Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1897, p. 1

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volume xxiii no 20 acton ontablb thtjbsday novembeb 13 1897 pbice thbeecen hhtttait ttejras ib lububiied at ttth free frosssteain printing office iilt stbhet aoton ont tboacnor suuitoniptiom ono dollar per year strlctlyln advance all aubborlptionbdisooui j tluuoa when tho time for which they havo been paldatfoxnirod thedatoto wnlob ubioriptlpnlspald ia donotod on tbo address tauer r7 advhbtibiho lutttatroinalont adrertlao- luonts id oepta por nonporoimno for first in sertion 8 cents pec lino for each subioquont asertlou coktbiot lutbbtbe following table nhowe oar rafts for tlio inawtioo of odvortiaomonts or pooifled periods buck jlyn 6 no hfl mo imp 8 co ro 3300 2800 70o 9500 2800 8000 1900 000 aso 700 250 600 900 100 advertisements witbont apoolflo directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accord- tnglr transient adtcrtiiomontanjuatbapaiaupayerfor 5c we have the papers o advance 1 doing thh for to make room for 0 advertisements will ho changed once oaoh montb it desired for ohangos oftoner than ence as month tbo oompoiltlon must bo paid for at regulai rates ohangos for contract advertisements muat ba n the offloo by noon- on tuesdays accounts payablo monthly bpmoow3- editor and proprietor wustnesa dtratorp bibles satchels 6amflmnlllpapefr wo have just opened up a largo line of bibles which wo will sell at plunder prices satoijelsvve have the largest assortment all sizes and colors and are riving thebest vidiiesntho city a call will convince you 7 games wo have a conmletelitteof uptodate evening games including fourteen cases of crtjklnole bpards which we hist received and will sell iery cheap walipaexuft in that department we are having the best fall trade in years why because we have the largest assort ment of uptodate wall paper and room mouldings in all shades and colors at the lowest pricesever offeredin the xity- and for the next lew weeks we are prepared to reduce bur stock at the following prices 35c paper for zocv 25c paper tor 123c and 15c 20c paper for 8c and ibc iqc s and are our next seasons stock at bookstore guelph ffiaoefisbankomanaoa authorized capital 1000000 bays day sells cheap j f uren m d o m offlco and residence corner mill froderlak streets acton as elliott m p m b 9- acton gniinjate toronto unrvetorrr office main stroot third door south of presbyterian cburoh acton d r dryden eve eantuaoat and kobe mcleans block douglaa st near p o ouelph office holms 10 ain to 1 pm and 3 to g puv uundaih 10am to i ptn vmrbrxnary surqeqn a lfred p husband v b graduatoof tbo ontario veterinary cologo honorary member of tlio vetorlnary medical society office wm hunbanda lotai con inaaa- apjawoya calls day or night promptly attended to dxn1tal ll bennett lds dentist geoboetctwh ontaillo mercer dentibt rfato of toronto univeratty aod b0d8 jjpvur drug storo aoton xa datb tuunsciv and eiuday tt m bell dds lds ff s rbntibt blwokviuj llonob gluduatb op tobonto univerbitt work made satisfactory prices modorato visituio days taosdar and prlday ofoacb ivfcok d l g h- cook dentist cor colloflo st and spadina ato tobonto will vliit acton on tbo first and third satur day of each montb office agnow8 hoteli m clean mclean barristers solicitor notaxien coaveyanoers io private lands to loan offloo- town hall acton v7m a molxak jko a moleah douqls m0buay baobistbiis soliorrons notabxkb etc omcis 12fltf queen tit parkdalo victoria clumbers 61 victoria st toldphonea97 tokonto jujjh dovuvxvr a a j mackinnon danttlstbh solicitoiv conveyaxceb 0 ice mill btroet la mattbowa block upstairs t 0 matbe80n jbmoleod t auustbaa fiouoirobs oonvbtakcbbb georgetown and milton money to loan at lowest ratos r j monabd olerk fourth dituiod conn coonty of hal- 0d conveyancor agont vlro and lato assurance teal estate agent money to loan etc orviob lorrymanta block aoton ont miscellaneous henby gbist ottawa oahatja flouoltor of fauntfl foriatontlon etc prop ire applicationi f or the canadian amer loan and european patent olscos and for the itegutratloa of trade wtrk bond for pam- pnuat thirtytwo voan oxperlonoe f ibanoib nunan do0kdindeii wyndbamst aaovpb ontario ovoravmiamb btoro aoootmk books of all ktnefs made to ordor perlodlcalsofotetydbtorlptloncarafullybound uullnpneatwt promptly done v npmooabr ifttnka of mibauob illocnabs frlvato offloo kowltnicre4ulreol jssuod resldsnen in tbe orenisg froepirms ofnae aoton 7uconev faituebs if yoa wub to rsdaco yoar introt or beoaro flntolmu loan of motley at low fnurob miint oall on n monay and batbploaty n tlllme propdrty aro i nritolu loan oi mouoy 1 and on aaay term of ropjinient e i m a apoolalty ft icndlnr 1 barb plenty of funda 1 alto lona wc jackson ookvmraoeh ahd uokbv