Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 25, 1897, p. 3

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tee bank of hamilton bead office hamilton if capital all paid up 1 260o0o0t reserve fund 72500000 total assets j 0846e7845 nuurly toiimiihoiiu of dollum board op directors oiinstimht i aallausav lnwldout vloofroeidout 4bo roacu joiin pnocton a t wood a b lke toronto ww oiuhon ml tuknbull casblor ii 8 steven awt osahlor h m watson iunpeotor georgetown agency j a general banking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to the collection of sale notes and commercial paper generally prafts issued payable at all principal pont4in canada and united states drafts oh great britain bought and soli deposits of v anil- upwards received interest allowed tit current rates and added jto principal every- year whether passbook via brought in or mot special deposit receipts issued for large sums the news at hojhe mostly of a local character and evorv item interesting j p bell asent georgetown ont the leading jewelery store gail in arid take a look at bur new lines in watches ujewellery and silverware we are headquarters for rogers celebrated knives vlfbrks and spoons the orily towhthat carries a complete stock of these goods our repairing always gives satisfaction oeohynds jewelery and stationery store acton ont jjujj look at the date on the label on your paper and y6u hill bee howyour aabscrip- 1 ft will confora l paper t tlon stands- bonew promptly favor c thtjbsday november 25 1807 little local brieflets whloh caubhtheeyes or ears oi free press reportars thia week flnrrieflof enow again- the jfcutb pbesh gives the looal dews thanksgiving visltora are numerous in tptvii tbi week every firearm in town will be in requisition today try the ebbe pbess until thoendof the year for ten cento ifew daya this week bora remark able resemblance to indian bummer boow storms and flowers sunshine and ihowere have all been on deck this week the una weather thia week has enabled theyfarmers to finish their turnip harvest today la a atatntory holiday all good citizens will make an effort to observe v you read tho fireo preaa are you a idbncriber only a dollar to tbe ond of view v v laoton roller milla bbjppod another r car of their popular hoar to glue cow this jtmav tbankiglving evening in kuox cbarcb tonigbl booiat tea to be followed by a f lecture by bev j w llao antiolpatlon of ohriitmm good tblngb i mobavlag the aiual effcota in swelling tho yatrenffiftnriin ohooa l fed in itrltlhh columbia tho bit j tiuwa baa reauhed tbo irieuds here of tbo death of tbo wife of mr w ii grunt boh of alex grant eoq church street on tho 8th inst heart disease ia buppnued to havo boon the trouble mrs grant viaited relatives hero ub euromor wbeu en route on a visit to her girlhoods home in engjuid mr grants aoton friends extend heartfelt aympatby in bis bereavement continuous effort heeded a little advertising may bo unprofitable wtien a great deal would pay handsomely shortlima advertising seldom pays this is the reaeon that ads iq the many ephemsrul sobemes thnvoome to every tjusiiiob man tire never profitable it is oontiuuoub ooueidtoat aourogeous ihtollii geu udvertiain in the best newspapers that always and infallibly brings good returns a weak lay retired hjerohabt additional jtupraxeuieats ybo aoton tttonlbft co and doaidmoro co are again engaged in putting dp new buildups this week tbo oarpenters are busy ou two new hair houiao one lop eaoh eetalbiehmet bx 60 j a speight t co are jast iioubing iwojarge cedar water tank a for tbo acton tanning co flftyboeen feet in ciroomfereooe and twelvo feet deep these aroalso being sot up this week by tbo tannery oaroenters sure cure for klondike fever an experlenoedman who has just return cd from alaska tolls the fargo argu how to cure tbe klondike fever pick oat a morning next winter ho says iwhen the raerourjr is below zoro shoulder a pick and go into the woods beturo breakfast dig a hole bixtoen feet deep come bao to tbe house at djlit tid oat a bnmll piece of stewed buffulo robe aud sleepin tbo wood bbed kapeat tho dose att often as neoefisary a good xtonda pamphlet the cwa good roads department has isaged an excellent booklet by mr arobi bald campbell 0 i3 government ftoads commissioner for ontario apon town streets the booklet is profusely itlas- trated giviog a large number of views and diagrams of proper and improper methods of building and looking after roads and streets it ahould prove exceedingly valu