volume xxiii no j acton ontario thtjbsday octobek 211897 price three cents ib fublibukd eveky thursday morning at the free press steam printing oiuco iili btbeet aoton ont tpnuaofsouscniption ono dollar per your trtotly in advance all bubaprintions dlscon- tln whop tho timo for w thoy have boon paid hu oxplrod tbo jttroowinotrn0vflyy- ubioription in paid la douotod on tbo addrobb label anvkntlblna hates translont advertise wants 10 conta por nonpareil llricfor first ti- seruon a oonta por lliio for oaoli nubooquopt asertion r contiuct rates tho following tabloahows qur rates tor tho lbbortlon of odf ortlbotnouts f pr ipeolfled porlods lamps new styles for fall 89 thb traders rank of canada qottvg till bov op tue house ar-aoav- 1 yji 6 lio quo 1 jmo bolnohm lolnofaoa sinobes v 1 inoh agogo 3300 9000 coo 63900 3000 iaoo 860 joooo iaoo 700 200 700 300 aw 100 advertisements wltboot apoalno directions will bo ioborud till forbid and ohargod accord ingly transient advcrtlaomenta must bo paid n advance advertisements will bo obangod onoe eaoh month if doalrod for changes of too or than onoe a month tbo composition must bo paid for at regulai rates obaneoa for contract advortieoinouta muat bo u tho onlco by noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly hrmooite editor and proprietor susituhb biwtorp medical t f uren m d c m offlco and roaldonco coroor mill frodorlck btroota acton a 6 elliott m d m b acton gluduatk tonoxto unlvenaitv offiob main stroot third door fouth of presbyterian church aoton tr dryden evk ein tuboatasd noau mcleans block douglas st near 1 o guelph office houits 10 am to 1 pm and y to c p in sdnbaib loam to 1 pm -eterinar-ysuraeon- v lfred p husband v s gradnato of tho ontario voterinary col loco honorary member of tbo votorlnary medical boctoty office wo husbands lot 3 con 4 noes- agaweya calls day or night promptly attended to dental l bennett lds dentist oeoboetown ontabio dr e p mercer dentist graduate of toronto unlvorslty and rcds offlco over drug store acton vlflltlkq days tliudhday and faidat jm bell ddb lds dentist brtookviluk uonob gbaddatk ov tononto unrvenanr work made satisfactory prices modorate vibitino days tnosday and friday of each wtok d r ghcook dentist cor collogo st and bpadlna avo tobohto will vlt it acton on the arst and third sat ur- day of eaohinodth office a gnowa hotel m olean mclean barristers solicitors notaries conveyancers e private funds to loan l offloe town hall aoton wm a mclean jko a mclean douglas a murray basnibtbns boliorrons notaiiieb etc offjois 1206 qneon tit parkdalo victoria cbambers61 victoria st telephone 971 tononto hue stock to linnd- nil marked in plnin figures sou samples jntiur window extra low rices at jdiays bookstoee day sells cheap pay off your mortgage authorized capital 1000000 tranche suras of 91 aud opwards received oil deposit and highest ourrent rate of interest paid or compounded halfyearly deposit rocaipts issued foe large oumb deposited advances made to responsible farmers on their own names no obaromadcfoobllootingdales notes if payable in guelph a goneral banking business transacted a e ii jones aiautigvr ho won tho boy of tbo bouse you know a jolly and rollicking lad ho was uevortlrad and nover sick and nothing could make lilm sad if bd slartod to play at snnrlso not a root would bo take at noon kpojiaifipjojigfrombegmnmgtpjiod tho exercise of economy in tho home is one of the ways that will enable you to pay off the mort gage one teaspoonful of stew arts baking powder is equivalent lo four of many other makes and as tp purity it is worth a car load of some of tho stuff sold as bak ing powder 0nc teaspoonful of stewarts vaniila- or lemon extract is equivalent in strength to a whole bottle of sonic extracts and as to purity better that you cook without flavoring essences thaniousaanimpureand injurjj ious article our extracts are perfect in flavor and may always be relied upon as to purity as in the case of the drugs that we sell enough said alex stewart dispensing and manufacturing chemist il guelph jvj we keep things moving by keeping things that ivfove a stupid fellow who guages the quality of boots and shoes by the price has no busi ness to be married vet one of this class directed his wife to buy footwear for herself and the children from another firm beeause they charged mora for them and they must- therefore be better his better half bought several pair from us and several from the other house and showed her hus band they were identical being even manu factured by the same people this proved conclusively how foolish a man can be when he really tries the lady of the house