Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 13, 1898, p. 1

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volume 2xiii jio 2x acton ontario thuksday janually 13 1898 i price three cents t ctdlt vu tss hi rublibucd evehytthtjltsday morning at the- f froo prcflksteum printing oflkc uill btreet acton ot tisiihs op bdubompton ono ilollur per yoar trlatlyin advance all kuljacrintloiia dlflcon- tluuod whon thu tiiuo for wblah they have boou paid lion expired thodato to which ovory subscription is paid io donotpd on tho adciroflb label adventihino ratkb traiibiont advertise- mouts 10 cents por nonparoil liiiu for flrat in- sortlon 8 couta por lino for each- anbaoquont usortlou oqntiuot iutkb tho following tablo liowh- our ratos for tho insertion of udvottleomouta for bpoolflod periods school supplies scribbl9r ex0hcisb drhming books th b tradersbnk ofcanaoa authorized capital 1 000000 stack winches 1 360t00 m inches i 3500 a i nob 08 2000 4 lnoti y i 600 1 yn 6moa mo 1 imp 83300 92000 2000 laoo 1b00 700 ago 900 j700 u00 b50 100 advoruflomontb without bpoolflo dlrootions wulbe lobcrud till forbid and olmrgod accord- ngly transient advertisement must botiiiia nadvan6e advcrtlseman ta will bo ohangort once each month if desired for changes oftonor than onoo a mouth tbo composition must bo paid for at rogulai ratos cbaugob for contract advortlsemontb muet bo n tho otflco by noon ontuesdaya accounts payable monthly h p moore editor and proprietor the booksreqtriredinthq collegiate ancf public schools a full stock at pays bookstore guelph aysells cheap vnshubs jbirerfnrp medical j f ur1sn m d o m offloo and rebldonco corner mill froclcriok streets aoton a s elliott m dm b x3l acton gnaduate touonto university office main street third door couth of presbyterian church aoton d r dry den eye ear tiiaovt and nobis molcano block douglas st iioar p o guelph office houhh 10 am to l pm aud 3 to 6 pm sundays 10 am to 1 pm veterinary surgeon a lfred p husband v s groduateof tho outarlo votorlnary collect honorary niembor of tbo votorljiary medical sooioty office wm husbands lot si conjnaas- agawoya galls day or nighty promptly attended to dental t l bennett lds dentist jlj obonoetown ontjjuo bit f s mercer dentist graduate of toronto university and rcds ofllco oyer drug store aoton visitika datb thunflday and fmdat jm bell dd8 lds dentist bikjokviile honon graduate op toronto unxtbrsi7jt work mado satisfactory prices moderate viaitina daysrtuosday and friday of each wtekr- d b ghcook dentist cor collogo st and bpadinaavo i toronto will viiit actop on thofirst aud third satur day ol each month office a gnowfl hotel legal m clean mclean barrlbtorb solicitors kotarlos convey an cere jfeortrlvato funds to loan ofllco town hall aoton wm a mclean jno a mclean douglas murray uajidibteuh sowcitona notahieb etc offices 1206 qooonblparkdalo victoria chamberflgl victoria st tblophonoa07 tononto john docqiab a o murray j mackinnon dajuustzn solicitor conveyancer oriice- mh1 stroot in mattliowe block upbtairs t g mthebon 0 b mclbod abristbrfl solicirorb conveyanceltb ge6rgotown and milton mcnoy to loan at lowest ratoo r j monarb olerk fourth division court county of eftl- on oorivoyancor agent firoandlkoaaauranco ileal estato agout monoy to loan etc office porry mans block aoton- ont miscellaneous henry grist ottawa canada solicitor of patonta for invention oto prepare application for tho canadian amor- loan and european patontolflcoa and for tbo koriatratioti of trade marks band for pam- pblot thirtytwo voarsoxporionco f ibanoibnunan dookdindek wvndbamst quolpb ontario wyp ovorwillimfltoto aocouot book ol 11 kind rasilo to brdor poriodloolaoloverydoaoriptiodoaretallyuoniia buunffnontlf ipropiptlvdono m abbiaob licenses it p mooue lprlirlt 0f mailruae idoeksbs prlvatoofflani nbwitnebiosrcqiilrod isaaod roiaonofl lp tbo oventdg frobprm odooaorom fahubr8 it yoo ttlli torodaco your intorcst or smaro a flntloia loan of monoy at lowlplcrot and on ay tsra jl tajtmntat oall on mo i niako a pooialty of londlnif monoy and bato plonty 01 funds i ho laj money and nato p on tllliso pvopariy w c jackson oomvbyakokn ahd monby iibndbll ovriok wyndtiam mtnoorcltynnllaulilih wellington mutual fire insurance company rltabuaiwd ltflo 1n8uiian0e on oaib and mutual plan any oommunloauopa forwardod to my addroi box 698 or tolophono m will b promptly at- tondodto johh taylor xmt w m hemstreet lioihbld arjotiomkbll for tho ooantli of wellington and ualton order lo rt at tb fium riuta otnoo aoton or at myraeldannaln aoton will bo promptly at- tended to feea reduoed to 500 for farm sales- also