fcl a noiutibuin nnmr on siturtey 11th docemuor to mr end mn ernest jo norrlsu a sou gomml at bt alban roraondo oil bn i lav tiioriilna lotli donombor to itov ami mrs iv god tun m a a sou uarbjed maiitixmoemvabpat 86 auilron oburob vniiuouvor ii 0 on wednoaday ducomlier 1st bv llev h d molfcron j v martin 80s or llnflatootiorao martin erin to miss mifc molldward both ol vanoouyer j niev mel unit in aotou on ruesdeylust december aoulo fqrlieawilo o thomas v mophell agod c5 years biumnr in hilton on wednesday deo 10th itoilo j hoebn beloved wife ol jobn bradley ogodslyoars 11 montbe and m daya ilje jlttott jfrw ss thursday december 23 1897 thfc christmas messaqe merry cbrlslmaa to all i cold moat bo tbe heart that has no response to this uroat christmas eentimeni barren indeed the hohie into wbloh no reoojt ultiou o tho ohrlet child enters uo tbonght of that estimable till that haa ntidoll men brelred to the poorest una bom blest o o llils cbristmae mesetije speaks the wies men required tbe goiianco of a etar bat to the watohinirehepnfrda angel spoke faoe to faoe ud thero ia a chribtmns eentimeni la all tbeoo gv ntreetb and jostling crowds that ibe wise men of oar own day aro not always the first to understand in a few days mora the everreons will have laded and we shall be doing about oar bubincas with all the sturn realities of the new year before na but we shall garry something over from this great holiday that will not fade if we oaro to keep it green a new impulse of faith uhdlove that will keep tbe world still browing brighter and better because of christmas day notes and comments the new limber rogolalions of the ontario government now before the bonee require tbat all logs taken off government timber limits mail bo sawn in canada neighborhood news news items supplied by corres pondents and exohnngea milton tho chinese laundry men have loft for si thomas mr w pauton oditor of tho champion who hae been very ill ia ablo to be about again on thursday dec 80th tho oarriok olub of hamilton will give in tho town hall an evening entertainment consisting of two farces entitled ice on parlo iran oais and freeaina a mother in law mr johu bennett hats rented bia hotel bore and leased one in btreetsville he bas removed thereto mr jaa harrison is building a new residence on mill st on the silo of the old temperanoo hall misa wallaqe of portland oregon has hrrlved lo town and will spend the winter with her sister mrs j h mocol am tho terms ofthe following members of tbe board of foblio school trustees expire this year dr robertson bast ward j h mooollom north ward and johns on harrison booth ward dublin thero ia likely to be trouble with new fonndland over the ownership of labrador tbe shores ot labrador have been annexed to the island for judicial purposes and now tho island would like to claim the interior aa well the byeeleotion made neoeasary by the death ot the late member mr fabien botsvert took place tuesday and resulted in the return ot mr 3 h lrdne liberal by a majority of 220 with one place to bear from this ia a gain to tbe oovern ment the ministerial association of london at their meeting on monday decided to aak that a commission of judges be appointed by the government to investigate the legal aspect of tbe sooisl evil with a view to obtaining a more aevere punishment for male offenders one of the moat snocesaful and interest ing examinations ever held in connection with dublin school took plaoo laat friday although the day waa vecy unfavorable there waa a large attendanoe of parenta and those interested in the welfare of the sohool dinner was provided by the ladies of tbe boction in their usual sumptuous way and all presont enjoyed the good things after dinner teaohing was con tinued with tbe various claasea a number of teaohqrs from adjoining aeotions were present and assisted in tbe review mr kerr taught an interesting lesson in arithmetic to tbe fourth olaaa after the teaching mr robertson waa appointed obairman of tbe meeting and an extensive programme was oarried out the obair man in bis opening remarks spoke of tbe excellent work dona in tbe year by mr nixon arthurs orohestra was present and enlivened the meeting with their musio mr j gibbons gave two excellent aocordeon solos the pupils ot the sohool gave a number ot readings reoilatlona and dialogues suitable for tbe occasion soloa ware rendered by mioses mopberson and smith and mr a waldie rev father haley and rev messrs maopberaon and molaoblan were present and gave bbort interoating addresses