sw- vfpvi j j ttt etreitl3vytrtt7j fifty years ago thiaift t1ieyrayllwaabqiinil tnloolc c- avhcn graudfiubcr lihd liia pictcr took tliecc were the bhadowstrirsrbeinrc the coining nfcoiijurcrdaguerre- and lifs nrt ultca girt in a piaafbrc someday to bjoom tbagoddess fair men ccrtnluly were not as black we know aatlicy pictured the ni 50 year ago ayer5 sarsaparilla bgan to intake new man just as iihe new pictures of men began to be made thousands of people fronted the camera with skins mad clean from blotok and blemish because they had purified the blood with ayers barsaparilla it is as powerful now as then its record proves it others imitate the remedy they cant imitate the record so years of cures t rion jfm 1ns thursday october 21 1897 ij tyaung mollis b6ys with no chance in another lcgcabid in tbo biiokwooilb of ohio a poor widow la holding a boy ointheou mouthaold and wondering if alio will bo ablo jo keep t wolf from lior littlo onep the boy grows and in a jew ycava wo find him chopping wood and tilling the littlo cleanup in tho forest to holp his mother every bparo hour ia ppeut in studying tho books ha hug borrowed but cannot buy at it con bo gladly acoopta a chanca to drivtt mules on a canal towpatb- boon lie applies or a chanoo to sweep lloorb atid ring tho bell of uu ucadomy to pay bis way while studying tborc hla first term at geauga seminary co3t bimbut17 when ho returned tbo next torm be had bat a sixpence in bia pocket and this ho put into the contribution box at ohnrob the next day ho engaged board washing fnal and lijjht of a nnrpnn- ter at 1 a week with the privijero of tub zast one tin tlio last fly of summer loft buzzing alpuo 4ii liia busy companions aro irozen and gone no pest of his kindred 1 no insoot remains disoousolato clinging to cold window panes ill not leftvo theo thou louo ouo aa uoyingl rife ouo binash and ill kill tlioo thou pest of my llfo bygiugor two misaad hlml hoe buzklnafialn or is it auotborv oroitsoottl thoro aro ten and wlipn on the morrow a warmer wavo comes jtoviving by hundreds tiiovh chorus their kum whoro mob go in wlutor no tcllowmay know but worse is tho puralo hbw soon will they go curiosities of the bible tho following bible ourioaitieb are eaid to have been gained by the study of the ood book by the frinoe of granada heir apparent to the spanish throne during bia s3 yeara imprisonment at the place of skulla prison madrid in tho bible the word lord js foand 1853 times the word jehovah 6855 times and the word reverence bat once and that in the oth verso of the 111 psalm tho 8th verse of the 118 puaim u the middle verco fn the bible the oth verse of the 8th chapter of esther is the longest verse tho 35 verse 11th chapter of st john ia the ehbrtebt in tho 107th psalm 4 versos are alike tho 8th 15th slot and slat each verse of tho 136th pcalm end alike no names or words with more than six syllables are foand in tlio bible the 87th chapter of isaiah and the 10th chapter of ii kings are alike the word girl ooours but once in tho bible and that in the 3rd verse and 3rd chapter of joel thoroare found in both books of the bible 8580483 lotters 783003 words 81373 versos 1189 chapters and co books the 3glh chapter of the acu of the apostles is thto finest chapter to read the most working nights and saturdays all tho time be could sparo ho bad arrived on a sat urtjay and planed fiftyrone boards that day for which be received 9102 when tho term closed be bad paid all expenses and had u over the following winter be taught school mi 812 a month and oard around in the bpriqr ho had 31rj ftnd when he returned to school ho boarded himself at an pipeuso of 81 cents a week soonwoflod him in aviliiamb coltogo whero in two yeara bo is graduated with honors iforeaohoa the state senate ut twentysix and congress at tbirtythreo twentyseven yeara from the tiroo ho applied for a chanoo to ring tbo bell at hiram college james a garfield became president of the united states tho in spiration of such an example ia worth more to tho young man of america than all tbo wealth of the astors tho vanderbiits and the goulds amobg the worldd greatest heroes and berfofaotors are many others whose oradleb were rooked by want in lowly ootarde and who buffeted the billowa of fate without dependence save upon tbo mercy of god and their own energies vfiih five cbanooa on each hand and one unwavering aim no boy however poor need despair there is bread and- success for every youth in this country who has energy and ability to seizo his opportunity it matters not whether the boy is born in a log cabin or in a mausiou if bo is dom inated by a resolute purpose and upholds himself neither men nor demons can keep him down pubhino to tiii fhont two agonizing diseases quickly banishedbypaines celery compound two thankful letters that should be read by suffer- ing