Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 30, 1897, p. 4

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w rk dd wi use ft its the best thing ior the hair under all circumstances just as no man byvtaktng- tfrniiglirmn- ncld an inch to his stature so no preparation jcaniniatehair the utmost that can be done is to pro- mote c6u4jtioh3 favorable to growth this is done by ayers hair vigor it te- moves dandruffcleanscs the scaip nourishes the ipil in hichthe hair grows and just as a desert will blossom under rain so bald heads grow hair when the roots are nour ished but the toots must be there if you wish your hair to retain its nonnal color or i you wish to restore the lost tint of gray xr faded hair use frltv floss thtjrbdat december 80 1897 ht ijrntnjj olka w inrj uioarfriand1otbfarnd near oejwtde world roddd7a8la4 mew tear i todar what aspirations start deep dqwn in tery honest heart la spite til fartnnesqeroast an4 foluee of the paai for atamsthud courage to eadnre to make llfeabiaest good ioouro and meet it is at snob a time vvblie now tear jbybeus rally chime to hopetthrbaati brighter days to bo oababeanoblerdeiuoyl iietoowadrearnof baiedafeat ivropi doty there la no retreat andin the path as yet nntrod ourfelth eanelalm the belp oj god qnlyoallkenien beatroiir the word is sharer than a tiroedged sword to out the tangled knots of donbt aodvwayimaybe past finding oat anovfsythet umwbe sorely tried yetbeaveniaererbnhlailde- who aglorloiuifray smliatrivilhoonaerareddaybydayl tbe 0 of 0m0 that aaps too will the qiatempuyoni wait ai itlll preihdlh atbpnsand alren oharma xilfelaatraqipetcalltbannll beat what hate wo to do with net r v waweteometollandaeemitbest- rowagoarmtusrjonjforihea i arreetlaineternhy an hrtfbroency jus fob f old gentleman dp jou rriosii to say that yonr ttaolura- never thrash yodvy little boy 1 hever we havo rnoral goasion alpnr 00001 wiata that t o we get ksp jo and stood op in corners and looked oat and looked in andmado to write ono word a thousand times and ibowled at nd jawed at and that all could yoalona moanx my boy repliwt chsrley casutto over sinpo roy sohool days when i studied algebra x has stoo j with me for an unknown quantity wubliinnton slar everything on earth has lie mission how about mosquitoes 7 vthoy make ub think more kindly of flies chiosg stcord a puzzle tothe cuerijs a grocer brourkt two oases okggs of 86 dosen each one case contained only s fio t whlnri he riald 2r cents a dozen be bella these 10 for 25 cents the other oase contained eggs for whini liepsfd u cent a dozen these be belle at 15forafcoenla the uierks by mistike aom the bboi egga for the otfeaper kind after air tho eggs were b0i1j the mistake was fbsnd oat did the grocer lose or gain by ibis transaction and how maoh more did lioloe of gain than i the eggs bad been add the regularway baldness is nothing new it dates back to the early vgei how to restore vibe hair ib modern halls hair ronewer the bestprodaotof cienoe will 10btoreit young wife before we were married oeorge yob never smpked in my presence yonng hoaband iknowtt mj dear j and yod never wore oarjpapers in mlne- anrayireadyayere cherry pectoral jmeinomuiognoehakiog no disgaiee nothing bat a apoon atdead of night yonr child ilartloi yoa with aoroupycongn immediately traat you give thia remsdy the little one ie relieved and the household ia again at real a it is not what is insida a man that makes him look djatingoibhed it ie bia 0lbthbev fttiilniflaa hbobyg r lodioaogaifcoatopuli which tear yoa all to not in uwlth nopda eaiytotake nptocateraetenr safe eertalnand lure ad irogglsta sle- o i hood 4 co thoonlrpllls to take wl ji hoods aartoparllla scotti to prevent consamptlon- hard to onrevbaay to prevent enanlaionnonriehes tbe blood keeps all the organa and hbbmi healthy and tbe con oamption germs cannot get a foothold 9 old man had billygost whiskers jpjbbwors a brown klokory shirt wllh whlisageteknltona bat hie heart was in iltwisin a oily slore not one of the swell jtortebnt aplaba where they kept aifabrls of taya and sold them cheap anoldlrlsh woman in a shawl d hood had just boms in and sh itobd f ambiing withuretreriibling hands at the wrap- ingsbf the rroalvwhioh she carried at iatibn9jii took from the paper a little red wagon with onsrihwioffvn rrr