Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 18, 1897, p. 2

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iuiatiiicilii jkajwlx adufb 8wa0kiummbii at buddydtlo oottuo baquestaff on wodaosdat atoning ltli november by rev o g ltngford b d- mr ooorae adam insrob ant ac ton to minulo dauftutor of david swaakliatnuior or tbo fourth udo bbddb1qr wattbtfan monxon xt tiia roeldenao of mr d honor udoio of tbo brldo walla walla waabldbtonoq wodnoadav 37th october by bov xi 0 berrold mr o hartay wliitounn of bunny oovo bauob athena oregon to mrs mary m morton jato of aotou nixon in btewerttown on wodaoiday novo tu ber 10th vara nixon ia liar 30tb year mobibonat woodvllle on friday loth nov- ember morlson byaki a i at woodvhio on friday lath nov- john yottngoat ion of mrs andrew n of aotou wednesday 17th hbarlea 1 i jeorgetown on norember oaibawqe dal ton wife of byan aged 88 years bnnpi the towwhlpof erin near osprlugo on friday qlng nov is mary ejlon iteod agedajjears and 8 months lev p whi uuit jfrt xm tijubspay november 18 1807 notes and comments 7 r sic olivet mowat op tuesday completed hli lt dy work mlnlittr ot jnetloe today he will tie worn in as lloutednnt governor of qntario attoronto and at the time time hot david muiawtli tke lbs oath of ofboeaemlduierof justice 70xfbrdconntycbaaohra being easd by the town of iogersol for refusing lo pay the expenses id oonneotion with be attest of tramps in that town and bubsa- quant committal to the county jail it is understood that the donnty intends to defend the case petitions are belntf oirpulated in varionb parti of the province eating legislation hiving munlplpalties power to make a pro- greeaive tax ou depart stores it is propoaed to tax thv first extra department ikx and doable the tax for eaob soboeed- log one it is being generally signed the ontario government wlllprbhawy make another effort daring the coming session to aboiiehlall toll roads at present neither the boad commissioner nor town- ahlrje have any oontrol oyer these roads there are still toll gates at broakvilie ottawa windsor ingersoil woodstock and kingston the national union of conservative association of great britain on tuesday eleoted earl cerdogan president and adopted a resolution in favor ot the estab lishment of a royalreaidedoe in ireland and its oooaalonal occupation by a member of the royal family the resolution says tnlaiiapld tend to inorease tbe sentiments of loyalty to the grown and atteobmenl to oonstitntionalgovernment on the part of ireland i mi jyc- sir oliver mowat will bo sworn in as lieatenahtgfovernor of ontario in too cession to sir george kirkpatrlok tbii afternoon the bath wiir be administered to the new governor by the bierk of the privy connoil it is understood sir oliver will reside with bis son sheriff howat until the vacation of government hoaae y the governorgeneral and lady aber deen the new governor will assama tbe dalim of bis office in time to open the last session of ihe present legislature whiob la snmpioned for nov 80 the hon david mills will become minister of jnstice at the same time prosperous canada ourbomlnlons points of ad vantage ao told by- the new york tribune it admires panadas progress new toiik nov 15 diooaabing oditor- inllytbo vieit of sir wilfrid lauricr lo washington and canadian affaire youorally ihe tribune yentorjay under tho houdiu the ero8porour aaya sir wilfrid laarkr bus tbia one great e a tie fac tion and source of strength that he coraoa hltbor aa the representative not of a bank rapt and distressed nation but of a partfo alarly prosperons and progresgive one the preeent year will rank in canadian quale aa one of the beet the dominion has known tbo canadian farmers have fully ttbared the prosperity whioh pood aropi and bigb prices of wheat have bxonght to their oeiflbbora on rtble bide of the lino bo great ia their harvest thut the railroads are over- taxfld to carry it to miarketv tbo dairy indqitry haa also abown marked growth in tho prod potion andexport aaleotpoaltry and fruit great progress is likewise noted asfbrmior what has been done may w roaghlye8ttmatovfrom the dlmeneiona of the eton dyke oraie in the untted states there ia re aeon