Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 6, 1898, p. 4

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v f little siokdwldren short skotqhoftho work done by the gtieat mothop nupbo- tho hospital fop stoic children toronto shtiian jfriw xm thursday januar 6 1808 srje floung jfolhs s5s r in woabattoraoeda with oaroloas hand and dream we neer absjl boo tho tn more but f or a tuoatabd yoara their frblt appears in weeds that mar tbo land or hvaltofql store the doedi we do the words we say iptoatlll air theyaeom to hoot wo eoant thorn evpr past bat thoy shall last in the dread judgment they and we shall meet i charge tuoo by the years gono by for the love of bretbron dear keep then the ono true way in work and play las tin the world their cry of woe thdu hear varieties myy the oneyearold child of mrs george bath man ot beaver pa is recovering from an experience whioh almost ended ill life tho bbyv little brother inserted ft bioyalo pomp in his mouth and was filling it with wind when duoovatad by the moth er the infant waa anoouaoiooa and its stomaoh was inflated ilka a balloon oon 6ioasnes was restored after several lionri of bard wort greenland has no cato how tbankfol the groeniaodera aboqdbe imagine oata in iconu try where the nights are all months long mufortabebaafow riddles for those who believe- that the sole designs of providenco ia the porfeatinr of mankind mmo swot ohnte ja mau mftat be exbewlvely atopid as well as uncharitable who believes there is no vbhae bat on bis own tide addison it ia well to resolve to do batter bat let ns not spend too maob time writing oat our- resolutions the reason why ayera oberry pectoral is so trihoh more affective than other rernedies for oblds and cqagbi is bepaose it is jhe most ekilf a combination of anodynes snd expectorants known to medical scdenoe it ia in every raipeov a edientifl o medicine formcutlhit if anyonis kriowa of any nick cvhul ujulor fourtobn yours of ago ivho in huffnrin from uooiduut orcfla- tsaso and whoso pa ron ts bunnot ufford to ixxy for propar modicul or surgical aibituiiil iiioy uro afikud to commuiiicato itli ihu jibapitul for sick cliildreri thsro in room- for such children in ujiajpltal tlmy vill 1 n this but euro l for and in all probability cured wita received from pay patients inure in u debt ot 970010 hanging the balance must come from the ovo thoinalitulitm 200l0 of whion is more fortunate folks who aro oharit- for dobts whioh muat lo paid at unco able uiul gonoroua evt with tho strictest economy it tbo hospital for siok childron is tho xorjuiras rio loss jthan hvo executive largest of its kind in the world with- j officers 24 nuraua and 20 domestics to out oxeeplion there aro lou cota the carry on the work of uiu hospital average number of patients is 100 per twentyfive more children could be woro nu in uwuwifjuw ukon t niruib this year- 312 little onoa wore cured attendants from overy county in tho groat pro- vlnco of ontario- uhildrun aro ndmillou froo into the hospital for siok chil dron at toronto whenever their par ents cannot ufford to pay and few of tho poar little sufferers who are nursed and cured for have rloh parents it would suom list your thevexponso of-tho-hospital- jt50spo and to fooot and departed with heajth btrength and sturdy limbs id tho dispensary department moair otnowiis given to 4133 children thus nearly 5000 jshildren were treated- in ono year a groat record of good i in twentytwo years some 21001 siclt childron have been- nursed and cared for bythe holipital for siok children whore do tho littju nutibutaobmefniiii ou tho province in 18d7 hare were pationu receiveu f rom j theao places arthur banda jjarrio bedford- park uollcvillo uradford brampton brighton brockvillo brooiltn carnoy cartvxight colling- wood corbetton diivlsvillo doncastor ettglaton east toronto eldorado klm- valo en his esquesing ewan fox- moad frankford gnminoiug george town gravenhuret green river ham ilton jlilmpton mills humlnjr buy suttonvillo invernmy lambton mills imo lake listovvol little current the work of tho hajpital is ever in creasing its doors are wide open to overy ailing- child in tho province such wppk should have a million friends in ontario if each jfriend could spare n dollivrwhat a rich on- dpwnicitt wilh irhiulito carry on the work but ibtt trustaea only ask fbr 20000 a sum which thoy aro- required to pay before- the end of january lyeryono can help the- need is- most prosying the apijoal