vr 4 snpi b to ihs dapper floorwalker she said timidly 1 tu a gift fur jamie the wheelibefolabb si li 01 dont want tobfiptatun i mn a hretiiinnw a ql ink it f 01 sbky iejalf sbtindarlblathatitondntahroko respbnsl ra w otstflnisrs haw vvijjooas pjnihateibesndone rhere palbalady wbnjdhavonoliood it vjawpppiniajpbt iha- wdpabaoiandbbrllpqaivered as she v k torywranw sbelfcmm mii ibhn nrtlplshhalrihtoriile every man has his prejudice and every woman her biaa v a10n0ii8t this whole oolnim would not contain the names of the llany prominent tiluisters ifemben of pnrllament and professional hen all over this continent who have hoencokd of catarrh by dr agnews catarrhal powder it gives belief in 10 junates voiames of teatipiony have been written of its cartlive powers catarrh is ah aggravating malady inslgninoant in its beginning allttlecold in the headneglect it and soon youre la its thrall eighty in every hnodred risve- the taint dr ag- nows catarrhal powder will onre the sllgbtesk oold in the head and onrb tho most stubborn oaso of catarrh its aotlon 11 instantaneona says oho i feel it my datyto rcobmmend it to the poblio says anbthbr sever got relief until i osed it says another and 10 on and on acts like njagibaindalwayb onres sold by a x brown- why la it staked lbs irritated father that yon oonlldoshy stand at the foot of yonrolasst csate answered the lasy boycanb let me fit down tbb mes3aqe ob tux nbw yba 1 aakad tho kosrvear for some motto awoet bolide rule of llfowlthwnat to gnido my foot x abked audvaubed hoanbwerod ndft aiid low qqdbwiiito allow wul knowlodgo then buuloe nowvoar i arlod and aro tho ouabtloli into bllenco dlod tho adbwer cnuio kayi but romombor too gods will to do ouoouioru i asked is i1010110 mora to toll aud ouoq again the answer softly foil yes tills 011a tlilug all oluoi thiuga aboyo gods will tblovo j 8ble0tbd a memory with one failing jonoe was telling hie friend smith of an lnbident that had occurred borne 25 years ago and the latter remarked on the won derful memory nla friend possessed the compliment soemod to please llonob yes my boy ho said i novot forget anything wheu it is onceiu there point lug lb his forehead yon burpruo mo 13nt i ihiuk i oan tell you pi a little thing ubbul which your memory haesrnguurly failed wbatieit wohj bid map how about that half sovereign i lent youa month or so ago ahjon roe thate different i put that in my pdoket itaraoiie hiiy onlytho best should be your mpitb when you heed a medioine do not bo induced to take any substitute whon yob call fob hoods bar sapurilla experience hasprbved it to bo tbebebt it isan honest medicine possess- iogaotualand unequalled merit be wise and profit by tho experience of other people- hoods pillb are the favorite family oathartio easy to take eaby to operate an irish eoldipr wab had mbt with muoh hospitality in india o yes he replied too muoh i waa in hospital nearly all the urns anxious motberb find dr lows worm syrob the best medioine to expel worms children like it worms dont ouc liny morsal of humanity was intent ly watching tho building of a wall pres ently she come running 16 bubbling over witbexoiternent oh daddy do tun and see xe men buttering ze bricks i dropsy cnred with one bottle a great cure and a great testimony for ten yeara i suffered greatly from heart jdibease fluttering of the heart and smothering spoils madb my life a tor ment i was confined to my bed dropsy set in my pbybiaian told mo to prepare for the worst i tried dr agnews cure for the heart one dose gave mo great relief and one bottle cured the deopay and my heart mrs james adams syra- cuse hy sbid ljyatbrown oiazzig illowler was just remarking to me that all ho is he owes to his mother basby yes and i understood that all he has he owes to bis father hacking cough cured gentlemen m brother was troubled with a very bad hacking coogb but after using three bottles of norway pine syrup he was completely cnred ibannbt rebb- mmend it too highly misb m bradahaw wesley villeont caller your offloo is hot ob an oven merohant well it might be i 1 make mydailybread hereyon know are your corns barderto romove than those that others have had have they not had the same kind have they not been oured by usingoupwayscorn cure try a bottle- xpwmwj- what labor onion hai the largest mem