Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 18, 1897, p. 1

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volume xxlil no 21 acton 0nt1eio thubsday novembek 18 1897 price threjs cents is rtjfllibhed every thursday morning jlt tdei krcc press steam printing ofllcc iill street aoton ont thums op suuaoimtion ono dollar ior yoar strictly in advance allimuorlihronfi dlscon- tluuoa wliou tho tlnio for wbloti thoy liavo boon paid baa oxplrod tho dato to whiob overy subscription is paid is do do tod ouctuo addroaa advektiaina ritebtrainstont advertino- iuonta10 couta por noniiareltlino for first in sertion scouts pol litis for oacb bubsoquont dsortlon ctjntnaxililatea tho following tablo shows ourraton for tbo imiortiou of advortlsoiuonta for poolflodportqda 7 our sale of kftll phper reduced prices is tiil on great bar6rftins4 traders bank of canada qfaob i n 6uo 3 mo 1 vo eoooo 3500 2000 eno m00 8000 1100 aoo 2600 1300 700 aoo 700 3t0- 260 100 ndays bookstore inelpb advertisements without speclqo directions will bo inserted till forbid and charged accord ingly transient advertlbomente must bopald uadvanoo i advertiseme will bo clungod once eaoh fflottfb ii donirod tor obanjies oftonor than enco a month the composition must bo paid for at regular rates changes for contract odvertliomoptb must bo n tbe oinco by noon on tueidayb accounts payable monthly hpitoobe editor and proprietor vujbintss birmtorp day sells cheap medwaz j f uren m d o m office and rosidenoo corn or mill froderlck btreota aoton av s elliott m d m b aetoa graduate tonoxto uniyensrrr office main stroot third door ponth of kroaby toriaa church acton d r dryden eya thooat and nosh meljoahs blqckdqujliatn po- auelph office hours 10 am to 1 pm and 3 to 0 pm sundays 10 am to 1 pm veterhfart svrqeon 1 lfredp husband v s graduato of tbo ontario veterinary coiioho honorary member of tbo veterinary nodical sooloty ovvicewm nuabacdfl jot24 ooninaaa- agawoya calls day or night promptly attended to majvs nose nothing to the difference between stewarts baking pow der and other makes the man with an extra inch on his nose is only one inch ahead stewarts baking powder is so far ahead it is out of sight i in the lead authorized capital 1000000 cuelph branch sums of 91 and upwards received oii deposit and highest current rato of interest paid or compounded halfyearly deposit receipts issued for largo surrnr deposited advances mudo to responsible ftirmcra on their own names no charge made far ootlojtingiiules notes if payable influelph a general banking bii3ine8btrauhuotedj a f ii jones manager jjojtrg think we would make so much talk about our baking powder if we didnt have a good thing 20c a pound every pound 10 ounces dental l llbennett lds dentist obonosrown ontahio dr f 8 mercer dentiflt graduato of toronto uoiworsuy and r0ds offlco over drug storo aoton vrsrnsa djits tnunsday and fhidat jm bell dds lds e dentist dttookville hanob ojlxduate of tononio univanbity work mado satisfactory prices moderate viaittwo d alcb tuesday and friday ot each ireob d vr g h oook dentist cor college bt and bpadlaa ave tobonto will visit acton on tho flrat and third satur day of eaoh month orfjcsagoews hotel m plean mclean barrltters solicitors notarloi convoyanoors o private funds to loan office town ilall acton wit a molxin jo a mclean d louglas a mdr11ay babihbtbr8 bpttloitons notarieb etc oirrices 12m quoen ht- ptrkdalo tpophonoitq7 victoria olinmbengl victoria st john douolas a gmubrat a jmacknnon buuhfitkbi soliojton convetancejl qfiiok mill street in matthews block upstairs t g mathebon j b moiieod abiustbiu bplicltobb oonvetakcens qoorgotown and m41ud money to loan at loweit rates j monabb olork ponrth division court county of xlal- onconvoyancer agent flro said ufoasburanco ueal estate agont money to loau etc ovrioeperrymansolook aoton ont miscellaneous henry grist v ottawa oahida boioltor of patents or imontion oto prepare applicatlonsforuiocinadlan amerr- loan and european patent oincoe and for tbo itegistration of trado uarka head for pam- pbtot thirtytwo years eiperiouco b1ranoib nunan bookbihdee wyddhamst oaalpb ontario ovoryvihlmosstore aooouns books of all kinds mads to ordor perlodioala of ovory deioriptlon carefully bound atjlipnetv nii promptly done jarriage licenses hp moobe jrttfi of mahniaqh itornbeb private omen no witnesses reaairod issuod rasldenco iu tho evening free proas offlco aoton low interest and call on mo i moaoyand bavo pleni tmviiugeimfoptxty ivtorstey iqwuhtorodnc ttfstlus loan on my ttrai ot lonjtmont mtk polty of lradlnk 1 plenty otfank iuln lond fbdsitslf yoqwuhtorodnco your iotorost or mpr flrstltn loan of moiloy at wcjackson c0xtanoen ahdlldnkliieitbbn bririoi