Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 30, 1897, p. 1

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ipsip volume xxiii 35to 27 acton i ontakio tbuesday december 30 1897 it tiavi jfm press ib published every thuksday morning at tdk freo press steam printing qfllcc mlliti btiiebt aoton ont tanks o sudbonlption ono dollar per year itrlctlyin advance ah subflorlntlona dlbcon- tinned wbeu tliotlinofor whioh thoy bavobaon paid hafl expired the dato to which ovory subscription is paid ia denoted on the addrcir label actxhtisina rjltkb transient adjortlso menta 10 gen taper nonpareil line for first in- i aortlgav bconta per lino for oacb subboqaont rvmextiph exvv06tfrftact iutub the following tablo bhows v w ourratoajoriholnaertton of adyortiaemoncs for k ipeolflotrprioda rv-t- ib 0wo 3o iimo j01nbnebvvv lo inohes n taenia vnilnoh 66000 itmoo 8500 8000 iaojol woo 1 000 1 aso fflfi 700 aso 700 80 a loo advertisements wltbont spoolflo directions ijrfji bo inner ud jill forbidjoiulojiaradjiwspjriu v ugly transient advertisements must bo pajff advance advertisements will bo onaagod onoa each m i month if desired for changes oftonor than enoe a month the composition must be paid for aavrbnlairatoa r changes for contraati advertisements must be a the office by noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly hpmoobe jb4ttor and proprietor medical f sr f urenmd cm k ofsoe and rosldonoo corner mill a frederick gv rtreeta acton v a 8 elliott m pmb vxxt actop v gbaduate tobohto unrvxiiarrt office main street third door south of presbyterian church acton rtkiryden eye eab tnaoatand nobb ifoleans block douglas st near r o quelph jotficb houbb 10 am to 1 pm and 0 to b pm bphdaib ioaro tolpm ystermaby surgeon -rx- iifreii jp husband v s t- ifinidqate of the ontario votorlnary cojiono f honorary membor of tbo veterinary modical ifctoelety ornax wm jiubbanda lot 34 con 4nasa agaeya oalla day or njgbt promptly attended to wo havs gathered fine christmas goods from many markets and now have in days bookstore a collection of holiday merchandise that is a credit to our store and to guclph poets and otbor hooka in flne bindings toy cookfl all uio annuals albums vasea in floe china and olaes jardlnlora writing folios fursob card oases cups and baucors toys and ganioa dolu a bin varioty fana ourbiutjes are quo and prices very low thousands at hundriosfpr obribtmaa cards and booklets caipndara seo tbo bplondid ossorttnonfc at aysybookstbitinwph- big vaiixje for yo m thb traders bank of authorized capital 1 000000 ijorfry day sells cheap owftaly m x bennktt t j5s dentibt oboroktowk 0kt1mo r il meroer f dentist c2raf1utqotoront6ualvoraity add rods oifioubvoruragbtoroaotqn th0bbivafb1pat w et- iinfjm beltidds iydb deotmt bhookviie riiiltomqii anidoatb ojftononto uhrvansm- i- wotkmmobitlitiiotory jrlcu uodanta ffv vlhtlho xfxtbtnmday and friday of oaofa gjtbg n pook n dehtibt ootf colleso sl andbpadina avo tobonto ssi wtil tliit aoton on uw flnt and third satuir- ti aajroloaflhmontn 2t0a dlean 4 mclean junsoucubramofairiinqontoyiincorb jprltataj loan oflieojtown all aoon gjgjwirjmoxi jkoa molmk m m 0ijgla8 4 mdrbay jabvarsna boliorrpka kotaniflkto kv sfev- vlotprlaohambinoltlotoilast stewarts annual holidav sale of perfumes is now in full swing numerous lines of eeautl- full holiday goods still in stoctr guelph branch sums of 91 and upwards received on deposit and highoet current rate of interest paid or compounded halfyearly deposit rocoipta iabued for largo barns deposited advances made torcaponsiblo farmera onthoir own names h no charge made for oolieotink 3nlea notea if payable in qaolph a general banking buiineea transacted jd onager telegram from santa claus alex stewart importer of fine perfumes guelph ont w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont hajes a speoultt of machine finished book papers m- irion gbade weekly news thenapernsfldin this journal is from tbo above mills wm bapber bros am on my way to acton get bundles ready expect me at any moment time short travel rapidly santa claus have ready a stand lamp or set of carvers for father some table cutlery some article of silver ware or a carpet sweeper for mother a jackknife or a pair of skates for the boys besides scissors and things or a pair of skates for the girls y can see a b ran see a assortment of these goods at j m bond co guelphi actop saw mills and