Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 6, 1898, p. 3

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j- cy yfi p lii i y llsfiht i rmbs of isitilon affiii6fnojb- hamilton capital all paid up 1 25000000 deaervo fund 72500000 rotalasaerts 884qe7s45 v tnorj tim mlliroua ol pillora board op directors oltn stualtt a o uambay iroaldtmt vtoo1roaldoot iko iloacir voucapnoctoh a t wood a 13 ee yorpoto vm cinaox jip tu uku ul cmblnr r vll bbtlsves asst oaahlor r hmvatbon inspector montjy of a looal character and every item tntareatlns jzaffonsaqrzay softools v the annual convention of halloo sunday school amooiition will bo held st oakville on ivbraory llrd and 4th statlitio blanks have bcenraallori tbo bohools of the bounty will euperlntmdsntb see that thoy aro properly filled tip and returned tor d warren statistical eeoretary george town not later than saturday january jijih a uiitlily interesting programme hasjieoupreparcdiorihooonvoution m-f- ageneral bonking business transacted farmers discounted cedrcetown agency iff- notes of responsible and specialttttention given to i be collection of sale notes and commercial pager yenerallyv drafts issued payable at all principal canada and ufritedsiate ivarv on great britain bought and sold v deposits of it- arid upwards xpcelved interest allowed at current ratesand added ri b principal every year whether passbook ssvvv l7 brought in utiles jild society tuo annual mooting of tha ladies aid of tho mothodibt ohuroh was hold on tnoaday afternoon there vaa a very good attendanoo the offloera for 1898 were eleotcd ua follpwa priiil1nntwiitiui mntam hpli pays pi t t i hi ql y ended with kho church sabbath schools new years entertalnmont the sabbath bobootof kuoxi ohuroh is to be oougratnlatpd upon the marked buoaeas tjf ihe annual npiy years ohter tainment ifwas bold uu monday uvoning in the town hall aud the audienoo paokod lbs hall the programme embraced a variety of numbers ufforded a succession of aurpriaea excellence of rendition charac terized atmoatevery number the oborusce by the sohnol were sung with a psrfcotion intimeandha whl m hn pi roughtin or not special deposit receipts issued for large sums j p bell agent georgetown- ont alarm clocks a very useful article to have in your room these dark mornings we carry the largest stock headquarters for wedding and birthday presents poiikjuvei lincispooria aeqbyiib i joyl store vcton y ont uahi xioqk t thfl date jp tha lol on your paper and yon will mo bow your aubscrlp tlfte undi v benew promptly it will confer t0it ffiuffim jantjaky 0 1898 whforcaubnt the eyes or eara of frae prsse reporters this week goodsleigfaingnbw renew for yonr- fbbe- paaaa kind v haiton farmerv mnttui fire labucanoa companymet in the town hall oui xhun jay rlt was eight degrees below zero on- bhridhrroptnrrig thi- holidays are over now for a vyear blbpsinabs activity and prosperity retfimr haopheraon goes tbpreaoh ibnivbraary eermona at gleoallen on ondijr v dra spaoiai services will com- mk ohuroh boat ibnnday iffi i- yialeiitiing parly bad a ludiorona spill j s tficpornerbi mill and ijain streets on cabdayevening ji men lele have the sidewalks doaoed to the planks and kept olean 4tjhrogbjibwfnlerv ki piifi ifcvf ineto with quite old f aaa- j ioredwlnter weather oold and blustery zffi lktmoalpine whitby will wtevb fcibapi8o yriglnme aayav thoro will ps5ifii wentyflvo new bbildingi go up lifpuitivumh- ri orbianaw drag and statiodarybtore tpyaflrriiirrta bliyivyfitnrriay thereife teieral oases of soarlet feer y vetyvaiiiti type in aoton and vloinuy ktin villsgebaa had quite an epldemio of mby u the diipjpjea ohuroh on balnrday at 4 p m l6oyaand girls over eight years of ge spoil several sheets youll know better piyi thra is simply another- reminder gospel meetings at the esohurch tbnlgbt and tomprrow ialsbtbervloeb next banday to lflnyidv iowel widemao ilpuphou friday last won the sjiirfbt ibe bbw eiratford to oost f 200o wiug totho abionoe of bey j fdebiil a ji attending the f nneral of 5liii v vp no sserpeilnbtaibanrohuroh o