iuipen office wyndhamst wellington mntnl fire lnsurano company bataiuihilb 1810 inbuiuncb oil cull and mntnal plan any eouamanloatlon forwarded to my addreaa llox 636 or telapbona 0b will bo promptly at tandadto john tatlon agant onelpb m hembtbeet ijiqkup aootiom w vor ijbaooonmea bf mwlloaion anfl halton ordaraleft at tha fun pmaf ofiw aoton or at nyraldwoi alton u1 ba promptly at- tandmvoiaoaioaaotto y 1 v j509 alaonionoy toiiian ba th moat fatorabla uof0qri4 wrji ama auma fe taiotmiaisohbjh prleaa tad on yvs vanulsoinmaoton g stewarts sterling homo betnddlcs onjoy an enviable ropiitation in many bousoa in this community wherover thoy bave been tried tboy bavo proved remedial agents of gonulno merit thin is tbo season for cold a bron chitis ac which result in a worry ing and distresiltig couch to moot tbo demand for a homo remedy for coughs colda ic that is at ouco safo jnouinjarlona and dhoottvo no have manufactured in a preparation in the form of an elixir this ratnody boyond quoation is superior to many of tbo cough mix- turea offcron to tlio public whlolxra- of a positive iojurloub nature dis turbing the dlgobtivo organs caubing vomiting and bioknoaa cougli elixir 1 is pleasant to tbo tasto and in readily talfon by children it almost in variably cure8 andnovor failn to give prompt relief it is not a patent modi cine it will not cure the third atago of coheurap tion it will cure what often proves tbo incipout at ago of this ser ious malady 26 and 50c bottles re 1bepaiied bv alex stewart dispensing and manufacturing chemist cuelph ont i guelph b ranch surasbfih and- upwards reoeivedon deposit and aghast current rata of interest pafdx pr compounded half yearly deposit bbcqtpta issued for iftreanma deposited advances ftiade to rcapousiblo farmers on theft own names n6ohargma if payable fn guelph a general banking baaineija iransaoted a f hjones m nuojler his great generosity towards miss polly summers his newlymairied niece tho moat fumouu btook in extent ijaautyt good and complotoneaa is at bymon llros but for almost thing tbo verako reader need not bo told wbat an arra o ta c pol had t tlionow york trlliime print an babay- a reall8tlo romance of aoton in whloh a number of our prominent business men take a very conspicuous part 1831 sxty 18 the the best of the aqrioultukal weeklies indisppnszblb to all country residents who wish to kbep up with ssjbi times teims reduced for 1898 single subscription two dollars four subscriptions sevsk dollars six subscriptions jvuvx dollars i3t special inddcementb wblob will bo statodby mall on applloatlon to porsons ralalng larger clubs ia paper free all tho rest of this year now subscrfbersforieoer r and a premium for ovory reader it will bo etiou that the difforenco between tho coat of tbo countbv gbwtxbkan and that of other agricultdrol weeklioa may readily bo roduced by making up aamall club to less than a cent a week send for specimen copd2s which will ho mailed free and boo wbetber this enormous difference in cost should provent your having the boat what acobuut would you mako of auob a difforenco in buying medicine or food address luther tucker 8on albany ny j h hamilton dealeb ik marbie and granite hamiltons blook oub having ouband alarge qnautlty of scotch norway swedish and rasblan crhn1te and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchased i yyill selt at a reduction of 20 per cent and will allow alt expenses to customers to and from our works- john h hamilton the lamp season is here and finds us prepared for your wants with a stock to suit all tastes reasonably high pric ed lamps for those who can afford them and less costly ones for those of simplewants and moderate means lamps are prettier than ever this yearand lower in price too suppose you call and seej us first opportunity j m bond co hard ware guelph per cent off surnmer suitings we have 25 scotch and canadian tweed summer suitings this seasons goods which we will selt at a discount of 25 per cent for cash only these goods will be veil trimmed and made up in our usual first- class style when wo advortlso a iliscount solo we moan it- sep tht goods and prices in our windows shaw turner merchant tailors guelph ers at wholesale prices wateksbkos are selliug their handsome stock of wallpapersat whole sale prices to make room for theirchrist- mas fancy goods the picture gallery guelph a new firji s tailors cooper aakins have purchased the merchant tailoring business of e h schltmme next door to mrs adams and will continue the buslriess with energy just opened a nice assortment of black worsteds tweeds overcoatings c call and examine our fino assortment a perfect fit guaranteed cooper aklns raatom livery tha andaralgni afaf jbopnili well kqulppi bu line ih bg oan m at bla atablesy a loomfortalilt bin maata al i