m- household uses of salt m juttm jpm rss thuksday october 28 1897 ij oung jolks -juyhoy- thohona qfmaiiy other mothers- havo pink and white chooku jubt as fair anil wealth of gold and brown locks waving but nnno can with my boy compare i oft in tho distance with hla oomradofl x soo hlu coming while afar among tho whole group bhinlag radiant ah wlion from gray clouds gloami a start whgri nin flongb in noibhbrin woodlands ring forth liko ewoot bolls puro and clpar i hoar biiouo mid all tho voices my sons alono doth f each my bar t and wlion a ball in happy playtime flics upward to tbo very roof i know that my own boys band hung it of his young strength a joyous proof 1 when fifteen mora briof years havo fleeted tho vision yb will soe with me aa slander as a groou young flrtruuk bo ntanda bonaath thoapplo trool een now lilti bright clear cvob uplifted tharadlahtfiufishltlobtirlvoto bear yes tlioro aro sons of otlior mothers but nouo oan with my boy com parol joiianka amimobrub prohibition never a failure tho rev t h siddull tho only matt in id tho world so far as wo have beaid who has from puro interest in the question read tho oatiro evidence and report of the royal dommission on the liquor traffiothrorjflh in a recent communication to the jtelfyious jutcwffcncer discussing the promise of a plebiscite pays it would seem to be clearly tlia duty of all active and really earnest prohibitionisu to insist upon the iraraediato redemption of a well understood pledge in a straightforward ay worthy of honorablo men the difficulties of the position aro not forgotten neither are the moral obligations pressing upon a christ ian nation that the liquor traffic is an immoral traffiia is self evident to eaoo- tion it is to eh aro tho reponslbilty of iu bad fruits the success or failure of pro- hibitiou in suppressing intemperance is not the first question bat rather our attitude f towards and our responsibility for pro- liilo eourco of evil if the liquor traffic is right thou to prohibit it is wrong if it is wronq then we have no right to sanction fit bbintf evil as wo believe to oatlaw it can neve b colored cotton fabriae will not fade by subsequent wnahiu ii placed in boiling wator to which 1ms been lidded three flillb of suit to every four quarts of water do uot remove tho ootli until the water 1b cold window kiubs lamps marblo and atone yaaes or mantels pro quickly oloaucd if rubbed with salt slltflilly dnmpenod a tcaspoonfalpf ealt in a coal oil lump makes it burn brighter and give a clearer light a fresh ink at it in b oncarpota or tablecloths can bo removed by repented npplicatioue of dry ealt carpets tiro refreshed and col ors brightenedit wiped with clean o lb lb a wrung from bait water salt spriuk- led occaaionnlly around the cdo of the carpet is a moth destroyer ink spota aro removed from ktugbam by turaliugvetittttotot-tnitlrtnidthetr- oovorinfi fliem with silt salt and lemon juice will remove- mildew soak brooms occasionally in hot saltwater they will become eofter lese brittle and will wear longer heat salt ton minutes in a very liotoveov crush tine and run through a reive store fnacovejjetf boat in a try placoaqd- it will not oakor this is preferable- to mixing cdrnbtarch wit if which thiflkehe delicate dressings an c soup bedroom floors may be kept oool aud fresh by wiping thetu daily with etrong bait water microbes moths and other ibeeot pests aro thus destroyed rait and camphor in cold water ia an eioellout die- lufeotant in bed rooms cleanse rattan bamboo and willow with abroshaod bait water then rub dry with a soft oloth floor matting will bo more pliable and leas brittle if occasionally washed with bait water wash chamber ware with cold salt water instead of warm eoapy water to remove egsraiaa from silver rob gently with a damp oloth sprinkled with fleo salt salt on the hands wilt prevent fowls and fish froim slipping during tbo proaeba of cleaning bait dissolved in alcohol or ammonia will remove fireabe spots i an excellent appjicaltou for a rprain is the wellbeaten whites of three eggs mixed with three scant teaapoonfuls of wtttjkplabter of thsyelk of an egg thick ened with salt applied to the- seat of acute pain will often relieve add salt to the water in which black cotton goods are waelbd to prevent fading trad tnrningbrownltnb-n3ughr-flatttiron8- over paper covered with salt lemon juioe and salt will remove stains from the hands do not use sqap