Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 6, 1898, p. 2

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pk vy spifpiis f5iv v rrv3 jktj4um foiibrrawaqdat tbo canjirutiotial par- od8q aotodou tburaday aotb dmomber by nv th fotboi jobnponytliof ulon to kathleen lillian ward pf fottrevlhu out dibd mcdonainiu nabigaoy on wcdneaday i jauuary ctlt orabnu mcdonald afiod 1 yoars and u months kobtfwood on wodneidiiy poo yoaohflht daughter of tbo late la asealb yaara and 0 moutbi sdultii at liodl tjth ahulo yoi pavldbbultlaftsedlbyeara godiin in belleville on wednesday ui docombor mra bqv thorn a uodtlon iuotbvr of bovj kty1tten ma of aoton mcmillan at hornby on sunday luornlor ducswtb norman momulan aou of the late jolm momulan a god 90 yeara and 0 month wmoirr at went pay city midi on tlmri- dy0tb december 1abell boomer widow of tbo lato franola wright natlvp of halton aped 71 yeara buiutya boddenlr at gait whllo oondtiotlg public ejryloe on aanday january a key wlmam burn of toronto secretary of the aged and infirm mlnliurn fund of the prebliy- tprian oburobol canada efe glriflit fiiii ffi ms the story of the polls rrf snv v c v clark clrk murray and franolar eleoted to serv tho people lv t yea v hynd8 holmeanp uren for t jbe elections arp always uncertain opin ions invariably differ as to who will be tbo ancceeful oandldatea atu the polls bo it was at the municipal election on mouday the frlenddbf oaoii cabdidate were euro and oortain that anlcoeaa would rodowu upon then treo candidate and their friend wore ditmppoibted wbeutbe ballots wor6eoanted bot they take their defeat very phflptophqiliy and with rare good nature the conqaeat was a quiet one and the balloting- proceeding duriug the day with apjmreutly the tout bt footing in all quarter a very lare ybto waa polled g m ja john clank j v murray aqd isaac franoii were baooeaaf di and in the eleo tion of oblio bofaobl trainees georse hynda robert fiolmes aod dr tjren were iohosen to fill the vaoanolea the pubho lilbrary bylaw was carried by a vote of nearly threo to one jo its favor tbevotes polieuwera as follows 0b ooumoxltorb k apd very lutlaaalary thlahaibot hennpy ejefcwrieuce witjiy the present tarpi rwill have beorja to ember of the publiopohnl buird o flftaen years and i feel amply repaid fojr my ioiir seryloe by he kind treatment of the people of aoton 1 thank the ho for their llborul support today our uohool td bno 6f which avo may all feel proud itis the best equipped and has rho highest alandinr la- the county ordifor tbi iudtle both to the truetoe hoard and to the cxoollotit stttfr we have always maintained i will cndoitvor durioji tbo two yours for whiah yon have fcledtad rrt to sorvo you wflh tho heet of roy ttbllilyv i 1feelyery protid of my election today said mrr hoiroea tliftvebeen a member of the boar4 b yeara and this is the first oonteatl have ukafedin the people evidently have not tnach against me i will endeavor to so act daring the present term that vou will hvonoaiisbtoreuret vrntymm o w oj6rifiss15iiwtv ctiip- ted yit urtglj ootild not ialb either hand or foot had to be fod and dros- odth debtors told hlrn a cure wb impossible yet he attondatd hl9 bulnass today pom thblubrook itoportar bbeaoiatisrn babplaimod niany viotinib an baa pfobably oahaed more paiu than anj ptlior illvheotinn mankind among those whohav been the vioilmbfewlikve sufifslred mora than mr q w ooon now propietor pi a floariahitig bshery in hamp ton bqtfor a tiomber ofyestb a residont of pqniypqol wbnn bis sevore illness ooenrred toa reporter who interviewed him air ooon gave the following partioql- ars of hienreat sncferlnkand ultimate oure fsome seven pr eight years ago said mr oboni feltaneh qf rheniiiatlsm at wiisi only room and time to mention stems from 3 departments and they are corkers some of tiem tlieresultsof specialpurchase made much under regular prices and values 1st mantles 100 of therri to be sold on friday as follows 8275 for 8210 50 for sj50 8 for 298 85fbr835o 86 for 8425 8750 for 8550 88 for 8o15 tio or 8750 82 for 