Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 18, 1897, p. 4

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nt merits avers cherry pectoral would include the cure of qvery form of disease which affects the throat and lungs aathxna croup bronchitis whooping couzhmndl other similar complaints have when other medicines failed yielded to ayers cherry pectoral no misleading state- mbnts strong letters from reli able people prove the worth op paines celery com- pound tejjutmt 3tflw thubbtay november 18 1607 ffijt ijflnng joiiib the puclic demand for the great medicine fast increasing once a fo ourownaar own forever god ukotb not bmkblbut they mfttpaeiboyodd oar viilon but bouib ball add them oat whemjjtt watting is all aoeodipllbbod and tbe iiskmhtsayn lift and glory li given for griovtag and tho auroty of qod for doubt wo may find tbe waiting bitter and count tho jlfipoejonb qodknoireunreftroduit and he pltloth our 7 pain and when faltb baa grown to fuuqoee and tbo alienee obanffod to aong w ihall eat the fruit of patience and shall bungor not again ko orrowidg heart wbo dumbly in darkness and all alone sit mining a dear lost presence and tbe joy or a tanlibod day bo oomforted with tbe uetuge that onr own aro forever oar own and god wba gave the gracious gift bo takes it never twii tee proprietors of paino a celery com pound have never given to tlio press of tbo country any tnlsleadiof statements and vhave dover exaggerated either the virtao of their wonderful remedy or tho astonishing ohraoter of tbe testimonial a it has received puines celery compound tbo grqatoat and most marvolloua ot all blood pari tiers and restorers pf derve force and power and which has a greater pnblio demand than all otfaiir combined remedies has been otbless tag to thousands of homes in the domlo ion of canada this medicine that makes people well receives monthly aoores of letters of praise from men and women resoaed from diseaee and death every month of tho year hundreds are reatored to new life bat many being diffident in nature and pot wishing to be recognized by the public refrain from writing for tbe press putnea celery compound being a guaran teed medicine the public have faith in it the cares effected for those wbo in the past dened with rheumatism neuralgia kidney diaease hvor trouble dyspepsia heart troubles and blood diseases are in many onoeb truly wonderful baoceas after the doctors fail is the great boast of the worlds popular medicine paine a celery compound mm a perry port maitland n s writes as follows for two years my by a tern was all ran down and i suffered more than i oan des cribe from nervous prostration and insom nia at times i almost lost my reason from severe pain at base of the brain my hubbnd advised me to try palwu celery compound which i did nnd tbo effects were wonderful i boon began to sleep well the paia left my head ray whole system was strengthened and i am now enjoying very good health i would ohoerfully recommend paenes celery compoand to any onesafiferlngfrom like troublee yoa have my best wishes for the future success of jour excellent remedy only the iicst should beyonr motto when jou need a modioiycy do not bo included to tftko any substituto when 301 cull for hood a stir sttparillti lxperroncc has urovaj it la bo tho bobt it iu uu honest uiocjiuno ponbeoh inf actual and unequalled merit be wlao auj profit by 1 lie cxpirilucu of other people huod e jlillo aro ihp favortto ftwnil cnrthurtia easy to aki may to oporuto cumpeubution it must ho awful to bavo a member of 0110 a family who 1b a black bhclp lou dont know bow i nym pathfiie for jou ob it has 1 a jojb every tlmo wiltio gets into trouble the papers spoak of us and call attention to how highly rospeotable wo are without a peer works mir acles vc anowd cure fur the heart it with put a peer this rrout remedy relieves inatuutly the most aggravated and dietret itig forms ot heart dieouuo it is i ho euroeft and quickest sating formula for heart die etiso known to medical soioqco and thoub ands of times has tho ytim destroyer been saved by its ubc if hatd id palpitation shortness of breath pain in left side smothering sensations dont delay or you may be counted in tho long liet of those who hae gone over into tbo great majority because the best renitdy 10 tho world to day was not promptly psed latter trouble mr dearborn how are you getting along wuh your