f born fe m 5-vt- lp uiimionb id rsqtiofllng on thursday 93th nov ember to mr and mm jatuos glbuona jr bou married at tho honirjttead of the lato qeorgo joyona ksq father of tbo brldo by tho pay mr mo- kay norval mr jew townaond terra cotta klouritid mllli to mfsa annie lyons fourth lino ouiuauaoouay died hiindiumon at no 4 urosuan itrool san fraiioltfuo california oo tiuuday nov htb tamos v heudorbou beloved husband ol husslo b houderaou and oulv hon of john henderson nassssaweya aged 48 ycara mt qdan jfmftm thursday december 3 1807 notes and comments a uot fmpthtlt autoddccmcnt made by hou wra patterson that tho eprnin ion government has arranged for ft tbr oodt pobtal rate on mall matter up to one ounoo throaghoat the british empire instead of as hitherto five cents for half an o trace ta tbtf united kingdom and ti larger nam for niost other parts ot the empire tula regulation oonob into force the first of jan nary 7 the 6nd of mineral deposits in msnito- ba the traetpg oftheni acrobb lakei manitoba and wi on pesos is the find fog of gold quarts north of edmonton and the reports coming in from the ooantry lying between there and the rockies proves beyoud a doabt that there is a oonilduooji bolt oarryiog rioh deposits ot the preoiona metal extending throokhganad rora the atlantic to the paoiflo referring in the speech from the throne at tbo opening of parliament on tuesday to the new county councils aot the lieutenant governor said it is gratify i learn that tbonew county coondls though limltedin the number of members under the new ap are found able to trans act the hnsiness or their respective counties ftaeiecieatlyaf formerly and af a greatly reduced annual expenditure richard bo wker ipaued some 65 writs at brampton a few weeks ago against toronto firms for damages and penalties at the i rate of 920 a day for alleged violations of the ontario companies aot by neglecting to take pat licensee from the province the companies being sued got an order to compel bowker to nut np 300 as security in eaph case this would mean 917000 so that mr bowker appealed the case was heard on monday and decision was given against bowher it is eaid that chief justice sir thomas ward low taylor formerly master-ln- ordinary of the hfgbv court of justice at toronto and now chief juetice of mani toba is about to retire an account of ill health and will be nbeeeded by mr hodgins q c the present master-in- ordinary of the high corirt in o it is alio reported that mr justice robertson is about to resign these announcements have not been officially made they are simply on dit among the lawyers asphyxiated in the tunnel fatal accident to three employees of the grand trunk port huron nov 20 asphyxiation caused the death of three men in the grand trunk railway toonel last night the dead are henry jv oouriney engineer of the taupe engine arthur dunn oondaq ontario pak vice royalty and a new lieutenant- governor ftandorthe opening the most brilliant of the assemblys history the speech from the throne tononfo dec 1 tbe open lug of the final session of the seventh parliament of the ontario iegisuture yesterday after noon is generally admitud to have been the nvoat brlllfaut since oon federation never before was there an occasion which has been attended with greater pomp nor an attraotlon whiob brought together so many people who desired to bo admitted to witness the proceedings the parliament building filled op very rapidly there were guests waiting early in the morning and they remained until the proceedings 1 opened when the build- ing was open the crowd pressed in with a rush there wore borne 750 tickets sent out fur an audience room which would adoommodate bat onethird of that number the floor of the bouse held a brilliant audience tbs gorernorgenetal and countess ol aberdeen occupied a platform over the desks of tbe premier and the minister of education tfiey sat upon the chairs of exsplter wells and ox- speaker clarke exoept for tbistbey had m mora to do with the erooeedinga than an humble oarombner thiy anpo to the building in a carriage without a military escort and entered unostetftttiouily by the bide door blr oliver was far above the viceregal party for in the province tbe lieutenant- governor reprtiaots the queen the royal regiment of canadian dragoons