8qj5- these are all the very iateai styles some of hem napsiindcurlb some fine piain beaver in brown fawn black and greev jfteto imibertleeniriita vt wanted tndustitlolib men ol oliaraoior the iiinbcottcomranytoronlorjdk wanted an oxporloucod canvoakar to travul and xv appoint egonts ko canvassing balury jtn aut oxponiobjiald tbfc pidlkyqmiktion co llmltod toronto j wanted solioiiors for canada an encyclopedia of tbo country in five itoyal quarto vol- umoa nodaltvorlngcommibalonriiaid wee ly a canvaasor reports bis first weolc making over sevauty dollars profit agents jsell klondike gold fields lmbawbirllnd proapeotnasbaatitb worth 1 big pay capital nnneoeaaary the bbap cq limited tomnk thob8datt jandaby 0 1898 lv notes artp coiyflmfints at preieui it 1 optional with ainnnloi- jtto appoint v bqlig inspeotor twb provlilon fewj if anyi tnunloipalitles of the proylnbe take ijavnjr oi theilionapn dlabbterabilwiilrbkibly pqleoriv j the majoruy o people idokapon it as a trivial otfenoe to tbrojr stone at a tele- graph wire bat under the criminal dodo the penalty l three months or 8s0 and if you injnretbe wireor one of the glass in- aniaton the penalty t two years in the penitentiary the prpvlneul government are intro- daolna bill at ibe present sessioo ol the iriatnmroajngthe mlo ants vaoti whloh provwes that no petsonenierlng the emplby of the erovlooe after the lit of janaaty 1808 shall be entitled to a retir ing allowanoe hon david mi1u the minister of justice iavbeotbftandbjii aowptepi tha lia portant andaifflonuipot of deader of the government io the senate it nqairei a hood deal of taot to make headway with government bmineii there in the t km of the dbnservahve majority of honorable senators cum juies 13 101 1v ounk johk 80 94 174 moaaiy j a 58 82 140 fiunoisiauo 11 57 129 bmithalexr u 85 70 ronsonool tiidbtkiss 1 no 1 no 2 total gvndb gzonos 70 08 177 holmib hodibt 07 71 188 vnm3funi 68 73 180 grlndell henry 80 co 09 campbell b o 35 53 88 rniklidjunt dtuw nol no 2 total fob 78 100 178 againit 80 80 00 yonrsnpport today dr j f uren the third trnateeoleot was then called dp3n it ibalrnbat a surprise to me i hat i am elected he aaid it is a position en 1 iroiy unsought solicited ifp voles ifeel that thepeople of aoton ure bofflcietitly lnteliientr to pelect the menfhoy dutiro to repteaent them withont being paiivasiecl durliig a contest i 4iauk yon for your aupporl and feel that i am well ijqlltled for the poaitipu to which jou have elaoted me i am enabled to baythjs beflarnae of personal experienoe as arpablioeohtldl feapher andin other edooational positions i will daring my term s a- member of the board do all i oanto advance the interests of aaton publio sohooll from all over the province pomes the fame story from tbe merchants and bua- iness men that the holiday business this aeaaon has been belter than for years baok i mejari jaraea molaro bobert wallace better goods porobaapd and more cash paid i and t h harding who have one year to ktt been thenniversal rule and the bope- jul tone in alt olassea of trade la atrong tettimpnythat things have taken a move opwsrd for certain miltonfor the firit time in her history aevtown is without a- realdentrepresent tative in the county ooonoil we dont know however as it will make much dif i- ferenee hnt isnt it rather pooollar to say tbe least that the oounty town is now repreabptea bya realdentpf aoton f hpw- ever as long as it geo havlll we dont think the town will have any reason- to com plain btfarmer atbn is indeed honored aaia alio mlton in having auoh ttulworlhyreiirlentative the naasa gaeya representative in division four does not item to cat maoh of aflgnre with our milton fri ends he is apparently- bnt taken into aobount majority 107 the three ballots were somewhat cbnfus ing a- considerable number failed- to mark tbe ballet for the free library by law and eboat a loore voted for the same number of trusteea aa counoiliors thus voiding the ballot the oonnoll or 1808 will be composed of tbo following memberaeleot beeve w h storey coaoolllora jam chrk