tralna boraail atn ana 8u8 p m rtetafalattsntlrailirautanaiyiraar tha wants of oommanlakfratal- iiisi- highest market prices paid for any quantity of wheat peas oats rye barlej buckwheat dulivcrcd at i acton elevator robt noble e b collins butcher pmlres to tbauk his numerous oustomers for their- liberal patronage alnco ho comnienoed bubinsss lost january and hopas that by caroful and oourtoous attention to merit a coptluuanco of their cmtom a complete ossortmont of lintclass beef mutton lamb pork frebh arid bait hams sausages poultry lard tfco in season prioes always as low as eoosistent with tbo best quality prompt dollvory fa stock wanted b collins mies summerb polly i 1- er cfure i but the speaker took a header oyer babhfunes9 hear a aweet yes charley 0n i aspire to or to that is again alapse into silenco followed by an enoouraring yes oharloy oh if i mlftht only hope to er to another failure of language it was seemingly a hopeless osbp and might have been only for u demuro charley i bavo buid yea twice and if you mean it i mean it too and and to this day that yoontf man will lusiat that ho popped tho question all this happened away down east and it wasnt long before there was a wed- ing not much longer before there dame a letter from polly vunole josh out here in halton county who wrote effusively at bis delight of her exhibition of what he called grit and bo proposed tbat if the young people would loqate at acton ho would btart them up in life aa a weddinr gift of course they accepted and were soon bidding their frienda adieu a few weeks sabaqoont to the above conversation a traveletalned party arrivod in actoq oar friend unole josh was in churgu itnd he ted tho party straightway to a hotel tlio dominion home said he is a typioal cauudiun hotel of the best oa i have known dub agcow the proprittor foryeariandbeiaditnepjil after mine own hcurt being endowed with that delightful intuitiou that makes a fu03t feel at home comfortable oontented uud in mighty good luok the bouse ie one of convenionoe tbo apartmenta aro well furuished and the table excellent i have rugged rooms bare tntil yotr own house ia in readineas with this remark unclf josh graciously preaentod to charles tho deed of a cosy cottage after breukrabt aaid lite old man i am ready to buy your oulflt te expidite matters l-haye- ordered a oarriage from john williamp nor enterprising livery man when the handsome oarriage with elaborate trappings and pranolng hordes drew up in front of the hotelpolly declared it tho flnebt turnout she had ever seen yes tiree replied unole jubh the tlreo sd qpeed safety and style is john williams ooat of arms so young folks when you waolt to take a drive either for business or ploaenre go to him for a rig every lime ii was in this styliah turnout that the round of the town were made having provided yoa with a oage for the bird said unole jobh nqw the first thing woll look after will be the farnteh- ingb for it hereupon polly energetically declared that eho had heard so much about j a speight cfe coa pioneer furniture store that she bad decided to go there tbo result was that they were ushered into such a bewildering display that the girl was at first at a lots how to aeleot bat oho soon yielded to the beaqntiveneba of a mftgniflcont parlor suite a bed roomset in oak antique fluub that would do credit to old antiquity himself to this she added agents for qaoen vletoila her belgn and blamood jublloe actualofflce 1 worknpecialty writvfot circulars ouvjph v sbarp principal diningroom aet with all aboesbories an easy rpolfer for tjnlo josh and didnt for get a moat convenient and ornamental writing desk for hubby charlea a pretty good atari eatcvthe old man and now well go to g a pajioabeokera tinwaro and tlove store here pollys housewifely inatinoti bid full play in marvels of kitchen apparatob there is not an eatabllshpient in the country that carries a more desirable and oomptetejincl of atovea and kitohen furnisbinga remark ed unole josh every passible piece of kitohoh furniture from a tin dipper toa cooking ranget fa tierinh tyeband variety if polly fails to accomplish wpudera in the oalinary art it will not be for want of superior cooking uteuaus for she poruhaeed tm oxford cook store with all equipments needed in a regulated kitoh en besides a ooanteas of oxford heater for the parlor charley suggested that theyd belter leave an ovderfor i6me eavetroogh- ingtoo alright anytbiog goee replied undo joth who then paid tho wbolo mil with delight because hit knew mr panoa- beoker had treated himrlght oh say unole exclaimed polly where can i go for dry goods this dress ia hardly suitable i must admit well my girl if yoa want to aeleot from one of the most popular oatabushments in town i will direct you to henderson a co who oarry a