the bank of hamilton head office hamilton capital all paidup 1 26000000 reserve furid is 72600000 total asoets 984867845 nearly ttuvmiiilona of dollars board op directors ohnstuaht a q bamsay lrosldont viaolroaldout eo ltoacby joira pnooxou a t woop a b las toronto wu giubon mp ttjun8ull oaablor ii 8 bte ven abt oaablor h m watson inmwotor georget agency a general banking business transacted n u ic farme discountedr the newis at home and special attention given to the collection otsafcg7wotp3 mid c pa generally i drafts issued payable at- all principal points in canada ana united states drafts on great britain bought and sold savings department deposits of si and upwards received interest allowed at current rates andadded toprinctpalevery year whether passbook is brought in or not special deposit receipts issued forlarge sums jl bell agents georgetown ont f-k- place to school books envelopes note papers purses bibles dolls toys wedding and j blrthjiayeresents geohyndfv jewelery and stationery store acton buy montly of a local character and every item interatni7 f special serviced ju the brtok dhutah miss williams dvantfelub commenoefi uorioa of opeqml services id tjio brick ohuroh on tuesday evtinlag they will be continued eaoli evening for a couple of weeks at least ou sunday next becviooo will be hotd morning aud ovening the pubho ia cordially iuvited the townships tax collectors at tbo lait meeting of eaqueplng town ship oounoimho byhiw to appoint collect- ore of taxes for 1607 was passed the following appointments bailiff made polling division no i archibald modoutf- all no2 llobort ilarpor no 8 david littlorno 4poter gib ben a no6 jtamoa niokell no 0 john campbell thooolleo- tors will be paid the earn of twenty dollar ont jie xtoofc at the date on the label on your tlonti laior inner and youwljl sea bow your snbscrip- tion ttatidb bonew promptly it will confor a ittss tsobbday october 14 1897 little local brieflets whloh caught the eyes or earn of free press reporters this week erin fair today and tomorrow htaavfrost has got in some pretty solid work the put week the antomnal tints have been very pretty the past week quail abootiog will be lawful on and attar friday the lctbinat the tonuship oonribir will hold its neat mooting oh monday 25th insl the farmers have been busy at their fall plowing since the rains of last week mr robert watson of the fourth line is disking preparations for the ercotion of dawbankbardv the annual matches of the 20th lome btfierwiit be held et georgetown on thursday 21st inst oommenoing at 9 am fporteen weddings are announced to take place in brampton and tbeimmedlate viotauywltbln the next few weeks con- seniafor a nnmber of tonring oyolists were banght here by monday nights rain there was a going homo by the train next morning those interested in improving tho driving shed at the methodist ohuroh will nsesvonimonday next to haul gravel etc for that purpose 7rbev mr maopheraon ia announced to take part in the anniversary social of the presbyterian flhnroh georgetown next monday evening mr wro msokenzie of toronto mr dmano and other capitalists havo aiqulr- edtw charter of the vancouver victoria a pastern railway itho udderwriurs association is threatening s bhange the classification of georgetown from o- to a higher olass fixing a higher rate of inaaranoe rraii ioisget of olotbing and supplies destined tor the sofferera by fire at ousel- carried frtjbrsr the lines of the canadian express obmpany philanthropic citizens u rain whloh has been so jnuob desired foreeastpasii iftw ooplooily several ddnriorj an inoaloul- mp wtfaftwrij good in restoring the kf- paahrlfeleldsv promoting fall piowidg and kavatiogth fall wheat is reiuitlng t6o brohestra of the methodut sunday sgi bobcol was jeorganlsed at a moetiog held ji- laavfrlday evenlbg mus annie mbnabb ipmceedi mrchas jeonor who removed toi johnslowo n y isst month as isaderand mim llxzie molam will per form the duties of loader of the singing as ell as asslitanlorganlsl the orohoitra waibntertained at mooreoroft last friday iyvliwbv i 1- jtuie children oome nothing to offend but evarythlng to please oot 39th ylifjiuf- the grandest literary masload anojnumoion ejitalnment of heiseswoo e tbresattraolions for- the iribo 2 cenls aoton town ball eapbfor their servloea oufasytaitlirbrabiptsar brampton etill eleotk its school trustees by open vtjto thecohrvatoraaya at tho last meeting of the jbrampton pnbllo fiobdol board mr jeffdrb nioved for leave- to introduoe k bylaw providing that in future member of tbaboard ba