john clark j amurray andlsasofranoia the fnblie hohool board will have mi sx byiii reeenti decision in the divisional oprt at oagoode hall it is establlsfed that forib4ktbjwayji3obr on snnday renders hiin 1 fbibwfto the prpl- act john walsh- of oiliswwa oonvlcted by the fp lice jvug- iauateof th oily for disposing of liquor iiijo babajf oobtenolhsttbo giving away of iqn6rinirjunaay vaiaifb6uu wnyloiion qaashed- bjaurtftajfii b 6iqbrpiliiiye vbltsfoisisii aio1 ryiatrljr- held irvtbegut in the olanae ootiouomlerilierr y w5rfv atv- twrtytjirr ssona crushed to dethbttiqwihawy of the t iifmv mmm of the suooeas- inapr wira slightly ifft rwjfii wasciini jlaaiswaniiaiashdiii iitburft flmdfiiifti wles f nlw bf0njreu3fvtbt f p 43 tbresperr ifittp svmrmt felling the bail at0fiibn minmowwwhi aptibedlaaster jtter thejatpoldept the gthroughont iiid city oa thaxltbll wonien tear- yoctulftkwpwirrtiirsiv iffisiftrthelrilwyfijthwith iwu ffjjpttoitjfiwf aprbpesaldntthlobhad nllonor yilooifyiaia gffirsy oskir toiid in m -amritra- gjj- ihapka ffera also cordial for ths honor of baing glveri standing as third on the ifit last did not expeot to be elected bolriohlay i fell ewtalo tbavjwooldbe aoeeasfnl now that 70a bate elected me jf iflildp rajrr xbnt thortsnltwin jajwaysbe lbs beat for aoton and her people mr franola said slnoe ybo havo seen flt to re mo i will do everything i can or the prnjperlty nf aninn ttmattwih 8t 1 up bgbly salt serve and george hynda bpbert hplmes nddr ureneleotpd on monday for two years in the connollelect we have a body ol careful but progressive business men and the year job opening will no doubt see im provements inaugurated whloh will mean maoh towards the future prosperity and advancement of the town wre are all justly proadof spooen id their own bnsineas and profeeslonarlifb naturally asanres ancpeas in the oondunt of the affairb of tbo mbniolpallty and the obaraoteriatic caution possessed will saiure at as cltizenb and raiepayers that no enterprise will be engaged in during tbe year of a ocstly obaraoter or adneoessary to the needs of a grbwiug and prospfrona town after the result of the polls had been announced a large number of ratepayers aisembled in tbe coanoil chamber and speeobeawere called for fromthe respective candidates v being returned at tbe bead of tbe poll capboilloreleot james clark was first called upon ho laid fellowelectors 1 thank you for the honor you have conferred upon roe by eleoting me at the bead of the poll when i oaroa to aoton i had no intention of taking any promioent- interest in your mdnloipal liffairs when informed last monday of my nomination i had no 4hpugfat of entering the contest and only ajloweimynameto go upon tbo ballot it the earnest solloltstlpnof namarona friends now that i have been elected i will do all i oanjor the benefit of acton being a hew man 1 have no mnflloipal sins to answer for i hope at the end ol the year yon will give ms credit for working for the general good toar late beeve mi7 nloktin aa i notloe by- the fail fsiss made some very good suggestions when retiring from the office several pf whloh t hope to lee adopted daring the year aoton should take another step forward w mnstbavo electrio light the time for poal oil tamps is pait an effort td intro- duos psnnanent walks should be made and the park must bo improved beeve nlok- lins sbggestlont were aalte proper and i for one will favor their adoption always having the aim before me however of keepmgbur taxes as low as possible to saphmatursaspian be introdnoed at afair qmfjrlirul mj sibppott t thank jbforypnrppnaaapce and coming fiere as aitranger i appreblate the honor yon ltjonlbrrdic ijr jphndark thanked the electors very beartilyforratornldghlmamemberof the cponpll i can asanre you he aaid 1 bad no intention whatevar of entering the oon- r grepremarewm brooght to jriduoome btvitfna 1 will dbring tbe year db my besttln the intereltsof the oltisena joiabton i anooced in accom plishing all yon eipeot of ms or not i hope at the end of the year yon will say ihatiidjiti