vdlitjme xxhi- no j 8 it ctojt fxtt press 18 pudubiiep every thursday morning tjlt the frco prebflstcamlrintiiikofilcc mill btiteet aoton ont tanus op subscription ouo dollar per year ttrlotlyln advance all suliscrlntlona dlaoon- tluuou when tlio timo for whioh they havo boon p ha exp t fla to wntohpiivpry subscription is paid u don o tod on tbo address tybel arvhntlhino itateb tranfllout advertlso- pjonsktcouta por nonpareil lino or first n- 1 saron 8 coats por itiio for oaoh bubooquont usgrttyra v ooiftbaor ratkbtiio following tablo shows bur rates for tho luaortiou of ndvortibonionta for peoiflea periods bibles satchels gaines and wall paper we have just opened up a largo line of bibles which we will sell n plunder prices satchels we have the largest assortment all sizes and colors and are giving the best values in tho city a call will convlnrfiy l acton ontabio thuksday october 28 189t 1 4 price three cents brio 1 til s uo 8 mo 1mo j0 inolioa sbooo 10 inches i 3300 sinoboa aooo linohi r 600 3500 3000 1300 a 50 eeooo 1900 700 900 700 800 aso 100 advertlaemonts ffltnont bpebiqo direbtlona will beloaerud till forbid and ohargod accord ingly transleut sdvortliemeatb muse bo paid n advan adtertleementa will vo changed onoo oaoh month if desired for ohangea oftonor tban onoo a month tho composition must bo paid for at rogulai rates changes for oontraotevclrortlbemonta muet bo n tboofnoo by noon on taobdaye accounta payable monthly i p puoobb bditor and proprietor jbastiwaa bittitorp games we have a complete line of up todaleevening games iocludingfourteen cases of crbkinole boards which we just received and yill sell very cheap walii papbrrin that department weare having the best fall trade in years why because ye have the largest assort ment of uptbdato wall paper and tloorri mouldings in al shades and colors- at the lowest prices ever offered in the city rind for the next lew weeks we are preparedo reduce our stock at the following prices 35c paper for 20c 2jc paper for i2jc andisc2oc paper for 8c and ioc ioc payer for 5c wo bave the papers and are doing this for to make roorn for our next seasons stock at days bookstore guelpli day sells cheap traders bank of canada authorized capital 1000000 gueljjhb rancfh attxji td uck1ng tfor ha hlo we vjj iy katb m olisaitv a vast om kltohou with warping tloor and a rattling i a ton ou the creaky door and blaakuttodraf tors from which down awing brouzobrown bams and many a string of rosy onions and apples dried jp7ax j f ttjlkn m p o m qfaoe and residence porrpr wu frcdpripk streets aoton a s plliott m p m b ff aptonj fjnirjuarp tonoxto ittitybbejty fjpfipe malp strpet tjilri dbqr rputb of proibyfotlan pburpi apfon j5 r drypen moloanb block dougus bt noar p o guelph orriob hours 10 am to 1 pm and 3 to 6 pm sumdats loamtol pm vj y hur a lpred k husband v s gfcaduato of tbo ontario veterinary colicro honorary naotnborofitbo vowrlnary modical pvtick wm nmbanau lot 1h turn 4 agaweya calls day or night promptly attonded to dental h l bennett iids dentist if oupmtotffl qhtapio j r cttff7tfleu0kl j dimtiaiv oraduato of torontounivonlty and bcd3 bfflcoovcr prugfitbroaotob m bell dds lds if i pfintiflt baookviltbi honob olubuatb op tonohto umivenbitt work made satisfactory prloos modorato visitino days tuosday said friday of oaoh v6qk 0 b g h cook dlsrftist cor gollbsoh arid bpadlpa avo f j tobonoo will vlilt aotod on bo orat and third sat ur- daybfbathnionth l gbiiilnosjjot jsss- m clean mclean barrliurs solicitors kotarloi contoyancoro jto private funds to loan office town hall acton ww a molsum jma a- molein tm r i tr v lit- r- sottgea9oi kubhatt baiuiibteiui 80hoitoii notabibs eto svioeslsooquooiastfarkdmo vi i y pftggfry oria bt john dodolab rtrof ag niobitat j mackinnon babhibtzb fioticiton convetakceb omice m1u streot id alatibowa dlook upstairs ur silsblpoleod 1 abtoatanavboirohh oosvyakoene georeefcemn apa mllon jffonpv p iflan af pypp ffrpb- r 3 monabd xuilk fourth blylalon oport county of hal- onoonvayanooragontflrasiidufoaaauranio bmlsatala agant monoy to loan oto 0ob porrymaniulook mscaslzxintovs fc iwi oasasa j bolloltot of patonta lor iniontlon oto pmnumaddlleauoni for tlio canadian amor fiosttopwfajlfeualid for the flobkbpippji quolph ontario ipvorwiillannbtoro aooonnt book of all alnda mado to ordor perlodloalaof afar jdoaorltiuonaaiaf allybonnd bomnanewanilproinptlt4oa- ibbiagb moensbs i hp hopbbi 1 liitniaiuiiii ttcstiflnm rrttavyofeoanbwtnowarkinlrod wnod lfepaa acton- awgj r intoroit fabubbb if yon wub to rydnoa yoor or locqro a loan of voii aaattaamaowpavtnont make ipaolalty of lending s anfl mw p uf i alaolaud or lepnra a lowldtomt and noo i i rponey at 1 