Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 6, 1898, p. 1

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volume xxiii 3sto u8 acton ontaeio thuksifay january 1898 v i price three cents is pnuliaiiud- bveby thursday morning attue free prcnnstcam vrlntlnp ofuco uill street aoron ont thumb of sunuoniptldn olio dollar por yoar strictly in advauoa all huiacriptionb dlboou- tluuod when tho time for wiiloh tuoyfcavo boon j the datu t tlnl paid has explro tsft luosoriy tio u is paid tb don ot od o n th o address label aiivhbtiaihq iutbs transient advertise- wonts 10 contaper nonpareil lino for first iu- eortibn a cents nor lino tor oacli mbaoquont aeortlon v t lutittlio following table shows x our rates for tho insertion of ndvortlboniouts for- if rpoolflod periods we havs gathered fino christmas goods from many markets and now have in days bookstore a collection of holiday merchandise that is a credit to our store and to guelph w iv atmoh i n 1 6 uo- i u wo jjuo fe suinoues s01nobas flinobtts alllob i 6000 1300 9000 600 3500 9000 1900 2801 iaoo 700 aoo 700 000 250 100 jt hwtisemontfl without specific directions s- 0 lportodtm forbid ana oharffodacoord- nglti transient advertisements must bo paid u advance advertisement will bo changed onoo oaob ta if desired for changes oltoncr tban c onoe a month tho composition muetbo paid for v atrogalaj ratoa ohaoflesfor contract advertisements must bo n one olfloo by noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly hpmooue editor and proprietor j8fiin5fi dinrtaty medical f uben m d o if offleo and residence corner mill 4 frederick fltroou acton a b elliott m d m b ixx aotou culfdoatb tonontotjnivenaitt office main btroot third door eouth of preaby tor laii church acton tvr- dryden eva eintnnoit amd nose jioldanb block douglas st near iv o guelph ornok eouna 10 am to 1 pm and 3 to 6 pm vtbdmpatb 10 am to 1 pm veterotaiiy surgeon gg a lpked p husband v- 8 kv graduate of tbo ontario votorinary college rvi honorary member of tbo veterinary llodical ik-soolety- mv offjpb tvm husbands lota con 4nass fff agawpyo 7 cavils tfoy or night promptly attended to dental w l bennett xd ohonostowlf ontjuuo ifr f 8 mercer juf- dbktibt gradimti of toronto unlventty andbods pnlot uv4r drag store acton r viajrika date thunadav ahd faiday vtm belli dps lds gvtf pusfiat o baoopvutb i wpwoi gnapyith ov toronto t7ivbb8itri jfr work made satwactory prices moflorato ei vxwsiattirtnebdayand frldayof each dh dentist cor college st and bpadlna avo toronto 8 will vlilt acton pn tho flrat and tutrdsatur- iday of eocbmontb vbwicbtabnowa hotel yqz otean mclean barriatni solloiton notariei convojranoera fejko jrtyfte funds to loftn jrc- v v 0 wh a mclas jmoa- mclean jbljciriafl murray t cfxvbanniathju boucitpna kotahuea etc vrmcmn leoqqaeon st pirkdntio vlotoriacbambeneivlotorlasl telephone 887 touqwto t trj f opwdooohb aolldxjlit 1 j liickinnon s bamaatebi bolicitod cottvxruicxn wa olrilcz mill btroot in jjittuom block ggxjdri 0h atfleson a j b wolieod l i uuuutjuuboucnou coh vejavoeiis qeitibetowiiuid mutob 101107 to loan at lowot ratal abb7 frolitftirtli dillon coart connlr ot nal- tdniobnt6janberagont flro and ijlfe anuranoo rfail bantts abnt money to loan bto sstti otwoa-rmrrymaniblooli- v omt- i r miscaailaifxqvs bnby gbist v ottwa oihii fvsolioltor of patent lor invonuod oto ubmopmo patent offlcij mi tor tuo skljilffltratlon or yrado barka bond lor- nam- rplirot khirtytwo yeara exporlonoo s r jioqkbindeb qoolpli ontario wtdbam st quel sbv 0 wlllam btoro srj4 izttia n 11 llna mmi nvt booki of all klnrta made loordor upeodleau of orerrdeaorlptloncarefnllr bound mlnlln lomptiyd6nii ku ttt w- t n vmoobb iiati6fltofl required ibbunfl 7klimtiwto tho evening qfllocjtqk mif ksllsibbbjsf yooui to rotlaoe ypnr intorest- k3p tware i awthflms loan or luonoy at iinterivt and on miy tem fit rsnavmant aoy jct ht plenty of funds i shw lend p an otbor h flm toy books all tba annunts albums vaicn in uno obua and llaeb jardlulors v wrltlubkolios purses card cases gups and haucors tots aud qamob dollsra bin variety fanb our bibles uro alio aud prices tory low tboiibandn of sundrlos for cbrlstmaq cards aud booklots calendars bee tliobplondidasborttnout days bookstore tfuelpli -thb- traders bank of danada jlartrg authorized capital 1 000000 cuelph rranch big value for your money every time day sells cheap f5o0sevatib fegiibmiikai tymrhjbmbybbbti irjib apottoi j iajntletofwmiingtan abaltcn iaon wi idaoed to stfibnclrjiimpiiutotablo r 33 13 per cent off perfumes