money to loan on tb molt frorajie aumaand at tb lowoat ratea ol intoreit la aompofawooand pwarde jjob priftinl i sotjubinouooxa ranjpblete poa tore nil hoadeolronlfie ero mooutod in tho loit tylo if the art at moderate pile and ou abort notice apply or addroaa n v hoobb fjibb pnbea olnce aoton stewart v cong elmr not only soothes and allev iates but goes to the root of ihe iroubld and exterminates it in this respect it differs from and must not be confounded with any cough syrup lung balsam or any other similar preparation sold as a cough cure stewarts cough elixir is now the standard house- hold remedy for coughs colds and lung diseases it is a family remedy to be kept in tho house it may be used with equal safety for the smallest infant and the most aged member of the family i price 25 and 50 cts prepared and som only by cuelph branch sum a of 81 our tipwurda received on dopobit and lnghoat current rateef iritereet paid or compourjdod halfyearly derjqflit rocbipta i for lar su heposited v advaticoavmado to responsible farmers otj their ownnaracs no oharcemadelor collootink sales noicb if payable fn guolph a general banking duaineea tranbaotcti a r ir jones mnnnfiet ftaftrg ariver alex stewart family and dispensing chemist b guelph c ont winter is here and cooper akins are well propated for it having just opened a fine new btook of olotba specially aaitablo for winter suit pgs winter overcoatings sc6 wo havo a very fine abbortmont in all lines sjnoo commenoidr business in aoton wo have had assurance from all customers that the garments turned bnt by as have given entire satisfaction from all standpoints fit stylo prices and enduring qualities your patronaga is solicited cooper aklns main street acton sunsavings and loan co head office toronto ont authorized capital s6dpdo600 tenyear maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 86000 paid in maturity value 10000 money to loan at s straight joan or repayabletn monthly instalments on appli cation to j r j mcnabb agent aoton acton saw mills and wood yards ifannraotdnmaihd dealeb im lumber lath shingles wood etc all klntli of wood in stock and promptly dollverod to any part of tho town at r roaaonablo prices hardwood and slabs out btovo longtli alw yn on band tolnpnonooommuulcatiop w barker bros papermakebs qesoraetown ont 1 a ibfimuiant of machine finished book papers nigil grade wkekxy news thu imnu n i t juunml in fr tbo above mille wm bakbeb bros acton- livery bus line the undersigned rmpoatfullyaoltautfaflpatron age of tbe publip and informs them that well equipped and stylish rigs can al ways b secured at bis stables a comfortable bus meets al trains between 0 am and 18 vm oarefalattentjonglventoevery order the wanuotoommerelaltrayel- larsfullymet i john williams fbofbikton skates any port 3 on euro for speing skates 10c to 8140 hockey skates 75cto 300 your sine j m bond co haedwarli guelph cure your gold with a bottle of mckees carolina pine balsam this is a safe and effectual remedy for all diseases of the throat bronchial tubes and lungs it is pleasant to take and can be readily administered to children put up in 26c and 50c bottles made only 1jy j d mckee chemist acton youll soon- lie thinking of holiday preaeafcs- and such like little things and quite naturally we would like to have you call on us when wanting anything in this line brdcusnao and fancy china are specialties and we think we can sell you nice goods at lower prices than you can get anywhere else wo also sell pictures and do picture framing waters bros st georges so guelph robt noble the highest price for wheat m the psas warehouse oats acton baelbv station pliour at acton shorts flout rnd sheds all feed klndb of peed store wiuitisn 1on tllis ynee pubis tlio illtlo wavolota blmmoi in the tun thou dlamondoappod they ripple ilowly on uouoatb tall plnoi whlob form an arch abovo aud wblanor softly to the breexe they lovo a momsy rook bcaldq tbo rlvoratandi imboddod dooply lu gofdon tanda klesod aud carcuod by wavoa that hurry by audoboltorodby tbe pinoa that 10b and slsh a cosy nook whoro birds anfl chlptuonka dwtill a pretty mossy foruolad loaf y doll and on i ait thoro in tho early davo iwatobthorler rueblug ooandou tbo waves run slowly lor allttlowbilb thougaluitib spood with bvory addod uiilo itiin awlft aud overbwlftor than boforo till ovor rocks and bushoa down tudy pour down ffpm a dlsey beight tho wators iuab aud out of rocky erevleea tbey gush tiidi dasblnsblgh their lfoam and bllverbpray bparkuug jo ruflblng madly on their way past bjlltf ami oiiurchoa on through meadows green j tbo rlvor winding fiproada