Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 2, 1897, p. 4

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kljejtrton jfm iissd thursday december 2 1807- be foung jftfllts morning and tflqilt a llttlo spooe of ptouuro a little spaoq of ptlo and tlioo tlio solemn darknesi and thon tha light fcfiftint a uttia long tod itory in sunlight and in rain a httlo gloam of glory and thon tho dork again i and so it goes tbodavrkoobi and then tbb glotm of light and io llfo is good morning with sod thoughts of goodnight t vtj stanton seeing the point 4- boy returned from aohool odo day with a roport tbntbla boholanhip bad fallen bil low the ueaal average son nald hiafathor youwfiiueh be hind this udontb havent you v yyea sir how did that happen dopt fcnow air the father knew if theeou did not ha bad observed a hqmber- of dime odyels scattered about the honsev hut had hot tbdapht it worth while to amy ariythion tin tit a flttlbgopportonlty tihoald offer it self a babket of ftplea ntood upon the floor and be taidf empty oat thoho applee and take the baoket and bring it to no half fall of chips suspecting nothipp the eon obeyed and now be continued pat those applea baak into the babket when bait the apples we ro replaced the eon said father they roll off i cant put any more in put them in i tell you bat father i oanl put tbem in fat them in no of ooarae yod cant pntthemin yon bald yon didnt knp w why you fell behind at oohool and i will tell you why your mind like tht basket it will not hold more than io rnuoiu and here yoove been the past month fllliqr it with obip dirt dime novels the boy turned on fau heel whistled and said whew i see tha point not a dime novel has been seen in the house from that day to thia silbqtbd would be liberal a writer in harpers htagatinc bays that the bummer residents of a cape cod town made up their minde that they mast have a casino the building wa intended pretty atrfotly for their owd use but it beemed wise toenliet the interest of the nativea in the project espeolally aa be proj bo torn wished to pr a site at a iowa flfiure as possible a building and finance obmmitteewaa appointed arid an old resident a mr bbffoo was made one of the three members of it he was the owner of the lot on whiob the apmmer cottagers bad set their hearts at the first meeting of the committee the matter of contributions was broached mr buffo u left his colleagues in no doqbt aa to bia- position hs declined to con tribute a oent then tho two cottagers labored with him over the site fifteen hundred dollars was hie lowest figure they explained to him the advantages that would acoure to the place through the ereotion of the oaeino and the inevitable enhancement pf the value of his other property but he hold out for flfteei hundred dollars finally one of the committee laid mn buffonyon should either knock off aomethiug from the price of the lot or if wo buy it for fifteen hand red dollars yon should make a handabine oontribatiori xvelllpafd mr bufton tm tsady to do something for you loans let the land go for less than fifteen haddrd dollars but if youll make tho figure sixteen imndred dollar im ready to oontri bate even one hundred dollars the meeting was adjourned on the motion of one of the summer rial tors ilihce si or y of a mail isrlio s of a iiiriiig patli nies medical experts pronounced mm incurable and he was paid a large disability claim the case probably the most wonderfulin the history of medical science brought from hopeless helpless inactivity to kealth and strengtha reproduction of t check by which the disability claim was paid y fj jaogstf presceok ggig reasurer lonvbrsationl in thb homh in the conversation in the homo lies the maglo crystal of power forgood or evil it la not neoeesary to preaob or to be a bora by pednntlo instructions or observations bnbjebta that broaden the mind and expand thought may be bmiiv introdooed throngs the varlona channels in whievtba lateralis of ibe family ran the conversation abould be higb andsweet full of in- spiration to noble thoaght and action