akd manicures this special offer applies to some t49 odd bottles of first- class french odora suitable for holiday gifts and the balance of bur stock of manicures our space will not admit of description you arc invited to come in and inspect the goods this offer is- good or tho re- maindcr of the holiday season alex stewart f family and dispensing chemist w barbee bros paper makers georgetown ont ium spxoutitx or machine finished book papers rilqh grade weekly news the paper ubed in this joarnalib from tho above mills wm barber bros acton saw mills and wood yards hanuyibtuann and dbaceb ih jiuwber zatii shingles wood etc all klnda of wood in btook and promptly delivered to any part of tbo town at roasonablo prloos hardwood and alabs out stove length alw ys on band telppnono commnnlcatlop jshfi sbeqaeen leave your orders now for your winters supply none but the very best scranton coal delivered i can supply egg stoyc andinut sizes the liberal patronage accorded me last season by mr brpwnscus- tomers whose business t bought was much appreciated i can give even better service this year and solicit a continuance of tbeirorders coal delivery to commence in september john mcqueen the campaign prepare for wind v7o would call yonr attertlbn to the fact that wo are prepared to iinppiy yoa with lumber of suitable longth for yoar barn poors viz 10 ib iff or h feet also sashv r ir rr r k rtr ioors frames v mouldings etc for hoilding- storm doors pnt np at as low a rate as possible repair y pumps o pot ip n one before it is too cold wa out co it shop at foot of rjverstfoet acton thbsebbace ivianaker 4t4 yaausoon oe jwiirktnn yof holiday presents nndsuch like little things and quite naturally we would like to have you call on usyhenwaulmi anything in this line briombrd and iftuipy goina ara specialties and we think we can sell you nice goods at lower prices than yolrcan gt anywhere else wj mmujviflnl do pietum l ksmiaisisl sums of 81 and upwards reoeived on deposit and highest current rate of in tercet paid or compoupded halfyearly deposit recoiptaiabajjd for larfjo some dopoeited w advanced mado to rebponaibio farmers on their own names no charge made for oolleitihr saloa notes it payable in gaolph a iqoneral banking baainess transaoted a f hrjones malinger memories of chxlblloov i am o iny oblldliooda homo and tho old brown house oir tbo bill many duys liayo pltbsot slnco i played round tbo door jc vofrlta motnpry hurorb still till i fancy tbo years that havo spod are dreams and j livolu tho doiirq iomo skates arty aort you care for spring skate8 40c to 110 hockey skates 75c tossoo your size j ml bond fc co hardware guelph aqtons new drug store is now open and fully equipped with a brand new stock of drugs patent medicines drug gists sundries stationery eto in introducing himself to the people of acton and vicinity mr mckee begs to slate thathe is prepared to carry on business in city style and his stock has been carelully selected for that purpose he is a graduate of the ontario college of- pharmacy and holds its diploma for analytical chemistry he has obtained the degree of batchelor of- pharmacy from the toronto university and has also been admitted as a member of the new york college having been four years in tho employ of mr a b petrie of guelph and later had experience in new york city and toronto he feels confident that his store will be run to the entire satisfaction of the people remember pure irugs and right ptitces and the place mrs secords block your patronage respectfully solicited j p mckee winter is here and cooper takins are well proparod for it having just opened a fine new etook of olpth8peoially snitablofor winter suitings winter overcoatlngec wo have a very fino assortment in all lines binoe commencing busineeslii acton no have bad assurauoe from alloubtomors that the garments turned but by us havo given entire satisfaction from all standpoints fit style prices and enduring qualities your patronage ib solicited cooper akins main street acton sun savings and loan co heap office toronto ont authorised capital 900000000 tenyear maturity shares are pnid in monthly instalments ijfjoct per share for 120 months when- payments ceaso flgooo paid in maturity value 810000 money to loan at 5 straight loan pr repayable in monthly instalments on- appli- atfonfo r j monabb agent acton georgetown electric worlcs tj spbjobt proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydrauuc rams pipe and 8teamfutlns and aaneral itapalr- ifiagmurmingrnacrilna t lstnn on blovolo