new wife mr wabash oh theres trouble already whats wrong r why she insists on having a new wheel and i think tbe one my last wife had is good enough cholera and all mummer complaints are so quick in their action that the cold hand of death is upon tho victims before they are aware that danger ib near if attacked do not delay logettmguheproper medicine try a dose of dr j d kellogg s dyson tery cordial and you will get immediate relief it aota with wonderful rapidity and never fails to effect a cure from personal experience many have tried for years to discover r romedy suitable to their- own caso for tho constipation bilioqsnebs indigestion headache kidney and irivcr complaints arising from poor digestion weah stomach and disordered luer to those jveeay try tlicntiomcdicine starting the boy in life tbo boy worth as maoh as if not mora than any man lbs fanner oan biro after bsreaobaaliia teona it therefore follows tbal we ought to aboir oar appreciation ot the foot in mm substantial way i have in mind a eaae wbiob will bear recording the farmer has a eon of flfwfn fmfivt or ill yeara tbla son has bad a share lor the profits of the farm at aral lbs fawetgava him a lamb this addad to ona given to him by bta grands father waa ibofeglonlng ot bii flook aa th we lambs raw op and added other mem ban to the hook the iooreaaa waa lot down to tbe credit of tbe boy from time to time also the father placed in hia aona para a faw dollars not aa waijea bat for the porpoaeot ftltifigthe aon the aatiafao- tlon ol having something he ooold eall bis own i was interesting to note the aona interest la the sheep and other business of tba farm when tbe iambi wore sold tba sons capital gre and now and then he noughts lamb from some other flook whan tba wool waa sold ha bad a abaro in that hownld thil boy spend bis money bom of it went for triflea yea but who ot ns does not sometime indplee in nnn aboat two yeara ugo tnerovmr sarf of blao springs nebr lost his hair after fever and became nearly bald he finally resolved to nae ayore hair vigor and now has as floe a head ot hair as conld bo deairnd this la oertaioly a fact worth remembering liver ells uka bnuraanew dyspepila headaohe eonin nation soar stomaon indigestion are promptly and by booda fulf they do their work best after dinner pllu a cents all druggists frepara4 by a i hood tt co lowenafas tbe onli f1u to take with roods bsmsparlda fills read what people say here it is miss s lnsov mono ton n b says they cured me of constipation and sick headache mn h timfs gt nicholas hotel hamil ton out says thoy aro a pleasant sure and amok euro for constipation dyspepsia and bick li end noli 0 mihh ii e hicks south bay ont laxn liver pillu aro excellent for siok- hcadaoho causing no pain or griping mnfl john xoiimnbov hamilton ont they are a poifcct euro for even tho bovorcst headache eflelableprcparationfor as similating thetoodandrcgula- istoimchsaiklbovrelscif imw 1s iii 111 bromotestigesioncfsierrul- liessand hestconhalns neither oimirftmorpiitae nor mineral wot nabo otic that the facsimile signature of jlaroubrsvflxlrmmijt jpmaimsfj- jusjo- apcrfectbemedy forconsilpa- lion sour stomachdiarfhoea worms convubionsfevensh ness and loss of si tacsirrulo sig of is on the wrapper of evebt bothie of osstorla is ptrjt up fa asdxo oottlet ooly it h sot old la onlk dont allow anyono to sell ins anything else on tbo ploa or promleo tost it t just as ffooo and vill answor overy pnr ipose bc that yoa got 0 abt0 b i a exact copt of wrapper dr lows worm syrop is a safe aur and reliable worm expellcr acts equally well on obtldren or adaltn be sure yon net lowtj not haadicaped its the fellow wbo puts on his now winter flannels that isnt liandlosped hed the sarutch man there can bo a difference opinion on most subjects bat there ib only ono opinion as to the reliability of mother gravoa worm exterminator it is safe saro and effeotnal halyards yellow oil cares sprains braises sores wounds cute frabtbiteohil blaine stings of insects burns ecalds contuflioob etc frlco 25 cents trifles and feel the happier for it bat lb feftliu led the ton along in inch a way that became to look npou bis money aa a means toward a good end it seems to me thie is a good way to tart a boy in life be grows op into the baiineu een if heiboald decide that be wooltrwcllsfomt pother oocnpatloq his hawujwimlin money and knowing how woanatby h will