wood yards jhmbs- bromn hjlnnviatditbb and dbazibb ii zumbor lath shiaglea wopil bio vj6irit pbuatia a a mmuur ss2 i dabbiatkb boijoitoh cokvbtillobb kvinfilbamill btraoti fn matthow block sirt- y itistbeson 4 j b ifoiieod ilblbtbbi boxjoitobb cohvhfahobbb bss-rfj- aeorgotpwa and muton wr rvit to moan at loiroat tatoi msonabb- nmijs dlionrthjltlalon oonrt oonnty ol hal- ueooirreyanoeragentttroandiaioaiaarftnca avbium agent money to loan oto josvisv dloprynian lg acton ot imscbllamlous phjagribt ottawai 0a9a biloior 01 jatontfor jiyentlon etc iibiihoali6nfortkonadianrama ikuropwmpatantofflom and or tns uonbl trade uarki band tor pam- fftkjiwtrtwo yoaia oxperlonoo ll toipntoian wsjfv ibookbpibeb kwtoosaiibt onelpb ontario vcovorwimamastoro kiobwt toiirdbr rteawnflproinptltwona fv ks i- iwrliwosnsbb lliiirltnaallairoqoirod incd viairrtiiibuio waning rgttsjj5i55sia5p5rqohb ismwtilqu tfcsraitff ianon may torroa ol nwmnt trnako a apaolalty cfjetmg lff f alao fang i lmidin pft sftwysobfeaipitban qtfblrh s jjt c j i i baoboifdaafi an iantialpianu any jnrtuonatorwardbd to mjrad jraai knf mlphonmwhtb promptly at- flte i gh8trbbivr- rtjj jjnoiiijrt- iivrwinnitortand ballon tmaj aotob lnvopronipuy at all kinds of wood in stock and promptly dolivored to any part of tbo town at reasonable prloos hardwood and blabs entstevo length alw jti on band telepnono obmmunlcatlod winter is here and v cooper akins are well prepared for ii having jot orwded a fine new atook ol olotba epeoially anitablefor winter 8ultlnr9 winter overcoatlnga vc we have a very jdo aeaortment in all line slnoe oommenoirjgbaainoab in abton we hnvebad auuranbs from all ontomer tbat the rnrmontb tamed out by aa havsrlven atlre aatlefaotlon from all standpoints fit andendurinflqqalltiea yonrpatrontgeibboilblted- cooper at aklns main blreet acton ibiffigalt ftebleiri every person who does not have to pay storagcon his money is familiar with the difficult prob lem of malting a small income answer the requirements of these advanced times footwear is ono of the unfailing necessities and it costs a good deal in the course of a year if you get the wrong kind we dont keep the wrong kind not that we are more honest than the other dealers burotjr long experience has taught ushow toavold being stuck on poor goods this knowledge is necessarily of benefit to our customers be cause the cheaper a shoe firm can buy the cheaper it can afford to sell cheap doesnt mean poor quality however for if it did our shoes would npt be cheap we keep no poor quality goods no matter what the grade for present roads and weather we can recommend our falf and winter stock now complete you want a pair of rubbers call and get them w williams the practtcal- shoe mer- chant acton tosls ne yea qift 1iy harold ottddon twqb only a little kltehon wltb a eheorful lamp bud flio and a roatlolookipb woman bitting by twaa a pleturo odo would think of wblob a rain could novor tiro only ft simple ploturo yet bow ploaannt to tbo oyn stobbtrlm ftbd tidy woman and a borne bo cloan ahd noat should surely ttmipt a man at homo to auy yotano waited foibor husband wbobouditoady baiting feat j would toll bo was coining with bli aenaos gopo away itora and nolilolano wore bappy onoofortom waallkoalovor aud tboplanota lovo and cpnoordf lit tbolr borlzobpf life but ibodurkooiipbo oamo awlftly soarao three bappyyeari flow over iwjitutopuieamooknowiodsotbatbb wm a drunkards wife with tbo drunkard wont tbo baaband with the buaband wont the man all uioir l goda- weut after all noliiob littlo store yotabo boro it hoping trusting as only women oao yot no change came for tbo better tom worked less add drank tbo more and tonlgbtwaa nolllo tblnklnff now yoars day is drawing uoar how happy onoe wo used to bo upon tbo new yosre brink r vbon wo planuod a brighter future which holds nptblag nowbutfoar tii or o was naught on oartb i wlabod for before toin took to drink but waa tbat bor huaband coming that foot- atop that bbe hoard a step siio bad not beard for yoara the ittuo oliltnanly tyoad bheetartod up to moot htm buteoald not spoak a word r whou bo camo in pale but sober aod in bta old volooaald heros a now yearns present nolllo tin hla oyoa a now light dawning twaa a small square papor parcel youll ukolt wlfo i know but you must not opon it not until now years morning tbon ill opon it you should have had this pro i ivolioon thinking dooply nellie