oleoted by ballot he cobldnot seoure a seaonder evidently tlio board lid battbfled- with the- old method of opou- voting it la not so oertaio howevprthat the ratopiyera are like minded barn jralstng last wednesday a fine bank barn was raisoi luu wed nesday on tbo farm of mr john walters on the first oonoeasion the stone work wasdoue by mr alex molean of erin and tho framo work by mr j mhar of the 7th line eaqnesiog the weather was fine and the raising waa completed wlthoat any aaoident in the evening a party wab given to a number of yonng people and older ones who thoroughly enjoyed the bobpitality of tbeir kind host and hostess sons of scotland concert tbe a vory attrsolive entertainment for friday evening bet 29tb they announce a matchleba trio bennett the toronto iinmoribt miss mooallum elobutionlst and miss janet grant contralto the toronto florw jjeo 4th 90 says mr harry bennett oaptared the atidienoe with his f onny songa and sayings particularly in his rong vthe moviogtob the tqr- ontojlfail says harry bennett took the house by storm the audience was kept in continued roars of langbter the bonl of the violin la one of miss mcoal lams best selections neighborhood news news items supplied by corroe- pond an to and exohariaee limehouse mrs bruce of obejenno wyo vitited her sister mrs riob idarabull during tho week- mr franh mooro who ja attending sohdol at aotou spendrj saturday andbun day at hie homo hero mr a sharp htrt ono into tho patent medicine busindsb by a new arranemout ltmebouso ap pointment is now attached to acton and rev mr molaohlan will preach hereon friday evenings ho prcaolied to a con gregation of 30 or 40 last friday night at last mooting of the township council jxlf james r liudbay waa voted 800 hnlnp twothir value of two aherp and coming and going rt v visitors to and prdrnabton arid varlousotharporsonal notes this fnjea ebbbs itrrltes all its reader to ooa trlboufi to thu oolumb if yon or your friend aro going away on a holiday trip or if yon lave frlonda vitiitltjg yon drop a card to tbo fnaa insss mr uarnes a ellis arohtteofe toroolo was in town on monday one lamb killod by dos tbo owner thereof bfling unkbownr oeorqetown the jubiloo servioesin connection wilb the fiftieth anniversary of the baptist ohuroh will to held ua follows sunday oct 17ih bermonfl by rev t hutolunaou of qrantford at- 11 um and 7pm monday 18th lie nuiou for memberu only 730 pm prayqr praise testimony tfaaaksgiving memorial fiorvioo far those gone home tuesday loih public tea leoturo by rev ohas a eaton m a of toronto tiohets 25 ceuto wednesday 20h oiueena meeiing q pm boeldes the resident uj in let em of the town the following laymen have boen invited to speak john r barber t j wheeler ohas ryan g h kennedy d mokeohnif hinian lindaay and wni moljeod thursday 21st union prayer meeting of the varioastown churches t friday722nd evingelistic services con- duoted by the pastor sunday 21th sermons by rev j l giibaoor ba of hamilton masio by the choir and others at tbo varions meetings special thapkofferiog at the sunday bervicea s v carta tucfnwvbv of lloods birmparllu as for no other medl- cine itafttpatooiwiotdedlnliiuifal convincing langnage of ijratoful men and p constitute it most effectlvo ad- mr w kelso of guelpb made acton i tertlsing many of- these cures aro mor- yelpus they have won tho conqdence of the people havo arlven hoods borsapa- ruu the larffest sales in tho world and have xnado iieoeatury for its manafftctoro he greatest laboratory on earth hoods banapariluis known by tho cures it has made cures of scrofula awhrhoura and eczema enrea of rheumatism neuralgia ind weak nerves ouroa of dyspepsia liver troubles oaurrh cures whibh prove rockwood miss janet grants contralto solos alone are 61 aimed to be worth the price of admission they do nothing by halves this is the record the 8 o s camp will again win for themselves aftor their concert on the 29th inat eaqaeaibgim igt tjki ot acooant the townbhip council ordered its treas urer id pay the fol rowing accounts at its meeting a week ago t good boada machinery oo 1 rood maebtno aaoo 00 8awyormassoy coaroadmaohlnes 400 00 g h kfltmady for ervlbos in connec- tlon with said court in preparing beport to oonnty jadge preparing llat to poat npin 01erk offlee pre paring notlcu for mtvl0o 33 64 david moqnlre for aerving 181 noticea in ooddflotlon with oourt of appeal and for travelling 150 miles to uervo notioea at 10c 15 00 david ucqalre one day attending court of appeal 1 do james clark bonding cnlvrjn lota 23 and s3 10th eon 9 so jjavid