men and women for tho tffdqtual haniahtnent of rheu matism bciatica and neuralgia pdlnoe celery compound ib without doubt tho bebt nedit love and flowers it ia a common thing to hear people eay to the flowerloving woman oh every thing grows and flourishes for you i would grow flowers too if i could have your lnok when in faot no business in less in- debted to luck than is flower growing the chief requisite for buccobs with flowers is a genuine love of flowers not aucb love as is only folt in the contemplation of a perfect plant in fall bloom but s love that stirs at sight of the little seedling breaking through the soil that finds delight in ovory added leaf and branch and fall fruition in the mature plant a love that hopes and works and awaits that does not get discouraged with a few failures along vith such we need good hard common senso love is good but it mnst be combined with labor to care for our plants ono day and nogleot them six days will not bring success or do- light not that we need to make our plants a burden or oaro but if we really love them we will think of them often alnd give tbem sdoh regular caro andoaltdre as will assure reasonsonabje success we all know people who get enthusiastic ppells over plants and pot and plant and arrange for a few days then appear to forget tbem eulirely for weeks and come back to thorn to exclaim there juetmylnckl all that time and money wasted itsrio use for in e to try to have flowers i martha a clowe bouuliftil chapler in the bible is the 2drd psalm tlio four most inspiring promises aro john 4 1 2 john 0 87 matthew 11 28 and psalms 87 4 the first veraa of the oth chap tor of ibaiah is the one for new converts all who flatter themselves with vain boastings of their perfection should loarn tho fth chapter of matthew all humanity should learn the gth chapter of br lake from the 20th verse to its ending fooled the detective a defcqtivo in a wellknown retail store is engaged in the meptal processes of klok- idghimself whenever bethinks of a certain transaction which took place last week at a time of day when the btore was crowded the detective who was keeping a bharp look out for evil doerawaa approasbedby a wolldreaeod intelligentlooking man who informed bim that be was employed as aeteotfveiu another atoro and had followed a bhopliftor from his firms store to the present piaco where they would find her at the glove coantor stealing gloves let her alone said the etranfio detcctifo and when shejoodsup t will follow her home and wo then can make a big haul con- sont was given toihia plan and the ehop- llftcr itolo two or three hand rod dollars worth of goods cnmoloated therfasbswent out followed by the strange detective that was the last ever boon of the pair and the detective wonders how on earth he was dupod so easily philadelphia rccortl contrari es in clerks aolerk in oho of the branch stores of lip ton the english grocer and provision dealer was recently so persuasive arid con vincing in his praise ofa oertaln specimen of poultry thai be succeeded in mii log the t ampl o h lo hla residence the clerks astonishment when ho foandthat his buppobed customer was no- other than mr xdptoo himself qaioklv clianged to satisfied delight upon receiving an increase of salary another inbtanoe not quite so pleasant to tho clerk contains au important lessonj a few words of quiet instruction given by mr wanamaker as ho walked through his store met with the following reply m wana maker it is impassible to keuip this depart ment in ihe prdsr that you wisw ml wanamaker smiled and tald nothing bui the following day a more effioient clerk held the place v how he ju character so you want a situation t said the business man yes sir replied the applicant ham 1 do you aver go fishing v oexjasionally wbeij were yon flshing laal oitinv f6anm9io work imoady it just forfunt when woman will she will maybe and wneu she wont she wont porhdpa a man always feels as though lit had done wrong when a girl kisses him against bis will nni is awfully afraid of her opininion but wont admit it bpmo women aro kept so buay getting up new dishes with queer french names that they never get time to learn how to cook if the average man bad n sharpen the grass cutter and cnt tbo grass in bis front yard ever day ho woul become infidel icims that hurnftnecienoe has eve r- prbduced- tiis marvolloua remedy deyib- ed by profubbor edward phelps md of the ablcbt byiiqiuna that over lived has won the hearty prauo of millions of pooplo for tho wondrous uuroa it has wrought in all lands it iionlya modioinpvithauch a record of ciirea that can attain a wprlav- wido reputation it baa aaved nipn women and children many of iwhpm had btien given op by tho duotorn it does its- work quickly and well it eradicates every traao of disease it builds up fortifies endmakes