immediately after a dull smouldering fire may bo cleared for broiling by throwing over h a handful of salt if salt ia thrown on any burning substance it ohooka the blaze bntif sprink led over coal makes it burn brighter aet longer and there are fewer clinker bait thrown on ooals when broiling steak wii prevent blazing from the dripping fat when the contents of he pot or pan boll over or are spilled throw on salt at once it will prevent a disagreeable odor and stove or range may be more readily olesned feathers and plumes btrafghttnod by damp weather or exposure to rain may be rejavenated by shaking them over a shovel of hot coats sprinkled with salt fire is soon extinguished if epriuldad or bprayod with the following eolation ten pounder of salt five pounds ot ammonia and three gallons of water 1mb should bs tightly corked and kept jabtoro where thero is j special danger from fire to clean black and burnt spiders or ket tles boil in them a little salt and vinegar then scour vigorously with au iron dish- oloth copper and brass may be brighten ed by vigorous robbing with a lemon dipped in salt frozen vegetables are less impaired if placed at once in a alt water fcath and left in a warm place to thaw if o ttaspoonf ul of salt is added to a quart of rails it will keep sweet and pare a much longer time i the cook atvny time gets a dish too sweet to suit the taste a pinch of salt is a corrective and vice versa lives in danger the time for v action and great care paines celery compound should be used this month our changeable autumn weather briugu fear to tho heart a of thousands of rheutn- maticj eucforera who tiro unublo to go to warmer qlimip the present month with it4 wet cold weather and chilling north east winds will without doubt iucruaeo tho p of th who aro a fi with acute ohronivi iifl itnmatory and eaiatio rheuroalism tha urip acid in the system which tho kidneys iliavtt not removed is poisoning the blood oniiing etiff and swollen joints twiated legs arms iingera and contracted cords when it roaches the heart it generally proves fatal rhenmatia sufforerb why remain in agonyuud poiilv thoro is a sure auroandj anew life for all if the proper ugonoy ia made use of the truo agonoy faipes colory compound has triumphantly met huudrodii of oasea far more subtle- and dangerous than youra it will surely meet your troubles it is for you to determine this day whether you shall be free from suffering aud take on anew life or remain in a condition of helplessness and torture that may drag you to tho grave at any timo bear in mind that fainea oulury com pound ourea all forms of rheumatism and does the work so well that the dibenbo never roturna mrs m j viooeof barrie ont bays i am happy to bay that i have taken fainea celery compound with great re- buiu i had sciatica so badly that i could not turn in bed or wlk without help and for a poriod of throe weekb wae belpteably laid ap and buffered pain that at timea was unbearable r j x tried many medicines but all in vain i was afterwards recommonded to try fainea celery compound i need six bottlos and am now entirely cured and enjoy good health i take great pleasure in recommending the valuable medloiue that cured me the head master kx tract of wild strawberry and con- t i aider it- invulunblo in all ensen of t diarrhoea and summer cquiplulrit t it lea plcnsure to me to recommend t to the public rbvmastrtoh principal- i high school ltlyer charlo kbj charlie papa isnt monarchy tho besf form of government papa no a repub lic is charlie thou why do they eay the kingdom of heaven dr s c webb liberty miaa says i have been fusing ayerb pills for over twentyfivo years and recommend thum in aaoes of ehfonio diarrhoea knowing their efficiency from personal experience they having oured when overy other mediolno failed iousness u caused by torpid liver which prctento diges tion and permits food to foment and putrlfy in atomncb thon follow dizzmeai headache i baby was cured i neansms i can hlrhly recorii- i mend dr fowl f kxtrnctqf wild i strnwherrv it cured my imby of diarrhoea nf tcr r- i ntheivtiennb failed no i jive it cretit jiraiad it la excel- lent for nil bow 1 complnlnth i mus chas hott havlow out hchdalmtaclie heada thataoho rniy bo rhado bright dear and free from pain by uaing durdoqk blood sitters the trua natural onre for headache from whatever oauso arising headache and paip iq tbo baok aiiliotod me for jv long tfmo but