its silver aboon morultig and noou apd night aadtn tbo early morn i watch tborlvor running on and on on through tho valloya whoro tall mountains rlbo on oltbor nido booming to oloavo tboskleo aro their grand peaks hind which tho sett- lug sun shows fiorgoouuly beforo her going down itu gorroous buou bbluo on tho etroam bo- low ab on it winds iu ovor murmurlug ilow through fproats flolda on our tbo balmy plain plowing aliko in suushlno and in rain wboao pattering drops can never much db- turli and boattngstormscantroublo but not curb tho rlvor aa in darkuoaa or in dawn tbo rlvor ruahca over on and on our uvea aro like tbe rlvoro winding way bbcltorod by mothers lovo at first wo play in childish joy with ohilds impulilyo glco mark not tbo days as swiftly on they uoo till wo bco sudduuly bow ttoru is life and aro cast ruthlessly among its strlfo to htrutglo out frommong llfus thorns and rocks and bull thoyo hoar or bo ihjir atumbllna blocks if wo hut struggle bravoly with lifes tldo wo may ut last bo ownod by frlonds with pride or stundlng by gods sldo in hfos fiioatdawu watch wbilo otorntty goos on and on olonholm maooie disiu manitoba i in i em not a bit hurt gasped fe lix spasmodically rubbing tho back part of his head as havene fot him akillfutly hisl bin ttect jfainily heading idtiqg irjto jvatrimony what a clear cold day it was tbe earth all wrapped in white sparhllng buow the frozen river gleaming in the distance liko a ribbon of steel i how the wind shook tho cedar boughs drooping over the stained fclaai casements of mr ark- wrilits library i but it could gain no entranco to the pleasant room with its orimbon walls and ruby velvet carpet and polished grate heaped hib with glowing anthracite tap tap came softly at- the door and mr arkwriglit looked ujft torn his book come in i its only mebir i called to see if miss ariel would liko to drivo down to the river and look at the skaters this afternoon look at them 1 repeated mr ark- wright good humoredly why shes one of tho performers inotead of being a spec tator she went down an hoar ago with tom havens tom havens 1 mr felix fetherbees whiskered under jaw dropped he flugered nervously at his oyo uisps why yea toms rather handy on a pair of skates and hes been teaching my daughter im glad you are here felix added mr arkwrigbt for to tell the truth truth i dont exactly like artel to be eo much with mr hvpih ftnf hnt mhut ben a fine frank young fellow bat then you know ho depends solely on bis profes sion and o you understand all these things father bee iv certainly sir paid felix the per- famed and ive euspcoted this long whtlo that you were a little interebtcd in ariel i adoro her air said foiix energet ically then off to the river with you quicker than a flash my boy 1 of course yon skato o yen sir that is ive never tried but its easy enough i dont doubt mr arkwiight raised bis brows rather doubtfully but folix bad disappeared the idea of ariel arkwrigbt skating with thomas havens drove bim wtid i they were there id the centre of the multitude of skaters i felix recognised thorn with a vengeful pang aa ho scrambled down the slippery bank tom havens for oap and straight aotlve qgdre ariel ark- wrights golden floating curls and brilliant dolor hanged if i dont have some of this fan mattered felix hallo dormer i do you know where a follow can raise a pair of skates you may take mine if you choose groaned tho young man addressed who wan limping toward tbe shore rubbing his abrased elbows im very much obliged to you oh not at all 1 said mr dormer thinking within himself that fetix fether- beo would not be so very much obliged after ho became acquainted with tbe slippery naturo of ice hallo fetherbee 1 hailed havens in a on bhtfeet now youre all rigbtaencourbgodtom hello i thore you go agsfti i youre in too great hurry mr cfetherbco i it ibnt me i gasped felix hanging to a pine branob in abject terror its these ooufoanded elippery skateb 1 it may be great fun but imnat oonfeasl dont ncoit oh i youll alter your mind aoon said tom just see how simple it is away be glided in marvellous curves and angles and camo up agaiu with sparkling eyes and flushed cheeks ariel shall we try it again exoubo we air said felix loftily mr arkwritfht wished iliat i suouldskate with mias ariel t she dont purpose skating on the paimo of her hands or tho back of her head i dont bco that your plan is practi cable raid tom provokingly ab ho aod ariel vanished hang these skates i said felix thoy wont stand still i well if tom havens can scad about inthat fashion i dont see why i cant here goes 1 anotfelix rashly desperate dtruok