Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 4, 1897, p. 1

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1 it volume xxiii no j i acton ontario tlxjksbatt uotembek 4 1897 price three cejsts wbt kttmi tk 3rss ib pdblibobd every thursday morning at the free press s team printing office ullit street aoton ont tkhub or budfloniption ono dollar per year strictly in advaaoo all uubsorlptious dlaooq- ynujluoujiiptujlftxwtquaucy liayebflon iiii3 qua oxplroa tho data to which ovory subscription is paid 1b denoted on tho address tabol anvicnttbina ratbb transient advortlao- wonts 10 coots por nonpareil lino for first in- mrtlon- soonti por lino for oaoh bubspquent usertion oontnxot ritks tho following tablo snows oar rates for tho lnsottion of advortuamonts for specified periods bibles satchels games and wall paper we have jusi opened up a large line of bibles which we will soil at plunder prices satchels we have the largest assort ment all sizes and colors and are giving the best values in tho city a i call willcoavhicayonv traders bank of canada stags 1 tb h mo a hotjl mo minehea tvr- i60no 3900 2000 7x0 loinohos ssoo 9000 1300 boo ofnehee 8000 laoo 100 ajo inch 600 360 200 100 atlvertliomoats with out snooino dirootlona wtllbo lnaorted till forbid and charged accord- moly transient advertibomentamubt bo paid duruoo advertisements vwlll bo changed once oaoh month irdoalrod for cbanftos oftonor than enoo month tho composition must be paid for at regnlai ratea changes f or contract advortlsomonta meat bo n the offloo by noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly hp moobb editor and proprietor bitgmcag witedatp 1 medical games we have a complete lino of up todatoevening games including fourteen cases of crokinojlo boards which we just received and will sell very cheap wall paper la that department we are having the basttatl tradc years- why because we have the largest assort ment of uptodate wall paper ancl koom mouldings in all shades and colors at the lowest prices ever offered in the city and -for- the next lew weeks- we are prepared to reduce dux stock at the following prlces 35c paper for 20c- asci paper lor i2j0r and i5c20c paper for 8c and foe loc payer forc we have the papers and are doing this lor to make room for our next seasons stock at bays bookstore guelpli day sells cheap f urkn m d 0 m offloo and rosldonco oornor mill frodorlok stroouvaotco as elliott mdm b aoton onnttatb toiioxto uniyeneitr office main street third door- south of prosbytarlancburon acton tr dryden ete ean tuacut and kobe mcloana block douglas st noar p o office hounamo am tolpnand3 toopm bundatr 10am to pm veterlvar y surqeon w k lfred p husband v 8 ormdoato of the ontario votorlnary coltoao honorary member of tho votorlnary medical boolety orpickwm hutbands lotm con nass- agaweya calif day or night promptly attended to dental t l- bennett xdb dentist jllifj t okoboetown ontario dr f 8 mercer dentist qraduato of toronto university and rcds 0tn6o over drug storo aoton vlintikotdtb taubsday and fhidjlt stewarts gtorllnr honioheniodioh enjoy an enviable roputatlon in many houses- in tbta community wherever they have been tried theyhavo proved remedial agents of ganutno merit tbls jb tho boabon for colds bron- cbltlb o vbloh result in a worry- idr aud distressing couch to meet the demand for a homo romody for coughs colds a that la jitobcq safe non- injurious and effective wo have manufactured in a preparation in tho form of an elixir this remedy beyond question is superior to many of tho cough mix tures offoren to the publlo which are of a positive injurious nature dls- turbiog the dlgoauvo organs canaing vomltiur and sick noes cough elixir is pleasant to tho taste and is readily takon by children it almost lu- variably cures and novcr falls to give prompt rolfof it is not a patent medicine it will not euro tho tblrd atogo of consump tion it will cuke what olton firoves tbeinoipont btogo of this sor- oua malady 25 and 50c bottles authorized capital 1000000 bums of 91 and ipwarda received on dufjobit and highest onrrentnto of intercet paldfor compoudded hnlfyearly f deposit rocoipta ibaned for largo sums depuuited v advancea made to- responsible fnrrrlera on their own names no charge madcforiotloiting3ues noten if nayableia quelph a general banking duainees trnueaoted af it jones m uvaser 3oetrg illepahed by alek stevvart dispensing nrid lylanufficluring chemist ont linoleums and oilcloths its a nice thing to have appreciative customers its a nice thing to meet people who are discriinmin- atitig constantly we are told had no idea youd such a fine line of these goods we want you to let us show you vhat we have if you dont want to buy today perhaps next week- or next month always pleased to have you call j m bond co hardware guelph cuelpk dentist ilbooktiuj honon gluduatb or toiionto univsrbitt