Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 25, 1897, p. 4

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illl ill f the poets and thanksgiving fifty yearfl ago thit the stamp that the letter bore which carried the fltory fa and wide of certain ctifect the loathaorac lore that bubbled up from the tainted tide of tticbtoodbtow andtwaa-aycraname- and hlaaaraajjarlilat thatall now fcnw that was just begltmlnfr its fight of fame with iucurcaof 30 years ago acers 5aiiua is the otiffinal barsaparflla it has behi ottrea- xmequalied by any blood puri fying compound it is the only aarsaparilla honored by a medal at the worlds fair of 1893 others imitate the remedy they cant imitate the reoordv gq years of cures tyljt jufebit ffizttyxix thursday november 25 1807 ftyt aung jolhs tvinqday what lftno gold of the corn lands it fadoid to aombre giay and what juiio down of the tblitlo ii ripened and aoattorod away theres gold in tbo scattered harvest theres homely addhsarthsouiooheer and so we will baf nil joyous the day of tbanksglvlng ii here a sigh for tbs vanished splendour of the autamaa purple and rod for the goldenrod that is whitened fortbogenltlan biopm thatlsdoad then tarn to the hearthstone oberry behold tis the time of year to court our blessings and morolos the day of thanksgiving is hero bare and brown in the shadows 1 omoaddwland meets tbo gaze where uie4kld7 blithe bee went seeking its streets intheanrnmer days the honey is stored in plenty 80 wbanf the winter ta near the time is not ne for repining the dayqf thankaglvuig la hero the fmlt has matured in ita season the sunshine baa ripened the seed then sing to the lord of the harvest a long of t indeed the morn and tho noon have pasaod by us tls the sweet afternoon of the year 80 let notyonr tribute be laoklbg the day of thanksgiving la here qood hotiklxeping enmlttndtfurealebtlsbakebpearr aaya how sbarporthan a sorponts tqatli it is to have a thankless obim fielding gruffly remarks when ruiuotthaukod im thanked enough con to lit appareuty with goodly faro tho year around whtlo wordsworth rlvo ovi- dunceof having suffered the after cfeola of tho foast groaaiug alas i lib gratitudu of moil hattj ofton loft mu mourning cburlca lamb voiced tho eentiinonte of tbo majority of thanksgiving dinners in bla wellknown response to tho coachmans inquiry full inside yob thank you that last piece of plo did the business for me how often it does 1 ten oy eon declares that ho will not eat bis heart alono leaving it doabtfnl whether he means to bid guests to this un wonted banquet or to add the more cub tomary viands never forget theeditor an exchange says dont forget the editor when you have a pews item if ypqr wife whips you let us know of it and we vf 111 set you right before the public if youbave company tell as t you are not ashamed of your visitors if 0 youngster arrives at your house and demands food and raiment buy a quarter a worth of watermelon i and come around and if yotr aro a oabh bubsoriber we will furniuh a name for him or her as the circumstances warrant if yoa have a booial gatbehng of a few friends bring orouud a big cake six or seven plea and a ham not neoesaarily to eat but as a guarantee of good faith you neednt bother to invite ns as it may be too cool for our wardrobe we mention these utile things because we want the news and we will have it a thank song itn cotnln long thaiikeulviujvub lutpluasurei anitajoya anworo all alookln forwnrd to tho niootlu with tho boyb an buo will ootno from ooluko an jiuimy wont foraot an well nil fool mighty thankful tlmtj woro all tvllvin jot tho turkoyu foeim nsproudln of hi foathartt fat an flno ati ills gobble goblflc gobhlo sodim n clariu ua to diiio dut tho vuidlotti loon agiii him an bis oxolu- tloivu bot l an ho ruakefl uh fool rlghlbappy that woro nil ahvlu yot thoros folks will coino from toxab from iuiuoib and maine now york will bond 11a hilly an ilauipshlrol glvousjauo well have a groat hand buakhf whuu all tho frlonda aro mot an wont wo fool right happy that woro all- a- llvlnyot its oomin long thanksgivlu wilh all its lovo anllght ita dinners in the daytlmo itsmelodiosatuight tho turkeys fat an juicy- tho table silvers v sot an woro foolln mighty happy that were all a- llvlqyotl ghicago times- ffralii nine terrible years misery and suffering day and night paines celery compound vldtoeloxjb over liver troobles a miqhty work after the doc tor failed the far t kit whit farmer tool boon abodld be hd tbatoola it boold oonulo depend llolher opon the