vwyndliau stnircltihllaueliii wtvulngtonmutuu fire insurance company bgtabuibid 1b10 tsbubanoe oncaah and mnlol plaai any x ooinmunloatlona iorwarded to tny addroaa box 688 or mopiono sb will bo promptly at- tvndod to john tayloii agent onolpb hbmsxbeet iiioimbid aootiom fro for tbo coantloa oi wellington and halton e- qtaufl9tltttxvnun phibb ofloo aoton or kiy ktmyrwildanoottl aoton vlll b promptly at 800 fori abm biljcb alio money to loan on the moat favorabla amaafcd l tbo loareat ratoa of jntoteat in oma6f600ana pwmrdi ii- fnoludina coots taraplleufoalraltll l eieouted in the ir mitntyte at tb art itt modarato prloos and on hort oalte apply or dai hpmoidfbb piapiioffloe aeton ifsviyi manufactured by alex stewart dispensing and manufacturing chemist ont fall and winter tads mfens overcoats in beaver and frieze a specialty mens and boys ready- made clothing millinery mantles dress goods gloves hosiery corsets underwear c fresh groceries always on hand try our blue ribbon kur- mah and japan teas the lamp season is here and finds us prepared for your wants with a stoc to suit all tastes reasonably high pric ed lamps for those who can afford them and less costly ones for those of simple wants arid moderate means lamps are prettier than ever this year and lower in price too suppose you call and see us first opportunity j m bond co hard ware guelph staxi1uus i bold hlra croat nbo lor ipvoa sako can uivo wltb8torous oarnont will yoc bo wbo lakes for lovoa owoot boko a tbluc i liold moro conorous atlll i bov boforo tlio nnblo mlud that frooly ioint grott wrong oralvoo yot noblor 1b thoono iorslvon wi10 boars tho burclelwoll and uvob hrniiiy bo bard to itxa and atlll tokoop a lowly itoadfaat boart vot bo wbo logos bu to nil a brdorond a truor part olorlous it la towoir tbo crown of a doaorvod and puro aubocbb uo wlio known uovt toxail baa won a crown wlloao iuitro tsnot iobb jraat may bo ho who can command and rulo wltli juilorjd tondorsway vot is diviuornlaooal tausbt uottor by biro wlio coll oboy illoaeod are boy wlio djo for god aud oarn tbomaityrb orown of light yot ho wbo uvea t or gd may bo a greater conijuoror la bjb eight apexuidb anne pnoctoil ltlctt jftttnilg hiitabmg rs iloaqe s forty bi oomer- wall papers at wholesale prices terms cash or produce jgmcbeath acton ontario the limited toronto wilkinson ploughs last longest work easiest and draw lightest points and soles last twice as long ah cast parts have our name and address in full on them see that you get them it will pay you the strongest and simplest pneumatic ensilage cutter in the market guaranteed lo cut 20 tons an hour and deliver 40 feet full line of straw cutters and koat pulpers roller bearings all kinds of wheelbarrows the wilkinson plough company tlmited- toronto the campaign prepare for winds wo wonla call yonr attention to tbo faot that wo are preparod to eonply v with lambor of suitable length loryoar darn doora viz 10 12 10 or 14 feot also -bash- doors frames mouldings oto for bnilding btorm iioore pnt np av as low a rato ae poulble pyjstps repair yonr pnmpe or pat la new onei before it ie too oold w can so it shop at foot of river street acton th08 ebbace ivi aoton machine and eepair shops henby altlndeli proprietor arr well eqnlpped with all the maonloerr neeeetary to exettnt all repain to maobln ry and agricultural implement and to do all klnda of btaamntttna honashoeliig and ceneral uuokamltblng woodwork repair performed in a batlafaotory manner vb mi repaurand maonlno or- imploment of any make 8w gumming and nuna dona niifrnu business collego ouclrn j 8hbrtharttl v doovkceplna v shorthand tyrfewrlllng and acliialoiricoworkniipeclolly wflto tor clteulara sbart pwadpi waters bros are selliug their handsome stock of wallpapers at whole sale prices to make room for theirchrist mas fancy goods the picture gallery ctuelph problern every person who does not have to pay storage on his money is familiar with the difficult prob lem of making a small income answer tho rcquiremen ad van cod times footwear is ono of the unfailing necessities and it costs a good deal in the course of a year if you get the wrong kind we dont keep the wrong kind not that we are more honest than the other dealers but our long experience has taught us how to avoid being stuck on poor goods this knowledge is necessarily of benefit to our customers be cause the cheaper a shoe firm can buy the cheaper it can atford to sell cheap doesnt mean poor quality however for if it did our shoes would not be cheap we kecpno poor quality goods no matter what the grade for present roads and weather we can recommend our fall and winter stock now comptete you want n pair of rubbers call and get them- w williams tbi practical