vraraoa itmlaoonyertodrrqtn dlroot to tangant inr using equipped wlteagaabraalngriiaorilna i am prepared to aobrutng qnsloyqlo vrara htto hot desired apfflo nll of bppjltik ipf in itoolt sitlataotlo saruiea hlofola namtuad id anyoolor mm whoro tbo bapiiloat days qt my ufa waro iiasscd j3ro i loft itjftr far to roaiq i picture again each familiar soono- tbocoffsllya that grow by tbo sill the roses that clang to thcwlndoiv ledgo 110 tbolr rare frabranookanntsmpbtlll tlio forgotnienots bytfcegottontonao tiio hollyhocks grofflubbo tsu and perfumb of pink and tba illy too on tho soft swsot airs gpnuy fall i can see the woll with its flanhnrnod ourb and tbo pall that hung from tbo sweop ay as ovar there nectar 0110 bait bo piiro as wo drour from its rooky deep and the pebbled brook how it rippled and sang as it aphvahod tbo rooks noatli our feet wbllo with bended pip e sought oft to lure little flab from their cool retreat wo loved tboswbot itowors and tbo bumming bees and a king with bis golden orotrn neer felt our joy as thoso buttercup wreaths wo probsod on our locks of brown now oft through tho day as our foot grow tired wo carelessly lay down to rest noath tto applotreo wbllo its blossom a fell and our upturned faces prossod the birds and flowers tbst wo lovpd so well scorned to us voicing low aod eloar the swootcat of atorlob and fairy tales in our wondorlng childlnu oar tho redbreast oarrolod uuto its inato dear robhuto tbbo ill bo true a duiay uplifted ila gold crowned bead fro 111 its liatb in tba morn tog dow anothor sighed falutly 0 ilovo you to mo you are wooderous fair wbilo tbo clovers blusbod and tho violots aiullod as tboy list to tbd happy pair up abovb tlioblucarcb bcndbig toucllbd tbo clouds that burrlod by and wo thought thorn forujaof angels as tboy iloatod through tbo sky and wo sought to flad tbo ladder thai tbo dreamer jacob viowod wbllo tbo misty fotnis retroatod aud thufr upward ooureo pursued till wo- fell afiieap and tbo sun looking down through tho trees kissed our tumblod hair wbllo tho lcavos oorhead saug soft to tbo broozo as it fauood us sluiiiborlug tbofo oh thoao bright happy dftjs of childhood dream how their moniory liugors still a prophooy rich of hoavon abovo when lifes journoy wc bball folfljl adblaidb heaihon iiohibhib these ton years and more i scarcely think bo is as devont aa her words imply i have caught her looking out of tho window during prayer ministers havo preroga- twot it inuy havo boon the superb view that wo jot from our window that tempted her bhea frail like moat women great leepen with its rufkod sidoa smoothed hern uud there witli greit pntoh f lfttlnr irnlfrnfi nhqlrnffl tjiq sdttf yamilu tahittq y tory of the arse it i a bright moruinj and 1 have thrown opou my study window to allow the sweet frajninco of tho hawthorn and new col raaa to play about my bookd for they have been defiled the rion fumes of ttio havana are hot peasaiit iu tho mornidp however enjoy able at night eldera are fond of the burning leaf and there were six of them hero last evening ablebodied and aoand in lang and head were they iheminia- torb curling reek need not count from the btqdy window mildbnbrae is not au impoaing place orlm oajverton conld not- find ua thocrh bo crossed the mincbmour to slay our fatherh ho pass ed by our dcor and eaw ua not it was as well for him perhaps for ua benjamin brodio envies my position yonr neighbors dinna borrow frao ye yet a row of tombs ton eb givea little inspir ation if to quote benjamin caiu youll s huai ff ye defl you nice and nearv tho one or two epitaphs that lean read whilst bitting in my study have long si rice lost their wit which never compensated mo for the cold shivera i have exyerionced as i have looked oat at tnidniftbt and eeon you know i thopoaoherai mean the men are very fond of reading ibie one when they liave nine or ten satmbn ap the chimney getting cared hero lies tb banes o jssile grahamo this stanob erootod too-bcrsbame- bbo died through poaobln aalmon bo mind dear friend wbateer ye dao keep walkln in the narrow way au leavo alano tb lalaxod the gravcetohfls are nearly hidden from my sight this morning for tho heeoh and chestnut trees are ia fall foliage the air is soft and calm for the village is hardly awake bees lazily hum about the flowerb around my windows the larks from the hills behind the glebe meant into the deep blab singing on their way to light tho porky oxee tte from bush to bash piping ite name that daintily drcueed iellow the clmfflncb stands oyciog my open win dow