v- ooanoillorhliect marrav followed and his jitoa iromorril couhcna aoton beeve wh storey council ors jameb clark john claris j a marray ndifranolb brrtuvrnoipif beeve e h cleaver councillors finnomorskeptner lowe noaun geobpetown rbeeve w h kabre connoillora f j barbev h w kennedy h tost and- f wt brooke mrtios maor dr stowart jtoeve e f earl obnnoiilprseai ward 1 mcdowell r l hetpsttaet j s deacon north ward j it baetedp john soipor- vllle and g a hombtroet south ward j h feaoook w alexander and w j armstrong oikvttlj mayor john urijahart m d beeije charles e anderaon deputy reeve fetor kelloy couboiuori ward 1 a d obisbplm david frord qeorge hillmer ward 3 w h bpblnao d e hlllmer thomas howarth ward 3 a b forsfer j c ford bpbert freeitone ebqnbaika beove john wrlggleaworth 1st deputy b stewbrt ana deputy john stalker coanoillorb fred jtear ttameacoulson nisuoiwsn beeve mbeattiedeputy reeve a moglbbonoooqoilloro a bell j erwin aiidx d strang nelson reeve a p alton 1st deputy j f bionardson taapi wn beeve brbnokjlstdepnty d feaiherston 2nd dipoty j f ford j connoillorv alex porter and john rigga enra beeve a molotcblan 1st deputy dearlug connoillora mcallister and duff eaimosi reeve d talbot deputy w argo connollorb 0 monabb n snnley w diokieaon elictiox ecnobs major shaw was reeleoted in toronto by tho trifling majority of 4140 mro j miller fofmerly manager aetontannlng co has beau reeleoted rtova of orillla mr b holmes of tbo clinton afcie ros was reeleoted for the fifih term as mayor of clinton our former townbnisd mr j w mann was eleoud alderman faist johns ward gneiph by aoblanuitionv j mr ais f6rsterpt tbe oakvulo star was reelooted to the oonnoll at the head of it poliinfila wart onr former townsman mr b enelaen basneen reeleoted ajderinari of bt georges ward gnelpb at the bead of thepoll mr w h kerr odiiar of the brussels petit was rceleoted chief magistrate of bis mnnlolpallty by acolanxatlon tbia year will makft hiawndntn tatib first i did not pay muoh attention to it bat as 4b was ateadily growing worse f began to dootor for i buttono effeot the trboblo went from bad tpworse until three years after tbe first symptoms- had haapi- estsd thembelyb t belpless andbonlddbnb more for myself tban a yonng bhlid i opnld not lift ray hands from ray aide an my wife- waa obliged to pat my fpodadd feed me when i- felf rikepatng wbiob was not often cpasider ing the torture -i- was undergoing v my hands wereswpuen but of abape and for weeks were tightly bamaged my legs and feet were also swollen and i aoold not lift my foot two inches from the floor i could not obknge my olothos and my wife had to dreas and wash mo 1 grew so thin thai i looked more like a skeleton than any thing elee the pain i suffered was almost past endnranoe and i got no rest either day or night i doctored with many dbbtora- but they did me- no good- and some of them told me it was not poialblo for ins to got better i bollovo j took besides almost everything that was recoib- mended for rbebtnatiam but instead of getting better i was opnstantly getting worse and i wished many timosi that aeathvouidebdmysqfferinga one- day mr perrid store keeper at pontypool gave me a box of dr williams pink fills and tirged me to try them i did so somewhat reluatantly as i did not think any medioipe could bslp me however i used tbo pills then i got another box and before tbey wore gone i felt a trifling relief befprea third box was finished there- was no longer any doubt of tbo improvement qfmy condition and by the time 1 bad need three boxes more i began to feel in view of my former condition that i bsd grown quite strong and that the pain was rapidly sabsldlng from that time out thers was a steady improvement and for the first time in long weary years i was ree from pain and once more able to take my plaoeamong the worlds workers i have not now the slightest pain and i feel better than i felt for seven years previous to taking the pills i thank god that dr williams pink pills name in my way as i believetbey saved my life and- there ie no doubt wha that