to believe that for- every 3ouaf that has dotne or will come from the ktondyke to tbie country two dollars will find lodgment in thb domioion a pother erjaally important indioation of oaaadian progreaa is ueeh in the extension ot lines of commerce tbe proposed line of exprees steamers aorosa tbe atlantic haa already been told of in these oolnmna ktpid progrebb toward completion of the sob erne is being made praotical ateps are being taken foroutttatf a canal from tbe st jawronoe at montreal direct to lake flaperior thus giving an unequalled route from the wheat fields ot manitoba to the ocean 1 the oawoet of sir jaac winter formally iuf amed ofnoe on tdesday at noon sir wm whlteway and hie oolleaguea in the retiring ministry reiignlng their portfolios too boors rlier the new firemldr will immediately claim a repreaentatif o for tbe oolony of newfoundland at the reciprocity oonierenoe between the united states and canada now silting at washington his ioitifloation for this- step is the faot 4hs the late jas g blaine when seow- tary of bte signed reolprooity convention with tjewfoandliind dated in 18ft6 the briltsbobvernment disallowed thli because canada was nol included iorits preferential arrangeoients now newfoundland will olaim uia canada s not entitled to negotiate tot reolprooity unless nefrfouod- land is inoloded ib the benefltg of this obeme b of bmd r mim bnyt moquas n enffsged as teaoherof the fourth department tneboardpf trasteesof aoton public schoolmet on monday evening members present george hynds chair maow h storey james molam robeft hoimesv robert wallaoe emanates of p ware rsiidoonfl ined- tb application of fifteen candidates for ths position of teacher of the fourth jrrpmenk were prestnted by tbe beore iw tbe quallflcatlons of the respective oaodidat being nearly all jf similar tiering h wai decided tom from amonflr tho local applioants aballotbeidgukenmlmehsamcqaeen wuttc tbsjeury was iostrnoted to prepare aneipijitrient with mise ttejb oyopiidhof ntnqvou diouooary at tirtyfotrdonariv with bookcase ltwi0bt otlbe sohmd to place it in charge of the bord then adjonrhed no wonder that sir wilfrid lanritir ia lobtdog forward with oonfldenoe to tbe day when instead of 00 per cent of canadian trade going from united states ports as at present 00 per cent of the trade of the morthern states will go from canadian ports a- the present rate of canadian progress and of united states indifference auob obaago ia entirely within the range of possibility even of probability as for tbe cftnadian pacific steamship service it is alresidy an established and auooesafal fact and there is every reason to expoot that within the next few years the oanadiaoh and japanese will divide tbe carrying trade of the pacific ocean between them to the praotical exclusion of tbe united states in all this there is no possible gronnd for ojjphjnjajneuodoijnion he is imply attending to baainesa and promot ion her own interests as this doun try ought to do but does not do if united statea porta were as oarefally looked after and improved as canadian porta are they would bavenocanse to fear canadian rivalry it ie a proper sonrce of pleasure to the united statea that canada is progressing we dp- hot want au impoverished and unthrifty neighbor bat it must be a cause of shame to ibis oonntry aotually to be outstripped by its smaller and less advantageously situated neighbor the word of god eloquent and by rev j phi da ijnatruotlve address u qllmour ba of hamilton tbe annual meeting of acton branob of of tho vppar canada bible society is al ways an occasion of interest it brings together the ouriatlan people of the com inanity more generally than any other event of tbe year the meeting on tues day evening in knox church was well attended and the annual address by rev ja iiglilmour ma pb d was most able and interesting throughout the preaident john robertson esq tooktbaoholr at eight oclock rev h a maoptierspn pastor of the church read the loriptjarea and bov j a molacblan ma offered prayer the choir then led in the wellknown hymn fromgreen- landa ioy moantains the secretary treasurer mr tbos t moore road the annual report showing the corwhin plowing match