now i am free from them thanks to the aao of one bottle and a half ot b b b djias j moallis ter almonte out it is estimated that greater qnantitiea of gold and silver have been bank in the aea than are now in ol reflation on earth tliey suit ho exactly i hve had dyspepsia arid stomach trou ble for the past two years says hiss ellen whalen niagara falu and took varlons remedies in search for a cure none of them aoiteoromiaaejikelaxajjiger fills they suited me exactly and removed the troubles promptly sjid effeotually i willingly rocomend them to alt who buffer as 1 did 7 it u said that if all tho cotton raised in texas waa made icto one bhirt the garment would lit a man 200000 milea tall hagyarda pectoral balsam cures coughs colds asthma bronchitis and all throat atidtintg troubtoat iasomlna nervousiiess u not reileyed bilious fernr or blood poisoning hoodi rill stlmuloto the stomach route the liver pure hcodacue dlzzlneis eon- atlpatlon oto 23 eanta hold by all drugtrlata the only fuia to take with jjflpa5 bansparllla sunday rest a civil bight just for fun mother what have yoa done with the money you saved up last week johnny papa told me toaavo it for -a- rainyday yesterday was the qrst ono we had bo i epent it couan doylo tells a story a friend of his who had often boen told that thereia a skeleton in the oupbbard ot every house hold no matter how respectable that house hold maybe and ho determined to pot this opinion to a practical tebt selecting for the subject of hfo experiment a venerable archdoacon of tho church against whom the moat censorious critic had never breath ed a word he went- to the nearest post offloo and deapatohed this telegram to the reverend gentleman all is ditopvered i fly at once v the arobdoaobn disappear ed and has never been heard of slnoe daughter yea ivo graduated but now i must inform myself in psychology phil ology bibll practical mother stop right where yoa are i have arranged for yoa a thorough course inroaatology bolloogy stitchology darnology patoboloy and general domeatle hostleology now get on yonr apron pah is aomo friends said unole ebon dat ji like do rainbow iey looks floe an beuda polite but doys gone when de sun airi ahinlu electricity made at home it has been diioovorad that if a ateel knife and a silver fork are in sorted in a large orange an eleotrlo current will be gen erated if the end of a fork tod the end of a knifoflliokiog from the orange are con nected with anelectrical meaaarfngiottro- mout quite apercbptible current will be seen to pass the same kind of a battery can bb made subatitatiug a cupumbor or a lomon in place of tho orange in fact any acid fruit can bo used in ordertoniake a voltaio pile it u only necessary tb procure tbu or mora pieces of zino about an inch equitre the bama nara- bor of pieces of oopper and a like nnrnber of pieces ot pipar tho paper should be thoroughly soaked in vluegar first take a piece of- zino on it place a a pieofl of vlnegarioiked paper then put on a piece of copper then a piece of paper then another siho and then paper and ao on until alt the pieces of sitio oopper and paper aro aied ap it is important that a pieee of aioo bhould be on one end and a pleoeof copper on the other after the pile la completed again eoak thl whole lightly in vinegar thn oleaa it off on the outside 0v7 v if the foreilogor of one hand held agalntt one eud and tba foreangerof the upon purely civil groands and will find in this ja sufficient foundation even if divine obligation and roligioaa requirement is ignored tbo proper aim of human enact ment ia to secure justice and promote the public welfare it cannot properly trample upon human rights reduce to a condition of slavery or dony protection to the hurablo and the oppressed a law that is calculat ed to confer upon the people great pbysioal material and social blesaings needs no de fence suoh a law may utterly ignore all recognition of reliiooa doty and may imply require tbo obiecvanoe of the sun day restday so for as abstaining from labor and unseemly recreations and actions are concerned beoaorb anon observance is held to promote the pobllo good the results olio wing the enforcement of buoha law would olearly justify its enaotmenfc from the pnfely civitfltaedpoint only among these results- would bo found tho protection j of the toller in the enjoy meat of a right essential- to his higheat intellectual and physical interfifltb drqteojion