with subpioion and screaming put in a high no to to his mate in tho pirrot hedge treelabolaleelaleelatawy a hundred sparrows aro judging a poor anfortbnate aud have disagreed aboat the verdiot tbolc ohirp is bo angry high on tbo pine tree the blackbird rivals the i mghttugale behiad all ihose i hear tlio monrnfal hush of tho stiver flowing tweedy ae mothorlika it tries to soothe the restless hearts of mildonbrae it fi lall of moods sb el as trout and salmon ft comes to ua in alow march from midpsjth not a atone breaks be glassy lorfaot bqt the laughter of- the children la contagioni it forgets its solemnity before ik has passed our street end andbeins to leap and aing witn atpsn it skirls roond the oorner and for the next mile ft a breathless race- and because there are no children to throw rowans and battcropps into its face it growa meohanoholy bphind the sliver glrdlo i tho green gold of minohmoor with itboreaonted woods of fir pine and beech hero tbe roby thyme blooms and floebte the louthwest pree the purple heather with its healthgivlhg fragrance growalnxurioqbly for those gifted god has poured hi vialtollove that bring more elation thin the aged blood of the vines of normandy mildonbrae is bat a jong etreot ibelterrd by two hills and girded by t ha river lt hoooeb osn be seen from my window with their whue walli and tbatobed roof a oyer these porohes grctf iba tbia jaaoolne tbluiroies end horieyiookle in etoti mill manse from tho cold north winds a morasifheb at its- feet great tall fta and flowing ruahcvgrow in abuudauco and give amplo hiding roorrfor wjltl duck and water tie m- uodertheuage tbo water lies deep and dark and for a gr gat epace la open to tho over changing hoes iof the bky m the wind plckye throagh tho tall grasses and the gold light of the sun ebimmers open the green tho wind thinkb not of earth kiraty again clasps ber bands in prayer aloees ber eyes li kjrety had brought in my brcakfust oi wets feasting on this paradibeaai tlioagbt bot he i eyes were on the gnddys brfg a rough struotnre that qrosses the wild torrent that rushes down one side of xeepen it ia a quaint bridge made for tbe paokhoreo to cross i eaw her put her hand to her heart and a longdrawn afgh broke the stilmesb of tho room the rugged ieatnres grew smooth as a childs and thai sad melanoholy oo common to those who hvo npon the hills oreptirom ber faoo the light of tbo sao played about her mouth she had for gotten me and with face pressed close agalnnt t heglass alio wutohed eagerly the steps of a man coming np the road ho bad a bundle on his hack and seemed an ordinary tramp on his look oil 1 my god itn tarn she burst out at last and fled from the ropm kiraty i said in tones of wonder and dignity ill havo you before tbo elders if i ever hear i never finished tho aeii- tenoe in the middle of the road i saw kiraty the vjlluu model of propriety huvging tbt ragged booueua tramp he would not cuter my door but kiraty knew the boieuoo of warfare and attaoked and i was defeated hes come air biting tho corner of her apron i expected him many years syne may lib havo some breakfast and to buoh an appeal man has but ooo answer womin hue two a tramp with kirsty mydutywab to find out who ho was bat she was ready for me we had arranged to dust the books iu tbe study on thin day aa she took down daatedput up again my books i learned her story vtwentyfbur years syne i was mair than prqod of tarn nao braver lad wooed a lassie beokless as tlio leaveb in juno was be as herd to giifde ana flock of sheep op thamoore i found him molhera love was but a towline mine was as weak as water ambition won his soul and tae frisoa gold ilelds ho would gang youll ride in yonr oarrlugohbo sir gharlep kiraty lass he dinned into my ears nae beggiu for a plokle wool tae spin a bit of cloth nor go in to bed at bix tae ktfep ane anither warm im mad with this poverty kiraty and i will rather dee than endure it all my life ho said fiercely but youll no sell yoursolf for gold tam we hae been poor and oft have had little broad but we have never for gotten to live riijht i said prood like tam dobsdn ia a name i hae nao reason tobe ashamed of ho said aa prood- ly ill never disgrace i it and hae ye ooonted the cost of leaving mltbor and mol i asked with obobing voice its a lang way but easier to gangtiiauvto corao back i hae ooonted tho cobt kiraty lass laud itu willing to p if heart the oxpootatjon of seeing tam iio never married kiraty i told him you had married though and had for gotten him and for a time he lay at