Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 25, 1897, p. 2

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t v maxb1ed hwydiin dbnujt at ibo residence oftbobrldos mother galedonby hev a lapgford on wednesday nov 0tb david w bnydor of erin to mlaa sarab 1 denuy ooo oaq in bhrtinaton at tbo residence of ibo brides mo thor mra paraona on wortnoa- day november 10 by the rev k j elliott oharlea ogc of llartou to mr amanda b oag of nurflngtou died qhakt at noleon- ho on monday btb no- vombur katowarr bolovod wlfo of win ii grant mckucnnif at erin on thursday 18th novem ber null mtkocbnto aged 83 years and 3 montbe t ttaa jfm firm thursday november 25 1807 notes antcbiyiments tbo quobeoehlalature wai opened on tuesday by xioat governor ohaplead la the spooh from the thvouo- it wu to- noanoed that a mdeur of eduoation wool if bo appointed and a nowloan floated ontho market jt iaussattijrtiat ibo delay in tbo pub lication of the popea- decision on the man itoba sobodl case is oaased by bagebtioob from canada mnvoyod through m broohesj for a different method of eipteas- io tbepapa will the governor of newfoundland follow ing the preoedent established by lord aberdeen would not agree to the defeated ayhlteway government making any per manent appointments to fill the positions bat sir james winter first official aot wav to cancel all these it may now be taken for granted that the practise estab lished by jjord aberdeen will become the rnlein allbritlth coon tries the discount instalment system of ool loot tog taxes adopted by the oradgovllla council this year baa proved a oo tuple to auqocmtjp iq mondsy th laat day fo taking advantage of this rebate about 912- 000 over half the total amount of taxes ooueotable this year had been paid into the canadian bank o com me roe taxes are now payable at par abtil deo 1st after whiob three per cent interest will bo added to the oills of delinquents tba members bf life insurance cpmpsuifta have decided that they will not follow the example of the new xork life tbo mdtnal and ihojeqait- tkbtinodmpanles in increasing the premium rates on polioiei in order to offset the decrease in the basis of interest earned by the reserves from 4 per cent to 8 per cent the decision was arrived at the annoal meeting pi the canadian life managers association held on suiarday at toronto bfr oliver mowat has been form illy installed into the important position of llaatensmgoyernorbfrontariorth6 following have filled the gubernatorial chair at toronto slnoe confederation major general h w b listed 18078 hon wf howland 180878 hon j w crawford 1873 75 hon dramaodon- ad187fi86 hon j b robinson 1880- 87 sir alex campbell 1887 m hon hon g a kirkpatrlox 188307 sir oliver mowat 1897 a london despatch says a radical- ohapge has been made in the foreign policy of the british government it is impos sible to say whether mr chambtxlains lofloenoe in the cabinet has broaflht it ubont or whether u is doe to some other oaose bat the fact beyond qoestion is that the ocnolliatory polloy of the past two years will not be changed with the possi ble exception of the eastern question for one of vigorous independence not to say aggression the flrit and most emphaticr applioatlon of the new polioy will be to all issues between great britain and tbo united 8tatw the an m of the ontario agricultural and ex perimental union at guelph the programme is to hand of the next annual meeting of the ontario agricultural a experi un wbloh is to ba held at the agricultural college guelpb on trieeth 0th and 10th of december llve notice that reports of the sammary results of the years cooperative expert- mentalwork in hortlcnltare agrioaltare apioauure and dairying will be presented andisoussed at the meeting in agrionl- ture alone oooperalive experiments were conducted on 2885 different farms through- out ontario in 18077 thwe include tests with legoninous crops and mixed grain for green fodder grasses and clover for hay