be of untold valoe lo him i live seen the spirit all taken ont ot a boy by tho fathers selling wmelsraboroalf whlob hat been called t boj suod pnttlna the money into bis own pockoy tbls li tbe wont kind or wrong ttr fievsr gfvs the boy any thing than to rob him in such a way evilspeaking rebuked flint fino obap that olerk of yours steel steel yea alow and saro bo looks it yes blow to learn enre to forget 1 the blaqohing of tho hair and its ten- dendy to fall off can be prevented and the natural color restored by halls vegetable sioilian hair benewtr a companion for all aoes a gentleman who need to read tho yotofi companion whan a hiy h rlj a clover definition what ib yonr idea of fame v tamo well in its finest phase i think it is the inorodnlons sdrpriso wbiob a mans homo folk exhibit when be doeaanytbing noteworthy a cool head a olor bright brain a cool bead free from pain and strong vigorous norves aro reqmsite to buooosb jn modern life mil barns heart and nerve pills invigorate and brighten tho brain atrengthon tbo nerves and roniova all heart norvo and brain troublob a xlverpool woman says that eho was completely unmanned by tho loss of her husband tho best pills mr wm vandorvoort tiydooy crossing ont writqb wo have boen tulor par pills and find them i beat reenlls by far the best pilla we ever need for delicato and debilitated constitutions tbeso pills sot like a charm taken iu small doues the effeot la both a tonio and uslimu isnt mildly ezitilintf thaseoretione of tbo body kiving tone and vigor seody individnal in editorial sanotom does the editor of this paper make any effort to beoare pootio talent f office boy does be ho chased th last pootio as far ob tb rivor 1 lb followidafabeodote is related of the lata john gomey of ncrwloh england by ode who waa often a member of bla fanllyroj nojbt i retnombsr it will i reooivsd a severe lesson on tba sin of anil spetaaidg severe i thonght it then and my heart rose in obildiah ahger against him who gave it bnt i bad not lived long enough in ibis world to know bow moon mlsetrief a obllda thoughtless talk may do and bow often it happens that talkers ran off the straight line of troth 8 did not stand very high in my astasia and i was about to apeak furth er ol bsr fallings of tamper in a few momsnts ray eye oaogbt a look of anoh calm and steady displeasure that i stopped short ibaxs waa ao mistaking the mean ing of that dark speaking ays it brought oolor lo my f aos and oonfoslon and shams to my heart i wtrallenl for a few mom ents when joseph john gnrney ssksd very granly dost iboo know any kood thing to s u vt l t x did not answer andjthe onsatlon was mora seriously asked think it there nothing good thou canst tell us o her r rarratn toionnow 7 a xbf wsn room yasa verilable rooso- nn r6erssi srorks of art and yot so oaflissso4rarrouniling is love that thsfwpiattlitreintbs twilight oblivions of all sys4bs ona potent fact tbey loved aatswhir kainbart barya bronsaa traamuwiroirttibeorirut andgems from larltmt wrio lay andl hongalubont tbam nobeefo misflr thooghls wen osntrsd mmtmn io thas csqe ho mora twuj bsaiilyfsl arattfl tb oft carptu artwhitiotitw found ntterauoe when it with tbe same interost now that he is middl6aged man was asked tbe other day if he bad not ontgrown the comrjoniofi i dont believe said be that i oan ever qntgrow it i find in it not only tbe cheery hopeful spirit of youth bnt tbo wisdom and experience of age i like it just aa mndh aa when i was a boy though perhaps in a different way but i know it is tbe same youths companion with wfaioh i grew op tot my boys and girls like it ob well as ever i dfd it ia a good paper to grow up with the youths companion will oontain tbe best thonght of the best thinkers of amer ioa and e a rope dorlng 1808 it will print serial and shoh stories of absorbing inter est and trus tales ot adventure the varioua departments cf the paper will be a ourrent record of tbe best work that ia being done in tbe world present read era of the the companion who renew their subscriptions and all new subscribers will receive free a beautiful illustrated calendar printed in twelve colors and embossed in gold it is tbe rlobest and oostliest oat endar over ssnt to companion subscribers new snbtelbers will receive tlir companion every weekf rom the time the eubsoriptiou is received until january 1898 and then for a full year till january 1800 an