycteverycabb could have been cured if paine celery corapoundtiad been uned intirhe too many men and women show a mark- ed indifference when id some form the dread disease commences its agonizing work 8oma foolishly imagine that bright warm and dry weather will banish tho intruder and they determine to trust them selves to time and circumstances othere place their hope in warmer clothing and tho frequent use of linhnente while some experimeut with eleotrloity and baths as the days pass tho oarelegs and in different find themselves dpenor in the mire of suffering and they experience all the countloss twinges and agoniuo of the die- easo theyhave chills pain iu the back quiokeoed pulse codstipatlon iobb of appetite coated touguoand the jointsewoll usually the knees elbows andwriats now id the time of extreme danger now the sufferers realiiw that they tiro pay ing the penalty of their carelebeneas many will soou bo helpleea and nsolesb we bball see them with stiffened musoleb and jointd and limbs twisted and drawn hip- some will ask the question is there truly a care for euoh helpless rheumatics we say onhesitatingly there is the agent that cures effeotoally tnd sbientifioally is pai celery co m pood d it baa oared thousands in the past men and women of the highest standing in qvery oornm unity and those have given the strongest testi mony for the encouragement of others besides removing the osubb of rheumatism paines celery compound is the only med icine in the world that guarantees a per manent cure will yoo sufferer continue in agony and danger of death when suah a mighty rem edy aapaines celery compound is offered to yoa let us absuro you poor rbouroatio suffer er that the use of one bottle of jtunes celery compound will quickly dispel any doubta that yon may have the effeots will be so encouraging that yoa will be forced to continue with the lifegiving med- ioiuo till you are sound well and happy etcrnax vljcua nee is the price of perfect health watotv carefully the firstsymptoms of imporo blood cure boils pirn pigs humors and scrofula by taking hoods sarsaparilla drive a way the painsand acbeb of rbou matisro malaria und stomach troubles steady your perves and overcome that tired felling by taking the same great medicine hoods pills aro tho favorite family cath artic and liver tonio gentle reliable sure it ia foolish to make professions that you do not hvo up to rheumatism can be cured here yon said tlio ofiioiooa citizen grabbing the scorcher arent you going to apologize to that man you knooked down mo nit dont you know hes a trolley motor man noarly thirteen years ago 1 was taken very severely with rheumatism and al though i have been treated for it by several doctors here and elsewhere besides uaini any amoont of patent medicines and vaunt ed rheumatic oures i never found only temporary relief until six months ago when dr halbteds rheumatic cure ured ma so that i have not felt anything of it bince rout l binoiuu acton msrch 15tb 3897 victory for east simcoe of one thing mr w h bennett the conservative standard bearer in enatslmooo la suro he suffer- qd from catarrhal trouble and found speedy and fixed relef in dr agnews catarrhal powder lu tha coming byokation it will not bo settled unlit tho votes are counted whether mr w h bennett who has represented tho constituency with ubility for your a will again be the buccnsaful candidate one thing mr bonhett ii perfootly certain of whatever turn tho eleotion may take when attending to hit duties in ottawa two sebsioub ago he was taken down with catarrhal trouble in the head ho used dr agnewb catarrhal powder and over his own signature says that it worked like a oh arm and quickly removed tho trouble and made him fitted for tie pirliumentary duties sohlliy a t brown oldlady ioor man bo youve lived on water for threo days herers u quarter kolliigtoue i was working my way in a coal boat eiugyards pectoral balsam cures coaghb colds abthma brpnchitis and all throat and iiung trouble siydiiir strong or hnve ou palpitation throbbing or irregular beating dizziness short breath smothering or choking hcnsaliou pain in tho breast or heart if so your heart is affected and will in turn affect your nerves causing nervousness sleepless ness morbid anxious feeling debility ahe you short and fat are you tall and thin if so the only uearty clothing you cull get to fit you perfectly is shofeys make if your dealer docs not carry shoreya off sizes get him to order for you the finest of teas pore and rich pure tem in lead packets onlyt12 and 1 pound thi david3qw a hay ltdij wtolesalg aqent8 toronto t heart nerve it never pays to no in private what you would bo ashamed to do in public burdock blood bitters burdock fllood bitters regulates the storaaoh liver bowels and blood curing -dyspesiabihoubneflsreiok-headaoherboa- matiem scrofula and removing all impnr- ites of the blood from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore as an fnvfg- orator and tonic bb b is an unequalled medicino osftpftla for infants and children ifuturt vrpp curo all these complaints by regulating the hearts action nnd building up the nervous and muscular sstcm to perfect kcalth and strength price 6oc per box or 6 boxes for 250 at all druggists it is estimated that 