for 1vo hoard a fow words spokori at a mooting wblob have told mo bow ivo fallen before men and i thought of all you vo sblterod and my lioart was almost brokon dot watt till new yoars morning yon1i know what i moan tbou nolllo rose upon that morning did bor work and saiir tbo while- twos like tbo bappy tlmo gono by when tom and bbo woro lovora aol b6o took tbo paper package wltb a miuglod tar eudamllo to tom thoy atood togolhor while bo took off tbocovors willi u a bright gilt framo olio road tbo joyoua words ill novur touch intoxicating drink again andiii borbotirt thorooamo a sound like alng- ingblrda for it boro hor huabands algnaturo tom laiie ho bivd signed tbo plbdge thoyhnnrltblhb up upon tbo wall ill begin tbo brlgbtnow year bo bald wltli a hotter purer llfo and fu after days hud say that tbd tloarest ono fair amongat their houaobold gods was bis now years gift to bla wlfo j price thhee celts wjjfss vu m ssj stlttt jfamihi parting good r esolutioris hy viola itostfooilo vlttpa i want to talk to yon a little it was tlio last day of the year when utrs marrndnt with theao worda4tepped into mr lelunda den urbmarmonta low voice was cud and her slender dark olad lintlob8 flxare wae bad and her email acqui- lino beautiful faee was sad and if there waqrnytliidg mr leland did not- like it was badnese tio w finding tbiaga t leave yoqr orders now for your wihlera supply none but tbe very best scranton coal r delivered i can supply egg sioveandnutsijeesr the liberal patronage accorded mclast season by mr browns cus tomers whose business i boojibt was much appreciated i can rive even better service this year aftd jolldt a continuance oltheir orders coil delivery to commence lit september john een i if- youll sgiwpelikiiifl j6r hpliday preaentr and such like little things and quite naturally we would like to hayeyou call i oh us when wanting anylhlpg in lui line brloibrao nd rncy chiang are peclaltlesand wo llilnkwjr can sell you nice goods at ipwer prices than ybu can iret anywheritt v v robt noble the highost price for wheat at the peas warohouso oats acton barley station etiour at brak acton shorts flour and 8beds au feed kinds of feed store r trv norval flour the best family flour in the market frank harris manager wanted men to soil tor the fonthill nurseries oyer700 acres ot canadian grown stock we import no stock from tho states ipahmlts parmorasona imnlomont anonta stbduuitoaobera retired m inlsters llnor- sathoolorka who wjab to inako adtancemont nd tbo work of soil inn our hardy home- arownnuiaery atook pldaaaiit oa woll aa profluble i wewantraoranoh mon this soasob aa thb demand for onr goods is inoroablng owing to thb foe that wo guarantee all our atook frao from bon jote soale wemakooontraotiforwiioleornarttlmeipbp b y i ealarr attd aom miss ton write a obtfltfre- btokb a wbllinoton toronto ontario tteorgetpvmvm r ti jt bpejobts proprietor manufaoturero of dynamos electric motors vvater motors and hydraulic rams gloomy tnoun before iinda entered in tfaibcrcopy way with ihl reqoeafc for a littiotaiiir but bloaa my eoul liuda aaid her parent i dont want arty aolemn utile talk now with the old year dying under oar noses the poor man threw biroielf baek in his big leather ofaair and aoratinlsod his darjpjh ter reeentfully and refleottvely mrs marmont got up from tbo rag where she kuelt ministering to the fire and stood staring at tbe irhv leaping ffamob i dont know why people think that only the old have any rlgbvlq bis beriphe ajiid bbe itieems p me it is when yon are young and have all your life to mokftor marbofore yon that you havo tho best right to be ierious why why xindbjjny girl i it isnt yon havoht come totellme yon are going ibgst married againh marriod again i exolaimed the young woman no one ought to get married again it doesnt sonnot pretty ididut mean to say that x am an on fortunate jlanderipg old anoestor dont be too hard on me yon know rjaoghter id love to bee yba happy even if yoa did leave mo to the rneroy of the honeomalds i would you father would you linda came and aat on the arm of his chair and stroked hia grizzled i hair out with it whoislh rmbraoedv aaid the father grimly ob im not going to marryv- inl not crioii mro marmont with even uuueoea- aary fervor you ought to know tbat you know i wasnt very happy andratid want to bo a deaoonesa 1 awhat7 yoa know the kind of deaconesses night- but dont let my