out as be had seen havens do alas i for our hero blindly confl ient ho came to grief with noso prbno against tho ico it isnt agreeable for any young man to have the damsel of v bis adoration behold him in a bitting posture on the ice staring hopelessly around with his hat knocked in and his 0oat sleeveb badly torn bo feth erbee felt as ariel bhot past him leaning on tom havens arm and calling out tell papa ill be home beforo dark i miaa arkwrigbt 1 ho shouted misa arkwrightl no answer biiq was gone could bo but have seen her dashing over the ice btill on tom huvene protecting arm past the solemn pine thicketsunder the shadows of still promontories miles flying ptfin like inches i could ho havo heard toms wliinior couruge lovo 1 wo are almost thero i there but we anticipate i sunset glowed redly across tho bcene as frlumor in epitaphs church yard curiosities in tloohn st john worces- ter ib au epitaph which if brevity is tbo soul of wit baa high claim on that char acter houoat john a dead and gone here are soma miscellaneous grotesques horo lies bio and mv three daughters brought boroby ublrrg cheltenham wators if wo had stuck to epaom salts wo wouldnt bo la theao horo vault a from a new hampshire ohurohyard to all my friauds ibid adlou a moro sudden j3oath you never know abi was loading tho old maro to drink shokjokodud killoduioiulokern a wluk on akeast tfcnneb815 ladv sbajivcda jifo of virtue and died of choljsra niorbob caused by eatinw groou truit in hope of a bloaaed immortality at tbe early agoof 21 years 7 montha and ig days header go thou and dolikewise the following was composed by three bootoh friends to whom tho porson com memorated had left a legacy with the hope expressed that boy would honor him by some record of tfaolr regrets the first friend composed the line which naturally opened thp epitaph provost fetor pa tor son was provoat of dunduo the second added provost potor patorsou hero hoa ho the third oould tuggeat no other con clusion than hallolujahl hallolujoo trjttlb followiog meat be taken as a fling at a noble proresaion hero lies tlio corpao of dr ohard who filled tlio half of tbht churchyard this is aa bad as the unkind hint convey- ed in the following found io m churchyatd near newmarket hera llos tbo body of sarah boxtou- wbonovof did aught to vox one notlirjotha womo nunder tbe next btono domestio troubles have beeu laid bare on the tombstone from the time of tbo greeks and romans here is a pioco of utroolpus dogrell to he aeon in selby churchyard iu yorkshire hero ii oa my wifo d aad alattoru and a euro w v if i said i rogrut liur i bbould ho too tbe following which frequently appear in coileotiohs of epitaphs aro not credited kentucky mountaineers felix crawled stiff and sore up tho bank o my head i my bones 1 ho grpftnod tako your skates dormer i i fdmnt borrow em again you may depend p well wheres ariel v said mr ark wrigbt as felix stumbled into the library aching iu every bone vi dont know hir 1 but one thing i do kxow the extent of mr fetherbees knowledge remajued a mystery for at the same mo ment another door opened and ariel trlp- ed in all blaahlng followed by tom the audacious fapol yon will forgive me i know theres no help for it uow added tom r eh ejaoulated mr arkwrigbt papa 1 im married to tom we okatr ed down to the ministers and then there came a tdiowerof tears then kisses and ultimately a free pardon of course i and not uulil this stage of affairs whs reached did they remark the abbenco of mr fetherbee it was just as well however since tom and ariel had skated into matrimony bis little comedy was played out t fresh pork every day at a southern oonvlot camp as deaoribed in the american siberia the prisoners seldom bad any meat except salt pork a good many pigs were about the premises however and the natural deeire of the men for fresh meat frequently asserted itself a certalu cellhouse was bo loosely built that tbe smaller pigs coall blip in tbroagh the cracks a happy circumataude of which the keenwitted and hungry negroes pilci dtl i business college ft mjtlrn j shorthtfridlhatltute bookkeeping penmanship shorthand typewriting and achinl office work a specialty write for circulars j sbarp prlnolptl autlph try no rval flour tho r3est fnraily floor in ihe market frank harris manager georgetown electric works tj spbiout proprietor manufacturers of dvnalylos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams and danerai itenalr- am tipo and btoam fihii lull i am fto numwuuuvi hiwkea ilaudle ban bant to enr dealradaualo jullllneoiuppkea kae in moe 8uaotion guaranteed vloyolet eiian1ed in any eolor