the resr the first munlblpal eleotion for the newlyrinoorpbratod village of grand valley reaaltidai follows beeve riohsrdspn copnoil nodwell brown hamilton add mcgregor aid nelson headed tbe poll in st georges andhe may well be proud of the ypasontpesiaim sd a man during tho whole eleotion gneiph mercury not exceed tbe appwprlatlbn of tbe 00m milteeski which i may aprintearbat i will dp ill i can to jbdloioualy ekpend all the money at my disposal boxing this boniest 1 did not ask a rvlbg sbprfor xptii a netrfsystom whloh shpnldbs followed mjiylih wp wiif baveyear of inuob prarperlty i do not tna5snfsbpia grorrtrnvkvw abaasd for wdt bs basin bla best jcdg cpnblkj will get ijoog hockwpod meetlnga of the rookwood iand eden muls presbyterian obngrekations were held isst thnrbday bey mr mpfherson moderator of the sesilon jreslded from a list of five ministers is was decided by large majorltiea to give a call tobev david anderson who for some time baa been residing in goelphtneull will be formally preaented at the first meeting of tbepresbyterynext month mr hogh black rookwood want to detroit last week to attend the funeral ot his brotbermr jadsoa black deceased was a wellknown grooor and provision rporobant of detroit having lived there for a number of years he ditd very anaden- lyonunaay sflth beoenubor i thefollowjng officers ere elected in csmpspptlatld no 152 for 1808 at the last regular meeting chleftalnjas molearj faatohlsfieta mntrtl beosipy7m farriai flnbebyirfjobn intteau treftmrarrlm v marsnali 0eb agosw fstariaard bearer geo bwanaon 1 camp sootlaod no 188 ofbockljroo had the honor bt having their past chief msu mut pr w c lency lord abp ifdeeu wasinillated jnto ne of tbibbnspi bcptlauclrbabev- blsnt assopiatiou geo j thorp of ouelpb shipped a oar of grain to the old ooontry from here on friday ii vjrst sbanlan is iii wllh an attaokof rheamatlsm miss annie sohulls who has besnsuf- ferlng with laog tronblo for some lime klija- ni-vtassflijl- tb funeral tbbk iptaopriwvteybi v anprt iniiiwtoriiln town last yeek were fi-imri- yti- hatnllloii ffqrpntdjvmr pjosrlngobire7 jqbiiliinera- oued me from years of tortnre dr williams pink phib strike at the cootof -the- disease driving it from the system and restoring tbe patient to health and strength- in eases of paralysis spin al trpnbles locomotor atsxla sciatica rhenmatiarri s trptuious troubles- etpi these pills are anpertor to all other treat ment they are also a epeclfio for the troubles whiph makes the lives of eo many women a burden and speedily restore the rioh glowof health to pale and sallow oheeks men broken down by overwork or worry will find in pink pills a certain pure bold by all dealers or sent by mail postpaid 60 oonta a box or slit boxesfor f 350 by addressing tbe dr wil liams medicine company brookville ont or bohenesudytn y beware of imita tions and substitutes alleged to be just ias good 2rid millinery for half the regular price given back to you trimmed hats rbgular s125 for 8113 273 for 838 83 for 850 8340 for 170 for 82 8450 for 8325 8525 for 8263 8590 for 8295 trimmed bonnets rfigular825o 8125 87 for 8350 83 50 for 8150 slrapea regular cocfor 30c 75d for 38c 81 for 50c 8125 for 63c 82 for8i 3rd clotlfiu k j bnlymenahavy blue acrre double breosled suits well qiadei good farmers sauh linings sizes 36 o 42 woith 865010 beclearedout at 38 u 12 only mens park grey mixed tweed back suits spcririidly made and trimmed all siiees 36to 42worib regularly sio clear at flj3 g only mens medium shades striped panis nicely made strong and serviceable well worth fei50 to clear at ftxoo 8 pairs only mens black striped worsted pants assorted sizes extra well made and trimmed worth regularly 9250 to clear at 2 p pairs only mens fancy dark tweed pants unusually good value at 8275 to be cleared at 2 8 pairs only mens small black and grey striped english worsted pants- assorted sizes great value at 8350 to clear at25o 3 onlymens fancy spotted corduroy vests sizes 36 38 and 42 worth regularly 8250 to clear at i190 a lot of specials infuts too wanje0 