ability of the farmer aaye a obntrlbnter it i not to be oppoe- ed that he would eqnip hlmaelf with a fall etbfblukamltbi wagonmaker oarpenter baroeu or ihoe tool bat a few rfeaoh oomj handy ery lewdaja every farm er land owner or renter need a handmw a aqoare good angen from twoinohei down to the ilzo commonly need in the braoetoi wllln knylnr maublti it pay to boy drill btla they do not eplit thin lumber in borlog nd they pay for tbemaelve the flrt jgb a poet roaol wire atrelober planafoold ohleebl a drawing knife ooppet rifetiopl and a good olaw hammer are flueotial and neawary tool with proper ciri jbere need be bat few breakagee that oin net be repaired at home having ooo in e ab ta jo alm any tundifoommon repairing ia half the job we imall f armara are not at all sappo ed tqhne a fine workshop or tool honae with oirworkbenoh and viae hot wo oao make room for the few tool we poaaniti nom4njiblotoown farm machinery can affori 10 let it atand out and rnat away j0t to iry hie hand at repairing i have a rpnghlbed 13x25 that abellera a biudor mower anlkyj plow riding oullvator wlklngitlrrjdg plow teel barrow baggy atwoatd oarrllge and there it plenty of room for all the aniu tool tbo average farmer need if proper treatment ia not resorted to in time the reaolta of liver complaint aro terrible often ending tp death mrflmorae of gnelph oot buffered for nine long yeara livercomplaint her oaee baffled the skill of tho phyaioian i employed heoonld do no more and the aufferer was leftalmoat bopeleaa hearing of painea celery compound ahe prooured aanpplyjand aoon experienced returniog- health and vigor the afrcond bottle com pletely cured her uri mcbaetwriteb for the benefit of all in miaery and afsiotion ahe aaya 11 givea me great pleaenre to add my teetiroony to the value- of puines celery compound for nine years i had been iroahled with liver pomplatnt and often had very bad spells from it two years ago tbia spring i bad a very bad attack of it and called in ailootorwbo rolleved me of the trouble but i remained weak and oould neither eat nor bleep and buffered bo inubb with my head that i prooured a bottle of your painea celery compound and before ihadthe oontenta used i oould eat iuid bleep well and the pain in my head wee completely gone i took the aeoond bottle and have never been troubled with liver oomplainl elnoe yonr oomponnd baa banished constipation whloh troubled me for many years and has built me up and completely oured me i im don0l year old and from what i kno w i oonslder your medicine the beat on the market hoping thai your valuable mediolne will do for others what it baa done for me is my ainoertwiib alsccsj vtis lanced i had an sbscose on one of my r it was luuced and never iiealed hospital treatment fsifed tbe next winter i bad three abscesses i begun takiughood saraaparilla and soon found it was helping mo when 1 had taken about six bottles i was oured mrs franklin h teed free- port nova scotia hoods phib are tbe best family cathurtio and liver tonia qenlle roliablp sure ambition im goin to be one of them football toilers 6onie day aaid tommy bob 1 can wear my hair so long that folks cant tell whether i forgot to wash my or not some persons liave periodical attacks of canadian cholera dysentery or diarrhoea and have to use great preoantiona to avoid tho disessu change of water oookipg and greoti fruit is buro to bring on the attacks to euoir persona w6 recommend dr j d kelloggs dysentery cordial ea being the best medioin in tbe market for all summer complaints if a few dropa aro taken in water when the symptoms aro noticed no further trouble will be experienced wc tell your doctor all there is in scotts emulsion just how much cod liver oil hypophosphitesy glycerine but we do not teirhim how these are combined you have your secrets this is ours this knack of mak- ing the very best trangtias come to us from years of ex perience with just one thing we make only scotts emul sionall our energy is bent on making that better than any other emulsion in the world we have no other business thought is it any wonder that it is the standard f odjljkolv avegttablcrrcparationroras- slnulailnglhctoodandhegula- uqg the stouacks and bowels of vrssi irmoatjiestionxheetrul tessarwdlte8tco ojmirtmoriuinotmneral not narcotic jsxihafoldltsakvilriltlliji imlsijvr- wlwftnwe jbssit rvpcifiiit rerrtedjtf ori consiipii lion sour stornachliarrrioe4 worms convulsions feverish- ncss and loss of sleep tac simile sign of pir- a that the itacsimile signature op iison she vof bqttxje