ipavtnont on vlllago propartyv wi pi japkson coxvurakoebiiro mpinttiiiidkii ofioi wygj wejiington multual flrb inauiance company i aubamoe on oaiwavaii mutual plan any soinmunloatloniforwaraed to my adri do sb or tolophono 58 will ba prompuyat- tandaafo j0 tatlob agant qnelpn fv- hbmbtbbbi ji0fiiiaj0iioni m- fror w ftonntletiof wrtiingtoa anoi halton i uinoaaaoipaaaradooaojm wand stewarts perfumed qloucly ammonia psed v rffff 4 wr suras pf 81 and upwarda received on dopoalt and highest current rato of interoet paid or cooapoudded ialf yearly deposit recofptb iaaned for larq boma depoflited advancob mada to rebponaibje farm era on their own uamea no charge madefor colioitingsulea noea if pyablo in quelpli a gonoral bankinr btiaineos traobaoted apirjonbsi alnua dor 1 inylgorahng t uffep w tsff liavjwry vou do not roqnlro to rub your wool i ono and ilannols to fragment in ordor to et thorn clean boaldoa beldra powerful cloanser it prevents woollen goods bocoming barab and bard usbdintbj5iatgbbn for tvabhlng crockery woodon- waro tinware wnlls that aro painted- woodwork etoeaveb time and labor anddooo thework more effectively price 25c a pjnt 2ul8v eold only by alex stewart dispensing and manufacturing i- pciis cuelph ont aaailfatfciifeafeanai tjtaf at wholesale prices waters bros are selliug their harepre sopk oif wallpapefsat yholet sale prices to make room for their christ mas fancy goods the picture q alupgt jublph pretty as a picture raffistiaw has a woli batabliataod yoputailon -jforjuporlor-worlun- family groups social groups individual fvaita ofwi styles shapes and sizos babies and children we qm assaro work oqual to that o be eftlea tltshught paotiro o- be fyterlojp of home 1 j 5eoai f ak prices tlayij roaqdable call and have a talk aboiit thaf portrait a new firm ttilors cooper akin have purchased the merchant tuorinr business u sshllnhiit ueat 4ofc ffl mri darns ajia wjlj dontifiue le bjislnfss wjth energy r- just opisnbb a nlee assortment of block worsteds tweeds overcoatingsc cafi and examine pur fine assortment a perfect fit guaranteed cboper aklns acton- li vert a carpet sweeper saves the back the carpets is dustless and workless the best sweeper in all sweeperdom is the bissell it easily leads the van in everything that is flrstclass and uptodate in sweeper making the littleness of the price is an added satisfaction haidvvare ejfb43iii 26 per cent ofjf suitings ffi have 25 scotch and canadian tweedsummer sujtinga p ii syywi g will self fttft flispduiit or 2s per cent for cash only these goods will be well trimmed and made up in our usual first- class style when we ayvta discuunt sale wmaft1t see the goods and prices in our windows shaw twiner awnings tents etc pike roberts 147 brunswick ave fqegwfllo tfee expert makers of avynlns t tents f tarpaulins cl fly 8cren8i j balcony curtains storm sash etc uhelr wom speaks their tnerit pxarriipe te awnings just put up a mqorfcrp cton qnler jnoinplly tilled prices reasonable tents 6 jepit fp al pifrppsej j h hamilton db1lsb ih marble and qranite hamiltons block quelph havins on laud a arso quautity of sooteb rbmay sgig and 3fhntte and in prder to dispose of it to make room for sprlnff stock now purchased i will sell nt a reduction of 20 per cent i anu carnorod b or ha on either sldo and hanking thp groat old moonfacod clock that tick and took and tick and took 1 bayb ooaaolossly and aoemnly ab rovoroutmonk buroaary tboaandlea staud in btldki of brass to light tbo momenta as they pass and from the uroplaoo raiiut and grim driving the ahadowointodim and dibtftut corners urotfghthowb in gdlduu btllonstlodkedwlth road 1 aud irittarailanoo oh boljovoj ii royal fun on halloweve i ocpuaa in the corn or blind mans buff the blithe young pooplo have bad enough tboyvo tritid tho charms of water and rlpg and wonderod what the yoar would bring two and two thoyvo burned tho nuts doop in tho orimron roads and ruta of tbo fateful flro andiwblipored oer many a story told before and now tho mirth has furious grown and into tho ahallow tub aro thrown apploa goldonr groon and rod bubbling dowu in a silvery bed havo you evor at dawning btard cbattor and ohirp of many a bird quarreling under your window bill in tbo ehrlll bwcct way that maniua will 7 thou you know how words did weavo morrtoat inuflloop llalowbvpl your turn first 1 xo miuol til try i you oanuot got ono i cannot i then down in tho wator young hoada dip to ning up eonquerod and all adrlp with laughing eyes and kindling chook while with a flurry and feigning shriek from spattoringwatordraw the girls who will not wot their braids and curia iii broithlosa diving undernoatb to catoh tho fruit lu their showy tooth itlngq