commercial car tluaers foroorn arid mangels and with leading varieties of grain potato- e roots apd f odder orops from the hortloaltnral motion the results of the oo- operative tests with loadlort varleues of strawberries raspberries currants and gooseberrlss will bi given the committee appointed to io6k after the dairy work wilt repori on nnlfom tests made in several cheese factories and oreameries daring the past summer r resalis of air these ex- perimebjte in the different branches of agrioallnre shonld prove both interestlog and profitable to those in attendance at the meeting the work throughout im- presses cs as being of a practioal nature and worthy of careful study by those i n- tcresteditf agrioaunre addresses sire io be delivered by mr georgempkerrow snberintendent- of far- mmvlats madison wisoonsln on eooflomlcal feeding hy dr jas mills prsslo ontario agricpuoral college gaelpboo of tbo advaoupes of the ohtarlo frnlt experiment stations to lniirgroitswb bar of the yiqdsnts of the agrienltnral college on important fsataresr in oon- neotloo with saooessfal farming under present conditions also by g o oreel- mart c o l q vthaiksqlvlmo- tbe governor- general hoa isuod a liroclamatlod appointing today as adayof thankigiving to gobi for tbo mercies which tie has shown this favored jaud and wo doubt oot but that it willbe as in former years generally obberved whiatber or uot the authors of these proclamations are poreoiinlly moved to devout thanksgiving matters not at all the cm torn is a beautiful oue the apkuowlcdgoment of tbe provijorico of god in our affairs by our rulers is of great importauoo in tffeot it asaortb tbut we aro a ohrietiun nation and thftvery fact la eduqattve to tbe riairjg gen eration aod have we npt cause for devout thanks giving the country is more prosperous than a year ojjo the orops have been abundant and all fear of waqt is gone there is amorehealtby oondition of bust- hobs alt oyer the dominion wehavobeoa iree from epidemics and eduoation and religion have advaooed decidedly pur sohoolsare prosper log arid large bequests- have been made whereby the usefulness of our collegos has bei enlarged and there mve boon great revivals of religion whereby tbe iuunence or4ho oburobea has been advanped add to all this the perhonal meroloraud blessings which we have en- joyedt and we have enough tlo fill eyiry seal with thankrgftlng today will bea spsoialday aait ij every year and we shall all have ample oauao for the uratitode wbioh shonld be a blaatng jewel ja the setting of hilarity and exabor- anoe we are living in peaoefnl arid fairly progressiva times whete both oomfort and luxury can be had for a small expenditure and miny of the reflnementa of civilization have found their way into tbe highways and byways of the rural districts it ia well to cultivate the spirit of grati tudo we know onr happiness is not de pendent upon these temporal conditions we ahould feel tbankf al that we have so many things favorable to our spiritual prosperity send us tbo names ancladdresbes of throo or more pefformpra on tuo piano or orgh together with ton cents in silver abd we will mall you ten pieces full sheet rausia consisting of popular songi waltzes niarrbeq etc arranged for thjpubo und organ addrvas popular muiio pub co- indtariapolifl iud titthfsr in other niany things there la danger lest we forget our blesaibgsi until wo aro deprived of them for one mercies brighten when they take their cighty we oloso our tbankskiving meditation with tbo foliowidg inspired- expression of praise now he that ministereth seed to the abwer both mluliter bread for your food and multiply your bread sown and inorease the fruits of your righteous pees being enrlohod in everything to all bountifdlness wbioh oanseth through us thankbgfving to god canadian prosperity or oat britain rejoloea over it and points to canadas re- souroeo tbe london timet has an article over a column in length on some cffeots of can adian