paatbrsabseoco last sunday in the dt- church the pbyaioal and iof this aged servant of god jedniaoamarbnwbo is bneof tams roost loyal friends called matlbedegibniog o the yeat and dsrsubiorlptlon for five oopios for ttjmv woore of toronto isatbsopranbln the geojyera was witb ilr bnjjundayovening and favored rapriith fellywavmuton hm liberally jylgbb i i th nijifchoitbe imnbunbstneni pjwffl uitfetofyu closed cbwn ciendariwllvbeuppllad vftsdliabmrlbsf who trebelve ictiewuil0- ffigjtom jowmanj vcjlitrdprlng the next few miiyy oa iaprioundb ot vifloprob mri1 francis bporetaryura h pmooro treasutormra vvm smith the report for tlifr year showed the- addilfon ol a bomber of new members ond bucooeafal pad helpful work by tho adoloty no department of the ohuroh is more falthtiil to the rebponatbiutloa plao- ed upop it tbao tha ladies aid society vhv crotciuolo club thia local orauizwtfon whtuh bap for its object iho edifloation of ite mbmbers anil aeoaring f urida for the purchase of a puno for the xowo hali bfco bejea regaurjy orfianleed with a strong working oiboiary tho mijotibk f or orgaaia alion was bold last week jrftftftfr alex secdrd in theobair vioojrobhrib 0 8 smith treaiarer uraa seoord k boors3tovry j a ilmrrny asst boo mibb jennie fyfo president williams then took the a hair and tha neoeaeary oommftteea woreappoiot- ed6v fiiilior haloyvdr mokeagae a t brown and i francis were appointed a- committee to draft bylawfl governing the club the meotiog was well attended and hearty interest was manifeateif in the pro ceedings a fair index ojtho saocesa whiob will po doubt obaraoterize the effort of the dlbb tbnoit rrieetinflwih faa litjld next monday evenintf lotljinat when alf the mombers arti deeiced to be present the ladies of the olub will supply light refresh montflat tbemeoting a pretty eoliqay wouding thib i reaidebce of mrs- annie lawson toung street was the scene of an event of more than canal importance last wednes day aflornoou20ih docember herdangh- terbutary endics was united in marr4ge to mr tboa wrooof this town as four oclock some fortyfive gqests had aibembl- ed to wi t nefia the oeremony which was per- formed by bsv h amaopher8onofknox c ha roll the bride was becomingly attired in dovo colored bedford oord trimmed with wbltesilk ribbon ohlffod jind pearls and arricdalwtifdrboiitjnbtror carnations and fern p she was given away by her brother mr william lawson tbo brides eiater agnee aoted as bridesmaid and mr robertwuliace of nahbagiwoya supported thirgroonn af ttrir bumptuonb topast the happy conpio left i or the weet amidst howera of rice the eaeeraio whiah the yoang tioaplo are- held by thtir many friondflwas shows by the large and valu able collection of presents redelvod among the goeita were a nnmber from toronto milton soaforth and oaelpb ou their rotqrn mr and mrs wren will take op their reiidenoe in aoton death of graham mcdonald jscr one of the trios highly esteemed of our early oelllera quietly passed away yesterdsy- morning in the person of grahajfl moponafd esojbf nasaaiaweya for same time mr mcdonald has been feeling the harden of his years bat it waabnlv a few weeks ago he was taken serionsly ill for a month ho has been gradaally wearing away aud early yeltor- day morniog be qdfetly fell asleep this sleep of the just mr mcdonald was a native of kinjfaasle iavernoaobire sept land and catte to canada in 1850 for a ooapla of years he lived in erin town- afaip and then settled on lot 26 con 4 esajnesipg where mr bprowl now uvea a little over thirty years ago he removed to the farm where he died mr mpdon- pcoted of a trained oboir the reoitations solos daettf dialogues oto were all enter- taiflftog and gave eytdeoco of oareful prep aration the piece whiob moat delighted the nudlenoe waa john browna little indianp by ten little boys in indian nnatnmft thn prngrftmmft wtin mnrfn np nf vliltoceto and from aoton and variouspthorprtohanote tli6 fuuk piieqb intitea all iu readers to eott tribute to this oolumn if you or youjf friends ard bolog away on a holiday trip or if you have friends vlsltuigynii