i3the tippuul of poof weak suffering childhood of little wanfaced babies and children who lie on ixjds ot pain the hospital appeals to you the reader of this nowspapor your dollar will blcds you in tho giving and you will jjive it every penny nwls every dollar helps ind your dollar may restore health strength and straight limbs to some poor crippled hoy or girl wont you help ajrroupoflltuo bojfl whoso maimed nnddoformol limb aro being dtralizh toned at tho jloa piul for siok children toronto tftcpto itccd from- photograph markhana markdale meadowvale merriton mimico mtcehcll mono millf mortiiners point l l thisvisa home charity something that phould appeal toovary heart mount albert ml it was charles dickens that grcat- forest nauvvigewauk newmarket hoar ted englishman tho friend of mewtonbrookv rjnfaarara palls isorlli the fatherless the reliever of the op- btoy norwich oakvillo orillia oshawa pressed and downtrodden who ap- ottawa owon sound parry sound pealed to every human heart when he peflotanguisheno port perry picton said tho two grim nurses poverty rlveryiew saintfield scotland spring- nnd sfekness who bring these children fieldongredlt stratford st catha- before you preside over their births rlnaflv8t marys st thoma3 thorn- rock their wrotched cradles and nail bill toronto toronto junction utter- ad whubaushenc whltevalo wing- down their coffins son victoria bad wnubaushenc i this enllghtonodcannda of oura whitby jj mv- heaven will bs no heaven for me if i do not m set my wife there liver tronbtes biliouaues j sallow com- plexion yellow eyes janndioe etc yield totbeoaratiyo powers of jdaxaliver pills they are sure to care the best that oan be said of some foolish r people is that they are ntofui ns an example tdotbem do not delay in getting- relief for the little folkir mother graves worm exterminator is a ple and aura core if you love yoar ohild why lo yoa lot it suffer when a remedy la so near at hand tes womans joveia free from gnileaod pare as bright auroras tay j milhurnafltsrhdg headache powders y tota in aotloo and are o care dy heiidaohe in from to 30 ifrnlridf westftort bam woodstock mow do they come very often jxir- eiats hear of the work of tlw hospitjil through the jiewspapers in some in stances friends of the little sufferers mako application on behalf of parents wip are poor but independent and self reliant it generally falls to tho lot of tho otalrman of tho hospital trust to do- eidawhen there is a- question of abil ity to pay one day about a year ago tbis gentleman was driving towards the city of brockvllle and while pa-js- ing a schoolhouse the scholars rushed vat in caper haste for tho fifteen niin- utea of joy thoy crowtl into recess mx robertson smiled as the young- ptera passod him hut the smile van- j laxiod when ho ojsorved in the rear a little chap who vai hobbling along- on crutches happy but crippled oho bf bis legs was bnt at the khoe to a right angle the carriage wai slonned and the little fellow called ily boy how did you injure our lea eofcadly was tho onquiry ho jad explained that he had met with a mishap one day while chopping wood that he had been treated in an eastern hospital for sormv time that- ht leff had been straightened out bad ftjgain become useless ills parents and achoolfellovs looked upon him as i a cripple for life and- g be might have been never omit to perform a jttnd aol when roan bedone with any reasonable amount bf exertion the asaertlon that spmo day man will be la bftirleisanioiftl is scorned by seientlsts vlreadyihairs hair renewer is aocom- im wonders in averting bsldoesa wsji f -551-2- v r i f jpjptsrxtfsl sir axfarifailt taso hasyards p oaonol be excelled as a pain i relfevlng and soothlog remedy for all painiy riffistes lmy ill ijx fytoftjhm affecuon bloflf tjkarjtl urifflj fp prevent bootts emnls lop nourishes the blood keeps all the prnsandtlameii healthy and the oonv samptlon fiormi oannot jp a foothold be not batehtatlobs in dresa or daport- ment nothfug can be more valvar bee br rhavcostamf e fit the lime and ocoislon 3iv- how would yon like to havo your lepratraightened for good askod the hospital chairman who know of iho complete cure effected at- the great toronto institution in simlar cases well mister there is nothing i would like bettor raid the noy ho tvos asaiatod into tho carriage and told to direct the driver to his father who had a blacksmith shop hear by tho boy was ona of a fam ily of he veii children most