able in the ogftatfon for good roads a neiqhbori news news items supplied by corres pondents and exchanges milton great preparations havo beun urulo for the thanksgiving eulortiflument in tho metbodtut ohuroh lonighrf messrs cromloy aiidltunter the noted evangelists will ootnmenoo rovival borviooa in milton on sunday 5th of doceinbor mr r l hocrjbtreotannoutctjh a grout removal sale for tho bnlauoo of tho year will this wellknown and popular merchant remove from miltou wo bopo not tommy turner has put up his pipe having smokod for half a oentnry without misblng a day he says tobacco is too high in price and not as tood us it used to be reformer visitors to and from aoton and varloueother persona notes fcyf wideiwake mercbants will now begin v extend their invitations to the publio to wf oh and inipeottheir etoohs of ohristmaa bhonldnt yon take an interest in being snra that some one leta fortunota than onrteli baa a good thanksgiving dinner auouon sale billi printed on bhopt inotioe and a freo local annonnoing twle glvri with every order for bills in the ftjrui- irnifl are torod the fields are fenoivet cbill is in the air today ttai pmjleaand dasleiln perfect opndi- kwjttwp placlaa in aoton gardens brtnow- in th latter half of november -x- ah doubters and iolentists are invited slctbl iieiplmcjbp t smvhn wiil on kjfojorlgin of man or ijie bootrine of mr day late of stratford took bis iliaiiuvk aa aaeeenor to mr james xsukjabiht ktfji hlti wife and family has foond the ave per mn to proitipl piyibg taxpayers btiqifiltl the iaies have oome f1wkv yti tbsti iitmbiany ytiac silool vhftljioglving lervioe in the mttbodlsl baroh this morning at 1030 bev mr jusotiiailiatifc- ijtallor will proaih- i bii will also be obndocted ib knox wqwkllij bythe pastor myn wv w liai pui pftwii 0 tba homo and wovdnow sweet drtlaed la leivinua vjtjati i pftwi lillo wffi 4 tenw on h propctty if tbe terfllannual election of ofsoonfol thoanlopwoub irfsgue wa held laat itwk mfohowi prwidenl howard tfoalodimoonuaaeibdpftlnuodenw ftig ab4 ilor few or interest rtasii k- few copies might be seoored with profit by membors of the municipal council and prospective candidates for municipal honors in future wuat it costs yp drip the guelpb hotelkeepera have adopted and published th6 following tariff owing to tho advance in tbe price of liquors tho hotel keepers in ibis city bave adopted tie following price list brandy rum gin bcotoh aodlriah whisky an al oase goods to be 10 cents per glass or s for 25 oente ginger beer and whisky and ginger ale and whisky 10 opnts ipqllius prinks 15 oonts or 3 for 25 cents all hot llqqors 10 cents indulging at these prices will sorely be considered too ranch of a luxury for ordinary pocket books abstain now the butcher and baker and the merchant generally will give yon far more for ybnr money than is offered above exchange of pulpites a friendly exchange of polfjits was made on sunday evening between the pastors of the methodist and presbyterian ohurohes large congregations greeted tbo visiting pabtors bev h amacpherson preached a fltirrlng sermon in the methodist cburob from tho text found in ii samuel 24 10 the sermon was a very foroefal exhorta tion to tbe unconverted to give them selves to the lord and to christians geher- ally to exert themselves to acaompllsb the will of god even thoogh it entail much bel facri fide in inox churchy rev j a molaohjan m a delivered a thoughtful discourse from john 5 scriptures both thq pastors and tbe congregations evidently enjoyed the ex change and the christian fellowship it exemplified 1 our brave firemen invite yoa the splendid concert given under the anspioes of the aoton siro brigade a year flgn in rb with plqasnre by oar crewsons corners there bos been a coiiaidurublo fall of snow the past day or so but not enough to make sleighiug w thanksgiving day will i0 doubt bo very quiet here a ejipoting match will take place sit mrrvm lieiobinanls tttryvixr finish threshing this week lie has bad a vtty pudoessfur ruu thia season jjaat turday ho thresh ed 850 bushela of wheat for mr it niokcll in two hoars mr wrrv wdtkias of guelph spent sunday at his home in this vicinity jtfr john coleman who has been ah- gagedon tho etparfjer maq6 of iamiton alljsiimmer returned liomo pn saturday tor tbp winter miss e carroll wo has been bpendiop several wocks at her homo here returned to hamilton last week mr o kitcbiojj who bus been in very poor health for the pat mouth or so is recovering citizens tho success of that