of saulm ixact0pvgr vb4cni oftiunia is put up in eneelio lottles only it l not sold in bulk dont allow anyone to sell ijrou anything oleo oa the ploa or promise that it iii jtiit as good and will onswor ovefy pnr- ijwo sbce that you got 0astohia tthalh- 1 ilnllf gonetca8hadow racked by pain bedridden life despaired of south amerloan rhoumatlo cure was the qood aneel whloh stilled tho tempest and piloted safely into the har bor of health pcoiilotiilk buck many people talk baob here is one miss katlierlae weese bollovillo aaye i have had a pain in my back accompan ied by general debility an3nristvttoqs romediea for the eame bat wlthoat deriving maob benefit aotil 1 took doana kidney pilla wbioh i am glad to bay entirely oared me they are oettaioly a grand medicine and i can say la nly case ptoved to be a thoroagb bpeolflo i wa9 so troubled with sciatica that at times tbo pain and buffering i was experi- enoiqr wae excruoiatibk i failed in flesh to almost a ehadow i wbb almost oontin- aonrily iu bed for over a year aud i had apent bandreda- o dollars in doctoring i had almost given up hope o a care a relativo who had been cared of the same disease by south american bheamatic oaro induced me to try it tbe first dose gave me instant relief after ubing ttareo bottles i was completely carod william matbhall varnoy p o ont sold by a tbrbwtn hagyardajyellow oil- oureaapcainb brasea sores wounds outs frostbite ohil- blalns btlna of inseatrr burns eoalda contusioob etc price 25 cents i wonder why tboy call policemen peelers eaid toramle ob i guess its because they eat so many bananas eaid willie who lives near a fruit stand dr lows worm syrup is a eafe aur and reliable worm expellor aota equally well on ohtldrcn or adults be sure you get lows what it was papa alice i thought 1 lioard a loud smack in the hall last night alice year mr upsley made that noise with liis lips when i told him you had olqarad 8go00o iu a wheat deal peoiiefraiseit pear sire i have often bad nougbb and colds as well as bronchitis norway pine syrap cures me evey time i reuommend it as a perfect euro for all lung and throat troubles lizzie hardy mayfield ont 99 wyndham 8t telephone 40 tiiis letfeer makes your thoughts turn not to that of love but warmer underwear heavy fleece underwear at 100 10 2 a suit- good values wrights health underwear from 285 to 5 per suit hygienic health underwear from 250 to 4 a suit a special verv specialat 100a suit tailor and furnisher ine of heavy ribbed ok all wool nelson guelph chsh kno on9 price we know o no review publlshej in llls country 01 in europ which crrbinc 30 success fully ts iho american mohtmuy ths alertness timeliness and eneiffy ol journalism wllh the sound urrent carelully vetied opinlcn exacf knowledge and wsllchcsen enf llah of the purely literary perlodlcs 7a ojlzk john if you dont quit refering to me aa the old woman ill make yon borry for it what will you do dear iirbe a new woman come ullwho sniter hoped he wouldnt orow a well known mp waa addretaldr agricultural meeting in the aooth and in the coor of bia remarki eipreaaod the opiblod that f armara do not uffloiently tary tholr prop and make a mlataka in alwayia6wlni wheat one 61 the andidnoo oppoaed to him in polllioi aaked him what oropa ha would aoommend everrthina in turn be replied well aaid hi interlocutor if awede doel oomeap what then bow muatard aaid the m p and t muitard docant opme up what ihtari v and to be went on through a whole liat of oropa nnttl the mapatlenoe being mbauejahe pud endlo blip qaeitlonldg emld roerabf lauabter by laying oii wwyouraeh and i hope yon wont oomr npfimia inoxnine a testimonial baretaktii wermiiai proprlstori lowell vn th only puto to tjmur wlthobtff silurill the new minister was making a round of calls onblsbioyole among k parishion ers in the outlyiag dibtriots as he wheel ed into one dooryard hie parishioner came out to greet him with hand extended and exclaimed as bis pastor dismounted why dont ynn gftfc onn nf ihffm tantrnnm an in a barber shop mr abaentmlnd i u pretty cold in here barber yes sir it is chilly this morning mr absentmind if you have no objeotlon ill keep on my hat while yoo are patting my hair v are you a iufferer with oorna if yoa ire get a bottle of holloways cora caro it baa nevtr been known- to fail your wife can ride always on hand mr thomoe h porter lower ireland p q writes my son 18 months old had croup bo bad that notbtafe gave biw relief until a neighbor broufiht me some of jdr thomas kcloctrio oil wbioh i rave him and in six