a shout that ooama to bot tho onions danolng a minuet up lu tho raftors i as with a ahako uf his orlsp head that senda aquakd a thousands diamond drops yob upringa flayjy up and loyally flings hib trophy with a hearty heave to his protty awootheart on klallowbrtn of all tho poaauroslia hio en bod born o ioauro ov bre otgqlo tjightbj of uuacdaa qf ftrt ba1u of oonaolouoo passion of boart growth of lntolloet rovol of life brilliance of hittlo swootiioss of a trite dancing datlianoe wit and easa fride and plaoo dnd power to ploaao none can bo ao brigh t so dear to gloamful glowdg cryatol-ploai- abtb68eqldn4cgva s ilaihodwin frobtaparklodwith aupw whon with a happy bcartsome din wo laughing ohltdron gathorodlu tho vast old kitchen and about tho big tub drow with joat aud shout and boat of ol fun dlt bqliqvo luokiugfdrapplbarjaltottyot friend in it hoapologizad for the liborty he had taken with the wealthy colonel exotiains the eeemtng outrago by oonf that it was a joke iu oonalubion ho baid you may expect me to dinner but i bhall come disguiacd and you moau not ezproas aarpriae at my changed appear ance promptly m six oclock arthur present- what cured him stutt jhiitu heahitiq a flalloweer go well am done for now said arthur do grabtio to hie friend and fellow stook broker i finppoao i havo jmt aboit raiilt d my ohahrhqiouipg tho eteloat lrvove how uave you ofjended her aakc asked his friend vqhj haveiit orftnded hor ha her old nnolo i havo offended what bae ho to do with it ho is a wealthy old bachelor and ella is his heiress she had no prodgfty pi bpf own ant 0 q been atather to lior ever qinoo tier own parents died he knowa about onr fondned3 for osch other bat b wasnt willing to give hi con bent to tho marriaro until hp had rkibeep me when ty would ludo for hiaisel wfi ether f aa worthy oj suoh anecrjebb ragrjra 09 hj niece eity r of couibo einco i havo ofteudod him im too mooh of a man to hold gila to bgf engflgeraeut aud thrjg pu ff ftqt pf ho bttnsome fornp ta ffi t9 hr w tl9f nep 15t thpr youve met him yeii and under tlio moat unfortunate oiroumalancea tonight yoq know is halloween yes- iell innt boforo tho etohauge closed today ono of tho fellows called my atten tion to the fact business was dull and we oonoluded to have some- fun abaf twentyfive of rty p fls fflshed out pnd pap proyialed hrflself with ft bag of floqr yfe come hack quietly oonoeatllnfl ihe floor qqdpr our ooftta and at a given signal rudhed in amang tho ball a and boars on the floor scattering tbo floor over every thing a soeno of wjd oopfflpion followed and q hie midst of it i noticed a dignified looking party making toward the door i selected bio ti viotim roshed toward him knocked his tall hat over his eyes and covered him with floor ho turned npon me like a tiger and will yoa beevfi me it was oplonel berrsop i eoognlxed him by the photograph whioh hangs in the parlor at ellas honse did he recognize you no bat he will when presen nyslf boforobim toulgh ha oeu pretty sore 9ybr tio patter as yoq will ee by reading this note whioh have juet received txqvd ella oayi fqqk tho dainty muatve from his friends band and read as follows dbab aivrnun uncle sam has arrived ho called on you at the office bat you were on chango aud ho wont down there ho bod a terrible adventure there and came near being robbed and murdered a man attacked bipa ed himuelf at mrs liewellynsl the widow od aunt with whom ella benson lived ordinarily liiu face was familiar to the servant but tho man stared at him in surprisewhen he cooly hung up bis hat and walked intothe parlor colonel bvoboa wbb standing at ono pt thevjadows hetataed a arthur enter ed the room and started ttt him en quiringly thib 1b colonel berjrooy i pvesamo yen sir was the aobwer and yoq i auppobe are mr arthur de graaee of whom i heard bo much arthur acknowledged that he was the individual refered to and the old gentle man wrong his hand vigorously staring into his painted fane in a way that made him quake with fear leat bis diegnfoe should be penetrated the oolonel at oncq launched into a discussion of the- state of trade and arthar did his best to make a good imprepfliop on his affianced ancle presently the young lady horaolf entered the room sho greet edariudrtdordially managing to whisper that his dugqlse was so perfect that even she would have failed to recognise him by the way ella said tbo colbuel i have just been looking over yoar album and 1 think the face of the brutal coward whobbsaulted roo this afternoon in the exchange is there impossible undo 1 said ella none of my friends could be guilty of such rude ness humph i was the colonela comment and opening the album be pointed to arthare