prosperity id the course of wbioh it sayi the diamond jabileo year will long be remembered in canadian annals aa one of extraordinary retlval from the atlantic to the fooiflo seaboard of tbe dominion prosperity appeart to have de olared itaelf and the promise for the future is in the highest degree encouraging with wheat atbigher prices than it has obtained for soma years the harvest has been remarkably good forty millions of bushels of wheat from manitoba alone are reported to be in excellent condition and uotwjtbatandlng tbe cona tract ion of new ktoragn capacity entered upon in anticipa tion of the yield the canadian paoffio hallway is said to have almost more than it can do a handling the export crop from tbe dairying industry the accounts of the year so far as they go are equally satisfactory the export of pheeso shows an increase of twentyfive por cent the inoreaiod value of the export of cheese alono ropresepts i ion of two million dollars -to- canadian indostay and new jradej in irult and poultry bava this year been opened with great britain money appears to be pouring into the ooo n try and as canada possesses still vast tracts of unsettled virgin soil on whloh the best wheat in tbe world can be grown tbe prospects of an extension of her agricul tural area are very good a large toronto estate the postmaster generals 1 5year old son inherits the bulk of it tonomo nov 32 the late mrs mnr- rayoawthra survitihg relatives are her naphews hon william mnlook jas crowtber w o orowther and her nieces mrs ityereon and mrs wm mnlook it is repotted that the estate whiob probably aggregates three millions or thereabouts goes the great balk of it to cawthra muloclt m lad of 16 years theseborid son of the postmaster- general the money is to oome to him wheu heisof ageand by that time the aocumolationa will probably make it another million in case of death it goes to his parents churchill jarvls agricdltora college gnelph and oiharbv the ebristmasfat block and poultry flliqwis to bs hsld in the viptoti blnk gdelpb prithsolh and 10tb of deosmbtr anidpportrinlty will bs afforded to those in mteihaoi at lbs upion meetlog to visit thsatbofc show on tbs evening of thnnradarsjmdsr tle oib attsisiieniihave been mads with into wayoplsaiof excursion ratw from deobwfltolbth inolbslve aipixsoniawlrldg to attend the mast wg of should write to ibztyiliffx btratary agrioollcral oollege glpk for a ptoirramme ol the 4mffwj gardwtfooron rates on the nil ways pifmiitw ft oonnseltodyhb- mr u gibbons fine bank barn is now cnoloeed harry will- soon remove his itook sto to i the new premises the farmers have beeti plowing this week hut the frost baa put a slop to it for tbe present jnlishiblegfaam who spent tbesnmmer id manitoba ahd has lately been visiting at obealey la now with friends in the old homoi on wsdnefday 10th lost mr david w sriyder son of isaao snyder esq was joined in marriage to- sarah daughter of tfae lists thomas denny of orangaville tbe bridal patty wedt to hamilton elfrl- da and other poluts on a wedding trip aud rsturned home a few days ago their many frlernds tender their oongratulattoris mr alex rnsel hss been laid up- the past weak with a severe attack of lumbago au iotereaiog gathering of the sunday bflhool workers and friend was held io the abuwih on tnssflay evening upnn the areatmus10offer ofei reduced in price tbo qlohc toronto hue reduced tho prioo of its morning edition from 8 j to 81 and didoonlinued the second edition the qlvbc seldom doos thinga by halves and this is certainly a strong und deserving bid for circulation in the announcement of tho ohango it is stated that the groat reduction in tho priae of paper and the introduction of typesetting machines hdvo mado thia pabbible bat considering the great ex pel so that tboy ibcar in their ffforta tbbeouro all tho uewa every day and the exceedingly full reports that they givo of ill impirtanteventi ftc per year was not tt nitiflh to py at 91 per year