gladly did the father givo his consent to tho childs re moval to the hospital fnr trratnipnt y 4ejw little dtiformod lad thus for tunately met on tlie highway near brockvllle is a cripple no longur his leg ia fitlff but it is straight ho ro- hiainod in the hospital for maiy montha but it was a joyous homo- eonsinit when tho tivwwnlkod firmly and itnucfft without the aid of stick or crnlchoa thu is a slngtd caso thousands of csbck might be ciid xh editor of this paper hai heon in- this bright provfnjo of ontario this j shall not he ai long nsthe doors of tho hospital for stoic children remain open help romovo that mortgage ilolpunlond that load of debt i aii of tjik ciiiinitkvh iioiital matthew xxv- 40 iniusmuph an yb -gnvo-onr- unto tno sljrli- inff of thy iriiint of thoho tbo childron of my care of your lovo from doath rotlcemed them r in dvjug- staoil lrotwecn them and tbo- shadow of dosalr iniuimiich na irlion tho llttlo ones did injiffubh yon put forth a hand to mako tholr liurdoni jlslit inasmuch- na wlion thpy lay on hods of cnffnwi yo woro with ficm in tho watahos of tho- nlht tho jny yiii hroiiffht to hsht whon flor- row hlil it now nwnltn yon an oxcootlliiff tfroat to ward ah yo did it unto tlmxo to mb yo did it entor yo into tho joy of your lord iori when foiiffht wo out tho children that m hmiriilhh i wlion tiit fnrtirtho jiaud to mako tholr imrdons light lord wo wi t not whoir thoy uy on bods of rjiffiilth ami wo niopt throughout tho watohos of tho night v our hvos woro full of troiiblo nnd of labour and tho night followed hard upon tho hailwo llnffcrod with the childron df our jiclkhlwiur pur own llttlo onoi had porishod by tho wny v innsmurh iih though yo mlffht not touch or tond tbom yo woro with tho in in yonr lovo to hoa nml aavo and woro inuirtft nnd foot to thoso who iii imjfrlsnd thorn by tho gold and by tho silver that you gavo find your tronfluro whoro your rausom- od ones have hid it tako u hank a thmianndfold for your re- ward as yo did it unto thoio to mb yo did it entor ro into tho joy of your lord j arnnton htophons drlalmuo contributions for the delivery of tho ilopiial from tho bondage ot debt will bo acknowledged by lottrtr and al in the columns of tiio kvonlpg teue- gram a copy of which wilirbe tfiatled to each donor rfnjioy moy bo forwnriod to mlis alafla ihiohnn treasurer 166 bloor htrect bast toronto or to j ltots itqlwrtson choir man of tho hospital trust toronto now b linil i adertic people me iul to l i 10 jjlie lhu win- ter ns thoy have not had for years enquire at he i kll thlss office for rites and space had la qrfppe mr a kiokeruon farmer button writes last winter 1 had lagrippo and it left fflo with a severe pain in the btndll of my back and hip that used to oatohme whenover i tried tooljmb afonoe thlalaetod for about two month b when 1 bopcht a bottle of dr thomaa eoleotrio oil and used it both internally and externally morning and evening- for throe days at tho expiration of whioh time i was completely cured never probb a favor where it eeemb un- deoired dr woods noryyayhne syrup heals and soothes the delipiate tissues of the throat and jlungs curing coughs colds bronchitis asthma hoarsenessrsore throat influenza and pain in the chest easy to take s0rbtotimb a code of elfinnlfi nature has acodo of bignac a listless step and tired wearyfeejing are in the code they show that the system is ran down and dragged oot natures medicine for this is milburns heart and nervetllis thsy benefit the entire byatem brace the nerves and brighten the brain oaring nervonanosb elcepleesoees weakness and palpitation of tbo heart etc to be beautiful we must have pure blood and a clear akin burdock blood bittera purifies the 7oo4 and makes the akin bright and clear it otirea all akin and blood diseases witnees the following i bod sorofula on my face for eorae time and conld get no relief until i triod bbb one bottle hoaled me and loft no ecara it is the groatoat blood pnrifior in existence mary o berry toronto ont a woman conceals what she does not know if attaoked with cholera or summer complaint of any kind bond at onoe for a bottle of br d kellogtta dyeentnry cordial and uee it according to directions it jmitfl with- wonderfulirapidity in subdu ing that droailf al diaoaeo that woakona the btrongeflt man and that debtroya the young and delicate thpae who iiuvo used this oholera mediolno say it acta promptly and novor fails to effcot a thorough cure fbllowidg is the very