illustrated prospeotusot the compan ion ifit 1808 may bo bad by addressing ferry hason st company 205 columbus ave bolton mass castoria for infanta and children aefko teuton fact vfttf landlady to applicant for rooms bog pardon sir bnt what business do 30a follow applicant i am a doctor of mneio landlady ob then no sliall bo very glad to bavo on with up and i am euro you will do real well ijero for thoro is juat lots of mubio in this locality that needs doctoring iv ni i e talk hack many people talk back hero is 0110 miss catherine weese belleville says i bavo had a paia jn my back acoompau lad by general debility and tried various roraedioa for tbe same but without deriving mqoh benefit until 1 took doana kidney fills wlifoh i am glad to say entirely oared me thoy are certainly a grand modiojno and i can say in my case proved to bo a ahorook bpcciiic ciroutar hioka i suppose that told bpar has a large airolo of friends wioks well if not a large olrolo there aro many rounders among them rover and ague und bilious dorange menta aro positively cured by the ueo of parmoleos pills thoy not only cleanse tho stomach and bowels from all bilious matter but they open tho ezoretory vessels causing them to pour copious effusions from tbo blood into tho bowels after which the corrupted mass is thrown out by tbo natural pasbngo of tho body they are used as a goneral family mcdiaino uith tho mrs langtrys monruing mrs lang try might bet her money on black horses during tho customary period of mourning people praise it pear sirs 1 have often had coughs and colds as woll as bronchitis norway pine syrup cures mo every time i recommend it as a perfect cure for all lung and throat troubles lizno hardy may field oct either gamraey do you say ee tber or eyother glanders tbe dictionary saya you may say either gnmoooj docbntit pormit you to say eyother too d i nut u op regarding rtio 9 an imperial rescue emperors and kings when at borne aro very rouoh like other people and it is doubtless in the email amenities of lifo that their real oharaoter ehowa itself most truly an incident of tbe roccnt vait of tho u ru tubl la law tbs king of denmark at tbe pilaoo of amalienborg is creditable to the ciar though it put him for a moment in a ridio ulous lisht early ona morning soon after tbe arrival of tba osar at amalienborg the senttnela wbo wersguardiog the garden of the palaoe were astonished to see ths emperor ooine running out of the palace in bis ahirt- sleeves gestloubuing wildly and shooting loudly tbe soldiers knew not wbat lo do had the autocrat of all tbo bossies lost his reas on or waa he attacked by some mysterious enemy tbs osar soon anawarod the question by rnshing to a corner ot tbs garden where a great barking and bowling was going on from tbe window of hi sleepingroom be had seen one of his tig dogs make an atuok on the fsvorfto black eat of tba king of pernrjajrkvand without waiting tb aura r p- ou 40 rescue- tnelerlebto awrubaoat and oo doobl earned vt gratitude oft be king bis snap and vigor wanted modern lifo demands snap and vigor from all the race for existence is hotter than ever keep your blood pnro by use ing bnrdogk bluod bittors and you will bo healthy vigorous and etrong mies jen nio a olosbon dentreton out eaye for two years i suffered from poor thin blood i grew weaker every day until i tried b b b it ourcd me by enriohing my blood making me etrong aud vigorous again toaober havo yon any excuse for your tardiness this morniog tommy yeam paw and maw were having a fight i was waitin to ueo whioh won kidney grind south american kidney curo the only specif o for kidney diaease a liquid and solvent never fallb op rugardiug ar internal aud external remedy homaa eoleotrio oil do not so fur aa hnovvo exist the testimony ib positive and oooourrout that tbo artiole rolioves pnysioal paio oures laraonesb ohenks a cough is ar excellent remedy for pain and rbeamntio complaints and it has no nauseating or other unpleasant effeot nhon taken intornally stains on table waro aud tea dlsoolora- tious aro removed with damp ealt come nil who surfer mrb e brown bamilton out bays i have used liaxa liver pills and nod them perfsot as a onre for biliousness and siolc headache i etrougly recommend them to all who bucfer from buou troubles as hu unrivalled remedy ww blood first of all that is the starting pohtt on the road to health without it dyspep sia constipation