it noed not and should not be emotional or exciting the mother osn with taol pnth aildo all that approiobm tho border llqeof whatl not beri introdaoe initemd a bit of omething pieaaant and prontble take dyaniagerol eometbiug laid by aorne one j of the family to anggeelt ana vrith a ward here and there with daoatlonal oheok or encouragement keep the stream of talk r flowing along through pleeiant llya and over a olean beaotifol bed bayer oomlngin oonfaot with the dark and doisomo life let aa hope that the higher edabatton of women may devolop more mother of tbia ort- no other medicine in the world has ever offered undoubted proof of merit what dr williams pink pills have done for others they will do for you if given a trial prom tlto meaford ont monitor about two years ago the monitor procured an interview with mr btubeu pet oh of grleravillo in order to aicortatn from his own lips if the reports wero well founded that be attributed his moat astonishing re turn to health to tbe uao of dr williams fink pills for palo people the result of the interview was published in tho monitor under the date of jan 17ib 1890 mr petobs base wab certainly one of tbe most extraordinary in the annals of medicine in canada if not in the world holuid hoen 111 for five yeard and in that time h oou- isalteduo is8s4bn eixof thebiidt physio- iane be could nod bat none coald give hira the least relief his jimba and body were puffed and bloated to auoh an extent that he could not get his olotbeson and for two years be had not dressed he had lost the uao of hia limbs entirely hia flesb eeemed to be dead and pins could be atuok into various parts of his body without being felt or oreatinktbq allghteat eenaatiop he could not move about and if bo attempted to get up would fall and would have to be lifted up he was nnttble to open bia mouth aofflotently to take solid food and had to be fed with a bpoon like a obild tbedboton said his trouble was eplnal aoleroola and that he oould not poaaiblyret better he wab in faot nothing moreorlesb than an animated corpse so helpless was be ho was a member of the canadian mutual life association and was under their rules entitled to disability inauranco and made a claim for it two dootora on behalf of the association were aeut to ex amine him and they pronounoed him in- ourable and permanently disabled and in accordance with their report he was paid a disability iaenranoe of 9165000 this was about two years after his siokness began for three yoara more be lingered in tho condition above noted utterly helpless and a burden to himself aod friends ho was then advised to try dr william pink fills ho did not hope that they would help him but in his bad ooudllion ho was prepared to grasp at aoythfnj that afforded the prospect of evon a blight relief the first change noted in his condition after ho began the ubq of tho pills was a dispsaltion to sweat freely then life began to return tp bis hitherto deid body and from that time on hu progres3 towards reoovory and activity was steady and certain the publication of the lntbrvtew7con tainlng the faqts above noted oreatod nn- usual interest not only in this seotioo but throughout canada that a iman whose limbs and body were all but dead who bad been examined by medical experts and pronounoed incurable and on the strqnfttb of their report was paid a large disability olafm should afterward bo cured by dr williams pink pills wab looked upon as a marvel many wero skeptical apt as to the oure for the face that ho was actively going about proved this but they did not believoit would prove permanent in view of the doubts then expressed tbe monitor determined to watohtho owe oloaoly and now 0 early twq years after the oure was first published has again interviewed mr pot oh with the result that we are in a position to say moat emphatically that this remarkable dure has proved permanent on being again qq eat ion ed mr pot oh aaid you see thoae handa the skin is now natural and elastic onoo they were hard and without sensation yon oould ploroe them with a