tlieir circulation ehould soon reach thtii 60000 mark especially at all the de- paimentsjnoludiug their excellent satur day ilftistratod edition are to be kept up to their present high standard tho oloix is generally recognized as tho leading paper in canada and their effort to makoti possible for every person to take it regularly should meet with a hearty response a library in itself few people are able to buy as many books as they would like yet it la possible without them to keep in touoh with all tbe leaders of hteraturo as well as to follow tbo worlds progress in every department of soienoe and industry the youths com- pdnion already provi lea the means for riioro than half a million houaeholds at an ex pense to eaoh of 8175 a year every issno of the companion given ab matter an al2mb book of 175 pagea and the companion cornea every waek the quality of its oop touts is shown by the announcement for 180b whiob promises contributions next year from the bt hon w e gladbtono rudyard kipling speak er reed capt a t mahan mary b wilkins w d howell a lieutenant pflary tbo marquis of duffrin senator hoar justin- mccarthy and more than two hundred other eminent men and women all new flubscribora for 1808 will receive the companions goldembossed cafondar beautifully printed in twelve colorfl and the paper will also be soot free from tbe time the subscription is received until january 1808 and then for a full year to january 1890 a handsome illustrated prospeotusof the volume fur 1808 will bo sent to any one addressing the youtlfn companion 205 colgmbqs aye boston mass literary notes the december number of tho sletliodist magazine and jievieio completes tbe forty- sixth volume it lias illustrated articles on life ihatitghniouse7 tho battlo ground of europe- vgaribaldl paler mo and the new life of lord tenny son also articles on the peoples bibles in the early church by principal shaw xjl d the church and literature by prof little bernard of clairvanx by prof wallace and answers to prayer by hugh prioe hughes also a number of lighter artiolea and sketohee fourteen numbers to the end of 1808 will be given for the single subscription of 8200 now is the time to eubacribe toronto william brigg montreal o w ooates halifax s f haeatis the christmas ladies home jouriial tells how the german emperor with tbo empress and the royal family spend christmas day with tbolr children the artiolo is written by mr nagel von brawe anattachbof the court who was permit ted to be present at the celebration lost christmas in order to write this article the piotures were made on the spot aod approved by the emperor surplu qegs tho ontario government tp preaent the best bud set of its history at this session the surplus of tho ontario government will it fastated tliia year amount tb 0500- 000 tbo largest urrount that has over bean known in ilio iroviuoo tho public acoouuta imvu just been completed the surplus js duo to the good work of tho qrown lauds department and to tho increase in the bale of mining lands tho coplral prison will send in a surplus ot925000 tho other publfo institutions will return about the same as last year m i e keep on coughing u yow want 1o h you want to cure that cough get ayr8 cherry pectoral jl cures coughs and colds 4m0iii two dozen photos send by mail a photo and 50 cents and receive two dozen smallphotos address h rani8haw i phgto artlgti acton ont gallery day any taken thanksgiving day will be open all style of portrait juam8haw 1831 siityulgbtt yoar the 1898 ceuntrv eentlernari the best of the hibicuiittilwbeklieb xnoispsnswle to all country residents who wisb to zee up with thll t1mbb terms fiedweef for 1898 single subscription two dollars tour subscriptions seven dollars six subscriptions note dollars 1st bfecuii lndooelfkhtb whiob will bo auted by mall on application to porioqb raining larger ofubb tr paper fltge all tbe roat of tbia yoar nowbabaoriberaforiaos rm aod a premlamor oyory roador it will bo