aqtivo every mortal wboss limbs liavo ijoon crippled auh deformed by rheumatism and drives away tbo terrors of neuralgia today the ablest doctors are freely rpreboribiug painoa celery compound for toctaredrheumatic and nouralgio people tho thankful letters received each year from the cured in every section of canada would if published in book form maho a large and interesting volume the following ietterb will surely impiro all rheumatic and neuralgia pufforers with a now and lively hopo of a hotter and happier life mrs f memann of thorold ont saya 7 i think it my duty to let you know what painoa celery compound has done for my hubaud for two years ho buffered very much with rheumatibm in tlio back and became so bud that be could not bond atoop or eit in a chair at table and i was obliged to take hia meals to him while ho lay in bed he was treated by various physicians but received no benefit until ho usod paioos celery compouud tho first bottle fiavo hirorelief and after he bad used six bottles bo was quito free from tho t he-waa-troubled-withpileo- for fourteen years and found great relief from the compound he says hefeelaliko a nqwaniuathojvjve medioino like paines celery compound mra a achobon of montreal bays ftwo years ago i sufferedinteuaelyfrom npuralgia in the head face and- shoulder i was in a terrible conditiop and often bo 1 01 tared that i could not rest or bleep i became very weak and feeble had giddy- and fainttpg spoils and often could not attempt to go out on the btreot my appe- tito became poor and my digeation very weak at night wbilo in bed ibfiebhad oppressive and smothering feelings my whole nervous system was run down and very weak 1 bad been under the care of a medical man and used various medicines but no relief came to ma from theee sonrcea i fortunately heard of your paiues calory compound i decided to give it a trial and i bless the day i commenced with it i need it for several months and now feel as well as i ever did all my pains have been banished i sleep and eat well and find myself a new woman i heartily recom- mend painofl colery compound to all who are in need of an honest and true curing medicine this ia ari julvlrliscincnt whlcb tolls tho truth hbttiii milburna henrt nnd ncrvo pills peof5k vmo suffer from- sk of bivriil if ffi r lins tli diiiiiii til grouncltiss fiirs anmmia or impo cflectti of la grii etc should dizziness shortness nutf fclliiipri palpita- thi heart touli the id lilit nurbulcmi- tin miiul tif coming danger wished blood after ic general debility try tftose pills as they cure these r is guaranteed to refunded 1 1 niplnints every box give satisfaction or ruiikh the party from whom the pills were purchase author4wtiiemaadisq outlftitrenbifl of the above jitalcnicnt this ofier is limited to tlie first box srd by any ono person t milucrn co toronto tlila tells viieru health may be found and bat is vnore important than making hiobey if your ia impure hoods saroaparilla is tho modiaino for you it cures scrofulu salt frhoum rheumatism cfttftrrb and all other diabases originating in or promoted by impuro blood and low state of ihe system hoods pills aro eaay to take caby to operate curo indigestion headaoho a placard iu a cboap restaurant in chicago says do not fee the waiter he makes more than the boss and hab a half- day off tho llloulvhiff phics- tho breath of tha piuos ts the breath of life to the- oonsumtive norway pino syrup contains tho pino virtuo and oureb coush tolde broubbitlb asthma hoarse- uesa abd all throat and lung troubles cruel sciatica incossant -pain- -rtormentod- rackedllfe doopalr- odpf v juhii murahall vhruoy p 6 co of grey writes theeu strong words- for two years i was completely lajd up with soiatica i doctored without any perman ent rolief i had givou up hopo a friend saw the notice of a euro of what seemed to bo a parallel case to mine by south ameri can llhoumatic cure ana knowing my littlo fulthin tho tflicacy of any remedy ho procured- a bottle himself and brought it to me i took it and to mako a long btory abort it saved my life iiia day or bo i waboutdf bed and in threo dajh i was able to walk to durham a distance of four milep to purchaso another bottjo i am now entirely cured sold by at brown when some pooplegetontquioirt01 that they woro intended for followers itmtcnd of leadorsthey will bo happier and tlio world willbe bet tor stout people n stout pcbplo are in great daugor of hav iug the heart muscles gradually weakomid by the inflltfiation of fat thfs can be prevented iumauy cabes by tbo use o dr milburus heart and nerve pills mr jas kelly hamilton ontario hays i havo been bick and feeble for five years with a weak fluttering heart sinking feel- ing nervousness bhortuessof breatb etc but am now glad to say that dr milburne heart and nerve pills have completely removed all my