hours he was oured it is the best medfoine i ever used and i would not be withont a bottle of it in my house mrs e brown hamilton- o ba i have used laxalivor pills and find them perfect as a cure ferbilioubocaa and sick headache i strongly recommend them to all who soffer from buch troubles as an unrivalled remedy beriona misunderstanding penelope their engagement created quite a benaa- tion but i believe some otoel misuuder- s landing parted them marie yes he understood that her father was wealthy one laxaliver pill every night for ithirty nfghta maked a completo oure of bil- oasnes and oonstipatioo that ia just 25 ceutato he cured a gentleman calling at a hotel left bis umbrella in tbe ataod in tbe hall with the following inscription attached to it this umbrella belongs to a man who can deal a blow of 260 pounds i shall be baok in ten minatet oh retarding to eek his prop- erty hefoapd in its place a card insoribod thle card ha been lert by a mad who can run 12 miles an hour i shall not come baok the only infaeritance many receive from their ancestors ia impure blood fortunate- ly it is fn everyones power to transmit a oleansr heritage ti their jpoaterity by the simple use of ayere sarsaparilla the only bloodpa rifler ad mi lied at the ohioago worldi pair for ittfent and children foud mother my dear aro you feeling lin dul 1 d knuw mamma is the jelly all gone fond mother yes dear dolly well i ibink i am well enough to get up now mlffu ofstrcngtli the sign of streugth a ruddy oouuten- ance depends upon rich red blood to mako the blood rich and ruddy tbe ooun- tenantio clear and bright and the step firm and elastic use burdock blood bitters j a gillan b a toronto ont says i 0d rood health now in the greatest degree ever since tbe day i started to use b b b mr parkslope shakespeare says that -a- soft voioe- gentlo and slow is an excellent thing in a woman mr heights it la but it is more excollanwn a baby j chronio dorangenonts of tho stomaab liver and blood are specially removed by the active principal of tho ingredients entering into tho composition of farmeleoa vegetable pills these pills act spt cifical ly on tho deranged organs stimulating to action the dormant energips of the system theroby removing disease and renewing life and vitality to the afllioted iu this ilea the great seoret of the popularity of parfneleee vegetable pills it i impossible to promise partlcuhr features that will apptar in the american monthly during the- comine year jotji l it the bookman ays l a great monthly newspaper ai such ft prints or its readers an illustrated account of the notable things which malce the hiiforyof the month of the political the economic and literary happenings which are of value to intelligent men ana women the editors progress of the world ulli suc cinctly an ill ult rated story of the month the leading articles tvtih btihugtitnairjorm ncntsj the contributedarticltljyniuh tbe character ketches of the man of the month and give timely discussions by authorities on any question of immediate serious import the result of this comprehensive effort to edit in one monthly volume the information needed by intelligent people of live instincts is best gauged hi the opinions which the readers of the american monthly have seen fit to express these are thinking business men clergy- men editors lawyers professors engineers the wideawake women of america they write that the american monthly ii indispensablei is simply iftvatuable i is a generous horary in itself is a historical cyclopedia of the world l the best means of aid fot a busy man n the best periodical of the kind we have ever hid a triumph of editorial genius the world under a fieldglau etc etc subscription price 2s0 per year american monthly review of reviews 13 astor place new york for 25c special offer the current dumber and the two preced ing issues ftailway timet table crand trunk railway ooino ivibt ooino uaht all i in am 1 icxiirohb j 31 niii eiioiii 21pm hxiifobb 10 i om mall 7 ulpm mail i jl hui imixail iooa inn mil or tlotilsa siall1 golnvoit0 2iani ami co iui doing klfut 10 15aiiimjilti 15 pm thin tlmo tablo went into lircct ou mondav isov uottl lfijo main street planing mulls acton ont john cameron architect and contraotcir manufactaror of baflb doora frauios mculdlug i in allstyloa dressing matcbiko and moulding to ordor on short uotfep wall bhbortod took on liftnd at irloofl tosul uiotiiiioa- john cameron proprietor vvyyyy a probletfi every person who does not have to pay storaro on his money is familiar