aoou tbat tbe dlftaronoo betweon tbo coat of tbo country gbntlbham and tbat or otbor affrlonltnral woklloa may readily bo rednoodby rnaltlns upaamall plub to less than a cent a week tho beqember number of the delineator in niihnrt thn fihrintmna nnmter it flnh lytioted qolorpltes illaatrato tho ouarra- idk poaalbllltles of faihion jateat disooverieb as well as oacreut fauoies ib breas goods trlmmldflsi miluaery oto the reoogoilion givou the season of good oheer le very liberal tho artiolea ia fanoy needlework beaded by emma hdy- woodsdiroatioob for making a spangled bodloa front inoludo tbe departmenta devoted to oroobeting laoe- making koilting oto the literary department is highly interesting order from tho loos1 agent for the bntteriok patterns or address tho delineator publishing co o tororitov limited- 88 riohmond st w toronto ont subscription prioe of tbo delineator 9100 per year or 16 cents per bopy- melbottrne australia bad a 85000000 fire on sunday sonie three hundred firms were burned out in a disastrous fire in old london last week it was thegreatest firo tho oily baa had intwo centuries lord mooat stephen will bo married to miss diana tofnell on saturday out at st margarets ohuroh whloh is the parish obuirob of the jezposo of oommoui tuesday mbrniog judge merediib aentenoed john f troy to be banged od january hlh for the murder of aogoa molondln sept 1803 this wljl dlipoaa of this sensational murder caio ooodorbam a worts distillery in toronto will be hp t down oomple tely torn year or two because of tbe deoreaaed demand for whiekey only a few men have been employed alnoa jupelaat wbana partlalshutdown waa deoreod acton markets kor91 1897 iorltatlon o the pastor mr h p moore pf aotodi bateanlnslrooue address opon the inipdrlinos and etentol sunday bohool work a partloularly lntereslng fsalurbof tbe addreas waa the reprodootlon bt tho normal itswn on the book of abts with blacdtboard tlldtlrahons given by prof- aaenlll of ohiosgo at the reoent provloolal convention at hamilton a oordlal vote of thanks for tb address was tsodsrto mr moore at tba oloae upon the roollon of llsasrs oeo smith and thos ryder ber mr forbes ptssidedi in li probability th0bqreblll sunday sohoo will be oonhnusd during tha wnlar and hatoti dounly will thus ba given anolbar erergreen sohoo mrastardariian has beta oondemned to dl jiiut olght the jury o the cayuga aiuvri4pllt flour pall wbeac goose whoat oat pas bye barley euw to uiu send tor specimen copies wblob will be mailed free and see wbotber tbla enormons dutaronoo iq ooat abonld prevent voar bavlng the best wbat aceoumt would yon make of aaob a din-eronco- in buying medleine or food addrets luther tucker 8on albany ny c great offer -op- the london jl tho ftaa proa daslrlnff to rroatjy incrotvio iu mitworlptlon list- makon tho following grant offer to tho fnrinors and stockmbn of dtnnda whoroby sab- soribcrs to wotfelyfroft proa will got one years paper free thofroo prcm hart mada arrnngi lent wltlr tho vttorlnary poloiicq efts pabllshlhs go for n number of ooplos of their book tho veterinary bcionoo the prlco of whldi h 200 thu book troata fullynnd in plnln iniifrtttiro tho anntotny dlitoasas and trentmapt of- domeritlo anlmnlfl and poultry also oontalnlng rtfalrto4crlpttonofa1udldjno and rocolptf so tbat avery farmer can b his own ourlnary 300 s 200 ttie wooitly prtxi prem and wiirm ahithomo foronoyoarfprico 9100 and aodpyomho veterinary solence prtoo 1 both irill bo mn lied to any ad- iy lrcstjupon tho receipt of two dolun do not mix thin elinnw wo cannot afltord to oontlniii thlfroftcr indotlnitely our object in mating it now irf to scoltro on unmodlato rckniu which a less bemloffbr might fiill to attract ite- iember by snndfhg 9200 for tho hook ra get the weekly froo prem and rni and home one year free t lymienu wanted every where address g t all oommdnlcatlons to tho free press lohdod dnt iffnpnnnffnnrrttnnrtni tjiiirsday thanksgiting day c ib that means only 