drop a card to the tamil plutml i- miaa mooro of montreal is the guest of mr tj- jdullon mibb may barry is viaitiog friends in barrip for a month mr fred gardner of toronto visited iiifl motherjiialwfiell the following numbero 1 tbo nstioual anthom 3 prayer boy hamacpliorsoij paator 8 ohorup ri hall nim ctbe school 4 jrecluuon pat anbior dolly maud co una b beoftatlon my btory oorry 0 dialogue ohooslug a profession our boys 7 chores pthe angolb honffthe bobool h bocitatlon santa oiauatonnie juopborbn 0 jteoltatiod a boys pocko josph arthura 10 duet uluostilty halstoad and jenntb uolonaan 11 recitation boruardodol oorpfo mr 11 k mooann of toronto vlalted tbu homo here laat week ulsa mangle ebbago visited friends in toronto over new tears uisa lizzie mann was home from brantford for the holidays 12 jbeoltatlon ada holmes tbo boy of thohouao franlthavm 43 ohorua grown our josub tho school 14 dlaloguo thonow scholar four dlrli 13 bolo sllvei bolls of mouiory uiu jonnlo smith 16 bealtatlon tho fatal counting q miss mlunloholmos 17 boaltatlon dollya bath aonlo gorry 18 itoclutlod buy my dolu iiuby olark 10 ohorua sug it oat tho school 50 dlaloguo lady quoon anne ton glrle and boys 51 bdootlodtho itosos bovon voungliadiei 32 bocltattou poor kuoda murray 23 solo weliiorao baok dom old jaok y lily hajntod 94 booltatlon jaok and jill jai mcdonald 35 booltavtlon vtho angol of death jonnie cameron 96 drill exorcise ton tlttlo indians tonboya 37 story bov mr macphorson 28 recitation farewell address mahol mann 89 closing ohonib mlcpahtho school tho naual preaontatian of holiday gifta to the- scholars conoluded tbo evenings proceedings rev tf macpheraon offi- olated ballinapad tho sabbath school entertainment in the presbyterian oburob ballinafad waa a deblded aaqoeaa llav h amadpheraon gave the obi id ran an exoollent adirosa on mind your own buaineea ths proseoia amounted to fill the annual teatobetiog of tho ballinafad methodiat ohorch will be held pa friday eveping this week to a will p seyvbd from 0 to 8 oclock aud addresiea will follow in the ohnroh by revs j a- mc laohlan m a h a mtopheraan t jt forbes ofaoton mr hp moonp of- aot6ti will give a chalk talk good sing ing has been arranged for rev d l campbell baltinafnd has resigned bia charge and will be in luotd in a onarmrin siiigaan proabytery next tuob day 11th inat the oongrogationa at ballinafad have cleared off all their debt of over 30 and made improyemonta on the oh a rob manse tboy offvrol mr campbell an inoreaaeof aalary milton aid was one of one ipost respected yeo men he waa of retiring disposition but a friend to all he waa a member of knox ohuroh for many years mrs mqdonald and- three aonsmeisfs james peter and alexander and one daughter mrs robt wtllaoa aoton survive him tho- faqeral will be held to fairvlew oemetary tomorrow afternoon at 280 oclock- ser mtr qodden sadly sorcared kov j k oodden m a reotor of st albahs church received a sad message from bollevillo last wednes3ay morning bearing the caws of the death of hia mother he loft by first train for that city the bellevillo oitviworefers to the lbreyemen sivfotlowb rthij btaeos today iire deeply grleyso and abcoked by the death of aladywhff was greatly esteem ed and sinoerolr loved by all who knew her after an jlloess of only fonr days mrs goddeo wife of bev thomas god den pas wd a way thia morning death was doe to pneumonia the late mrs goddan was a daogbtor of the late john blackwood esq notary pnbllcof montreal in which oty the wswborn mhp was married thirtyfoar years ajgo to rev thomas godden a priest of the anglican choroh whb has for rnany years labored in this violnity having bjwl obrga sllrllng pariah for ten years and af ter wads of dhannonvillearlih where he mlnlstored for eight years a year ao he removed to belleville and hoi slooe assisted rev canon 3arke with the- soryloes of 8tv leives h6r haiband and two sons gp godden hardware merchant toronto and rsv j ki godden ma of aoton mrs godden was a lady who possesied in tx oeedlngw wasblfla is position and ince she came to belleville