ooobbiod is to be repeated oh friday evening srii decem ber no local organ ieat ion is more deaerv- ing of public patronage than our brave volunteer firem who are r day and night to risk life and limb in defending pur homes and property from destruction by fire aslda from tofe tbe programme tbey are providing la an enjoyablo onb and well worth attending ita dumbera will be rendered by the following popular local artiste misses nicklia and mooro and messrs stark jeans flannagan gibbon a mann harvey and miss jennie smith tbs aoton jabltee orchestra will render seleotlons and the troited choirs of the ohu robes will sing oboraiss mrs dr pryden of goelpb has kindly consented to act as accompanist tbe place is the town hall tho hoar eight p m the price nominal make no other engagement fof this evening a hub ian co which should uo abated that postmaster matthew is so patient and goodnatured in the performance of bis duties if a surprise to all observant cltimns he has dally repeated cause for annoyance every day at noon and again at four oclock school objldren flock to the post office in droves and repeat tho inqnlry is there anything for us f whfoh baa almost invar iably been made by other members of the of ihb family after the mails were distrlb- nted often two or three members of the tbe same family cull in ntarof from fll the repeated enqairles is sufficient annoyjogl bat that is nb thojffprat feature the children conje in simmiug the door behind them often yelling to eaoh other and condnoting4benueltes in maoh disorder parents can render the exaoting duties of the postrostterandhlsoonrteoub assistants much more pleasant by arrang- last friday geo cutten wus cleaning out a wel for hugh smith on the town line between erin and eramosi when be narrowly escaped instant death and was fortunate in coming off with a broken leg when the bucket was being hauled up full of dirt the rope broke near tbo top of the iwpu god the bucket fell 4 feo narrowly bo search bo fining mr cutlens head and btriking him on the jegvbreaking it between the knee and tbe ankle the liberals of eramosa will meet at the centre inn tomorrow afternoon to appoint delegatoa to the oonvonuon at guelph on monday rev and mrs amos to veil of elyria qbioi a v a j h bla ing that a certain child w glwovlbo dsty of calling fof the mmjea day fc then gwe tdatyio another and require that no onebat iho appointed mail oarrier of tho family oall kiuti ahould olto be rememberod thatths goy- efnmenvs post ofhoe regoutlons make it necessary that all children under ted years otago be supplied with on order from the p rents to the poetmaeler for the delivery of letters bosidessmed have also cause for oombta6towlag to the unnecoesary orowdiog of tho post offlos by tbi children 1 thg mo you know about our wbrfcmd tbe mors firmly you- uodersndqurbublnsjmtnirt ns yoiirflo fablo y6aiifirfsd dyo0frplw bai w jdjf ceq the annual union tbankbgtvlng aervlca will be held in the baptist ehuoh this morning at 11 a m and will bo attended by revs perriu and langford 0v6 perrln and rogers exchanged pul pits lapt babbatb evening tbe sunday schools of tbo methodist and english churches now mcot on sab bath afternoon miss wiltsie of owon sound is the guest of her cousin mrs johu irwin mr h wetherald ono of bur hih school graduates has beprr appointed as teacher of tbo commercial department made vacant by the resignation of mr r- p molaughlin every one ia pleaacd to bo greutod by tjje genial amilo and friendly baud shake of the rev jos fennoll after an absence of seven weeks down in tennessee the rev mr rogers is attending the banquet given by tho stralhroy council to the old toys of the town tho hon g wrobs and honte j7 blako wtirjcjiirht tho celebrated homo gathorlug the deer huntera havo returned from the kortbt ea fringing a deep tbefuneralqf mrs obarles jtyaq topk place labt friday a survioo was oondac ted in the roman catbolio church b the rev father haley aesluted by fathers oloane of guplpband mccanu of toron to tho church was filled by sympathiz ing friends and citizens father mucttun proaobed a sermon from tho uubject it is holy and wholesome to off or prayer for tbo dead a th servlgo the hody was interred in tho greenwood cemetery rtockwod the fiikit pukhh invites all its roadors tooou tribute to this column if you or your frleuds aro fjolufi away on a holiday trip or if you hire frjotulbviflltiugyoi drop ft card to tho faih mrs rev j broloy of fergus is visit ing aoton friends mibs aggio crercb returned