gen erally knows where she can get tlje most and tho best for her money and if you were to ask the ladies of acton the question where can i get the best value in boots and shoes the answer in nine cases out of ten would be at w williams our prices arc hard to beat try us for an thing you want in our line my- linoleums and oilcloths you can depend upon get- ing the very latest designs and the best qualities if yoix deal here and what is more to the point at- medium prices this department has been freshly papered and is now much more attractive generally prices low enough for any body quality good enough for everybody the best assortment in western can ada english scotch and canadian cloths hardware 26 per cent oit- summer suitings we have 25 scotch and canadian tweed summer suitings this seasons goods which we will sell at a discount of 25 per cent i for cash only these goods wilt be well trimmed and made up in our usual first- class style when we advertise a discount sale we mean it see the goods nnd prices in our windows shaw tmneu merchant tailors guelph wall papers at wholesale prices waters bros dut his bedtime camo too soon did bo me onourtfo ibtmio mako loss noise ho would say with absuoy grin wby 0110 boy aldno doosntmakoiiiucb atir- lm borry ilsnta twin itherofljtwbprwinbroiltniubtbo tun to go double at oyory thing to holler by twos and to run u twos towhtatlo bytwos andtoblngj tiib laiighwassomethingto make yoq glad ho brimful was it of joy v a conscience ha liad porhaj in his brcaat 13 ut it never troubled tho boy- yoii mot him- out la tbo rardon path with tho terrier at hia heels you know by tho shout ho bailed you with how happy a youngster feels tbo maiden auntlowas half distraught at his tricks aa tho days went by tho most mlsoblovous child in tho world i bho bald with a shrug and a sigh his father ownod that ber words won true and his mother declared each day was putting wrluklea into hor face and was turning bor brown hair gray ilia grownup slbtorroforrod t him asa trouble a trial a uriof tho way ho igporod all rules sbo said was something boyond bollof hut if novor troubled tho- boy of tho houso ho rovolod in clatter and din and bad only one rjagrot in tbo world that ho hadnt boon born a twin thuros nobody making a nolso today theroa nobody stamping tho floor thoros an awful sllonce upstairs aud down theros crape on tbo wldo ball door tho tcrrlors wblnlngout in tho nun whoroa my oomrado ho soomsto say turn your plalutlvo byes away littlo dog thoros no frolic for you today tho frocklofacod girl from tho houso next door is eoublng bor youug beart out dont ory uttlo girl youll soon forgot to miss tho laugh and the shout and only lovingly and tenderly brought out on auob a day as this to bo dwelt on laugh ed at ay perhupa wept over too but with those blostied aud healing tears from whicli all pain and litteroofa have long finco passed away today however timothy had it all his own way for molly said utile only lay back and smiled oontbnledlys or shook her hnnd pnntly hm thnnabb demanded while the grownup bfifter is utsiing biafaco aud calling blm darling and sweot tho maiden aunt is holding tho abacs that he wore on his rostloss foot how atraiiroly milot the lltflo form with tbo bandb on tho bosom crossed i not a fold not a tlawor out of place not a short curl rumpled and tosood i so soleuin and still tho ulg houso scorns nolaufibtor no rocket no din no startlingshrloit no voice piping out im sorry i isnt a twin i thoroaman and a woman palo with griof as tho wearlaomo moments ereop o i tho lonolinrba touches everything tlioboyof tbobcuso is osloop toronto globe eltct jamilg hcamng th wedding ay xuslcknossand in hoalth till doatb us do part such a bare little place 1 oold and dark and oomfprtioss as a room well nirh inno cent of furniture must be yet sweet and clean und orderly and above all home to old sick molly and timothy her husband bring ber over at once then and the sooner the better perhaps this will make the journey easier said the doctor as he laid a ehilling on the table and breathed a eigh of relief he bad ooroo ready prepared to meet tbe hundred and ono difflo ul ties and objections aaoally pal forward in suoh a oabfbqt the oonvinoing argamenta had been all un need ed for molly had risen to the occasion bravely and had 000 son ted to become an inpatient at the big hospital across tbo park that very day 80 his task eucdeafl fully accomplished tho doctor turned to 4ewfr4be-fooro- uhe lieteqed once more to tbq old familiar etory thattime only beemed to make more daar and timothy told of tho bappy- courting days happy though wieo olka bad