the plowing match open to pasjinch and naaeagaweya took place last weak at jorwhin under very favorable auapiooson tbe farms of messrs mackenzie and ma- farlane tho weather was all that oould he desired and the laud in aplondtd condi tion thoro was a food attendance iuolnd- ing quite a number from quolph ai though the ontrioa wore not jta- rinmoroaa aa might have been epeoted tfio plowing in all olassea was of a superior qurilliy eapeoially the boys wbloh bad not only more entries than in the nieua olasb bat tbey did their work in a manner reflecting great credit and whioh brought forth tho highest praise from all present this 1b very gratifying ns those boya are to be the men of tbe future and by this means are made to look upon their occupation not as humdrum and commonplace but aa one of the noblest and beat the result of the inatohia as follows ftlms class no 1 1st geo kitchen plow toltou no 7 2nd peter hume verity mens glass no 2 1st wm mdpbee tolton no 7 2nd wm trousdale tleury no 8 3rd geo blaod gowdy noty boya claes hq 8 1st f barba gowdyno2ijlndja kerr toltonkor7 l qrd j barbaree fleury no 21 4th w campbell t no 7 boyb claasf no lat a cookburn tolloa no 7 2ud w simpson gowdy no 21 3rd w bsrburee flenry no 21 bpys claas no 5 lat geo carter tolton no sweepstabea special given for floieb wm mophee rpecial for crown geo kitchen boya otaa epeoial for crown and finish freeman barbaree judgea meaers henry lies peter mc lean and a mcqueen the directors wibh to thaqk the follow ing gentlemen for contributing to tbe prise list g kloopfer j m bond thornton a donglaea burgess sons g b morris ga riobardabn g d fringle gowdy manufacturing co walker griove w a clark pen fold broa neill the shoe uao b w swa2e d mokenzie corwhin e tayor aberfoyle j fritz morrialon c mobeth aberfoyle struck by a train a farmer near guelph loses h is horses and barely escaped himself vvtj to tbxdltir of tttf fawpaaae bil u foertalnly oommendable to jna sw tobt thetyputb of tb community by pwipg healthful wlimilbe si r for ilem to the m rbi5ipiiyto ww- rwiondtmtand areln inch r itsale m tv2se w lf wsk w- mtf iiwwi kb wk mi thinks yrjariof dlaasenounobi dfw jmfe9jbiiarwrife sbsot ap roalmol prsabyteriao paator tftfordondajr beforalaiij indealibjj fjeahhf vpdbllo llbrar as a fllddoeloilonwathattb hdvlkwwoi btirdaj dilamointifrapdaynoel jrvoptioobtatnsbel s9mrwmber ir aaidbaisilttaft ti wt spttpirsthailha teg odttllribntion vl the year to be 5866 whioh anm less tl60 for expenses aa remitted to the general treasurer mr afoore read tbe recommendations of tho eimatlve committee which nominat ed tbe officers for the year as follow fntazsiktjohb bobertson vibbpbm john 8 ooiernan swnurrihttjuusdjiib a t brown emnrtivkbame as laat year ooixkotdiui acton hisses jennie smitli bella btephenaoo mrs w l wordno jr and miss agues ijawson eiijnminb and erin a t mand j m warren pan kennedy biohard brown d mcdoogaji h qibbens alonza wor- don hlaies cameron and flank naasa- raweja misses somervllle and williamson the nominationa wero oonflrmed a cdtdiat vote of tbanke to the oolleotors of tbe psut year was moved by d hender son mp and aeoonded by h p moore lud oirried unanimously prelldent boberlson in a few btlins re- marks latrodooed bv mr gilmoor bis ddresi wis an eloquent and inatrnotiye eology of tbe bible and its growing power ai the word of god he showed with most coavliioing argument and apt illna- tralioo how tbat fornineteon oenturies the blblo stood the most critioal and incisive ttits of time experience and examination add tojay atands as a bard trfamphant hepredlottd that as a result of the ioves- ugations of tbshlgbor orl ties of the present daeade it wdqld stand out bdfore obrlsten- dom brighter and more powerful than ever ii is as a- for tress whioh renews its youth and conatintly increases in power in coboladlng mr qllmour made a brief bnt oomprthsniiva review of the splendid and efleotivwork beiog aooompllihodby the brit lab and foreign bible society show- 4bvbisi j ii had olrod- xuesday qnelph dailies give tbo partioa tare ofanberioue aodfdeut near that city on monday ovening mr frank bodboo who lives on james lovea farm about two miles out the york road while