stock of dresa tgocd that for variety and real value is seldom seen outside the largest metropolitan cities ibis store ottrries all the latest weaves in fashionable drobb gooda and yon are sdre to be got tied right in your seleotiona you will flod henderson a co pleavant to deal with and their employees polite apd eipert while the prices cannot bo dapltaatad il did not take polly long to tell a bargain when abe saw one she bought a baantttnl dress and then turned her attention to the cloak and maptlo depirtinent she was quick to perceive that the values offered by hender son co were exceedingly choice and aha aoon made op her mind on a ityllab com fortable far garment this happy ordeal over polly accosted undo josh with the next most natural qaealion for a woman what about millinery most bavt a new bonnet to matoh the dresi yoa know jes so i jes so i laughed unole josh yon have no doubt noticed henderson a co make speoial ty of ii no millinefy hdovyoa can get what yon want there the latest styles and lowest prices being their motto hjic ill intrpduceyou to mi stone the bead milliner her experlenoe gas ran tees that when you have parobsed there yoq have thethlug aocordiug to fshlon and a satis- faction that yoor work bai been done by competent mrtlit in a fewhonra there never wits a happier girl than polly for bar now bonnet turned on to be a perfect drearo i lets u i promised yoa a goldjwatoh- dnfi i queued unolajoih nf folly lifi f and geo hyndsfathovery man who will seirus one cheap euterlug tbet popular jewelery store the old man gallantly ao qalttcdbimself of the promise add then directed pollysatteotion to tho superior stock of silvorware carried by tho house thero is no other such house in town aaid the old man and i will guarantee the quality to bojbo very best pick out your family olook while here he added hynda carries a niiigniflcedt line dont forget anotbet fact ho oontinaed if ever you unfortuately need optical goods this ia the place to come and say my bsy remember mr hynda ia auo an expert doqor on sick watches halt 1 commauded ucclo joubaa the party came in frrout of a t browns handsome drug store walk right in why uncle were not elck and oueaa i know that but i suspect it wont belong before this young man begina to tako an intereat in matters of paregoric aud uuo 1e well go iu any way- yoa need a bottle of brqwus bron- obil syrup ir that cocgir aitict -besides- polly may and bomo toilet artiotes eho wanta sure enough boforo leaving she was loaded down with combs brushes face powders aiid ouuoes tipou ouuees of fine imported perfumca dout forget addtd uncu josh to coroo hero with your presoriptions sh a t brown is a competent pharinuoidt and uea puro and reliable drugs ipulrt iuo to muko you acquainted with dr f 8 metctr my duuiirt friend too bild 1 ho old man if you tner have 10 eupplenieiit jour imturoil teeth ugh 1 duut ycu mention fnlse teeth to me cried polly ill never corry pearly- lies iu my ntouth if i go toothleiia ob aa for that laughed uncle joah if youll only consult a good demist in time you can bave the oiatastrope dr mrecer for lnstacoe is wonderfully expert in saving natural teeth and he haa the skill and every mechanical appliance noceaeary todo hia work with he lorbt discomfort to hia patrona at this point somewhat to the confusion of charley tho old man indulged in a half serious criticism of his personal appear ance you are dfloidedly off stylo for a townsman ho said and wed bettor go and eeo mutavisb the merchant tailor about some new dud p he is an untodato man and for fits aud high class workman ship he ia especially noted add besides youll fiud a fine selected stock of so i tings to ohooae from ill gaarantoe that youll look more iiko a newlymarried man when you get togged out in a motavish suit charley found prices so tempting tbat bo left blb measure for a boit of olotbee and when it few days later the tors were finish ed he looked so styltbb in them polly deolared shed have fallen in love with him boonnr had ho been a patron of arohy mctaviab bat say charley interrupted undo joab ab they emerged from the tailor shop this personal decoration is not all finished yet what yoa next need la a late style hatbbirt collara and caffs then you wjllbegin t think yoa are marriedaure enough to complete this oat fit we will vlblt my friends gurney a co i know of no firm that keeps a nobbier line of mens furnishings and they will treat ns right ita only a few bteps down the street to garnoy t cos btre before leaving charley had found gooda and prioss go irresistible that he bought a whole ourfli from a late style bat oollara necktie shtrt cuffs and underwear on down to a paisofsoxrt after tbia visit uuolo josh euggebted a resort to some placo of refreshment at j too jablejheoldjnabwaxed philosophical