movomonta disturb yours i truat you havo not at this hour con cluded to throw over your aunt sarahs dinner too he said with eatjqaeio into nations no was the answer i dont know how aunt sarahs dinners could over be looked upon as festivities im only trying to sober my mlud and iexpeot that to be a very sobering tunotion aunt sarahs dinner to bo eaten thatvery eveuing and tbe guests were to daube and play whist aud watob the old year dot it wag 46 bo a family party with a bprinkling of eaoh other people b oould be br6aght to joiniafamily party oertaio ly not likely wasit tbat they would be vfery gay members of flpolety i dont dare what you do with it aaid maid mrs marmont when hor maid was doing hierhair m importonthow lookv j why madaroe it ees not a ladees lunoheoii you dress fori there will be the gentlemen ib it not bo the mistress laughed and bald it didut matter mrs marmont went to tbo despised dio jiet iooklnguuoommonlv impoaing and handsome when she entered her anntb drawing room a little admiriog hush and then a little admiriug murranr greeted the softly draped white figuro euoh aa wae hardly to bo expeoted from a company bo familiar with the sight of hor but all were not equally familiar with it an atbletio bronzed young man who wo b talk ing to mrs loundera his hostess aunt sarah contributed to the hueh by stopping short in tho middle of his sen tence ae hia eyes rested on mrs marmoont and then ejaculating la it it ia linda interrupted mre loundera of course didnt you expeot toaeo her i had heard bbo waa abroad she babnt changed so muoh as i first thought oh no a woman doesnt atiange muoh between 28 and 20 mr le the labbioua ohange but you muunt talk ta her as if you- were surprised alio isnt decrepit qor to me eithor its not flatter ing to a woman of my ego shes handsomer chau ever ae of course she ought to be ho added smiling with a little bow to the elderly ludy you muat take hor in to dinner mr lester shell think its n godsend to have anew phrmier in iny houae mrsrmarmont seemed a little eurpriaudr too at seeing mr lester she looked for jubt an instant as if he wero a ghoat aud then bhe took his arm saying gayly why i thought you were in south amer ica are you sure you aro not and that this is not your astral body hero among your dull old friends i know too well that it i my very self he anawered quietly 1 came back with a now years resolu tion to btay at home he ooniiaued i supnusel opht to do ih a my mother and my mothers affairs need me and wo alwajb rwaolve to do what we ought at the beginning of the nw year dont we but 1 dont know already im thinking of flight of goink to egypt on something that can be called buuiness why its terrible to think how new york muat bore you mre marmont spoke half drawlingly rather at if she were bored herself bore mo you dont remember me as a bored person do you jlr lester did not dance he devoted hiiqaelf to whist with ancient and neryoutr partners mrs marmont never played whist and abe danced eagerly for awhile with young couains and old unolea but bhe lost her interest in that exercise early perhaps it was too frivolbua to autt a bud- irig deaoonefls sbo bat down in an alcove away from all the company and softly marmont ldator sskod the question with deep resentment tho old ladys dark oyeb twinkled as bhe looked at him shrewdly why she was named for lindarxeland the form tiles woro very intimate yoa know that waa the way that marriage of lioduvcame about the famlliea made it up myeon yonr sllonco tells tbat youve said all you have to bay and i beg that no sense of the duty of politeneaa will keep you here perhaps your wager la a very- impbrtant one you are thfc best woman in the world i and very disorefcl aod very dieorcot and with a hippy iangh lester atooped and kissed her with ered hand and waa gone bui this happy mood was not to remain unbroken through that winter afternoon whsn beseht np bis card to mr mar mont he received not even tho politely fibtltioua message tbat bbe was out jt oameintbe more brutal form she was engaged and could see no one lester took out another oar d and waa about to peuall a line on it but he stopped how should be dare to send the lady an imperious prayer for an audience what right had her what time will mr leland be in the servant answered that be was to be expected in half an hour three quarters of an hour later lester was again ringing that doorbell