tbe door of doaili innrsed him then bbt why dir ho not write to his motlieri i asked in amazement little knowing thtx depths of a womans wiaked- wh i u t he worlds great fires perhaps i watered his ambition at hamo meal waseae soaree that wo eoppod from ae cog arid fought if ano heaped up hfs epoon maif than the rest tatties were bad and tbe salmon bad been taken from us wftb father dead and milher u cripple it wasfa bard life at flrbttambent a very cheerful letter but he had not another nae sueoeae means boo letters 1 sad to my mitber and ten yeara of ehenoe broke my spirit it was mrs mackintosh brought as tho last news of tam yo mind her she died with a thousand demons round her bed audehe deaorved it and the wrioklebcaroe baok to kiratys faoo 8bo bod been in friboa and know tam her husband died there uud bho came tao b aside bermither ob lassie lm sorrowful for you aho said when first we mot hes a coward not to havo told yori hocourtod a rich bopnie lassie oat yonder and married her ho was alwayb fond of beauty ha drives about frlsca in ills carriage whoni roqt him flrstmrs maokiu- tosh said to me tam was very pjoascd to see me you must not tell them who i am he eald with a smile it woald never doe of oourso ill alwayebo glad tobcebn at my house mre mackiutoah for the days of auld long syne she stayed at bis housa sorao wooka when her husband died he sent his mother tiridtadloyxfiyfriai bis mother twloe afterwards mrs mao- hintonh bad a jotter from tam sendlnx money to hie mother thank god she died in comfort he sent me a mcaasge by her that ho wafa married and hoped j would be soon then camo news that lie had lostt all his money aud bis letters to mm mack flflaaed an i buriod roy eorrow in your service eir i have been soar and illtoropered andno bo obeerful aa i might havo been for yo hae mony orosses to carry and need cheoriug i never hae been bright iince bo deoelved me as i thought aud tho tears fell down bor oheeks you have been a rubfal servant kiraty and all in th j village honor yoa i aid knowing not hw to comfort her it was when mra maoklntosh lay dying this rorrnw was ukon from us for greater p1 i kiraty drying her tear- tit ererlxdy not kiraty she sild when i went to ite her open thai box there and tako that buudlo in tho right corner it was a bundle of letters and iomo- ttflng very heavy my heart btood and ho room spun iround and round th iwrm yiilulvgqpmi f i vklioevnih money ho hud saved 110 for bin mother i gave her 40 and kept the rest bo rover wrote to his mother for i wroto and said she was doad and ho eo trusted me ho believed alli said but why mrs maokiutosli should you blast both ouislivea i asked not being able to solve saoh treachery i loved him as welt as you 1 wanted him to marry me when my hasband died i threw myself befqire him every art 1 used to win him all of no avail iesteem you highly mrs maobihtbah said he but my heart is kiratys if hera is not mine to bo rebuffed trampled upon deapibod woko all that was bad in me and now hell seems let loose upon me for each bin yoa renibmber how bhe died she bad drank herself into her grave i wrote to frifloa and sought after tam years i havo written- this morning there has come the answer bhe said sobbing dont weep kiraty ill get him some- tblug to do and the last half of yoar life will be bwbet i said having determined to get tam a good place will yon pardon a atraiiger and deceiver tosay a word- came a voice in at tho etady door and tam stood before me respectably dressed and booted kiraty wiped her eyes and stood speeohleba i have deoeivod thut worthy lassie there with iny bare foot he said lunching moat heartily im not poor kiraty bat slob i oamfl home tho moment i got your letter i wondered how you and my frienda would greet roe aud fond of a joke i came as a tramp and ho luid put on the tablo four bars of gold that meant o email fortune will yon apoak to me now i am rich kiraty lassie ho said with a merry twiukio and to sava witueuaiiig a enene i left them alone inthe study i found after an h pars interval that sbo had not dusted a book flinco i left her his general effect during a trial whiob took plaoo in a new england city somo years ago the plaintiff was undergoing a rather sharp examina tion from tho defendants attorney the case was one of damages claimed on ncooont of beyere bodily injuries reoeived by the plaintiff on a railroad dae the plaintiff claimed to the negligenoo of the defondaut railroad companys servants mr 0 tho railroad companys lawyer was noted for his nervousness in