rile hank of hamilton hhad office hamilton jcopltal all paid up 9 1 26000000 kreserve fund 72600000 total assets 8884667845 nearly ten millloua of dollars kofjs stua11t rrosldent board oi directors aojwmsay wtoolnjsldont jko itoaon joun pnocton a t wood a u lbk toronto ww giusonif tuusllullcuaulor h 8 btevfin asstjoaihlor h m watson inspector f a general banking business transacted oteapotwlbleftrmersdtficouriietlt rid special attention given to the collection fcfsale notes and commercial papor bfirslly k-drafts- issued- payable at all principal bqintsln panada and united slates f frafts on great brrisin bought and sold sattogbftapaxtment deposits of i and upwards received hnterest allowed at current rates and added phqcjpal every year whether tossbook lrougbt irr ornot special deposit ielpts issued for large sums j p bell agent eorgetown pm f the news at home mootly of a local charaotor and every item interestlns o start a public jcibary a meeting will bo lialdia tho counoll chamber town hall noxt wodqaadny otonloj nov 3rd at 8 oolook to take into con deration thoforraing ol a public library ftqdioidiuk roorn auoltizonsin sympathy with this movoaioiftout will please attend the memberj o tlio trustee board of tbo public school axe specially invited to bo present a 13 nicklik beeyo stsrnious riob in praotjaltbougbt aa was anticipated i ho sorraoob of rav john miiib of guelph in the methodist church last sunday were moot praotiaal and helpful rsv mrmilla age and wide ezperieuco klvea bia utterances a mellow- neaa of ripe thought tta well ae convincing and impressive effect xho subject of the nromittii diacotmg w 1 if all housecleaninff wall papers eeilingrpapers ma large asjortrnent of these jjjpds smtabletfor any room eand at prices as low as 4c per roll window shades curtain poles headquarters for these kbods v- geohynds jewelery-and-stationerjtstonv- icton ont rf hook at tbo dale on the label on your paper and yon will seobowvour aubserip- kstuua sennr promptly it will confer a ishtlbbpar 00t0beb 28 1897 rle lo b start caught the eyes or ealrsof grjrsis press roportsrs this week what about that stray animal on your pm- airwj hobls has erected a neat i his loi on oharoh street hthe l- wheat is looking exceedingly no snd fa making strong and healthy jgtili 8onday night is halloween the nelpranks will consequently be ommlted sur j rflr john bennett his sold his house paio on bowerlave aoion tomtwel torey milton qlonipjoii mkrgeo p pringlo of ouelph bad ilefl legtbrpken last friday while filing hlsfcorse in a hunt olob run jthos hardip of aoto is in iiojgadlsing a oamp of lbs woodmen toworld end la meeting with insosis jsnnitfwwfe mr lawson who dislocated sijsbonjdarvhfle unloading an article of rnttiunereaboui ten day jsgolt getting rijjiiviry well and has romoved the arm tdin jrjii wbitney leader ol the cfcojppoiuion will be in haltbn on asjrvsowbet lotb hs will meeilng in milton and piobably te other point i mr mo harris slfjei intend to engagejn the bakery 1 again bore mr l g matthews a into that lino again he is psifg muob enoonragment rit aroeellbg of the haiton ploughing ljciriiiiod held at milton latt week it dlied to hold their seventh annual gblrig tasitch on the farm of ajez jpooffsijajjthvenibor issiorgan and piano recital was given fispnnuofmis laidlaw tom at airsoyi on mondsy- jplngsiji tnirpljs played from mern- jpttateral voeiaelsotlons worogivan driiirwisviit kuoi ohurob sltbibbnspsimnp w diveryotlbscbrutlanendsator ftbsrh ammpbersbn proaohts w is ontario agripultorsl college has uf announoement ol dairy oourseafor i san- 4th ana sjfovmthhe entrance eiamlns- feolrsa aid no lajtlon f will be ftorssldenu of ontario je pirry soond star has entered fliwimiyibiifcl volume the scar sssniliira improvsmenst utely and iltlll fortneredvancement mr- skonttlls alive to the opwbwi xri m nbt loit hu jiy otjmethodi ijtomlyg regard iniquity in roy heart thq lord will not hour me and in tlie evening co 0 10 an exhortation to earnest work for god invited himself to llrcakfdbt a burly tramp roadehjmaelf bbnbxionely athorae ut the realdodoo pt rev t r forbeb on bower aveoae the other morn ing finding that mr forbflb- was away from home he brushed pant mrbforbeb who anawered the door mado his way to tbekifbhen demanded meat au j cooked it and made hitnbelfi- hearty meal mrs vforheb wis anabto ta urm the neighbors as the tramp threatened vengeance if she attempted it xlio bputemptible marauder qaietly left- when his appotite was satisfied a serious mad paluful accident last wednesday evflning mr saraael moxjara of point edward who has for many years occupied a position as carpen ter on the grand trunk railway was going borne from bin wor a th o