ctusbank of hampton head office hamilton- capital all paid up 63 1 2bo00ooo reserve fund 72500000 totaf assets sos48q7815 nearly tou millions of dollars dirbgtobs ao itambay vioo1rooidout board of ohn stuaift lrusldout iko ttoaon jouh pnogton a tl wood a d lbb toronto wm giuson mp tuunouifl omblor h s steven asst caablur ii m watson impootor ceorcetown agency a general bahking businesstransacted notes o respon farmers disco the news atj home and special attention given 10 ihe ullecifon of salenotes andcommerclal paper generally r drafts issued payable at all principal points in canada and united stales jdrafta on great britain ttought and soldi savings department deposits of 1 and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added to principal every year vjhether passbook ijsibrought in or not- special deposit receipts issued for large suras j p bell agent georgetown 9t fail housecleaning v wall papers ceiling papers a large assortment of these goodstrsuitable for any room aridat pjces as low as 4c perroil r r windowshades curtain poles headquarters for these goods geohynds jewelery and stationery store acton iont f5p jjookattbodata on tbe label on your paper enoyou will seebow your subscrip tion tanas benow promptly- n will confers favor- mt ttoti fiti 3its thuesdai ootobee 21 1607 little local brieflets which caucht the eyes or ears of fr press reporters this week the lovely atadt autumn are radian everywhere tb ere is a touoh of frbsinesa felt io the braolog air tboao fall mornings v rthoivabwnaootber spall of skirmish dkaruuiu overa whlakoy paso this week the birds in great commotion are preparing id depart to warmer climes for winter v rpboholl met in brief sessloq onjuonday evediog ooanoillora brown and arnold were abiani a oonilderablo number of younff people from aoton have been attending tbo evangeliiuo iervlcee at the brlok char oh ihv put weak rj pftno pablio school board r will be held next monday ovening in tbe council chamber 8 oclock the g t b offers to build a new 130000 passenger station at gaelph if the cltyirlhgivetberu the now jabilee farfc free for a lite v the painters have given the m6te of mymbn bros at tbe corner of mill and main btreats a very striking appearance it la qalte attractive rev mr molaoblah preached an able and fropresaivo sermon to young men lait isanday evening from tbe text the yoang man absalom eifet montly of a local character and ovorv ttjsm interesting 8 a murine hand concert the marino band ot the salvation array whoae headquarters are at loudon wore in town tuesday aveutng and gavo a concert in the town hall the band la a very efficient orginizitlou and the proceedings wero eujoetl by u fair audience tbo bind t mm bore a dozsu members aud lliby drive through the country continuation services hqv bishop dowliuk of hamilton will conduct cortllrmatiou services in st josephs church here next tuedday morn ing at 11 oclock iu addition to the con firmation clsss of twelve members in st josephs church classes will also oome from georgetown and oustio tb have the rite of continuation conferred by his ijordsbrtp a jun tor league social tbe junior ispworth loarue had a pleaaantaooiftl evening on monday the buporinteudodc mi0ijjorjioora1i presided tbo mot herd were present in considerable numbers an event of the evenings prd- ceodings was the presentation to mr h p mooro who wee to someexten instrumont- al in the organization ofthe junior lsagae of a neatly worded arid daintilyprepared addrees oonvoylng birthday greeting a a fine birthday cakft acoompanied the jqnlors kind wishes acton grain slarlcetb there has been a ltuer quantity of grain delivered oh aoton market tbiv year than for a number of years past the market here is growing in favor between the buslriese of robert noble and tbat of aoton roller mills the farmers have no good reason for going elaewhoro with their grain mr frank harris buyer for mr r nobie baa already shipped over 12000 bushels qf wheat for export and yesterday mr clark of t ho roller mills shipped a aar iof floorjto liverpool epglatjd organized woodmen at georgstown the acton court of the