always aocompsulea the lieutenantgover nor on opening day but this year there was also a contingent of artillery whobe gone boomed the royal ealute the escort met sir oliver mow at at government house and escorted him in btatetothqparliimeac buildiura wiieu blr oliver entered the building the band which was silent when the governorgen eral entered played the national anthem for this day sir oliver mowat and not lord aberdeen represented the queen i the lieutenantgovernor ascended the j speakers throne and- read the speech thejovthe speaker took the bbair again the portrait of sir wra r meredith was presented to the house by mr whit- ney and was received by the speaker and hon a 8 hardy it was unveiled by mr forster thesrtiet itrepreaeutedmr meredith atandlngjtuiia desk in parlia ment the speech from the throne welcomed the aberdeepa contained congratulations bpon the signs d returning prosperity referred to the inoreasedt interest manifest ed by great britaio in canada aud other colonies the lumber question the mining operations the preservation of our forests the revised statutes soon to be issued and announced the following government legis latlon among other measures 6rrftpre senoed public library advanced a stage tho council arranges forafopular vote oh election day the mauicipal council met in regular boddfou on monday evouing several inter views with poraoria having grlovabces wort hold a bylaw vaspaaaed arrauging for the annual election and several other itoms of business wero trausaoted tj10 moat important busiuoaa of tho oveiiing howoyer was the presentation of a petition of fiftyone eleotora praying that steps be taken to ebtiblieh a publio library the reoeptipn of the petition and tbo introduc tion of a bylaw arranging for a vote by the electors upon the quoation for tberat time in a couple of ruoutbfl there was a full meeting of the counoll reeve nicklin took the chair at eight oclock audall tbe members were in their plaoes tke committee on finance presented their niueteeuth report recommending pay ment of the following acoounta tboa ebbago repairs u 7 00 jaa matiboivsi putting in oulvort 6 00 11 p gaabam foodlng tramps- 9 0 b b qrabani poatago b 03 wmlvvonlon work i1660 upon motion of cqunoiltora smith and arnold the report was adopted 4 the usual bylaw to appoint placesat which polls willbe opened in the munici pality and appointing deputy returning officers to prelid waa introduced the bylaw was read tbe required number of times and paabed meaer w j moore anotjc hill being appointed deputy rel turning olhoerb rev h a maopbereon presented a petition frpm john cameron and fifty others praying that the co u noil take the neoeaaary etepa to eatabliah a publio library after debating tbe question it was moved by ytmt denny eeoondedby h t arnold- that the petition asking the council to take the btepa required to establish a public library be received and tho neoesaary steps bo taken carrfed mr william smith addressed the coun cil rrquesting payment ot the account whioh ho claims tovbe duo ainoe 1889 and jbjohjbjubeou before the council for several months a letter from w h storey esq tho then reeve stated that he had no positive reoolleotton of the matter but be did not think from post association with mr smith that he would make any misrepresentations knowing them to be ouch moved by wm browp seoondqd by h t arnold that the reeve and counpil be a committeo to reinveatigato the matter of mr win smiths apdouot and report at next meeting carried- mrs s a seqord addressed the council protesting against tbe allowing of a drain running down atrcotr- several bloaka to be emptied under the sidewalk about tbe centre of her south block mrs secord concluded by stating that bhe had protested itsiirrdaliogtofnaber shahmbed wrmtaio thomattor m xtitf woa licenses e the last time ahe intended to wait upon tho a bill affecting the election laws ai a bill to prevent rsmbling at agrioul lsfi ai tsures tatk in favor of iloodo baroapcrllla ilia wor no other rcodl mmm ctfie its great cores recorded in trathf nl convincing jangnngoof grateful men and woraon constitute its most effective ad vertising many of thcao euros oro mar velous they have won ithe confidence of the people havo given hoods barsapa- xrllla tho largest sales in the world