heart and norvo troubles and havo given mo back my health that wasnt such a bad mistnko of the boy who spelled it pbilanthropotb no- uoom for salt kiihuiii constipation causes fully half the sickness in the world it retains the digested food tbo long in the bowels and produces bluousnesa torpid llterrindt z43mm salt rheum eryaipelas totter shiagles raeh scurf etc cannot exhit where burdock blood bitters is used here is the proof i was so bad with salt rheum that my finger nails came off b b b cured ros completely and i havohadno return of the disease daring the past threo years mrs jas sanders bmbrsoutimatr a cirsus performance ipjflrosting ij healthy stomach intentely happy man i nothlnarexperiment- al about uslnff the great south american nervine what it has done for thousands it can do for you hore are strong words from a reli able business manrread them i have beet a great bufferer from indi gestion and dyspepsia i tried many reme- dies but obtained very little relief i saw south american nervine advertieed and aonoluded to givo it a trial imd i must say i cooeiderit the very best ruodicino 1 have ever used i obtained great relief from the first few doses i have used only two bot- lea and am happy to say it has made a new man of mo 1 strongly recommend it to fellow- sufferers c poarce dry goods merchant forest out sold by a t brown deacon black hpw did you like it down at bloomtown rev white i tell you thoyre wideawake down there oh then you didnt preaoh for them norway pino syrap strengthens the lungs and cures all throat troubles cough e colds eta in spring tlm1jt prissjblboel by using bbb jno other remedy possesses such per fect cleansing healing- and purifying properties as burdock blood bitteis it riot only cleanses internally but it heals whcrrapplic sorcs ulcers abscesses scrofulous sores blotches eruptions etc leaving the skin clean and pure as a babes taken internally it rcmoves all morbid effete or waste matter from the system and thoroughly regulates all the organs of the body restoring the stomach liver bowels and blood to healthy action gold is bo plentiful la alaska they aro finding quartz by the ptok signs of norms are variable appetite tohing at the nosa a dr lows worm syrap is tho best worm oxpollor cure constipation and all its wtfwj7j results easily and thoroughly 25c audrafttats prepared by c x hood st co lo well mass tho only puis to tako with hoods sarsaparuls the pin race plate two rows of pinb ontbe carpet ono on eaoh side of the room the pins should be six inches apart then at tho word of command the two players are to pick up one pin at a time return with it and place it in a bowl the one who has pltttsatup the pins first of course winfl there is no stipulation as to which is to be first pioked up counters u take the place of pins or nuts would do but pin a are best beoauso of the difficulty in picking them up somo fan may bahadby guoaaing who will- bo the winner in the pin race wants them to come any way a westorn paper with ideas of its owu as to the proper method of receiving pay fromtbbseit serves baa printed tnp fol lowing editorial persons knowing themselves indebted to this office will please call and settle all those indebted to this office and not know ing it are rennested to call and find out all those knowing themselves indebted and not wishing to call are requested tostay in 000 place long enongh forus to cat oh them all those who are not indebted are request ed to oll and get indebted hach fate is oiraumstanoe yonre- not so warm i to the manwbo thinks bo knows ivirtl no girl ever had a sick headache that was too bad for her to get up and try on a new dress a man oan never look as proud atid haughty as he wants to when ho has on a shirtthat feels wilted a man never gets nsod to a- womans honost insincerity tho remarkable number of cures of gout and rheumatism which have followed tho use of ayers saraaparllla point conclus ively to the faot that tbi3 remedy comes nearer being thobpeoiflo for complaints of of this nature tbanany other medioine in rharmaoj some people canrto fool commpu mor- tala and yet they imagine they are fooling tho lord lluails that ache heads hat acho may bo mado bright clear and froe from pain by using burdobkt blood bitters the true natural euro for headache from whatever caaao arising hoadaohoand pain in the back ahlioted mofortvlodg time but now 1 am free from tbem thanks to ihe uae of one- bottle and a half ot b b b mias j mcaiiib- ter almonte onr the lord lovelh a cheerful giver but not bo well as a tramp to improve and thicken tho growth of tho hair ondrestdrd its natural color halls hair ilenewer should be applied and no other recommended by phj sipians quackery is always dbcov- eriiig remedies which will act upon the germs of disease rirectly and kill them but no nittrfrv-rty- ak your