in being equipped kltbagae bra tingmaoliiiio am prepared to la braalml on merela vranlee o whjela eonrorlai f roui dlreet to tangent alu ilaijtla nah kani ia anv ilmlmrl dlialii i tj speight georgetown xtearplond he- tip- t arm in arm with that dimpled panting radiant httlo ariel are you going to join us yes raid felix importantly jerking his straps mr arkwrigbt requested me to oomo down and tako oharge of miss ariel take charge of me i ejaculated the young lady while tom opened his black eyes wide indeed it isnt necessary i dont wish to trouble yoo mr fetherbee no trouble at all what does make these thing ao shaky i its because yoo havent screwed them on said havrns shall i assist you but felix scornfully rejected the friendly overture of his rival youd better just take hold of my hand im afraid youre new to skates persisted tom as felix roe tottering to bii feet no i tbauk you said felix clot oh log at the ibore ss those treacherous steel runners walked off of themselves taking his feet with him and landing the rest of him on the loo with an ou pleasant shook ok dear said ariel demurely im afraid youre hurl fray let me help you op said tom took full advantage till the drove dwindle so rapidly as to attract tbe attention of the authorities captain powell supposes that more than a hundred pigs wero disposed of in this way at another camp there was a huge negro named georgo smith who had an inordi ate appetite for pork which ho gratified in a peculiar manner lie was employed in tho cooper bhop aud was j1 ways more or lees under the eye of a guard the qaefl- tion was howto batch and kill a pig with out attracting attention ho would take an empty barrel place it on its side and throw some oprnmeal near the bottom when a pig went iu after the meal smith quietly set tbo barrel on end making a prisoner of the animal then be ignited rags und thrust them under tbe edge in a short time the pig would be asphyxiated while this was in progress smith would be bustling about as if hard at work and in order to drown thopqueals of his vlotim he would vigorously hammer down hpopb making an outrageous noise when tbe pig gave up tbo ghost he reversed the barrel plunged halt his body inaido as if putting in a head and proceeded to skin and clean it in theee oload quarters and without ex- olting the suspicion of the guards who were constantly moving all about the place he tnrned out as neat a piece of work as any butober when the pig had been converted into pork he rolled the barrel containing it into one corner of the yard and cooking was the next thing in order it was managed in an improvised oven over an open fire and the result would not have discredited a professional cook whhpthftthtny finally leaked out smith owned 6p that he had eafen fresh pork every day for three montha heres a funny thing 4qanhoco1ifcyndmaybemoie wuudor large enoughtto give ingress and egress to lug bits of epigram mdtio miaogyoniem this dear llttloapot is tliojoy of ihy life it ralaoa my flowers and covora my wife j am not griovqd my doaroat llfo sloop on ivo got another wife tboroforo i cannot oomo to thoo for imubt o and live with she my wlfos dead and hero sho lies no man laughs and no man oriea where shes gone or hqw she fares nobody knotfa and nobody oaros horo lies my ioorffifo without bed or blankot but dbad as a doornail and god bo than kit in the following the tablpa are turned hero hoa tlio body of mary ford whoaajoul ire uuat la with the lord hut imor bell bbea changed this life tis better than bolog john forda wlfo intentional drolleries frequently take the form of puna among thobe should rapk the epitaph on mr foote of norwich hero lies one footo whoso death many thou- bands save for doatli has tioir ono foot within thosravo and tbe one on mr box hero 11 cb ono box within another tho ono of wood was very good wo cannot say so much for tother also the famous one of sir john strange horo lies an honest lawyor that la strange i a happy conceit it wa doubtless thought in 10io to writeover a member of parliament narned white here lias a john a burning sh tiling light whoao nahiollfo aotloob all alike wero white v tho following is by swift on tbo earl of kildare who killed kujatc who daro kudaro to kill death- klllod klldare who daros kill whotq ho win here area few miscellaneous examples the first on a mr fish worms aro bait for flih but heros a auddon change j ftsh is bait for wornis is not that passing strango v on william button iu a churchyard noar sanbary o sun moon atars and yo oolosllal polos i aro gravoa thou dwindled into duttonholoa on foote tho comedian footo from bla