pin and i would not feel it and what is true of my hands is true of the rest of my body perhaps you have observed that have now even ceased to uao a cane and oan get about my baftincss perfectly well you may bay there is absolutely no doubt aa to my cure being permanent indeed i tim in even bettor health than when i gave you the first inter view do you still attribute your cure to the use of dr williams pink pills asked tbb monitor unquestionably 1 do was the reply dootora had failed as had also the numerous remedies recommonded by my friends nothing i took had the slightest effect upon mo until i bogn the ubo of dr williams pink 3ille to thib wftnderful medioine i owe my release from a living death x have since recommended dr williamb pink pills o many of my friends and the verdict id iu their favor shall alwayb bless the day i was iudaced to take them the above are the chief statements mado by mr potoh in this latest intervionr and the- monitor may remarkj from a lor aoquaintanco with him that we oonbidor his statements absolutely true and reliable he has no interest to serve other than a desire to recommend tbe medioine that hftb done 80 much for him and wo feel euro that if any buffarer will write mr fetch enclosing a atamp for reply he i willondpreo all the statements made above we may farther add that mr fetchs remarkablo reoovory leaves no doubt of the wonderial curative powers of dr williams pink fillaand it seems reasonable to infer that they will do for o there what they hayodobe for him restore health and vitality the oheok at the head of this article is a faobimile of the one by wnlohmr petoha disability claim was paid and is given id farther corroboration omjis btatemedtb keep your seats o at s certain railway station in the north of bootlaod there was a very old servant ol the company who- had been employed as porter at the station over forty years one dark and wet night john was taking shelter and a little warmth in the platelayers cabin when a cattle train ran in unexpectedly the engine requiring water john ran but instantly in a state of great oonfoslon and sang out in hlsninal aingsong way change here for doaneoallendsr stratbyre klllin nd tyndrnm when be arrived at the rear of the train the- guard said good humoredly john rnan oor passengers diqnaohange without a moments hesitation he ran bank the whole length of the train calling oat excitedly keep yer seats ladies and gentlemen keep yor teats ye dinna change ifpac 7t r when he arrived at the front of the train there was such an honest broad grin on tho faces of the engine driver and the fireman that poor john soon found ont his mistake and slunk out of fight till the train left needless to add the fourfooted passenger were not in the least dia- oodoerted v landlady you say your chicken poup ibnt good why 1 told tbo cook how to make it perhaps she didnt oatoh the idea boa tw chicken bhe didnt oatoh two warnings losing flebh is one and a hacking cough is another if they come together tha warning ia a loud and hard one scotts emulsion doea soma of its beat work in these cases it prevents consump tion blood bitters has the moat natural action on tjbx itoiiuch liver boweli and blood of aay medldne known whence its effecb arc pr a l would not consent to be operated on at the hospital fifty year ato no theory ol jrclroa lp chill aflcllon when rdcnt iotertoot uiclr 411 no nilcrdbea on their fclei lxorhapprtliey rereiiot to know thegerinfad 30 yoarf a the lady uses paine8 celery compound and is cored mrs saanderp of jsraiiondale a enbqrb of toronto lay in tho boipilal suffering from troabio qalto oornmou with tnaoy hit at a u t deai tbn dootora deobjed an operation naouwary hra sanndera wiaely rofned to snbmuto- ibe deoiiionot tbo rncdical atall and deolded to try the virtues of palnea celery coitipqand alter beidr bleated with a oomplete oare mm baandera wrote aa followi hi with mooh pleaanre that i toatlfy to tho talne of yoor- wondarf pc painea oolery compound i raa a great offerer from aevereattaolnof naaralgia in the left orary at