avoodmen of the world are evidently doing missionary work the herald says a society of the woodmen of the world hb been organ ized in towq under the dlreotion of mr t h harding of aoton the officers were installed on thursday evening by conshl commander franoin of acton who was accompanied by about twenty members of the aoton camp araopg tbe offioora eleoted at georgetown were messrs gourge liwaon and thos maphatl whp reoently jrenoovedthdrefonaoton j neighborhood news news iterrta supplied by correa- pondenta and exchanges milton grain and prrtaacd buy are being deliver ed bore in largo juuntitiee at present a uqmber of miltorfiinu uttoudud tho nassngawoa fair at cimpbellvillo on tuesday mayor fox ha returned inm j after spending batweeti two and thruo montlis on hi manitoba farm rsva crossley and huntor wbii hold a serlos of evangelistic services in the motho- dist and presbyterian bhuroheb beginning early in november commencement exeraises of thg model school will be held in the town hall on friday afternoon coming and going limehouse mr and mrs john moore returned from tbeirlrlptp tbo westaru states on star- daynorning they fbuud their son a both in good ijoakb and dping well in bublness qn the date of her 78th birthday tfo remains of mrs mary fltsw widow of the late williim murdhftli worolald to rosf la tfae cemetary herb tho funeral was held on sunday afternoon and was oouduqt- ed by rev l- perriu b a mre muraq all wasau osteemed lady of long residence here sbe survived her husband- some twelve years and her- large family of sona and daughters regard her as oneof the best of mothers mr p m rdwe of georgetown who owned the farm and fuh pond on tbo fifth line above the limp works died suddenly at the home of bii daughter in toronto last thursday nassaqaweya r the news reaohed aoton this week o the death of jhr john maloney eon of the jatetavid malonoy at the asylum for the inrane hamilton thirvyftvo bloyole riders were sum mohed before tbe j p at tiuonburg last i week audoontributed 5a eioh for riding on tl theaidewalksin oootravenlion of the law fqruddlng same t the ffl paxsa is in receipt from geo jobpn p- s bdominton statittioiad of ajopy of the htatlrtloal tear book for canada for 181w in wbloh most ioteresllng lreobrou and abftracta are given the- of hay and stock scales iated at the corner of wulofr and mill btreetf and belonging to honderson a go iiittwiwsvihy were pnt in jowrforty years ago by tbe lato charles jnion eiq gbprcb are growing in interest tbe feeilortirbf ihe pastor rev james kestle isandmisi williama the evangelist are saiing fiuu the attendance is iifauragidg- qf tbe scores of people who use the itfethodist ohorch for their psuigalk tan appearance on i2a fwtjjisus u b oommlttees rtto aitlimiigrateuing tbe abed and ihihbped a score at least wwbldrirtot jia1ea4bttp in tbs mfes bonool ironauevvand bay ebtotheyywers pupils at tbo xybbittsobooi snoh 4lterlon woold have hottest octoher days on record cauada is breaking every kind of record thib year xaat week it was the weather last friday was the hottest october day of which there la any record in tb 9 meter ological bureau of canada the thermome ter having gone up to 811 in the bhade in 1854 it was 76 on oct 1st in 1858 70 on october 8rd 1802 71 onootober 0th 1867 75 on october 10th 1877 80 on october lbt 1884 8115 on october 4th 1801 807 on october 3rd tho heat waves cams from the southern fitateb and tbe cold wave followed very perceptibly on sat urday night an exhibbionarya visit the congregation of knox cbarob was favored last sunday by having rev j h maovioarb a of fergus occupy the pnl- plt morning and evening mr maovloar was a missionary in china for some years his sermona on sunday bad particular reference to mission work and emphasized eapeofally the efforts of- the womens for eign missionary soolety the subject of themorniog dltcourse was china and during its delivery many interesting facta were presented and valuable information concerning the celestial em a the progress of christianity there were given v mrmaovicar visit was much enjoyed united in holy mattimony another