to her home in woodstook lapt week mrs i franois is spending thanksgiving with relatives in woodbfook mrs gray of toronto is the guest it mporccrof t of her eon and family miss annie mcnabb was the gueit for a week or so with friends in toronto mr arthur tyrell of toronto visited hie bister and other friends last week rev and mrs f w luxford are ape ni ing thanksgiving with relatives in buffalo mri n wobor went to guelph hit evening where she will spend ampnlh with frjfhla mr anson smith br and master wulface returned q thejp hono n glnij fordlou saturday mr david clark r of ayr was a gaesfc st tjo home of his brother mr jamei qa from saturday until mynday the misses hall evangelists will commonqo speolal services in rev mr howcitq church at waterloo next flanduy mrs p mocann and jr and h ivicgral wqnt to georgetown on friday fo attend the funeral of the ute mrs charles tyap mr philip lialey has returned bonis from tho western states he hasnt many oompuments for wiboonpin lumber cam pi rev wg charlton for somo time pastor of the disci pi eu church here has aooopted a call to the churob lu xsmlltofi mr thomas o moore wbb has not been in very good health lately had a leriooi attack on tuesday the trohbleii some what of tbe nature of appaplexy mr j b hall of toronto spent a day or a this week with- freqdjd llqt4 ho returned a couple of weeks ago from spend ing the summer in tbe colorado gold mines in thevioioity of mintoro prof t hall his brother has been prospecting in tbst section for a couple of years rev rural dean william bevrjn wq iae beet tho aleegyman ol the english church in mt- forest for a number of years haa returned with bis family to hamilton- mr bevan has charge of the cathedral in hamilton during the absence of the rector itv pangn qusfji in 14 niand mr bavan is nephew of ura b a secord tbe anniversary aorvloea of the walker ton mothodiat church were held last sunday tho sermons were- preached by the rivt a molrj b d to large congre gations the people responded to tjjp appeal of their pastor wfth a hearty free will offering of over q0q besides iha rogqlar qontribntloris toward the reduction of ohuroh debt merit talks thel intrinsic value of hoodlssarbaparllla merit in medicine means tbo power to core hoodssarsaparllla possesses actual sad unequalled ouratlvo power and there fore it has true merit when you bny hoods baraapsrllland tako it according to directions to purify your blood or cure any of the many blood diseases you are morally certain to receive benefit the power to cure is there yoo are not trying an experiment it will make your blood pure rich and nourishing and thus drive out tho gsrroa of disease strengthen the nerves and build up the whole system the most reliable uhd popular makes cased in gold silver or nickel at close prices many attractive lines the newest and best in alarm clocks sure to wake you chains if pays to buy at bollerts it pays to buy at bollerts teing week v the latest styles in gold silver fihitc e ladies long guards n l variety rings gem din- sarsapanlla la the beat it fabtatliibntriia blom purloer pranaratlonly py ci nooil co lowjimaaai hnodifl pins sssgajsaae ja to sell iter the ranthiu nurserias 0yer700 aoresof canaavair qron stonk we import ho stock trom the suus iparalbilb parmer btt k uqtshufo jsh to make advanoemont tbe work of boiudu our hardy home- grownnursery stock pleaaant aa well as vte want more suohmeo this spason as tbo doraand or one guode is invraaslne owing to tho fwfflst we guarantee all our itook free from iwe niue aontraots for wliolo orpart umemon employment tbe year round we pay both alary and eommlnfon write usfor our terms outfit free torogg stone a wellington wedding plain god and childrens rings monds a specialty charms seals all thv society emblems and many other attractions at dose prces scarf a stick pins w have rtiec e e l mid bypuemblenw to tbeaogporls nidnuniroua other atylea as you nro aware we make a specialty of correct whtch re pairing e ains in rich dress goods we offer a lot of fine dress goods some of which were a little f late fn arriving at prices that will sell them this week without fnil we believe them to be the nicest line of dress goods in the city but we dare not risk carrying any of them over hence they go at a sacrifice price this week i piece black silk brbcaielle 3oo for i piece black cropon de luxe 300 for l piece black royal broche 330 lor 1 piece black sea wave cropon 8175 for 1 piece black wool satin twills inches wldo 8175 for 3plecs