biliousness headache liver and kidney complaints scrofula ulcers and abscesses thrive and increase ia tbe human system but with pure 18wl circulating freely these dsgiflcr cannot long tfirrr i nothin to i them henbebsonrfeeo new arrivals in ladies jackets each week the advantage of handling canadian made coats is very apparent when we are receiving thenevest stylesand novelties from week to week trjroughouttthe season instead of having to put up with last springs styles of german goods as some mer chants do if you want a nobby jacket at a very low price call and see us repeats of ladies and childrens underwear just to hand we have a special large range at extra fine values cotton and wool blankets n profusion alcut prices hosiery is our strong point boys and girls strong wearing hosiery a specialty our millinery department is booming more fresh goods being added to stock this week you can depend on securing the latest in sailors and walking hats from us dress goods 1 dress goods some very attractive plain cloths for winter and spring suitings beautiful shades to hand this week also fancy goods in all colorings our values in black goods cannot be equalled fresh roll butter 15c a lb henderson cfe co acton there no impurities for them to feed on burdock blood bitters purifies the blood and drives out all impurities waste odd effete matter mow quickly and surely than any other remedy if you want pure biood and good health take 13ooc4 islood iditima jasasssctb granby robbers are out agaia this season in new styles and all the new shoe shapes right up to date but with the same old wear like iron quality that has always char acterized them becaitse they are hon estly made of pure rubber be sure you get granbys this year railway time tabld crand trunk railway noif i ttlbf ooino 1abt mall x rt mull i 40 n 111 pin 001 iu i xpruflii i xliruhh mill mlxuil 10 ni g it iu 10 03 p in ii ii ol losind ua11l ohm ols uui itnarnoi in goluji 11st 10 1111 1 un lij4 1 in nov brhntf0rd galvanized steel wind mills and towers for fawer and juatj- g ing wa tit znr tornalvaverb gom patent hollar bail bearings holler bearings brantfordcam makers of the llglt sst tunniig and best constructed galvan ized steel wind mills and towers made also tbe celebrated maple leaf gnrin grinder write for illustrated circulars john mqueen acton agent for above al80 rou frost and wood binders and mowers a full line of all kinds of ffrm implements and repairs s3t5 highest market prices paid for any quinhty of wheat peas oats rye barley buckwheat djlvcrcd at acton elev t0b robt noble j what allod hor what alls yonr mis trees korab asked a neighbor the doothora do bo sayin that it is norvons pesteration she bas sure milbarns sterling headaohe powders oare tbe worst boadaoho in from rive to twenty minotes and leavo no bad effects ono powder 5 cents u powdcrsoo 10 pow dors 2o medical v has proved beyond a donbt that tbo solid partiolca wbioh pass through tho kidnoys in the ordinary ooorso ot oiranlatlou and wbiob in timo ao grind and wear these organa that tbey beoomo diseased and will not perform the fonotions tor wbiob thoy were ortatod require a solvent to dissolve and erudioato from the sj stern these foroign sabstanoe and the groat south amorican kidney cure has proven to be tbe best and moat soientiqo speolflo remody for such and tho testimony or thousands who llava been eared b it wbon pill dosos have failed is the best demonstration of tbo faot that a aolvent must be administered it in dos pair nae this romedy an agreement honilry so you take stock in that yarn why i wouldnt beleve that story it i told it myself oowgate well in that osse neither would i tho thrco stages for tho early atago bcotta emulsion is enro for tbo aeoond stage it cures many and for the last stages of oouaum tlon itsoolhes the oongh snol prolongs the life ask you may get over that slight cold all right but it has left its mark on the mem branes lining your throat you are liable to takeanother cold and the second one will hang on longer than the first scotts emulsion is not an ordinary cough specific but it is the ounce of preven tion it builds up the system checks inflammation nd heals inflamed memi branes slight cblds never bring serious r when it is promptly taken book pn the subject free scott h bownb bcuavlllt oat to very hot ollmatos where thoro is no glass in tbe windows it would be madness