he aent np hia card to mr leland and in bis abstraotion b topped not into the drawing room hut into a little sitt ing room on tbe other side of the hall and there- in a soft blaok gown and gazing motionleesly out of the window sat linda marmont linda exclaimed the man in a qfueer choking voioe dont start oh you must let mo speak to you i nothing can take away our bappineas you are not married not married i and he caught both her hands in bis as ahe atood atartled and ailent before bira yoa dont know what ive lived throngh einoo i heard that linda the bravest deed ihoy have in the cburob papa they give lhc4r liyes to goodworkb v jjomloti iaenntml they wore bloomeri they dont do they v the ooa i urn e is very beooming said the widow with frosty overlty well thats bometnlug to be thankful or t papa you mubt treat roe like a grown person for three mlnutoi i want to tell you that i havo mhde up my njiqd im going to enter the novitiate im goiug to bo a deaoonesn she rtood in the middle of the room her haodi buifjed bfofe iher and looked ter- ribbly forroldnble for auoh a alender youog betuujj in good olothei lylyptnyort l very jniellrv but hsr brwhmlqin played bits of pld meiodieb lebter turned his headand-hatened- tothe eoundr of- a song without words till an indignant partuer sternly called him to business mrs marmont and her father wore among tbe first to leave 8ho came op to lester just before the new year began looking very stately and yet very kind and put out straightforward little hand i hope you wont go away bhe said and there waa a little break in tho con tinuity of her bpecob then she went on and i hope you will opmo and see me ftbank you said lester and nothing more lifts not talk now bhe said wearily when her father began to speak of her wild scheme ou the way- home she dismissed bar maid and quietly and swift ly prepared for ted but after the lights were out an she lay in the dark she began toriv ilka atht tie lonely famished child and tbo grey winter dawn wae creeping into the room bef orethoeob sank into long quivering sighs that did not break the light al umber that at last blessed her the next day lester was etaudlng llst- lesily a ja olob window lie had tried to talk to bla mother that morning about the probabilty of hit again leaving her and that my had qrst impalanuy and then plaintively refused to listen to any anch suggestion aa heatqod there mm mar mont pssaed leatetii fuco flushed and palod he turned from the window he called a cob drive where yon like for ton minutes ho said to the cabby and at the end of eight he told him where tq go and preaently the oabdrew up iu frout of the old fashioned luxurious houaea of north washington square mrs lindsay aaid leator when the deca of a club about a year ago rev mr deniaon set np in hia parish in north kensington a working mans club called tho healthy club predondary doniaou jn starting thla club said it waa the buaineaa of ohriat- lahity to produce strong men hot moral invalids hence he would havo in this club beer and bpirlta eold to the members and pat one of hla ouratoa in it aa manager the latest news about kov prebendary denisona drinking club or hoqaeof healthy self espeo ting mannood as he oalla it is that it waa the scene of a drank- en row a few days ago tbo aaslstant barmag was savagely set upon by one of tho bolfrobpootlug nastomers and two others joined in the fight with the result that the assistant barman waa dapgeroua- jy wounded and the three men aro in jai till it is seen howsho gets along tbia is juatwhat might be expeoted of a drink- sellingalub even when under tbe patron- ago of a prebendary and the management of a curate was sbowu into tbo presence of the white haired bright eyed old lady he had come to bee a friend ha had known from his childhood im not going fo beat about the buah ive come to utk yon something i- v 3lt down ouoc id ihought it mnsfe bo an offer of maryisge nov i suppose yoave co toe todeolde somv wager according to my memor of anciiitt history no but ihave como because you know everything aiiii- because yon are so dia- orseii thisis h where no i who did linda marmont uiarry v lloda mrmout wbiitj there are two great jqvu i lestar only breathed tliis apostrophe it wssu hehad not itreugih left for yooal effpri marmont was married you thought that i was married to mark weber linda found indignant voice at laat and ahe was trying to