photograph that u tho villain cried tbo colonel hotly woqld kpqw fsoe a h who 116 arthur gluiioed appealingly at ella and she flashed guiltily whats hh name continued the colo nel glaring at the pictured face ah that ah is a mr smith hes d chance just an acquaintance bhp stammered- uth ehv bppeatcd tho colonel very common name and a very common sort of man where does he live he ah i think yoa i knowho stops at one of the hotels w iy i think yoq ae yoq yonh allow his idlotla feee to longer disgroq yonr album ill take it out at once cried ella eagerly anxious to direat her uncles mind from the painful subjeot audsbn 6ft hopelessly arthur tlie yonug tm whb so oonfused that he oould hardly make answer to the questions that the colonel addressed to htm and the tifteen minates that intervened before din ner was danoauoed p h v mjuojble faring e meal te recovered tiib oomppsure arid when they ftdioqrped 0 tbe parlo e ray h iflain lb pntetttainqd them at the piano and you see i havent a particle of rhoama tim said tho man with a florid face and avoice that waa intended by nature for cahipaffn purpoaos vffeql hkoa twoyoarold novor have an aofaeor pain dont care a particle for east winds raina or ohauges in the temper- afcuret eatthree meads a day uuda like a top a yoarngol wentaroandamel- and will nllow all expenses to customers to and from our works john h hamilton bus line the undersign od respectfully sollolta the patron jage of tbe publio and informs them that well kqojpped and styllah rlgi ord al wayi b srored a at his stables a oomfortable bus meets al trains between bain and 618 pm careful attentlonglventoeveryorder the wants of oommereial travel- lersfallymet lbjuslnefr jpiut bifc1oeiahkrn1iku shartbanir tpowrfflng nd aolmjon1workpoclajy atjorireojj jssbxhp piiaoipia i-y- ms fctonsvy mills and wood yards jh7tbs brown lifejidtaotubhn asd dbliasa m xtuoihex xath 8hlngtca wooti eto a t irfoliallro prices hardwood and blabp ont ttove length always 0 ftleprfoqo qomnualfatlop gents for qaeen vlptoria her lelga add blamond jubilee irerflowlng with latest and rioh- ntotni h endorsed biography rvwitn othentio history of br ifitllaeeoont of ihe dla- 6ok tremen 1 ooromls- pynaitwi sfe they yang doota together which pot the colonel in good humor finally he hegget ella to ting for aaervant itylfr tet rpg was answered h tebtefl the man to feflrbs tewi h of water and some appjea into the parlor ella looked aurprieod at the btrangateqneetand the oolonel tfmiled at her bewilderment touniifolka ujapjjjui it qollowoen wbapjj fas hoy ye used iq playauiorla ojtricjti tliij nkht lltl a tho alght of youf ygona ihpea and loving happiness has inrdomo fool youott again iratoihg to rovlve one of the old timo gamoa for oqt amaeement 1mb evauld two servants b in bearlnif between them tbetrt tbo tub of water and tho colonol dlfeoted them lb ilaoe it in the centre of the room his eyas twinkled morrily and taking one of tbe applqa that had been nrq vided be dropped it inotliq fajer whero it bobbed op and dqwo mko a oork jhie a an od goqtoh yimc ho cald getting dawn on bis knees in front of the tobtheqtj90t ja to divo into tlio water and fleie tho applo with yourtoeth with thia observation ho nlqngod hs bead into the waeft apd attef ope or two flponpaebsfiil efforts biiooecdud la aolning the apple ho roso to hla feet and shook the water from mb gray hair aod beard yqnr turn ella ho said laaghing and ahn fell upon her knees and plunged her face iuto tbe water qbowaalebi adroit than bar noblp and nearly alradgled borbelf in an effort to atlae the apple she unally aooceeded however and the oolonel applauded the aot now then air he- said tqruinfl to arthur try your look arlhnf bthntoaad and healtated but the oolonel good natorodly forced him down bealda the tnb and with an inward groan the yoqng mao thraat hia bewljiged bead beoeatb tbe water when jja viiad it again hla dlcguuo had disappeared the beard and wig were floating in tba tub and the water triekllog down hla oheeka washed tba paint into noddy atreaki ho presented a pitiable appearance and bllat ottered a- frigbtonod aorcam tho oolonnl however- burst into a roar of laughter and clapped tho young man vig- orouely on tbo back yoall play hallowven jokaa will you he cried ins llbio a bottle of horso liniment one timo id be on orbtohes then id bavean arniall drawn out ot abape or a ahoulder- that was do parthly use the laatbpoll i had was with my back and i waa about ready to throw up the epjngo wliat did jido for it everything uudsr the sun i bad jiorse chestnuta i every pooket i oarried potatoea till they potriued i ate leioona till i waa aa sour as xtookod 1 took more kinda of medioine than yon