shoe meb chanti acton ibinter is here and cooper akins are well preparect for it having just opened qoopew etoolf oi ol6tbsbpccially bultablefor wlhter suitings winter overcoatings 6tc welifcvemeryfloeeebrtmeumullhnmrut sin co oommencidtf bualneee in aoton we have bed aenrancefrom all cubtomera that tho garment a lamed ont by ub have given entire satisfaction from all otandpoints fit iylo pricos and enduring gualiticn yoar patronage is oliclted cooper ot akins main street aoton h main 8treet planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and corrtraotor afanufaetnrerof saab doora pratnoa mooldlug j j inallaljleb ys- mpd houldino ui border op abort ilotloo well aaaortadatocji n band jtvvrlooa lo aol iv jiaiiv jobian bmit1i it was on tho looming of the fifteenth of august that thero wae a great oh a tiering in tlio someru mtchfld all abodt the city folk a that had taken ilia burr place for the bummer the bptnera kitchen wasawonjtii derful place mr and mrs someraalwayvt w palled eaoh other pa and ma thia partiqular morning pa did pot feel tory well was threatoncd with agne ohille and sat in the bit oh en aa near the elbye rb ma would let himcoubijoringit waa on a of her buko days they did their own work but then there was a regular slew of women folk a in that boqee mrs so mere made the fried cakes for in that houoq they had fried cakes bummer and winter ill bo ebo rcade apple pies and law ton blackberry pios that morning rotting theraithlf from their own place cousin liza waa mabiug her summer visit thero and when she oanofl ehe made soft ginger cake they bid lier reoelpe written in a brjokrrwithallthopartlcolarflbut no one could roako the cake with juot the tromblo aud tho rbahe that cousin- liza could tho rocojpe was plain two eggs butter the size of an egg tablespoon of ilnger cloves oinnamon nutmeg to taste a oup ot dark mplabscs aoup of brown bogr a good bowl of sour milk with desserlbpooii ofbodaand flour to mako a thin douh couhin lisa said rmybo tho flour busi ness raado tho trouble some peaple put bo mach in that it to ado etiff oako or so little that it woqld fall flat ue a panaake in the big dripptogpan in wbioh itjvaa to be be baked or it might be the oven for it needed a good deal of judgement about the oven the pituhur of atilvribiivgemptingj was in a puil of warm water upon toe high ovqii and soou after dinner that would huff up and be made into loaves and what white broad it waa t pa had the dyspepsia and thought he coiild eat no other bread aunt lota lived ibero loo and she waa a martyr to dishwubhing on these important dayp slio sturted in irouiitiy after breakfast to wash didhes aud there would bq an additional pyramid from the bukiug depart ment every now and ibeo an ill at half- paat eleven ehe eoraetimea bad he tbiokest of them olearedawny mrt fiomere daughter jauo was puttiug tlfdtioliee w flfllilb add after a htcio would como to iron with tbebaklng fife for fire wood was never wasted in that house tho three boms wero tip on ftho farm a mileuway tending to ihe hay and mend ing tho fence and at noon wonld come down hungry as ibarhs iu view of which a big kettle of boiled vitaals was being prepared bat with allth6work there was a babel of talking liza did not know any thing about the nowcomera from the oily so overything bad to bo rxplaiued to her po how many calves did you bay bad to bo killed by tlio butoberb iu tbo two villages when tbo sloanos were getting roady for that tallybo party from the city oallcd out mrs somerp thoy must have oalvoibcad jelly yon know and positively they ex poo t lhac cream flows almost in tho streets here it is all right to bcii to them but yon cant sell what you want yourself at loaflt im not going to rattled on mps somrrs never waiting for any answera to questions mr bomorb rouaed heraolf and spoke up what are you women always bothoripg your heads about theas people for why dont you lot thorn alono what has btart- ed yon now why pa dont yoo kuoir about oar invl tatinn you moat got over year ague be fore tonight if yoa want- the honor of paying a visit what now aiked pa martin shafor stopped here going to her work in the tailor shop as laid that she had been direoted to aik all the neigh bors to go to mre sloaaa tonight we bliould oull around any time convenient that wo were to see mn stoane in bloomer dreads aunt lois explained to cousloliaa that mrs bloane waa a bii fleshy woman aud bloomers pity isnt it aaoli people dont have some work to do bo tbfey wouldnt make themselvefl bo rldionlooi netting op things 1 wbb another of ma somera wise sayings sb she added moro and more to her store of baking in the afternoon tlia neighbors dropped in to mriasomsraaa a sort of headquarters and talked