ihe hair endeared herself to all ber acquaintances by heir gentle inanner and many etimable qualities henoe her doalh hw created feeling of profound sonovr la the oommunuy and rev mr godden is deeply sympathised with in his great loss maoh symdathy lifeit inaotpuforrev mr godden inthe loss othisirooth participated i pot only by the members of st bhiipgr the atmifbsiij f tjfhhou8e mis newtoti pent a few days daring m ailsa waul to tgronij iuy tamtapd ne pf htcjllti dr robertson was rscleqtoi a member of tho pabliosoliool board by apolama- tiod tbla ia bu tbirlietl year of service on tho board r tbo rink is now- open to the pablio ana the yonng people aro enjoying tbemselyoa the s7th anniversary of the milton methodist s 8 will be held on jan 9th and lolh 1898 sermons will bo preaobed on sondayuth morning and evening by bev e i har m a of toronto the cuiattia of milton generally will rgrei axoeediogly that messrs geo wlon o son of the shoo f aotgry have madoan abbfgnmbntitnvfullnro is attribnted to bad debts the liabilities are plaeed a ifl9000 with a nominal snrplns of 3000 daring mr hanters address in the methodist ohnroh he paid abistb oompli- mant to the sobriety of tha people of mlh a tha sin oenaipg ucro had not seen a drhnkeo man and aaoribed it to tho edaoitive inflnenoa of saoh mesa tiros aa the oanada temperanoo act better known as tbo soott aoljltformer mra j w bows of milton apept new yenra at her old homo here mas 1j barry of newmarket spent ohrlotmas yacalionin aoton mr and mrs ausop smith visited frionda io boakwood sst week iilr ambrose iilta of killatnoy man la vleitihg hfa earraesing friends ullisiissbv of podsonbyu spending a few weeltb wiib friendajn aoton- mr and mrs air mat tho wa of brant- fordivislted rolattves here last week alt and mrs wellington smith spent now yenra with relativesat waterloo miia browo of toronto was tbo gnest thiaweek of her slater mrs dr tjren mr jb d warren and family of qoorgotono spent new years jn aoton mn wishsrt and sons of bnffaloare the gneeti of bpr sister mrs fi b collins mr z a hull mayor of panetang alahene visitod aoton friends daring the week mr l b bntlln of st olalr miohigan mad aoton relatives a flying visit last friday mr edw k cook of falmero was berp fortfew year visiting bis father and mother mx john o meister and daughters of boffalo aro the gnests of the bev mr iinxford mr and mrs j w mann of otielpb visited tbo old home here daring tha holidiys jyiiij fanny bobarta of strathroy waa a guest at the boms of peter mslun sq this week xrg bobt bmith of toronto spout a few days labt week witrr her slater mrs gardner mra jofiq mutton of tyrone was the guest of her slater mrs william wiklams laat week afrd aicrobrife of georgetuwn was vguebt at thotiorne ofbevt7 wrluxford on sunday- mr nnd mrs ilubart mclacblan of toronto were gocata at the old home over new yeara mra- lames wutaou writes thatthoy are getting along well in brampton and like thotqffd wpll mr george olark left last friday for gloveravillo n ywhero be has seonred a good bltustioi mr and mra townsend of brampton were gneats at tho home of mr geo vlnoout ihlb weet mr james denny and mra samuel denny of nerval were gnosis of w h benny 6d toeaday mr aodmri w i stone and family of toronto were guests over the holidays of hi- warden warren mrandmrs webb of gait vlited aeton friecda last week dr and mrs moreagqe and children apent new sears at tho presbyterian jujsnao torooto jonotion maiwiliod of stratford waaiere last tveek making a farewell visirat tbo home of mrjaioea molenhun mr and mra fred smyth and son spent now veara at lbe home of eiiloeve fearaonandolher friends mis ada s le e mo f ka8 y v the anniverbary servloesandioameoidg in oonnsotlon with ebenesor banjay sohool yrfll be held nest banday rev samuel couoh of aberfoylo will preaoh peolal sermons at 1080 am and 7- p m on monday evening the annual loa-niwt- ing will bo held after tea froipo to 8 a splendid programme will bp presented there will be addretaus by revs a bllir b a sgdabh arid fred thompsob of guelph miss simpson aololat