never neglect yoor larder bald he that important adjtinot to housekeeping controls masculine temper to that end yoa must patronize a grooer on whom you can depend for boneat goods through many months of dealing i have fouhd onr friends gurney fc co perfectly reliable yon will hod them a careful firm always fully atooked with evory poaaibte thing in the line of staple and fancy grooeriea fresh and firstclass no sbtlf worn goods there while the prices are down tp brass tacks to keep peaoe in this family get all your groceries of gurney a co and as yon are going to keep a horbe continued the old man of course youll ueedharneas the boas horeo milliner of this section to my option ia j h mat- thowa ho naca only flrbt olisa raterinl and gives personal supervision to the rolnateatdetah of manufaotare there ia nothing in baruesb that cannot be had of him heavy and lights single and double plain and fauoy work and baggy harness he has all of them in stock besides the dandiekt lino of lap robes sod blankets you over teen upon their visit to the harness fcboj charley bought a set of harness a s boffalo robe and fltlcct from there iaot positively a thing in the line that cannot be found there in indefinite variety arid at wonderfully low prices they albohave a splendid btook of graniteware and tinwaro in abun dance pollys bigorder saggepted her thorough appreciation vwell i swan charley its a good thing polly thought of tha cutlery laughed unplejbab yoa tjbo wrfjueedsorae glass and patty to fix them winders beaidea some carpenters tools with whiah to make them other improve- moua add an axe for the woodpile any thing a feller buys of symon broj la ok bflt i enees well get em- tfr wblob bog- gestion charley readily agreed aqd another place i wish to take you children is to the aoton roller flour mill remarked tlio old raau your introduction to aa ton- wo did not be half complete with out talk about flour why bieas yoq there aint no flour that can come op to golden its made from ohoioe selected wheat and bread made from it does not beoomo dry and stale but retains moisture and the natural flavor of- the wheat- for several days all good bodsowivea use golden aak your grocer for aaack then as 10 feed this mill la headquarters for that thoy handle everything from oats down to corn ooba serve oastomars with prompt- neab and diapatoh ive been dealing with james clark over binco he oarno to aoton and i tell yon he ia a good man to tie to oh me i oh my ejaculated polly as they halted before a shop window what perfectly lovely slipper yea aaid uncle josh eenuey bros atook caut be equalled in stylo and extent in this aeotjon go in look it over andgetaoquainted it might have been polioy not to have extend ed tbat invitation had not undo josh known what wae economy it is to trade at eonnny bros for polly found gooda au prices to seductive that ulie purchased an outfit from a pretty slipper to a handriomo walking boat charley invested in gentd fine shoes while unole jodi iudulged in a stout farm boot with rubbers for the crowd no ono needidg footwear oin resist the styles and prints offered by kenney bros bnt look hore unole interrupted tho young rian as they reschud the street what about coal vvve got ilw utovef but ireokou they wout ba of much vorvioe without fuel we cant keep fire ou love alone can we glad you mentioned it replied undo josh buying eo much in ono day kinder befuddles a follow for tunately how over itd only a in tie distance to mcqueond coal office he u mv favorite dealer and handtea agradeof ooal which has no superior and few equals it mikes a hot fire burns up clear and dont ltave any ol inkers fair measure fair treat ment andfttir prioes are what youm receive at tho bands of john mcqueen a big order was placed law aakes 1 auddaulyexdaimod unole jobh all this trading and shopping around town has caused mo to forget one of the greatest eaaenttala to fatnro existence i have heard it said tbat pewly married folks ooald live 00 love and soenery but an old man of experience knows better your table would look alien without bread t its the staff of life yoa know polly you must get acquainted at stathama bakery their bread pies and cakes and nick nocks are conceded by all to be the finest to be bad remember charley there ia no ubo of your ootay tootsy bothering herself much about baking so longastbero is a good bakery in tpwn like stathama yes and while we are on thia important topic of gaatronoroios we ranat nqt forget meat- it goes hand in hand with bread now to looato a meat market where yoa ean got fresh wholeborae meata at alf times a eulogy we should rot hr y porhaps ou hair pins the writer who is probably a man begins by quoting with implied approval tbo paying of some one about a certain ingenious and handy young lady give