Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 4, 1897, p. 4

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r i any sarsapnrilla is sarsapa rilla true so any tea is lea so any flour is flour buf grades differ you ivatii the best its so wilh sarsaparilla there arc grades you want the bet if you understood sarsaparilla as well as you do tea and flour it avuld be casy j dcterhiincj hut you dont how should you when you arc going to buya commodity whose value i you ilout know you pick- out an eld- established house to tradwiqijnnd trust their ex perience rncl reputation riosp when buying sarsaparilla aycrv sarsaparilla has bech oh the market 50 years your grandfather used ayers it is a reputable medicine cohere arc many sarsaparlllae bat only 0110 ayers it contented lt iktt an xzt frm thursday november i 1897 ij ftilllxq olltfi tho mapleleaf fadoa slowly out itoluctancoboatilbinoabb bright fold and blusblub crimson rod obe throws a parting biu of yellow bold vofdant la bering- time infancy aiid goldourodtq woeping fall 1a not our tender maploloaf tlio falroat odjblom qt thorn all 1 afckishnie in canadian magazine k a boldtroke for canada ciuttdiana ore very generally aware that thoy have now reached an eminence from which thoy can look backward with relief and forward with hopefajnea the year baa been an eventful one for canada it baa seen tho great wealth of british col- nmbiancklovro3fiod by minlh exports from 0 very country in europe the gold finda in the klondike region havt alio uttractod the worlds utteutiod whilst the social and political occurrences in connec tion with tho jubilee year have been of incalcuable value to he country toronto saturday nijhvs christmas number hb boon prepared with a view of gaining for canada aa much as possible from this favorable state of british feeling and of eorreotfnfj eomo palpable mierepreaenta- ttona of our climate and resources ttona- anda of copies of tho christmas number aro eont to great britain and tola year the oditdr attompta to cprreot falae improaaiona about the canadian climate to bhow that the klondike with its ice is a thousand miles north of agricultural canada and that the st lawrence river should attract tha ploaaureaoekore of tho world daring ea rumor the two beautiful highart colored supplements which are this year riven free with the book aleo carry ont the idea ope is entitled the first harvest in canada andtiiootlior canada sixty yeara after these aro beautiful pictures painted by mr j d kelly of toronto every home that is or has bean connected with a farm will dpdire to have them framed i for ita walls they aro noid to bo tho finest specimens of lithographic art yet produced in canada the graves ot three great canadians an article describing the last resting places of sir john macdonald hon alexander maokenzio and hon george brown with photographic views of the same and half tone portraits of tho three men as we knew them will prove highly interesting several first- class origin autoriefl byj can adian writers and illustrated by canadian artists mako op the balk oftbejtqpjsi while a now feat aro will bo a record of the leading eporting events of the year with portraits ot tbo canadians who have won inter national and other triumphs each copy is strongly wrapped in a paste board tube the nonqber is sure to attract great attention it will bo by far the beat eoayenir to eond to yoar friends it will be for sale in this town by the stationers and newbdoplore the publishers addreoa ia toronto saturday night saturday night building toronto a asrvaut who rejoices irrijor work and la continually thankful that shylias so good a placp ifl a oorvaot worth htuiug mr iio ion jackaou who had bad no mo exper- ioncowith help of another sort thought bach a treasure worth describing she waa in chester england andhaving seen tho cathedral she aet out in tho morning to ex ammo the i famous chester howe it was worth while aho thought to turn down omeofhe croviooliko alleys in tho bows and see where the people lived at be far oud otsomo oflbe crcnicoeu point of aim- light waa viaidlu betokening a tiny oourt- yard in the rear in euob a courtyard i found a yellow- haired blueeyed iittiemihd scrubbing away for dear life with a broom and soap- bads on the old tilsh khs was not more than nine yeara old her bare legs and foot were pink and chubby and alio had a brailollkflabunboftuiy vl sw tho eun sbfningmn here so