couple of our young people have become partners in life the ceremony waa consummated far from home about the last of september miss battle thomas left home ostensibly to spend a few weeks with her efetera residing 4 water town ny this week a copy of the white mountain times reached this office witb the following item carefully marked mr g fred tburstba ou foromtid left lffst mrs molash of knatohbull who hab been spending a ooople of weeks with friends in arraada mjch returned home on monday -mrs- wilsop wife of dr l h viuon dds lds of armada miah and son are vjuitiog relatives and friendbab kuatohbull nabsagaweyafall txhibition hud fine weather oh tuesduy mr cbas parby of knatohbull haj bad a delicate operation performed for an injury tb biflnobe mr cbas rawaoo bad tho mifortane a bhort timo ago to fall and euatain a severe sprain bl one of his anklee tbia will lie falm off work for gome timo mlaa katie k of toronto is visiting relatives and friends in nassaga weya miss keoitth liing is homo ou a visit to her mother mrs wm lalug young feopieauiyatebencer church last sunday saw a aeries or successful and highly interesting services the bunrise prayer meeting at 7 oclock led by mr geo midgley was well attended and full of fervor rqv pr sraulaus dicourso at tho morning service was highly appropriate to the occasion the dr and bis family have already won a warm pluco in the hearts of tho people tbe af tornoon eervion was a grand rally of the sunday sohool and friendb andbuperiutendotit marshall guided the servlco in suoh a way that it was felt to be oaost profitable to all the attendance at the evening servioe waa the largest of tbo day after a song oerviao miss laing read a comprehensive paper setting forth methods of wprk in the var- ioas dopartaments of the league mrs dr scnlan aang as a polo saved by grace mr h p moore of aoton then gave a spirited and inspiring address upon practical missionary work by the league and thq chnroh generally mr moorea addreaa delighted all who had the pleasure of bearing him and shonldhave tbe effeot of inducing more system atio and liberal offerings for the propagation of missionary work visitors to and from aoton and varlousother personal notes tbo pubis puubs luvitos all lot readers to eon tribute to this column if you or your- friends nro koidb away oa a holiday trip or if you have friends vlultlug you drop a card to tbo files puhbh mr james clark was judgo on grain at kriu show last weekv miflb mlua walker left this week to tako a situation in toronto mr will wilnon of hamilton vitiitcd aoton friondb last week mrs william sprowl returned from a pleasant visit with friends at detroit and toledo on monday mr wm jeana and family bavo returned from georgetown and taken up their resi dence on churqh street miss johns of johnstown n y has ireenargue8ttit siia1rd tho past two or three weeks mra molachlan of pray ton i is the guest of her son and family at the met hod iatparsonago bower avenue miss pellaboes of georgetown paid aetoh friends a brief visit while on her way to texas where she has gone for ber health ftr- robu and miss bella perry man attended tbe wedding of mr w j mpmillan and mian koch last week at guelpb mr wilson and his mother who have been spend lug several weeks with- friends at montreal and vicinity were guestb at the liome of mr james molennan this week mrs thomaa c moote returned on monday evening after spending two or throe weeks visiting her brother mr john farmer collector pf dawu and other friends mr and mrs h p moore entertained tbo members ot their morning olasr in connec 1 iqnwitb the method istcharohjol the number of between sixty and seventy at mooreoroft on mgpdty evening jiev g f 0tpn paatqr of the first methodist church st thorn aa formerly pustflr at waterloo baa been jnvited to the centenary methodiat nhurbbt hamilton to suooeed rev dr smith in june next mrs a qqaohenbusbwho has been re siding for home time in glovorsville ny ts spending amqnthqrjbo at the home of her father mr jumea molennan she will leave in a few weed fqr wnnip to joiti her hqabttud who moved o west l acton markets flour