doctor he will tell yon that sootts kraulslon cores poverty of tho blood and debility of the nerves he will say that it is tho best remedy in the world for delicate children boms folks are like a loeatro flat all length and breadth i but not thickness no person shdold go frotn home wlthnut a bottle of jdrt ff d sqlloslteiij been approved by doctors which will cure consump tion that way germs can only be killed by making the body strong enough to over- corrfe them and the early use of such a remedy as scbtts emulsion is one of the helps ttf the rdai1ywar- fare man keeps up he wins best who is proyidqdith the needed strength s as 8frotvs wisdom is unliko wbiakers ib that it dosnt always come with age six oils the moat conclusive tcsti- mbny repeatedly laid before the pnblio in the columns of tho daily press proves that dr thomas eolectrio oil an absolutely pure combination of six of the finest remedial oils iii existence remedies rhea- matlo pain eradicates affections of the ihrasttb lm a ou wo sores i am fn esc tumors borns and injuries of horaos and oattlo colic 0hjiifwlijholeha and nil s0nmiroohpijiint8 of ohlldren or adult a pxicb 35c- bowareof imitations a watchdog attached to d chain ia likely- to become woundup dyspepsia and indigestion c w snow a co syruouben y write please send ub ten gross of pills we aro belling more of parmelees pills than any other pill wo keep they have- a great reputation for tho cure of dyspepbia and liver com plaint mr chap a smith lindsay writea parmeleoa pills aro exoolent medicine my si a tar has been troubled with severe headache bnt thete ill la hav cured her tho plain bpokcn man is likely toralllo the feelings of others ki w how insidiously it wages but how quick the surrender and howthe flagr of truce is hurriedly hoist ed when that great general south american kidney cure turns hla guns on the disease for new chiffons and leading shades railway time table- 11s u also new cream silk laces colored silks in leading shades 8pecial bargains in jieadqtxarters for ne family drbgeries v mill st acton are you 99 wyndham street looking for a nice new uptodate fall suit and overcoat if you are and want the best for the le st money this is the place to come- njew suitings nobby upladate jusl in our 81600 suit to order is wonderful value new pall hats why wear optotdato style when we can give you the latest from 8100 up new overcoatings the latest we have we have blackand blue beaver at i8oo made the best colored shirts atlesa than cost see them and be convinced of the value ave are giving eckspea puffs strings bows fourjnhand and all styles new goods from 25c up our unlaundried white shirt at 50 centsis a leader goods marked in plain figures cash and one price r brnelson- tailor and fujotshee guelph n shops and warerooms foot of willow st calls attendcld to day or night r j a speight 00 co this ib what james sullivan of chat ham oot writes for years i wsb a fireat sufferer from kidney trouble tbo disease beoamo bo aoute that i was confined to the house and was greatly artliotod with insomnia i was persuadod after using many other romedies without relief to pro cure a bottle of south amorloan kidney cure i had relief from tho flrat dose j have persisted in its ubq and of ter using elx bpttlesj am well and strong again i can work foarteen hours ot the twouty four and feel very little if any fatigue it is the beat medioino i have over nsod bold by a t brown tlichea have wings and likewise a gooct many gaudy tailfeathers biliousness and liver complaint head- tobe etc aro oared by burdock fills contempt ib the only way to triumph over calamity mr t j hnmab oolombus ohio writes i have been a alio tod for some time with kidney and liver complaints and nd parmeleoa pills ihe best medioine for theao diseases those fills do not cause pain or griping and bhould bo used when acatharlio is required they aro gelatino coatod and rolled in tho flour of lioorico to preaoryo their purity and givo thorn a pleasant agreeable taste take tho poets eyes and ears but the noaoof tho scientist lugyarda pectoral balaam en res cougha colde asthma bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles why do you lauffb at bis jokes 1 it hint possible to rinderstand them is it no batit i didnt ifturh hud try to explain tbem hcttcrtlmn tho klondike mrs is wi ji m i tufyrsnlt hcekctljs- ii v ihvolid dyipepfand lomtoh von- w for tbo put two yeirf iy mlm elltl jiyjilon nlgir fil and took rrloqi rthiedler in roliflfor jaiw ilhpblytbeoniepthratoallho offft ra ina unt says waa attaobed with kidney tronblo about two veara nuo and teally grew worie qnlil novembor laat when i grew to low tbat i thought i would live only a abort time longer 1he dootor here prononnced ray oaae a oomploation o bright diaeaae and dropay and eaid i ooald not got well dr modonald advised me