examin ing witnesses and endeavoring to disoon- oert them thia witneea however determined not to bo sguqlobod or confused by his opponents counsel after becoming thoroughly provoked at theattaoks of tho lawyer he remonstrated mr o said he i am an jnvalld i cannot allow yoa to question me in this manner it is a pobitivjo injury to my dotvods bystem which is at its best in a shattered condition i sball have to rctuso to answer your questions nnless you pntthem in a different manner i am troubled i on account of the injury reoeived on tho railroad with sclerosis of tho spinal cord at thismtduto i oau sea yoa doablo and you know by experience it ia generally ouoagh to upset a man to see yoa once whether out of gratitude- for thia tribute to hie remarkable powers or from a feeling that tbe general sentiment was against his method of rjaostfoning on that oooabion it iaaidvlbat4hve la w n mild iu his farther treatment of tho witness with sclerosis of tbo spinal cord we have read about them tho girl who is a dream of lovolinobs nrhea she is drying her hair in the sun the blacksmiths daughter in the country village who roads latin greek and hebrew the beautiflhitiu governess who wins the yosng lords heart the poverffbtrlcbon majdeu who gownednscnjlb whjte muslin and a blue eaeh outsbinea her betterdressed sistere and ia tho belle of the ball the girl whose wiudblown tresses fall in a golden shower about hor alabaster neck vfhon she takes a canter on her spirited bay- tho proud beauty who booms tlio atten tion of the hurablo yonng artist and learns too late that he fs a man of fame the untutored maiden with the voico of a nightiugalo whd brings tho whole andlenoo to her feet on her fi ret appear ance fl the heiress who wanders about disguised ae a poor girl and falls in jovo with tho- flehrrmanb son the girl with two of more madly jualous suitors who cau keep them all at ber bedk and call and induoo ihom to do anything by a glanco of her liquid oycb facts an ob3ect lesson whatover may be said for or sgafust the departmental store it can trnthfallybe said that it 1b an object lesson in advertising these stores havo proven beyond a perad- venture that jadioious persistent advertis ing will gain trade and the smaller dealer g ah i twrn- at loaat in order to gain tbe trade of the oommuntty nowadays dealer must keep before tbe people if it pays the large store to advertise ou the boole whioh it adopteit will pay tbo smaller dealer to advertise in proportion one of tbo great est advantages that tbe departmental store baa over the smaller dealer is tbe faot tha it persistently keeps before i the people the smaller dealer must let the people know what ho has and what he will eel i it for home help bmall daogbter- roost school time and i mislaid mygeography caltored mother well toll me what tbq lesion is about aud ill wrlteont the answer for you to learn 8mallpaaghterthe lakes of afrioa oultbred mbihermumlf ypave rnlilald your grapby you o oj6ber oth was the twentysixth unui- versay of the great obioago fire of 1871 tho tihics- herald oi out eiy makert the following intoroating comparisons the famous london fire whfoh ended the great plague aud the destruction of borne by nero are bald to havo exceeded it in loss of human life in all three fires aooarate ugurctf as to life loss have never been obtained tuete are tbo eatlmatoti lives lost in chicago fire vv200 bodies recovered inobicago hre coroners record 117 lives lost in great loudon tlrebep- tember 2 hioo io0o london bridgeflre 3l512 8000 ban francisoo are mays 18w 50 brooklyn tbeatro rite dooember c 1876 q the property loss compared with the property loss at otbor famous area waa obioago are 8100626600 great london flro 25000000 newyork deo 161835 20000000 pittaburg april 101815 6000000 albany september 01818 15000000 boaton8eptember0 1872 80000000 tbe ghioagollre begin october 0 about 080 oclook in tho evening in tbo barn of mrs 6leary 137 i koveu street a fraqtions oowis suppoved to hive knooked over a lighted lamp the lire lasted twentyeight hoars it hadbcou preoedod by afire the nigbt of ootobor 7 which butned fourteoobouri with a property loss of 276140 small area ragbri ootober 8 the weather was very dry and ronthwerit andwejtwindj provniled tho ilre of batobero in bno hour and fifteen ruiuutes had burned over nighty aores of the city and ontailoj h poperty loss of 91475000 such a hwoepjng gale of flame had never before beeti wutieased by man tho early bursting of water mains and patiips anrl the doatruotlon of the water tower