20000 pounds of breadare da my eaten in the sultan of turkeyb househqld norway pipe syrup strengthens the lnogs and cures all throat troubles co irgli a7colds7et07 faultfinding it never pays to oherieh spirit a double cum mr jab e elwood st thomas ont saya my husband and myself have taken doans kidney pills we used them for kidney and back trouble for whioh we spent a great deal of money without get ting relief doans pills oured us both in a remarkably short timo i believe they witicvrfl wo never knew a man who could not bear another mans misfortunes perfectly like a christian deaths cold sweat stood out in great beads upon his faoea vlotlm of heart disease snatched frornthe grave by the prompt use of dr ajjnews cure for the heartrollef in ah cases in 30 minutes which bonld hot beheard then ahegain ed courage and her sweet obildish voice rang out in luthers grand old hymn familiar to every german from his cradle a mighty fortrpbi is our 3od there was a great ailenco iiko death then one voice joined the girls and pres ently another and another until from the whole great multitude rose the solemn cry witli force of arms wo nothing con full soon aro wo oorrtddeh but for us fights the godly man whom god hlmsou hat hiddon ask yo rli nbedo christ jesus is his namo a great quiet seemed to fall upon their hearts they roaumed their work with fresh zeal and before morning the joyful cry came up from tho pit that the men were found alive never was a word more in season than that childs hymn how aluminum is made a fault ofyounomen agravo faolt with a goodly number of young men is a dtspoitfon to quarrel with their surroundings whereas the real fault is not there writes edward w bok id problomsof yoaog men in the laditf home journal young men do not seem clearly to realize lhat where they are i hey were intended to be and for some mighty good puipo3o too the place wheraa young man ftndahimself is exotly where tho creator meant that heshondb there fore ho is capable of filling it god makes no mistukea but it is meant that we should grdw of our own efforts get strong through ihe conquering of diffionlties wlien a young man starts but to live 1 useful life and starts ont with a right do termination an adherenoe to honorable prinoiplec and a faith in god no power on earth can retard him long seriously in terrupt his career or fleotively stop him ho is bound to win our failure are always due to oarsftlves never to other penplo nor 10 oujwsnviranmcnti grout ontboalasm ts manifested by many prnoiia whoso hsir fa restored to its natur- nl color by ublng halfs hair renewer a prepuration of unsurpassed merit the captain boisterooslycomaold man braconp whats got into yon 7 iassen- ger if you dont putmeaaboro youll soon rtow muc ijrqb ing down sootte krhnlslon balldp op it never miiks fcv rich 8lo6dsbjjmiwawt the oxide whioh ii obtained from bouxite quarried fay the company in georgia fa fused with cryolite in pots of boiieriron lined with oarbon au eleotrio current is passed through these long series of pots and the result is preolsely similar to what it was when hall first bent tho sevencell grove battery current through his twoinch crucible in oberlin the molt- ed aluminum collects on the oarbon nega tive electrode and as already stated the quantity thus collected daily ib measured in tons continually night and day with out cessation this operaliou proceeds the raw material it fed in as required the product is removed and the oarbon renewed the waete of tho process ia eaid tobea6sligbtaahardlytobe an eloment of oalonlation then qoroea the casting into ignotsand bars the rollfugluto sheeta iqbe and w jfrom aluminum a newcomer among the metals in jrevicw of bevlttca like biliousness dyspepiia neiaaotifl cuusu patlon sour stomach ladlffestlop sura promptly cured by hoods pills they do their work easily arid- thoroughly best after dinner pills xb cents au druggists prepared by c i hood ft oo xowedimais the onlvriu to take willi hoodibarsapartns mrs brown meroy lot your girl off eon- m yon a ita- -ovory- fltioh a saving the longer she ia away the fewer dishes she breakh if yonr child ia puny fretful troubled glandular swollirga inflamed oyes or sores on the head face or body a course of ayera sarsaparilla is needed to expel tho scrofu lous humors from the blood tho sooner yon begin to givo this modiqino the better dr aguewa cure for the heart positive ly giveb relief within 80 minntes after the flrbt dose la taken james j nvbitney of wilhaniflporvpsrsaybcoldawqalsvouhi bthnd out in great beads upon my face and i indeed thought that my end had comq but relief was found in dr agnews ouro for the heart after uaing it for a bbort time i feel now that the trouble is altogether removed- its effects are magical sold by a t brown flattery aint no object to some eates- men try it it would be a gross injustice to oonfound that standard healing agent dr thar aint muob profit bnyin votea at 95 a peaoe runnin moaeuro blxzliifiss and weak eyutlgiithow to cure mr j dall chatham ont saya for two years i could never go to aleop before two three oolpok in the morning i suffer ed much from vertigo and dim eyesight milbnrnv heart and nerve pills bavo removed the dizziness restored my heart to healthy action strengthened