returning home about halfpaet six oclock oh monday ovening had a mar vellous esdape frpm inatant deathttho night being dark and foggy ho did not observe the outgoiug train approaohlog on the o p b and drove onto the crossing at tbe yorkroad tim engine evidently straolrhetween horses and the front part of the wagon the animals were thrown fully twenty yarda and against a fenoe which wee badly smashed ooo of the horses was killed instantly and tho other a minute or bo later mr benson was thrown about twoaty yards with the wagonbox and lay on tbo side of the track opposite the horses the wagon gear had been turned oompletely round and was hurled against the fencd at tbe roadside- one front wheel was smaab- ed to atoms evidently haying been etrack by tbe engine mrbeabon was assisted on board jbe train and takon to tbeolty to tbe qeneral hospital engine driver eirk states that when be saw- theborees they had reared np and were facing the engine the train was then bat a few feet away from them xhe horsea wero valued at about two hundred andflfty dollars thoroug g mr stephen belisle gladly tells how he was cured after other remedied failed to holp him dr williams plnkplhslvtade hlrh a healthy man from uio montroul jlurald down on williuni atreet iho bulk of the butter snd oliootia trade jb done and it ia there tbat tho montreal cold storage and frefzin coruiiauys mammoth building ib located iu the aumrder lime when extooslve bhipraeuta aro being mado iho big block ibji veritable beehive seyeral well kiiown exporting 0rras have their wftrebpuees iu this building and ono of them u wm t w r co their head warehouse muu in mr stephen belisle who as hia name iudlaatee ii a french ctahudisn anil in the prima of life if ever there was a gratefnlman on tho face of the earth todaythat man is stephen belisle after buffering iudeecribable agonies fur several months he in now the picture of health and feels that it ia hie doty to tell all tbo woild how he wqb restored to hoallh and hoppineau mr belisle explained w troubles- now fortunately a thinfj of the past to areportefof tho uerald rcoently my work called me fb all purta of tho warehouse aa id be and sometimes i went ibto the frerzidg room without roy coat or oap on and then back to the other parts of the warehouse to the warmer atmosphere about a year ago i beoatne very ill with a complication of diseases i web buffering with indigeationbiliouanebb and the resulting nervous disorders auoh as bick headaoho and iobs of appetite i began dootortug but i aeemed to grow worse every day i slept very little and as time went ou i was not able to do any work and even the exertion of moving about would tire mo out i bad a very poor appetite and what food i ate did not agree with me i aleo sofferedrpm a severe paiu in the back and bide during that time i bad tried maqy medioinea but they gave me no relief 1 had become eo weak and my by stem waaao run down that my life was n harden to me i was advised to take dr williama fink pills which i did with extremely benellolal results i common cod taking the pillu about christmas time and now i am feeling ao good that i thought limy duty to write the proprietors of jpr wiillama pink pills and let him know how extremely grateful i am for tho euro their modioino has effected in me i had taken only six boxes when my condition of health wae a par ad i bo to what it bad been for aoroo xhontba previoub mr beliale is a quiot unaaeuring man and evidently not given to over enthusiasm but there was no mibtakiag hia earnestness when recounting hia experienccb to tbo reporter he will always bo a firm botiever in dr williamb piukpillfl dr wiliiami pink pills cure by going to tbe root of the diseaee they renew und build up the blood and strengthen the nerves thus driving diaeaae from the bystem avoid imitations by insisting that every box you purchase is enclosed in a wrapper bearing the foil trade mark dr williams pink pills for pale people a nmonthaold child of miles bcbam- tnerbom of scotia ont left alone in the house by its grandmother for a abort time managed to eet fire to its clothes it waa fataly burned and died in a few hours on sunday afternoon the montreal harbor