bership askod tbe seeker after informa tion marriagei was tho prompt answer of the man who was well up in statistics that aching bead oan be instantly reliev ed by tatting one of milbnrne sterling headache powders 1 powder jorb 8 for ltt and 10 for 25o a a parvorm saddonly become rich no i never talk to an inferior ban old acqaointonoo but have you over met one i niie blood first of all t t iat is the starling point era the road health tilhout it dyspcp- da constipation biliousness headache liver and kidney complaints scrofula ulccra and afcccsses thrive and in in the human syttcm but with pure liliilntll many have triod for years to discover a remedy bui table to thoir own bboo for the constipation bilibnsness indigestion headache kidney and liver complaints arising from poor digemon wemstomoch and disordered uuer to these wb say 1 trylhenewmtdicina w- if iwfl m wflbirwf jr- vji y w0 istjioolt wi ingeviom sw- s- vcvtiba brsla5itoojfus yellow skin and eyes biliousoets oaaiee yellow skin and eyes tjred weary tluggiihfeeiiogoto burdock blood bitlers oieanses the blood and regu lates the liver oaring all its diseases from achlid i soffered from biliousiiess and beadacbe anil all the money i spent for medioine brooghl me no relief foor bottles of bbb cored me completely bowover and i gladly recommend it mrswoolomantoronto6nt the dally papenmifiht do well to report ths state of the marriage market under vld t- f hemes colombos ohio whtss j hvo been afflicted forsome tlrae with kidney and liver complaints and find parmejees pills the bestrnedioino foritheaediieases those pills do not oaussr or griming and shpoid bb osed wbsnaoalbriolsrreqairedt they- are qsiatlneooatsdsiddrolledintha floor of ijcorloe to peraerte their purity and give them a plfsunt agreeable taste vkil to be in yonr shoesl bells rnbj theyd pinch yon frightfully wouldnt they wm tlvzrfiikvi e jf rise to mlogbfi uthinos the suifiw wfejijntpr thbn do all yon blar in attsndanos at andbeinot simply satis ijefevjtv bbaryoarsbatwpf the floanoial lfaiiriiah- pcrhapsit8 natuiraiv y if perirritljr weji this is prbytfj frpi frequtsht colds rterybus debility ipaakr- atid4 hunl de4rphe8 and pains simply eno miss b liwbos monbtori n b says they onred moof obnstipatioh and sioic headache mn h justs stnioholas hotel homll- ton oni eaysi they are a pleasant onre ana quick euro for oonstipstfon dyspepsia and siokheadabhe missm ehicks south bay 0ntt laxalivor fills are excellent lor elok- headaolie cahsing nb pain or griping y mils jonx toinreson hamilton out they arb a pbroot curb for oventho abvbrest headaolio bobby popper what do they have to have a man to pray for congress for mfrerryjvirhey dpnhe takes look at congress and then prays for the- country itcnino n cheeping crawlllig or slinging bkin disease believed in a yew minnies by dr agnews olnt- ment frlce aj dr agnews ointment roliovea iustantly and oares tetter salt rhoujn scald head ectema ulcers bjotobes and all eruptions of the skin it la soothing and quieting and aots like msgio in ail baby humors irrltatlod of the scalp or rashes during teething time 85 oonta a box bold by aitbrpirnv crrcutatingfreeiy thcsdlscasc cannct long remain tiiere is otalngto keep them there io impurities for them to feed on biiiodc blood biticrs purifies the blood and drives put all impurities waste and efietc matter more quickly and surely than any other remedy if you want pure blood aud good health take lad who alora that gontleman yoa jaak introduced me to biti he woajd give anythink i he had my voice by- the bye what is hibbaaidoob friend he8 an aaqtloneer r dyapepsia and indigestion 0 w snow 06 syracuab nr y write please send as ten gross ol pills we aro belling more of parmeleba pil i than any other pill we keep they have a groat ropata- tion foi the onre of dyspepbia and liver complaint mr ghas a smith lind- bay writes vlafmolees phib are an eioellent medioine jdy sister has been troubled with btivero hoadoohee bat these pills have bared hor bioyolo flippantly hi old fellow aro yoa u oat of breath jaet coming up tbat little hill tho horse serenely yee bat please observe that i dont havo to lean agaiwt a fence every timo i stop how to be behuurnl to be beantifnlwa must have pure blood and a dear eltin burdoob blood bitter a purifies tbe blood and