over the whole question of dross and of city people thinking oopntry people did not know anything thoy decided bey wonld not ro near the hoase did you hear ihe joke on mrs sloane ariked one of iho neighbors no what wat it alt fxolalmod woll ahe waiat tbo cornerb and ask ed if there wau a library hert toe oreen of oonrao was on hand aud he said yes he believed there war anil that it was in charge of the obbblcr over tbo way mr fdrbev thi ooblder told ha rest of the story the oilier dy hojald she came and aifkfd hlniiiwrtlil he reckoned there were sonib bokiint seems ilia old library that wajvmrled and lurl niaa nrauiirt armnis 1 li i 11- oftheway until it wub put in the cellar thereof tlio old houro where ho has his shop he got a candle and told her to come on in the cellar and not fall over tho od stairs and then he put hia hand into an old olioeso safe and huuled out two musty books the life of washington and lifo among the mormons and will you believe it eha took homo life among the mormous what did eho want of that do you think jdre somers suggested that- mrs bloano just wanted to eeo what they ifad there rand by tnd bywbuld make out they were a sort of heathen pa somers tried to qutot tlio jaron by saying thai the city lady seemed very hind and nice to bim bqt her wab silehoed by a voleyo words from hiswbv who oaid hat martha shafor and pa aoemed to bo champions of the now people and inust bo thoy expected pay for their trouble howevefjpa ventured on bo moro to say that mr sloane talked of buying tbo barr place and if ho did that lw would likely do aomothlng n loo for their town if the women did not roako it too unoomfortablo for his bis family what if wo writo an anonymous letter tomrs sloane and telhier we bavo some eeneeranddorfbnoed to bo invited to bee ber iu bloomers said ono of tbo after noon visitors grandma spmors a lady of tbo old school sat in her corner mending and oalm aa a jane day nobody ever remem bered to havo eeon bor stirred np in the civilwar days when there woro war meetings and pooplo were exoited she would bay 6b this is nothing like tho me of tha great alarm i her memory went back to that time she seldom join- edin tho conversation when the neighbors gathered in but now aho raised her head from hor work and said you betterjmtfskrs sloanea tonight andqeirdkerward nbout your letters long ago when i was a girl an anony mous letter was considered a mark of ill- bueding i dont know what people would think about them nowadays did not know but what they were a loat art evening came and thoy did all go to mrs sloane and bho had a beautiful cerens to bhow them it seemed that in the morning ehe felt anre that the plant would blossom that night and bhe told her coaohman to have any cometolfee it who wished to do bo the coaohman saw martha shafer and thought it would save him all the bother if he told her to tell tho people martha said in explanation that she told it as bhe understood it and she was sure ehe was not hard ot hearing nobody could overmake out how night blooming cereua could sound liku dressed in bloomeratontght but the party con cluded to be frienda with mrs sloane if ahe wonld let them from that time forth making the old parlor new maiiy olanke hontinoton how tired eho was of tho prim parlor with ita greenish cat of wall paper and oar pot and the faded green cambrio bhadea that bincehor earliest reoolleotion had served to shut out the sunshine and to give a bilious complexion to such guestb as wero formally entertained the cane beat ohaira and haircloth aofa the two starched fidletf the motto home sweet homo over the high bare mantel even the ovalframed picture of linoolpa plain gran elf ace berved to irritate hor as sho looked abotfc but a week ago she bad retprned from a visit to a oity friend whoso artistio rooms mfldo the homo parlor aeem mord ajiflly napleaaing than ever sh6 palled up a shade threw open the window and incame a cool north wind bringing bweetneai of clover fields over- whiah it had blown on ita way from tho reservoir of sundappled hills such beautiful billal where else in all new england were bills more superb 1 this room needs the outdoorneoa flrat of anythiur eho said a moment later oame htr mother amaxedat fleeing every window of the bacred etnartment open the auh streaming in anavtjarol peruhod on the sofa arm what are you doink carol doing iuterior decorating with freab air baid carol mother i want yon lo lend xna this parlor lend you this parlor yes to make pretty like ilitas ob i mrs haven comprehended now but my child pretty things cost money i havo ten doljara yea dear but ten dollara would do ao little convinced at la13t certain irish stories a roman deaoon was sent for to baptize a baby