tannel when he met with- an aooident of a very serious character aa he had done hnndredaof timea before he rode up on a light engine which was running to the roand hoase at point edward when near his home he jaraped oo bat la alighting to the ground fell and caorbthu left leg in the driving wheel the log wai taken off below the knee mr molara was- immediately oonveyedtothosarrjiahoepitatandiadoinr board of edu the principal and teachers of th seoond and third departmento the board of trustees of aoton public school mot ou monday evening members present gllyndu ohtiirmtui w n storey jame j molim robert wallace and roborrllolme the oommittco on iliianoa prsjntcd their fourth report rromimendink paymout of accounts as follows george havlll roiiatra do 40 taul godfroy cleaning cblinnoya 3 00 n forboa ropalrlos walla of old school li 00 j abielght3olmlra 1 75 thoa t mooro ropabrlugolock 72 o 0 speight framing ploturo co thoe ebbago wntor trourba 73 m31 1 moved by w ii storey aoconiltl by robert wallnoo tht the report of the miton rin finnnna jnpt read bo comn tdppt- edr carried moved by w h storey aeoondej by james molara that thos t moore teaoher of tbo first department mibb 0 mbbhall teaoherof theaeodrid department and j01bb ida e patteceon teacher of- the third departmotit bo roongaged for- the year 1818 atflttmabilario3iahlt9ljtr carried it was ordered by the board that the secretary adyeriiio for a teaoher fur the fourth department salary not to exceed 1250 certifloato to be becond oltita pro- fflaaional tbetreaaarer of the board was lustraot- ed to collect fees from nonresident pnpiis at the rate of 60 cents per month board then adjourned to meet on monday evening 15th novomber at 780 oclock r coming and goin visitors to and from aoton ana varlouaotherporsonalnotes ix the fobs pasbb invites all ita readers to oon tribute to this oolumn if you or your friends oro solug away on a holiday trip or if you have friends visiting you drop a oerd to the fuse ihbh miss a corrigill is visiting friends in ijorliti this week mr park diljs went to bbrlin ou tues day to tatto a situation there mr lulher lynmn of toronto is visi ting frienus in aoton vlolnity v mr r j guruey aud hjs mother visited friends at glenwilllamstkis week mr n weber who lias been veryill for several weeks is slowly oonvaiesclog mrs james mulim has been visiting duriug the woek with friends in ripley local brieflets very welh tlis many friends in aoton feel much sympathy for bin iu this painful aooident an jttoipleat fire as a party of young people were coming homo from a aonitl gathering at ospringe abpnt 880 on bstnrday morriing they observed a bright light neat tbe corner of gbnroh and frederick itrests invoettga tlon showed that the west end of the barn at lklooreorott was ablaze an alarm was given the inmates of tbehpme and few bnokets ofwator eztingaisbed the flames had discovery beenafew minntea latertbe building would hive been destroyed as there were quantities o hay and straw in side at the point whets tbo are was at work the origin is somewhat myatcrions but it was evidently due to spontaneous oombuation there being a pile of manure against the barn in nhioh the fire was found to be deeply seated oifcjwbexlnif o fnrea the georgetown hehul takes exoeption to the pubb phess statemont of two weeks ago that the buaiueis of the grand trunk ball way at aoton is greater in volnrde than that of any other town along the line with a population up to 4000 or c000 the iterald qaotes boms very indefinite figures to show georgetownstitionvbuliness and doubts aoton sulloas ahllitv to eioeed onehalf the aggregate given for george town tbo fjuut pnisa would like the herald to state whether the figures it quotes represent the gross receipts for passenger freight and express trafflo at georgetown station or are they the net figures the difference between net and grossflgnres is verybigqiflosnt aait wss ths present years bnbidese the fres frusss referred to we will be quite willing to com pare trie business of 1807 at aoton station with that of georgetown upon the same basis acton branch bible society a meeting of the exeontive of the aoton branch bible society was held in the oonnoil chamber last wednsaday even ing the president jobn robertson esq ooonpled the jhlr and the following gentlemen were present rjohn ooleman vicepresident thus t moore sooretary bev h a mephereon bev f w la ford bev wm bryers messrs john gsmeron james mcintosh and h p moore the mount received by the ool lectors intheir osuvasi for the present year aggregated 18500 which amount was remitted to tbe treasurer the dolleotors for the year wero appoistea as follows aoton misses jennie smith bella step henson mamio