commisaiouers- havo finally accepted tho plan of harbor imprbvementa propqaed by tbe department of public i works tbe government will do the work whioh will coat 3000000 n goesmerfuly ois- nearly 500 purchasers were served on saturday there were large sales in the dress goods department lots of silks wre sold piles of flannels and flannelettes a lot of mantles and ulsters a lot of suits and overcoats and furs every department sent out largecontrib itions to swell the grand total the same sacrifice prices jiold good all this week no priqes have been raised the linesjadvertisedlast weekthatareunsoldjwillbeelaredthisweelf at same- prices aliid in addition we add a lot of other liti-es- which will add fuel to- the flames and keep the tradepot boiling at aliyely rate ihis week l in the mantle department m we will clear a ibtlshortvjackets regular prices of which were from 83 to 8750 for another lot of long mantles rcgiifar price fvdrn jj5 0 13 will becjeared at r each these are on tables by them- selves and while not this seasons goods are nevertheless wearable and are their own recommendation at the price we lare nlsoselling ibrand new this seasons mantles nt much less than regular prices another great offering is in the basement we have decided to go out ol the tweed and ordered clothing business entirely a decision like this means that the stock must be cleared ftt once and that means sacrifice prices here they are fine englishjand french worsteds regular 8400 for 8300 regular 8300 for 8200 regular 82 00 for 8r50 fine black serge regular 8300 for 82 oc we will make to order any cf these goods so ns to save you from 83 lo 85 on what you would have to pay elsewhere we will also make to order fine scotch tweed suits regular 820 for 81550 regular 818 for 81475 scotch tweed suits for 81350 splendid scotch tweed suits for six we will sell canadian tweeds worth 50c for 35c worth 60c for 40c worth yi for 20c x 1 piece dark check tweed regular 30c for 19c pantings ve will make to order fine black worsted pants regular 8650 for 8425 8550 for 8400 8430 for 8325 clearing prices are put upon everything in this department the tt etoisrns our municipal fathers their session monday evening brief and unimportant the regular semimonthly session of the municipal council on monday ovening had a very meagmdoakeb of bublnesa to coma before it reeve nioklin took the chair promptly at bight oolmtf uounoillora arnold and smith wero obaent the following sums were pasaod in regular report john mcqueen coal la 08 j b rearbon atreota aud walkfl 7 09 hqrlndell do 4 00 cray ou company oil 8 23 jamoa molam do- 4 33 tberodvo cliarltloa flo 00 aejm moved by w h denny seconded by wm brown that the odatomory grant of twenty dollars fur charities be made to the reeve carried the board then adjourned 6 jjache iprtgestton jilousmess fdnstipatlon enlargedandirhproved with- a magnificent stock ot fall dressgeedsbresstgostumes trimmings to match we also make a specialty of pri jestlevs blhck eb we also have all the uatest novelties in fancy dry goods at close prices fine hlghrclass tailoring we do aridhaye done one of the largest and best- clothing- tradeswest oftoronto and why we are not experimenters but thoroughly uptodate men in this business you get the best fit best style best workmanship and a large assortment of fine imported suitings overcoatings trouserings etc to choose from by placing your order with us you are sure of satisfaction every time fur department we are making a specialty of all kinds of fine furs for ladies and gentlemen our gents furnishings you will find complete in all the latest styles of neckwear collars guffs gloves hosiery underwear etc s department you will find a full rangeof fine allwool blankets union blankets flannetsheetingsandji full and complete stockof yarns in all qualities and colors at close prices hats hats the latest styles in english and american hard and soft felt hats our readytowear clothing you will find complete in mens youths and boys suits overcoats odd pants overalls etc at the lowest prices we would like you to inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere we buy cheap and sell cheapand you will save money by