earthly atago alas 7 is hurled doathtookhhn off wbo took off all tho world tho following mark of esteem is as terse as it ia ambiguoos it if found iu a ohurohyard iu grafton vermont honk home is the satire in the following examptcb intontibnal maria urowd wlfo of timothy brown aged olgbtyyoars bho livod with hor husband fifty years and died in tho confidential hope of a hotter llfo hare lies ilornaxdllghtfoot who was accident ally klllod iu tho ortyflf tb year of his ago this inonumont was orootodby his grateful family reflection of a bachelor every man is a bitter pessimist when be has a boil tbe average woman thinks there will be jnaxxying in heaven becanse there wont bo any baohelora there yon can generally tell how inuoh a girl knows by whether sho aotacurioas a boat what a man carries in his pocket dante made oho mistake he ought io have saved ihe deepest hottest oveu for tho mau that writes the beginners- cook books i when a womau has on a new hat when ever a maulooks at her ahe tblpka he is tie a string about a rd long to a oom- mon door key then take the string in the right hand and hold it- so that the key will dear the floor four or flvo inches if yon ban hold the string steady enough it will begin to swing baokand forth in a straight thue ijt another person take your left lm n 1 in hi an i the motion of the key will change to a circular motion if a third person will y toe his hand on tbe shoulder of the pccoii person fhe key will stop try and explain it if you can the ruling instinct husband rushing into tho room come out qqfok i wife- whets ihe matter tho boose is on fire nd well be burn ed to death if we hesitate a moment hun run for your life yof ill bo out in h uifnale ivo got to tidy up the room a bit so ft will look decent when the firemen come admiring it vue cover woman looks at he she wonder if she has forgotten to take off the price tag a oynlo lays shsl the majority of married women poaaess a singularly jimited store of conversational sonterioesfor homo oonsumptloo this indeed is mainly oomposed of suob familiar phrases as it is impossible to pleaae yon no man would treat his wife as you do yon are tbe moat selfish man on earth others do not know you aa i do and there never was a man like yon in mr james lane allens interesting book tbe bluegrass region of kentucky one obaptor is devoted tb tho inhabitants of the cumberland mountains tbey are abjectly poor for the moat part as the author expresses it they appear to have no sodbo of accumulation in some regions the great problem of life ia to raise two dollars and a half durinn tlie year for county taxes agricultural methods are primitive the plow is a bull tongue little more than a sharpen ed stick with a metal rim fortunatelj the digging of eang ginsengs was one of the prinolpa octmpations muah of it was shipped to china tho crop is now nearly exhausted although in some of the wilder regions whole families may bti bcuii out sacgshv the people took it ibto town in baga selling it at adollar and ten cobta perhaps a dollar and a half a pound this was mainly the labor of the women and children who went to work barefooted amid bryera aad chestnut burrs copper- beads and rattlesnakes indeed the women prefer to go barefooted finding shoes a trouble and constraint it was a sad day for the people when the sang grew eoarce a few yearn ago one of tho countied was nearly depopulated in conseqaenee of a great exodus into arkansas whence bad oomo the news that sang was plentiful the dwellings often mere cabins with a tingle room are built of roughliowu logt chinked or daubed though notulwaya oue mountaineer called into court to testify aa to tho household goods of a defendant neighbor gave iu as the invent ory a btrlng of pumpkins a hkillet without a handleraud a wild bill a wild bill is a bed made by boriwt auier- holes in a log driving sticks into those and overlaying them with hiekory bark and eedgegraaa a favorite couch tbo- low chimney tiridb usually of latbb daubed are bo low that the saying inelegant but true ia current that you may sit by the are inside and apit out over tbe top the craoka in tho walls are often this dog un t wagon oomo wile said good old farmer qrny put on yo thin tis market day child or a dog naturally there is little desire for education the mountain schools bave sometimes less than half a dozen pnpile for tbe few months tbey are in session a gentleman who wanted a coal bankopened engaged for the work a man passing along tbe road some days later he leacued that his workman was a bohool teacher who in consideration of seventyfive cents a day bad dismissed his