to try doauakldney lla aa it waa my only chance to get i did ao and now loan truly aay that i owe my life to fol lowing liia advloe for i am atroog and well tp myllto lua beon spared to my throe owlureo arid i think uoana kidney pilli k woijh their weight in gold ihetovor ihlnbe hia kneatbeart the apple 9 iiave when hee beolder 1 x arenja htiy r tiravea worm extermlnatorbecauee they know it is a lefa medioine for their children and an iffeolual txpellerof worms undertakers and embalmers latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furnit of all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited ja speigrhtco orders left with j ft 8tin8on rockwood will receive immedi attention hum hum glowmsbufteiamiitokedbyir growers im tub flnwvtea 8abden8 in tht wontd blended tin twrto by exkrts mo phonounoeo the blt tat auqiio0bhs bygn lead packet only 25 30 40 60 and 60 cents a pound blaokm mixed 6 the davidson a hay ltavwhole8ale aoent8 toronto for infants and childreu sbonld eaton jacketa be worn at tlio dinner table tbero never was and nevor will bc a univoraal panacea in one remedy for all i to uh fl l heir uiii very imttmr ofmany cniatlyeh fcoinj anch that were the gorma of other and differently boated diaoauob rooted in the ayatem of the patient what would relievo one 111 in turn would aggravate the othpr we have however in qqinlno wine when obtained in a aonnd unadulterated atato a remedy for many and grievoua ilia by ita rradual judioioua nae the fralleat ayatema are led into con- yalebcenoe and atrenglh by tho infloonoo whlqh quinino exerta on natures own reatoratlveo ii rellevea the drooping anirita of thoae with whom a ehroolo atato of morbid deepondence and lack of interest in life ia a disease and by tranqnilizlng the nerve disposes to aonnd and refresh- ing sleep imparta vigor to tho action of the blood whioh bolnpj stimulated oonraea throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal fuuotlona of the system thereby njaklrigaotlvily a necessary result strengthening the frame and giving life lo ithidlaittiyppriansi whioh naturally a4jsltx p grthrojj lyman of fpptb tbonablib their jtpeffnsqalrate anv iplnlw- w elentlatatbl hsrt perfeouon of any grand trunk railway fioisn uiii i xnr mull it u in 1 ji in 7 ui in olsu asl ii xi kfifl i xi icfh mull ml xi j r j o in 10 47 o in h 11 i m jo c i i in ii ii i llo inil sialij toinii ht j hid ntid gno p iii goiiid i tot- a i in on 1 5 i j j in thin tlmo t iblu wont into iittct on moutlaj nov wth lhm brhntford galvanized steol wind mills and towers jpol and fump ing wittxn tornal covered gear patont roller and ball bearings ballbearings rollek bearinqs mihcnof the llgl t st running and best constructed gahtn ized steel wind mills and towers made also tho celebrated mnple leaf grain 3nnder write or brantfohdcah illustntcd circulars john twviqueein acton agent for above also tor frost- and wood binders and mowers a full lino of all kinds of farm implements and repairs j h hamilton deauto is tt marble and granite hamlton8 blook ouelph having on hand a largo quautlty of scotch norway swedish and russian grhnite and in order to dispose of u to make room for spring stocl now purcliibed i will scljkit i reduction of 20 per cent and will illow all oxptnscs to customers to ind from our works john h hamilton acton- livery bus line tbo uudorsisuoil robpeotfuiiy solicits tlio naviron go of tho public and informs thorn that well equipped and stylish riga oan al ways be secured athlssublcs a comfortblo bus moots al trains botwoon sam and 818 n m carol ul attention gl von toovoryordor tbo wants of ooramorolal trarel lorsf ally mot john williams tnoi nieton acton saw mills and wood yards jk7uces brown lundfaotununand dealkq iv lumber hath shlnclcs woo1 xto all ktmla of vood in 6 took anil promptly dolivorotl to any part of tlio town at roasonubo prices hardwood atid slabs out utovo lourjtb always ou band tolnptiune oommuuicatlop to a beginner in business a word lb the young man preparing to ojtcn i store of his own when you get ready to do business tell the public what you arc going lo do use plenty of adver- t a to t y a w thoroughly but toll it simply dont whoop dont tiirn verbal flipflaps dont make a jumpingjack of the english languatje dont tear your hair and froth at the mouth just get down to business and tell people in short simp words all about your new store and your new goods act dice a solid business man not like a flybynight fakir the mm 4vho merely jumps up and down might just as well stand still soft and fair goes far in a day- work up a good solid business by solid business methods coax and wheedle and suggest and argue dont try to yank trade in by the hnir as bui nye once sagely observed when you want to kfss a girl dont grab for it take your time its there fori try uu j ia tub vstur psws lm