with the difficult prob lem of making a small income j answer the requircmeniaof these advanced times footwear is bno of the unfailing necessities and it costs a good deal in the course of a year if you pet the wrong kind we dont keep thewronr kind not that we are more honest than the other dealers butour long experience has taught ushow to avoid being stuck on poor goods this knowledge is necessarily of benefit to our customers be cause the cheaper n shoe firm can buy the cheaper it can afford to sell cheap doesnt mean poor quality however for if it did our snoes would not be cheap we keep no poor quality goods no matter what the grade for present roads and weather- ve can recommend r our fall and winter stock now complete you want a pair of rubbers catland get them vrwtttilatffst tbe practical shoe mer chant acton fxixiv yf n sukti cure torpid liver constipation sick headache and dyspepsia how do yoa ilk yonr nw jpewritr inquired the redl iv rrnd i u hie jmraadlto add mihijimth fftaont x wonder how 1 iitibfimltialiltf rt wonlaf on injoa icivliig ine a little teatlmonial tolhaieffeoir dirmtliilydol do ll rudly 8d lie rolled ni hla leerea and in an in bradlhiyiahorl lima ponndad out tbia ioliif ttainif the mitomadk baokaotlona 4j qter- 1 anbemklttliiwy wndnrica l prond noe ii to ba aljnmora than tb e mannfaotnra claim frforl porldg the jim bei in barpmakaaloflil lh ra mbntbxf id haa iotfurwpaid ltlf inhialoi ottldmaodlabrrfobnfaibb jtoki laid ihaaganf and moted tb maiter waa aaklnf qaeatiooa maa lera are api to- aak qaeationa and they mmtlmev receive oariona aoawera the qaeation waaka followa now boya bow many montha bavb twentyelght dti all o ifaetn air repllatl a boy in the front maid bru how they fad whn tho hand of daaa and dlaorda ir lay hand bti thainvwrjiiat a oodend la a howwa liallthb raturn of tha plnlc0fljilthtlnder ita lriu- anoaif itatclobdfor tha maldn if good tor the mother my daughter had bean ailing tor nearly two yearawith nervon proatrallpni ittdt- tmmdioonjelalistabiohrllrlaln lhatrtbiajraanbeotto ata tiiaa abwaa oonflned to bfd and oonld snap and vigor wanted modorn life demaude anap aud vigor from al the raoo for oxiatcnaoia hotter than ever keep yonr blood pnro by qae- ing burdock blood bitten and yoa will be bealtby vlgoroaa und atirong mlaa jen nio a olobon gentrcton ot eaya fortwoveara i buffered from poor tbin blood i grew weaker every day until t triedb q b it oared me by enriuhlng rby blpad noaklng roe atrong aud vlgoroaa agatdl- aa between men yea dear i met yotjr father and told him that i wanted to talk with him aa one man with another and weil- that wat- tho kind of talk i got with till the temper he baa i am aare he wouldtaever have uaod enob langaage in talking to a woman kid sen curealla are out of tho oun in a man dropped hie wig oo the atreet and a boy who wab following oloae behind tho looser picked it qp and handed it to bim thanba my boy said the ownor of tho wig yon aro tbe ant genuine hair roator- or i have ever aeen a3 a laituliv mie pill jctv p fettly and if a stronger action is desired a cathartic effect is produced by two pills in obstinate cases where n pur gative is necessary three pills will be found sufficient these pills leave no unpleasant after effect one pill taken each night during thirty days will cure constipation price 26 cents or 6 fob sjioo qranby rubbers are out again this season in new styles and all the new shoe shapes right up to date but with the same old wear like iron quality that has always char acterized them because they are hon estly made of pure rubber be sure you get granbys this year brrntford galvanized steel wind mills and towers tor power mad fumff- inr with in telnil covered a oar patent boiler and ball bearings fmmsiisss 44 iild sotijl6g pnher ajtomaoh oar fern ill pl niiallytaklaiedahewatd a d6lttmk wtadatred ol bar reootry biiaialrpkr imjnjiwinervjrui kidney disorder a liquid sol- venta8peolrio kidney tonlola the only safe remedy bow many diacover when ll i too late that the kidneye have been literally ground ont by tbe little aolld parltolee whloh are oonlalnedln tbe blood of all anfforera from kidney dlieaae nod whloh aooamnlatea in theae orgna common eeoee aaye and medical ablonoaha proven it that a liquid aolvpl whloh will dlaaolye tbeae aolld and eradioale them from theyatem ia the only are euro for kidney dliorder south amerloan kidney cure la a aolyeift it haa been teated in almoat bopeleaa oaaea and then la yet to ba recorded againit it a fatlnre to euro when it baa had a