her a tew hairpins and bbo wilt make home happy tbo remark bounds like an exaggeration but it mast bo admitted- that the essay goes far to bear it out as a travelling ootnpaniou the hairpin has no equal no yankev notion can hold a candle to it if your magazine is uncut out pomes the hairpin and a better paper cutter was never invented u as a sboebuttoner all the world knows us merite used as a geometrical instru ment it will draw a circle 19 well aa the beat of coropaebes it canba used aa a bbdktn or needle it can piok looksf mend straps fasten refractory bsga it can be used as a blotheaio a book mark in fact it is a true multpni in pqrvo i wish i had an electrio bell in the house aaid the mistress of a capacious country dwelling cant madge arrange you ouo withta half a dozen hairpins eald tbe smart harvard student who bad uecu struck fdamb with admiration at tbe cleverness of tho daughter of tbe house i am sure bbo could manage it a long- ibland girl while ii riving a friend to the station upsot the cart and broke one of the traces slio mended it deftly with a hairpin and not her friend to tbo station in time but m tbo smoke of the looomottvo showed its wltite foather in tbo distance it waa discovered that in the acoident tbe friends dress bad been torn entirely eff tbe baud i cannot go to town liko thip hhe cried in diamay holding up several breaths with tho gathers completely ripped the loog islander drew out several bair- pina from her braid a shook btck her looks ran one hairpin through hlf the lo jsened folds made a hook at tbo end of it eo that it could not slip gathered up the rest on a novemb pr lir hneunoiljimiiauen hutruen ilipe fruits rich sheavoa and goldoa coru and fragrant bay from meadows shoru aro proaslng into plontys horn until it runnotu ovor but obangojul irindd and joatluu sky r- aod frlgbteuod leavob that fbund ur uy are por ton ta of a stranger nigbtb tboy uanio blin grave novombor nis sober mlon and garments gray oast no grim ahadown oer our way vlth gladsomuhearts no bail tbo day ho bldsubtoroniomber aiid wbllo thopioqthb ouclrolod btaud bright aatumnrelasprng winters hand dot evory heart in ovaryland porflow with glad tbanksgivlng excuses sztit to teacher8 didn an elegant wombat fur overcoat he said he thought it a man couldnt get satisfied it would be his own fault and heexpress- hlmself pleased with m- mattbowa candor and falfneae as to the matter of inaurauco he continued that ia nf importance you wilt waut a risk on your new houbo and fornitoro then you cant do a more sen sible or satisfactory thing tbat to give your wits a paid up policy in life insurance my friend r j muna b across the street not only has one of thr sol ides t and beat companies but ho is an expert and trust- wctihytraaetwrlrer 1 ttrrrpresenwtbo oommerdal unidn which belongs to the old reliable category being well known for their prompt and satisfactory adjustment ofloises it better to be safe than sorry and youll surely be aafo in r jmcnabbs agenoy should you ever need to negotiate a loau or bavei any eon nyanotng done ha is also the man to see woman ilka polly was djsousshig the matter of bow abe won d arrange her new house arid was interrupted by u ode josh and these house fjxina remind mo said bs that yob havent got your cutlery yet h ton th bu is th mau to s yon this is the boss meat market in town and is popular with everybody who js particular to have tbe beat tbo reason for thia la all because rolatpna very care ful in the eeleotion of his stock and get a the frebbeat of everything and keeps nothing bat the very beat tp koep your bobby in good humor polly trade at bolatons moat market every time ive ordered our thanksgiving turkey of him already now cried the old gentleman now for a picture 6t this crowd in good old couhtry fashion woll go to the photograph gallcryand h rambhaw haa the most popular one in the obuntry his pictures aro wonderful in fidelity and finiab i want one fullsize photo for my study and some small ones for my friend ram- ahaw hae the bdul of a true artist all his work is a labor of love iu whioh he will not slop short of perfection and as he is famoaa for suooesful eularglog i want to give you a life alza representation of yours truly unole joaha picture may bo seen at ramahaws btadio any time tho reader desires to call- en route to their home the party oallod at thefrkbfnesb ofuco youll want the news every week ro marked uuolo jobh and as the fiike psksu u a fuvorite piper ill aabsoiibo upon summing up tho wonderful evouts of the day polly began to volubly epreaa thanks you have bought ua everything she exclaimed only one thing replied unole joah refiootivoly but i cau remedy- that j a speight co the furniture firm always have anioohueot them and you can get one whenever you want it ill py for