makes the skin bright and clear it onrea all akin and blood diseases witness the following i bad scrofula on my face for some time and could get no relief until i tried bbb one bottle healed me and left no soars it ib the greatest blood purifier in exiatenoe mary 0 berry r toronto ont a code of 8lbnals nature has abode of slnala a listless step and tired weary feeling are in tho code they show that the flybtem is rou downand dragged oat natures medioine for this is ililbuma heart and nerve pills they benefit the entire system brace the nerves and brighten the brain caring nervousness filfteplbianeea weakness and palpitation of ibo herfc etc wijr did tho poet aek the woodman to spare that troa beoauae he tbooght he waa a good feller tho publlb should bear in mind that dr thomaa eoldotrlo oil baa nothing in oomrnon with the iropare deteriorating olaaa of sopailed raelloaldoils it is eminently pure and really efnoaoious relieving pain and lamoneba stiffnesb of the joints and maialea and sores qt harts besides being an excellent apdoiflo for rheumatism ooughi and bronohialoom- plaints bho yettbabniyeuter he what a jolly pretty girl i sbe isnt a bit like yoa fiewrfthfllach6 cored bear sirs beidg troubled with a severe headache i was adviaod by a friend to try laijjlver plili i only used half a bottlb and have not sinoe suffered from the oom- plaint they am tobe a perfeot onre mtitobiiltonihn8oi n hansiltononl tu v- aotqn- machine and eepair shops henry qrindelij proprietor a bk well eqolppod with all tho niaoblnerv nooeaiary to exouuto all repairs to maehin j jilp in abatlafaotorv manuor wo oaajtitplr and cry and agricultural implomooi kinds of bteamflttlughonobhoeinfi and s blaokamlthing woodwork ropalapor7ormed maehlne or linplomont of any oiajto gnmrnlng and fllluff done acton livery mjs line the undorblgnod rospeetf ally sollolta the patron age of tho public and informs thotn that woll equipped and stylish riga can al t n athlastabloa a oomfortmbla bun meets al trains betwoen 0am and 818 pm oarefal attention given to every order the wanta of oomknerolal travel- lore fully met john williams pnopnteton 99 wyndiiapi st ouelph holiday novelties nc neckties lovely and choice pure silk initialed handkerchiefs our special fit 50o- our new colored shirts just in umbrellas gloves and all nqvelilrs in j furnishing goods i no trouble to show them r e nelson merchant tailor oabhonly and mens furnisher ii wmffimm are otit again this season in hew sty les and all the new shpe shapes right up to date but with the same old wear like iron quality that has always char- acterizedthem because they are hon estly madeof pure rubber be sure you ggrahbrs this year shops and warerooms foot of willow st calls attendeid to day or-nightr- undertakers d emaliyiersr latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges v oraixvkinos a weuassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited iju speight co orders left with j i 8t in80n rockwood wu receive immediate attention osocoetssiio the a- to advertise pfbtitabiy a firatclaso medium must be used sunsavings and loango head office torpntoont auihaximoa capital 500000000 sonpf gad- acotteijowwi nwaadrttftiatf l 1 f b boyi want to wy some paper dealmv what kind bt paper boy 1 sooss yoa better gimme psper i want to make a kite mar aotlon ot tbe bowels is necessary tphealtli laiailvsrpllls ars thebest fly oooaslonal oattartlo for family or general use prioo 25 oenu any drngulst thobest that oan be said of some foolish people is that they are useful an an example toothers alnjpiit uobearahle v i suflertd from kidney trouble so moon that tbe pain ii my back was almost nn- jjearabloand itleh tired and worn oat alt the tjme niiyngqswiuicoajed and ontil wpmvxianfl0 barf jen nor fifi p iilswojrtniiitin jfcu ijjsiijr vviij for inwtb arid childrek tenycaf maturity shares are paltljgtf monthly instalments of 50c per share tot zab months when payments cease sc000 paid in maturity value 10000 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent acton hagyards xellow oil onrcs all pain in man or beast lor sprains oats bruisesi oallous lumps owelllngi inflammation rheumatism and neuralgia it is a- speolbo there novsr was and never will be a nnlteraal pansao in one rgmedy for all ills towhlpb flesh lahslr the very