jrom the obriboienoeleaa greed of the oubpob who pocket the dividenda swelled by the sunday toil of the vhite slaves whose natural rights and religloua scruples are rnthleaaly trampled in the dost in the eoramble of the modeygrabber and the pleaaurebeeker the legal establishment of the best of all sanitary arrangements resnlttog ia the more effloient promotion of public health oteanlines and self respect greatly in- oreaaed opportanlty for eeouriug the beneflti of the higher uduotian furnished by church and sabbath school thoreanlt- ing increase of ohriatian homes which are the graduating sohoblt of good citizen and the bulwark of the state the promotion of temperance and the spirit ofobedibuce ohsla goodhtwtfgflw n social parity and theaecuridgto the toiler the rights of conscience and roligioua liberty joitn ciiiiuvtotf mp in canadian magazine- no wonder a womans brain fa affeotad by a pretty bonnet its euro to go to the head in thobo daya of ootture and progress do not wear a grizzly beard or moatache when they can bo colored a natural brown or black at home with buckinghams dje a sohool tocher lately put tho question what is the hi ghost fgrff of animal life the giraffe responded a bright member of the olas biliousness and liver complaint heod- acbejbtoaro cared by burdock pills when a man trisa to jivp off bis relatives they eoon git on- to bis kin gam ask your doctor he will tell yon that scotts emulsion curea poverty of the blood and debility of tho nerves he will eay that it is the bebt remedy in the world for deliaate oliildrea truth is tnqnite and wo cannot olaap it in our finite arms yet we may live in ita light and learn more and more of its grand meaning if we but ainoetely honestly and patiently tread the straight road of iotelleo- tuul virtue no room for salt qlicum salt rheum erysipelas totter shingles raeheourf etc cannot exist where bardook blood bitters b used hero is the proof i was so bad with salt rheum that ray finger naila oame off b b b oared mo completely and i have bad no retarn of the disease during tho past three years mro jas bandera emerdpn man ppurryearold robbie ran breathlessly into the bouse just as the sound of bag pipes waa heard oflmiqg op tbo street oh mamma ho eajd mherpa a man out here with a doad pig that pinna come quick dyspepflia or iudigoatlon la occasioned by the want of aotion in the biliary duota iobs of vitality in the etomaoh to eeorefe the gastrjp juiceo without digestion cannot go on aleo being tjp principal oaoao of headache parmeleoe- veg pills taken before going to bed for a while never fafl to glvo relief and effect a euro mr f w aahdowu ashdown qnt wrltcb par- meleei pills am tablog bo jead against ten other makes which jhftvofq atocb f strength hun iteturucd my whole sybtom waa run down i wua eo weak i could scarcely get arouritfo do my work i finally began to to ka hoovh saraaparilurand after ualng wo botileu i found that my btraugth had returned and ro appetite waa hotter i uow feel as strong ae ovor mrs kolloy 1 wellington avenue toronto ontario htok houdaoho all druggists hoode pills euro nuueeit indigoation bilioiifinesh 25o oatio am if a man really loves a woman ia ho likely to mako auoh aiool of himself tolling her bigub of wuamu aro vnriabto appotito itching ut tho nose aa dr lowa worm syrup ia tho beat worm expeller a mean person hah nald that oven paradiaerawomauwpuldbeillat case till j pqplb- eho know for sure her nrown waa on atraight stout fcojilc stout people are in great danger of hav ing the heart musoles gradually weakened by the infiltration of fat thla can be prevented iu many caaea by the use of dr milburus heart and nervo pilla mr jaa kelly hamilton ontario aayb il havo bean eick and feeblb for fivo yeafb with a weak fluttering heart sinking feel ing nervousnesb shortness of breath etc but am now glad to bay that dr milburne heart and nerve pilla havo completely removed all my heart and nerve troubles and have given mo back my health of too muoh attention cannot be bebtowed on that important yet much neglected branch of learning the knowledge mans ignorance itching burning skin d1s eases cured for 3 5 cents dr agnowarointmentrrelieves in one day and ourea tetter ealt rheum piles eoald head eczema barbcra itch ulcere blotches and all eruptioua of the tkin it is aoothing and quieting and aota like magia in the cure of all baby humors 85 cents sold by a t brown oan kidney have