buying your hew fall outfit from us a cordial invitation extended to al l ilehi abutrtifrmrnifi wanted tndubthioub inon ol ebaraeter the linsoottcompanytorootoobr wanted tukee ladloe to in trod 11 00 a liouauliot wptk bplondld roturua to oomuotont lraraoub v j q allo way toronto wanted apiwlnt agouti bxptinboi co llmltod ko canvassing salary and expanbosnatd tub diiadlkrqannbtson wanted sodio ivors forvcana1a n bnoyolopdla of tho country in ptva iloyal guarto vol nmea no clallverlog commlsfllon paid woak ly a oanvasier reports his first wook tnakfofli te d r eesh jersey cow for sale apb13bh joraoy cow ulbnor apnly to calved bujuondayvi vbuabiatattlsi v astsnv teactfefowafftffpffl tbaoaebforscuool sootlon no13baiiumlog boldlog second elasa profesalonat certificate v saltry sa70o0 apniieatfons will be reeeivedup to november smth 1807 7- johnuakk booretarv baniiockhurn sohoof board 4gton qntiboi ia youb spare time 1ffbk women tooondaot bi men to conduct business at home simple writing and copying list 1 noeived fromlocal svsntaltig to of addresses be forwarded to us dsil 1 ulred no oantasalog perlflnce required bat plain writers preferred feimanbntworkto tboaeoontent to protlons experience requi earn 96 or more weekly in spare time applr to waubenpubcoriionaonont walvtedaffents both men and women if yon aro willing to work- we can give you em v3 ploy map t with good pay and yon can work allor partlrmo and arboma or travelloic the 1 work la ligntand easy write at onoelora terms eta to v the hawks nurbebt oomfakt rochester ny house and lot for 8aue this comfottable ilougbast dweulag oh 8 young street in tbe thriving m ct m aotou blx rooms soft water onefllth sersifl lot with fruit bearlpg trees has always beenst rented and baa at prejsentgood careful tenants tanas oasy and mads known on application to the owner or juo cameron v n jaheb mclellin tate a hnglneman wantedatfent9 h- queen victoiila ia booming eight tboa- sand ooplea sold throe thousand tflfe undred ordered from australia largsqtfanuty sons to booth afrloa going like wudflre i canada- lord bornailer mflostys sonlniaw v knitho best popular ijotnqajeaitr ve seen and uioiuttnds endorse t mantootflt free ur eanrabmit eltialre territory books outline easy to make five dollar dally some make twice tbat thr bradleygaruktson co limited toronto agents sell klondike gold fields like a whirlwind experienced canvaawrs reaping tbe riobest harveat of tbelr iivnj neatly vary 44 owon s fi ings7fl00 a lady t body lobkribes it sia00amontn ismi one youns fallow on s farm lsmaklngl7sa aladytyp writer at s300 a week is olsaiing illjlk a meeluiowbobaulearnedvladayiaolearibf lapaday wewantrooroskgedts canvassing outfltss oeuu worth eioa tbtb beadle oaitbefbon co limited toronto ont roe block turkln st g00pktq3tf n w open letter to secretaries and directors of farmers institutes in ontario lalad 8776183 poplas of tha mrlptares in wlsipiiuagaaiid dlalcmtsv a remarkable feitarao tho ysars work is the faot thai onsaewnth ot iho whol ootpus has bean alroolated in rassla in twentythree labglmilsa as tbe oanolnsion of ibis admirable addroaetbejoholr sang jmds bares a rewlatjon otbjppf eolation ot ths valu- ablariloi rendered byret mr qllmoar wasraotsd by bev0 0 lutor b d ffriiiim xfonliiiasry epraiair ly iiainlsio by tfeonorgatloq by luva j a molaohltpma j k goadon m a ff a hobhtraon ajessre h p moore and dhariilswop m f ji itrb jdoemariud jno oamsroo diab sirs as a matter of eoononiy of both lime and money i have ibis beasoo madearrangementa with thepoblishers o farming 80 bay st toronto with the editors of the paily and weekly mall apd empire the weekly olobe and the weekly sun to issoe tbe annual farmers inatitate ballelln whteb oontains a oompleto list of tbo regular and aappleroontary meetinxa together with the speakers names ad dresses and sabjoote laat week i sent to eaoh secretary and ofboor a oopy of eaoh of these papers obntainlng this bulletin i reepeotfnlly oll your attention to the pre faoe of the bulletin published by eaob paper whtdh fives all nebessary infor- rnation and- suggestions oonoerolng the work for this year will yon at once kind ly notify eaob delegate sons to your division what