active agent tonaudletbe onlynmady on earth that kills the jgsrpa of ualdneas arowskauronanybaldhesaoneairtb do wiotbb naw luri onowsu oot 8 8 alexis b fcarontroai both mbniand women ipyoq are vllllng to work wp ean give yoo em plornent with good pay ana yen ean wotk- au or pmt time andbtnoifie or traveling orbe work la light and easy writp at once tor terms etc to thb itawks nttkbllbyooltpany koohesterns itf you am ieniifigretic if you are above fbollahnreia feeagalnat ean- vsaalng for a good book write and get my n jxr vnn if in mt ln wurwtrkhard the egerhinclr the information will coal nothing ndreda of men to lbs wsy otmak- oma of whom are nowrfeh lean do good tblngs tor yoult you are bosbrableud llwerkbanl i sirjinbootoorontb ranted caja8er8 ooeen viotoitiahorluoab4kignbaa oaptnnd tbebrltiah btnplrt bstraordln- ary testlmonlala rrom tbe great men send for ctmkment mqd for vnfr ml ijellldgby tbooundi t voahihwutlctal ary eopyfree popolmllfa marqoui ol born sayi mof tho qnmti i have asty mnai utaclr latter of jbe bait dmfl i bata n her faotlon cuvmunmkalltomowsmkly thb bbadlbyjarbetson oo idmludf totopto quiet times and dull trade not at all we will start a trade invigoratpr on saturdfty the 8th instant a great winter clearing salei and all our sales have been successful why because first goods are as reprtwented second at the close of the season y mark down surplus stock lo- prices hat effectively empty the shelves third nbrubbtsby stuff is ever imported whereby a cheap show may be made but our regular stock is reduced so as to crowd the store with buyers while the sale lasts when the season is about ended we consider it legitimate business to thus dispose pf surplus stock ajid it tends to confirm the esteem and goodwill of our customers which we hope to maintain as heretofore our present sale we expect will be ji record breaker we are not sending out patent dodgers and as it is manifestly impossible to enumerate every article in anewspaper advertisement we earnestly request your presence as early as possible a few lines of speciaf value are hereunder quoted but remember all goods can be bad at a big reduction from regular prices aqton machine and eepair skitl henry gbmdiyl projrrlator a be well oqoippm with ill the mmhumnr j x neoammry to axacnta a41 repairs to mandn- m ny mdagrlqnuaralim1emannnatodo oil val wnucrfbtmfltudiilioimiuoeingnimierj blfcojmlthiog woodwork vepalrf partorroad- in a mtlsfaetory manner wo c maebtne- or implenionfi of any 9intnuig and uln floao wamtbdagfents qeorqetown fine hihclasb tailoring there is van unresistable individuality about our clothing that stamps the wearer as- wetldressed we have n number of fall and winter suitings overcoat iugg- etc to bq cleared out atcost to make room for spring importations now is tho timp to get the best at the closest prices fit style arid finish guaranteed ladies dress costumes worth 500 and 8600 for 8400 ladies dfess costumes worth 8700 and 8800 for 8500 heavy voline cloths on black brown navy and myrtle green 125 for 90c heavy voline cloths on black brown navy and myrtle green 8100 for 65c a great variety of fancy dress goods in all colorings worth 65c for 45c per yd persian iarnb caperine3 avith frilled muffs to match worth 82500 for 81750 black astrachan caperines silver fa ma primmed worth 82000 for 81500 girls grey persiaii lamb tam-oshari- ters worth 8500 for 8300 ladies muffs in all furs from 75c up ladles all wpol vesta vorthr35c for 20c ladles all wool vests worth 40c for 25c xadies all wool vesta worth wcrfdr 50c ladies all wool vests worth 8ivoofor75c ladies all wool vests worth ixaforgoc boys 2 piece ready made suits worth 8235 for 8175- boys piece ready mttde suits worth 8300 for 8260 boys z piece ready made suits worth 835 for 8250 boys 2 piece ready made suits worth f5oo for 835- youths 3 piece ready mide suits- worth 8350 for 8275 youths 3 piece ready made suits worth 8406 for 83- youths 3 piece ready made suits worth 8450 for 350 youths 3 piece ready made suhs worth 8300 for 83-75- only a few mens and boys overcoats