and ihe popular quartette from dublin st cburcb gaelpb will render a variety of sdlot dtuta and qnartettea the seholars will also in rendering tbe programme ttradlive at the muoiolpal oleotion on monday there was considerable exeltement in ibis township and every candidate went in to win tbe following is the result of lbs polls bydlvlslons rojnnrstbt beattle manuall p di a us 187 x to div a tottl si see 1st w lnwoio hopdssaprlli mojit in medlolne tatiatslssirsr 5to oure hmdbarsapsrlliaprjssses actual nd unequalled ourativpowrandthrei foro it has tras merit when you hay hoods 8arsapsrilland take it aoodrdlng to directions to purify your blood or oure any of the many blood diseases you re morauy eeruln to receive baneiflt the power to core is there you are not trying smntperlmdnt pays to buy at b oiler ts it pays to- buy atbouaris it will make your blood pure ribhknd nourishing and thu drive put the germs of disease strengthen 5 si buud n majority for beattle 8 oouhoillobb piv 1 tiv s div 8 total bell 103 100 rffll b97 enrln 105 m 113 aco xitohlng 07 83- vs 231 birang 100 it oonqolllors eleoted bell brwln and strang so the oounoil of this township for- 1898 will beiibeeyo m fleattla depuiy boeve a moqibbon oouoolllori a bl j brwlhand j d-btrang- messrs p p and and john oampbell and misses ada and annie oampbell ao- ootripanled ty mr and mrs geo gordon and jaa e gray left fqr kincardine on thursday of last week fa tbe beawinfaet tbe qrie triii blood purifier prepareuonly by c ihqoj copwil mass hoods iihs jvlfilfnairik sjibrt mmsm- crews co a large nurn bar from hero attended a grand tsembly at eden mills on friday night and report having a good time mr wm crippa started hla obonpibg mill for the winter season last week and will do chopping every tneaday and friday during the season mr and mrs b molangilin of toronto spsnt now teari day at the pareotal home naeaagaweya mist liazie lamliert returned to bet home in heapeler after spending tta holi days vary pleasantly with friends here misses tiiiptle 1 m ooleman and nellie bagle returned to toronto after spending the holidays very pleasantly with frionda in this vicinity now is presents lines in the time to we have buy nice nrcktl68 cldvea handkerchiefs rablp inen8 fanpy ribbons collars and cuffs combs arid brufshes ryrhliiksvity- y -fre8hrqoorlos- dates and figs bplces peels essences canned goods sjjpib currants c of it is that after an altogether unprecedented sale of clothing during the winter thus far there are still lots of menwbo havent yet bought- some of them have been saving- tp others have procrastinated and ypt a lot more have shrewdly waited until the clearing out time would commence and bargains would fly thick and fast v well its to youwewant totalk let them be y y oteftcpatfe- we still have a complete range of sizes in tall kinds of materials a frieze ulster i we have them a subatankial beaver cloth coat rv plenty df them aflne tailor- made satinlined dress overcoat the very best ofthem ri plenty r and sp whether for man or boy we have the stock to suit everybddy and as to prices ftivould be useless to give quotations if we are willing to take 25 and 33 per cehtrless than pur usually low prices it is at once a guarantee that you can buy a good wbilmade coat cheap 25 and 27 wyndham street guelph ybegto introduce cx nelles sookseller cuelpb hewoiildask for holiday business from the acton tea fanoycbods books cannes jisas acton ontario polls and no veltles ocr stock and our store leads in prices and pretty things- c l nftles bookseller guelph man wared leslies school mr a molntyro who has been teaoher in s s no 8 erin for the past two years ended bis labors laat wednesday deo 32 he hfui beena very soooessf al teacher and has made many friends all of whom join in wishing bim future auooens qn wed nesday afternoon a brief programme was given by the scholars and then a preaen- tation to the teaoher was made bobt johoqob esq opoupied tho ohair and requested the pupils to oomd to the front wben jejrnest itear read the following address and edward mann and