shaken their hcada and bad augared ill of this foolish marriage of a certain april morn ing when ft dull- old lion don cbaroh bad seemed so still andeolomu and yet eo strangely bright of tho friends and be named them ono by one who had oolleoted at her home near by to wish them well and at la8t of that real home coming the ettlibg down in tbe poor little attio rooms which hia lovo and thought bad made so oweot and snag and oosy and the violets bho put io quickly dont forget tho violets tim ho paused again and she watohel him keenly and anxiously yes moll he resumed presently dont let us shirk it old girl then but hia voine aoanded strange and she oould barely catoh the wordsthen oarae that grand first dinner party of oars you and me for guests and fish fried abu it was with potatoes fried potatoes and i do nit know what besides andyoaaughod no becauao i ooutdnt help to book them do you remember moll do you remem ber and throwing baok his head timothy barat suddenly into a laugh so strange and wild that it well nigh tore poor mollys heart in two then as suddenly eeasing he buried his faoe in bis hand- and cobbed as though bis heart must break white the quiet tears rau eevn bis old oheek too and what could bbe say to comfort htm for nine and thirty years that little anniversary feast had been celebrated ao wo r thilyely eryi temotthathap py-firat- ward way aoross that q uiet bit of the pai k paused for a moment to gazo at a soma- what unusual sfght it was that of tho littlo old man weak and tottering himself but pushing bravely and bteadily on with eyes firmly flied on the still far distant gates and carrying on his baok her thin arms clasped about hia neak her hands flrmily grubpod in liis an old eiok woman moljy his wife a young girls woe meal together repeated and now oh my alolli my moll he sobbed you must m without it tnduy ivo no money left not even a penny poor girl my poor old rrl she darod not tro3t herself to fpaak only stroked the irey headsoftly tenderly suddenty he raided it und looking not at htr but at the doctors shilling he pointed eagerly to it molll but she shook her head sadly it was for the cab tim there is neither train uor bus to belp me and i mub go in you know he ait still once more lost in thought then jumping dp excitedly he stood before her and spoke fast and eagerly moll think i you know the park quite wear coald yon with my arm my btronjjvarm dear ooold you walk to its gates ill carry yon through its not jar and then why then its bat a step on tbe other bide to the hospital door do you see old woman do you pee moll nodded but looked confused the nod however apparently 8ntiefod liira for he offered no further explanation only aaked it she minded beiur left by heraej for a bit and then smiling mysteriousl disa left alone molly lay still too tired and weak to wonder maoh at anything while her mind wandered dreamily back again over the page of that old life story whose joys and sorrows seemed today to hatve beoome so btrangely merged in one till at last she remembered no more tbe tired eyes closed wearily and calmly and peace fully old molly slept timothys reentrance awakened ber and she smiled a welcome hearts are kind and nioro than one friendly offer qf help bad been given to timothy but though ratelur for the offers be had seemed aljxoat impatient at the delay and declining all assistance had plodded quietly on againj ho could hardly have told how often he had stopped to rest alnco first that strange journey bad begun certainly each time that tbo sholtcr of a headly seat had been gained often of oeoessity when there had been no suoh help at hand somehow he had fancied btcdbelf bo jnuch stronger than had proved to be tbe case for it burely could not be that molly was heavier than be had imagined and she so weak and ill at first her cough bad been terribly bad and it had torn and hurt him so to hoar it but of lato it had seemed to get bettor and at lastit bad ceased altogether and very gratefully timothy bad thanked god for that a few moments ajgolfcey had atop- edtorestagainforthaiait timeandher bad questioned ber tenderly an te how she did her face looked paler bo thought bat sheseemed easy and happy and she smilod so sweetly at him ai ehe answered rather drowsily quite comfortable tim othy only very sleepy goodnight my man and he had kisbcd tar lips tenderly and rovently as he always did and then oheered and comforted had once more pushed on ah there was the park gatea almost reached at last and indeed it was time for his old arms ached terribly and his old knees threatened to fail himaltogether ho spoke encouragingly to her from time to