brightly that i walked up the alley to see how it got iniaaid to ftpr yes mem aho eaid with a courtesy it do shine inherefaeuutiful and bhe lookedupat thdaky emillng have yon livedmiero longjaaked v a bout nine months mem- im only oq 4otviqo- mem she continued with a deprecating courtesy modeat ly aniidue to disclaim the houor of auy propiietary right in the place wovesflno room aho wont ou ite a very nice lodging if youd like to aae it she threw open a door into an iufiuitos- imal parlor oat of which openod a etill email er diningroom lighted only by a window in the parlor door there wero two bedrooms above reached by a nearly upright stairway not more than two feet feot wide the fifth room was a beautifnl washroom which the little maiden ex hibited with even more prldo than ebo had shown ho parlor itd three familiea has it together msmhhe explained its a great thiog to get a waahroom and weve a coalhole loo mem aba said eagerly you passed it coming up bho btepped a few paces down tbo alley and threw open a door into a rayleaa place possibly five by seven feet iu size it used to be a bedroom mem to tho opposite hoase but its empty now so wo getb it for i could not take my eyes from thoohilds face aa bhe prattled und pattered ong she locked like an angel her face uiione with loyalty prido end happlnesa i envied tho povertystricken dwellors in this court their barefooted handmaiden and would havo taken her then and there if i could into my service for ber lifetime catarrh ia a disease which requires a constitutional remedy it cannot bo cured by local applioalionb hoods sarsaparilla ia wonderfujjy buacot-s- fiil in auriogcatarrh becauno it eradicates from tlio blood tho aurofuloua taints which caiiao it sufferers with csrturrh find a euro in uoodu sarauparilla evqti after other remedies utterly fail hoods pills ure prompt efficient always reliable easy to lake easy to operato tho pride thathohkits head high jaijoly pioks up anything whoreaa roodoaty ifko a diver gathers peurb by keeping his head low in bed for weeks and evory broath eho drow was an excruciating pain rheumatism had fastened his talons on hi a proy south amorlcnn rheum atic curo snatched herfrom hla grasp for flftetj ltir i had been troubled with rheumatism it hud settled in my back at timet tho pnn uaa bo govjrfi- au to lay niu up for wctknic a time i was juat about discoursed and bad given up hopo when i una reoommended to try south american rheumatic cure i did pp tlie first bottlo enabled me 10 lanvo my bedtund in one week from tho tune i commeuccd its uso i was completely cured it is undoubtedly iho beat remedy in tho world for hboumitisni mrs john beaumont elora out sold by a t grown full force mr w j d leavitt wlio waa for sev eral years one of tha regular players upon tho great music halt organ in boston con tributes to the globe of thatbity an account of some of his experiences one day he saya after the regular noon recital a pon- siderablo part of the small audience came upon the platform aa aaual and plied him with rjuettons he aoswered them by rote having been aiked the eamo things many times before until a solemnlooking man with a tall hat and umbrella elbowed bia way to tho front yon didnt use the full power of the organ did you 3 inquired the stranger yea sir beveral itmoa the last piece woe nearly all of it played with full organ the questioner looked first at tbe organ ist and then at thq audience then he ahflok bin bead slowly i guesa npt he said i understand this organ isnt allowed to be played full force i a thia hall its too powerful mr lioavitt waa too polite to cob t radio t a stranger well air said he between you and me confidentially it never was played full force bat once and doctor oliver wendell holmes has recorded the fact that it killed nearly all the fish in the harbor bat umbrella and man disappeared and the other members bf the company were able to man me their interrogations you gszod at tho moou uud fell into the gutter a fiitr trial i was troubled with a very bud hond- ache last winter and deoijed tove lsxe tjwfiflitrsa fair trial one box of them gored me and i havo not had a head ache since they are a long way ahead of any other medicine i have ever tried miss janet munroo weatboure man ssohsl is your strong or have you palpitation throbbing or irrcgular beating- dizziness short breath smothering or choking sensation pain in the breast or heart if so your heart is affected