boy wan- brougb presented mr molntyro with an album and dressing ease to mn a mointviie dun tkiohkb we nndersland tbat oor abaooihtionsas teaohqr and scholars are fit a close these associations havo been pleasant and profitable ton we havo at timea no doubt taxed yonr patienoo very mnob but you have been very for bearing toward ns we hope to bp ever erateful tayou for the pains yon have iken in the cultivation of our minds wp oaonot let this oeoasion past without spmsovidenoe tbooghit may be smalt of ourppreoiktioh your efforts in bar behalf therefore please- accept this album and dressing pass not on account of their lntrlnsiovalae bat as a slight token of the emotlonq whiob prompt us at ibis time and wobopeaa yob look upon them in future thvniayrfminclybrr of thei happy timesa spent ins 8 no 8 erin mr motnijra made a feeling and timely reply although very much surprised he thanked tho pupil for their bsan flfnl preient but aald that the bea was not in tbo present alone but when he looked on them lnthe futnro they wonldromind him of the pleaeant ataoolationa of the past two years after wishing them a merry christmas and bfappy new year he bade all gbod- cobtput wbitb 1 name nervei shattoredr nnslnets 1 tipne hope gone a fhyilcalvrreckbmtorea com pletely by south araerlcan rertiilc two yesri sgo i wm qomplotely proit- trated with nertons debility f was o ooriipletely wksdjtat ihsaw bdanri mi i tried the best pbyslolens and woodilook to take a coarse in tbe commercial college there miaatb daisy nkklin and maggie and ada fyfo have returned to tbefr studies at guelph collegiate institute hr and mrs bobort bobertson of oartwrlgbti man ars spending a taw weeks with ontario friends mr jonei of toronto is a guest at the homo ot mr arohmonahb mr and mra w p oampbell ml annie lincv matter freddy forbes visited relativeiinlbronto laat week mr qrdon mplenrian of byrte bros toronto was here viaitiog hia moihtr mra day during the holidays mr ii uooallongh of gaelpb is here ibis wtck sebiatlng mr j d mokoe in getting bis atock ready for opening mrs rev b a maopherson returned monday morniog after pending the new year in her old home at hamilton mr and mra p c maddook and oulldreil ot toronto were goesu pf poat- rnaaterafaltbewsdariog the holidays mr arid mrs thoa t moore spent laat friday at the home of ibslr son j m moore foreman of tbe georgetown herald mr 0 t laird dispensing chemist of new sork general hospital is thegaesi o bis eiiter mr rev h a maopherson jbey t w iuxfprdi id- the disciples ohuroh hat received a invitation from norlb carolina to go and labor in tbo iohnnohlhiererr mar and mrs livermprs of london and mrs llevermoro of toronto were guests at the borne of mr day of the g t b over nawioars ry mes n and hn b o verpi mills michigan mr and mrs james baros of niumagawegs and miss msiwell of zimmerman were gnstts ot aotobifeuatiamdai- i fadhieioil tha cingregttfoii of b ikl johns chorob brook- vlile presented thsirrtori the bird btraobaub a wlth fine pulpit gown ha wors lion ihe flfllh alt the oomnj anion ktyio at wbloh there was lbs largest attsndtnoe in the hlttory of the ohtirob wt- my my tnoheverrudoeoqpleddlatrlot tn- oanada to jt sell oar high grade oanadlan growa nursery btook svery tree and bosh aroaran- teadrreefrotnuanjosepeale intieiil rtrmr jo mp tlpjtawtitai wages to ttjose giving tnear entire time work- i tbedasiiandforgphomebrowjiandaeelt- matsd nonary stook is on the flaon applynowandaeeare good grauaov all oar stock guarabtseatrae to name or palr- ebsss price refpnded kfbukartrobd 00 toronto oanida ywwaa fa0iffalt henderson co holiday coods in great abundance the great advantage you have in shopping with us when in search of holiday presents is that everything wo have to offer is uaef ul as well as drnamentalandthus will be doubly valued as presents we have furs of nil kinds collarettes ruffs muffs jackets and capes caps of all kinds- for old and young at very low prices improve the appearance 61 your house and buy a handsome silk piano o mantle drape we have theni from ti bo up also embroidered