could find in any ono drag atore i wag in a boiled state for aix months from hot baths 1 was mabsageotfnto a pulp i travelled throe hnndred miles to have the disease charmed away and had it worae coming back than i bad going one day i met a little old man who must have been a hundred ho was as apry as a kitten yet assured roo that from tbe lime he waa from fifty lo ssventy there waa nothing of him but rheumatism even hia hair aohed ho advised mo to bteal a dluholoth and rub myself thoroughly with it every morniug ttoro was no virtue in tho treatment unlesat stole the rag i would have robbed a buuk to got relief one afternoon i elippsd through the baok doorolahonss into tho kitohen grabbed ndiehrag and btarted to limp awvy a 200 pound hirod girl let out a tipperary soreech and look after me with a mop stick by the time ahe had olonted me onoo or twiao i was rannlngiiko a prorea- ioual and at the end of half a block f w out of the reaoh of bop weapon ive never had a twiiiue aineo i dont know whether the hired girl tho pounding the running or the dish rag oured me im ratuerdispoaedtothinlttliatthetheinirb tlem gpt beared out of me a halloween nut party adxks cahlt ha1g vnutorack night is a very old namo for hallowoen and a nut purtyia u mout appropriate cutertainmont for ootohers laet myatio day if written invitations bo sont they should be inscribed on brown paper and an acora or obefitnut burr out- lined in ono corner octohfn o bulia and hkioa and cloiulb of junu and lloworu of juno toiouiot-t- yo oanuot rival for ono hour ootoboru briylit bluo woatlior nakou imti short of ss wo aro thorry tg thay eaplalncd tho odjuor of the bkedunk werlly nmth that our oompotbing room wath entered lath nlgbtby tliomo unkuown thconudrol who thole every oth in the ethubulhment and tbaooeeded in peaking- hith ethoape undeteotgil iftliatli boon impothiblo of courlhoto proonto a newthopply of othetb in time for thilh ithne aod wo are thuth oomnollsd lo go lo croth in a thituatlop fpi env barrathing and dijhtrflwog hut we theo no ottpr airthe to pnrthqo tbn lo make te tptbt tbtagyer we can to got along without tho mltbing letter and wo there fore ptint the newth on time roaardletb of the lot wo bavethothtained rhb motive o tip rollboraantdoubtlolh f bi iivqgo for thorqe thqppattied intbult vimlial never bo thaid thai the potty thplteof miy thmallthonled villlan hath dithabled ihe ntioth and it tbith meet tbe eye of tbe detethtable rathoil wo bg ta atbnrebim that be andeetbtlatateth tbe rothootooth q a flrtbtolmb nowthpaper ll inlnklh lie can oripplo itbopeleth- ly hy breaking into tbe alphabet we take ocoathion to thay to him f urthormoro that before next tburthday we iball have three tlmeth atb many otheth ath he thole wo hnvo roatbon to thulbpoot that we know tho cowardly tbkank who committed tbith tot ot vandalllbm and if he ith ever tbeap prowling about tbith ethtablitbroent brain by day or by night nothing will give oth more thatilhf aotion than lo boot bitb liido foil ot hqlalb boston trantcripl yhcn foreaoh guoot fashion a tiny booklet of smill slicoca 6f brown papor out to fesomhle tba loaf of a chestnut or bomo other nut boarinif tree and daintily tied together english wal nut too ehould bqpreparod beforoband by halving them extracting the nioatn insert- 1 a plecoofpaperbearing a connundrutn and its solution and theri kluciugthb together again anyriddles maybe used bat among thcin bbould be boinoauoh appropriate oucb ab what nut sukgotb a portion pf the body oheat-nat- what nut would niako the best reunc walj nut what nut is nicest with bread suiternut what nut do yoa dislike on yonr feet acoru and there aro othera of tho oamo kind that will readily bnggeat themselves as tke company arrives ebch person is presented with a booklet a nut and aouiall natcrapkor tied with bright ribbon and tho matching of these gay bowa determines thepartners for suppor meanwhile during tho evening tho ladies oraok their nuts and going in turn lo the meri each one etates the puzzle given hr and asks for its solution tho unewers are written down in the little book unci each one bigued by him who tjico it tho gontlemen then do tho satco with the ladles and at tbe close prizes uro awurded the one of eaoh box who has supplied the mobt correot gqeebtb a pin cushion in tho form of a priokly oheatnut burr orna ments of pine oonea an acorirtliinbie holder all make suitable favors after this buy of tho regulation hul- loweon augarlea and games might bo tried ae thopttterulear drawn froiuabaoicet ot unshellod corn a fine full eur predicting nryoarof gladptoeperlty a taeoaear rare joy a short one a gift a red or 3ellow ono no luck at all the hazelnut prophecy