and will in turn affect your nerves causing nervousness sleepless ness morbid anxious fcclhigy debility milburns hearty nerve cure all these complnints by regulating the- hearts action and building tip the nervous and nmseular sysieinlo perfect health and strength price coc per box or 6 boxes for 250 at a druggists a little dog a cow without horns and a little man are generally proad ten years in the toils ou de ones some advice in oho of tbo large railroad offices in ibis country is a comparatively youog doao who ib at the head of a largo department when he entered the servioo of the oompanflve years ago ho was green and awkward he waa given the poorest paid work in the department tbo very first day of hie employment by the company a man who had been at work in the same room for six yoars approaobed bim add gavo him a hltlo advice young fellow 1 want to put a few words in your car that will holp you this com pany is a soqllesfl corporation that regards its employees a so many maohinea- it makea no difference bow hard you work or how well so yon- want to do fust as little ai possible and retain ypnr job- phats my advice this is a slavepen and the man who works overtimo or tjoes any mothers wives and daughters south amerloan kidney cure loos ened the bonds and freed the prisoner it relieves in six hours j thia is to certify tlfat after fcakihg six bottles of south amenoan kidnoy ouro i am completely oured of stricture and gravel having suffered for tbobe complaints for pver ten yeara i felt relief almost immed iately and after taking three bottles felt greatly improved i continued its uee unt i waa satisfied i was perfectly eared willia qoff chippewa ont avceel nprcparationforas- slmilatl ihetoodondreguia- ihg the smbs ondfiowels of 1im hiidltlln eromotesdigeslioacheerrul- messandkcsonalns neither opnnnmorpblne nor mineral not narcotic that the jfacsimile signature 1 sml- apcrfcchlemedy forconsllpa- lion sour stomacttdiarrhoea worms convulsionsteverisn ncss andlos of sl tacslmile signature of is ok the wrapper op eveey bottle of bukttor or wrapper routorlfi lis pat up la melib bottlw aalf xt ilsibtbold ia balk dont tllov aayono tonll ton tsytlila else oa tha plea or- promlis tbat it lif jut as good and trill aunrer 07017 f bcitliiitymgt oi8tobia are you short and fat are you tall and thin if so the only readymnde clbtliiugf you can get to fityou perfectly is shoreys make if your denier docs not curry shbroys off sizes get bim to order for you ask for and 8ei that you qeti lead aokets only- 2 and pounds direct from the tachutfnulhlmtad frora twntrslenijbr tho ietet tea expert la th world ubthtytlsmt ptunfcltiettut and moat fragrant aij oboobbs 8mx ib 80 80 40rjo and 30 eanta aponnd thi davidson a hay ltd wholesale agents toronto sribps and warerooms foot oi willow st calls atlendeld to day or night el a speigm fe co neuralgia torments thousands couid tell the isnmo story of misery as william david son telia and thousandshave today the same 9o riff of rejoio- ihar cured by soutli american nervine severe abtlnna relieved i aaiterod untold agooy for three raontha from neuralgia of the stomach pbyaioianb did their beat to help me hot ttt all attempts were baffled i saw sooth american nervine and resolved to try it the firat bottle ffave me great retief and after i had need eix bottles i was complete ly oared of this dreadful disease wil- iam davidson tbedford ont sold by a t brown a proudjook makea foal work of a fair face a careiorqiiilblaliis dear sire i need hagyarda yellow oil for chilblains this winter and found it moat effectual it relioveb the irritation inatat jy and a few applications resulted inacom- ploto cure f leatrapre port sydney ont but pride leavea home on horseback returns on foot hagyarda yellow oil cares sprains bruiaea sorea wodnds outa frostbite chil blains stinga of inseots barna ecalda contusions etc price 25 cents a man may have a jnet esteem of him- self wjthont being prqnj thousands of them suffer paines celery compound gives them health and the freshness of youth speolally tine work waa tea hie strength dont you do it tiioyoung man thooght over the advice and after a quiet littlo atrnggte with hira- self be deoidod to do the beat and tho moa he knew bow whether ho rtoelved any more pay from the company or not a- the end of a year the ooropany ralteptj hia wages and advanced him to a moj respooaible poaltion id threo yeara hf was getting a