5 days selling this week ij is called off from labor to refreshments we are determined they shall be big ones the interest in our great november sale is intensified every day over 500 customers served on saturday the following is only a partial list we could utilize this whole paper telling you of our bargains but there is nothing like occular demostration come and see them foryburself cloves a hose department goodcolored kid gloves sizes 6 to 7 pyoper length with pearl buttons regular 75c at 45c blaok kid gloves assorted bulfpn lucednnddome fastenings reiu1ar75c and st to bo cleared at 40c dinckand colored josephine kids regular si25 for 9i ladies black caslimere gloves regular40crfor ioc 35c for 25c 25c for 20c ladies whjtc and black ringwood gloves regular 35c for 25c ladies wool mitts regular 25c for 15c ladies 3 fold woorcashtryerbtl6se7regulifr 45c for 35b- j ladies si fold tucked knee cashmere hose for 35c r 8mallwaros and notion department victoria crochet thread 200 yds spools in ombre and solidcolors 5c each our boys soap exactly same as babys 0vn regularloc each 4 for 25c each nail brushes regular 503b each a old brown windsor soap ic per cake 6gz bottles best sewing machine oil regular 30c for ioc 3 papers best gold eyed needles for 5c regular 5c each j 3bapers english brass pins and adamantine pins foric regular 5c each dress goods silk and velvet department 4 pieces double width melton cloth regular 15c for 12c 3 pieces marian cloth dress qoods regular 20c for 15c 3 pieces heavy tweed 45 inch regular 50c for 25c 3 pieces broche dress goods newest colors regular 35c for 25c 3 pieces broche wool dress goods very attractive goods regular 50c for 35c 5 pieces moscovia wool dress goods elegant and effective regular 75c for 40c and so on throughout the entire dress goods stock they must be cleared i 7 pieces 24 inch extra heavy velveteens 4 shades of brown myrtle and terra cotta best velvets in the- city worth 90c to be cleared at 50c a yard 5 pieces 24 inch splendid quality velveteens regular50c for35c slenpidquality purelapan silks 28 i wide in assorted colors 10 shades regular 50c for 37c a lot of good quality surah jtndbrochebflksregiitar 75cfor 25c elegant broche silks in evening shades newest designs regular 75c for 60c beautiful peau do soie silks in blacks only regular 8i50 and 1 lor si and 75c respectively staple department 8 pieces all wool navy and grey flannels 27 inches wide regular 35c for 25c 4 pieces heavy twill flannefettes regular ipe for 5c 7 pieces good flannelette regular 5c for 3c 6 pieces heavy 9 oz cottonades regular 27c for 20c 7 pieces splendid quality ceylon flannelettes regularise for ioc 7 pieces heavy lomond shirting flannelettes regular i2jc for ioc 7 pieces pretty knicker flannelettes regular ioc for 8c millinery and mantle department b short jabketfl regular s8 to s7 50 for 506 5 mantles h to sb for si each 25 mantles 88 inches long in ilain beaver aud nap cloths many of them fur trimmed regular 0so to 1 19 to be bleared at s2 each bpeoial 8alo in wings birds osproys 4c 25o for 16o 85o for 2fio 75o for 50o fur department splendid alaska babfo ruff with head and tail bpecial at s00eaoh splendid alaska sable muffs regular 81000 for 8050 elegant seal and orobooaperinea regular 82500 for 81000 bpieffdh qfeytiambc5pimerregiilbrs12750 for 81000 curtain department elegant chenille cnrtaius 3 yards long heavy dado extra heavy knotted fringe regular 8750 for 8540 do do do do do do do 8 00 for 8310 do do 8 do do ai do 83 50 for 8260 elegant tapestry curtains regular 81100 for 8850 do do do 8600 for 8500 do do 06 8500 for 8400 corsets and underwear oor celebrated cheapside corset regular 8100 for 75o our celebrated uptodate corset worth 75o for 50o ladieb vests very special at 15o 20c 30c 85o 50o goo 75o 800 and 81 ib the celebrated hygeian natural wool clothing department we are going out of tweeds and ordered clothing here are eome quick moviog prlbes all wool tweada regular 