woolbrochei5 for 3pieces figured serge heavy 85c for v j pieces silk and wool crepon sea wave effecta in beabllful colorings jioo for 3 pleceisllkwflrp french brocatellea two tones tioo for v ao dress lengths in various effects all elegant materlalsat a straight discount of our winter bargaihale is stirring bxisi- ness tremendously ihe closing days of jast week found it difficult to serve the thrbngjbf r custotiiersand we open this thanksgiving weekt with loads of attractions in every part of the store the jeweler guelph 7800 given away to neripna who make tba greatest nnmber of vorda out of the phrase patent attorney wodderbum ifor partlaulan address tbe national booordor wasbldbton p o mrs tovella father mr tovell has come over to beproacnt at tho windingup of the estate of bis father the lato mr- toveli of eramosa qo ia tho pisoiplo mioiater at elyria mr thoa howat is a very nnfortunato citizen several weeks ago lio foil into tho oellar this gavohlm a lumo arm last week be wab driving a iiorso to quolph but tne bteedgot frigbteuod at the street bars and mr hewatgot a aovero shaking up and sevoral broken ribs mrs 3 curnmlngs is in georgetown wbero she attonded tho funeral of her sister the latb mrs o ryan mr and mrs j t- wood wont to now- hamburg to be present at tbo funeral uf mre wooda brotherinlaw miaa d strachan has returned from qaelpbafter having a aucacseful oporation performed on her oyo mr j m fasmore has gone into grain- shipping and bab bbippod a fowaarloads of rye and data mr wm croft an old resident of era- moaa died oniriday at tho h6mo of bis daughter mrs coolson of ouelph the funeral took plaoe oh sunday to tbo era mosa ohuroh the eriamoaa taxcollector mr a john son 1b making hia annual call on tbo residents of the village mr johnson bas jast returned from a trip to tho north west neuralqia8 persistent aqony hse but bno bouroe of relief nervillno nerve pain oure ponetrates to tho irrltat- ed nerves soothes them into reposeand atfords relief almost instantly tho whole range of medioinb affords no parallel to nrhlln6 0 k pain rollover v georgo banna aged07 of albion town ship has died as a result of injuries rooolv- ed ina rnoaway nobldent 1 stratford olty hall and market were destroyed by are yesterday rooming loss 38000 insurance 10000 tbflbyoeleotion for the rfouso of oom mobs in centre toronto to bo beld next tuesday is being fongbt obt with unusual keenness dating tbo opening ceremonies of tbe quebec legislature tuesday aid span- nerd of three rivers que committed sqloldb by shooting himself in tbe neck in tbairaelinraotbf the honse they also rcun distress from dyrpcpata indigestion and too hearty eating a per feet remedy for diriincss nausea droirad ncss badtasteitfoemthcotoa7wa fain in the side torpid liver the regulate the bowels purely vegetable small pill small dose 8mall price substitution tho fraud of tbo day sec you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills cl nolles bookseller cuelph he would ask f o r holiday business irom the actonlles fancy goods books camos dolls and novelties our stock and our store leads in prices and pretty things hi l heiles bookseller cuelph aumrii during fall- housecieimiijg we are- offenhg v ceiling papers frvgriafly re office of r- clerk 5th division court agent for best insurance companies the sloan medicine co dear sir about two years ago i suffer ed frqm an attack of bilious diarrhoea which became chronic and threatened my existence i used several kinds of patent medicines and was treated by my family physician but was not cured until i used your sloans indian tonic it helped me at once and i continued to im prove and now enjoy perfect health i can heartily recommend it to all troubled as i was or in need of a general invigorating medicine rr dickey j p for saltrat-alfdealers- or atldressrthecom pany at hamilton price 100 per bottle 6 bottles for 500 oue cor of king aud jbtuglison ste j5 225 250 95 100 90 jo 150 150 20 25 and27vyiifrliam street guelph asatisfetiqirjjr yqiit money back 1 in accordance with our advertise- laents to guarantee our workmanship to the fullest extent and in every particular and as an evidence that the guarantee card which yqu will find in the pockets of shoreys gar ments nieans whatjltsaysj if ycra are wearing readyrtowear great november clearing sale many lines of seasonable goods oiffer ing at quick selling prices sale commences monday 22nd inst contiuuing daily until disposed of mantub department tbeoodtlnuad mild weather leavea us with a