third more salary than when be begun and in flvo years he waa heftd olerk ia the department and tho man who had condescended 10 glvn the greenhorn advice was working under him at the same jlguro that lepreeented hts salary cloven years before this is no a story of a goody goody little hoy who died early bat of a live young man who exists in flesh and blood today and ja ready to givo advice to other young man juat bfgnulug to work their way wnto biisiooaa and hero h is wfaatsoover thy ld flndeth to do do t with fhy migni t 4 8toat tboa a man dugenl n his bojaf neai lie ehh taad bqore mog he ahal not aiand before dian ifaed y wben tho nervous energies are exhausted women suffer from constipation dyspepsia kidney diaeaae liver trouble and prostra tion they are weak tired havo headache baokaobe lideache and cannot sleep it is than thai the wrecking of womans delioate organism begins when ilokneas dlicase and disaster threaten fafnes celery compound should be uied without dpi ay this marvellous modern medicine will qaiokly impart strength to every weak organ and restore thegreateal blessing of life health a few weeks nsoof palnea celery compoohd will give vigor to the norvbuo system nutrition digestion and every special womanly func tion will be natqral and regular rosy cheeks sparkling eyoa and the freahneas of youth and beauty always follow the health- giving influences of painos celery com pound cant you sleep sleeplessness ia one of tbo moat frequent symptoms of heart and norvq troubles it affeota all classes and all ages milbnrna bear t and nerve pjtla restore the nervea to healthy aotioa and regulate tbo heart mr milea boone fredrlokton n b tells bow thoy work i oould never rest and often woke up with a start and then bleep left me for the rest of the night these pills gave mo almost instant relief giving me healthful refreshing sleep and i jam now strong and wall a prood pauper aud a rich misor aro oontemptible beings baldness can be averlod and many times beowjs tliat are already bald can hu made to grow fine heauhy hair of a nat ural hoe by hal pa hair henewer rifely lonediutambatfla jilh wklea tear ton all to to it villi hoodj emtiotak ate certain md n 4rngtiu 2 cihoodic tha oahr mill to iaka l j nobaa 8 tbo only permanent oaro or obrania oalarrb i to thorodbly expel lb golaon from ibe syttani by tba fallbfol andpenli teal me of ayr sunaparill lhi wonderlol rerntdy provea oooeittal wben alldhj rlmenl hat fallod to relieve mmeijjpw 1 prld dw lptk upae a thjcmdbata ooaf in advanced stagesof con sumption scotts emulsion soothes the cough checks the night sweats and pre vents extreme emaciation in this way it prolongs life and makes more comforta ble the last days in every case of consumption from its first appearance to its most advanced stages no remedy promises a greater hope for recovery or brings comfort and relief etjua i to scotts emulsion book oh the subject free for the ask ing- 5cott u townu uillevllle ont about b b b 1 its purity 2 its thousands of cures 3 its economy 1c a close 333333 rcgtilatea the stoniach liver and bowels unlocks the secretion purifies the blood and removes all the impurities from a common pimputo the worst scrof uloua sore and denr bira vo have ubed norway pine syrup in bar home a great deal i have a little boy he isonlyten now who has bad aathrna for five or eix years and during tho severe attacks ho would get relief from using tho eyrup for an ordinary cold it iaahood of any oongh modioino have oyer edward winchester smitha cove ns edna wants a baby brother a baby would be so nice to wheel around in a carriage mamma dolls are always getting brokonvvuoq tbo oarriage tips over dr lows v6rm syrup ia a eafe suro and reliable worm eipeller acta equally well on children or adultb be bure you getliowa therea ouo thing i dont underatand said littlo harry thats why goodtaatlng things like pie mako me sick while bad- taatlng ihinrs like raedioino make me well isyqur dauohter in school there nro thouaanda of aiokly school girla dragging their way through school who might bo enjoying tbe fall vigor of their yoath by taking sootts bmulalon dyspepsia biliousness constipation headache salt rheum scrofula heartburn sour stomach dizziness dropsy rheumatism skin diseases aud the devil did grini for his darling sin is pride that apes humility milbnrna sterling headaohe powdora cure the worst headaohe in from five to twenty minutes and leavo no bad