latoat news item from thektendyke a grocer was rebebt- ly lynched fqr adalterating sugar with gold dubt thib beats jocqnin millers remark im fiiok of seoing so maoh gold almost unbearable i buffered from kidney trotble bo maoh that tho pain in ray back waa almost un bearable and i felt tired and worn oat all the time my tongue was coated and until i took doans sidney pills i had been un able to do my honeework for over a month these pills have made a complete care all my kidney and bladder troubles have dis appeared and i feel hko a new woman mrs presley kingston oat what woman wills god wills severe ifcendnclic oircu bear sire being troubled with a sovere headache i was adtvieed by a friend to try laxa- liver pills i only used half a bottle and have not einoo suffered from the oom- plaiut they aocm to bo a perfect cure mrs john tomllnson hamilton ont ner talk or laagh aloud in nbllo plaqeioor upon tho streots chin little hepmtauf ttu et nood fiiu for nbnil eino rw oontatotd iq greit ouratlt power la kaiihm thar an ivwbou medlotai vnraelmtfi bo4iyiprtilti orfsmr onp u llrer tih lotliwklnohoiiiundloo ooiuuiistloiliewaoi ih otlf rau to tako irltli noaflr btmpirltme- icfeij5 nb way but to gkhqm v iliierpisa history of kggh ippst be constant the kmlnty of ladfea io tho ichool of politencm alitctu wm lnnred i bud id abiosiaon ono of nry hips l a u h huayhtl iraairatbt failed tho noxt winter ihad llirco tbaoerwi i began taking hood a bartaiiirllla and loon found ik vrae helping me when f had lahon about ala bottiei 1 waa rsnred mr franklin h teed free- port moasooia hacking cough cnrcd gentlenientmy brother was troubled with a very bad hackinfr cough bat after ublng three bottles of norway pino byrup hewas obmpletely onred i oaonot reoo- mmeuditr loo highly miaa m bradebawy tvcsloyville out lis disguiao onr bondaro aa wo will woman woman ruloa ua atill worma oaonot cziat either in children or adails when dr lows worm syrup la uaed 25o all dealers he rudo to none rudoncaa harma not aveu tbeliombleul and pooreattowhom it la directed but injores the exhibitor fur infajita and childr woa hoods pills aro tho best family oslbarllo and llvor tonio qddtle reliable are do not mako wiltlolsma at tho exponao of others- whioh you would uot wish to hive rmde upon yoursoltoi tellow skin and kyt piliodiaetuoauwa yellow skin and ayei 2 w h p bjbrdook b i m0r tfovlftg all its dlaeaao wiii dyspepsia or indigestion is ocoaaioned by the want of action in the billiary dnots loia of vitality in the atomaoh to arorata the gaitrlo juices without wbloh dlgeatlon oaonot go on also being the principal oausa of headaoho farroelcoa vega i able pills taken before going 6 bed ror a while neverall to glvo relief and effeot a cure mr p w aahdown aahclown ont writes parmuleea pills irre taking the lead agsiuat tail olher makes whioh i have id stoob cure torpid li veb gdnstlpatlon sick headache and dyspepsia as a laxative one pill acts perfectly andjf a strojjger action isdesired a cathartic effect is produced by two pills in obstinate cafes where a pur gative is necessary three pills will be found sufficient these pills leave no unpleasant after effect one pill taken cadi night during thirty days will cure constipation y price 25 cents 0b 0for 5100 never neodlcaaly l the vanity of another nor dilate- unnecoaaarily upon disagreeable subjects out of sorts symptoms headaoho lose of appetite fqrfed tongue and general iadiaposltion these ayinptomp irnegleot- ed developo into acute diboaae it is a trite saying that an ounae fit prevention is worth a poand of care apd a little atten tlon at this point may save months of sioknoas and largo doctors bills for this complaint take fro two- to three of parmeleoe yogotablo pills on going to bed and ono or two for three nights in sacccs- ion and a euro will be effected shops and warerooms foot ol willow st calls atlendeid to day or night j jl speigiit fe co undertakers and embalm iers latest styles experienced atten tion firstclass hearse moderate charges rirnltils of aliykinds a wellrassorted stack at reasonable prices your inspection invjtedr j a spjsiaht go j i orders loft with j n stin80n rockwood will rpcevo j iraqiedlate attodllon wolt0000ass bailway time tajje crane trunk railway mall i h 111 1 1 m r kxin b 1 i xt ilh 10 47 n ni mnll 70 i v ill i mful 11 i iii 1u li n 11ij o li ms i staw golnd t j ii lo iiillhdl u goliiflknbt 10 1 in m if i i i fblntliik tivlli nwit ii to iffect on oiidot nov