draw away her hands but there was a now color and light in her fabe and a hint of a smile on her lips i thought ao i thoogbt so last night no one at that place culled you anything but linda ft is tho btrangoat thing how stupid i was but lindovou looked bweet and kind last night i thougnttronr were willing to be eorry for me ob bo sorry for me now but be something more lot me think you woro willing to remember the past last night and to make it up tome a little at the last woids mb voicosook to a passionate whisper yon were very rude to me inst ntitht fluid linda plaintively like a grieved child i was what i had to be i was knocked dowu when yon cumeiur i wouldnt hve risked meeting you for a fortune i thought you were in spain with mark webor liuda made a little face then ofoourbe there had to como eoon aa eoon ae they conld talk at all explana tions and confeseions about the past and the woman told the man how aha had seemed to scorn hlnhboly because she felt an unacknowledged at traction to ward him and the man told her hpwhe had watched for bo mo sign of favor aud had at last gone away to the ehde of the earth becaneo be could find none thore wa another interruption and after some moments of silence linda said 1 djove papa nearly wild great jove what is it 1 eent my oard up to your father hours ago i buppobo the servant tonldnt and mei my bustueas with hlra baa aconmnlated since then i- bad better-go- and have it out with him or will be be up set and cross about my forgetting him thawas awful i nell forgive you when lie bears floa ready to welcome any kind of a soninlaw now in preference to a deaoooness i a group of old soldiers both ooifcderato and federal were recently swapping stor ies of he civil war at last uiey fell to comparing the greatest aots of bravery that eaoh had known and a sop them or told the following story it was a hot day in july in 1804 and general gra n t waa af ier usv our men- had hurriedly dug rifiv pits to protect themselves frorhthd federal sharpihootoro and dead and dying fed a were lyiati up to the very edge of those pita mh one of the pita was an ungainly raw redheaded boy he waa a retiring iltd green as grass huta reliable fighter we never paid muoh attention to him one nay pr another the wounded had been lying for hours unattended befora the pits and the son was getting hotter and hotter they vore buffering horribly from pain and tbirstv not fifteen feet away outside the rifle pit lay a mortally wounded officer who wbb onr enemy as tbe heat grew intolerable tbia officers cries for water increased he-wabevideot- ly dying hard and his appeals were of the moat piteous natnro vthp redheaded boy found it hard to endure them he had just joined the regiment and was uot yet callous to aqffering at laat with teara hooding his grlrqy faoa he cried but i cant stand it no longer boys im goiu to take him my canteen for answer to this foolhardy apeeoh ono of na atuak a oap on a ramrod aud hoisted it above the pit instantly it was pierced by a dozen bullets to venture outside a step waa the maddest auioide aud all- the while we boo id bear the offioersinoaa inge water water 1 jbat one drop for gods aake somebody i only oup drop i tbe tenderhearted bay oould stand the appeal no longer oaco twice threo ttnoea iu spite of all remouetrace he tried unauo- geasfully to olear the pit at last be gave a despprete leap over the embankmeut tindon tjebntheot heta w hi m seir tiils la8t dai of the yrar t his not to reason why while iu frout of petersburg general duller received information that bis favor ite horse almond eye had been aeeldent- ly killed by fahng lutb a ravine upon tbe departure of his informant he ordered an irish servant to go ami skin him hm i byedeadp asked pat whats that to you do aa i bid yoa and aik no questions pat went about hla business and iu in honr or two returned well pat where havoyon been all tbls time sternly demanded the general skinning the horse yer honor does it take nearly two houra to perform such sn operation noyer honor but then yon see il took bout half an hour to batch him re plied pat general butler oast upon bis servant auoh a ferooious look that pat thought be mad it ate d skinninit an irishman in revepge for the death ot his horse flat npob the ground and crawled towards bis dying foe l ho oonld noij get aloso to him becaubo of the terrible flre but lis broke a eomao buali tied