fall vboat oooao wbaat oau faa mye- uarloy oct ffl i63t t9 40 to 2 50 78 to 80 7a to 73- so to s 0 to 4 is7 to a guelph markets flour holler fall wbeat goobe wboat barley oats ityo fdaa hay egg per dos butter dairy iiaokod buttor rolln potatoes per bag apples i t9rqntqmarkbt8 oqt ao lw s a 20 i 5 78 to 70 33 to 91 to 43 to 5 to 5 00 to 10 to vi to 15 to 50 to so to white wlictnewh ited wheat qbose wheat oats uarloy fba hay- butter rohs egas foutoos john toulouse of dover township was aoq iden tally shot and killed while oat quail shooting with- mr martin carlisle of chatham with hoods 8awp rllla sales talk snd show that this medl- cine baa enjoyed public confidence and patronago to a greater extent than accord ed any other proprietary medicine this is simply because it possesses greater merit and produces greater cures than any other it is- not what we amy but what hoods sanaparllla does that trtla the story- all sdvertlsemohta- of hoods barsaparillsllke hooda bars pari lis it self are honest we have never deceived the public and this with its superlative medicinal merit is why the people have abiding confidence jn it and mantle room news spnnk lo0aubriepl8t8 thursday for visit to waterlown ny- he arrived home today witha atn q fred thnraton they will keep bobse in lbs stonghtbn teocment on mftplo atreetv further partienlarb were riven regpeeting liistnarriae to miss ttioma for whom as was pretty ftenerally kinonn whan lie wa a momber oftliepitee fnasa btsif mr thnraton bad very- tender rrgardi the yonng conpfe are now oomforubljr settled in o pictnretque andtery pretlily itnated town neitlinx among the monntaini of new hampshire their aolou friends wih them every apceeea and happinesi rockwood ksonwedoyvoningapremuttlmo wttjlwvsti itwtoitl lrnd mrs m tbevinarrlgft f misfbertha ffifraf bl koob to wm bgbi irblii nity friend of jo th number o abont 80 wars rfroin lb olty aoton and other aw a j martin offlolatod ps wants to see yon l tbe doltlipwnbo loiro- iopssboilfegbvr l jpindwtrijm r esibwo v8sll aoton bwfe david mokello abbot 85 joatfl of age died on friday nigbti ho was ono of the oldeit eramoai settlers the widow ot the late oeorge morley about 80 years of age diod suddenly on friday bignt she is also an old bottler nd widely known the funeral tbok plaee on bonday at the friends bnrylug ground deoeassd bad been suffering from internal trouble foraome years i bev dr griffin of jamaica gave a leotaro entitled a night in tbo tropies here on thursday last his isetnre waa illustrated with limelight views crewsons corners a number from this vlolnity took in the nssssgawoyafair at oampbellville on tuesday mr r niokellof this place is ezblbitlng boiler and other farm produce ths weakly prayer meeting will be held at mr geooanns great interest is being manifested jnthess meetings mr aler crlpps is putting a new 25 horse power stationary engine intoliis inm- ber and shingle mill m aud m frluk anil u uf aoton spent sunday at coldbrook the raaldenoe of mr b qibbons mr john murray has pnrohsied the house and lot lately ooonpled by mr jas bumsbaw from mr wm coleman of aoton at a fair figure and will shortly move here mr robert jripps left on wednesday last for moskoka where he will spend soma time mr and mrs n forbes and mr and mrs m orewson spant sunday at mr jot andersons arkell mr w cann of east lulhur spent a oouplo of days last week at mr geo oanns reorokal we bave found 111 an loodtlonist whose readings are new vartsd in style and always ohrsoterlaed by sioosrily of porpoee natoralueu in gsslejrsituil maunarwho it this loqa- iiofe baritntl8tlanibofioert georgbtown mr pm rowe of ibis town died on thbraday at the realdenoeofhia daughter mrs r w king s03 markbajn street toronto his death was tragio and waa doe to asphyxiation by gas he bad been intoronto visiting bis children for a conple of monthb and on toesday night waa at mrs kinge retiring as nana early wed- nesday morning a smell of gas was noticed and mr rowa was found in bed nnoon- solons dr mennie of bathurst etreet and dr r bi orr wero called but bis condition was hopeless and be expired 2i hours after