left but they will be sold out regardless of cost asuap for somebody 1 large goat robe 81250 for 8800 z astrachan buffalo robe large size 81600 for 8x000 in evary dlitrict on tho eontlorat to taka ordara for hlgbgrado oanadlangroini nnrt ary stock and 8mdjlurgit and mowt complete awortmodt in tba trade fat nelllajripftcikl jiivibmttwsi lorubodrwi corrot- pondanoa in any lanr money makers and t aylanrntge irs andtarritory 1 at onoe for tbe teaaon byallbdiuenlookuiff for tbom boctuoqi an sbould tw uobred agoodtblng oar salary or oommlulon otferm wul interett anyone not oatmlng slooo00 per year got in oommunloatton with osrnearoat offlov an oitbortunltytorenrmientawellmtabllalied bouse- ability more impotent tbtoexperienisc lukk brothers company lutaniatlon ndnerieis obloago iii montreal que boobeiter n y wanted we will givoyou a hearly welcome to come and inspect our goods and see what a slaughter we have made in prices you will scarcely realize it the temnc cut we have made in all lines of goods t wewil always givethehighest price for butterand eggs just the same as cash tous bargain day every day dress goods jfurs and ladies goods iline histli class tailoring ready- tdwear clothing etc men to sail tar tho ronthiu nanerlej ovirtoo acres pf csaadftnorawz stdiic wo import nastoolr from the stiiis v fabicbbs farmers sonb ipiplenabteentb fudeauteaeba retired ulnuis bnar katlegierluwbo wish to make asvaneemant- m tb pt seluns our hardy honle- otomkotsery btoofcpieamut aa wsltu wswantmoresr map this- aeaaon as tba damudtor purgpoda is inersaa 1 owing to tba nskiau our stpokfree from i twbtnwqcwutraeaiwbeto i bmjilojmant tbs jeerlrbpna wo nav both jalartsaia oommhitoowriteuaforour eorms outuatrseirvvwy i toronto y ontario a quiet wedding took jp jacaf n the george- town baptist oburoh bnmonday evening dec 27th at oclock when miss meita forgrave georgetown was united in holy bonds of rnalrimony to mr wro oolller bt buffalo nx tbe bevo g langford offlolatidg the merohanis all report a larger busk ness than nsdal during the holidays everyone has roads good ose of the sleighing and tbe farmers have brought in considerable wood etc sj ronrt hbto eso had a bnnuay isehootlestfvalitnabpeoial treat for the obildren i j the oontest for the beeveablp on monday reanlted in mr kabra eleotion by a vote more than doable his opponents the poll stood kahrs 188 adams 74 in tbe bobool board oontest the vote stood s follows rd warren iso i w barber 180 j langan 100 tbe home of mr daniel cook was the attraction for a large number of family friends on wednesday afternoon mth nit the bcoaaion was lbs msrriagootjdiss ellen j- daughter of mr cook to mr clarke of the 8rd hoe of obingascoasy a large number jofvaloable presents were reoelvedby the happy couple thebevg a mliobell b a performed the peremony the skatingrlnk is nearlng oompleiibn in tie meantime there is a fine pieoe of ice on tbe pond which has been an altraotlon for the holidays the far mora are hustling in the woo j tbe barber co let- their annual oontrapt for wood last week the band sersnsded tbe soccessf nl mem bera bt the cpunol on monday evenipg mrilobleharruqativasslngfor a supply ol milk for a creamery aboatto be estab- ithtihirei i j mr kabrs oartoonist of the juatiiwd empire son of oar jleeve was hoitte forlhe holidays vi among the visitors ibis week are missmartyuof qqaens cpllepe guest rob block 2ufkxis st literary notes a new gibson girl drawn by the famous society artist c d gibaon will make her debut in print as the cover design for the february tadia home joyrnttt the new girl is the artists own little daughter who atone year of age will he shown as drawn by herolever father the llnsi heart hope raised in an instant after tha use of dri- asnews cure for the herta potent liquid reamody and nocase tooaoute for rnmedlbte relief sind certain 6ttr for fifteen years i was a great eusartr fromeart diaease all this while r as in the band of one of par beat physdoiatni from whom ths only enoburagemont i bbaldobtala was that iwas likely to drop off at any