effeotb one powder 5 cento 0 powderajop 10 pow ders 2go pride ie thosworn enemy of content one liaxaiiiver fill every night for thirty nights miaked a complete cure of bil iousness and constipation that is just 25 oonta to bo oured it ia good pride to deairo to bo the best of men tlicro is liopo thore is hope for thoso who snffor from biliousness and liver complaint burdock blood bitters regulates the liver and restores health and vigor hero la the proof pear sirs iwas troublod with blllons- ness and siok headache and could get do relief until i tried b b b i have taken four bottles and am now oomplotely onred i recommend it as tho beat ouro for all liver troubles mrs george unddowwal kertodi out a frenoh provincial journal publiahea tho following advertisement for sale ona monkey two poodle doa and a parrot tlie owner mademoraelle l being about to marry has no further nao for them fairly staggered mr samuel humphries retired oarriage manufacturer strathroy ontaayb for a long time i have had kidney trouble and pain in the back i could not straighten up and often had to sit down until the pain and sipknoas went away i havo taken one box of doans kidney pills and i muht say they are a great kidney medi- oino beouae thep have entirely rpmoyed all pain from my back curing my urinary diflloultiea aqd benefitting my health in a marked degree pride goeth before deatruotion and a haughty apiritbeforo a fall pormeleefl pills pobsesa the power of acting specifically upon the diseased organs stimulating to action tbo dormant energies of lie bye tern thereby removing disease in f not bo great la the power of this medioino to cleanse and p tda diseaaea of almost every name and nature aro driven from the body mr i oarfl well garjbwell p 0 writea i havo tried parmeleea pills and find them an excellodt medioine and one that will sell well undertakers and embalmers latest styles experienced attention firstclasshearse moderate charges of all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co orders left with j n 8tln8pn rockwood will receive immediate attention mt aroqu- 99 wyndham street xooking for a nice new uptodate fa41 suit and overcoat if you are and want the best for the least money this is the place to come railway time table mb ii grand trunk railway noiho wiiax aoiko kakti 0 id oiii m pm express 0 q5ani ftprou impm kxiirobb 10 47aro mall 7 copio mail fi ii piu ijlxod looypm ruin of clowku-araili- obilib mopto 05 am nud biopui goiiiffuabt 10 lfiam audfi 0 pm thui time tablo wont into affect oil moudaj brkntf0rd calvanized steel wind mills and towers far power and ftun p log withja iflrnai covered gear patent tiajlor and sail btariags roller bbarinas makers of the lfglu- frini ns running and best iuuuui constructed galvan- hrvptey ized slml wind mills v tatifin and towers- fijade flruih also the celebrated polimjajla maple leaf grain aajnejvf grinder write for brkntforo can illustrated circulars johnwqueen acton aoent for above albo eob- frost and wood binders arid mowers a tall line of all kinds bf farm irjoplements and repairs new suitings nobby uptodate just in onr 9x6oo suit to order is wonderful value new pall hats why wear outofdate style when we can give you the latest from 9 1 t up new overcoatings the latest wa have we have o black and blue beaver at 9i8op made the best colored shirts at less than cost see them and be convinced of the value we are giving necktareaf pride aleepa in a gilded crown content ment in a cottou nightcap tbo horae noblest of tbe brute 6re- tio w a f a uut abmhluu or- tore derives as mnch benefit as its mabter in a liko predioamont from tbe heal ing booth ing aotion of dr thomas eolcotria oil lameness swelling of the neck btiffneea of the joints throat and inpfa ararefloved by it how long since brokely settled down hero y aeliod tbo stranger in the town i dont know oiaotly anbwored tho grcccr but i know its nfgh onto twenty yoars bincc he aettled up with me noonanoad fear cholera or any sammor complaint u they have a bottle of dr if d kelloggs dyaentory cordial ready for use it corrects all looseness of tho bowels promptly and causes a healthy and natural action thia ia a medioine for the young andold puffs strings bows fourinhand and all styles new goods from 25c up our unlaundned white shirt at 50 cents is a leader goods marked in plain figures cash and one price vrenelson tailojtand fubnisher- guelph hhpca colic morbul and all