my eye sight and i can truly say they aro sing to any one suffering as i did bles im afraid kitty isnt having a good time at the seashore why writes homo every day very she coffee and its uses when there are in a community opidemics of typhoid fever oholera erysipelas scar let fever and the various types of malarial fever whioh are transmitted almost eternally through the mrdiuro of food and driok coffee is a valuable agent and may be used as a drink instead of water it a valuable agont in assisting in tho digestion of food and to aid tha blood in taking np more nourishment than it would without it it quickens the circulation of the blood and respiration it is also stimnuting and refreshing duo to the caffeinoit contains in tiding over nervonsness in emergeucles u is a soverlgn remedy aaastitoolanvand in cold wmthsrlt ft 100 per cent ahead of rmlrfollil 1 no rrtmll nsefdfqty in be sfok obsmber pri the united states aln what jb- iwrtobe no other oiland nq other medicine has ever been dis- covered which can take the place of codliver oil in all conditions of wasting new remedies come live their little day and die but cod- liver oil remains the rock on which all hope for recovery must rest wlien it ivscien- tifically prepared as in scotts emulsion it checks clic pro- grcss of the disease the con gestion and inflammation sub side and the process of healing begins there is the whole truth book about it free scott uownli ileluvuic ont uugenta lotipns and balves they are oftentimes inflammatory and astringent this oil ie on the contrary eminently cool and boothing when applied externally to relievo pain and powerfully remedial when swallowed taint the polotiehun with tho bigger influents that always usos t overayear 1 have been troubled with siok boadaoho forover a year lately i havo used lapta liver pills and find that tfcoy liojp m more than any other medicine i have taken they are an excellent pill oaoslng po jpain or griping and leaving no after ill effects mary ellen hloks j booth bay on wimmen might make polotioks oleaner bnt they are bound to ameer themselves dohv it how to onre headache somo people suffer untold misery day after day with headache there is rest neither day or night until the nerves aro all unstrung the cause fs generally a disordered stom ach and a onre ban be effected by using parmeleea vegetable pills containing mandrake and dandelion mr finlay walk lysander 1 q writeu i and par melees pills un excellent article for bilious headache parrot b coat but ten coots apieco to the deal era in central america asuiumer specific dr fowlers extract of wild strawber ry cures oholera cholera morbus diarrhoea dysentery cramps oolici summer- com plaint oankerof the mouth and all bowel complaints of ohildron or adults it is a soothing effectual aud never failing remedy which gives immediato relief and speedily effeots a qure there are 2600000 acres of aork forests in algoria where the best corks come from skin eruptions cured for 3bcefrrs a day eczemar tetter ealt rheum barbers itch alt halting and burning skin diseases vanish where dr agnews ointment jb used it relieves in a day and cures quick ly no cato of pilee which an application will not comfort in a few mlnutes if you have used hih- priced ointments without benefit try dr agbew ointmont at 85 cents arid be cured sold by a t brown a tattlers brain is like a beggar d paok it oontains littlo but what has been given tho superiority of mother graves worm exterminator is bhown by its good effeots on the ohildren purchase a bottle and give it a trial sjkwgm co railway time taue mull moll kxnroob 0 35 a in mxitrosh 10 17 am mall 0 11 p m mixed 10 01 im grand trunk railway noinowkkt o01ko kaht dt46ani u 2a pm 7 00 pm t1mk of ciouinj mill itll ioiny wopt 0 23 am and 6140 pm going east lo ib am and 8 45 pro this time tablo wont into fleet onmondai novuoth 1800 b rr ntf0r d galvanized far power- bad pump ttrhml coerett a oar patent holler tad bu sekriags gujelpli shops and warerooms foot of wluow st calls attendeld to day or night j a speiglit sb go tjndertaker latest styles experienced attention firstclas hearise moderate charges ont mm of axl kinds a wellassorted stogk at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co orders left with j h stinson rockwood will receive immediate attention witinttoimwww fireyou 99 wy ndham street looking for a nice new uptodate fall suit and overcoat if you are and want the best for the least money this is the place to come holler be abinqs oold lhapley mulri bpftntfordcan makers of the light- sst running and best constructed galvan ized steel wind mills and towers made also the celebrated maple leaf grain grinder write for illustrated circulars joftn jutqueen acton v agent for above axsoeob frost and wood binders and mowers a nil line of all kinds of farm implements and repafrs new suitings nobby uptodate just in our 81600 suit to order is wonderful value new fall hats why wear outofdate style when we can give you the latest from el oo up new overcoatings the latest we have we hnve a black and blue beaver at s1890 made the best colored shirts at less than cost see them and be convinced of the value we are g people who have great strength aro also likely to have some great weakness