weak back lame back tymbaqor rheuwatism daws kidney pills willcure you do vour hands or febt swell p ip so you have weak kidneys doans pills will stkenotiien thbm have you dropsy kidney or uri- nary troubles op any kind ip so doans pills will 31ir8 yoi something wortli kiwins heapacmes dizziness priqhtful drbns 0i5tur3e0 2iekp pr0vvs ness purtlbtfulnbss c0 chills nervousness ere arboptfincaushp by disordered kidneys even tp your nsno is dbfectivb you should always reneibelr that doans pills curb all kidney trou- ble3 and every dosb helps tub curb sold at all druq stores for infents f wwf thttu- oat of sorta symptoms heudaho loaa of appetite furred tongue and general indisposition these bymptpmb if neglect ed tarn to aoato disoaeo it ia a trite flaying that an ounoe of preyentton is worth a pound of cure and a lltlto attention at thia point may auvo months of aiokneaa and large dobtora bills for thia complaint take from two to three of parmeleea vegetablofilla on going to bed and ono or two for threo nighta in eaceesslon and a oare will be eiteotod no wonder tho poaoh orop falls ao often for oven nature appeara to be down op it the llfouiviiig pines tho braatb of ths pinea ia the breath of life to the oonaamtive norway fine syrnp oontaina tho pine virtue and ourea coughs colda bronohitis aathma hoarfle neaa and all throat and lung trooblob icebergs omvtme law flit ifejrlysoo years can recommend u mr enoi born berry taboarora writoa i am pleaaed to say that dr thomas eolcotrio oil is all that yoti olaim it to be aa wo bavo been oaing it for yeara both internally and ex ternally and have alnaye fecjefved benefit from ita use it is cor family raudicine and i tabe great pleaiors in rmobxnendiog it one reaso why scotts emulsion cures weak throats weak lungs makes rich blood and strengthens puny and delicate children is be cause all its parts are mixed in so scientific a manner that the feeblest digestion can do curls help i wonder if any woman makes ont to get maoli real help from her girls there ia alwaya something abopt their olothing to fix so roaoh irdnlug company aud going i want lou to go oat look like other people and have a gdod time she oan nev er bo young but ouorund i have to mako belleva a whole lot about tho help she is eapoalally to people who dont know aoy thing about a oblld nor aee any good from it aioapl work the worsf of il i oanj even oomplaln of belrs tired lately without bearing from blmon lliat i pugbt to get moreworkfromlxiiiind tbalflf i dont look opt aha will rtow op rheoliy wotth- flc v- ch orpi adt a ence has only come by doing one thing for nearly 25 years this means purest in gredients most evenly and delicately mixed best adapted for those whose strength has failed or whose digestion would repel an uneven pro duct to mliiat at anxioas mothofiwell bobbyand how did yoa behave at the pwfy bobby- ob mammy i didnt behava at all i wan quita good you abe a victim medlonlotatlatloa prove that eighty out of every hundred aro tainted with catarrh aro you one of the eighty foul breath paioa ovor the eyas dropping in tho throat and headaohea denote it havo you theso symptoms dr agnow6 catarrhal pow der never dliappolota in cure for years j wag a victim of obronio catarrh i bad triad all ktaqy of burra and had been treated by nam bare of phyai tea ij gathered from the plant four times a year jsjorway jpino fyrun btrongtbens te lnga and ourea all thoat roabloe coughs ooldb eto tbo game of golf 1b said to have been ln vented inanaiont times by a lonely sbep- herd who had nothing better to do than to knocjj round atones into a rabbit bole with hie crook better tban the klflndle jrs e yinkworth uorribon st niaga ra fals pnt paye j was attaobed with kidney tronblpabou two years ago an ateally grew worae nntjl jjoyeipbcf laot when i grew boiow that 1 tliooght j jwppjd live only a abort time longer tho doctor here pronounced my caeo a complication of r diaeaa and d a i conld not get well r mcdonald advised roe to try doana kidney pills as it was my only ohance to get well i did so and now lean truly eay that i own my life to fol- ipwjpg hs advice for i am strong and well tpday vy life has boeu payedto my tbroo obildrop and i think poana jfidnoy pills are worth thnir wcigbtjq gtfld obsorvationa to determine tbo duration of sunshine in europo showed that spain had t moat sunshine and scotland the lfib m ay friends you like the freii press you believe it