and prettiest nt ail imberobe a brook or rivo near at hand tho lov candida forhia mtch mau and maid ehonld liavq two wreaths ot flowers or chestnut leaves with a candle in tbe oentro of eaoh these thoy carry down to the path of iiiihtni nn threw flour in bla eyes and tried to stall hla watou and pookotbook unola blm however and the bld jftytaal ved n caustata gllnipie qf the fallows faeo though and says nvwu tuqw iflea amoiyt a tboqaand po la vory anxloua to md yo ami wo wh yi- j butily w its bad sort ot iaprape old fellow said oarl mnalngly retarning the letter bad why it has just ruined roy chances cried arthur despondently oarl made no answer but after a mo ment of silence he sprang to his feet with a joyful exclamation i have it pd fejlpw i he oried plalpn aqd 11 tell yon bow yon can pall through alright and save yoarielt pol said arthur and 111 promise yoa my everlasting gratitude first said oar you mqit wtto a atbr of explapallon to ib young lady and ay the matter before hrr in the second plaor yon matt oonoeal your identity under adlsgulie a llltls paint wig and a false beard will so wlijjhitejoqlhal even your ajbaooed will uif reoogplaeyon vcapitaloapllai lired arlhlir snter- inii atonoe into the spirit ot hia frianda suggestion yiwlf vrltbf isitsr i 1 when t wis finished he lead it to bis ma and then as arthur stammered out an apology and explanation the oolonel ahook hia band hoartily tfdaro forgiven my doar boy 1 ho said although lvm furlonaly angry at tbe time yon are pretyaklllful at dla- galslng yourself but i saw through the paint and powder recognized you at onoe nd determined to have my little joke i dons mind a bit uf fuu any more tban tbe next one and i was young onoe myself they parted good frleqii and when the weddng took plane at 01 riatmas the colo nel told the aasembled uneata tbe story laughing heartily a he i aoribed arthurs appearance after bu duakej for the apple thats diffrrbnt she i dont seo how yon have tho face lo aak me 10 marry you hewfay not j 8he you toll mary gadder that t wtsnl tbe kind- of a woman you would have thought ol nirrying a year or so ago- he wei it ls-trur- tlionghtl would have tq roarfy aornebohy a million timet jrf tnttofjtvsiiv ixiavirriedl si1 and rmaliwiaaw i bivohilhat mm if iijbtning bhould striko a telegraph wiro it often prefers to jump to neighboring parallel telegraph wires rather than to fol- ow ikeflrat wiroto the goaond although this latter path may be of far less resist- auoo than the path it takes through tho air if a lightning rod should form a v ahapetl loop the branches of the latter 6oinot considerable extat tho dibohargo will notofton fallow- the brnoheabu will jump 9 the opening of the v thus outtinrout the loop from its path we havo learned aince the timo of franklin that lightning rods on high points do not neceebarily protect lowor lying points near thetei a man may be straok while walking qn ttie street near n oh u rob spire for insttanoo and we know that complete pro tection from lightning can only be obtained by getting inside a large cage of metal tlio men bolow dtck n an iron ol ad are p job ably n no danger of being straok by lightning what we havo learned about ligbtnlnr by prof john trobridge 8 d iu tvie chautauquan for november a matter of opinion tho water and naming them plaoe them flat cpon tho eurfaco aod light the tapers away they float and bhould they keep together the eburseol love will ran arqoothly bat ehonld they drift apart neither liv nor hear id will bo uuiled while shoqld the lights go out hope too vanishes with theth the gay purty will then be ready for the supper the mepvoi whioh phoald lo a certain extent carry out tho keynote of the whqle affair while autumn lcavea and clusters of ohcbtnut burrs with tho brown nuts peeping our form tho dcaorntions for the tablo 1lleoible handwriting letters in tho pleasure of reading a letter depends upon the ease with whioh one follows the thought and the necessity for any effort mars the enjoyment and the sen bo of per sonal communication this being so tbe handwriting is of primo importance nothing can bo more exasperating thun an indistinot illegible letter along whoso lihth- ways one must toil and etrunte nover quite sure of being on the right track or of having arrived at the proper dtalinatlon tbero ia absolutely no exouao for indiotiag auob discomfor on o frienda and it is fa better to take refuge iu the oharooter- leas prodaotiona of tho typewriter than fo jilt friendship to aooh- u strain the atory has been told that vanderbilt once dismibsed an olticor for croa tniacou- duotnud dishoueaty but tbo ouly legible part of the document being the signature tho man used