work mado satisfactory prices modorato r viaitdo patb tuesday and friday of oaoh weekv xb g fl cook r dentist corcoildgo st and bpadina ave tobonto wiu visit acton on tho flrst and third satur day of ooohmontli omrkmrabnowa hotel zzgjkl mrbxean a mclean barrfstors soiloltors notaries conveyancora io private fonda to loan offloe tova hall acton wm a molsuh jho a mclean wooglas murray jl babmbtbrs solioitocs notaiiieb kto onricxsr iflmqnoen htparkdalo vlotoriaohafflbers6lvlotorlabt telephone 807 owwu aqucnilit j mackinnon t labubtn sonoiton convetakcbb ofiiraemmbtroctj la mattbovs block upstairs gi matheson 4 j b moleod abjubtiel solioitons oohvsyahcns aeorgotowti and ullton money to loan at lowest rates m j monabb jtifkfourtlidlvtalon court ooantj ot hal- ohoobwynooragutprbanallioawurnco ev bleiutaeut monoytolonoto ojob prymm pioon t aoion ont usc vs t- gbist r- ottaai jjimida ouoitoroifatenti for invoation oto pnnum abpitoflob or tho canadian amor- ljsitttioortralo marki bond for pam- shlettilttirovoipoi ijibanoib nun an dp bookbindbb widhm st auolph ontario p ovrw aawiount boolii oi all kind mado to briar ebasoasaiolbtrrdrlillonoarafollyiioana tquqybawaiiflproinptlt tjbkflb liobnbes skv poobb jwivb of maxoluuib licekbpi p nowilneuioarequlrod ff raildanmi in tuo eveninfi laiuad probpraii omco aoton m abmbbs if ion wub to rydnoo nwrort- jj or aaonro a nratkilai loan of ioir iniiraat and on nr rm of ropaymant iiuirma imakax ipoolally of londlnj snoday anabatplomy ohundi i alo lon3 w c jauhbon ooxvaraxcbadmoimrliib cowioi t j- r3rauin4tol jftltnal stlr i worc6nri pa n y 2 bwabrjiradilwo- tjbtniirojl onoabnand untoal plan any i ooindnbeatlona fonrritojrny adaro b01 ms or talapnono will bo promptly ot- naadto johntatlobagont ouolpb jcmsbip iifinbriotmamiii- mltot aii oeuollai of waillojton ana halton lowoif ntoa ol intorait in tv v f i i v 1- skivas lbobati oion on tho moat ayorabl m -s- jrtairloi and fbooi mm ilswifostarsbll ssonted lniha pn ofttea aoton we keep things moving by keeping things that mover pit fellow a atupiit fellow who guages the quality of boots and shoes by the price- has no busi ness to bo married yet bno of this class directed his wife to buy footwear for herself and the children from another firm because they charged more for them and they must therefore be better his better half bought several pair from us and several from the other house and showed her hus band ihey were identical being even manu factured by the same people this proved conclusively how foolish a man can be when he really tries the lady of the house gen erally knows where she can get tho most and the best forher money and if you were to ask the ladies of acton tho question where can i get the best value in boots and shoes the answer in nine cases out of ten would be at w williams our prices arc hard to beat try us for any- thing you want in our line w williams mill street acton the limited toronto last longest work easjest and draw lightest points and soles last twice as long all cast parts have pur name and address in full on them see that you get them it will pay you the strongest and simplest pneumatic ensilage cutter in the market pjaaranteedtp cut 20 tons an hour and deliver 40 feott full line of straw gutters and root pulpers roller bearings all kinds of wheelbarrows the wilkinson plough company y limited toronto i acton saw mills rufwood yards jk7uies brojitfn man otaotunsn and dbazmb ik lumber tutli siinjf jo wood etc all linda or wood in atook and promptly dollvared to any part of the town at reaaonablo prloea hardwood and alaba out atoro length alwayn on uand tolepbonooommnolcatlon aoton machine and kepair shops hknbtobwnbjjj proprlotor abb wall equipped with all the machinery neoesaary to execute all rapalra to maohln- ry andatlonllorallnpleinbnnandtp do all klpdotitoamflttwhoneehoelilgbna general blaekamlthlni woodwolirapalra perlormed inaaauafaotorymanner iwa oa repair and maobine or implement of any maka saw gamming and filing done iagenu for queen vlelolli i balbb and diamond jbbl dolok for lamv depr bh dearborn fit ohleago 26 per cent off suitings we have 25 scolch and canadian tweed summer suitings this seasons goods which we will sell at a discount of 25 per cent for cash only these goods will be well trimmed and made up in our usual first- class style when we advertise a discount sale vc mean it see the goods and prices in our windows sajt y ni tboa nover a wook says undo bl with bis corncob pipe alight thos never a 1700k ofsob n sigh 1 won clouds v gloomy n floods run high hut comes to batday night y mondavs hours o toll may drag jb ifuieyd ueverg itpas i n tooaday n wensday may ilogoru lag viio ui sun is hot u our simrlts flag jlut batday comecat las vcii things goes wroufi jos stop in low at tlmomlsot ein right mobbo the darkness at klvera ua now iamomit to try ua n toach us lipw to preciato