in tho oabin ho could find no water- but there was a pot of tea tea ho reasoned contains water tho rest is but aocident and proceeded to pour out a cup bat itwae btroug evouto blaokoesa ao he went in bearoh of water and having found some watered the tea down to a more reasonable color ohristcned the baby with it and reported tho rirciimatance is a case of cooscienco to bia buperior it had not occurred to hi in having found the water to use it by itself a tutors letter of condolence was eent to a bereaved parent thii waa unkindly attributed to oxford tho tutor wrote lam eiocorely grieved to bear the sad uewb ot your aona doatli but i mast in form you he would hive had to go down in an oase asliq jlq t sniafv tho examiners in olasaical moderation one othtr story 1 may add here as it servos to illustrate a certain disparity often noticeable between saxon and celtio word- values and also the tray iu which irish orators discount their own rhotorio a homo ruler was haranguing on english terrrriam and after drawing a horrid picture of babies epeared on tbo points ot bayonet b etc ho oonoluded if thats your qivilization you may keep it i call it most improper vornhlu magazine why swear at all waahiugion and beecher novor awore but onoo and tboma jefleraon and u 8 grant never awore tho japanebo and indiana havo no oaths in their language the north american review once gave expression to the following the fleroo nebb of mens profanity is in inverse ratio of the affluence of their ideas thopiofau- est mou within the circle of yonraouqaint- anee are all afflicted with a ohronio wcahnese of intellect the utterance of an oath though it may prevent a vacuum in sound is uo indication of eonse it requires no gonius to swear if this were known of all americana honceforth thero would not be any swearing ontslde of our lunatic asylums in his norwood beeohcr gives utterance to the following needed lebson there is much pions awearjngv a bold man means swear and says it a timfd man mean means swear and bays graoipns all interjeocionsare swearing a kind of latent oaths legion is the name of methods fof breaking men of their profanity soldiers of our colon ial daya reoeived for every oath 25 lasbea p t barnum was cured of thia habit by having to pay a fine of 920 woma rutworrvsaionr the kind women of the church had help ed their poor alater through a iphg illness they had hired a phyeiolan for her had seen that his prescripts ne wero filled had brought her broth and jelliea had oleaned her tenement and finally when she waa on the road to health uain had made npa pnrae for her a duple of weeks later one of them happrueil to oall to see how their protegfl w s gctlinit along she dis covered the tratwhitoii villd very low in her mind and at no in it r larder why mrs llendtio 1 bhe exclaimed we sorely lent you ant ugh money to keep ynn comfortably for a while have you upent the whole 915 ytj eigheil the hentfleiary iiow demanded tho inquisitor wet bain tick so long that time taught oeahwou about not bavin a decent neglltfue thoyoajl them i think to my name wheii it waa jaht able to ait np i thoughvhbw ifnotwon lbe to havo aoroe- th in more tathko uijri nib oleabawl to pat over ipymionlderit so the flrat dky i waa out i bpnght me a pink ommere wrppr jupt io oaeo i abpuld be sick x stands for the ouknown quantity baid carol gaily given a nioo old- fashioned room j a girl with an artistio eye and an x and the result will be the envy of all tho country round well you may eeo what yon can do if you wont spoil anything looking about with a sense of proprietor ship carol decided that the dark green and salmon of tho carpet harmonized well with tho wall paper which was a pattern of loosely sketched browp datbua on a silvery green ground the carpet itself was not bad the figure being a small lattice work with leaves straggling through it she felt a new satisfaction in the bigboeiltnged parlor with its handsomely cased summer- tree and oornerpostb that afternoon she made a trip to the village seven miles away coming back with a large paoking box- and many mysterious bupdieb for ten days ahe spent her bpare time in the parlor which she kept looked to everyoue and wheu at last too door was opened to the family with thejnyitation to walk into my parlor the room seemed transformed indeed i how did you do it cried jim aud putty l dont seo bat two things that i know baid her mother the marbletop center tablo and lincoln picture i hope you havent run into debt daughter eaid her father not dbit of it replied carol i just waved my magic waud and preatoobange 1 but listen flret were the shadea they are nioo ones bat i got them for fifty oents apiece beoauso thero were some tack holes in tlietn and