time hue she had evidently fallen asleep for slio diduot imswfl hira it wkabattflr eo he thought for now she could not gacsa how tired be was and it would have hurt and vexed him sorely had she known it his good old loving moll 1 only a few more weary steps and the gates were really gaitiod passing through them on they went tlicsd two btrange travelers and the fittlo band of urohins- in thoir wake noticed that just before the great door of the hospital osoqb in sight the old man panted mors and more and his poor littlo stock of strength seemed almost exhausted yes tbe labor of love svm all but over now one more effort aud the goal waa reached worn and weary and spent with fatigue but btill olaeping tight that prec ious burden timothy stu retted up the lbt bteps and asfriendly arnos drew him into tbe safe shelter of that lire lit hull and kindly faces looking pitinj1y into lii- the plaoeeare7dsuddenly to beoomo confused and misty the voices to recede further away till at labt wrapped in a merciless unoonsoiousuess he remembered 00 roor faithful unto death bli tqbk was done that kiss in the park sealed their last good bye and bis loving old arms had carried her titheend for as thty geotly unclasped er arms from aboat hia neck they say molly was dead they would so willingly have kept him on at least for a day or two till ho should have recovered somewhat from the shock of tbe first sad awakening bat the old man was firm the littlo attio room was hi for a week or two louger and then why then there was the house he said the dreaded law of separation had lorft all power to hort him now he would just take one more look at her and then go tenner they went with him to where she lay tho matron and the doctor rjot the friend ly yonng doctor of tho morning but an other whose face looked unsatisfied and tired something had gone amiss with bis life springs of lato and siaoo then he had ceased to believe in tho divine possi bility of good either human or divine and now be eyed timothy with a haifoorloas halfpitying gaze the latter ahed no tear bad shod none indeed since first they broke tho news to him tbe comfort of them might come later perhaps and there was limes enough he stood by her bids now perfectly com posed and oalm soannlag earnestly each stilt feature as though to learn it the better by heart then he laid bis honest old workworn hand on hers and kept it there for a moment the ring whispered the doctor to the matron it may buy hiro a drop of 00m- fori at least lot him have it she hesitated then touching timothy geutly on the arm she pointed to it you will like to have it perhaps ehe aaked softly he glaucod down at it aaoh a poor little line of gold worn thin in- long and loving service for him and shook hid head thank you tnvaro he answered gratefully youre very kind but id rather not come good or ill my old woman wouw never part with that acd 1 wont take itfrom her now he hesitat ed for a moment than ginlng courage aa be looked into tho matrons faco ho con- tinued if i might make 10 bold maam would yon let me have my doarftirls bonnet very tenderly alio gave it to him aoch a poorol rus th aadhereeeivedi all right at that word the tall individual in the loose volvct coat jumping up perpendicular in the air and emitted a cry that sounded like tootle tootle toot i ordinarily ono would have suspected him of being tho last poracn to indulge in thaolr antics as he was of a staid and slightly severe opuntenanoe and aotosj ob server would havo shrewdly supposed that he jwas far from eujoying himself but it is to be presumed that he knew hid own business beat in any case the perspira tion bedewed hib brow r i a few yrds from him oat some one in thoohir ayouug girl she gaed at the jumpipg one with on- expresjloh of resentment end a ter bedimmedhe eye she wept bitterly the individual in the loose velvet coat gritted his teeth swore under hie breath and moved hastily away the young girlb parents who were present looked uncon cerned after a moments hurried 00 n fab tbe velvety coated one banded eaoh of the parents a large tin pan and a stick of wcod he himself handled a tin horn come ou now i the horn was blown luutily the tin pins were banged with fervor and all three dadoedupanddown with- bacobanalian- vebemenco and abandon and they shouted rooty ti toot 1 hi tjddloy hi ti pilly willy winkum boom i their faoea grew pajple and their veins swelled to the pojut of burating it was moot impressive tbe youog girl fixed her eyes on the pro- oeedingb they lacked lustre at first but by degress began lotauo on so mo show of interest now i shrieked the individual in tho loose velvet ooat