given tnrnpiltlug road lota 20 and 37 and removing ntono 10 85 t j syeght aharpenlng blade of road maoulne 160 r shortlll gravol sapplled for town line i oo john uophersoa oommlaaloner nor- yal repairing approaebes to bridgo 3 50 darlud i marlatt stbwarttown bill 4 00 daniel bold luppprtof benj currio 10 00 r harper support of jhboharlel 10 00 j b lindsay ibeep killed by doga 8 00 tneamount claimed for sheep killed by dogs the present year is les- than usual ntwaof onr chnrchca rev h a macphertwn who is the mod erator of the session of rookwood and edeu mills preached oommnnion sermons in both tbo ch arches last bqoday mr rj mpaipinepf knox0olleg0tnreaohed in mr mapphersona pulpit here morning and eveping his sermons were very ac ceptable the olaims of the students migaiona hftniwty nf icnny flmlofja tprw the rockwodd show held last thursday was one of the best held in years the bhow of fanpy work frnit and roots was hardly ap good as usual bat tho stock was ano and thoattondanoa waaongoftho largest in the history of tbo show the concert given by the merry makers on the evening of the 7tb under the ans- pioee of the booiety was a sacoeeb the programmo was goad and tbo attendance largo an unknown bicyclist was knookeddown by an unmanageable team about half a mile from the village on friday ho was brooght here and put aboard the 551 train that evening- and sent to toronto it la understood that be was so seriously injured that he died before reaching toronto two men on a tandem while passing through here sunday night bad a break down and had the pleasure of pushing the wheel the rest of the way home to guelph while returning from rock wood sbow mr j blaaohfleld was thrown from his rig and has aiuce been in a eerfous condi tion mra h soper was seized with a paralytip stroke last batnrday but is doing aa well as possible the population waa increased ou sunday by a couple of twin boys who arrived that- day at the home of mr r stump nassaqaweya the following la a report of the standing of the pupils for september in s 8 no nabsagaweya based upon written examin ations and class work marks obtainable 800 class v minnie nickoll 313 glasb iv cameron ramshaw 150 jeatie uogregor 120- class iii herbers carroll 112 mabel williamson 121 ada alexander 121 gertie nellie 108 class ii sir maggie richardbon 227 l leiohroan 219 jennie agnew 1b0 friends a short visit this week miss nettie bryere visited friends in waterloo and guelph last week mr waiter broloy of klora mato aoton friends a brief visit this week burridter j b moleod of georgetown wheeled to town saturday afternoon mr and mrs h h worden of hillsburg vibitud aoton friends during te week aldrvbtelson of o fiihu yym a pleasant call on tuesday morning mra rev wro brycrs attended the womans missionary convention at guelpb last week mr thos tqjnt jr has been ill for oor a month but seems now to bo slowly recovering mitia mlnmu badcau and miss mary rowan of georgetown vinltod fricudrj in aoton last week mr n weber manager ofw h storoy sons tannery has been very ill with pneumonia this woek the muaoabiuu otgaolphxwbilaona whrieling trip to town were btormstuiu here ou monday uigbt mrs jamas firgtbrook will remove to toronto in a few days mr firatbrook went down u month ago mr fred beacon milton and mies pefrieee of toronto worn gaeato at moortcroft on saturday mr and mrs f f bryers and master brandon ofmontroaj are viaiting at the homo of rev wm- bryers mibb ada francis returned home last week after a six weeks visit with friends in qloversvillo if y and woodstock chief monabb an h s mpponald were at hillsburg last week assisting in the re organization of camp cheviot there mr james watson and family are re moving this week to brampton they have been rebidenta of aoton for several years editor white of th milton jirbrmer fall and winter gseds sarsaparilla li tho bcatln factntt5rio truo blood purine mens overcoats in beaver and frieze a specialty mens and boys ready- made clothing millinery mantles dress goods gloves hosiery corsets underwea- c fresh groceries always on hand j itta w t l ito 0 vi n e w s try our blue ribbon kur- mah and japan teas hoods pills ffls liuy toperutujfic road was serlonsly indisposed last week the fuee pbesb hopes hit recovery will be speedy mr and mrs joe m moore of the htraldy and mifs maud clarldge george town aro spending the week at the home of prinoipal t tmoore dr jao n e brown and dr ezra h stafford of toronto while en route on a whcelingtrip to st marys made a brief visit at htltzen place last friday mies windrioh of