it for yeare as afroopaab- on tho railroads another capo i uave perebnally known a letter containing quito full bubioeas details was reooived by a man in a small community in weatarn new york ho managed to decipher tho body of the letter with some approach to assurance but a muohnnderacored poat- oript defied his interpretation assisted by tho united wisdom of all his neighbors tbe conundrum wus finally submitted to u young lady visiting at tho place and reputed to be bkilled in tongaes who im mediately translated it i 8 be saro you keep this matter a profound beorot tho writer had only received hia just deserts in having his secret pat at the mcroy of a whole neighborhood the chautauquan learn to craft flbe bad been having fun with dudekins right along and ho to ado up his mind that he had to get oven it took tho form of a brllliaot and oogent conundrum whose answer uodekina thought was locked in hia minly bosom i have a oouundrnra for you miss fannie he said when he eavr hor next ah buo replied what ia it who gave h to you 1 i made it up mysolf ho aaacrtcd bridling somewhat indeed what is it vrhy are my clothes like tho moon sbrlreiltktflil rmambii riniddadekitnr began to look triamphant 3ttoa may think she said slowly and dudekins somobow felt tho sand slipping from under him itia became they havo a man fa thorn and you have a perfect rlgut to think as you please bat mr uudeklui opinions differ respect por ones powers every farmer who haaanorohard ehould learn to draft it is roach more eatifac- tory to do the work than to hire it done and besides at the rate whiah most gratters charge the labor though bimple and not hard is i bolter paid than most work that farmers do a topgrafted tree if a coosidenblo number of grafts are put in cornea into bearing quickly if you hire tho firafts put in moat will try to do with toa few leading to a large wood growth and delay- ing fruiting there la atill another point in promoting early frnitfalness in aoleot the graft ohooso new growth on tho end of boaringmirnbs trees from the nursery are usually root grafted and as it ia nmcii tienir toi t keboionsf ronxoar wbou loud tba bumbleboo i itolatod thrlftloau viirnvnt and roldonroil ibdyitik fuut and lanos with grapoa uro fruyrunt when gentians roll their irhigoh tljitt to aavo them for tho inoruluj and oboflttiuta fall from antin burrh without a bound of warulog when on tho trouuil red aptildii w la pjlob lilcojawolb btiihiinr and roddor btilt cm old etoiiowallti aro loaves of woodliiiqo twiiiiiiy wliun al tlio lovely wayaldo tliliiyu tbcir wliltowjiigud bcoda aro sowing and in tbo jidda ntltl grocii and fair lato iftoimatbs aro growiuj wlion bprlitfla run low anj on tlio broolf rn idle goidou frojehting drlfjut loavos sift noiaoleaa lu tho huah of wobda for winter waiting when oomradubboakbwuot country lnoit liy twos and twos together and count like mijora hour by hour ootoboie bright blue weathor p auns and attics and ilowevu of june count all your boasts togotlier lovo lovotli beat of all tbe year oetobora bright bluo weather the influence of music tho influence ot mubio upon tho respira tion the heurt aud the capillary circulation is ihe pubject of a paper by m a binet and j courtier in the revue sciauyiqite february 27 experinieiitu were mado uponaellfcnown mnsicul composer and the inveatiat endeavored to deter the efleotrj produced by mueicai sou a j d alone as diattnet from tboju duo to emotious arouaed by pieced uesooiated with drauiatio incidents or wprda isolated notes chorda in uuison und discordri were first tried both major chorda struck in a lively manner aud discords quickened the respiration tlio latter mora eupecmlly minor chorda tended to retard respiration when melodiea wero tried it wabtobndthat all whether grave or gay prodjiq quick eued respiration and increaecd action of the heart the lively tunoa producel tbe greatest acceleration where tho bound was wholly uncomplicated by emotional ideas aa in single notes or chorda the hearts action was accelerated but not in so marked a degreo da- when a nitioiy oitbor gravo or guy was played during operatic pieces or thoso wellknown to tho b tlbject the acceleration obtained ita max imum the inllnenco of music on the capillary ciroalation was tested by a plethysmograpb attached to tho right band the capillary tracings showed that a islight diminution of pulsation watt usually pro duced by musical sounds the effect being very email when sad melodies woro played bat very marked when lively airs wero played canadas exalted position bir wilfrid lahrier in the cpurae of hia speooh at the reooptian tendered him iu toronto recently said at the present timo we can say and