with insano excitement a snap was heard and the young girl- she was but two years old wa successfully ptotogtaphed at last leisurely ran is thoro noroad now toholsuroly lanov wo traveled it long ago a plaoo for tbo ingglug o loiauroly btoiis f sweot and shady ana alow thoro were rims of rostful uiiih boyond and flolds of dreamful wlioat with stiadows of cloudiaaioaatlioiii blown aud popples nslgopntourfuut thoro lads andihafda on a fiunday ujot nud atrollod thorn two unij tow a trumpeters courage duriug a frenoh campaign in africa many brave deeds were done but none braver perhaps than trumpeter esoof- fiers resoae of hib paptain the arabs were pressing the cavalry of captain de cott and everything was iu confubiou when do cotts horse was killed under him and the capturo of the officer and the whole company seemed inevitable at that moment tbe traropter of tbe company leaped from his horse and gave it to de cou saying take him your life is necessary miue ib useless you can rally the men it does not matter about nay neck l de cott mounted the hnrsp rallied the company upd continued the tight trum peter eaooffior waa tukeu prisoner brtt the arabs who adore aouragb had witnessed thseceno and apprecialinu the nobility of the mau treated him with geuerobity his trumpet was a boh roe of great entertain men t to hib captors who used often to make him give the bignala of the various military movements ouo day eacomer ravp the whole repertoire with great gubto finishing up by blowing the summon for a charge with an extended flourish whats that aaked the arab chief ah i baid eboottier you will soon hear that i hope that is tbe signal for a oharge- one on the grocer they are telling a good story on my friend tbe grooer next door the other day a woman came in and said i want two dozen hens eggs they must all be eggs laid by blaok hone the grocer paid madam i am willing tbo leaves tboy jacod in a roof olrhoml and only tbo bunpoerouttiroufih aiid thoro waa tlmo towuhoraroho and tiino tfor tho woodblrdi call and plenty of time to sit by a tluum and barken its ripplonud t js thoro no rood now to loiauroly lwio 1 god knowsvo have uurriwlnfarl thoro waa once a lamptkroucli lho lroodiug dusk and over tho two a fitarl thoro was once a breath or tlie olovor bloom sweet heaveu wohavoburrlud so long and therowaaagate by a wbilo rono clasped and out of the dusk a song that sous- tbo ocho is btrange and moot tho voice it is weak and old it hath no part with this florce wi id rush and this hard mad flsbt for gold it hath uo partwith tho clamor and dlu and the jarring of wheel and btoiio 1 oh listen my heart and forfiot feruut that wo reap tho bread wo bavoiowu is thoro no road uow to leisurely luiic wboro lingorlng ono by ono tho summoning bolls of twilight limo uo tho meadows blown may find us btrol ou hom way ylad of the bvcniiig star v is thoro no road now tololburoy cod kuowb wo have hurried afurl 7 li h iii iatliw hume journal aphorisms be charitable and jhdultnt to unr- oue but thyself joubert better be driven out from among men than to be disliked by children dans trust not him thatbae once broken faith he who betrayed thoe ouco will betray thee again sbakebpearp there is ndt a heart but hasite moments of longing yearning for 6ometbinghttter nobler holier than it know a now beecber you may depend upon itibat ho is a good man whose intimate friends aro iood and whoso enemies are decided bid lavater it is wonderful what btrength of purpose and boldnesd and energy of will aro arous ed by the assurance that we hro doing our duty soott it in only the belief of goctdneso and wis dom of a superior bttiuf that our culutni ties can be born iu tho manner which becomes a man mackenzie candor is tbe seal of a noble mind tho ornament and pride of mau the ooorn of raaoals and the rarest virtue of eoutabihty sternao energy will- do- anything thut can to done iu this world add no talents no circumbtanccs no opportunities will tnuke a twolegged animal a man without it goetho lifes cares uro comforts euoh by liravan designed he that lialh none ruujt make them or be wretched oaros are employ ments and without employ the floul is on the rack the rack of nut to rouib most adverse aotlon all their joy younp scratcfll nc upam eal somemen in a publiohoase wero invent ing stories to pass the timet away they had all had a tarn at it except an old sailor who had remained bllcut all lho time until pressed by the otliera to spin them a yarn hebrgan i was once in a dreadfpl etorm all the provisions were washed overboard t was very ill and ate nothing for four days at the end of that time i began to feel hungry and