mmaa the attaoka were io aoota that i thought i would loae my reaaon 6rrdobt6rtreta me pd 1 wa it patient in sj6phvoarlial hamilton ibbtaliiwnoriifmr talun awa i ooold rjot jaj cured ah tuch dnjeaiea aa dyapeptu comtioatlon btuoumen bad slcfc he boils plmptcy ttinmra scrofula kidney complaint jaundice coaled tongue lost of appetite and general debility the fact that it la gmr- anteed to cure if uaed according to direction warrant any lufferer ia giving a air trial to burdock blood a western editor haa made a role that only paidin advance bubbdribara will be permitted to give advice aa to how to run tbopape ho h fonn t th wor kiokera wero amodg the deadheada and delinqnenta this is the experience of other editors pile terrors swept away dr agnowa ointment atandb at the head aa a reliever healer and snrp onro for piles in all forms one application will give comfort in a few minutes and three to six daya application according to directions will oure ohrouio cbbcb it relieves aliitcbior and burning ekin dis eases in a day os oenls sold by a t brown in the gardens around london tbbro nre more bpeoimenfl of the cedar of lebanon than on moont lebanon itself and i suppose llko a brave soldier ybo followed your oolorb yes when- ever there waa a battle i noticed that the t3olorbwijre b6 i fled too none so excellent i have been tronblod with eiok beadaohe for over ayoar lately i bavonsed laxa liver fills and and that they help roe morenbab any other medicine i have ever taken they are an excellent pill causing no pain or griping leaving no utter ill effeotb miss ellen hicks south bay ont a rainbowin the morning ib a shepherds warning r e th b ia u lohealtli laxa liver fills are- the belt oooabional oathartip for family or general 1 frico 25 cent any drugibt ctiiw for infenta and children of all the nervetonics bromos celeries or nervines your doctor will tell you that the hypophosphitcs are best- understood so thor oughly related is the nervous system to disease that some physicians prescribe hypo- phosphites alone in the early stages 6f consumption scotts emulsipn is godliver gil emulsified with the hypop happil blended the result of its use is greater strength and activity of the brain the spinal cord andthenerves ut us 9tndyoubookil bout it scntfrt scott a uownli utllcville out otasgow house this week vie are showing some exceptional values hi mens and boys overcoats ladies mantles overshoes and rubbers wool hosiery closest prices and most reliable grades of all lines of fall arid winter goods henderson cfe co acton the rigm house cor of king aud fluglison sts great november clearing sale many lines of seasonable goods offering at quick selling prices sale- commences monday 22nd inst contiuuirig daily until disposed ofr mantle department tho continued mild wentbcrlovwj aa with a lurgor surplus of jaokots tban wo euro to bold those aro all eosonablo goods noto ibo prices lot nott17 only blaok cloth jack eta regu lar price 500 to 650 clearing at s350 oacb not no 2m black cloth jackota regular g to 97 eaob clearing at 8100 each lot no 3 70 black jackota regular 750 to 9 75 clearing at 8500 oaob lot no 428 black jaoketa regular 01000 to 81175 clearing at ooo each lot no 514 black jackets rogular 1900 to 61275 clearing at 7 each t lot no 610 lilack jaokots rogular 811 to 61350 cloaring at 8760 each lot no 7 six only black jackots rogular sia75 and 8m cl oaring at 88 each lot no 8 12 only blaok jackots rcgalar um to 1750 clearing at 8000 oach lot no 0 0 only black jackets regular 81b 50 to 33 clearing ut 813 oaob lot no 107 only colored cloth jackets regular 8776 to 89 oloariog at 85 oach lot no it 15 colorod cloth jackets regular 81q to 819 cl oaring at 80 oaob lot no 12 13 colored cloth jaokots regular 1950 to 81 oocb oloarlqg at 8760 each lot no ib 10 colored jaokots regular f1475 to 81575 clearing at 810 each lot no 1410 only colorod cloth jackota regular 817 to 820 oloariog at 811 each childrens tjlbterb with detaohablo capos in beavor friaie oovert and bouole olotb all colon regular 35 to 435 oloavlng