in a glazier to tako tho paneb to omlgrato those worryinq piles one application of dr agnews ointment will givo yoa comfort appliod every night for thrco to six nights and a ouro is effected in tho most stubborn cabcsof blind blooding or itcbing piles dr agnowo ointment oures eczema and all itching and homing diseases it acts llko magic us oetits as tar ts she know he darling was there over a love like oars j she well not in my experience at loast one ialwor pill every night for thirty nights naked a compete ouro of oil ionsness and constipation that is jnst 26 cents to be oared the lad who aooldentally sat down on a red hot atova pensively remarked that he was reminded of tbs retreating general oho burnt all his bridges behind him tllgn ofstrength tbs sign of strength a rnddy oonnten- anor depends upon rich red blood to make ths hood rloh and ruddy tba oonn- tsnanoe ojer and bright and tba step arm tod slas41it oie bardook btood billets ja aillajfi d a tolrontbod says s i wjoy food heallhiiov n tbs greatest v started to nae bb tis tho ouu why is it that chump ley always bnya another now gun at tbo opening ot the game season beoaaeo the one he had the yosr boforo uovr killed anything there never was and ncvor will be a univoraal psnaoea in ono remod for all ills to whiob flesh is boir the very nntnro of many cutativoh boiog such that wore t ge u no d betted diseases rooted in tho system of tho patient what wonld relievo ono ill in turn would aggravate the othor wo have however in qqinino wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated atate a remedy frmany and grievous ilia by its graduatjudioioas nse tbe frailost ej stems sro ieot into con valescenoe and strength by thi influence whlob qnlnino exerts on natures own restoratives it relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chronic stato of morbid despondence and laok of interest in life is a disease and by tranquilizing the nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to tbe action of the blood which doing stimnlated ooarso tbroughoat tho vclnb strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system thareby making activity a necessary resblt ptreoglbening the frame and giving life to the digestive organa whioh nntorally demand inoreasod substance result im proved appetite northrop 4 lyman of toronto havo riven to the pnblio their quinine wipe at the usual rate and gqtged by the opinion of scientists advertise profitably a flrstolass medium must be used the free press of acton ont is recognized ns being the great home paper of this section everybody reads it and this is the best evidence of its value to advertisers who wish to reach tho buying classes successful advertisers recognize that the free psess is the leading paper in this sec tion because of its circulation its character us influence and experience shows that it brings them the quickost and largest returns j h hamilton marble and granite hamiltons block oue having nn hatirt a t qn o scotch norway swedish and russian grrnite and in order to dispose of ic to make room for spring stock now purchased i will sell it a reduction of 20 per cent and will illow all expenses to customer to and from our works john b hamilton n t shops and worcrooms foot of willow st calls atlendeld to day or night j a speight fc co this wlaespproaohes nearest perfection or any intberoartet aliarobctstaeo it undertakers and embalmers latest styles experienced attention firstclas hea i moderate charges of atl kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a spjsightco orders left with j n 8tin80n rooltwdod will receive immediate attention j r e b collins butcher jvtsf to tuault ui nnmirop oattomeri for tnoir llboral patronno rlnea lie oommtdotd bailnobs last january and hopm tbat by careful and oanrtooub attanaon to merit a ooutluaasu of tbelr onatoni a oomploto assortment of flratoltui beef mutton larnb fork freh and salt hams sausages poultry lard ao in beason iriooa alwaya aa low aa oonsutom with tlio bost quality prompt oolivory fa atoek wanted js b cqlzin3 amu ite3i3i mkttfrfjfrqti m uqg vjwylk n iwiioh etetf snil asset jvbstnarin i oommunleat murt ithjrojiffn mom bvoj ioitntifio amebic ouiillrinannitail liramrr rsjf anrksanufleinnraa woektrterrfisfaj fjoalx mnntlii hiwvfliinli iimnai llook on 1atitnt i iltlt fl j munn co 1 301 uroailn siv vm

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