mado tho flro department almobt useless the total aoreitgo swept by tho chioago fire compared with that of other fires was obioago fire 2000 home 01 25 great london flro 430 albany 21 the duration of tlio chioio fire was much shorter foritstnauitudo than that of any other known great fire tho great fire of loudon burnedforfourdaya rome was destroyed iuthrco diyi tbo bobton flro lasted a day and a half while thxt of obioago lastedtwentyeight hours the number of bnildinga destroyed in the obioago fire farbarpaaaed anything on record even theravagoa by armies during time of war the figures aqd the corn par- isons are chicago flro 25000 great london firo 13200 oornhlll maroh 251748 200 new york 1885 goo charleston april 27 1838 1158 pittaburg 1845 1000 albany 1848 600 san francisco 1651 1500 boston 1872 800 tho obioago fire department lost in baildingb and apparntup proporty valued at 8146076- tho insuraooe on the burned chicago property waa 00000000 and the loa ex aeeded that by 8100520600 tho insur- anoe oompaniea aoted heroically nearly 100 were driven out ot existence by their iosbop but nearly allot them toads ao effort to meet their polioioo as far ae poaaible the nnmber of people rendered homeless by tbo ghioagohre compared with other firoa was chicago firo 98600 great lohdon lire uuuoihk portlandme 10000 the loss to tho municipality in property was 82415180 the government loss in anrrenqy and coin in the bubtreasury wua 81010200 there wero 68753 buildings iu chiougo before tbe are ho that noarly one half of them were destroyed the value of the business blocks residences depots ware houses etc doutroyed was 852000000 the loss on other property was 9188526 goo the entire burnod dietriot waa rebuilt within three years tbo character of the buildings lobanglag from the frame prior to tbe flro to brick and stone conventiom donts dont pat in half a dozen presiding officers at different bobiions for the sake of recognizing all the officers the president if ho is a good one should nsnally preaide 0o knows tho ropen ho cau keep the convention on tlio right traok better than n nowcomer in tho chair a feeble or taot- leas presiding ofllcer oau oabily ruin a con- vention bobbion dont take up loo much preoioua lime in pleading for mono v cracking jokes to open pocket books b weary so mo aud undig nified acolleotlonatovory bossiou with a long plea for money is useless and a nusianoe jrheoityjlohoreduhulhq 000- ventlon ebbuld ueually tsko oare of the convention expenses aud uecespary money for statoor coaoty work can bo raised by voluntary pledgoa from boolotioa dont take the boat ovbning hour to receive these pledges- when tho groat congregation la assembled often largely from oulsido the ranks o deugatcb they 1 t-half-their- ta np- in distributing blanks anfl oolleotlng them a work which might jest as welt be doue when only kndeavorers ara present dont lot a conoeited bumpliouv indi vidual get up tb instruct the pastors what they should do how they should voto and what sermons they should preaoh and then go on to erltlous or patronize the oh a r oh if by rauuko auolj a man gota on yonr programme bo that be does not get thero again francis e clark d d popularity of the bible mr albert e turner one of the well- known book meoof tbrtlbited states the representative of a mammoth publishing concern aays v the one book wbou sales go onlnoreas- other publications bybandr ands of mpjmwid bibie j wnflriill and a spe zl st if you can spoir every word tonuctly in tho following rhyninca all legitimato cxi rooslonu youmay coubldor yoursoll iunllltd to utter a snelllugboo rjtand up yo spolleis now an 1 si all bpojlpbonaklbtobcbpo and tnoll or talioboniotiimplo word as chillj or guagor or tho garden illy to spell such words as syllogism and laobryinobo aud aynclironlbn and pentatouoh and aacoharlur apocrypha and eoladtuo jepninoand hpmoopatby barolyais and chloroforui rbiriooerob and pfvohydonri of etempsyolioblsghorklds ban juo isroertajnly no oasy task kaleidoscope andteniiessoo kamstcbatka and orysipoloir and atiqtiotte and saascras infallible and ptyailim allopathy and rhpumatism and calaolyam and beloagnor twelfth eighteenth roodbvoas lutrltuor and hosts of other wordaall found on english and on clorsic ground tnus bobvlng btralt8ndmicbao1uias tbermopylao jalap havana ojnquofoll and ipocaouauba and ilappabannook bbonandoah and schuylkill and a thousand moro are words somoprluio good apellora miss id dictionary lands llko this nor need ono think blmsolf a scroylo if some of those bis