and have made necessary for its man u fact ore thegrestest laboratory on earth hoods sarsiparilla is known by tbe cures it has made cures of scrofula salt rheum and eczem cares of rheumatism neuralgia and weak nerves c jrea of dyspepsia liver troublea catarrh cures which prove is tho beat o fact the que tru irjoodurlflqr w j ritit liro hyer 1111 rmir iij tloaa s phis tauociuytoperatii tor john dalton bnumtn a traio whioh waa btiiiftbadled throagh to the canadian aids broke in two aogino bioked down to get the detaobad portion ot tho train but for hour than waa nothing heard of the train fiually a ecarohlqg party fdond tho dead bodiae and also reaotied mrddhn the flrftraaty and wm potter brakeman in an vncon- aolona obndltibn three membera of the aearohing party were alio ovemome but were reeoned by another party the tnnnet gaaarliea front the bard coal oaed by the looomotwee na98aoaweya the bneh hnnt ehobting matoh of eden mllla on thankgtvin day waa onito an tnraland other fairs a bill affaotinfl tho buiiueas of drnggieto a bill to prevent tbtn spread of disease among frait trees a bill relating to extrafrovinoial in aaranoe oonipaniea a bill feapeotiog jaile nd jailors and abiil relafing to refarestry the klondike fever is qo keenly felt in ensland as in canada by messrs white and piammer and oaoh aide worked hard to win the viotory mr whites aide won by a good majority the sooro stood 680 polnle against 8125 there was a aoeial gathering in the fonratera ball eden mills on thanka- giviog night a pleasant time was spent mr albert adamson of new hamburg spodt a day or so with relatives in nassaga- weyathiaweek mr iiobert fulton threaher finished his seasons thrashing on monday bo reports a very good seasons ran mr johaander- aon also finished his aeaaon on tuesday he baa had art excellent ran daring the aeaflon- thankaglvihg day paased off very qolet- ly there wernafew hnnters ont hntip orrxwjt nov 80 a great rnsh to the klondike from england will be witnessed in the apringr battbere is abaroelya train whioh loavos the windsor street station for vanooover that does got contain ernflll gronpa from the old country bound for that oity wherothey will wait till tho opening of the aeaaon to make a rash for the new eldorado ihoonversation with a number of yoong bojtliahmen who are en roots it was learnsd that tho klondike and the conditions wbioh prevail there logether with the poaaibilitias of untold gold wbioh ezlat for those who are hardy and willing enough to roagh it is as well known in every oorntr ot the tjnited king- doinaa it ia in oaoada syodioatea and ha p a kind of propa- ganda for tho past sli months wbioh has ezoited large nnmben of people and deter mined them to make the attempt in the spring the ordinary attraotiooa held oat by the emigration agents will fall quite fiat for aomo time to oome and instead of settlera wo shall have rdih of gold aeekera feverish with desire paaeldg through the oountry this it islelct by the ipoai- im migration agentanenl not be regrotted for thousands who leave ro britain and other plaoes for the klondike will never enter the promised land sooh will in time settle down and become permanent residents so bat in the end immigration will not really suffer and the municipal o id cor stated that they bad carefully examined the situation oom- plained of and that the water wbioh ran under the walk was drained through to main atreet and was not liable to-damage- mrs beoords property messrs smith and arnold promised to examine the matter in the morning mrjarpea brown farmer reported that two of bia eheep pastaripg in a field within the corporation had been worried and one of them whioh he valued at j8 00 bad been killed j moved by w h donny seoonded byw e smith that jamoa brown be paid so 83 being twothfrde value ofa sheep killed by dogs the owners of whioh are nnknownr- carried connoil then adjourned it haying been ascertained that it would be neoeaaary if tbe pobiio library bylaw be submitted to the ratepayers at the man- ioipal eleotiono in january that the bylaw be introdnced this wedk eeovo nioklin oalled tho oounoil to order again the matter was disoassed moved bywilliam brown seoonded by w e smith that leave be granted to introduce a bylaw to provide for tbe es ill a p library in ihe village