they were sold as damaged the drapery curtains cover the polec and are of borimat flue oeuts a yard twelve yards for tho three windows the poles are cheap aa thoy arc pretty staiuod piuo at twentyflvo oents apiece the windows took two dollars and einhtyflvn cents out of my x i paid a quarter for the charm ing arlotypo of bouguereaus fisher girl iu tbo old motto frame over the mantel and the rest of my money went for cretonne and paints tho bookrtaae was given me whawjrottdemytaa i iaapaok b6x into wbioh i fitted shelvob painting it iu white ayd gold as 1 did these ohalrb and this little atan which i dragged from the attio thn mirror i took from ray room and gave its tarnished gilt frjmo a coat of white witb gold tracings all over it and the mtitto frame is also enameled as you bee but the rugb the boqjicaae curtain tho stand cover oh mother mi ao i the stand cover you ougbt to recognize as the little shawl great- aunt martha gave to wrap about my infant shoulders on occasions of state the book ease curtain is that old broohe shawl of youra wbioh yuu said i might make into anything i liked tho rugs are our worn- out lap robes i aewod the good bits together and put pinked red felt on for an edge the headrest and onehion for the rocker are made of what waa left ot the broohe shawl and the other chairs are seated with cretonne such aa i used or the sofa the two gorgeous fans and the photograph of longfellow on tho mantel wero given me by rita beforo i oame away tho teapot and ohina plato act on the bookcase are what belonged to grandma and have boon hidden away as choice ever ainoe i pan remember the pink rose bowl on the center tablo i bought while i was with rita and tbo plubh photograph case and the tiny oasel on the square stand she gavo mo also now doesnt x stand for the unknown quantity in something beside algabraandjaavent wea prettyparlor bat theres one thing i shall insist on mother that yoa borne in here and bit awhile every day as tribute to my genius faulty spelling not long ago a mau in the buburha had a amall bouse to rent and he got a paint brush and board and hung out a sign reading to wrent everybody who passed by smiled at the orthography but it was three or four days before ho owner ventured to ask of a neighbor say what on earth makes every body grin at tha sign it was explained that wrent was hardly as webster wonld spoil it and the man went off mumbling well if they are aq particular about it i can change it and he did within two hours there was a now sign up reading two let more useful an intrepid courage is at best but a holidaykind of virtue to be seldom exercised and never but ju cases of neoes city aflablllty mildness tenderness and a word which i would fain bring back to hi original algbifloavfoo of virtue i mean good nature are of daily oae they are the bread of mankind and staff of life i had a bard time getting my wife admits ha who is now a proud husband and father i fell iu loe without having the supremo attraction of wealth ntll wab not sordid enough to oonsider this defeat a serious dejection but ahe wai the daughter of a man who did the thinking and dictating for the whole family when iasked bim to accept me as a soninlaw houaodl the few est word possible installing me tbtat i was a pauper and that mj prospecfe were not worth fldnsidering add that i was poitive- lyorbldden to bother him any more about the subject in hand nell had alwayn been driljod to implicit obedience and would hot j hear to e raarriago without hee fathers odnsont i was dlaoouraged but made up my mind to watch and wait acoidenilyi discovered a plot to robthooldgentlornaue bank and informed him in tlmo to have a guard on hand but tbo burglars failed to put iu aa appearanoe and he jumped to the conclusion that i had orohted a falae alarm for the purpose of furthering my own cause i resoued his daughter iu a runaway aooident but he in a la ted the whole thing was a putup job and set me down a few pegs lower in bis estimation i helped his eon beat off some footpads but the father thought theao acini truueal occurrences wereobmhgloaofteu to be natural and was moro dotormined than over that i should not marry into the family one of hia favorite pastimes wao vailing and nearly every evening he was navigat ing a oatboat about the bay i happened to be silling on the ohore meditating on my bard look wheu i baw a vu grant puff of wndcapsue thepldgentlomauyprafi he my miwe w lizble tills woo olttflplngblblo my mllborp wfto bible my aln falthor boobt whon no made bar his brltlo and when alio bho4 liao ulo alio liaundod it too mo and boped i would study to make it my guide tbo aulit obalr alio sat on and mony times erat roo wbenythoobts o tbodoad broobt tba toar