the steward gaive me beef obickpn port wiue atnd egga bnt ynn nwtfl 11 thn prwufainntt iprp jonn dovaiab a g almnlit a jmlckinnon babnistltb bouciton convkyaxocb 1 orsice mill street iu mattbows block upstairs w wilijams mill street acton t i g matheson a 3 b mcleod anmibtbbs sppioltobb convetamcenp oeorgotown and milton money to loan at lowost ratos b j monabb blttk fourth div won court county of hal- 0d oontoynooragontflrondiaioabornoo imil etaw agsnt monoy to loin oto oroe porrymnulook aoton miscellajiso us the wilkinson plough company limited toronto are selliug their handsoirie stock of wallpapersat whole sale prices to make room for their christ mas fancy goods the picture gallery quelph henry geist ottawa canada solicitor of patonui for inyontion oto prepue applications for tho canaalmtrrariior- icaoandeuropoan patent offlom ana for tho ujautwlnn of trado uarka bond for pam- pbrt thlrtttwoyoar oiporlonco blbinois nunah bookbindbb wybdhamst onolpb ontario wynopau ynllamistoro aooouni booin of all kind rnado to ordor porlodloauoiotorydmcrlptlonoarofallybonnd brilinpneaiyndpromptlvdono m abriaoe licenses h p moobe imhumi or mttimtnn licgxar private omo no wltnmim roqulrod imuod rotldnoa in the ovoning pro prow om aotom 7utny faeueb8 if yon wiih to rfduco your interest or mouw i nrstolau loan of nooeyat lo lotctwt and on wy ovffljg njrana 1 hato ptonj ofiunast on ylllagoproporty rc jackson cosvurancan and mosm lksdbb qyyicb wyndliaoi bt- near city hall quelrh wilkinson ploughs last longest work easiest and draw lightest points and soles last twicli as long all cost parts have our name arid address in fullon them sec that you get them it will pay you potatoe diggers 1350 35 75 all thoroughly tested and guaranteed or no sale responsible agent wanted the wilkinson plough company toronto the campaign prepare for winds wo would oall your attcutiod to tho faop that wo aro preparod tb supply you with lumber of suitablo length for your barn doors viz 10 13 iii or 11 fcot also basb doors frames mouldings etc for building storm doora put up at as low a raid aa possible kepair your pumps or put in new ones before it la too cold wl can doit shop at foot of river street acton th08 ebbace manager w barber bros paper makers aeorgetown ont m i ipiiutr oy mitiht it bo tonight 7 it was timothy who spoko ill bring ber for certain tonight bu wed liko to have just this one day together first now tbe dootor was qaiahtempered and fooling impatient at any auggeation of de lay ho answered rather sharply no no bring her at once as i told you why tbesooner abo ia in the sooner ahe will be out again you know what objec tions can you have timothy hesitated but a glanee at mollys thin f aco and a cortain eager wist- fulnoaa upon it gave him courage its only this sir and it may seen a poor sort of reason to yon bnt this is our wedding day weve never spent it apart yet and the old voioe faltered and the sontnnoe was nover finished for the young man himself interrupted it hebsonj why its the very best of roaeons if yon bad only said so at once i bring her tonight then by all means goodbyo till then and as he went bis way amid the buey london streets- the doctor thought of a time not perhaps so very far off now when with lovo and friends and plenty all around be too should keep his weddingday and it may be that as he thought tbe joy in his own heart was none the less interne and sacred beoanes tbere came mingling with it a rememberanoo of some of tbe chastening possibilities of life and a feel ing of kindly sympathy with some other travellers on its road for whom tbe end of tho journey together could not be fjtrmt tsnt now loft alone with bis wife timothy seated himself beside her and patted her baud encouragingly hospital wellington mutoal fire insurance company ebtablnvhbd 18w insurance onoaaband mutual plan any ohs atloban hemstbeet liosmssd adohonssb for tb oounu of wellington and halton orjsrslsb 3 a l atmrnstdsassln aoton will be promptly at- tindidto fsesredooodto j j s0abmt baijis also tbonstto loan on tho most favorable umstinvaf the lowirt raws of interest in amsotwdpwsrds g01l leave your orders now far your winters supply none but the very best 8cranton coal delivered i can supply kgg stove nnd nut sizes the liberal patronage accorded me last season by mr browns cus tomers whose business j bought was much appreciated i can give even better service this year and solicit a continuance of their ordem coal delivery- to commence in september john mcqueen machine finished book papers high grade weekly news the paper usod in this journal is from the above mills wm barber bhos -x- s5iikisobe