of acton and that said bylaw be now road afirat timo and hat it be pub lished in the aoton fbee fbess acoording to the bylaw carried the bylaw waa read a first lime counoll then adjonrned georqetow4 thanksgiving day was spent in a very quiet manner inthe morning union meeting was held in the baptist chnroh kevs perrin laugford and mitobell con quoted theservice in the afternoon the park was the altradlion far those who take pleasure in shooting pigeons mr john walker bagged the largest nninbor the m6nthly meeting of the ministerial association waa held at the methodist parsonage the bev l perrin b a gave a paper on the besurreotion afer wbioh interesting and profitable disoussion took place at the next mettiug tbe enb- ieot ttnnponoediflhuo 8ocandcomingot onrlord revs langford and bogers were both out of town last sabbath mr langford was iu montreal and mr bogera in strath roy mr wm carrique had an anotion sale labt week he and his family are removing this week to hamilton mleaea sadie and annie both received handsome presents from the eobolars of their sunday sohool olaseeb they will bo greatly missed as active wprkere in tbemethodlst ohnrob mieb looiea harrison has removed tbia week to reside ip clnelpb mr bell of harriston was the gnest of mr gulp duriug the holidays miss young has reaignod hor position ae organist in the methodist chnroh because of the continued illnobs of her bis ter and the press of duties as a muaio teacher the itev b f austin dd preaohes the anniversary sermons io the methodist ohnroh next sabbath tho new bkating rink is now being built aa rapidly as possible but for the present theboysaregetttng theirabatea inorder and anxiously watching the pond tho tannery of e b nioklin was burg larized on monday night a quantity of finished stock waa taken and the premiaea generally were put into a stato of disorder a nnmber of blaoksraitha tools were found hear tbo safe but the burglars were evidautly disturbed before attempting to opennt hos boop a boom to tjio economical onlj- a few days leitin which to secure the tremendous bargains indress goods the stock must be sold and that is why pricos have been cut so low tho eacrifico goes on only a few days more there are sacrifice prices on mantles wo are going out of tweods so thero are sacrifico prices on tweeds thoroarobplondid values i staple goods of all kinds specials in siitts rfnd ov6rcoats there are bpecial values iu blankets and tje downs there are special values in furs jackets coat capes muffs kuflsatauntlets etc woare headquarters ot furs of every kind buy our skins at first hahds and iu many cases make to order furs as cheaply as the wholesale man docs whence our great advantago oyer competitors kb worthy thing in furs you cant get frpmus at less than usual rates in equal quality reshaping and repairing done on shortest notice and most reasonable terms jflein aulicritefmnrtb wanted tndustiuoua men of character thkiilnbcottcoltpanytorotitoouk wanted 7 tiihkk lad lea to introduce a household work hluriji j ruturijh to cotupotflut puraona j galloway toronto wanted y- socilottors for oftuada avfincyolofaju of tbo cotjutry iu five royal quarto vol uuiea no deuverldk commlmiou paid metv- y a canvasier report nil flnt weok uikids- ovor seventy dollars profit good jersey bull for service l a tnonouondbed jorsoy en lot 27 con t il ksaueslog vj henev denny tfbeshjerse cow forsalev the7er4nc you wtjiht gols for isristo gibson millar co have just opened out a magnificent assortment of goods for thechristmas trade consisting of fine dress costumes and dress goods in every variety style and coloring trimmingsi etc to match in ladies smallwares we have a cornpreteassortrnerit inclusive of glovesi hosiery underwear corsets handkerchiefs etc what would be more suitable for a christmas gift than a nice sett of furs we have them in capes caps capperines muffs ruffs gauntlets etc at clearing prices apkesn jorsoy cow 10th kovr apply to calvcdon monday hugh mann aotodvi tnteda6rent8l both men and women if you are willing to work we can blvayouem ployoient wtb good pari aud yon oaa work all orparttnoandathouieor travellbjz tbe work is light and easy wrlnrstonoe for terms eto to thb hawks nuhsbbt compant boonester ntj wantedagenta i queen viotojua la boorulnff elgbt tbou- aad ooplea