aubjeoti you wish him to diaouss at eaob ot tbe various sessions held by your institute- as soon as your bills aud programmes are published kindly sand a iopy nt sloans indian tonic is the greatest remedy medical science has yet introduced being purely vegetable it contains no mineral poisons and is a sure and permanent cure for all diseases of the stomach liver and kidneys fred w leiskau baden writes riease aend mo another bottle of sloans indian tonic i bought one bottle from youf agent early this spring and i must say it is the best medicine in existence i was troubled with a soreness in my right sido and tried many doctors but they could not cure me and aiter using the one bottle i pave had no trouble with the soreness i am very glad lean state this audealers or address t wanted agents in every district on tho continent to tsks orders for hlgbgra4e canadlantfrown kdrs y stock nd betas laietabdmoatcetipltteul isortmwt in ths trade fast sell log smdak tlsai upetb aamples furnubed free omres pondeaoe in any language tbeaa posluons ate money makanadterritoxynaaula be seeared at once for taosetson by all battlers looking for aaoodtblng oailaalary or eominlsalon offers will interearanyohe not earnlnrf 10do00 par year got in eommunieatlon jrlw our nearest offlo ah opportunity to represent a weneatabllsnad bouse ability mora important than uperleuee luke brothers company interoatloual nuraeriea gbloago 111 uootreal que boobeater n t two dozen ehot0s ckr of king and flughsoii sts hotb price i 6 for 5 the sloan medicine company of hamilton limited to mr o o james deputy minister of agriculture toronto also to myself and eaoh of the apoakers on tho programme 1 respeotfally urge you to sleot tho subjeate you wlsb the speakers to dltouis you will nolloe by the prefaoe of the bnilotin that iu several divisions there la a ofaange of speakers if a speaker is not billed to attend your meeting do not advertise him or his subjeots several seeretariis made serious mistakes lo this way last year though the almost oaro was taken to in form ihem oarefally read the prefaoe before referred to and eiamino the list of meeting and if there is anything you dp not understand write mo i respeotfally arjeyoi loadvertlse and otherwise ooodoot jrpjr meellngaajid jibe busluess opndeotod rfmtjted by the aovand rules governinrkrmer institutes i oppy of sblefiwirtvapiieim t do all in your i5ijijjaiiwe4jiig f armors in your lmjm iftjipytmi f verjrtrtly k hwo kno of no review nybllshh in in country 01 in buropa vhlch ccmblnesso success fully as lha amssicah monthly iho alertness timeliness and enerry of feurnsllsm with lh sound luifrnient carefully bed opinion euct knewled e and wellehcsen english cf the purely uteriry perlodltsl the 0jtssk iffihbosoji it is impossible to promise cjrllcuur fcalutes tbat will appear in tie american monthly durlne the coming year for bootnuin says a great monthly newspaper a such it prints for ibi reactcn an lllustated account of ihe notable things which make the hiilory of the month of tile political be ecoonnifc bnd literary fiapreolngk which are of value 16 intelligent men and women tbe edilora progrets of the world tells sne- cinctly an illustrated story ol the month the vlcadlng articles dve the best thought and information of ihe current magulnei in five conti nents the contributed articles furnish the character sketches of the man of the month and give timely discussions by authorities on any questlonof immediate serious import the result of this comprehensive effort to edit in one monthly volume the formation needed by intelligent people ol live instincts is best gauged in ihei opinloiuwhlci ihe readers of ihe american monjtyv tre ihtailng buslnets mencergy- men editors lawyers professors tnglneers the wldeawaie women ts jw-hifcitotln- ameican montimy it indttfa9l womene winter wraps cao bo seleotoilqulekor bousbt oboapor worn longor aud with more comfort if you tako advantago of our spoolal offorlog lddloa jaokeu in oroon bluoor brown bouolo cloth doublo- broaatod pear buttons etorm collar bound wltb silk oord 30i ladles jackote beavor olotb fawn brown groon or blue dodblobroastod sqoare revere noarl bqttoos baudaomsly trlmmoa