faithful trial pilla will not do it aa they are not solvent dont ttlflo bold by a t siiv woods norww pine heals and soothes the delicate tissues of the tjufand longs cosing coughs colds bronchitis asthma hoarsenesvsore throat influenza and p 1 t oust tcoeport why are you bo angry at tho doctor t mrs toanport when 1 told bltn i had a tetriblo tired feeling ho told mo to aliow him my tongue mllbaros sterling hcadaobo powdera care tho worst lioadoclie in from five to twenty minotca and loavo no bad effects one powder 5 ccntb it powdorb 10o 10 pow dora 25o basytotakb dental btudoot swcatbeart before i btart back to collogo wont you let mo pull ono of your molars juat to romemboi you by the three singes for tho early atago bootta kmulaion is a euro for the eeoond stage it curoa many and for tho laat btagee of oousuni tion it 8oofheatho obugh and- prolongs the life fl4 to advertise profitably a firstclass medium must be used the free press of acton ont is recognized as being the great home paper of this section everybody reads ir and this is the best evidence of its value to iuherlisers who wish to reach the buying classes successful advertisers recognize that the tritu fncss is tho leading paper in this sec tion because of its circulation its character us influence and experience shows that it brings them the quickest and largest returns makers of the hal t sst running and beat constructed galvnn- ized steed wind mills and towers mader also tho celebrated maplq leaf grain grinder write for illustrated circulars john 2mcqun acton aoent for above also for frost and wood binders and mowers a full hoe of all kinds or farm implements and repairs r shops and warerooms toot of willow st calls atlendeld to eayor night are yob married asked an inquisitive fiveyearold of a visitor ycb was the roply aro you no bat ive been vco limited there never was and never will be a univorsal panacea in ono remedy for all ills to wbieh flesh ia heir the very naturo of miny curativch botng such that wore the germs of other and differently seated www a parraaleea vegetable phi contain mandrake and daddellod tboy oure liver and kidney complaints with annerlng certainty tbey alao oontaih uoota and berba wbioh have apebiflo vlrtoea trnly wonderful in their aotlon on the atomaoh and bowels mr e a oalrncroaa bbakea- jnare writes i oonilder parmeleea pilla an eioelent remedy fcr sllllonaneaa and derangement of the liver haying used them myielf for aome time amaaie who sees the twlna in a peram- bnlalorfortnonrsliimjmini i a baby with a head at both enda 1 y itea aoloar bright brain a oooj head free i p irohg rlgoroua nervea are ite jo apooeaa in modern life tilu antjkaltlisiivijiwata h45ilirlitaiithabml wrftwr jf jevim j a speigm co diaeauea rooted in tho eyetom of tho patient what would relievo one ill in turn woald aggravate tbe other we have however in qalntoo wloe wben obtained in a bound unadulterated atato a remedy fdr many apd grievona illa- ita gradual judlolbna use the frailest syblema are lod into con valescence and strength by tho influenco which quluino exerta on katnroa own reatorativea ik rellevea the drooping spirits of tboae with whom a chronio btate of morbid despondence and laokof interoat in life is a dleeaao aud by tranqnlllzlng tbo noryes dispoaos to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to tbe action of the blood whlbh being stimulated oouraea throughout the vcinb strengthening the healthy animal functions of the ayatem thereby making activity a neoealary result btronglhenlng the frahno and givicg ufa to the dlgestlvo organs wbioh natnrlly demand inoreaaoil aobatanco result lm proved appetite northrop a lyman of torontoliavo civen to tho iiobllo thafrf qqininb f ine at the ntnal rate am uf by tm opinion of sden tista intftf wlbetappiroamaaneai psrfectlon ot isyvm njittteaifiaiiiraiats it undertakers and embalmers actodaont latest styles xpaebge4attbtiei fiitstclass hearse moderate charges furn itikinfjs a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited orders left with j n stiboif rookwood will receive imsicjlsijimijc wiiist www yw shear cheap cheap cheap these- r vawpil mctyullens choice steel wire netllngs jfortrejiiai poultry yarda lawn fonclnga tetc are sold much lower this year than aver before theyaralho bet aak your hardware merchant for them h ameriom lliiatisiitod inretmiti ulrmtltrtm of 4jitumirtwwiwjt4iiiui47ear oaix loom lis hpcrttntii mploii nrnt uajra munn co wl drnndnn- luw ttmrit w xi i

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