to the stick bis preolona canteen aud landed it ih the suf ferers hauda you never heard auch gratitude in your life perhaps there never was any like it before the officer was for lying hia gold watob on the atickand aeudiug it backas a elight return fotltbe diainterebted act but thid the boy would not allow ha only smiled liappily d returned as be had gone crawling amid a hailstorm of bullete when he reached the edga of the pithe culled oatto hid comrados to clear the way for him and with a mighty leap bo was among us once more he was not even aoratchod he took our congratulations oumly we eaid it was the bravest deuil o had been during tho war ho dm i0tauawer his uyeahad a musing look how could yon do it i mrkoil intir when the crttck of nlles ceastd for a moment it wub something i ihouuht of hesaid simply something my mother used to say to me i waa thirbiy and yu gave me drink abo said she read it tome out of the bible and she taught it to mo until i never could forget it when i heard that men crying for water i remembered it the words stood still in ray head i couldnt get rid of em so i thought tbey meant me and i weut thats all this waa tbereaeon that boy wns ready to aaorifice his life to an enemy and it waa reaaon enongh added he soldier with a quavering voice- youth com- pnnion tbls year is juat going awa tbo mom on ta aro jlnlslhug fast my bo art havo you no thing to a ay oonoeriilng tho things that aro i asli now wbllo iu my chambor nlono wboro god will bo i roiout to bo ir ill try to rembmbor utitl own tbo faults ivocommittod tbia yoir o lord im ashamed to coofosa how often ivo brokutuy4lyi perhaps i have though of m drc a or waatod tbo momytitafrrllay and when tho good izflnlster tried to make littlo ahlldroo attoud i waa thinking of somotblug boaido otwlibing tbo bormon would eud how often i roao from lay bed and did uotyouiombor myprayor or if afow words i have said myuioughtohavo boon going elsowhofji illterdpor and pasalon and pride have grlo vod mi doarparonts auu thee aud adldomtroally trlod obodioot and rontlo to be but iiord thou already bast knowu much niorvot my folly than i there is not a fault i can own too littlo for god to doscry yot hoar me aud h olp mo to fool how wiokod and weak i must be and lot mo not try to conceal tbe largost or smallest from thco tbo year is just going away tbo moments aro finishing fast look down in thy roorcy i pray to pardon tbo bin that is past and as soou as auotbor boglua so help mo tp wa ik la thy toar that i may not with follies aud alna so foolishly waste a now year jesus lover of my soul two americans who were crossing the atlantic met in tho cabin ori sunday mgbt to bing hymnb aa ihey sang tbe last hymn jeaua lover of my sou one of them heard an exceedingly rloh and bean tlfol voice htm hp looked around and although he did not know tho faoe he thought he knew the voice bo when the mubic coaeed he turned and adked the man if be had not been in tho civil war the man roplm thm lin hrl han offfmor ate boldlor were you at boob a plape ou eaoh a night abked tho first yoa be replied and a curious thlu happened that night which thii hymn has recalled to my mi ud i was posted on sentry duty near tho odgo of a wood it was a dark night and very cold and i was a juuer frightened becaueo tbe enemy wb supposed tobe very near about midnight when everything was still and 1 whs feeling tfoineblck and mleerublo and woarj i thought that i would oomfort mself by praying and singing a hmo j remomber singing this hymn allmy trust outheo ih ataysd all my help from thoo i bring cover my dofoqcolt bs bead with tho abodow of thy wiug after biuging that a biraugo cacecume down upon me and throngh the lung uight i felt no more fear now baid the otlilr listen to my story 1 was a union soldier mid wan m the wood that night with a part of scouts 1 saw yon standing although i did n t tto your face my men had ihlir rtflon fout ed npop you watting l ho word to- fire but when you bang out cover my dofenjolcbo head with tbo sbadow of thy wing i baid boys lower yoat rifles we will go homo henhy xjncmuosd tuninqnbw ieaveb howwhi is thai nouwr sold the glad new kowvhiuthatsiiigtilar aoupd ihoar why do you hurry bo to catch the 830 tratn whenyon know theros upotber tbat leaves at 845 which would get na in to lown in time aaked one lady of another as the two were hastening toward a aobor- ban railway statloh