nantiooke made a very pleasant visit to her cousin mr dtlli after attending the womans missionary meeting at guelpb as a delegate last week mr henry f hill merchant buffalo wheeled over reaching here monday evening he made a short visit with his parepts and other friends hero and return edou tuesday mr alexander anderson an elder in the ohuroh of tho- jdiaolpies of christ in hamilton died at hla residence op friday at the tine ago of 83 years mr anderson was well known in aoton and frequently preached iq tho disoiplea ghnroh here rev j e farmer d d ofmarinette wis who visited friebda in tbe old home here thjs summer was elevated at the conference held a week or two ago to the position of presiding elder of appleton district ho will have some forty ohnrohes under his care the many friends here of dr farmer will unite fn congratulations upon this important preferment road dead buy buy- thl mvrtian by du miuncr postpud 75c thl chris1ian by hall ciinc postpaid 75c equality by bellamy posipaid 75c vo uk wall paper from c lnelles guelph terras cash or produce your window shapes from c l nelles guelpb always ask the prices of books c l nelles bookseller guelph jcmcbeath v acton ontario pretty as a picture h ramshaw photo artist mhis treat aotorli has a well established reputation for superior work in can rheumatism becured the application of nervlline nerve pain care which possesses saob marvellous power over all nerve pain goes greatly to preve- n eta t nerves soothes them drives pain out and in this way gives relief try it and bo convinced t v hdreyfs i- rlaby bainproofed frieze ulsters 1 in olive mix brown fawn i clnret and oxford griiy- 51 lo 54 inches lon with 6 inch collars 5 pockets and throat tab with wontcorheoff buttons can be bought retail i in town and village for 700 4 wanted agenu for queen vlatoila her belgn and diamond jubileo v orerflowlng with latest and riob- eatplotorm oontalnb the endorsed biography of her urieity with autbentle hiitory of her ramsrailiio reign and full account of the ula mend jubilee only 100 big book trouen doni demand liotisrisa for agents commis sion so ner oent credit given freight paid omntpin dutypaid write nnlok foront- lltud burltorr tbu dominion company dept 7 8sa doarborn st chicago family groups soolal grcraps individual portraits of all stylos shapes and sltts babies and children life size portraits o wo can assure worlc equal to that of the cities flhsitligjit ftoturea of the inter ior of homes is a special fea- ture prices always reasonable talk about that the jackets wraps ul sters ana coats we show in our mantle rppm represent the best productions of five of the best- manufacturers in germany britain and can ada we mention canada tlast simply out of native mod esty for the products of our canadian manufacturers in some lines discount those of their old world competitors in point of style finish value and wear in every case we inydlrectjrom the manufac- turer some of our confreres vho talk loudly of buying direct are handicapped with a cbmmissiojb chargedi which they have to pay to the people through idiom they buy this percentage we save to pur customers and our garments are the best value tobe found- childrens coats represent a stock of immense variety rather too large for our trade and we have in consequence marked them at about onehalf the usunl profit in order to hurry their sale come and price them rjbj41erxfe co 25 and 27 wyndham street guelph callarid havo a portrait hramsbsw the wilkinson plough company limited toronto wilkinson plonghs last longest work easiest and draw lightest points and soles last twice as long all cast parts have our name and address in full on them see that you get them it will pay you potatoe diggers 1350 35 s75 all thoroughly tested and guaranteed or no sale responsible agent wanted glasgow house new soborearriyingf daily- limited toronto wantedan idea who can think of wune slmplo thing tapataatr tvjdeaar t w dkhburn ootrot aoor- oe rita20hlf widaimkium m w 1u7b washington 1 o for thalr u aa list of two btmdrsd nvratatasii 8luar 8 in dl an tonic the only permanent cure for indigestion tblb is to eertlfr tbatljarnea lioss toltgste keeper of tbe town of woodstock ont have beon a ruffererfroin indlgeiuon and a veryweak and pur atookia now about complete ior the fall and winter campaign new arrivals in ladies and childrens underwear ah sizes and qualities the very best values over presented here new swansdown and curl cloakings in cream white and colors for infants and childrens woar new double fold tweeds friezesend