batday night ive toflqdii troubled n sorrowed much ivcftt throstornin cam fer peadboa apples at choat tho touch nroaos at loayo but thorns to clutch lint batdayi night urldgsualu n bo bastjnoio8i ef ya ivalue yor blesslna right tho halnt no plaoo for a mortal mind ith tho sabbath ahead n tho wook be hind llko a rostful batday night joh iianopon hbaton the world was never so small as it is to day meanb of rapid transit aro bringing all quarters of tho globe closer together thisreault has its dangers as well as itb whrjti advantages the recent outbroak of ohol- thorownba crowd oiubaal n era in european russia of whose daily advance we arp made aware of by cable warns us that wa have daugora to fear shaw tuener merclant tailors quelph fallind winter feds mens overcoats in beaver and frieze a specialty jvlens and boys keady- made clothing millinery mantles dress goods- gloves hosiery corsets underwear c fresh groperies always on hand ll try our blue ribbon kur- mah and japan teas terms cash or produce ja g acton ontario main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manufteturor of saah doora framoa uoutdlng in all atylot dressing matching mnd moulding to order on ihort notloe well assorted atook on bind at prlcoa toaul thotlmea john cameron proprietor georgetown electric works t j speight proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams pipoana steajn flttina and qeneral repair inr uflins equipped with a gaa braaing machine iamrrepm toaobrailngonfllavolp kramoa aro wheal comarted from olreet to tangent bpokm handlodarbhenttoanrdetlredanale voll line of bppkm kept in etoolc satufaotlon anaranteeclrbieiroteb enamelled in any eoloft j spaioht oebrgotowtx mb bufttnosb college v shorthand lftltuto booklceeplnff panmaoihlp shorthand typctvritlnb aqd actual ofilco work a specially write for circular j sharp primsipnj gaolph tuct jfrttmlp iuafttng a lfady rrorr the jpuqtry iiy ajiv luxbollh tho scent of ripeuiok raspbernea hang on the ain tho pate oregoent of the new moon ahona faintly above the orange glow lofc by iho aettidr bud and mrs ho fiord heated on the front poroh with tho cat in her lap pondered on many things she was a plump faced speotaoled little old lady with blue eyes and a pretty kiaaable mouth liko a grown up ohilda and nhe had dimple in every joint of her hands a daukhteriniaw i eaid mrs ruf- ford oh how i should like to see her or themperhapa ought to aay for therb are two of them 1 stuff and nonflensol baij mebitablo tho hired help oominjto tho door with a ahiiiiug milk pan in her hand which ahe was vigorously pohshiux with a towel of homespun linen bibhard aint a mor mon as ever i heord on 1 i dont mean that mebitablo said the oldjady with dignity i mean that there are awo young ladiea that biobard can scarcely deeide between as yer so great are the at 1 humph i said mehitable ilel have to make up his mind i guess borneo these days yes i know said mrsbuflford but all the same i should bo like to get a peep at them quite unbeknown either to them or to biobard you know mohi table she added i think i shall go to the olty to morrow mebitablo nearly dropped tho shining tin pan in her consternation i dont see nohow that i oau go wilb you said she its churning day and im expeotio them beta to swarm every hour and betsy galo is coming in the afternoon to do op them morella cherries on sharea i shall notrrquire your iaervioea sb a compauioo mehitablt said the old lady fltraghteoing herself up bo decidedly that ths cat full headlong into the tuft of south ern wood that grew by the door btone i have long wanted somobitb of brightcolor ed silk and ribbon to finish my orazy quilt and 1 need a new chally gown for every day wear these girl i am told are em ployed in mozley kirks big store all i have to do is to go hers and look well about me and i shall eoon be able to make aneatimatooll their characters humph i aaid mehitable yon dont know nothin about city ways mrd raf- ford 1 guess youd better wait until thursday and let roe go along too i weak and topid she otrnld not drink it poor htllomrfl ruffprd she could almost have cried with weariness and dlbaourago- rdeui but it wob tit the ninth street station that the ocl ruination uf ber tribulations ome to piss and mrs buff ord did not know how to push anil elbow other people like the woven iionalnwyork4ady r oh do oeo that funny littlp old woman sae a clear sweet yonng soprano with netl bonnet all oil ono side and lier little uncurled wisps of gray hair oneaoh aijo of her face isnt ahe a speotanlo i mraruffora looked eharply aronnd- it ooald not bo ponbibie ooold it that they ment her at the eome moment the platformslibbk sad trembled ander their feet ipdibstivfl of a odming train and there was general rush ftr the dbor there i aiaid tbe aweet boprauo iaheb gone and lock 8uay f shes left her odd little black velvet bag on the