at 360 oach qegulars00to600cloaringat360 oach bcgular 650 clearing at s75 oocb begular 785 to 775 clearing at 600 oocb bogular 800 to 000 olearlng at s60 oach cblldrerja eiderdown coats n tripos and plain colors 175 now 105 mantle cloths fancy tweed 54 inches wldo euttablo for childrens viators rogular 125 clearing at 63o a yard bogul 150 and 176bioaring at 100 a yard brown sorco 64 incbos wide rogular 175 clearing at 100 a yard brown frleo regular 30 oloariog at 125 a yard colorod koaverclotb 51 inches wide regnlar 200to275olaaringatl5 regular a00 for 160 black and navy sergei m iuobes wldoregnlar l75forl25 3opfor 180 and 2 25 for 176 buck and navy bouole olotb regular 950 for 175 300 for 225 black camels hair clotb 64 inches wjdo rogular 300 now 135 blaok venetian regular 200 to 125 and 825 now 175 black silk cord 51 inch regular 500 now 150 cream antrachan 51 inches wldq rogular 450 for 350 groy astrachan regularso now 200 fanoy brown and white astraoban 460 to 125 fawn astraohan 6js0 to 150 fancy fevonlblo cloths newest designs reg ular 200 to 160 275 to 175 950 to 250 and 400 to 300 colored dress goods 13 only striped twoed saltings single dress patterns rogular value 675 oloariog at 600 each 7 only fanoy twoed qostumea 060 for 600 13 only fancy bilk and wool mixtures 800 for 593 rogular 900 for bjjo regular 1bjs0 for 13 76oly welahobaviots single oobtdnies very stylish for jacket and skirt regular 1300 for 675 eonljsootch tweed slnfjlo dross lattoma aryobolo 1000 each voryeboloo regular 1500 and 1600 clearing at 6 pleoes bouole plaids 44 qohes wide regular 40 and 60c a yardrelearing at 25 and 85o 44lnob check tweeds covert suitings and fandy bouolo effects rogular 50o olearing at 35c a yard bouclo tweeds 44 ihobea wldo regular t5c ol oaring at 40o a yard blaok dress ooods wool corduroys 44 tntihes wido regular 85o olearing at 600 striped orepons 41 iiiobss wldo regular 75o foreooy elegant broche and mohair effects 44 inohos wide rogular 135 for 100 and 145 for 15 block coating sorgo 48 inches wide all wool extra heavy regular value ooo for 85c a yard biaokbroadoloth58laobflswlde rogufar 260 for10 coating serge 59 io wldo extra quality reg ular 300or tm and 188 for 86o samploa on application freight or express prepaid to your ueares railway station in ontario on all purchases of 8500 and upwards satisfaction guaranteed thomas c watkins the rigket hbtlse hamiltob judged b appjancs you cannot afford to wear slop clothing it is a weakness of hu man nature to judge by appearances even a dog will bark at a trainp while a well dressed man will pass by unmolested it pays to wear railway tlmli ltb grand trunk railway q0inu wkbt mall 9 40 am q 01 no kaht kxprobb q 05ani rots jl llfl pin kxurubb jtili t mall 7 00 pm mall fto llplil mlxod 10 03 ii in tiuu op cl08inj 5iailu going wcut0 25am and 6140 pm going east 10 15am and 5 45 pm this tlmo tnblo wont into effect on monday nov 80th lbfxi c great offer -of- the london 1 free press tha free preni donlrlng lo grcaily- inoreako iti mibscrlption lint nmkon tlio following grout oltor to tbo farmers an i stockmen of ciinnda- wlioroby sab- soribcrs to weekly b roo ircm vrilt got one years paper free s tho proo pi chi has niodo nrrnngc 3 monu wlli ilia veterinary sclonco libl lulling cm for niumbcr of ooploh or their book j ho votorfnarj clonco z tho prlco of whloh n 00 thin book 3 treats fully nnd lit plain imigiiago the 3 anatomy uicafqh and trciitmont of 3 domohtjc animals and poultry nlro 3 contalmnkafulldu9criptidnofmrcaloluq 3 and roooipu 8o that every farmer cob 3 bw his own veterinary- i 30 wl2i0i tbo weokly froo pross anl- karni an4 homo foe ono year prlco 3100 nnd ourobjoct in making it now utjitcouro an immediate- rchionnovhlch aloss liberal offor mlghtjiiil to attract jlo member by sending 200 for tho book 3 you set tho weekly froo prciwaiiic 3 farm and homo one yi5ah free 3 agents wanted ovorywhoro address 3 all communications to tho yj free press londod ont imnhnifiririiiffifiininviiiiinnif if i i a every person who does not have to pay storage