50o for 20o small dark check tweeds regular 8o0 for loo all wool canadian tweed regular 45o for 82 jo all wool halifax tweed regular 50o for 8o0 fine all wool englisb worsted bait to order in firstclass make and trimmings regular 81700 for 81850 mens nioesootob tweed buits to order regular 81500 for 81100 mens beady to wear overcoats regular 8600 to 91000 for 8200 each another aasortment of mans odd tweed suits in light medium and dirk shades all sites 80 to 4a to ba cleared out ranch less than the regalar wholesale prioe suits worth 80 for 8875 bnits worth 87 for 81 75 eaits worth 80 to 810 for 87 we still have a few suits left that were made to order but never called for two snfu worth 18 for 8050 one worth 812 for8550 and agreat many othbra tbat apaoe wiunotrrmitua tadmoriho mens dark brown allwool frieze saok suits extra good linings made dp in tbe very latest atyle all aiaee wortlt rega- iarly 8750 very bpeoial at 86 double breasted 8660 mods fanoy heather mixtures bootoh tweed suit very stylishly gotten op firstolaaa trimmings hear farriers satin linings extra good value at 812 speolalvalne at 805o splendid values in mens heavy winter suitb in dark and medium shades to be sold at 8460 5 8550 ft and- 8050 youths long pants suits heavy dark tweed effects very dressy good trimmings sizes 88 84 and s5 worth regularly 87 for 8660 boys double breabted 8pieco suits in medidm and dark shades bonght nauoh less than regalar prioa to dear regn larly worth 86 special at 8375 ilftn autitrttbemfittd wanted ipink glove inakers wantud wlntor steady work all allnoldimob wanted tndustittoub nion of obaraoter ivjiarp tbe linscottcompan1 puto qut wanted 1 thheb ladles to introduooahouioljold work bploudid roturnb to conhietentporbono j q allo way toronto- wanted ppolm agenta couvmoga1arr nod oxpetiiovald toe dnidiseyqaqiuctaom co llmltedroroqto wantep solicitors for oadtutn an bnojotopbdli- 1 of the ooumtryin plytj boynl quarto v uiriob jjo delivering comtnlabloli jjftid wtx y acanvauortporta ida flrat wok mjaklbtf over seventy dollaxs profltv good jersey bull for sebvice a thoroughbiied joraoy odlqtv7ooas xx esdutmlog hbnbydetwr jbesh jeesev cow fobsale afresh jorsoy cow oalved on uonday 13th nov applyto nuantiann j9 aeton wantedagents both men and women if yon are willing to work wo oas kits yousm ployment wltb good pay and yon oan all or part time and at nouia or tnrelloji thahw work la light and easy write at oooe tor a terms etc to the hawks nttrfikry company roohester ns wantepagents ueenvi0tobiaia booming blgbt thoaj vz mod ooples sold tbroo tbonnnd at bundled ordered from aaatraii iudiii tone to boqtb africa r eoink like wild- caoadtv lord lome her uijontyi onitojw 3 aayii tbe beat popular i4 af i qabwrxi bayo men apd tbooaaad ondiqrie too tt3 tnent ontflt free to- antaaeii exolqilrai territory booka on time eay to make flft3 dollara daily i aomj make twice ttitt tbb bit ad ley- garrets on co toronto lii ml agents sell klondike gold fieuds likb a wbirlwind biptetao oanviuun reaping tho rioheatbarteai of tbsir ilimtl new beglnnara doing wondera matralyavorjfl body aabacribea one yonng feuowoulfanafl at ia00 a month to makida 17500 a ldy trp writer at 3j a week to oleaxiog iumttyi meohanio wbo bad earned loo dajrli oowrin 500 a day yfo want more igenttt canvaaaiog outnt as oodu worth eioa tbb biupleyoauretbon co limltotj toronto oat v wanted agents in every dlatrlct on the conllnemi to tak t orders for highgradii cadadianjpcown kora- eryfitook and beads largeat and nobtoooirteut assortment in thtftndo fut asllngiieclal- uoajsnpflrtamp4a faroltfea treeroorrr iur poodenoe in any language a j inm1 iroon ji year uatlaoommaaloatlon wltb oor m atonoefor the by i y ihonlf ihostiu monay makers and territory shonldln wkitirodls alibi 3 tblng onraalarj itereat anyone no oat in oammnnltu office ji fftj tbing oar salary or oommlaalon obwm1 9vxoj0099t4 the zieglerhinch b0 to tkto as to 41 to 49 to 99 to quelph markets w m