masllaa mrs w l worden jr and agnes iitwadni esqnss- ing and erin a t maoq j m warren paul kennedy rlobard brown p mo- pougalli haiblotaionaa worden misses osmeron and v llbifassagaweya misses bomervule and willlarobob the annoal meeting will be hold the third week in notomber hev j l qllmpur ma of hamlltoo hi kindly obusented to deliver ths annual address and the meet ing will be held in the metbodisl church dlitntbtnj bellfloam berrien for some time tbe pittor and oongrega- tlon of knox church hive been annoyed by ths disorderly condacl of a number of thonghtlets boys aoctyoong men in the gallery the pastor referred to the matter several weeks sgo anil kiodly requested good order elating that snob must be pre served with a view to prompt aoilonlri oaso thsrswas any farther misconduot the board of managers met and appointed wruln psnons rr the namss of any offstnlarsv last bdndiy erenlog in the of lads misbehaved tbeioseltbsjand failed to dmltt whenepo ken to by persons sitting near them as a resnll their names were handed to oonsiible araband they wsrs brought before reeve nloklin on thnry flunvyin a pnllnn lor monday next 1st november h b hurd of burlington bas bar vested a crop df 6000 bushels of onions lover two hundred townships in on tario are now using road grading maobines mr j 8 peacon p s j visited acton public sohools professionally op monday aoton sunday sohools seut a good delegation to the pruvlncial convention at hamiltonlbisweek the roadway leadiug into tbo method 1st ohuroh shed bas been liberally gravelled and the shed is also- partially done a number of those interested will- spend another day at it later mr wallaoe lasby has purcbsed the old pr jnhnann hnmeiteart nf liftyl aoros being part tho wept half of lot 82 con s bsquosing tbe priob was 9050 this properly adjoins mr laebys farm and wiil a desirable addition to it bev j lgilmour m a- of buroiltdn ooonpled the pulpit of the baptist ohurob sunday afternoon his sermon on the spiritual harvest was an oaruost and practical exhortation bev mr gilmoor is one of the ablest young men in the bsptist ministry rwhile driving home froni the ppeoial servloea at the brick church last wednes day evening tbe democrat of mr george leslie coutaining several members of the family was upset at the leslie orossroad on the seaond line therigwasconsiderab ly damaged but theoocbnants all esouped injury the night wae extremely dark rrtbe americans boast of every- groat institution they have got there is a canadian institution however that has opened the eyes of the amerlomssnd other people all over- the world it is a great weekly newspaper that la a marvel of excellence and getting better every issue ft is to be found in tho homes of tbe wisest of our people in every lown and t in canada we refer of course to the family ilcrald and lleeij star montreal whiob this year lias a great plctore as a premium for every renewal and new sub sorlber roadersof the fuke fuess have an exceptional opportunity to got thr family herald and weekly star clubbed with i the fbbe fuses a carious old pircarrrj mrgeorge kv lundy of krin remained over night last wednesday with mr p graham preparatory to leaving next morning for mercer mlob he had with him a gun whloh attracted considerable attention it was one of tbe old indian chief muzzle loading mnskete wfaioh he has owned for seventy years the old gentleman wh5 la how in his 85th year was taking tbe ronsket aa a present to his grandson sensible and appreciated philanthropy a new brand of philantropist has appear ed in maine ho is a gentleman who believes in the moral and educational influence of the press and he has ordered a newspaper sent at his expense to esch family in bis town and why not we endow ohalrs in nnlvereities end provide f dndsiortbe malntepanee of educational facilities of everyjiiud and it will generally bsadmftterl that the press is as great an eduoator as all of them- if you are subject to cramps you know how important it is to have a prompt remedy on hand nervillne nerve pain corn bas a wonderful and immediate influence upon this malady it relieves in onerninntesncl oures in five pleasant to the taste and the best remedy in the world for pain l- business has improved to so marked a degree at hamilton that the jd moore company have inoresscd nagessper cent and the eottou mills have started to run on foil time c first size of a dime next slxe of n dollar then big as mr and mrs adumlaing oliirampton were guebta of thoir daugbtera tbisvtfeek mrs conner and daujjhtor of orange- ville were guests at sdnderiand villa this week mr and mrs j p melster and children were guets lliib week of bev f w luxfordo mr a t brbwti apd mrs alex p brown visited