tbe beat j vwby exclaimed polly with great surp u w another in the same way secured the wholeto thothe band by a couple more and the viritor went on her way rojoiaing h3wsn i to manage thlsrflopping thing said a youthful dtndy whose mother handed him n umbrella to take to new york the strap is broken here fasten it with a hairpin said tbe woman of oouras and with a tight neat little ring of block wire the nmbrtlla looked sufficiently slim and woll rolled to satisfy even tbe yobng dandys tante cool madam he inainuatel ua bo rapidly unrolled before the soreendoar a package of something i have here aorae of tho moat wonderful flypiper ynn ever paw every square indi of it ia warranted to attract aa many fiieb us cun etaud upon a pq tin re iiiob reckoned to be madum iu the neighborhood of thirtyone mitbout uncom fortable crowding that would mukeon a aheet of thia size whiol contains live band red squares eixtcen tliousund fliea think of that maam 1 and only the ridiculous price of a niokell i dont caro for any of it rapliedthe lady coldly in oaae yoa keep boarderi he oontina ed unrolling a larger piece here ia sheet containing flfteeu- hundred aijqarcb- that means fortyeight thousand files saved from falling into the aonp or the butter madam and ought to raibe the price of board per- oeptibly why loin remember when i was boarding i do not keep boarders and i do not want any of yoor flypaper as id the lady in a freezing tone the fly piper man be gan to rol up bis package you will no ta any today madam if fathe last time i ah all be in the oity t expeot to paaa on to the great eastern metropolises by tomorrow and the fly season is not over yet yon need not stay here on ray porch any longer if you do i will set the dog on yon and the lady drew huraelf tip haught ily and began to close the other door just a moment madam pnt in the fly paper peddler it is an extremely hot day but tbe ooolneaa of the atmosphere in thia neighborhood ia ao rofrebbiug that i have enjoyed it more than if ibadsofdyoa two niokelb worth of the lnootnpsrable magnettzer and flyalloker it has been like a drink of toed milk to she thirsty arab in tbo great sahara and as the door slammed he walked sorenely down the steps well its a cradle and- but polly bad faldtod i tub land ofprettv soon t know a land whoro tbo streets are pavofl with the tblogs wo meant to achieve it le walled with the monoy wo meant to have akvod and tbe pleasures for which wo grlove tbe kind words umpokott tbe promises broken and many a coveted boon aro stored away in tbat land somewhere tbe land of pretty boon thero aro unout jewels of possible fame lyin abo i the dust amt many a noble ancnottyolm covered with mold and rnst and o i tbls place while it seems ao boar la farther away than the moon though obr ptirpose is fair yet wo novor got there the land of pretty soon tbe road tbat leads to tbat uiystlo land r la atrawn with pitiful wrecks and tbe sfilpa that bave sailed for its ablnlng strand dew skeletons on their decks itlsfmttinavnothanitwaadaw and farther a nlkttthan at noon 01st us bowhro of tbat land down there tbslaodojtreuy lioon ttbtylk wbbuwt wucox qovenmental injustice i dunno whether i want free silver er gold said mr jaye but boat all i do went is fer the government to stand good fer its notes the aarae aa it ttikea me do but si it do stand good dont it aaked tho poetmaater in a hdrn you remember that there lightnin rod oontraot i signed an it turned out to boa promhiory node fer 800 and didnt the courts makprnapay ft cause it had goue iotothe handa o ad ioncrcent parohaser t an then htre unt week what didnt i do but geta coanterlett teu dollar bill well aaid the postmaster its jlak the atroe thing i am an inner- cent receiver of that there ooamorfeit of tbe governments bat i notice they aint goin to pay ir jiat the same cinctnatu enquirer coming to thepoint in brooklyn tbia little fellow iuadver- tontly mentioned biamcithers iilnesb aud investigation followed teaober georges mothers got uo catching illness shes got a girl hisannt here ia a protcm ugainrt the system of teaching children to write before learntog to read i i dink you are a fool you vant my boy to read when he dont no no aferbits please teach bim some cdrscaaey bpeaks for herself teaoher pjaue excousie my miokey bo want to eee tbe barnuma mra caboy there are a few parents who want their children to have the measles dear teaobor please excuse fltz for staying homo ho bad der measles to oblige his father j bits grammar was waa too much for thia boy r tjmiaa frank could not come these three weeks because be bad jtho ammonia and informations of the vowola mra smith one miglft expect tins td be a daily occarenco in brooklyn schools teacher ptctfee exenaa henry for not omiiig in auhool aa ho died the oar run over him