on sohool work and its advantages several others took part and helped to make the programme enjoyable the meeting waa brought to a olose about i 80 oolook and all departed lo their homes feeligg a deeper interest in eduoaiion and the prosperity of tbe school tells about the klondike robt anderson of london ens an experienced miner says it is the richest in tho world j ottawa deo 18 mr robort anderson of londnn eoglaud ia nt tho ruaiell ho rolurnod ubuut two mouths ngo from dawson city woru liu wont in july last he was thero ubuut oo days ultoelher and oximiold the prinupal olaima of thu rogiou ho is a practical minor having hadexpcricuooin afnca oalifor nia and mexico and siys the yukon regiou offers greuter pobsibllitiea tbau any other country in tho world mr anderson haa applied for tho loaso of a larto tract of land wbiob it is impogbible to work by tho methods now in uao in tho country and if this iseeourod will organiza a company to mine the tract by hydruulto process ho will go to london to organize hibcompan to a reporter mr anderbon statod that while provisions aro poarce at dawson city and thero will bj much suffering from this cause and from iho cold tbla winter there will b no danger of starva tion aa tbo miters wiil bo able to reach tort yukon or ibe coast on the iee this was done laet winter aud it will be easier to do this boasoq aa the northwest mounted polloo have stations along the roqte the pullman millions mrs pullman will aooept her dower instead of abiding by terms of the will qeorqetown amongst the rumors in political ciroles ia one to the effect that sir adolpbe chap- leau will be named high commissioner at waahington and bt auooeeded by senator pelietier that sir henri joly will beooms speaker of tbe senate and be replaced by mr francois langelier in alluding to tbe diaoovery of tulieron- ouloala at ottawa hoards dairyman snggeata tbat nobody get frightened over the situation aseat deal id goes on to say aboutths spread of oon- enmption from the use of milk that ia a long way from being proved and indeed sheer bosh tbe action ol tbe french chamber of deputies tuesday in passing a govern ment bill increasing tbs duties on hogs hoga products lard etc is regarded as retaliatory in effect against tbs united states thegures omhe foreign bureau of the agricultural department show that tbe american shipments to franca on tbs one article of lard reached 8177883 pounds laat year there appears to be a good deal of apathy regarding the personnel ot nut years municipal coonoll by our citizens the nomination takes place next mon day reeve nicklin will not aland for roeleotion owing to bis busineas requiring hie abaenoe irpm town so much of tbs time anp nous of tbe present counoil- ora express themselves as particularly anx iocs to shoulder responsibilities again everyone ia taking advantage of the sleighing and enjoying theae bright winter daya tbs contractors of the new skating rink have been unfortunate from tbe start and last week bad a oruehing blow after six of tbe immensecircular bents were up tbs strong wind laid them all flat and broken now they are making their rink fifteen feet narrower and hope for better progress laat sabbath rev g a mitchell b a preached b 8 sermons on the mono road circuit and the rev james moaliister ot gait and rev mr mokay of norval filled bit pulpit tbs congregational aud tho disoiplea bunday schools have their christmas entertaiordeuts on thursday evening and tbe methodists on monday next mis helena mitchell has been appointed organist in the methodist church in the plaoo of mlas young who had resigned a large number from hero attended the bohool closing entertainment at stewart- town and prooounosd it most complete mr miller prentiss the popular teaqher la lobe congratulated on the suooesa of tbe pupils tbe trustees have reengaged him for another yesr the rev g amitohell took a part in the programme and reviewed cuicaoo dec 21 mrs qeorgo m pull man has deoidod to accept her dower in the estate of her lato husband inbtoad of abld ing by tbe terras of the will according to the will she wsb given 0000 in casb tbe bomeetead in obiasgo and tho income from 81250000 during her life tho sum to revert to the estate after her death hor accept ance of tbe will would bave made it praatiaally imposeiblo for ber to leave anything to tho two eoua who were praotiaally disinherited by their father a her third interest aa dower givea her 88- 000000 in poraonal property and onothird interest for life in tbe real estate held