efforts toll nor deem himself undone foruvor to mlsa tho name ofelthor rlvor tho dnoipor bolno or ouadalquivor jjousivtlte courier soumiil the drunkards sermon it was growing lute the tido of human ity that oarlierintho evening bad obbed and flowed through tho streets of tho great city had swept onward leaving tho strange and almobt appalling sense of desolation that comes when tho noiacb of the town aro hushed tho eltqtrio lights hired uu noted 611 tho oornerd the btreut oura passed at farther intervali now and then k night worker hurried by his footsttps ringing oat loud and clear in tho stillness in front of utjuloou whoso lights biiqiio oat bright and ruddy acrosd the pavsment stood a trump unshorn dirty disgusting he wfticbedwith cnvlom eyes thumoit who parsed iu and out tlirough tho awingmg door aud then ho turned hta oyea toward two young follows in evening drean who were corning down the street toward him they had been drinking deeply and they stopped before the saloon door and looked curiously at him by jovi one think of having a thirst like that and not tho price of an ex tinguiahor in your pocket beats pld tantalus all to pioces oh liquor liquor everywhere and not a drop to drink he ran hib hand in his pocket aud prof ered the tramp a dime but before it could be aooepted the other young follow inter pobed say ho cried lets do tho good samaritan and get hobo up to a good drink the other hilariously consented and the tramp slouched into tbe saloon at tho heels of tho two gilded ydolhu tho barkooper bdt before them glusics and liquors and with a hand that ahaok the tramp poured out a brimming glaai and raised it to his lips stop cried ouo of tho young men drunkcnly muko uba spceob it is poor liquor that doesnt loosen a maam tongue tho tramp hastily swallowed down the drink and hb the hob liquor coursed through hia blood he atraightcned himself und etood before them with a grace and dignity that ull his rugs nd dirt conld not obaenro gentlemen be said i lopk tonight at you and ut myself and it seems to mo t look upon the picture of my lost manhood this bloated- face was once as young and handsome as yours this shambling figure onoo walked as proudly as yours a man in aw rhea i to o h h aud friends and position i had a wife as beautiful aa an artists dream and i dropped he priceless poarl of her honor and renpeotin the whiocap and cleopatra- like saw it dissolve and quaffed it down in the brimming draught i had ohlldren as ewoet and lovely aa tho flowers of spring and i saw them fade and die under the blighting cureo of a drunkard father i had a homo whoro love lit tho flame npon the altar and ministered before it and i patent the holy flro and darkness and desolation reigned in its stead i bad aspirations and ambitious that beared as high as the morning star and i broke and braised their beautiful wings and at last strangled thorn that i might be tortured with their ories no more to day i am a husband without a wife a father without a child a tramp with no homo to oall his own a man hi whom avory ood impulse is dead all all swallowed up in the mael strdni of drink the tramp oeasod spauking the glaab fell from hja hervoleas flogorn and bbivcred into a thousand fragniontb on tho floor tho swinging doors pushed open and shut tosgaio and when tho littlo group about the bar lookod up thotramp wad gono xj 0 i hovvasuoar is white ned tho way in which sugar is made parfsct ly white it ia sid whs found out iu a curious way- ahen that had gono throogh a day mad puddle went with hot nuddy jfeet into a sugar house and it was observed by some ono that wherevor the tracks wera the sugar whitened this led to soma experiments with tho result that the wet clay oamo to bo tisad in refining eugar it is used in this way tha sugar is put into earthen jars shaved- as you see tbe sugar loaves aro tnn largest ends sre onward tho smaller ends have a hols in them tho jar ia filled with sugar arid the olay ia put over tho op and kept wet the itrotsture goes down through the sugar snd drops through lliehole in the amall end of the jar this makob tho sugar perfectly white her rejoinder if i was to eland on my bond bald young softleigh u suppose tho blood would auraah to my head wouldnt it t of oourso it would replied miss out then ooatiuuod tho young man why doesnt it rtfsh to my feet when i tandupon them really i dont know she replied wlfh a peculiar smllo nnless it is beoaose yonr feet are not empty dont worry dontrqu in debt dont

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