flour roller fall wheat doom wheat barley oau- bye pass hay sggs per dos j buttarvaalry peeked dulter rolls potatoes per beg apples not 91 1807 aiu saw 70 to aa 00 to m 30 to 35 99 to 99 40 to 49 43 to 47 0 00 to 8 00 19 to 10 17 to 18 16 to do to 00 to toronto markbt8 10 00 10 the canipalgn prbpartb for winds we would ball your attention to the fact tbat we ire prepared to supply you with lamberof suftaole length for your darn doon viz 10 19 18 br 14 f eat also sabh doors fra-mbb- moulblnqs ate for building storm doors pnt op at aa low a rate aa posslbls pwps itepalr your pumps of put in new ones before it is toovoold wa out db it shop at foot of rlvar street acton thos ebbacb j-wvisanaher- enlarged and improved with a magnificent stock ol fall dress goods dress costumes trimmings to match we also make a specialty of friestleys blhck cod we also have all the latest novelties in fancy dry goods at close prices fine highglass tailoring we do and have done one of the largest and best clothing trades west of toronto and why we are not experimenters but thoroqghly urtodate men in this business you get the best fit best style best workmanship and a large assortment of fine imported suitings overcoatings trouserings etc to choose from byplacing your order with us you are sure of satisfaction every time fue department v we are making aispecialty of all kinds of fine furs for ladies and gentlemen our gents furnishings you will find complete in all the latest- styles of neckwear collars cuffs gloves hosiery underwear etc staple department you will find a full range of fine allwool blankets union blankets flannel sheetings and a full and complete stock of yarns in all qualities and colors at close prices hats hats the latest styles in english and american hard and soft felt hats our readytowear clothing you will find complete in msjfouths and boys suits overcoats odd pants overalls etc at the lowest prices we would like frouto j inspect a good w will interest anyone uot earnlai aatlaoommaaloatlon wltl anoirportaotty to representa roliaubuslod bonse ability more important than bxperlonoev luke brothers company international asorsexih objoago iii montreal quo jbochoator n t j co head office toflontovont authorised cpitul bfloo0oo0os tenyear maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments of 50c perahnre for no months when payments etase tcooo paid in maturity valuo itoopo money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcwabb j agent aotoa j is and v am opened a fine new stook ol olotbs ipoojallyf suitable for -j-v- winter 8ultlnk8 winter we have a very flag assortnirjiiri all iinaav binoe oommenoldb baslaaaai in aotbh we3 have bad assurance from lmitonnra tbjat9 the rarmenu turned bni bj tubsiti lna entire satisfaction f rom airltavnjpointa fit atyle prloeanendiiringiaalulea iotupatminiigbfiapl6jfi cooper it akins main street aoton pallarjd our stock before purchasing elsewhere we buy cheap and sell cheap and you will save money by buying your new fall outfit from us a cordial invitation extended to all ai pboti mi lit m wfblle wheat new bed wbaiit k mot wlbtr 85- to 84 s bs a iyrswfj5 aoton macliine andilbepair shops afljsws8ireyp r- h1 utaq rob block tutkiii st produce taken in exchange every day man wanjed eob sverr unooeupled dutrlet in danada to sail our high grade oanallan grown wuraarlr atook bvarr tmaadbssb huaran- ttsd fre from ban jose seaie lhmaltennateiart time naeu abd good wsmfb tosagivldg tbelr entire time to tbe rottoeinaiidfor gbqdvhome grown and aeoli- maud uunurr stoeals on the lbonue apjvnowattasursbpd ground so iiiohnesojrlj ismb m m mens overcoats in beaver and frieze a specialty wens arid tsbys made clothing millinery mantles dress goods gloves hosiery underwear c corsets fresh groceries always oh hand try our blue ribbon kiir- rhah and japan teas v terms cttsli or proflnqe ji leipisv aci mfwtaimaambr unm thv fsvrfe m

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