by mr pullman this estimate makes the eatate of mr pullman aggregate at leaat 15000000 instead of 87000000 as announced immediately after his death burol a they operated at uxbrldge were overhauled by the officers and does it pay to spray tjxdiiidox dnt dao 18 laat night burglara forced an entranoe into j f brownsoombes etora here and olotbing oterooate boots etc to the value of abont 9100 wero taken two suspicious looking men wero seen walking north on the rail way track early tbb morning and on being brought before w hamilton j p- pleaded guilty mobt of tho property was reoover- ed tbey gave their homes aa moeoe and wilaon they bave been committed to whitby jail to await trial his arm wrenched off mefanoholy accident to a 1 2-year- old boy at stirling ont btmlino ont deo 18 a very aerioua accident happened abont 5 oolook this evening at morgan a baw mill springbrook in whioh john mooonnol s son aged 12 bad hia left arm taken off witbin two inohoa of the shoulder it is supposed that wbilo playing near the belt it oauglit bia arm and wronohod itoff father and five children buried ottawa ont deo 20 the funeral of patriok leahy and five children who lost their uvea in tbe lira on frlel street took place yesterday afternoon from st bridgets obnroh to the cathollo cemetery the ohurob was orowded snd a large crowd followed the funeral to tho buryiog ground rockwood fe ji lt baa beep decides to increase tbe force of police in the yukon from 00 ss at pres ent to 250 of whioh probably 100 will be stationed at dawson xbs balance will be stationed at sslurk tsgish tbe dalton trail tbs sllokeen and hootalingnarool and at one or two other points in tbs terri tory the first dstaohtnsnt of so will be sent at new years sailing probably on jan 6 xbs additional polloe will bo drawn largely from tbs heglna dlttrlot thrilarklxim expreu rsvlswing tbs orop prospsots says the english wheat fields have a satisfactory appearance and tbe french are toowregarded as favorable but it is doubtful it lbs acreage will be as large as a year ago xbs italian acreage will probably be increased as tbs whole antumn has been favorable jpj9wlng the news from russiavaries mlldbess is reported lo tbs blaek bsa district and snowlu tb1rewsr tbe empire the stocks awaiting export in russian porta amount to 168000 quarters against 252i0pjiuatrs year ago aoggeatlog that the rtosvt russian eblpmsnts were heavier than lbs reserves justified the toronto jpiltoram offers- ibis advice people whose securities era in tbe bands ot at i a a b s h make t a ruls to personally exam ine these securities at leaal onoe a aar this svil habit of easygoing opn- ajeooo should be absolutely sxoluded front the traiisaciion of important business tbs lawyer who bandies bis olisnts mon ey will not consider that bia integrity is ynestioued by that elients desire to see those secpf illea onoe a year the trust company or the bank lias no psrronai feelings to be couaidersd but at the risk ol ottfoiiog- anybodys personal fsslings parsons whose all w alauke should not tempt trottetf to abase their oonlldenoe by their own easy- methods cpb8f bamrtecb klondike tomjto dfemv ssavjf wlb fig tbs history of tbe sohool which has been in existence for over sevsnty years everyone begins to feel the christmas joy moving him to step quioker and give hearty greetings mhnfolpal mattsrs ara qniet bat great hopes lie burled wsiting for a turn at the epworth league service on friday evening mr g h kennedy and dr l l bsnnelt gave reviews ot tbs methodist obnroh in georgetown thoy began their report with 1814 everyone was interest ed in noting the progress ot tbs obnroh we congrstnlats mlas wetberald of our village in heading tho list of new teachers at tbs model sohool mrs modermott wits of mr ed mc dermott lat line lnn near everton who has been ailing for some time died on fj hho leaves a husband and large nasbaaawbya at tbe nomination meeting on mondsy for tbs 4th division of the county council to fill tbe vaoanoy caused by retirement of dr robertson county registrar at brookville mr geo havlll of acton was bleated nomination meeting for ths towoship council next monday 27tb inst nassa- gaweya township electors will meet at brookvlle for tbe nomination of reeve deputy reeve and three councillors christmas nsxt saturday ws wish you all a marry chrlsmas and a happy new year soma ot naasagawsyaa local hunters captured a large poronplus in tbe swamp ot mr john fletcher darby villa ths otbsr day mr obai bprthwlok has moved totbe farm of mr lalbg which