tuesday by doing ao you will greatly oblige hia ipving mother thia mother should uevor have been a roother there are hosts like her teacher if louts h bad please lick bim until his eyes are blue he is very stubborn he has a greit deal cfmulo in him ho takes after his father mrsp here ia a slap at tho w c t u which ia trying to educate the young l mibs my boy telu me thot when i trinka beer dor overcoat from my shorn- aoh gets too thick pleaso be eo kind and and dont interefere in my family affairs mrbp here is a misguided woman tco praoti- cat to tatae to accomplishment but i like her breezy style mies brown you mast stop toaoh my lizaie fiscal torture she need yet readin and figors mit turns more aa that if i want her to do jumping i kin make her jump mrsr a gentle act every now and then some of tbe many kindly aots whioh are oonatahtly occur ing are mentioned in print and tbe story t has told begins ub travels doing good where ever read tho latest story of one of these little sots of kindness cbmea from new york and tho horvd tells how a newsboy took the sixth avenaeoievated at park place at noon recently and sliding into one of the cross seats fell asleep at grand street two young women got on and took the seat opposite the lad his feet were bare and his hat bad fallen presently tbo younger girl leaned oar and placed her muff under the little fellows dirty obeekv- ab old jjent- leman lei the nfext seat b mi led at he aot and without saying anything hdd out a qoarter with a nod toward the boy fbe girl beditated a moment atfd then reached forit the next man juaae silently offer ed a dime a woman abrpji the aisle held out some pennies andvbefare she know it the girl had with flanaing cheeks taken money from every psitbenger in the oar she quietly slid the amount into the sleep ing lads pocket rempvjg her muff gently fromnnderhis bead without rousing bim and got off at twenfoihstroet inoludldg all the paasengers f n a pretty little inollnatioh of tbe head that eeemted full thanks and the possession of a common secret a boasted advantage proves to be a source of weak- licss ttnfl wortli- lesspess tbeiarasmesubjeotbwliioh ihey are explained the more in tennysons phraue they are jdarklier aqaerstoojv a lecturer on theasophy had conoluded long and careful address aud said to hia attentive audience it there ii any queatfon whioh any one of you would like to aak i shall bo pleased to answer it for a mpmetit there was silence than an earnestlooking gcntlamauaroaeandvsdd i should like to know professor whether anybody has ever discovered a reliable oure for warts as tho wheeling action will soon be over those having bloyoles should get them in ah ape for ths winker soak the chain ia kerosene dean the nickel with pomade greats ths spokes with spot rub the saddle and toolbag with cold crurxi wash the onamslled frame with bemslna tbe rubber tires with odd water nod al in a cool dry plaos it you feel weak dull and diioouraged you will find a bottle of hoods barsanatilla will do you wonderful good makers of orude ana imitation dyes must of necessity olafnieome advautage for their corombn prcdqbliona id order to attract caetomers amongat the deceptive indswoeping olalmn put before the publlo by a certain intker of dye one in particular must attract tho attention of even those who are novices in the art of home dyeing we refer to the statement viii not soil the handa 1 iu this claim ia a direct acknowledgement of weakness and fqrthleseneab as far as coloring power is aoncerned ahy wlsa woman will easily see that a dye that will not stain tho hands is of little use in tb work of dyeidgbuoh dyes may give to hgrit and flimsy fabrics a show of lint or color but it soon vanishes frowllrt mater- ials when they sea the light ol heaven the diamond jtyrs no matter how much water la sdijleiibas coloring povar to etajn the hands at bath prepsrsd fr one ten oerpacad for dyeing six pounds of goods alight color will givo as durable a shade as ife batv bad beep prepared for dyeing two pounds of goods a darker color h ik- isl oolprlng rajwer that home dyers jookfot and moat have colors that will standffsublighl and waahiog wltn soap aa two sticks nan be qsed for movlug the goods around in ths bat b thero is no neoes- ity tobave tho handv or arms in tbe dye agents always doing the best work and never mako false and misleading claims imwirkiftm doing is tbo great thing for if reso lutely people do whatjs righr in time they come to like doing it raskin turn- the rascsls opt tbe familiar lartycry may bo applied tp microbes as well as to men the germs of disease that lurk fnltijo blopdare turned out by ayve flavaiarlua as sffeotnauy as the old post- raaststb ars displaoed by a new sdmlnli- i ration- at

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