scat and her spectacles 1 look i with a quick movement she hong the bag over her arm adjnatod lhe spectacles on tb bridge of lier nooe and imitating mrs bafford odd nearsighted woys wnt peering about in this corner aod that tho girl oalledsustyhlttuj it waa uhnoatinapoaai iiln tn lmlp jr t for shame rosamond said bhe cholera i by no means said mrs bufford primly and then mehitable knew that tho little old lady had made np her mind shell sartin bare get lost or ron over or amothing thought mehitable but aho will have her own way richard was airs ho fiords only eon the one darling of her old age he wast bookkeeper in a big broadway concern and oama home every saturday night to walk to ohuroh with his mother ou sunday moruinge and ever binoe he had first begun to shave mrs boffprd had been secretly building oftailes in the air about t lit nlmpotsihteniaugh i fir hla w tb at waa in store for her she ought to bo very pretty aaid the old lady to herself or rebio is so tall and food looking sho ought to le well edaoated for biohie takes so mneh to his books she ooght to be good for richie has had a class in sunday school ever since he wab sixteen and she ought to love him dearly boomuie he deserves it if ever man did bat oh dear what shall ido when theres some one that biohard loves better than be does me mra bufford dressed herself iu her j neat black and white plaid silk and poke bon net trimmed with black jetted roees and went to the city it waa a sultry day the air scintillating with intense heat and heavy with thunderous gloom the streets were crowded with people doing their last shopping before they fled to newport bar- a toga aud the mountains and poor little mrbbnfford unused to metropolitan cos- toma boon lost her head and wilted down like one of ker own field daisies beheaded by the mowers soythe among the crowd of fair salesladies at moxler kirks she noald fee qp one whom she conld identify as richards beloved had abe bat known it they were having their rscatlon but of this she was u pa ware the young person at the glove counter was certainly powdsr- ed and painted even her unsophisticated oe ooold jperceivejhjt she hoped ii was not the person in charge of the glove counter and the ribbon olerk was cross and snappiihanddeolared with a toss of her head that ihey hadnt any remnants and the girl behind the chally counter took no notice at all of her until shs had served three other oastomers i do not like lobs kept waiting said the little old lady tornlng stiffly owy 4 shall make my purchases elsewhere please yourself maam and youll please me said the girl and then the other sulesudies pggled and mrs rafford walked off in high dudgn deciding not to buy a dross at all i only wish i was back in sunset hol low ihonght she wtplog her perspiring brow trf she went into a restaurant sufd called for a cop oftea and a iroll the lovenly waiter took his own urns for wafjlng 00 her and wbep the beverage earns ii was does this train ro to the depot aaid rosamond skillfully assuming the old iadys eligbt nnsal peculiarity of voice eh oligoo3uosa me buddeply re verting to her own natural accents here she comes again i shes mi used tho an tiques i how well have bo roe fun i in an i ml ant she slipped the spectacles and the block velvet bag into her pocket aud was loan ini languidly back on the seat when poor mrs rufibrd hurtlod in oh i beg your pardon said the old lady looking anxiously here and there but uavsyou seen a bug -a- bldqk velvet hag was it lyinif jaat hern on tho eeat said roatimoiid yes cried mr uufford yesl a boy took it away buiif rosamond we thoujiht of couref it belonged to him oh dear me exclaimed mra bufford clasping her hands nervoualy and it bad my ticket- and my purae in it i oh what shall i do whlob way didhego oant i run after lilrm 7 wheres a policeman itoaamond arent you ashamed exolairziod susy phelpf indignantly madam your bug ibquitosfo she has it in her pocket 1 she la only makltg fun of you rotaraond bamt out laughihg with a twist of her handkerchief sbo whisked out tho bag and the spectacles there tliey ire i eaid she and i adviiio yoa 0 take better care of them for the future old lady and yoa had them in your possession all thetiniflsaitt mra bofford with a little gasp and yon saw mo in buoh d is t rose and never told mo it was ftbhame said soby earneatly it was mob fun gigilod roaamood tossing her bead one dont often eee euoh finl bpeoimen of tho hayseed family in town young iidy snid mrs bufford not without a certain dignity you may regard this ae an excellent joke to me it is qaito a different effair i wish you good day and better m sun era for the future 8bs went out arid stood on the platform to wait for the next train ber eyes dim with tears ber heart thumping violently susy phelpt followed her out yon are right baadam said bbe it was a orael thing indeed indeed i had