silk scarfs and table covers they do not cost much but they brighten bouse wonderfully tor christmas the every person who does not have to pay storage onhis money is familiar with the difficult prob lem of making a small income answer- the requirements of these advanced times footwear is ono of the unfailing necessities and it costs a good deal in the course of a year if you get the wrong kind wedont keep the wrong kind not that we are raare honest than the other dealers but bur long ezperlence has taught ushow to avoid being stuck on poor goods this knowledge is necessarily of benefit to our custodiers be- cause theeheapera shoebrm can buy the cheaper it can anord- to sell v cheap- doesnt meanpopr quality however for if it did our shoes would not be cheap we keepno poor quality goods no matter what the grade forpresent roads and weather k we can recommend i i you want a pair of rubbers call and g th our fall and winter stook nowcomplete ywyvmaam tbjt prac7tcjll sboxvtnt- cffawt jictml f i m somethlnk special l a line of plush and tapestry table covers just to hind from the old country rich handsome durable goods marvellously cheap see them a mass of handkerchiefs of all kinds colored and white silks initialed and plain handsome embroidered handkerchiefs forladies gifts also a- mass of fancy stuff for childrens use all kinds of cloves kid of the the best makes nnd all other kinds all sizes mens ties and scarfs quiet variety all new stuff for the holiday trade ps millinery and mantles olearing away beiow cost prices henderso from a leag ollftthftmjailtfatlrei maflb citt cooreitage cwthlunoct 8th 1897 f j tesis some tltneago1 was treated by one of our best city doctors for con- tinuet bleeding m the nose and the treatment 1 was subjected to weakened my stomach so that nothing i could eat would agreewtt h nio apd i could retain nothing but dread and milk which was my chief diet i i tried a bottle of your sloans indian tonic and at once began to improve andtvhas made a permanent cure in my case i can now partake ol any food no matter how strong and experience no distress after eating i have recommended it to several people and in every citse it has given grand results and a bottle of it should be in every household yours very truly h tphiltips indigestion permaneiitly oafed st william co norfolk oct 19th 1897 dbas siasrlt gives naegroit pleasure tostate the fact that sloans indian tonic has caused a moat remarkable change in my conrlllipn for two years i have suffered from indigestion and weakness and not finding rtellef from any other medicine until your agent camehpreone day and advised mo to try sloans indian tonic i did so and have used four bottle it has made a great change in rny life and lean now rest and sleep with ease and comfort i believe sloans indian tonic is the best medicine in the world a i remain yours very truly mrscprigiv for sale by all dealers or address he company a hamilton 100 perbpttle- tvibrfjoa v hbliday stock photograph cameras sterling novelties manicure sets pressing cases yyy boxes fancy china japanese noyeltjes canes and umbrellas fountain pens gold w lfij iim ectacles mm every day brings somthirig new and attractiyis for holidays this week we have added a fult stock ol biib bonsj newest shades iai plain silks handkerckiefs in large varieties table likens tabl mapkins mens ties scarifg gloves suspenders etc xmas jrpceiies unequalled new raisins currants new lemon orange and citron peels new cocoa epedahut icing sugars pickles spices figs dates nuts all kinds lowest prices iij candies best flavors in teas orders left in our care will receive prbmptattentibnr 1 00 wyaohua st qolph holiday novelties new neckties- lovely and choice pure silk initialed handkerchiefs oar special at 50b ournew colored shirts just in umbrellas gloves and all novelties in furnishing goods no trouble to showlhom b enelson cash only merchant tailor and mens furnisher cw yy0 villi e same for the year comirigjjmv y y iviitt eaeaasusanijuaaaa-inlar- at wyyy

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