being found it is thought be aooldentally turned tho gas on iftor turning it out he wajt a very wellknown resident of georgetown where tho remaiob were bropgbtfor buriaj on saturday hewaa 0 yeara of age at the yptera- llbtcqnrt here last week the following riainos wero added b p oontts poabe george nioklin obas j quale michael mcbean w a crerar alex brandt ohaa babney herbert wethorald j p bell hugh matthews bobt adatqs wm harwobd ohas bal- aotine f cornell john matthews tho following names were atrnok off a h glbbard jas drirfkwater d kop- man frank damon e h besmor wm ityder frsnk bhort wm g ilmoar nat butseli george allen n m livingstone a 8 hazetaood moaea smith mr ryan has received the appointment- of collector of customs here the office will we understand be built at the gtr blatipn mr and mrs r j greelman have arrived home from their ho tour the anniversary services in ihe presby terian ohurbh on sunday and monday were gratifyingly successful tbe sermons on sunday by rev j w momlllan b a of lindsay wero able expositions and maoh enjoyed tbeoongregatlon was swelled at the evening tervloo by that of the methodist church the seryloe there being withdrawn the universary entertainment on monday evening waa of ft very enjoyable character addresses were delivered by bevs j w momlllan lindsay h a macpherson acton j w h milne msnsowood and g a mltohell b a and thos rogers georgetown a feature pf ihe anniversary services both on sunday and monday was the solpa rendered by miss chapman of st catharines these were of a bighly cul tured and meritorious olate the jnttllee service in the baptist church this week have been times of re freshing lodstd the sermonalaat sunday by bev d hotcbldson ot branlford were of a high order and could not hslp bus in- dooa desires for a higher experience in spiritual life the reunion of members on monday evening bad maoh of tender retn- lnlsoenot aid a devout spirit of gratitude to almlgbty god about twentyflvo fbrmer members of tbe ohuroh participated bev o a eatons iboture on xostday evening fuiailed all anticipations and de lighted all who beard tblt talented pqtto fomwmr6tnnm oouolda thursday nov 25 baa been appointed tuankegivingday aoton bent a hlg contiqgent of visitors to erin fair last friday rov h a maopborson preached in melville church fergus iaat sabbath bev j a molaolilan m a will preach in norfolk street church guelpb on sunday a reading circle hae been organised for tho yoare course in counectlon with ihe epwortli league mr v7 p gampbells new bouse on mount campbell is about completed from its elevatidq it looks well a year ago last saturday- we had a enow etorm last satnrday the mercory registered 80 above zero rev 3 hqilmour ba of hamilton will preaoh in the baptist cliuroh next sunday afternoon at flpro owing to tbo illness of mltfs moneely the fourth department of the publio sohool has been aloaed elnce tdonday throngh tbe death of the late ool campbell a vaoanoybaa been oreated in the lloense board of tho county mr adam stewart has purchased from tbooiae c moore the lot in oook survey the silp of the recent destruction by tire of tbe dwelling and bakery a meeting of the exeontlve of aoton branch bible sbcletj was held in the council chamber last evening to appoint col tectora and arrange for the annual meeting at the guelpb assises on monday miss florenoe moniven of owen bound was jjiven a verdict of boo and costs against bev mr hope of erin for breach ofpromiae ofmarrlage mr ohae ryan georgetown baa biien notified by tbe government of his appoint ment to the position of colleotor of customs at the new port there the appointment we understand gives general satisfaction rat6hn mille of guelph will presch in the methodist ohuroh next sunday bev mr mills is apopnlar and energetio preaoher and his sermons will no doubt bo muoh enjojed tho boys who go- about town in the eveuinga throwing peaa at ihe windows of residences and thus frightening nervous women and tbelr ohildren will find -them- belves in tho looknp one of tbeso nights the oonstables are on thealertfor tbem the streets of iheoounty town must be in a