is a good paper the free press appeals to you then to show your appreciation in a tangible way send in the names of half a dozen persons who are not but in your judgment should become subscribers and we will send them free sample copies in order to show them what an interesting local paper we have to offer send us at the same time the names of two or three jght be induced to canvass for subscribers- 8 if you will comply with these requests we will send the free press free to any new address yoii name from now until the end of the year send your orders on form given jjelpw h p mooberpabusfieirfpe please send free sample copies to the foli6ving addresses name pobtoffice the following p for the free press nanie- hiiimi ies might be induced to act as agents postqffice please send free paper until the end of 1897 to the fol lowing address mn f railway timh 1kg0jfh crand trunk railway ioinu wtbt ioik0 uaht iall 0 jlinm i kiprei d ilfiauti 11 li1 ui wkproeb 47 em3 7 toptil mail ro 11 piul i mixed 10 oa iun j timli ot- clomxo mahfl jollib woptu 25 nui ami 010 11111 golnuaut 10 15 am umlfl 4 liin tlilbtlnio wont into pltpct on mouo kxproh mall nov aoth ifillu e b collins butcher ry and liopos tuat by careuj i ltlon to merit a ooauuuanee doolrns to tlianlt his nurnerom ouitomotg fot3 thoirlberalatkuafiohiido3iftoomdieboj bublnosb last january aud courteous at ton tic of tbolr cubtooi a comploto assortment of flrstcla beef mutton lamb pork fresh and salt horns sauaagoa poultry lard fcc in bpanon prrcoa alwaya as mow at obnalitont with tboj bobtquality prouipt dolivory fa ktock nmited b iprt8a georgetown electric woi4 tjseontproptleiot manufacturers of dynamos electpiomotor3 water motors and hydraulic rams pipc6oa stoam fittinffand oonoral bepu ing bolus equlppodwitba baa braaingmaohliim i am prepared to do bratlng on bloycjo fnmnit aa wboolb oonvortod from plrdot to taugeub bpokoi baodlouara bontio full lino of spokes kopt in stock dy doblrod anali hpokes kopt in toek sitlifuuo duaranteod luoyolei enawcued id any oolor bitlifuubn any oolor tjt speight george to main street planing iviills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of saah doors framobmonidln in all atyloa ppstoifipp name and address of sender w j 39 sizfescribe for the free press the right house cor of king and jefughson sts uresis drxssmo matcnnio and movldwom to order on aliort nolloo woll asaortbdstockbn liandai prices total m john camciqh i j proprlotof if you bavo tho itnprasalon tbat landsomo novelty dross uoods are jemsaayuynoostly youre mistaken bao ont mspiarand now- tho mddor- afopsoesr sswynaaj of imeo r r jirtooi hs initboooral woot n nil tost atoy jrowi pattarns iu liohalr woqlor silk and wool tweed jbffeots opdfno goods f fbat more uotodheroi frenohbosio rlyalthi iy will n apblgh y tjostuniei dmlgns nontlyo ejpontlyo rtnffs reas pattarns irumor mi hi yw 00 tweed ef cords oto eew 1 to 1800 4aloob bovort suitings 650 per yard fiolnob vlaereanx twill 60o per- yard 4sldob sedao olofb 65 aud 7m a yare minob llroadelotbs all the new shades mantle b fiertbiae jpp bonv black jackets new 8ba- goods in vabiou8 stylk9 wltitj be opfefted atyjluohvblow ileoulait luv fanoydrobfl qoods 44 inobea wide ia i table ufaool drogbos at prices ranging trom sso 9 aud tworpjyard the famoaa frlobtloy brand blaok dru oooib y it- rfnfl vool bourollnob jqlnobowido 75c bontjwo ooft 48 fochob wldi jfo and 1 tt9ftt howsd 7of extra bpooiai fino ooatlns berge 44 inotaoa wide tso heavy weight obeflot 46 loobaa ix haadaomeranoo of blaok slnslo dreia pat- torus 811k uatlalauo oodlne broohe and pobblo effecta sintdratadliiotf jowelod in checks and atrlpes spoolalforovonlng wbkt ituiminlnifroiaifuolovoisoq thibet o or or jot xadles oapes in blaok and oolors all tho new olothalateetbbapes prloes ranglnfi from iso p- dress fais gjlj as new aa tbe mornlor if the ware made of mailln wo wooil eajl tbem bblrt waists same bltloafflfkbrlbii bilks velvets wdotaod uoutonrfkua toaklng of tbeugooduiia-ieamon- jk new boulan stvle prloos tcqtirts to 1900- paia boot- and pheak brhntfordl s win tower for foil and pnjaj tornmj covered ooaf patent roller tiq bau bgmrines s asj molletln waists new patterns 09o and 150 see dlaplay in front window kid tbo flpoolal dttering of kid olovos has been a pronoaneod buooebo many hundreds ot pairs bujd drrloe tbe past few days tbo jktve nnklntity offoted leavm tbe w8ortmoitr aim oar tmkhdwn