on his money i js familiar with thfidifficultprhbt leni of making a small income answer the requirements of these advanced times footwear is orio pf the unfailing necessities and it costs a good deal in the course of a year if you get the wrong kind we dont keep the wrong kind not that we are more honest than the other dealers but our long experience has taught us how to avoid beings stuck on poor s goods this knowledge is necessarily of benefit to our- customers be cause thecheaper a shoe firm can buy the cheaper it can afford to sell- d cheap doesnt mean poor quality however for if it did our shoes would not be cheap we matter what the grade for present roads and weather we can recommend our fall and winter stock now complete you want a pair of rubbers call and get them w williams k tbb practical sbox mxr- j cbajft xctoh hputti tuc4u urn mtf noita of hornata hang near tlier6and mean oold woathor how often do yon kill people on tbie line aaked a nervoq paibangar of a trollayoar oondaotor ono day bnoealrv replied tbeoondooior opljr bsbtti ut iiw uailfifrjmi that waa tough on davla what iio stepped on a bananoa peel ell and wa atnated for givior a atreet performance without a lioenao what ails vbu a cold in tha head soma sneez- ins7 palna ovslvtha eye dla- buatlhat dropplnp in the thrbat headaoherlt lyta mean that the seadaof caurh hv been drjaghawffcaitarrhbicpowder will oiverellefjn tominute 1- i lad olircwo oaiarrb fore ndfnt tl year yatararogld ran from inyrjfete an i ajea oraa linta i xium fea bqtea plbop fay feri4atyy jeltatf 3wai hadv lo4rwraw v0 when rain aomos from the weet ft will not oontlnao long therb never wae and never will bea nniverbalpanaoca in ouo remedy for all ilia to whiph flesh la hair tbo very naltm of many- cmatlveh being anoh that were the eerma of other and differently mated diaeaiiea rooted in the eyatem of the patient what would relievo one ill in torn would aggravate the other wo hvej hotfever in qalnidb wine when obtained in aioand unadulterated atate a remedy for many and grlevoob ilia by iti gradual juiiloioaa uae the frailest byatems are jed into con- valelicenoe and btrenut hy tha inflnnn for several reasons first you feel yourself to be a better man secondly you look a better man thirdly your fellowman respects you fourthly iti is readytowear and you can choose try pn arid suit yourself from stock without the uncertainty of an ordered garment and lastly ydx will find a little guarantee card in the pocket which means satisfaction guaranteed or money reftfffded does the combination of reasons appeal toyoiif judgment untf i iiur witbib- terjxmjcoverodgear patent roller nd buberlni3 bill bbamas j fejafei rhfbh qninino exerta oa natnreq own reatorativeb i relieves the drooping aplrltiof those with whom a ohronio state of morbid debpoudenlf and jaok of intereat in life ia a aiieaae and y tranqolliiing the nerves disposes lo soand and refresh lug sleep imparta vigor to tho aotlon of the blood whioh being stfmnlaled oonrsea throtlgbotittbe veins atrangtbenlng the healthy animal funotlone of tbo ayiterrj thereby making aotlvity a neoeasary result blreoglhening the frame and glvlcg life to ihe- digestive organs whioh naturally demand ineromod anbstanoo resnll im- prpvedpllte rjorihrop lvmsn of vtjiiiait publio iheir are out again this season in new styles and all the new she skapes right up to date but with the same old wear jike iron quality that hasalways char- acterimdtherhbecauee th they iare hon estly macle rf pure rubber u hoa mm holler beabjnqs makers of tho light v st running and best vg constnictea galvan- lied steel wind mills and towers made also the celebrated maple leaf- grain grinder write for illustrated circulars aoto6feabbyb frost and wood binders and movvers afollllnapfliinaibf farrh impjettjehta vryan flepaipa stipktjibi- 1 now is the tlmtfiriadvertiae peopletl are going to have money tbspend thfavwlnjr ter h they have ot had fqryeara enquire at the free fhbsb office for ra tea- and space v tr ttfl

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