with braid m75 ladlea blaak and colored beaver cloth jack ets doublebrcaated pearl buttons hooked to neck reveres large storm collar bound wltb braid and trlmmod wltb silk cord dms jjadloa boavor cloth jaeketa lu brownfawn groon or blue allk lined doublebreasted storm collar faaoy buttons trimmed with silk oord 1b00 tbo avondale bbawl dealgu plaid capos oto latest novolty ail and 13 blaok dress qoode hero ore somo lota of staple blaok stuffs that admirably illustrate tbo advantage to bo gained by buying from us black brood olotb sb lus wldo regular ts9 foraiso blaok amazon cloth co ins wide regular a60 for tut block amaaon ololb s6 ins wide regular ei 05 for eias black coating sorgo s8 1ns wldoresulare00 loreoa block coating sorgo regular aiaa now 110 blaok coating serge regular ei80 tor 88o opened tbls week case priestley vafonrnlng spoclsltlos silk warps armures lady afelross orepe olotb oto at our popular prlees silks- ono of tbo moat striking of the seeaona novel ties roman stripes jnst tbo thing for waists ljloaudilso four excellent bargalna in blaok bilk lllaok brooho apeclal at joo blaok peau de solo or fallleprauoalae apeclal at hoc blaok satin duobeas special at sjlm utfltung ladles oaahmere wrappers pink cardinal or grorllned trlnlmed wltb ribbon velvet wattau baov000 ladles fronob flannel wrappers pink mauvo bluo or terra ootte trimmed ititb laee m75 ladleablderdown wrmppcrsnlnk oardlual or grey fall skirls voke back eoxxf flannoletteand print wrappers trlmmod wltb gimp and frills yoko baoktuil skirts slses 82 to it prloc from atlas to e323 flannel blouse waists white oollass laandsr- ed cuffs 100 blackbilk blouse waists full fronts platting 33 esjbandso75 black satin bklre walats tbe new buaslan blouae made in taffetta silksi assorted prlms wool maid and velvet blouse waists from lootoa3j vetlllnge kew veilings black or colored plala or spott ed prloas range from ase to doe yard bmbrolderedvreneb telling pretty ffeota in blacky batter white or ereaavemi tovlls per yard kew washing veiling from c5e up seleee novelties la mode veils 8ew complex ion veus etc fall stock of tallee and brussels net wool underwear oblldnne allwbol oomblnatlons flealtb brand auttabla for girl or boy from to t yean of age91 lodlesfleaoe lined vaderwear veata end drowera all slue see ladles wool vests specie at too worth 1 ulsesrblaekbqaestrlsnnes for girls from jo ton years of ai7115 bltn large dse german mod iferlno under- wear tests and drawers sl dr denton banltary blmplng oarmants for children various slses from sso to 1 each mens auwoousbetlaod bbtres and pants speolalat0oeaeli i send tymail a pliotb and 50 cents j andrec0iytvyo dozen small photos ddress aflliont gallery day any taken will be open all style of portrait h ram3haw tbra pair for i hoae speelal at asc special offer the current number and the two preced ing issues hvlerwetsat0o00oandeoo iljev bilked wool hose rogolorea lus few pairs left will be cleared out this weak eiopalr rainproof aannenta the weather this week warns as as to what we mareapeet ji r ss o havyw brawn plaid robber lining fall duuib able oep e0u lllevwetatproofwoak blaok navv brown or ark all wool plaid rubber ifotng fall mill- toiy opa velvrt mllari peart bol warranted rainproof av ladlee allwool ora vii black better velvet aollar vtjbo try our mallorder departmeot mil battons ilea allwool crevnet waterproof cloaks 1 or navyfuu detachable eapev km r quality crivenete full military eapa t collar vim- bsmples on application freight or expreaa prepsld to yoarnearast railway atetlon in ontario on all purohasoa of aa00 aud upwards satisfaction guaranteed the h- hamilton steel wire nettings aide loom fencings lower this year than ask your hardware s ieis s n s mm if jrou are wearing sltoreifb ibeadywejii glolhing anddo notflud livpeif feotlyelisfmimji m evrurypartloqlsjandwjn i- wmmuoate ybdr eomv- 8horey iopi monujsiali advertleoment guartnlee our v workmanthlp to thefolleet saterit evidence thatthtfibalianimrd im hlobyomiiewsbf liftiia wrmetifii j kets of 8hc vwv msiothrbivttsure rsi bin wniiiorj bfr shorthand acinar write for0rcbvre iit qvlpa vyvvyffrvrritfsi3

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