bicbard nloklin beq at aberfoyle this week miss bella kennedy who has been spend ing a month or so with friends in miobigsn returned home last week editor panton of tbe caarnploic is spend ing several wcekb in ferry sound pislriot for the benoflt of bis health misi mcrri on of gait lourned home on tuesday evening aftor spending lljreq or four weeks with friends here prof j h panton of tbe 0 a- 0 who has been ill for some time was taken to toronto last week for treatment mr henry bauer who went to the toronto general hospital several weeks ago for treatment is gradually improving mr georgee goper left rfday rflonnlng forsuruia to visit- her brother who met with a berioub aooident a few days before mr richard beattle spent sunday in acton he wheeled home this corning btlffonrirtbonehobrriawemjr mlnutesf3nelph afereurv mr artbnr laiug who has been at home part of the summer left yesterday for massaahasetts to join hisbrotbers in their tour with lbs projeptoipope and phono grapbv mts john b oameruu went to tutuutu on friday to meet mr cameron there upon his return from- calgary n w t they remained over sunday iu the city mr cameron doebuot feel that his health was benefitted from the trip the following delegates from aoton are attending tbe provincial sunday sobool conventipu at fiamiliou bev j a molaeiilan m a mr and mrs h p moore mr j lnokey mrs a stephenson and misses allie and fhemie laing bev and mre john mills of guelph were guests this week at the home of bev wm bryera bey messrs mills and bryers were echoolfellows injrelandiand have been more or- lese qloeely sssooiated during the whole of their ministerial career a visit with each other is always adelightfol experience lyia ntle r oomnews the jackets wraps ul sters and coats we show in our mantle room represent the best productions of five of the best manufacturers in germany britain and can ada we mention canada last simply out of native mod- esty for the products of our canadian manufacturers in some lines discount those of their old world competitors in point of style finish value and wear in every case we buy direct from the -manufac- xlttlepuu they also relieve distress from cyspepsut ldlrjcsuonajtdtcjohcartyeatlng apcr- frrt remerly tvir tlltilriess kiie dmwal ness bad taste in the mouthcoatedtongoo tain inthesidetofjnjijveil they regulate the bowels purely vegetable small pill v 8mau doses small price substitution tho fraud of tho day see you get carters tvsk for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills prip8ipaicl for any quantity of wheat peas oats barley buckwheat delivered at acton elevmloi robt noble r6ad the christian by hallcalne postpaid 75c equality bybelh buy buy post paid 75c your wall paper from c l nelles guelph your window shades from c l nelles guelph always ask the prices of books ga 1 neiles bookseller guelph hoiys blgby ralnprobfed neze ulsters in olive mix drown iawn claret and oxford gray 51 to 54 inches long with 6 inch collars 5 pockets and throat tab with vwontcome ott buuons can be bought retail in town and village for for autumn hou during fall liousecleariing we are offering wall and ceiling papers at greatly re duced prices to make room for next seasons goods acton the cam yiplrefirfbr winds mens overcoats in beaver and frieze a specialty mein and b reai made clothing millineryi mantles dress goods gloves hosiery corsets underwear c fresh groceries always on hand try our blue ribbon kur- mah arid japan teas f terms cash or produce j gmcbeath acton ontario 1831 bwyblshtttea ggg the the best of the aabiouitnbaiiweiskiies jnvzspknsibls to all country residents y who wish to i keep tjp with thb tiltkb terms keduced for 1898 sfagle subscription two doxjijars tour subscriptions 8kv3bxt dollars xisubcr4puiu3 uullxxsr 13 special iktjccbhkxts whloh will be tted by inll on ftpphaatlon to perioni nvtilng larger ofabs i3t pftperfllbbtll tbe n of tbu year new sabaorlbera for 1808 ru and av premlom for ovory reader it will bobeen that the dlfferenott between tbe eoitof tbe ooomtbt ommtuimam and that of other agriooltoral weakllm qtay readily be rednoed by mauognpa amall elab to less than a cent a weok send tor sjpguunr copies which will be rnailad free and too whether this enormous difference in coet shonld prevent yoor having tbe beat what aoooont would yon mcke of neh a dlflwence in buying medicine tit food addreer luther tucker a 8on azbairr jty we keep things moving by keepinir things that move a stupid fellow who guages the quality of boots and shoes by the price has no busi ness to be married yet one of thlsclass directed his wife to buy footwear for hersell and the children from another firm because they charged more for them and they must