nothing to dp with it i dont balieveyon had mydesr from too close international relstionsbip the gravo responsibility of keeping from our land the droaded boo urge of cholera rests upon tho sanitary inapeptora of our port aitiea fprit la only through a few great gates of commerce that we have- re a sort to fear its introduction reoent experiences with typhus fover in the portflot tnrilacbtsy have abpwh that there are dejects in the qiiarantiue systemawhlah oholud ba remedied whon once these bulwarks aro parsed the abqrpf dibinfrotldn is increseed a thousandfold u should be the ddty of the authorities to prepare beforehand for thorough inspec tion of alt vessels and for complete disin fection of all suspected freight and passengers the usually easygoing oauadian should cot allow his good nature to mollify the btringenoy of his maritime sanitary regu- latione european oflicials are to be com mended for their increasing vigilance in nhisrebpect forit it jb b t cffortb that wonders with figures mra bufford returning the kindly pres sure of ber hand toll your friend that she may be old andt easily flurriod at the same moment rosamond was gayly reoondterlnft ber adventure to a yound man for whom she and mies phelps hod evidently been waiting and who had tsrdiy arrived on the bcono with many apologies jsnob a baokwooda specimen cried she 1 wiih you oonld have been her pry- lug and peeriog under the scats and behind the water cooler for a bag that must have ridden on top of mount ararat in the ark i juttplayed with tbe dear old frump as a catplayi with mouse- she war awfully mad of oouraei hut why are you look ing bo grave sao is oat there were all ready for glm island it nlt sou ml a very funny of course said the young roan but im not sore that ita verygood form to play praotical jokes on old people i bhoaldut quite have rellrihea it if it hud been my mother oh i your mothor would have been altogether adiffejentthiuy i there ahe is now thoiufho ihatsnty is talking with in the crumpkd bonnet and why what is the matter in an instant iuchurd bufford was on tho platform effering hla arm to the identical dear old f ramp mother 1 he exolaimcd you bore 1 why how does this happen rosamond wallace b ashed to tbe very roots of her h sir 1 a roost uncomfortable sensation took possession of her his mother i aho gasped to horself ob ive done it now i susy phelps came back presently the glen island oipodiuon is post ppned said she mr bufford says ho mnat mm his motrsr safe home i am in- vitedta gonp to tbe old homestesd too and stay over batday mrs bufford oh aho ia snoh t defer old lady rosamond i saysl am tossc you tro as we are to gether ii think i vont go said rosamond secretly beglnnibr to compute how ma oh her excellent joke had cost her a taffy old place iu the country thats quite a different thiug from glen island i ob youre vrtcome toyonrold lady sie and to your younk rutin too and so flktiratlvely sp uking mibosa- moud waluee laid dowi her arms end left 8oay phelpaln full possession cf the field mrs bufford went back to snnset hol low quite cured of sail desire logo shopping in the oily for the futur bat i aooonojllfched my object said she miiuanlly i fount blohfos sweet heart r humph i observed mehitable it was a sortof aocldaot af 1 r ajl i j it ht vetrysatiafaolory aooldenl saldt mrs itutton after this when i waniaoy shopping dons i hall get my daughter in law to do tt 1 tbo disease may be kept from the shipping ports whence it might be distributed by commerce the disease called cholerine which has lately beeu prevalent in and about pari a has been watched with auxiety by the authorities but there is every reason to believo that it is in no way connected with the genuine cholera probably oholera will nevor again ravage europe as it has done in tho past recent scienliflo investigations which hrfve given ua a oloser knowledge of its nature and pt the conditions favorable to its devolopement have contributed powerfully lo render efflcacoub the efforts made to prevent its upread universal oloauliness with good water and rood drainage would probably banish cholera from the earth but under existing circumstances when it has once started on its travelb it requires he most stringent regulations to cheok its progress while european pbru are free from this disease tho united states or canada can hardly be aaid to bo menaced on the allan- ttttcoabtr neverthqlebb7prddbnce bids us to make preparations to guard both the faciflo and the atlantlo ports against each an insidious disease before the danger from it becomes imminent a commit teo of the french academy has recently oveetigatod the latest of mathe matical prodigies sacques iiau1i by naine and t writer in the jlevctf dta deuz mondea offonan interesting account of the case inaadi who is nory twentywe years old is of spoor family and his childhood was bpent7btfaking