to beroo l apt all rpuudtho dwollloevdoar dtar uo a eailan wy woo olaaplug hi bio a present with tliec tbo weooaaplbr bible tbla teardrappls bible ive borrroat beralde to tlte kirk witlj the lavo wbou oftumeo abfr- aauaterod pntu tho kirfci entered and rnournfully gated on myfathera green brave- v nor vojoo aweot and calnij aye i boar in the psalm j aye it ebmes like tbo tone of a apirlt aalr voxod l v aud atlll bee ber lean with her uaunvoij her een and tboatroaket sparmlit leal silpjpelflti at tbotext this wooelupingulblathuprooioui woe bible ott dark dnay oornorsinaun norer be east tbero are jowolo wltbln it and treasures infinite will buy you all crowns when ufas trials are past was not far from shore but in deep water aud deep trouble for he oould not swirp i tossed off moat of my olothlug and soon had his bcant crop of hair in my hand as i pulled him to the surface i grimly asked bim if the affair was prearranged if he had conbpired to help roe in my anil if it was only romaotio jfolly on bis part and ether like questions for heavens sake young man he said get me ashore and the girl is yours this is no time for argu ment i landed bim landtid the daughter aod finally landed the bank not at all newv how absurd it is to speak of a bioyole aa a modern invention isnt it comparatively modern not at all not at all why hlohard gifford a poet of the latter part of the last century speaks of a girl who revolves the vicissitudes of things an she tarns the giddy wheel to what under the son can three vioiaaitudos refer if not to the bioyole ill bet it i had all lie overwrote here i oould find some referenco to bloom ers and hes not the only uo either no well i bhould bay not you can go olear back to the old testament and find the case of a man whoso tire was punctur ed in some way- white he was trying to cool hib brow with tho coutenta of the old oaken bucket it in eoeleaiabtes xii 0 that you will find tho mention of the wheel broken at the cistern and pope kuew of them too how do you know by bii prologue to tho butire in which be asks satire or seuoe alap oan sporus feel 1 who breaks a butterfly npon a wheel of uourno its a fool quebtioti becaose no one breaks anything upon a wheel if he can help it they are too hard to clean but it shows that you couldnt fool him on the subject of bicycles anyway then ibe old testament bobs up again with a mention of a wheei in the midst of a wheel which is bo clearly a reference to the eprookot wheel tbut it see ma almost like a waste of tlma id explain it there ia altib a una abont a bioyole thttt needed oiling in what in the brookilde a poem by lord houghtou he writes of wandering along by the brook and then intimates that he had a squeaky wheel and that something went wrong with it in the word a the noisy wheel was still even disraeli com- pared the world to a wheel and hilton spoke of the wheels of phoobua who was evidently the first person to start a bioyole livery whylt makes me tired to have people aotiugand talking as if do ono pre vious to thia generation knew anything chicago pomu bright retorts the late dr john ritchie ot edinburgh a keen total abstinence advocate was forced by a heavy ah o war to take shelter in a roadside publiohooae where be met a n timber of carters similarly aheltoring he remonstrated with them for drinking and told them that drink was their worat enemy observing the dootora clerical garb one of them replied boorkbly that this kind told them to love their ebemies yea replied the doctor bat- not to swallow them a gentleman weut to look over a hoaso that was being let furnished he was pil oted through the houbo by a very pretty honaomald as he was leaving he turned to the girlbaylng and are you to be let wlththelhouse i nov i she replied i am to be let alono clerical doorplate a correspondent of tho boston otcbc aays that he last saw expresident baea at the annual convention of the national- prison associationover wbioh he wis presiding atthathl m h r w 1th rau glee a story told to bim by tho rev f 0 wines son of tbo founder of tbs associa tion doctor wines bad been formerly the principal of a boys school one day he had ocoaslou to trounce a boy and it is to be supposed dtdjhe work thoroughly the lad took bis revenge in a way that the doctor himpelf oould not help laughing at doctor wines front door bore- plate on whioh was the one word wlnea the boy wrote an addition in big letters io that the iniorlptlon ran wins ahd onixn liokiaa balms lot it direct you the world may reject you but ann on 4u promises over rely this bat tld woll over brltjbt spirits wulhorer to hall you aa oonquorora bomo totbe sky i scbuuh american a queens tact of all tbo qualities once essential to a sovereign the one