therefore be better his better hafi bought aeversl pair frbm us and several from the other house andshowed her -bus- band they were identical being even manu factured by the same people this proved conclusively howfbollah amn-caribewhen- ho really tries the lady of the hooso gen erally knows where she can get the most and the best for her money and if you were to ask the ladles of acton tbe qurstlon- where- can i get the best value in boots and shoes c the answer in nine cases out of turer some ot our confreres who talk loudly of buying direct are handicapped with a commission charged which they have to pay to the people through whom they buy this percentage yire save- to qpr cusiorneirs and our garments re best value to be found childrens coats represent a stock of immense variety rather too large for our trade and we have in consequence marked them at about onehalf the usunl profit in order to hurrytheir sale come and price them bollert fe co 25 and 27 wyndliara street guelph tkotjgtell haveyeua dresageodsthough i so dopmf fail to see the special line of- priestleys figured bodice at 50c special offer- also for a short tithe we will offer special low prices in black dress gobds call and examine our hosiery of course you are interested large variety superior quality and low prices make this the place to buy hosiery for example 21 ribbed black cash- mere hose fine soft finish at 25c ladies 21 ribbed full fashioned high spliced heels and double sole arid toe special 4pc vgy0s vi ringwood gloves josephine kid gloves alber tine kid gloves in black and tan every pair warranted special 100 urtderwear ladies perfect fitting underwear large variety unshrinkable quality at 50c popular shades m eiderdown cloths for childrens cloaking gents furnishings night shirts in all sizes special 21 ribbed cashmere sox at 25c xieaders in qroderies mill st acton are you 99 wyndham street looking for a nice new uptordate fall suit and overcoat if you are and want trie best for the least money this is the place to come new suitings nobby uptodate just in our i1600 suit to order is wonderful value- new pall hats whywear outofdate style when we can give you the latest from xo0 up new overcoatings the latest we have we have a black and bine beaver at i8oo made the best colored shirts at less than cost see them and be convinced of the value we are giving puffs strings bows fourinfland and all styles new goods frdm25c up oijr unlauridried whife shirt at 50 cents is a leader goods marked in plain figures cash and one pice noxqhuroh will iviigltsrilngmth wfvsxa on jijv 5j isiior of weddings and their unseemly ooodoot was manifested the magistrate let them off after nplalo- ing ths serlousomsji the bbrge upon sntponded sontenpe ibere is oooasl6naly similar mlsoondott in all ths oburobes and in order that there may be no lack of krwltdgjlpjtb the ielooasrisss of soch sotions ipshs sight ol the law srs quote the sulute bearing ripor tbe matter if- i an person who sllfoll aistorns inttrrupu or disquiets anyaasemblw of persons met for relltiqas wershlpjbyriidaei- lodaoent bsbavlor- orbymaltlnf nousttier ulthln a plaee of worablporsoriearlias tdouslarblhs order or soirhnltypftb4mehniiul irrsibsxcsloasb onjis oth rioimpiiuwiroolrtbls rltnssss forfslt u iarrmernjsyfnromsf 9 tho palm of your band the- end entire baldness stop it vehiijfryijfor lfphiiirrow f when psbr was alek we gavo bar tattorta waer she was a child alio oriod for cmwria wrnahobeitanioillw alio clung to cutoria vaeasushaocniklren sbajraveuiemcastorla u evorv nuoeeurleddltrlot in- canada to j asllonr msn rad osnsllsn qrovrn mtirisry btoolt every tree and nosh guaran teed frejfromn jose seal v libeled terras to part tlm men and sood wages to those airing tbslr entire time w ths the demand for apod homagrown and aeell- mated nursery sto41ti on toe iuersase applr now and surt sood frouod allourstvkjraarantesatrubtonama orpnr- ebsss prjoe refandad s 1 kpblaokrbhdftoo y toronto oanida mtbjotueamaytnwkae 14 in tb we wosld oall yopr attention to the fact that we are prepared to aopply yon with lumberol baftable length for your bam poors vl 10 li is or h feet also sasittvvv doors pbame8 mouldings oto for building btorra doors put op at a low a nte as possible repair yotir omps or i ul in new ones before it luoo told ws cut no n shop at foot otrlvsrv acton th08sbb v- ivlbnajrer prices are bard to beat try us for any thing you want ln our lino w williap mill 8treet aoton ws w barbejl j6ros vvir3ksitv farar makebb qeprllijftw qnt adrbn- machine anpair shops high oaudb wiikxt nkwi t specially aecteslf land one pounu hm thpaprnssd in this ioornalis tbabostalus 4k w jmsi tljearettievii ask your hardware i3mrcrfalrthi yvvv 7-y-