be bas rented for a term of years ml henry moore haa moved to his farm near knatohbull mr jobn anderson of knatohbnll met family to mourn ber iobs tho remains were intorred at everton on monday preaent mr walter baott of eramoss drove into guelpb on saturday with hlb two bisters misa martha and misa rebeoca scott whon thoy had a rather bartons runaway a trolley frightened another horse which collided with their rig the cotter pole broke and struck miss rebecos breaking ber oollar bone she waa taken to the general hoapital walter bernard the young man oharged with forgery was before magistrate saun ders of guelph on monday at tbe polioe oonrt for his preliminary bearing on a charge of forgery tbo only ovidenoe taken waa that of harry harvey of the traders bank this was considered sufficient to insure a commitment and tbo prisoner was sent op for trial limbhoose ttgfrjt with ftu iwwtdodl oo taeidny tut whiln filing tfaa abglott of mr jmi wnlfon of bdin mlla in wbiohfaft kd ths ml if or laoo to sq hli hand oaagh and hli fore floker broken between tbe knnokle and firn joint mr david agnew haa bean running tbe chopper for mr anderaon aiooa tbe ttoclden sleigh belle are ringing merrllyslnoe tbe enow oame meeara d f and jobn campbell and the mliaee campbell of kincardine are vliltlng relattvea end frionde id naianga- weya the unolrereary eervtoaa of corwbfo sunday bohool will be held on sunday and january when the paetor bt dr soanlao will preach m apeojal arradn fto 1 followed by the ooteaaoi aervloe on vtw6fwin following u eotqf hwlm be hewtm prdgrwnmfl lfti xrsiibgand bv i of at id teres ting pnbllo eiamlnatiou waa held in the sohool here yeatorday after noon miaa fords pnpila acquitted them eelves very creditably a number of par- ante and- several vialttng teachers were charlie sharps ilrootlng match oaroe off yeaterday a number of christmas tur keys were won by the crack shots a number of chriitmas visitors will make tbe home flresidee complete again daring tho holidays mr and mrs john moore will attend tbe marriage of mlas maggie gowdy daughter of oxmayor oowdy of guelph to day the arrival of sleigbiog generally enliv ens matters about our quiet hamlet there are already enquiries concerning the pros pect a for patting 16 klo wood re d l campbell b a of baluna- satlsfqotory offlolalexperlments in twentynlno orpharda in ontario the past season agriculture waa the flrflt eabjeot ot leg a lalivo notion at una seaeion the bill in troduoed tho otbec day by hod john drydou mini atop of agrioulture enthoru ing tho departiuoatof whioh he ie head to deal promptly in fighting tho san jose soiile tho terrible inbootpest now threaten ing tho deatruotloa not bnly ol the fruit industry ot the province but of all wood growth aa well was the first measure of government or private origin to bo laid before tho boaaa it will bo well indeed for tbo country if as great ancceas attends this spirited attempt to check one of ths moat ins id ions enemies ot vegetation tbat has ever aomo under tbo knowledge of bcionoe as is attending ibe spraying experiments oon ducted bytbe ontario department of agriculture daring tho past two eeseoup a publication of absorbing interest is the special balutn that may be bad by simply sending your address to tho ontario department ot agriculture toronto whence it has just issued with tho title does it pny to spray to find an answer to this question the department gave praotioal lobtruotion in spraying in twenty nino orchards in various parts of the province that were suitable for the work aud convenient for tho surround ing community of farmers and fruit growers to visit wbilo tbo spraying was being donff mr wra orr of frnitland ont a sacaessful fruit grower of wide ex perienee was appointed aa superintendent of tbe work esob orohard waa provided with a cheap spraying outfit three men who knew how to spray were sent to viblt these orabnrds ton for each man and do the spraying at certain fixed dates notice of which was sent through the mall to all persons interested and by means ot tbe local press proper announcement was made so that any wbo oared could go and eee for themselves be aide the aotnal work of spraying tbeso men were able to give every possible information abouj the differr ent eolations and their applications a bulletin fall of ace a rate data and carefully illustrated was widely distributed by the department the sprayerswent around the twenty nine orohardb seven times and literally tbe walls of jerioho fell for the authentic statements