despicable condition the champ ion eaye a horse belonging io alex holmeb fell on commeraial st yesterday morning and broke one of its legs the animal had to bo bhot mr holmek had juat purchased tbe horse the day before capt john shaw motived an ugly blow upon his left jaw at noon on monday nv4nsdonbl tree while quieting a fraotioub horse as the horses were going through the gate they rata against the gate post and broke off tbe axle pausing the double tree to fly against him with con siderable foroe a pretty wedding look place last wed nesday evening at the reildenoe of mrs crippt arthur street when ber daughter mary warunited in rharrlsga to mr henry atkinson rev p baker evertonv per- f rt as 0 u th bousohad been made gay wth a profusion of flowers and other decorations tbe event was thorooghly enjoyed by the hum orous invited guests the presents were beautiful and appropriate co wlttvely xlttlepuis they also relieve- distress from dyspepsia indigejtlon and top hearty eating a per fect remedy for dbztoess nausea pravsl ncss bad taste in mouth coated tonguej bain in tbe sldetorpid liver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable small pur small boiw smll price substitution tho fraud of tlio day sec you get garters ask for garters insist and demand carter little liver pills read luy buy riil ciikistln by hall came postpaid 75c equality by bellamy postpaid 75c your wall paper fromg lnellea guelph the jackets wraps ul sters and coats we show in our mantle room represent the best productions of five of the best manufacturers in germany britain and can- ada we mention canada last simply out of native mod esty for the products of our canadian manufacturers in sorrie lines discount those of their old world competitors in point of style finish value and wear in every case we buy direct f manu turer some of our confreres who talk loudly of buying direct are handicapped with a commission charged which they have to pay to the people through whom buy this percentage save to our customers our garments are the value to be found childrens coats represent a stock of immense variety rather too large for our trade and we have in consequence marked them at about onehalf the usunl profit in order to hurry their sale come and price them they we and best e r bollert co 25 and 27 wyiiilhain street guelph your window shades from c lnellea guelph always ask the prichs of books c l neltes bookseller cuelph a newfiltm 0f teailors 1831 blxtyelbhth toar the 1898 gqantry seritleman the best of the agrioultural weeklies inoispmrsxblb to alu country rc8ident8 wsowtbh to kebp tjp with thb tikes terms reduced for 1898 single subscription two dollars tour subscriptions sbvjuf dolljlus six subscriptions mine dollars k9 fifeciaz ikducbmktttb which will bo stated by mall on application to persons raialog larrerolubs asr paper fhee all tho roit or tbls ioar new butworlbon or 1b08 rk and b promlam or every reader it will bti seon that the difference between tbe oostof tbo coqhtot gbntiibman and that of otbar atfrionltaral voeklles may roadilr bs rodaoed by malting ap a small 61 ab to uftithflriflisflntawflfllt cooper akins have purchased the merchant tailoring business of e h schllmme next door to mrs adams and will continue the business with energy just opened a nice nssortment of black worsteds tweeds overcoatings c call and examine our fine assqrtment a perfect fit guaranteed cooper aklns the effect of hard times watches it nwy not be thought that hard times effects the running of watches as much na it does the pockets of the wearers unfortun ately for the watches people forget how fast timellies and more especially during lines of tlghtnessof mon they put off having them cleaned until the watch actual ly stops for the same reason that a buggy wheel stops when the grease is all worn off and the dry bearing binds tho wheel on the axle if watches would onlyalways stop whon the oil is worn off it would not matter so much but most watches are bo well mode now thai they will run on oil- or no oil and then the trouble begins the pivots commence to cut and by the time the watch has riinn