aeton blltora bmkkeepjtuitlenhisinshlp shorlhajidftjwtlllng and actual ocbce wo beclally riteor j- j8ariirtnoipiit outlpb aoton mocliine and repair shops bbnby abindeli proprietor abb well equipped wltb all the machinery nesmsary toexobnte all repairs to machin ery and agrloultural implements and to do all kinds of steamfitting horsoihoelng and sanoral blmssmltbfng woodwork repairs nenormod inaaatlsfaetory manner we eaa repair and maohlne or imploment of any make saw gumming aud alius dono iagsnls for queen vletorla t r vilslguasua dlmnnd jnwle ovsrfl3wng with latest and rlou loonfatna tbe enoorsmi biography fnftttathsnuojlstfjar sgsntsstoopinls- n fnuahtfjafd wrlfcfdulektl tor -hs- bottmipwh- laarboru 8t ohlsgo asswwiiaaauapmojiwwryo tti ll d with the smile whose sonshibio had made lifo bright to him for oiodr saoh splendid food and narslhg moll and the rooms why im only afraid yoall be looltioft down oti this poor little puoe when yoa corns baok to it actr a bit so well and strong for its wonderful how well folks do get in those hospital moll quite wooderfol yes timothy so tboy do very often her lips trembled but only for a mo ment then with a bravo attempt at cheerfulness she continued dot tim my man its getting oo and were wasting buohioaste shant we befiin and drawing nearer mill tiuutty beiiftn it was a old old oqitomwilb thsm now year after year as hedsy roond they had kept it together in the same simple t mnltfit ihbbghvef before in suoh a room or so lhuej been as a fterj ory oim eanlngaol long vhr for theoomnion ho41jngof everydey mm he came forward eagerly the old face flushed and glad his little body bent half double over the covered tray his o baking arms were carrying so proudly a tray from which there issued forth tbo altpre vailing smell appetizing or sickening ai the case may be of fried fish shut your eyes tight old girl just for a few moments he oried out and- still beaming from ear to ear tim brought for ward the little roond table placed it near mollys chair and softly and quickly pro ceeded to lay it fish 1 potatoes i bread i batter 1 teat milk i why what more could king or queen desire and all from the mar veil one possibilities of ono bright shilling i then diving into the mysterious depths of a baok pocket timothy produced therefrom a little bunch of violets crushed indeed and faded bet sweet still aud bend ing softly over moll he gently fastened them on her breast then soatinghlmbelf opposite to her ho told her eagerly she might look her unaffected burpriso was rioh reward indeed its yoaroahj dear heart ho orled your cab i you ooutdnt use it and a rid- lug horse too could you and heres yonr horse all raddled and ready its quite right and square moll he added qoiqkly as he caught eight of an expression of doubt on her honest face didnt the dootor say it was tomako the journey easier and wont it old girl wont it f ah i thought that would bettle it wbmeversbe may havo felt molly had not the heart to objeot any further aud bo the weddingfeast proceeded timothy picked out the daintiest and most tempting morsels be eould find and for hlssskoshti did her best bra vely but yrtworkt 13vi to accommodate you bat yoa have go the best of me this time i dont know how td tell the eggs of a black hen from those of a speckled or white one said she i can tell the difference mighty quick if that issoi madam will you kindly pick oat- tbe eggs for yourself she did so and when tbe two dozen were counted into her bsskot the grocer looked at them and said suggestively well madam it see ma as though the blaok hons laid all the big eggs yes said she that the way 3 on tell them ihtrdware very simple rule strangely today even the blested cup of tea seemed to have lost the maglo of its strengtblug and reviving powers shd at length all further effort impossible she waved off the last pn ffered morool and lying baok wearily shook hefhrad eat it ynnrself vou tjout cheat fair my man and ah tint uhe added sadly youve forgotten foinetbiug after all for that day you drank our bealthjn a glass of beer timothy lnd expected his and was not to be taken at unawares beer i he answered unblushing ah yes to b sure so i did and i was jnst thinking as 1 came nong how tastes change why theres a something almost nnpleasanlto roe in the very idea now t bo today if you please my lasv ill just drink your health in tea molly said nothing only for a few rolnntcs the room taemel dim and misty andltfs wiys vwy fweel anil to onoe mora urn wedding feast was ffcfrikx jj-y-bj- i- a llitjq lter jnst aa the short spring day waidrf wiog to ita close tha lew ped estralns hnrriedly wending tfasir