b-ilodonflq- jopurtngth6wejc 11 in tbe millinery departmont op r ened tbis week mew felt bailors in te xft urn sr l new fedora walking hata in navy brown and blaok new wings new boses new ideas in trlmm- ediuata ana bonnets- expert artlbtwalwrnyi ready to execute your orarn enh6rt ndtloc style and genoral satis- jajtion awteejjt- i poller ps aiun op samples on application freight or eiproi on airpurobases of 500 and upwards satisfaction guaranteed tbyour nearwt railway station in ontario thomas c watkins the iright hotjs8 ffainiltpi bbarfrforbslri m all running and bajh construclea galvani izcdsteel wind mil and towers made also ths celebrata maple leaf gralij srlnder wrllo fof illiiblraied clfculv ifg oians bnt no oare was ctteotedt do til i bad prooored and uasd dr annows oatarrbal powder tne first ippllcation gavo rae almost instant relief sod in an incredibly short timo 1 was absolutely oared from tbls distressing and dtvflnsting malady jas headloy dundee n y sold by a t brown lliiiiiiiii a qod8ent blessinq mr d f wood of eaelon p waa a great aufleror irqm organic lioart dlseaae he never exported tobo well again bnapr afinoivbouro for iho lioarl sa hla good angel and ho llvcu lody lo toll it lo olhors bear hint i was for fifteen years a grtol bufterer from lieart dlieaae bad amolherlng pains jpellj pain in tbe left eldo aud swelled apslet imilipili fcaire losloq anoobbliiiodt miyf0m chopper said fittlo willlo did yon tell a atury at tlio atorytellera nigbt at tbo olnb tnaedajrnigbt yes royboy did why did they ipank yai for it aa yon do mo when i all a story t mkd willie nearly all infanta are more or lesa bqb jeot to diarrhoea and buoboornplalntb while teething and as ibis period of thoir uvea ia raoab oritidnl rnofbera blioold not be wltliqot a bottio of dr j d ktll- oggs dyaenlory onrufal this rnodioino 1b a apeolfio for aaoh oomplaipe and is highly spoken of by those bo have used il the proprietors claim it will oare any case of cholera or snmmer oompltlnl r noal dow loft bjoooo jhore is a text for a ternprence aerroon where oan i get mine of gtolloways cord oare f i wae entirely oared of rpy ooroa by tbll remedy ari1 i wlbb aonie moro or my li jeud hu wrllos mr jf w s0rb- biliousness constipation sick headache liver troubles as a laxative one pill acts perfectly and if a stronger action is desiref a caf jiartic eltect is produced by two pjls ir qbstjnafg cases where a purgalive is necessarytpicee pills will befownct sufficient tllpse ills leave ho unpleasant after effect one pill taken each night during thiry dap will curoconstlpatioii vtcs aflo ot s on ti ot- es sbopa and wareroorhs eqbt of willow pi txl j a speiglit s go thoro never was and never will be a universal panacea in one remedy for all 111s to which flesh is holr the very nataro o many uu thai wen u n dertakers and embajum ers ltesf tyje experienced attentipp firstclass hearee moderate charges lurnixtre of all kind the corns of other vnd differently boated diseases rooted in the systetn of tho pationt what gropld feevoono ill in torn wonld aggravate tbb ptbor we voj however in qnlnlno wluo wben obtained in a epnpo unadulterated btato a remedy for many and grievone ills by its gradnal judlolous nse the frailest bybtemssre led into oon- yalesoenbe and atrenglii by the influence whjoh quinine exerts on natures own restoratives it relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chronlo state of morbid despopdopce apd laok of interest in life is a disease f rid by trsnqaillxing tbe nerves disposes to sound and refreeji- ing sleep imparts vigor to tbeaollop of tjie blflod yhlob bolng tlmnated oonrses throughout the vetps slrepgtbepfpif te healthy animal fpuollons of tbe slfpi thereby racking aptlvlty nepeusr resph slteoglbenldg tbe frame and giving life lo the dlgestlvo organs wblob naturally olrianjnoreayodsobsunoe result im- proe4appailte norlhrop4 xynian of farptito haeiglven to i be pobllo their fflsfflffltiw of scientists this taaipjfrral lb ibettarsil- all 6lvo o mmmmsmmmimsmrh a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited -j- flrdora oft with j 8tinbon rookwood avlll recelvsf immediate attenllon y4ptdnf agent fob above -alspfobr- frost and wood binders and mowers s a foil intoftf kifi o faprp irnplarneritf ad rjpaip6j kep addreea oanpl pays tor yon bmtljljr hl burnpb taaei boubf lugerspll oqf rqn i i sssssm5t atinjteisiimrrv jimonnlavooij 901 urenawn iitrtffwwje iij m