most useful now ia aaot queen marghorita of italy wbo belongs to a house trained to kirigorafl for more than a thousand years is said to be wonderfally skilful indealing with aoolal dlffionllfee an inoident whioh occurred at one of bar drawing rooms illustrates ber readiness and delicacy the persons who are to be presented at the roman court are arranged in a large oe mi- circle iu the throne room tbo queen enters and passes around the line each peraon adding usually word or two to give the queen some idea ot their olatm to notice bbeaaki a queston or makes a remark to eaoh and passes on on this occasion there waa in una a young man from south america whose embarrabsmsntbhoweditsaifiavpaleaheski and terjfiedglnq68 oi the qneen drew nearer irtait 1he reaohod him and topped he heard hti natiirawwliw mile there waa a roaring inbli ears his knees shook every eye was bent upon him with am used interest his terror waa bo perceptible from brazil ahe asked and what town in brazil is your home signer your majesty i dont know 1 hs gasped the whole circle smiled but tho queens face was calm as marble kon mean that oar beautifol italy has already made yoa forget your home ah algnor you are a skillful courtier you flatter as too much 1 and playfully shaking har fan- at him ahe pisaed on leaving him woncltrlog how he came to make io brilliant a response while the crowd looked at bim respect f ally bewildered also youth com panion no one like father yeara ago a neighbor of mine bad two boys of about my own age who it seemed to me bad an ideal father ho was a buy man but eomehow always fpond time to participate in the aports of his boys to be one with them and more jh an that to be their leader saturday afternoona when the weather was warm h went awimm log witb them and ban day afrnooni they always went together for a long walk in tho woods eveniogt after supper ao loug as the light lasted be played lail rfitb t whd lb a flflnflw olhaf l ways manifested a genuine interest n what interested the boys the result waa oon apparent and is the- same to this day there ia no one iu the world i ike father on the other hand a number of nay sohoolmatea bad no idea- what ik was to have their fathers aa members of their own company they loved their fathsra and their fathers loved thorn bat thsrer was none of that preofons oomradesblp later to life to be treasured as the most prroioiu legacy of early years when the- boys wanted to go swimming they wsn old that it was unsafe unless some one older was with them but there wits no one to go and the boys learned oil the sly the same waa true when they were bid ehottgh to want a gun those boys grew np to lots and respect their fathers but their was opt that bond of sympathy that in the former case oansed the father to place his oonn dence in bis boys in basic csa affairs and that taught them rarely to make a move in business matters without first consulting father and considering his opinion waldo m two picttjres one rich bright and cheerful the other gloomy dark and muadyitf v r he pitied them hood 8armria la proparadby exsrienimd pliaririacibt who kuoar preolte- ly the ualiire and quality ot all ingredient uajed an erotnrii preaohn who prided blmbelt upon hi ability to duooune without the aid of note oooe got into hi palnlt but when he loond liirajielt face to fetes with bia congregation hia ideaavarjlihed and die mind wa a blank be uppel bl fore- head hot in ln hhr ideal wonld not some amy frienda ho eald plljr job joq have loat flno eermoo i and he deeoepdod the pulpit elrpf 8u fnngleoo argonaut fortyfive eamplee of oolored ololh am shown on the diamond dye aampl eard from whioh oan be prodaoed over on hundred good eolid oorore prerjr vdyd ample la tall rlob brilliant end faet renoo oan do with diamond dym thl u piotnre nomber ono the oommon imitation dyes and dye oompoaed of toap rreaae aa prlnofpal iorredient how hot a doien or fifteen oolora and bo irnperfeol in oolor ton and power thai the email oolleotlon looke gloomy amall and eokly to any iodltidnal with a taele for the beanlilpl thle le plolnre namber two to ihoee in doabt we eay tend yoar addreee to well iriohardaon co uont- real for a color card of diamond dyee u will be fent free the diamond dyrabelog theeatleet tody with give all the grand reealla in beanly and faatnee of oolor that the heart oould possibly deeire a bird in iblnejaud le worth two that have learned to fly too may eat cheap food aril not b esrionsly bnrt by ii i but you oan not take ob tap melotnea wltbbutpoelltvo injury if yoii oi aby aubetlldu for ayer- sar- saparjiliypdoajo a7tiiiiph heallb perhapa 6 your hie inaill on bavlng ayera and no other xis

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