moment i bad many times read of pares made by dr agnawe ours for ths heart was inddoad to try a bottle pf this ours and to my snrpriao tba very first dose gave roo immediate relief jc felt enooaraged and perslbtod bsfore tbo first bottlo was taken tbe pita pay which had severly troubled me had dlsap- eaired and when i hod completed my seoond bottle i felo as wall ail ever 1 bad ililtvv mr- vtrbhri vji james wiattod ilowi of mrs creslnian miss anderson of owen gbbod gaealfof hsibtrliv iy barber irommogillbollegemonlrpajj bbme fpr hs wilson of brsmptoogabsbbfmrss mbbbe- mr abe vanatter is hnms to vsit parentavp artysvli thoaohpol temhswys ktthslrrts getting in yrprlinjj -fctv- jtriothiifj isesftoni vm ptyi mr j g whapn and wife baysrsturniia aftsranabsenps of two weeks visiting the miijswtn era initllutp wmmr itiaaii kis tommendlniitomoriwfwednesdayinornbis ikpf mantles nod jackets- offered tho eotlre steel at asweeplng redpollon thsrfollowinff num bars are new makes of qlotb mbd styles and present an opportunity sqob acls seldom inet irltb ladles31aok cloth jabkets regular s30 and 9opolekripgprleenveaob- ladles blaok jackets in friase bonole and sbovlot regularpriea as and 7ojearlng- price sjeacbi- dadles black jackets in beaver frleseand boaois regular prloe trom s700 to s97s oleaalng price at eaob rjadles fine black jaekits regular 10 to au7solearlngat75eaeh ladles black jaoketa regoiirsh to 18 clearing prloe swa bbconiyblaek jseketsregu1srprloo iltloto 1760 oloarlngprloo 7m each but only tjadlestdlabk jackets regular price siasuto lis olearing prloe um eaob sevan only xadies colored blbth jaokets regnlarnrioe a77ffto oleiuhng prfee 93 each flira only regulaflia to aiseaeb- olearing iat s8s0each five only m3s0- to h claailng at eaeb nine only m7s to iuxt olaariiif pales 48 sabo ifportesn only former prlee stir so tsov elssr- ing it each v t the followbir numtasrsi all p6rtbtt6nbars the latest tssylssmuid newest makes of etotb v a iuea black eae jaakela wlui atorfi collar rscularmm elaarjussmasub trefulaj si w5tsolisrlngaiearasrosr w aovimsamvhitilartt iud stjiaelaarljaj84aob slm we have everything suit able for remembrances for old orypung- 3lovo anrj hancltce rbhjef j 8 ttt ceil i uliod phonograph al- bums japarifaeqdgcy ik rkanpmarlepet xmi80arltl9 neliielirvlcsatd rleaoedolbth4ovtilotiblbratatd oleanratswjov- l pearl bpupna storm ob 7 aaob remlar as to jt a17aeketaliinnebeevsr or ker- neatelamu uk linsd elssanuy trim u to sis clearing at i i7elsartngprioesn ily trimmed regular iq eaon regp i6elotbsk iirfoa from 1i arswt4toi7 biabkbsatsrorkerasi olotb jaoketa olarjjloioli75oi regular 17 sad- sib ijnadrogalsrjlts147 olearing prioo luneaib itosaob islea oolorad jacketa in tine baaver and karier olotb rsfnlar pries 18 to sll elaaring prlop a j millinery and fllllnery trimmings 99- pa11fes aragmarbrh if -vjib- yji qoods t2 aizmi m rjadlaabeaver hats regular priee 1 jo elear- ingatsbeeaob t lilos and ohlldreos felt bata regular price vspind si oloaridgt5ooob laidl js natsi aud ij oii7 bwpabb h rtolowings and 3rdsmpia 850 and sisr wlqpeaeb recnlac tbvtmhurb9o clearing at ale suuj ragolar abjirfciemrln tto eaeh jaand oil t wings and bonnet crowns itoalioliatftffuefandsso eaob trim a fn isjretular pirlea wand- abe wtandiooper vardt regular 75o and jl s oraarlug at 81 snds9o per yard r velltegs inllilllnerr oep artmsnt ragnlar83c elamolngatfioopsryard mllltaerybibtjona ragularuooleariag at iso 1 bp w latest m toratstylssvv- obsoarafft shirt wilaubrmo and bine andtnen and pink ragolsr prloe 10i clearing pieesa r- v shot itsffetarbmri walata bins gxaan ete ragnlajsio elaaring at ast jlald tsbata bblrt walsls regular 1000 illbsllssjsttffi oisoniy areanandblmkobetk bblra waist regtdarffltclearlng at 7 tar8- wmicofibmwvcomf j ortprnorrpwaodaltfortl trt lhictr fttsft eresent unless yoardosvi o unable io finish iftbes hojldaysiv 4riviikvfefl iv i vyv weareverybnsyv- bnt ai if you will come earl we can promise superior work on tlmevfejj vl i3 ffivft m lislp

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