sotii lfao fearlv to bod early to rl so stick to business and advertise hamilton dlalr in marble and granite hamiltons blook ouelph jlavlug on baud a largo quantity of scotch norway swedish and russian gr7snite5 and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchased i will sell at a reduction of 20 per cent and vill nllow ill expenses to customers o nnd from our v0rk3 john h hamilton the lioson plough co limited toronto wilkinson ploughs last longest work eisiest and draw lightest mmt and soles last twice as lonohjaii cast parts have our name and address in full on them sec that you get them it will piy you the strongest and simplest pneumatic ensilage cutter in the market gutrinlced to cut so tons an hour intf dciuer 40 feet tull line of straw cutlers and root pulpors roller bearings all kinds of whcetbarrojvs limitep toronto 2t advertise profitably acton livery f amd r btjs line tbouudorslsnoclroapobtfnilyaollottstbonatrop asoof tho pablle anainforma thorn that well equipped and stylish riga oan al waya be secured athlsetablob a oomfbrtablo bus moots al tralna botwoon 9 am and 18 pm oarefnl attention given toevoryoraer thp wants of cammoreial travol- lerafally mot john williams pnornikton main street planing mills acton ont there never wis and never will be a nnlyeraal panacea in ono remedy for all ill to whioh flesh ia liolr the vory nataro of many nmatlvrn hnlnff anoh thatwr never urge a neraon to dp anything eganejt desire nulcra- you aeo danger the germa of other and differently aoatod dlaeaa6s rooted in the yatem of the patient what wonld relieve one ill in torn would aggravate tbo othor wie have however in qolnine wine when obtaimd in a sound nnadulterated atale a remedy for many and grievous ilia by its gradual judloiouo use the fraileat aybtenu ere led into opn- valeaceqoo and btrengih by the inlluonoo whioh quinine exert on nntnrea own reatoratlvea it relieves the drooping apirite ol those willi whom a ohronio itato of morbid desponijtncf and laok of interest in life is e diioisf anil by tranijulllzlng the nervee dfspoara to tpuni and refresh ing jleep imparts vigor to the aotlon ot the blood whioh being ilinmlated ooureos thronghout the yelp strengthening the healthy animal fnaotlotis y the system therehvaklnn aotlyiay a neoeiiaaryrwqll jitfedgiltslpgthe jmttakrijjf to ot john cameron architect and contractor mannfaotoror of 8aali doors kramob mouldlug in all styles dressing mxtcbldoi had tttouldino to order on short notice will assorted stock on lisrid at prices losul the times x a flrstolaas ba used of acton ont is recognized as being hq great home paper of this section everybody raada it and ills fa the besttvidence of its value lo advertisers who wish to reach the buying classes su fi ml is 4- 4 f recognize that the free foess is the leading paper in this sec tion because of its circulation its character its influence- and experience shows that it brings them the quickest and largest returns t tttttttttt- 5ati5fici jon or yo jur money back brrntf0rd galvanized steel wiricl mills and towers and pump ing with lb- ternx covered gear patent holler and ball bearings mapte leaf crhin grind6r two arzeis foit any power no r has xo inoh reversible burrs no 2 has 8 inch single burn both have ball hearing linrr plates relief springs and hallo feed grind fine and fast with least p o w o r always guaranteed a trial given hundreds in use we make patent roller and ball bear lag sleel windmills of allklnda the flnost in tho market best material lightest running send tor lllubt riled catalogue rooldj jhapley bkantfordcn john cam proprietor i robt noble the highest price for wheat at tho pdas warehouse oats acton barley station flour at bran acton shorts flour and 8hbd8 yni feed kinds of pebd store iu accordance yith our advertise- iueatsto guarantei pur workiuanship to tlie fullest exlent and in every particular and as an evidence tliat the guarantee card which you will find in the pocket s of shoreys gar- meiits means whal it says if you are weariug aytptwear h shorey mfg of and do not find t perfectly satisfactory in every particular and will communicate your complaints to us we will see that you are satisfied or your money refunded john wqueeis acton aoent for above also fqr frost and wood binders and mowers a full line of all kinds of farm implements and repairs coi mbijirrreal j- ready-to- wear clpiiilijf jltysw f v tfeelr mm mmww

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