beavers for ulsters jackets and capes novelties in dress coods special vnlnes in black goods and a very largo lango of choice new millinery openidtttiiis week the newest goods in pelt sailors and walk- ing hats and othor millinery novelties new mantles a fine rangoof girls jackets ranging from 12 to 18 years special prices at overcoats and ulsters will all bo in stock this wejk at prices lower than ever boys in all sizes as well as menv these goods have been waterproofed by tho eigby process and aro guaranteed by the mnkers thoroughly waterproof hosiery our rnngo ot hosiery is exciting tho favorable comment of ull who ubk to soe what we are showing specially ior upya wear new arrivals in moils and boys clothing all sizes complete we miikc a specialty of pants wo ore feelling a gocd times pant ull sizes for 95e prosentedxiut bnnday was tonsg peoples day in tjie methodist oboroh the servioes oommenoed with a well- attended sanrtae prayar meeting at 7 a m a roasa meeting was held at foqr oloook at wbioh brief addresses were delivered by be following members ol the ep worth lesgne deciding for obrist by president jx 7 edmiston how i know i am a chris tian by mibb moggie ebbage different ways of bojootlog christ by john 8 coleman and an siddress to tho janlor league by mra oram hpmoore pro- sided rev j a molsohian the pastor preached two appropriate sermons and the prooeedlngj of the day oonoloded with an evangellstlo servlos f all ofllfe andlnterestr next sunday ootober 17tli there will be servloe morning and ovening in the disoipies ohnroh morning sabjeot what know ye not that yoar body is the temple of tbe holy ghost j e von- ng apbjeot the farmer v beatles bon leaving home on tnmdfjrevonidg next at 8 p m bible readlngaad prmyor meeting halton fall a his lordship chief jiistlpa armour entitled to ttlpalr of v white qlovas tf pidngib the jewalfsr ouelpb is putting uw fv gflgj and photo joppiles jiii u r p thi gnelbhdliuotaaa save ling io toronto for every savings and liri- wable rjuilness in aoton a volwsrsntlyiorganlkd with ligne- upresident arid b j fttwsofuuefgetin citlmns mr a j fnpopbns of the oompanys loipeo- ifcriwlm hefe yesterday in tie lntereils ot the autumn assizes for halton were held before chief jnstlco armonr last yweek bosinoss was light and waa all dis posed of by 880 p in there were no orimlnal oases and his lordship thus became entitled to a pair of white gloves the oivll salts w follows- christina jr somervlllovs waller b bowman aotlon on mortgage judge ment reserved w i dlok fa plaintiff bell pringle for defendant robert s appslbe vs w h holland antlnn in nnlllfy bmortflsnaqlssb hsflsf mabel niokell 161 wsltcr bortbwiek 178 alohza carroll ig1 1 leonard mallby i8s- class ii jr victor watson 157 roy townsend 153 wesley qray 140 leon ard mlohis 140 olau i br mary itamshaw 205 alioo biqbardaon 241 viptor anderson 235 ethel watbon 280 class 0 katie gray 876 percy car rol 270 eva lelbhman 26 lousia aleiander 250 cia9eb mamie near sidney maltby wilbert haw henry townsend colena niokell charles wataon johnnie billou fannie alexander bobble bllton cias8a- coxo mamie motavisb zslla damper annie anderson gebrgsdamper teka ccunie tfscher bev mr blair oodnplcd knox ohuroh pulpit gnelpb qo sunday and delivered two able aerndohs in the evening ho gavo apartibularly poworfnl diboourse on the death ofmpsesvgnolph mercury rev dr8oadsn preached in thodubliu street methodial obnroh guulph on sun day sunday will be observed as young peoples bay in ebenezer church there will be a anhriso prayer nieoliox at 1 am and bev dr soanlan will preach a speoisl berinon in the morning in the evonlng there will bo a song service sevoral papers will begiven tbuohing the departmentb of the league mra bosnian will give an address on the work of the mission bands and mr h p moore of aoton will give a general address on mlsslona quite a nnmber from nasiagawaya took in the pnalinoh and rookwood shows last week and a fair share of tho honors oame ittgcyi wa no 1 blmnnn in l while a man named 0 watts a driver for a grocery firm in brantford was reaoh ing for a parcel in hla waggon monday night ho fell ont striking the ground with his head hla neck waa broken and be died instantly there ia an immonseamonnt of indigna- tionaxainse christian boienilata in berlin becanse through their treatments lad of 18 years who waa afflicted with diphtheria died tfaoy called in a doctor when it waa toojatojslbihjhejip groat many medicines of different kinds but oould only obtain temporary relief for a abort time bet after nalng