iold tbree ttiooaand flve nuaidred ordered fromauatrajlo largo quantity sone to south africa rgomr like vildflra 1 anada lord ziorno her m jettys pninaw vayr beat popular lue or tbe -quean- 1 bava peem and thomanda endorse tho tat- medt outfit free to canrau era rexolailvi territory books on time eaay to make five dollars dally come make twice tbat the bhadiibygarilkteon co limited toronto klondike gold letps like a whirlwind experience oatfvatsor reaplogtberlobebt hairveet oftheltjlvie j new beglnnors doldg wooden nfsaily- vy body subaeiibob ona yoong fellow on farm cm at 1200 a month la makldgvfloo a labtypfkd writer at 300 a woek is clearing ira t meobanlo who bad earned 91fi0 adaytsolomrloc 00 a day we want more agents oanvauing v outfit as eenu worth ai00 v- the bradiibygakbetson co limited torqnjtd qnt tax collectoes notice i a sample copy crewsons corners if yoa or your friends receive a copypf this journal and you aro not a bubaoriber yoa inay oonolnde that it ia sent as a earn- plooopyand we respectfully ask yoa to give it a careful examination believing tliat after yoa have done bo yoa wilt be bo well pleased with it that will desire to reoeive it regularly and ilea advertiser will desire to uae it as a mediuna to make your baainear favorably known to tbe thousanda who aravitb constant readerb the sample copies are sent free of charge postpaid to all parts of the world tbo madrid offloial gazetti on saturday morning published the royal dearee granting autonomy to oaba- and porto bioo it is ibtimated that france will shortly astt for the denunciation of tbe treaty between the united states and tunis fine highclass tailoring this department has been an immense successithis season double beyond our expectations and why we turn out the most stylish best trimmed and best fitting garments and have the largest and best assorted stock of fine tweeds and trouserings to select from and every thing guaranteed uptodate gents fmnisliings we have just sorted up in this department the newest things for holiday trade in fine neckwear collars cuffs shirts undefwearjetc jn hats caps etcrp we have all the leading styles in hard and soft- felts in english and american makes special readytowear clothing we are making a great drive in this department at present we have an immense stock of overcoats mens suits boys suits odd pants etc an inspection of these goods will convince the closest buyer that they can do better here than other place as we are going to clear out these goods by the first of the year regardless of cost weinvite one and all whether they purchase or not to visit this place notice is hereby eln that i11 taxes daeiij ratepayers of the monlolpallty of tho vulsfie of acton must beald wltboatfau pa or before fridav loutdeeembor aotod nov sotb 1807 qrior before d ubaham v oolleotor of taxaa wantedagbnts in evdry district on ura continent to tafca orders tor blgbgtade oanadinsrown mors- erybtook and seeds jjargest and moat oomplete assortment in tbe trade fast selling speeial- ties superb samples tqrnlsbed frea oorres pondenoe in any langusge tbeaapasluonsare money makers and territory should be seeured at onee for tbe season by all butlers xooklngfov a good thing our salary or eommjssfon offers will interest anyone not earning 100000 per oetlnoommanloauon wltn oar nearest year offloe an oirportunlty to represent a welltabllsbed b ability mow important tbiuoxperfenod lukk brothers company rnternatjonal norserxes chicago 11 montreal que boobester n x georgetowns livest store gibs0n rob block mhin st produce taken in exchange every day bargain pay here different snooesa was experleooed we are bayidsmntsr weather this week mr thds diamond who was ont to the northweat territory anriog harrest retqrned home on toeaday of last week the ollmate seems to have agreed with him as he la looking well he rives a very favorable report of the country around brandon- dr h wilson tfnv and son who have been visiting relatives and friends in naaaagaweya the last few weeks returned to their bomeioaraedemfob on toes- day y mr hogh shaffer of armada mloh who has been visiting friends at knatoh- ball retnrned home taetday af ler a two weeks vaealion 2 thoaktaylor apd d looker while oat hontinn on monday morning in the swamp near koatohboll oaptnred