nature of many pttiativoh berng nnoh tbiit were the o ntba ma a na diseauea rooted in tbe sy stem of the pa tiont what would relieve one jll in torn wonld aggravate tho olberoto have however in qulnino wlnv in a sound qnadnltorated sulo fi rsoiedy ior many ibid grievous ills by its gradual judlolous use the frailest lybtems ars iod into bon- valeaoeboe and strenglh by the influenoe wblostjbmnitow restoratives ii rellsves thedrboplog spirits of thoiovltb ithom a oh ronio state of morbid despoiiaencf atla interest in llfais a diseaie anil by tranqbiililng the nerveeiieto and refresh- jii the 1 cgmpfjalgn j winds of acton onf is recognlied as being tho great home paper of this section everybody reads it and thlsis thebest evidence of its value lq advertisers who wish to reach tbe baying classes sabcesbf at fid terlibers tecoctliethat the fbee poess is theleading paper intbls sec- tlon because of its circulation its character its influence and experience shows that it brings them the quickest and largest returns 4- r fiaitway mmf crancl trunk rallwoyv qoino wkht o01ko kaht mail wxilloh mall d 40 am i 7 lo pm hxiirviih lixprcra mall jmixoil s 85nlu 10 47aro 0 11 ru 10 cajiin rim op closlnli 2taijh going west 0 8i am and 6140 pm qohigeabt 1015 amaiido 45 llni tills tiuio tablo wlit into qltcctoll ajpndaj nov dotb 1b90 earlv to b6d to riao stick to business and advertise now is the limetondvertise are going 10 have ntoney to spend this win ter os tbey have not had for years enq at tho fncn fnc office for ra people win- and spnee j h hiamiltpiri marble and granite hamlltbnablook ooeiph haviafroqhaziilalarsequautlty -of- scotch jfoirway swediah and rub8itnv i grtinite vi and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchased i will sell at a reduction of 20peilcbjntvi and will allow all expenses to jcustbmers to and from our works -j- jobkh hfttvrtttom- the limited v wi ikihsoii pidmlibfc east longest worr easiest arid draw w- lightest points and soles- last twice a long all cast parts have our nanlo- and address in full on them see that you get them it will pay you the strongest and simplest pneumatic- ensilage cutter intbe market rujiranteedtocut 20- tons an hour arid deliver 40 feet tptju line of straw cutlers and root pulpers roller bearings all kinds of wheelbarrows limited toronto steel wo wobia oali yooyattentlon to tho faot with barn that we are prepared to sapply ytd with lumber of snitablo loogth for yonr doors viz 10 13 18 or 14fcet also bash vvfbames y il mouldings eto for building stormdoors pat ap at as low a rate as possible viu3tirs hepalr yonr pamps or put in now ones before it tooooll- vtnpw to it- shop at foot of n iver street acton thos ebbace manaprer what fs known and sold as is clothing cut out by vmachinery put together by machinery and hfith the aid of starving female labor sucha garrneni stamps the wearer on sight as dressed jljlslopi ihejnotcuilyilookslu- j it but as a consequence feels frjai it men are learning that ls they cannot afford to be ill- dressed slops have had their day fmrs t0wer9 torpqww ani psuiap- ing wttilxn ternaj coyarett otan patent seller and 3aiibearfasts miapioloaf two sizes- for anvpowbv no xnastwiricnr reversiblejrarrs no 2 hasslnch single burrs both have ball bearing bur r pla tes relief springs wnrliihnwn feed grind fine and fast with least power always guaranteed a trialgiyen hundreds in use rsssytowssr twokinos bmif miit j vs m ifesfcr- expressejwettyh name would imply quitc rkxoytowear made by tailors designed by ahxirtist sewn vith the besblinen and silk t cut to fit the form of man be he 7 i f nv raiuesmoiildliui toujjbolq ftoriahittiouj re4kta3ail as prices loinl staar jtall short stout or twn any jttiau n6t apqsitiye liialformation can be fitted by j clothing v v byfjtted we mean dressed sovhat he looks a gentr leman and possesses that feelingnof oprnfprtarid ait- of ease that always marks the welkdressed man see uitt shorey auraote crd i in the pocjcet tstkm we make patent roller and balf-bear- ing steel windmills of all kinds thefiriesf tf in tho market beit v material lig h t e a t running send for illustrated catalogue johntvtti aobistt alarjag3 frosts anjbtm- a alliinoot ii qt faprri xob m jk fc- m i afel fitvfvfi9

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