one bottle of sloana indian tonlo i oould perceive a great difference my indigestion was better and my stomaeb waa much stronger than before and i found 1 bad gained several pounds in flean where i was weak aod tbln in flesn before i tblnlc x used nine- or tan bottles inall and lamnow a healtby man but still i do not want to be without tbemedl- olno in tho- bouse andi proeure one or two bottles ovflry yoar and i oan trutbf ally recom mend 81oan indian tonic to others suffering from the bame complaints henderson fo co hibmi the only medalawarded to sarsaparilla at the vof ids fair j 1893 at chicago was awarded to ayers sarsaparilla price 1 6 for 5 ah dealers or address the sum mbicike compahy of hamilton united fl-re- you 99 wyndham street gurneys for new chiffons and jleading shades looking for a nice new uptodate fall suit and overcoat if you are and want the best for the least money this is the place to come also new cream silk laces colored silks in leading shades 8pecial barcain3 in georgetown electric works tj spbigut proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motor8 and daht on oertain lands to wm mocraney aotlop dismissed with oosls d olcam- eron for plaintiff g e mooraney and m davidson lor defendant john h laird ithos crosier aotlmi for damages for alleged defamation of the oharaoter of the plaintiff by tho def endant d o cameron for plff j w elliott for deft destructive bush fires several vlllaates annihilated in the county of russell orriwi oot 8 the villages of oassel- man south indlsnandoheuey iri russell oonnty bays been destyed by both urea whloh have been raglog intbit vlalnlty twior three days pivo lives nave been lost in the flames and the destitution and offerings of lbs survivors are described as verjf severe a train was oanght between thjf irjjs apd elfslneer had tp wofej np anililbwh the traok for hours to epospe tbe flanies v yrhy oar township doing so well at tbe fall fairs farmers are busy taking op tbeir crop of mangolds they are extra good ibis year afjplo plotting is the order of the day bdt the crop la very light naasagaweya show next tuesday 10th mr jaokson of guelph prsaohed in the ebsnsxer and corwhid ohorohes tor bev dr soanlanjast sunday miss barker of guelpb organized a mission band in the ebenezer ohuroh last friday evening with mrs soanlan as prsildent lira john marshall as vioe- prss miss f fletober as beoording seoy mr midgley cor seoy mrs h daniels tress some sixteen members joined lbs drat night mr and mrs david agnew anil son of jcnatohbnll spent last week with relatives in armada michigan quite a number from this township went to aberfoyle last fripay evening to hear the political addrssses it hon o w ria wd barryjvthbitwslyeyerid son 61 mr fylhifaiffiftiiiiiitiififaiint- lost his left- tslfp4tmvpifrivaifnoh blilugran no 5t- nw buitinqs nobby tjpto data just in our 9x6 oo suit to order is wonderful value new fall hats why wear outofdato style when wo can give you the latest from- fioo up new overooatinos the latest we have we have a black and blue beaver at 3x8 oo made the best colored ghirtji at less than costu see them and be convinced of tbe value we are giving headquarters for fine family groceries hvuhauliu hamb and qsneral bspatr- agasbraalogmaahlns braalng on blovel trainee flpeand steain fltuno ing being equipped with i am prepared to do braalbn uu oniwnaui ac whsals eonverte4 from direst to tangent spokes handlsoarabjnttoanvdmlrwtadsla fall una of spoka kept in stack batlstsetloa goarantewt bioyoiasmamelladl any color t jr bpinaht qeonletown aoton machine and eepaii shops abnbyobrndbtr proprietor abbwell eqnlprwiih wemaohirjcrr neeeasary touecats all repairs tomachln 1- q arnm iu a aauafastory manner vw esa repair and lino or implamant of any make saw fo puffs strings bows fourinhand and all styles new goods from 25c up our unlauhdried white shirt at 50 cents is a leader goods marked in plain figures cash and one price jk is g mill st acton r ei heuon taiwm ani71uenisber guelph uthi i ivyour cheap i cheap cheap rrawu as- mcmuirens choice steel wire netting tor trellis poultry yards lawn fencings etc are sold much lower this year than kj before rhey are the bot ask your hardware merchant for th9nv el 40 pieces to choose from at 5c to 75c per yd ladies underwear and combination suits ladies and childrens cloaking mens shirts and drawers white black and grey top shirts collars ties braces sox c c 10 dozen mens hats and cjapsvjlatest styles and lowest prices fc and glassware just opeij to see them at r lvi til2 1 y jjzm asyvf v v s