contained in this special balle tin prove conolabively that spraying not only pays but psya well and is a highly auooesafol agent in fighting tho flies grubs worms and fungus growths that prey upon the orchards of ontario as illustrations of this where spraying waa done from 75 to 00 per cent of che fruit wae dearvwbilefrom trees in- the same orchards cot eprayed only 10 to 15 per cent of the fruit was fit to pack spys and other red ttalt from sprayed trees o6mmanded 8 co per barrel the best fruit from unsprayed trees would bring bnt 52 per barrel in order to learn what is thought of these experiments in spraying so as to decide upon continuing them next summer a letter was eont to the owners of the sprayed orchards auking for their opinions as to the value of the spraying and if possible to make definite- statements as to tbe actual results per tree this letter has gathered a host of information upon tbe subject of spraying that is contained in the bulletin for fear that tbe farmer with a email orchard or in faot any owner df apple frees even of only half a dozen may think this spraying businesa does not concern him- an error of inoalouable injury to the industry for trait growers great and small are linked together in success and failure of fighting these enemioa one roans experience is given mr george adams of smithvllle ont writes i hava eleven spy trees eight of them were sprayed and tbe result was 21 barrels of the finest fruit i ever picked from them i eold them at 12 60 per barrel and i barrels of culls at 1 00 a barrel 904 in all these culls were not d potted uuc wef6 undersized arid wormy tho three trees not sprayed gave three barrels of badly spotted fruit whioh sold for 93 per barrel and about ten bushels of oulls wbitib i sold at f 1 25 for the lot that is to say the sprayed trees brought 98 oaoh and tbe ansprayed less than three a difference of more than 95 per tree tbe cost of the whole outfit for spraying would be more than made op by the increased profit on a oonplo of treei apart from the tirno of doing the work the eprajiog material costs less than five oonts per tree this bpeolal bulletin should be read by all who bave at heart the welfare of an industry already of immense profit to tbe province and oapible if these enemiei can be successfully combated of enormous expansion for ontario apples pears and plams will find in great briifan and other european markets illimitable fields for expansion ch6rpsloe will keep open every itiglit till xmas special sales all over the house specials in furs of all sorts specials in overcdats and baits mantles and mantle cloths millinery onequarter less than eegnlar prices staple department all wool gtey flannel regular 20c for 12jc flannelettes woith 5c or 80 heav twilled flannelettes regular toc for 5jo grey blankets large and heavy 15 a pair extra fine heavj twilled flannelotte blankets white and grey regular 8125 for si white wooi blankets for 2 par cloths and tweeds all to be cleaicd jogardjoss of cost aa wo are going out ot tbe ordered clothing business dress goods at wholesale prices silks and velvets splendid assortment at much icsb than regular puces gloves and hosiery another great cashmere hosiery sale a long table spread with thera 40c 25c 50c quuhty for 85 all wool plain cashmere hosp regular 30c for 20 and regular 35c for 25c your wife wants a silk lmpd real eider down qnilt special sale on quality for the zieglerhinch co guelph r k you whnt goods for christmas gibson millar co have just opened out a magnificent assortment of goods for the christmas trade consisting of fine dress costumes and dress goods in every variety style and coloring trimmings etc to match in ladies smallwares we have a complete assortment inclusive of gloves hosiery underwear corsets handkerchiefs etc what would be more suitable for a christmas gift than a nice sett of furs we have them in capes caps capperines muffs ruffs gauntlets etc at clearing prices fine highclass tailoring this department has been an immense success this season double beyond our expectations and why we turn out the most stylish best trimmed and best fitting garments and have the largest and best assorted stock of fine tweeds and trouserings to select from and everything guaranteed uptodate gents furnishings we have just sorted up in this department the newest things for holiday trade in fine neckwear collars cuffs shirts underwear etc in hats caps etc we have all the leading styles in hard and soft felts in english and american makes special