academy many of the people allured by rumors from ihe west have emigrated thither but- nearly all ojme back from love of the mountains and indisposition to copo with tbe rush and vigor and enterprise of fron tier life tbeirs theysiy is a good lazy mans home prince and yankee a mosicul critio from yankeeland mr l c eibou who describes in a very free and easy way his experiences in europe was at ono of the great wagnerian per formances at bayreuth the place was fuir of congenial- people who had come together for oue purpose ab an illustra tion of tho spirit that prevailed mr bison says i have spoken of the prince of ileeeo i did not know he was a prince until i had ohalted with him for about half an hour and then it was too lato for me to put on any stately behavior i resisted the temp tation to tell bim that i wab tho duke of oahkosh or the marquis of kalamazoqand maintained my character aa a hamble american citizen as for his highness any rich western speculator would havo put on moro aibb there aro- no books of otiqaetto on ilowto converse with a princeoven the baedeoker phrase book omits this import ant chapter i feared to nek tlio frinco if buincfs was good abhis season and he did not once say by my halidome as princes do in novels on the contrary ho began talking very quietly and learnedly on music in which ho reomed to be one of the bestinformed gentlemen i had ever met ho was a very near sighted potentato and as i also am nearly as blind as a bat it may be suppos ed that tbo band of myopia drew as together a royal remin1scense tho following good story of queen vic toria is timely a number of yeste ago charles knight a photographer at newport isle of wight secured a hkenebswhioh shows her majos- ty not merely smiling but broadly laugh ing how did it happen that such a hkenesa was obtained in this way the queen was visiting newport tbe mayor of the city was presenting in a verbose aud ful some speech a magnificent bouquet he had carefully committed tho speechto mem ory bnt in his anxiety to make a favorable iroprcbsion with bis courtly manners his pomp aud splendor of royal velvet and and fur trimmed robe medals cooked hat aud cable obaius of gold be lost his place after some stammering and stuttering ho suddenly shouted ive forgotton the rest and stood gazing at the queen like a stapld schoolboy on visitors day then her majesty laughed outright aud the flustered and heartbroken mayor dropped this benqcet sn i fled- wlfa qnnnn wsn laughing knight the photographer took the ploture was he unselfish aud well ho off to tho iiearuut town thoro and back oro tbo run gouh down spot no wo i loavoold bpot behind but spot ho barbed aud bpot lie whiuod and soon madq uif his dogkliih tnliid to follow under tbo wagon away they wont at a good round puco and joy cmjio into the funnuru fuoo poor bpot naid ho did want tb come hilt im awful glad bos left at homo ijou guard tho barn aud guard tho cot and kqop thopattlo out of tho lot im not bo suro of that thought simt j thpdog under tho wagon tlio farinor all his produce sold audgpt hla pay iii yollow gold homo through the lonely forest hurkt a rohhor springs from bcblud fi tree r your money or plan your llfo says 4jo tho moon was up but ho didnt seo tbodoguhdeithowagbu spot noor barked and spot noor whiuod uut quickly caught tbo thief bohlud ho dragged him down in tho pilro and dirt and tore his coat and toro his shirt thou bold him faton thu miry ground tho robbor iittorud not a bound wlillo his baudb and feet tho farmer bound and tumbled hhn into tlio wagon bo spctlio saved tho farmorshfu tho farmora monoy tho farmors wlfo aud now a horo graud aud gay a silver collar he wuars today among bin frionds among httl foo3 and ovorywliero his uiaator goes iio follows ou hla horny tooa tho doguudor thd wagon- the ad wince sayings of the children two little brotbert nged reapftctively four and six yearn old fell in with a stray kitten which buffering at thohanda of some cruel person hud of its tuil scarcely half an inch remaining poor little kit ten eaid the younger one who has oat off its tail i wonder if it will grow aftjuiu to which the older gravely remarked of courao it will i dont you aee the root ia there dora jack who was that uv with with your father i hidnt knowouhlui a siatcr thats fatlfers step wife polly aocilentully discovered a doll that her mother had concealed in a trunk in readiness for the littlo ladys birthday the following day at dinner she surprised the family remarking im trying so hard to forget something i want to remem ber that im not very hungry 1 no thank you ive got some money of my own