care of sheep 1kb oxtra- ordidary tnathematioal genius showed ha self when he was six yeara old his older brother taught him tacouotbat so far as is known did tiot teaoh him themuitipmca- llon table at that time neittier of tho boya could read within a yesr jacquca could tnaltlply in his head numbers con lainitr five figures each the older broth er soon jett homer dio a barrel cran trip and jacrjues accompanied him to collect the pehnina and give exhibitions- of his skill st flnncer not jong afterward a bhowman engaged him and he made hfs first appearance in paris- his wonderful performances are in addition bubtmction mutipticationdivision and tho extraction of roots when a problem is given him be listeria repeats it eaye i begiu falls to rapidly mattering to himbolf itnd presently says h am dono thou annauuuort the result while ho is fthg4ted in the caloulatirn uo thing disturbs him and ho will answer qaotiti and even carry ou a conversation nid sa wino wood if tlioroa anything lu thisworld which nod at alldutoiilb ita outtiag wood with a buochav and aawlok at hla boat tho first tbiajj bivooiifcldjra la tho eliarniiobh of thobaw for ned wont saw with a dull ono hodrathoraltaud jaw tbo noxt thing that he looks for is tbo lmrdnooa and alto of tho wood if enial apd softaa lip dostroh then all ihwoii and good till a gnarled oak or a rnaplo liurj sbouliihftily come his way thon nod look a op wliji hn angry f otrb tim saw now bouses its away ilblitnairtniikntiki experiment injustice tbe flaws delay which hamlet thought waa one of tho things which made life not worth living has been a subject of raillery on the part of satirtatf and of serious concern on tbo part of stateemon in all ages the poor man who at tbe present time has gone into court and who fears that justice will never be done biro there may assure himself that at least his troubles are nothing now the ohrooioleb in part composed ot traditionp of the time of the great em peror charlemagne who was the master and to a great extent the lawgiver of europo iu the eighth and ninth centuries record an interesting and amusing attempt 00 this monarchs part to prevent the dslays of justice he could not deny that theexouas made by the judges were plausible but he was convinced that they could decide oases more promptly if they would he decreed therefore that when a judge had failed to render a decision within a certain reasonable time the oomplainant iu the case should have the right to take hp hi3 residence in tbe judges house to eat at his tablo and to lodge at his expense until the decision should be made the decree was promptly taken advan tage of by various litigants who praised the wisdom and righteousness of their bovereign as they tasted the fare and slept ou the beds of their dilatory jadges they found however that there was another side to tbe picture they succeed ed in hastening the deoieion of the judge but when it was readied it was generally found to be unfavorable to the oomplain- aot it was his way as we should express the matter in the nineteenth oentury of getting even icebergs in qlitter1nq array there are few more interesting- thing among the perils and wonders of the ocean than icebergs they are interesting not only for their gigantic slz their fantastic shapes their exceeding beauty and their ability to cool great masses of water and air in their neighborhood but also for the manner in which they array tbemaelvea icebnrga often show aiondanoy to form both clusters and long tinea and these grouplings may arise from the effects both of oaean currents and of storms some very singular linos of bergs extending for many hundreds of miles east of newfoundland aro bhown on an ico- burg obart issued this aummer by tbe hydrographies offloo inwashinrtop two of these cross one another each keeping on its independent course after tho cross ing in several instances parallol lines of bergs leave long spaces of dear water between thorn the prince of monaco who has taken a lively interest jn experiments with float- ing bottleaio tlwqoeao recently urged iu an address tothejbriliah aisociationthe desirability of- njbto byslematla study of ocean tides and onrrents a record of the groupings and alignments of icebergs in tho north atlantic might bo of bomo use in sn investigation music in the air the following is an oiaot copy of a letter received by a young lady who possessing a piano and being about to move to a small country town advertised for room and board with a family musically in cd bearo miss we think wo kin sute you with room and bord if you prefer to be where there is mnalck i play the flddel ray wife the orgin- my dottcr jule the akordiodi my other doiter the bungo my son hen the glttar my son jim the fioot and koonnet an my son clem tbe base drum while oil of os sings gospell biros in which we would be glad to have yoa take part both