readytowear clothing we are making a great drive in this department at present we have an immense stock of overcoats mens suits boys suits odd pants etc an inspection of these goods will convince the closest buyer that they can do better here than other place as we are going to clear out these goods by the first of the year regardless of cost we invite one and all whether they purchase or not to visit this place fltta ubrtutmmt wanted tndustllloub mou of diameter thelinbcott company toronto ont wanted thute ladlcs4o in trod it oo a bouiohold work bplondld rot urns to compqtont persona j gatiljowjftrrtofsnfr wanted active a coot to liandlo tlio only romody on oartb tli at kills the germ of ualduess grows hair on any bald bead oo ortb dn wuitq s vxw haih grower oo r 18 st aloxfi at montreal the cr0kjnqle club a meeting of tbo ibbsarjbori to tho croliln olo olub wit bo held in tbo town hall at eight o clock on monday evening 27th init to ootoplete arrangement a to organisation and the winter programme for too olub sss o btkib oomnyuas- wantedagents both mbn and women if joa srs willing to work we osirfltvs 70s sm ploymoilt wltb good vsy snd youesn work all or put time ana st homo or tstsiidsj ths work is light snd easy write st ones or terms eto to tbs hawks nub6kry company boohestarny wantedagents- queen victoria la booming bight thou sand ooplei mid three thousand flvo popular lus of the qaeen hare icon and thousands endorse the atattv ment outfit tree to canvassers exoluiiro territory books on time easy to make five dollars dally some make twice that tre bradley gauitktson go limited toronto agents sell klondike gold fields likb s whirlwind bsperlonoed oanrassers reaping toe rlouost barrest ol their lives j- new beginners doing wonders nearly srerjr- body subscribes one yoons fellow on s farm at s1s00 a monuilmaklni75j usdy type writer at s300 s week is olearlng 1u a fi hlu5 aarnea s100 a day is olearlng 4 00 a day we want more agents csnvasaing ontflt 23 coots worm fl00 tbe bitaplerfiahbetson oo limited toronto ont wanted agents x o every district on the oontinent to use jders for highgrade canadiangrown nurs ery stook and besda largest and most complete assortment in tbe trade fast selling special ties superb samples fornlsbed tree oorres- pondenea in any language theae posluons srs ritory should be eeoured tors anyone not earning s10oo00 per year getinoommnnleatlon with our nearest offloe an opportnnity to represent a wsllssuhiabed bouee ability more important than expsrlenee lukb brothers company international nurseries chicago iii montreal que sooheater n 7 georgetowns jlivest store gibson tyillamr cq roe block 7min st c9qrg6town produce taken in exchange every day bargain day here byl n a bylaw to provide for the establishment of a public library in the village of acton wbbbbb flftyona eleotors have petitioned ths council of the said tillage i of aotou praying for the establishment of a public eibrary under ths ftmua lmiunrss act 1895 be it therefore eneoted by the said municipal council of thoaam vlllaijeolaeton that in ease romta iinnusrsa act and be ittnrthsr enaeted that the votes of ths electors bo takep on this bylaw on monday tbe third day of january law eommenelngrat nine o cloak in ths morning and eon tinning until five o olook in ths afternoon in the undermentioned plaoes 10 polling subdlviafan xa h st tbe town bail wj mooredenuty returning offloor and in polling aubdlrlilon no 9 at o o speights shop j o bui deputy returning that on ths first day ol january next st bis offloe in the town hall at ten o olook in the fore noon the beevo snail appoint in writing signed or iss in n to attend at eaeb polling lln by blm two persons to attend to oftbev summing up of the votes by ths elerk and one person to attend at eaeb polling plaoe on behalf of the persona intsrsetedln end desirous of tiro- ike niuudwoo douauor tuo parsons interested in and desirous of opposing tbs passage ot this bylaw tthat tbs olerk of the said munlolpal oorpora- tlon shall attend at tbe town hallat the hour ot ens oolook in the afternoon on tbs eighth day of january 1893 to sum up tbe number of votes given for or against tbe bylaw hotios bx oxisnjc bloh wi be taken into eobiliferamftti fxz h ounoll ot 106 village i o7 aottn stter one month floqqed at 8tratford snarrona deo 30 george ailmad tbe yuodg man from downle wbo was aentsnoed by the polioe magistrate about a month ego or criminally seasoning a little rfrl rom that township waa whip ped in tbs county jail friday he