a porouploe whlob weighed over sojbs the rtgalar nioothly oonaeoralion meet- the orr murder true bill found afralnst the boy allison- ksf virel log ot lbee l of o e of tbo ebeneaer phftnlirs agoodprograrhme will be provided cor sch the followlog is the honor roll ol lome blair ivbkitfaale modonald us ha j0bnitoo s iienie gamble 185 olase iv jrharry beld 377 nellie birbjilwjsw iiliisameefobsld oii 6a wlllfbeia s aunle mjwhslsm jtubiiexasbysooi basel lljgplaajoa- yr jms tott8nle bwaokhsmmer itiiiift mrtsibtsvwr v v bkuinr ont nov 80 the fall assizes opened here at 1 p myeatsrday bis lord- iblp chief jnstioe moredith presiding his lordship addressed the jnry and oompllmrntad them ob the faot of there belnj so few orjmlnal eases to be tried by ths oonrt one of those on the dooket however was a moil aerloni one a yoong lad atands aoooied ot murder and it was tor them to weigh well the evldonee brobght before them diiabailbg their minds of all newspaper reports sod other dlaonasiona they may havo bad and be guided strlotly by thoevldenoe the grand jnry then retired and at 4 p brooght n a trno bill against the prisoner james allison are yon gqllty or dot dollly asked clark maopoogall allisons voids trero- bladand it was with ths greatest dlfflonlty t h rrm b oathiwordakov tho cold weather of thepatt few days has frozen the ground bo that it is impoa- ible to do aiiy more ploughing oh aooonn t of the dry weather in- tho forepart of tho fall therq la a great deal of ploughing whioh bhoold be done a number from this vibinity attended tho ball at eden mills on thanksgiving night and bad an enjoyable time on aofiottnt ot tbo rough state of the roads there will bo no prayermeeting this week mr and mrs geo llsrashaw of low- vlllo spent a few days last week with friends here the members ot tho methodist congrega tion here still hope to see the obnrph reopened no donbt the matter will oomo np at the next dlstriofe meeting beyf yy laxtord intends holding a weeks eervloes in thetemperanoe hail a nnmber of dlsoiplea here aro nnablo toattend ohnroh at aotbn consequently the arrangement has been made the more you know glbdons guilty his ohln shook violently and it wasavidsnt that the lad nbo has acted sojndlftrently ever sinoe his first trial is at last loosing his nerve bis oonnsel mr j b blake said be was widy to go on with the base tomorrow rooming richer t ku discovery of nev qold fields of v orest value inbrltlah c viotomu b nov 89 oapt beojaj min oogan of the steam wbiler tknthur asserte there ate icrsoia floid in the ooimtry lylogbaokof t a m m bwaklsltu e t about bur work aa dyers and cleanera tbe more firmly yqn are convinced that we onderatand oorbnsineaa thoroughly bring as your finest fabrics yonr ailka youreyen- ing dresses your choicest laoes we will dye or olean them toyouraatlsfaotion b parker a oo toronto geo hynds agent nuton office of r r dickey clerk 5th division court r- agent for best insurance companies the sloan medicine co dear sir abpbt two years ago i suffer ed from an attack of bilious diarrhoea which became chronic and threatened my existence i used several kinds of patent medicines and was treated by my family physician but was not cured until i used your sloans indian tonic it helped me at once and i continued to im- p rove aridno w enjoy perfeeealtlrr- 1- eattt heartily recommend it to all troubled as i was or inneed of a general invigorating medicine rr dickey j p for sale at all dealers or address the com pany at hamilton price ioo per bottle 6 bottles for 500 winter is here cooper t akin 8 are well prepared for it having just opened a floe new etook of oloths apebially buitablofor winter suitings winter overcoatings c wo have a very floe assortment in all lines since oommenoldft bnslness in aoton we have had aasuranoe from all onstomers that the garments turned onb by oe have riven e satisfaction troiq all atandpnnu tit style prioea and endaring qualities your patronage soliolted cooper aklns main street acton head office toronto ont antliorixgd capital 500000000 tenyear matarity shares are paid in monthly instalments ot oc per share for 120 months when payments oea so 46ooo paid in maturity value 1 10000 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appll- cation to r bylaw no v a bylaw to provide tor the