ummbiiooalplaintts ol children or adulti ntlcki 3ft r beware et lmltatleai bcoomingthe most popnlar medioine for obolera dysentery etc in tbe markst the noblor therblood the less the pride for infant and children all poets aro drearnerb raoro or less well dont know from the works ol eome 1 ehoald say thoy snffored mnoh from nighimare thero never was and never will be a noivorbal panacea in one remedy for all ills to wbioli rlcah is heir tbo very natnro of many eatatlvea being snob tbat were r and po and is i rs i t g o n u dil dibosuca rooted in the system of the patient wbat would relieve bno ill in torn wonld aggravate the other we have however in qoiaido wine wben obtainod in aaonnd anadnlterated state a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual judioious use tho frailest systems are led into con valescence and strength by the inoqenoe whloh quinine exerts on natures own restorative it relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a cbronla state of morbid despondence and laokof interest in life la a disease and by tranqoilialng the notveadieposes lo sound and refresh ing bleep imparts vigor to the aotion of tbe blood wbloh being stimulated conrsee throughout tbe veins strsngtbening the healthy animal fnnotions of tha system thereby making aotlvily a nooessary result strengthening tbe frame and giving ufa to tbe dlgeallvo organs which naturally demand inorduhatanoe result iro proved appetite horlhrop vmao of torbnw bt riven to thejfojilio their qqlqimtvflne at tfie usuai rate and gnsgedby the opinion of aoientlsts this wlaepproehe qosrest perfection of any la the market a all drugfilats se it a tinsmith near exeter england has a sign whloh roads quart measures of all abapea and sires sold here in his vegetuble pills dr parraeles bae glren to tba wo id the fruit of long solen iibo researob in the whole ralm of medical science combined wilh new and valuable discoveries uovor before known to man for delioate and debilitated constitutions fartneleafllla ant like v tjqirtai f taken n small doses he effect is both a lonlo not a stlmolanl mildly sotln tbe seorellous ot tba body giving tone and vigor aiirjr rietici8 you like the free press you believe it is a good paper the freepress appeals to you then to show your appreciation in a tangible way send in the names of half a dozen persons who are not but in your judgment should become subscribers and we will send them tree sample copies in order to- show theni what an interesting local paper we have to offer send us at the same time the names of two or three people who might be induced to canvass for subscribers 3 if you will comply with these requests we will send the free press free to any new address you name from now until the end of the year send your orders on form given below h p moore publisher free press acton please send free sample copies to the following addresses name postoffice j h hamilton dealiejl fa marble arid granite hamiltons block quelph bavins on band a large qnautltv of scotch norway swedish and rnbbion grkniri and in order to dispose of it to male room for aprinpr stock now purchased i will sell it a redaction of 20 pee cent and will nllow all expenses to customers to find from oar works john bc hamilton acton- livery an- bus line tho undenignod rupeotfolly bllelu the ratrod flo of tbo pablio mid infonnt them that waybes430urd athitblob a oomfortabits bus moots ml trains betw eon b a m iuid 18 p in oftretal attention given to toryoraer tho wnu of oommoroial titb1- lerbfnllymat john williams e b colli desires to bank bit numerous enitomonifor their libanj patronafio ilnm ha oommenoed bmloeu lait jatjuary and hopa that bf eanfal and ooorteoai attention to merllra oodthiatdm of their oaitom a wmpleto uiaokimentof flritolau beof mutton lamb pork fraah and bftlt hami 8auiages poultry lard fto in eaaon prloei klvftfa u low as oonauteni with the beat quality prompt doltvory fa stock wanted e n coiziirs 10 cents pays for vour namo on 10 douufu hidden naub oabds loveiy plotures or so handiama calluig cards oaan wltu order bum taim address oasoa oabd hon8blnraoll onl isu w i n m the following parties might be induced to act as agents for the free press name p08toffice ss t please send free paper until the end of 1897 to the fol lowing address name postoflico st name and address of sender rr r m- etrikatbaam kivh a co 301 uritnivn m v nit

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