reoeiv- sd five isebes bis sentence does not expire for a week or len days fad officiated very aooeptably in the proa- byterian chdroh on souday afternoon literary notes tears is tbe melinoboly litis of a sprightly little paper by f is medians in tbo deosmber chautawjuan in wbiob sn sttirapt is made to explain tho phenome non of weeping with reasons for ths relief afforded by this outburst ot tbe feelings maws getting at tho ospllal ia another of tbs llgbterveq articles of this number io it david b barry ths author exploits soma diverting facts concerning journalism in washlngtou and iho llgbi in wbiob uowapapar corratpondents srs regarded by ths nations pollliolans wanted soialqitors for cinada ad encyclopedia of the country in five royal quarto vol nmm no dellverlug oommiaalon paid wook ly a oanvasaor reporta hlb flrtt wook maklpg over aeventy dollars profit man wanied fob evorr onooouplod dlatriot in canada to oil our blgh grade canadian grown nursery stook every trevand busb gaaran teed free from fln jote aoalo ubeial terms to part time men and good wage to tbom giving their ontlro time to the work the demand for good home jjrown nnd acoll mated nnraery atook la on tbo luareaie apply now and monro good ground all onr atook gnaranteod trne tonamo or pur ebaao prloo ref nndod e p blaokfohd a oo toronto canada georgetown electric works tj speight proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams hmla converted from diroot to taogont bpokes handle bart bnt to any deairod anglo jrau line of spokes kept in took batlafaouon bloyoles enamelled in any oolor tj speight georgetown wanted ol cu ara oleaned st parkers on very abort notice to look as good as new a special jirrjoessfor lunali another for repps they also relievo eltlneitfrom dyspeptls indigestion end too hearty eating aper- fcet remedy for dizziness nausea drovral ness badtasteinthe mouth coated tongue pain in the side torpid ltver toes regulate the bowels purely vegetable smav phi small dotte 8iiiall prloe substituilon tho fraud of tho day sec you get carters ask for tyfts men to sell tor tuo fontmu narsorlbs over700 jleres ot cmnadsxt orowzi stock we import no stock trom tho sutes rabiibbb farmers sons iniploment asonta students teaobara retired xflnistors bner ttoolsrkswho wish to make advancement demi faejri j work of selling onr hardy home i hureery btook pleasant aa well as e want mors aneb man tbla season as tho lud for onrcoods ie increasing owing to tbo 00 wjnanantsf ooxlps xmax novelties new neckties lovely and choice pure slltc initialed jiandkerehlefs our special at 50o our new colored shirts just in umbrellas gloves and all novelties in furnishing goods no trouble to show ihem e e nelson oash only mechant tailor and mens furnisher from tbe seoond day of deosmber lflb7 being tbe data of the first pablloauon tboroot and the u for taking the votes of the eleotors will be leld at the hour day and plaeanamed lii tbe albs7e thos t mookb aaidbylaw kh jlwtii89acbformb acton nov 2lb 1807 municipal olerk j h hamilton iuio ra marble and granite hamiltons btook autt having on bandalargoqoanuty of scotch ptforwpy swedlbh and granite and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchased i will sell nt a reduction of 20 pee cent and will allow all expenses to customers to and from our works john h hamilton xmas uncements fitlhaiw i i ml j- xmas goods tombst wegasrantee all onr stock free from wexnaksoontraets for whole or part tinieixien parttl we t bmployment the year round we pay both salary and oommiaalon write us for our terms outfit free 8tonb a whllinoton toronto ontario li acton very bus line tbounderalgnsdrssneelbtuujsoiieltstbspatron aje of tbo pnbltorandlntirma them that well boppagdgihirl8s dim al its sl l every day brings som thing new and attractive for christmas this week we have added a full stock of rib bons newest shades ii plain silks handkerchiefs in large varieties table linens table napkins mens ties carfs gl tcf uspenders etc xmas groceries unequalled new raisinb currants new lemon orange and citron peels new cocoa cocoaftat icing sugars pickles spices figs dates ntits all k lowest prices in candies best flavors in teas orders left in our care will receive prompt attention smm we have everything suit able for christmas remem brances for old or young qlova and handkerohief sets celluliod photograph -al- japanese qooda oxford teaohers bibles farfoy papfutria bottles xmagrda an bodkleta nove in cups and 8auoei8 dolle all sizes and styles and many other holiday goods r ww