becanse replied the latter with a utile apologetic laugh i always like to go in on the supshldo mans train pray who is the sunshine man inquired her compahion the conduc tor 1 o my no i was the laughing response hes the crosses bear tbat over was but theres the dearest iutla- old gentleman who goes into town every morning on thai 830 train i dont know bis name yet it does seem as if 1 knew htm better than anyone else in town he jost radiates choerfoloeeb as far as yoa oan see hinov there is always a smile bpbli face- and i never heard bim open hii month except to aay some kind or courteous or gobdnatbred thing everj body bows to him even strangers and be bows to everybody yet never with the s1hhtes presutption or familiarity it juat war cob the oookloa of ones hearf to see bis sblding fiace the twinkle of his oye and the bright little flower ho always wears in bis button hole if the weather is fine hla jolly compllnientb make iti seem brighlbr and if it is raining the merry way in which he speaks oflt is as r rainbow everybody who goes in regularly oo the 680 train knows the aonabine man its hisjraln theroa nolhingelse todlstinv guise it from the 845 or uiiy other yoa jast hurry up and iil show yon the sum shine man this morning ivh foggy and oold bqt if one look at him doonnt olieer you np so youll want to whiatlo and live year then im no judge p human nature new vear thouqhtsi no right thing ia impoaniblo the pig wonld rather have swill than rosea a cats heaven wonld have to be full of mice marrying for money is an expensive investment the man with a hobby never laoss for exercise the world takes off lis hat to the man gplng up the ladder what the fox lacks iu lege he haa to make npiu cunning a lairge heitd may bo as ompty aa a laat years birds pest wnybi ifobon that you must not waste time bob t thou love life aaked benjamin franklin then do not squander time for time is the staff lilo is made of onoe wbenfranklio wae in business aa a printer and booksellnr in philadelphia a man came into hie place and dawdled abont examining the books exposed for sale at last having made np hla mind as to what he wanted he inqulccd tbe price of the book choeen and the olerk said h v cant you take jena aaid tbe man in feigne surprise ono dollar is the prloe said the olerk but the would bo purohaser was not sat isfied 1 waut to bee mr tranklln about this he said mrkraukhn is very bnsy in the pressroom said the clerk bat i must see biro persisted tho man so the clerk called x ranbhn and ol him the man inquired the price of the book one dollar and a quarter was the philo sophers reply but your olork offenaa ii to me for a dollar- protested theman trub said franklin and i oonld bet er have afforded to ha- o taken ftl tban to have loft my work at hla time well aaid tho man what is the very best you can do in mat lnga price on this volume one dollai and a half raid franklin tho man paid the price with oat any further qnestipning he had loarned a lesson that franklin wubed to teach tliat time is too valuable 6 waste the anqelus bird when ttaveliug in the forests of guiana and paraguay it is not uncommon to meet with a bjrd whose music resembles that of an angelns boll whon heard from a distauce the spianardsoall tblsslngal ar bird a bell ringer though it may atih be more appropiately designated as tbe aug olna bird for ijko tho angelas bell ir u herad three times a dity morning noon and night its eong which daties all dee cription oonaiela of sounda like a bell auccpedlug one another ivtry two or three minutes so clearly and iu suoh a resonant nianuer that ihn listener if he is a stran ger imaginis himself o be uear a olapel or convent but it tuma opt thtt tbe forest the beauty of the angelus bird i equal to his talent hq is as large as a jay and as white as snow beaides belug graoefol ot form and awift of motion but the most curipub ornament of ihe angelas bird is the tuft of black arbbed feathers on he beantlful head it is ooniaal in form and about four inohea iu length why it failed ho found bla hair was leaving him at the top of bin head and took hia barber to task aboqtit vyop sold me two bottles of bi off to make the hair grow ills vory strange it wout grow again said the barber loans understand it look here aaid the man 11 dbul mind drinking atiother bottle bbt thla must bo the iabti ndpn v 3 3

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