vocal or instrumental if you play on anything we play by ear an when we all git started there is real mualok la the air let ua know if yon went to come bete to bord da tfio g the process that is to say while ho b muliplyiur in his head eiuht figures by elfiht ilgares or reckoning tho number ot seconds in a given term of yearn months days and hours in tho samg way ho will add in a few seconds eeven u urn bora with eight or ten figures each or extract the sixth or govouth root m hinet the writer of the uevur urtiole believes that the case furnishes strong con firmation of the theory of partinl memor- iea rntrnoriea that is for patticular car- os of objects inaudi will repeat after you twenty iivo flgurca while an ordinary man could not repeat more than from seven to ton if letters are given htm he canuct repeat more than beyen or eight itifl believed further that his cise indi cates tho fact that there is buch a thing as udivo as well as a visualizing memory mobt nialhemallcal prodigies have p rotes ed to ate mentally the figures with which boy hud to do while inaudi invariably declares that he does not see but hears them this goes with his habit of whis pering or muttering to himself during the operatloua and irhasbeentnoi iced fnatit tries hot to whisper ho is longer in reaobing his result at some timobinoo bo was thirteen years old he has learned to road and write bat even now his eduoation is in many respeota only rudimentary he lost his fish privato sampson whs spending his tiret jammer in montana whore be bad ample opportnnityto indulge in his favorite sport of trootflehing one afternoou ho had been nnusnally eucccssful but just as he was setting out for camp with a heavy string offlbb he caught sight of a great pine which had blown down and was lying with its top in tho water jubt the placo for hockinga mpnatortrout r ho had been flailing upa detp nnd rapid mountain eirearh tho banks of which were thickly grown with brambles and service- borry boshea among which ho had to tread bla way his rod in brie hand and his heavy string ot fish in tbe other pushing along to the fallen pine he ollmbod upon it by dint of hard ecrarobliug holding on as beat he could with both hands full the tree was close to the bnk and the btream was boiling he was in the midst of the branches crowding onward when buddenly just over tho roaring torrent eomothing on the other sido of the tree rose np oiobq beside hi an imrnonso sheboar with her otibs bonide her there was no time to hositato to ran was impossible and alio was coming towards him grinning savagely on tho impulse of the moment sampson dashed bis string of trout full in her jfaco in doiuf so he lost hla balanee and the next instant there was a tremendous splash and hodlsappeared in the boiling water ho enlarged some distance farther down thestrem he scrambled to tbo bank and looked bick thoro 011 tho pine sat the bear intently watching the bole where tbe man had disappeared sampson did not go back to inform her that he wab not there but made for camp atgood epeed venus tho planet venus continued to puzzle tho astronomers it is a world bo oloaoly resombltng the earth in btze that ono might naturally enough eipeot to find many other resemblances botween them but there is somo peculiarity in venus atmosphere whicg renders the telesodpio study ot the planeld surface exceedingly difficult in fact its atmosphero seeraa to bo ao extraordinarily oloudy that only tho merost ftlimpnes of tho lobo boucath on oaoasionlly bo caught a recent review of the risulta of twenty years observation ot venus by trouvolot tho french astronomer indlcatos tlat tho burfacoot that planet ia noleaa extraordin ary ihna the atroosjmero which covers it trouvelot thinks that certain white bpota seen on venus aro the tops of vast moun tains wliioh protrude abovo tho cloudladen atmosphere curiously enough these mountains are noarly fill in the neighbor- hood of tbe polea observations by j j landerer on the polarization of light reflected from venus appear to bear out trouvelots conclusions landerer believes that the phenomena observed by htm indicate that the wbolo aurfaoeof the planet roust be covered by a thick layer of clouds except in the polar regions where parts oftha snrface ox tend abovo the clouds out of reach the discomforts and disadvantages of excessive obesity are many a ourious and pathetio example is t has recorded by an exobange what has become of tho big man who died to beat the bass drum f the leader of a military iwid waa asked oil he loft us more than threo months ggoi man wasnt he yes flrit-rae- bu ho got so fat that when lift mkrehed he couldnt hit the drum in the mlddlo whistled speech when the marqtiia do- lafyoto and several general ofilcera quitted the french army then iu inaurreotion after the famous touth of august they were seized by the king of prudsia then