others failit cure i dear sirs from my own oxporlbnce i oan confidentially lay that dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry posters true merit it was the means of saving my ijltlalrlifeminminer flhevi teething and took violent diarrhoea dr oneckwear puffs strings bows fourinhand and all styles new goods from 25c up our unlaundried white shirt at 50 cents is a leader goods marked in plain figures gash and one price binder twine in leading brands and close gut prices is now in stock at acteri flear and call and examine before you bny frank harris manager- the campaign prepare for winds we would oall yonr attention to the fact with uro that we are prepared to aopply von vltb lumber of suitanle length for your doors viz 10 13 18 or 1 feet also sash t doors re nelson tailor and furnisher guelph colio oinairkcholera morutlitlrhoea sprelwbri and all uiiei 00iplint e ohildren or adults met jc beware at lmiutlom signs of worms are variable appetite itohlng at the nose etb dr ijowb worm syrup is tho beat worm oipollor billonsness and liver ooreplnint head aohc etc aro onred by dnrdook pilla mr ohubbs your littlo boy doesnt obey you very well no ho has never renpeoted mo since i tried to show biin how to fly a kite dr j d kelloggs dvsenttry cordial is prepared from drugs known to the- profes- aions thoroughly reliablo for llw cure of oholera dyssntery diarrhoea grlpiofi psiins and anmmer oomplalnu jlhmbeentnd saooesifolly by rqedlbalpriqtltsfloirt for i nurnber of year with bravylimeolt lfsofferlrig from any summer ooroplalntltj if lost hi eoidlw tl tlljmreoik y mv irmiifori4wptymi eant k v- l fowlers eitraot of wild btrawberry oored her and i feel that 1 sannot say snongh in ila favor mrs wm art hor teelorvllle ont ifs cents campino conbenses air a good deal frozzled at the edges the proprietors of purmeleea pills aiji oonstsntly reoeivlng letters like tho follow ing whioh eiplalns itself air john a beam waterloo ont writes i nsvdr ased any medlolnethat oan eqaal parme- leea pills for dyspepsia and kidney and liver complaints the relief experienced after using them was wonderful as a safe family medicine parmelees vegetable pilla dan be giteu in all cuies requiring a eathrtloyr v i i j jr there is little meroy in atabbinji with a word bb tbero is in doing it with a knifo there never was and never will be a universal panacea in ono remedy for all ilia to which flesh is heir the vory nature of many curatives beinrbncb that were thng nlhcr iinrl iuffnrftitly anated 4srrjwi diseases rooted inthe system of tho patient what- would relieve one ill in tarnwoold aggravate the other we have however in qntnlne winef when obtained in a sound unadulterated state remedy for many and grievous ilia by its gradual fudlbioua use the frailest- systems aro lod into oon- valesofinoe and strength by the infloenoo whion qqluine exerts on natures own restoratives it relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a ohronia state of morbid despondent- and laok of intoreat in life la a disease and by tranqnillzlng the nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep imparls vigor to the aolion of the blood whioh being stimulated oourses tbronghoot the veins strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system thereby making aotivity a necessary result strengthening the frame and giving life to the digestive organs whioh natnrally demand iocreaaad subatance result irn- proved sppelltei lorlhrop lvmao of toronto havo jglven to tho pnbllo iheir qainino wine at the usual rate- and ite otjinlo of aejentlits ibis jwujajronereit perfection of any iekelvaiawgblits frames wtpuivbinas eto for bnilding storm doors pnt up at as low a rato as possible pu7utps repair your pumps or put iu new ones before it is too oold ws gin no it shopat foot of river street acton thos ebbage manager to a beginner in business it a word to the young man preparing o open a store of his own when you get ready to do business tell the public what you are going to do use plenty of ndver- lining spice to tell your story well and thoroughly but tell it- simply don whoop uofi turn ve fli don milco a jumpingjack of the english langunge- pontlear your hair andtrothr at the mouth just get down to business and tell people in short simple words all about your new btore and your new goods act like a solid businessman not like a flybynlght fakir tho man who merely jumps up and down might just as well stand still soft and fair goes far in a day work up a good solid business by solid business methods coax and wheedle and suggest and argue dont try to yank trade in by- the hair as bill nye once sagely observed when you want to hiss a girl dont grab for it tahe your timo its there main street ac tom o john cameron architect and contractor uanufaotnror or sash doors frames moulding in all styles dxxss1no matcuwq ana mouloino to order on short notice woll aasortoa stock on hand at prlooa tosul the times john cameron 1 proprietor pays for your name on 10 noadtlful bidden namh id cents jlandnmo calling cards oaafi wltli order q canada oaitd stamna taken addrca houak ingenoll ont try a ad ia tbb fsbb pbb9s llfci iiyiv ip on olaisjrrsmntrn munn oe s01bmaaisv trtrjl im m

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