year or so longer than it ought to the pivots are so worn that no matter what trie watchmaker does they wili never be as good as new this is where hard times gets its work in should you have any work for a watchmaker we will do it as carefully and as good as it is possible to do it co glasgow house new goods are arriving daily aud out stock is now about complete for tho full and winter campaign new arrivals in ladles and childrens underwear ah sizes and qualities the very bost values over presented here safe s p just what yon need if yon art troubled by aching corns potmans painless corn extractor acta in this way it makes no son spots acts speedily removing the worst oorn in iweolyfonr boors potmans corn extraotov the only sura oorn core the dominion government will tbls winter improve tbs kldtau ceuat with a view of lestsnlngtba liability of floods ai ottawa a bbttb sjcnd rob specimen copies which will bo mailed free and aoe wbotber this ononnous dlffarenoe in oost sliould prevent your having the best what aocouut would you make of snob a difference in buying medicine or food address luther tucker son albany ity o b peingle guelph pretty asa picture tkillstrbbf hcton has a wall established roputatlon for superior wprkln family qronpa social groups individual portraits of all styles shapes and sires babies and children iilfe siae portraits cfco we oan assure work equal to that ot thseluel tjuhltght matures ot ant intarlors ot homes is m speoimj femture prleas always reasonable call and have a talk about that portrait hram8haw tedan idea s jesknipm puatt lapcstc part for your name on iu lirnlo fi bidcbn naalb 3isj5j i i pietoms or 10 hsnlsarjleoalllng cards rtish with ordoc jumps taken addres- canada oaj1d boosb legersoll ons fall arid winter teds mens overcoats in beaver and frieze a specialty mens and boys ready- made clothing millinery mantles dress goods gloves hosiery corsets underwear c fresh groceries always on- hand try our blue ribbon kur- mah and japan teas terms cash or produce acton ontario aoton machine and repair shops nv sirati sr i i ii am h ftlla ult j aubwotl equipped with all tbe tnaobloarr ocasary to execute all repairs to machin ery andaarioultoralmplamsnuandto do all kinds of ataatnfltunff faorseshosldff and ssneral lilaoaamltlrinff woodwork repairs psrlormsd id a satlsfaetory manner we oaa repair and biaohtst or implement of any make saw bqamilog and flunn done new swansdown and curl cloakings in cream white and colors tor infants and childrens wear new double fold tweeds friezes and beavers for ulsters jackets and capes novelties in dress coods special values in black goods and a very largo lango oi choice new millinery openinc this week tho notvest goods in felt sailors and walk ing eats and other millinery novelties new mantles a fine rnnjgo of girls jackets ranging from 12 to 18 yearb at special prices overcoats and ulsters will all bo in stock this woskat prices lower than over boys iuall sizes as well as raen tjhcse goods have been walorproofed hy the rigby process and are guaranteed by the makers thoroughly waterproof hosiery our raiigo of hosiery isexciting the favorable comment of all who ask to seo what wo are showing specially for boys wear new arrivals iu mens and boys clothing all sizes complete we inako a specialty of pants wo are selling a good times paut all sizes for 95c i henderson cfe co now is the time to buy your fall anil winter goods 40 pieces to choose from at 5c to 75c per yd ladies underwear and combination suits ladies and childrens cloaking mens shirts and drawers white black and grey top shirts collars ties braces sox c c 10 dozen mens hats and caps latest styles and lowest prices a now crate of crqckery and glassware just opened it yill pay you to seethem at c f g oodeve gos ii m 1 hiih hi are youlholrt d fat amoutall ahdthiii if so the only readymade clothing you can get to fit you perfectly ja if your drmletdoes not cany shoiy of f slit get him to order for you ululjmfftu rn 7vt- ipi othesu j3 mm lir ilammllliiidn trmmi sdk5s9 wire- nettings aw yli- uwn fencjnge jlowe this year than ask ybur jhlidwae