horns- reverently as we do sioraethng that is sacred and very preoloui then with a grateful thank yoo mm be turned to leave the room he glanced toward the dootor aa though to bid riitn goodbye too but he had moved off from tlom and seemed busy over somettiinft at the further end of the ward so timothy went away he had almost retched tha great outer hall when he heard the aound ol hurrying footsteps behind him and life own name spoken and turn tig aroaod he saw the dtdor tho latter looked at him silently for a moment and thero was in eipreislon on his face that had been wanting there of late will yon shake hands with me said the dootor a m cambium a new mode of computiog interest at six per cent ha been published which appears simple tmahiply any given number of dollars by the number of days of interest desired separate tho right hand figures and divide by six the reaalt is the true interest of such suoh sum for snob number of days at six per cent this rule is so simple and so trot according to all business lges that every banker broker mer- ohant and olerk ahoold put it np for refer ence and uk there being bo suoh thing as fractions in it there is soaroely any liability to error or mistake by no arith metical precess can so decided information be obtained with so few figures to find the interest at 7 per cent add onesixth at 8 per cent onethird at 0 per cent one- half- 7 washed overboard where did tho beef corae from from the bullooks bulwarks said tho old sailor and wbero did you tot tho chickcnb from from the hatob and the port wine from the portholo and the egis egge said lho bailor i didnt say eggs dly oh yes you did eniti tho men wevo canght you now i tbo old bailor thought ho was oought and bad toconbider at labt bo eaid ves i did have epg the captain orderedtboship to lay to and he gave mo eno the oold cure caustic a3 a beverage the liquor men of montreal are about to potltion the government to establish in montreal asystematieinpeotion of liquor they have dlioovered reoently th tta by meu ii the trade in one instance ibe whiskey seller puts caustlo iu the white whiskey lo as he says iraske it bite adding of course many mors gallons of water to make blm rich this is a case than- can be proven with tho greatett one in two other instances tbe saloonkeepers never buy from the wholesale whiskey men but from tbe wbolestlo drug stores making np their llijuors from drugs with a fine strong flavor what did lufu mean luluyon should get jos to sign tbo pledgebfore job nstry him mary why be doeinl drink inlqlto bnt he njy bs tempted tq do so later anybody can be a raatlyr it there are enough people to look o a man writing from ilawsod city near the klondyke goldiliggings bays beer is 50 cents per drink i have quit drink ing this is an impressive oxamplo of thefftoaoy of the gold core special advice to ladies who contemplate col oring cotton goods if a morchant or any ono clo tell ytu that package dyes prepared for all wool goods will color cotton roods equally well do not beli6vo bim a porsoa making snch an assortion knows very littlo about dyes and dyeing work vrgotablo fibres rcquiroupeciiil dce 8uch dyes are not made by the makers of imita- the difference ths following conversation reported by a friend was reoently overheard be tween two brothers aged four and six ysrs bay wlnny what is ths dif- fereaoe anyway bstwsen a bicyole and a trioyolst elder with patronising air vwhyy donvyon know m maa ukiri ils thing boms lo see how ho likeiiliiitjjla trioyole batif he bays it ifmitttmwei dltsj 6un lurk in tha blood before ihsy openly manltsst tbsmselves then iprsltssp the blood pure with hoods sar- suparilla rpmon ptoltftge dyes 8peofsl dyes for vegetable llbroi aoui as cotton and mixed goods aro made only by hie proprietors of diamond dyes snd everv color is simply perfeotion these epeolal diamond bye cotton col ors are great ohemioal discoviriea snd con fined entirely to the diiiuond dye the colors are sixteen in number ire immense ly popular with carpel rug and mat mak ers every where ootlou goods nover fade when in son or washing it yonre about to dye cotton itoode or desire to dolor rags for carpel and mats be tare and aak your merchant for fast diamond dyes for cotton ami mixed goods he sbonld keep the full varlet sixteen useful colors if one half of ihoorld dont know how the other half lives it ims ihn fault of vhe women human life ia held loo cheaply whan th individual who needs a tonlo for bis system seeks to cover bit wants by pur chasing every new minor that is fee otnrnended to bim jruuenber that ayers barsapsrilla hts a wall earued reputation of fifty years standiny