largoraarplubof jacketathaawo caro to hold tbeae aro all reaaonablo goods noto tho inlom tiotno 1 ltonlyblaok cloth jaokou regu 1m piioe 500 to 500 clearing at 9360 uaoh not no a 68 black cloth jaoketa regular 0 toftteaobolearlag at 6100 aob lotno3 toblaok jaokota regular 9760 to 975 clearing ab 500 eaoh lotnoitssblafikjacketb regular 81000 to 1175 olearjoo at moo oaob lotnott 14 olaok laoketa regular 41300 to 1875 alearlag at 47 oaob lot no 610 black jaokota refiular 913 to ltlsq olearlor at 7w each lot no 7 bil 6nly slack jackets regular 1370 and u oloarlog at a each lot no 812 only dlaok jackets regular hjw to 17joleaxlr- lo h tt rlngat ooooaoh r regw larwdr co to ay oloarlng at ui oaoh lqt no 10 t only colored cloth jacket regular 775 to oalearjng at 95 each lot no 11 15 colored cloth jaokota rogalar 10 to is clearing at oaob lot no 12 19 colored cloth jaokota regular 1360 to h each olaaring at 76p eaoh lot no 18 10 colorad jaokota rogular su75 to 1575 clearing at 10 oaob lot no 14 10 only colored cloth jaokota rogular17 tomojolearliig at 11 each chuidbemb posters with datachableeapea in beaver frjeae oovort aodbouole clotn all colore regular u33 to 425 olearlog at sj0 each bugnlar 500 tq qm clearng atiuso oaoh bebnlarojio oloarlog at a75 oaob jtegolar t85 ifl tt5 pi earing at 500 oaob besolar b00 to 900 ol earing at 650 each childrens eiderdown coat atrlpoa and plain oolon 170 now 15 mantle cloths fanoy tweed m loohea wide enltable for oblldreui uliters regular 185 olearing at 85o a yard begul ijs0audi75jolearlngatl0oyard brown barge 54 inoboa wide rogular 175 cleajrlng at 100 a yard brown frlczo regular au0 cjcarjng at 115 a yard colored lloavor cloth 61 lnobea wide regular fl00 to 375 olearing at 123 regular 1100 for lw blabk and navy sergei 54 loohea wide regular 175 for 1s0 800 for 150 and 3 s3 for 175 black and navy bouolo olotb regnlar ifio for 175 300forba5 black cameia hair clotb 64 lnobea wide regular 800 now 13- blaok venetian regular 300 to 1s5 and 305 owl75 black bilk cord 51 f neb regular 500 uow 1 jo cream aitraoban 54 inbbei wide regular 4jio for 360 orey aatrachan regular 360 now fiooi fancy brown and whlto aitrahan450tprs5 fawn aatrapban tl60 to 10 fancy revoralble clotbi naweat dealgna reg ular 900 to 150 975 to 175 860 to 9j0 and 400 10 300 ooloredpresa goods ia only atrlped tweed buttings alngla dreaa jiattorna regular value 575 olearing ato00eaoh 7 only fanoy tweed costume 050 for 50o 12 only fancy 811k and wool muturei 800 for85 rogular fl00 for n60 regular 100 for 12 7 odly welsh cheviot alngle ooatumea btyliah for jacket and skirt regular 1900 for bonu scotch tweed single dreaa witerne veryeboioe regular 1500 aud ldoo olaaring at 1000 oaob c pieces bouola plaids 44 loebes wide regular 40 and ooo a yard clearing at 95 and 85e 44inoh chock tweed covert butting and fanoy bouolo effeota regular 50c olearing at 35oayard bouole tweeds 44 lnobea wide regular f5c clearing at 40o a yard black dribs aoobs wool corduroya 44 lnobea wide regular fljo bloariug at two striped crepon 4t lnohes wide regnlar t5o for 60a ii elegant broohe and mohair effeois 44 lnobea wide regular 195 for im and 145 for 193 black coating serge 45 lnobea wide all wool extra heavy regular value 60o for 850 a yard blaolt broddolotb 58 loobei wide regular 900 for 10 coating bergo 69 in wide extra nua11tyreg- ulax ac for 133 and 138 for 09o samples on application freight or expreaa prepaid to your on all purohaaea oltjuoo and upward batlafaotlon guaranteed nearer railway station in ofitarlo thomas c watkins the right jhouse hamilton right values in ladies and childrens under wear a full line gf hosiery blankets gloves and general dry goods or winter needs our and do not find it perfeetly satisfactory in every pajticular and will communicate your complaints to us we will see that you are or money refunded h shorrey co montreal mfk- of readytoweat ctothlnx ffliinoiid makes a very nice engagement ring we have new ones just in also opal and diamond ruby and diamond and opals alone in rings jewellers jttelph ccmiwi this week we are showing some exceptional values in mens and boys overcoate overshoes and rubbers duceiprice8 sifnaatn jrnextieij8p f0 vw ooo ol iho nlosst wpgs ip buy- for presents ia of fancy chlnawara holesalo price on account qbtovhng to tba wrappings being jglcl to show it if yotr villi only tift9oor advantage to bay before all are feoodiare being bought in tho city this weev safe 3sv m

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