establishmeric of a public library in the village of acton whebbabflftyonseleotors have petitioned theoouncuofthe said vjllase ofaeton praylog for tbe ostabllshtnehs oi a publio library under the publio zjbiuaibs aot 1883 be h therefore natrted by the said municipal ooanoll of the said vlltacn of aoton that in ease tbe aeseni ef tbe eleotora la fliten so thlsbylaw a public library imeiiliallirtniel pallty in aeeordaaee wltti tbo provisions of the pntfitfr tttitniiiaw av aiul4itfdrttiflreriaetl that the rotes of the eleotora be taken on fblsbyrlaw ob monday tbe third day of juuanr ifi03 eommenelaff at nine ooloek in tbe maralng andoonunnlng until fire oeloek in the afternoon at tbe undermentioned s laces lb polling subdivision nov 1 at tbe own hall w j lloora deputy retarding officer in in polling snbfd kalfidltv huopt j 0 oer 4 it t nroinsofiloer sterlinc sillmer goods great mu8ic offer send as lbs nsmos and add ceases of threo or moro parfdrmers on tbo piano or organ loxetbar arhb tan oants in sllvar and wo will mail yon ienpieoas fnll sheet rnasio oonsistln of popular sonrt waltzes marebss eto arranged for ths piano and organ address popular mnlo p ob oo ndi anapolls ind sugar and cream in caeo sugar and tongs in oaso mnaiouro sots nut picks fruit knives mustard pots salt and pepper shakers j v iii m to be walcheil walob that tho bowels sol rrgolarly never neleol oonsllpatlon espeoially as i oanba pronjptly and perroanenlly oorad by bordook blood dlltra doting flvj itara i snflradrom opdstlpallon oltiepdomo whlqbtaqiedine to ijbfysrj soroplitvyorsialiej ibg otorglna plan vwdu pomade boxes vaaalino bdxos oorling tonga tea strainers tea oaddios napkin binga c c lovely new goods two dozen photos rj monabb agent aoton the campaign -bmpfo- winds send by inail xt photo and 50 cents and receive two dozen small photos address h ramshaw jh6f 6 artist adttin ont ws would sail yonr attention to tbe fact that we a prepared 9 supply foq with lumbsr of suiuiola length for yonr barn ddors vl 101 ib brh feat also sasbv lu dooba- framkb w vpp3pnias eta for building btorin poors pal op at aa low a rate as poasiwe deputy- retaining thai on tbe flnt awof jeaerynaiisatbls offloe intbatown- hall at ten oelook lntbe forenoon tbe beeve shall appblos to writing la algnsd bybim twapsrsqnstoattend tp tbe final fl amolds qpol tbe votes br thsdsrkvuid one m person to aueua at eaob polling plaos on behalf of tbe persons interested in anddaslroas of pro motlngtbe passlngof thla brlaw snda like number on behalf jf the parsons interested in and desirous of opposing the passage off tbls by law that the olerk of tbe utdnittnfelpateorbbra- tlon aball attend at tbetownssusttbe nour of ono oclock in tboaflernoouwitheefshtb day of januarylbw toeumnp tbeanmbavof votes given for or against the byla i v otiob btoijibjsiv the above la a tsoe obpy of a proposed bylaw wblebwlllbe taken into eonslfieration by the oonnoll of bo village of aoton after one month from theeoooud day of december 1687 being tbe date of tbeflratpnblioatlonthareorand tbs tolls for taking the votes of eleotora wul be jold at tbe hourday and pleae- named in ths said bylaw k 8 0 18870 ia pb b 7irnii r mhwis aclon nov asui 18j7 municipal clerk m0smm bepalr your pqrnps or pnl in nsw ones baton it ia too 1 ooldew ino r shop at toot bblirbtrstanto sik mmmmad jewjellp guelph icheapcheapt cheap vkrf w- jittijtri momallorla choicosleel viro neilings eiortrellls poultry yards lwn fencings sffisw ayjirethe bet ask your hardwara dsf gallery will be open all day any style of portrait taken h ramshaw wanted juea to sell tar ta ronthill xuratrlmm ovr70q aoru ot flansrffsji orovm stook we import no stock tromiht states taitubtts rarmenbonsimptehientianta f stadtnwteaobari retired ministers boer- labto maka v aelllnironr utf 8 pleaaantj ltrbaebineh 1 islstnej iteeaoloiira lunaf wrinn i thos cbbicbr ytyifhmjkatfet avinter evening games all the latest from scripv new perfumes in fancy bottles l a newlot of biifisj- juskanmted bettvltaeisthan ta demand fir gooa noma mated narserratoek ttenaes appinowaaes5j julmratookgnatanteed bra to name or pnr- ehase priea rstnndse vgirvp arbrjtokrobd oo fsi architect atannraeturer of aaabfboorgasaavironto alaj matcnoro- jijj yyffk iorderbnanjrtpiiii wall assorted teejroiiijj m 1 r ry