they woro tranbferrod to tho custody of austria and for a loug lime were cunfincj in tho oaetlq of01routztiiqywero kept in solitary confinement but wcro within hearing of each other when etauding at the windowa of their chum bora to improve this advantage they ttiourht of the following plan thero aro or wero at that time in pane certain tunes otilud ftira of thd ponlxeuf p6puldrballad8lhat wero sung on street corners and iu other pnblio places tho words belonging to those aira wero go vcll known that to strike up a few of tho notes was to recall to mem ory the words that accompanied them the captivates at olmuiz gradually composed for thernaelyoa a vocat vocabulary bywhjbtling these notes at their windows and this vocabulary after a bhort time becamo so coinilote that two prtlireo notes from cath tuue formed an alphabet uud gave the men a means of intercourse in this way they communicated to one another new concerning their families llie progress of the war and many other things and when by rare rood fortune bno of them hud procured a uzetk ho wblatlcd its entire con tents to iiu pirtiieri in suffering aud confinmuont tho cjm mandor of tho fort read wus constantly in formed of theso uuaoooim tablo couoertu he listened ho set spiea but as lhe whoo waa a language of oohvontion tho nrtai praotisod musioian- would have failed to ddteot ho meaning of tho notet wjubtiinr wksprohibitetujaut in vh1uj and at length tho austrian tired of con jecture interposed no further to prevent what ho could not comprehend needed repair the old practice of badgering witucueos has almost disappeared from many courts but in a western kancas town it ih ntill kept up sometimcb however to tho damage of tbo cross examiner lawyer b is well known for his uncome ly habits ho cuts hia hair about four limes a year and the real ot tho time looks decidedly ragged about tho ears ii q was making a witness decribo a barn which figured in bis last case how long had this barn been built oh i dont know about a year mebby about nino months praps just how long toll tho juryhow long it has been built well i dout know exactly quito a while now mr b yoa pass for an intelligent farmer and yet you cant tell how old this baru i and you have lived oil tho next farm for ten years can you tell liqw old your own houbo is cqino now tellua how old your own house i- if yon think you know quick aa lightning tho old farmer replied yo want to know how old my houss is do w it ab as e a y b and needs shingliu about ai bad 1 j iu the roar that followed the witnosb stepped down and lawyer s didut oall bim back dothey wantto deprive me a good man regularly cave every bun- day ono pound for tho support of the ohuroh a poor widow was also a member of tho congregation who supported herself and six children by washing sho was aa regular ad tho rich nun in making her offerings of threo panoo per week which was all sho could pptro from herpuaut earnings one day the rich man came and biid that he would nay tho threo pence for her each week the pastor called tu tollhar of thootter which ho did in a considerate manner tears came to tho womvis eyoa aa sho replied do they want to uko from mo the comfort i experience tu giving to tho lord think how much i owo to him my health ie good my children keep well andl receiveso many bleasingi thati foel i oonld not livo if i did not make my little offering to jesu oaoh week the worlds favorites for dyeing light medium and heavy goods diamond dyeb do arrange ofworh far boyond the poasibilitilioa of edap grcaeo and orude paokago dyos tho com in on dyes on tho market are deceptive in char acter and composition they are made to sell not to givo guaranteed satisfaction after various illness uko typhoid fever pnearnotila or tlegnp uood0arsapariila has wonderful strength giving nowor the major of the colors of eoap great e and orudo packago dyes aro so weak ijicy will hardly stain tho hands diamond dyes give colors to light medium and heavy materials that are an fast as a rook and last as long as tbe goads hold togother the heaviat tweeds and clothn can bo dyed with diamond dyes soap groaee and imitation package dyeb dare not attempt such work becauso tho colors are not suf ficiently penetrating and powerful if you desire sucuobs in tho dyeing opera tion and wish to save mouty tibodiamond dyes for homo dyeing all uptodate dealers sell diamond dyea and strongly recommend thero mrs hooley jould yon give mo some thing to proven my husband from talking in his slenp f doctor give him a chance to say something in tho daytime mr jacob b brown of graham villi s o was troubled with chills and fever nnd unable to procure relief until ho begnif to take ayers pills lie jh now cnjojinj exoellsnb health and is warm nnd muloto advocate ot aver s pill for all cotttjlftint of atomaoh liver or bowels

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