say truly that canada occupied a higher posi tion than it ever occupied before not only within the empire but throughout the world at large there are many countries before tho month ot juno last in whioh tho namo of canada was simply a vaguo ex pression of soma kind ecarcely conveying apy moaninc thero wore countries iu whioh canada was bitnply bold to be or snppoaed to be some glacial zone around tho pole inhabited by eskimos and white bears in which a few europeans might be etruigling for au exiatonco today i can claim that canada is acknowledged to bo amongst the civilized nations ot tho earth it is acknowledged to bo one of the lands of promis ib th it in a ed to be a land which at this moment odors more ot prosperity to thobo that toil than perhaps any other landa that has not beon done through my own efforts but in whatever baa been done towards brining ap the name of canada to the level which it ehould hold i have dono what little i could do courtesy ayoang lady who came out from a boao ib the west end of loudon when hastening round a corner ran against a littlo street nrab sho said my poor hoy i hope i havo not hurt you im very sorry i beg your pirdon tho littlo ohap was quite astonished taking off tho tbrmeqnartora of a cap whioh ho hud upon bu head ho made her a grand salute and said vou can hev my ptrding for thats what ho called ii ntisb and wolcorao and the next timo you run agin me you may knock me clean down and i wont biy a word and then when tho lady had passed on he turned to his chum and remarked i say jim its the first time i ever had anybody ask my pardiug and ita kind b took me off my feet a womans triumph she managed her work so well that it equalled the efforts of professionals we should always be learners gladly welcoming every help and respeotingovery personality bat ehould also respect onr own and boar iu roioo that though tbe wide universe ia fall of good no kernel of nourishing corn oan oorne to ni bnttbrough ear toll bestowed on that plot of ground whiah ibaivon to us to till to underval ue our own thpngllt beoattse it is oars to dtpredlate own powers or faculties becawate aome one altoa are more vigorous lo shrink from doing what we can beoanao wothiuk we oan do so little laro hlndor our ffn devefbpement andlbe progrtss of the world for it is only by exorolae that any faedlty it atrengthoned andjenly by nobtbtia pullloghls shoulder to the vueej that the woild moves and hnmanlty adviniea 1 aery atook that has never born fruit theaa are usually ohoaen thia ia belleyej by many to be ono why young treea liovi do not oomo into bearing aa boon as they- ubd to do when nearly all the trcos woro grown from seed and top grafted t didnt approve of it the lesson was from the prodigal ran and the teaoher was dwelling on the char acter of the elder brothor but amid all the rejoining ho laid there was one to whom tho preparation of the faaat brought no joy to whom the prodigals return gave no pleasure batonly bitterness ono who did not approve ot the reset being held and who hag no wish to attend it now oan any ot yon tell mo who tljis wss thare waaa breathless alienee followed by- a vigorous oraoking of thnmbsv ttnd tlien from j donen synipalhello utile ganluaeayoame the ohorua tloaecatr it was the tailed oalt yoongnitopmat pneumonia and lover maty be prevented by keeping tba hood pre audthybveoi aoued up with ilooda 8r aaparllla while it well known that tiny wpiuau of intolligonoo can doaa good work wh the diamond dyea and at leaa thalt half the ooat charged by iirofoaaioual dyera in eity ateam dychousea yot thero may ho aomo pooplo who doubt the b the following extraota from a letter written by sirs j gardener of owen sound oct prove that diamond uyea aro unequalled there waa a man in otit town goinufrom honao to houso taking ordora for a toronto dye houeei for the dyeing of all kinde of gar ments and olothea i bad juet taken off my lino botne goods that i had dyed with diamond dyes and bhowod him that i oonld do as good work as any dyohou8e he honestly admittod that i waa riuht about my work with diamond dyoc havlug a largo family i obc diamond dyes to eoonornizo 1 always havo the best of aaoceaa with your dyefl and must say that i am than delighted with yourcolors foryeing ootton margory- doob your pap read fairy tales to you like my papa jennie yea he read a fairy lale from a jungle book margery thata not a fairy tolol that about animate its an anitnara tulo in roatiy oaaea the tint work ot ayors sareaparilla is to expel the ciftota of the other fnedioinoa that havo been tried in vain it would be a saviug ot time and nioneyuwlperirnentera look ayuta bar- laparilia at ural instead of at last