paid tommy politely as the contribution plate wai passed iu front of him on tbe ocoation of his flrat visit to church ethel wondered why good friday is called good friday freddy why you a prise me its named after bobinson cruboesfftithful servant of course johnnie bad been accused of crying i des i aint ho maintained gulping what aro you doing then questioned unple henry lettin my eyes leak freddy said the teacher to froddy ftngle you have ppollod the word rab bit with two tv you must leave one of them out yes maam replied fred which ono duttio mamma i guess my dollys mamma must have been a very impibas lady mamma why eo dot dotlio why she made her bo her knees wont bend i have to put her on lior etomacli to say hor prayers a minister who used to preach in bonier yilto had n little boy a few days beforo his father left the village to go to hia new parish a neighbor paid to the little boy so your father is going to work in now bedford is he the boy looked op won dering and at last said oh no only to preach small dorothy had just been stuug by a wasp i wouldnt a minded him walkin all over my hand she said between her bob if if it it hiidrit sat down eo hard some oriental saws a ni mi niiiy bo known in threo ways by hih purfp hii voico and bis htiger scandal injures tbruu persons ho who utters it ho who hoard it hoof whom it is bald l a penny in u jir makes a great noise the punishment of the liar is that no one believes him oven when ho f peaks tbo traih the wbrld ialiko the buckets in a well tbo full ono is soon ompty the empty ono boon full the emulation of the wso is the lifa of acienoc if bomoono bays i have studied and learned nothing belicvo him not if another rays i havo jeurned but never stadiod neither believe him but if still another saypi have studied aud learned he itobo believed a sage once said i havo learned ranch from my teacbere more from my com- pauionh and mobt from my pupils who ia wise ho who can learn from ovcryone vho is strong ho who can control his passions who is rich he wlio is batibfied with his lot who is hon- orablo ho who honors others a timely rejoinder the late adams archibald of uppor musqodobit wna once standing in front of the four mile house uoakingham when a dudo from tho city oumo tripping along and juet as ho caino opposite to wbero mr archibald woh he tripptd on an irou hoop which turned up nncl gave him a smart rap on tho shin she was convinced he women are loss considerate than men she i fail to tee tho point he do you think tbo women who wear big bats in the theatres are considerate she no i cant say they are but he now look how considerate the men are who occupy front rowftl they dont even wear ihr diseases often jork in the blood before thoy openly mauifest themsel vet there fore keep the blood pure with hood bar- saparllla a frail old farmer laid aside from active duties by rheumatics and advancing years was repeatedly warned by his kon not to ascend tbe ladder to the haymow being anxious however to assist in some small way in the work of the farm be persisted in asotyiding to the hayloft till one day he fell frotu the top of tho ladder to the ground hla son and some of tho farm servants about hearing tho nolle rushed to the old mans assistance lifting him np tbey anxiously inquired if he was much hurt oh ay he groaned im gey sair hnrted bat i wouldha hae oarcdhalf sawmach about it had it been ony ither body but myael leg soroaniing fearfullly and at lat roand- cd up by wishing that the d d hoop was in hell you bbould not eay that young man said mr archibald you might bo trip ping over it agaiu some day for ten cents in the treatment of croup and whooping coagb ayers cherry pectoral has a most marveloua effect thousands of lives are saved an no ally by the use of this mtdiolue it frees thebbitruoted airpassages allaya inflsmmatioiv end controls ihe ilenire to cough havo you oyer tried to estimate tho soktibfaotiou pleasure and financial returns that you get when you bpend ten cents for a package of diamond dyes the van tages and prolltb aro btriliingly wonderful faded aud dingy looking dr cases blouses capep knitted shawls liose lace curtains and pieces of drapery are all restored to thetr original vatuo and usefulness the ruth is they are mado as good ss new and tbe cost ia only ten cents this work is dono every day by tbous- suds with tho diamond dyoa beware of imitations that some dealers oflef for the sake of blgproqtp bond to wells a hiohanlson co mout- real p q for valtiablo book of directions sad sample cnlor owl dent pjt free to any address

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