Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 13, 1898, p. 2

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vv born biiwin iuashdaweya friday 7th jauu- ry to mr ftqil mn jitnoi erwiu a sou day to mr and mn j 13 wright a daughter xockettin knatolibull od bauday oth tanu- try to mr and mn guorgo looker aiuu tivomiffos in naaeagawoya on monday 10th jauuaty to mr and mrs win tbotnpbuii a eon married cunsindiiam couboh at ttio iruhbvtorian mm i ho hornby on ohrtitmavave by hov o r toiinti mr thou ounntngham to lituilo vliloabilaufthtur ofcuuiiolllor jamoacuulhon nil of tie it iv mooro iuuur of u art i ago iiiccncoa fjieh lukhh aototi lrivato oluuti died mooiik at ohoalny on wednesday fltb january an uieryonngeafrdauglitoroftuouiab mooro uonnowb at uorhomo chinch bt root aoton uornodlo ui1u1cu diiudt nuvuu on tuesday tnoralns 11th january margaret tfldoir of tbo late itiohard jiurruwa agad 7 thursday january 13 1898 notes and comments a ouube u to be ahangetf in the pliar v mnby aotvli now read a that drop flint pnajj aal hqaor to perton without a dootoraoemjloate brootat ibto or coming into drag store buffering from nninjary faiattdk flty or a- heart failure tho word heart fait pre will be trickm oat organize for the year the new council takes of f toe and the reeve outlines the years j programme one progressive it is the momboraolect the olerk tbo fiiee piikbs reprohqntativo and tho municipal oflteor filed into the ouanoil chamber promptly ut ulevon ootoak an monday morning to uke their reapealivo mru in the inauguration proceedingi treolinmber hud an untiaually tidy appenrauoe tho council tablo had beou given a now ooat of grcoti full aud heforo each member elect was a neat blotting pad and the nucpseary taunfutpalstatioderyv tbe report of tbo factory mapeotori pteieated to the ontario lerlalatare yester day afternoon has for ita- most feature the faot that ainoe ootober there have been more requests for licenses to work overtime than there have been altogether tor the last two yeare this la pointed oat to be one of the many indica tion a that good times are oomink again japan ia confronted with a flnanoial orliia and boaineaa panto dovto the over development of the country in the lnat year failnrea are namerooa the three banks of osaka have failed and a number of big 0rma in tokib have also gone to the wall small failnrea are pf daily occuranoe the ministerial orlala has aggravated matters ao the country seaeon of pros perity seema to have come to an end for the time being tfhat the klondike gold fields are fabalooa in tbeir riohneaa beoomea more apparent every day the latest report now is that the great discovery of mother lode hcu been made thia faot la moat import ant aa it establishes tbepermauenay of the klondike mining fields and of interest as verifying the aolentiflo conclusions reached by ogilvie the lode was uncovered piraauaneously by three persons in three different places the examinations yet are qaite primitive miltons chief magistrate hardly knowb whether he is mayor of the town or not the champion says it seema that a new election for the mayoralty will be neoes- ry dr qtarl and exmayor dice were ihe nominees the former was willing to take the position if eleoted by acclamation and on the nomination of the latter gave notice of retirement sabseqaently mr dice retired dr stuart announced that hs would withdraw his resignation and was declared elected but both withdrawals mast stand it is likely that dr stuart will be renominated and unopposed a very interesting report was presented- to the outario legislature this weeklwhen the inspector of roadmaking told of the condition and needs of tbe province it ia doubtful says he it there is a mile of troemaoadam road in oniaria on t aide of a law towns and oities there are miles ot road which are covered with dirty gravel or rough broken stone and are popularly bbpposed to be macadamized and they more resemble the roads macadam found in england throe quarters of a oentnry ago the kind he removed rather than those he poastrnoted statute labor it condemn od in the report until a good business ability system and a knowledge of road- maldogarodmbiqed there oanuot be good roada in the province the aoton fnas paass takes pardonable prlrls in announcing that all its subsorip tlona are paid in advance happy pobliab- er i your lot ia an enviable one but theres no earthly reason why he publisher of every local newspaper in ontario shouldnt bo in exactly the aame position lo aula respect milton reformer no good reason at all its a business principle most people admire tho ntoersiftryqaaliflcationsare 1 a straight forward presentation of the system 2 courteous firm adherence to it 3 giving your readers tbe best possible local paper wbioh brains energy and boaineaa percep tion od combine to execute this course mikes your subscribers personal friends and they refer with pride to our paper calend com kind word a by our dally exchanges and several subscriber the jcrchry acknowledges hereby every creditable piece of work from the acton f bck fnkss job department in tbe shape of a calender for 1808 as usual it is neat and attraotlf e qnelphr mercury amoog the many pretty calendars whtah tho fltrqld has received is one from the aotod fbxk pne8fl a floe peoimen of the arliatfo work done in this well known priatiog establishment the faxs fnxss is do thing if not neat gael ph herald this weeks aoton fail paxes is to band enoloiing a calendar like every- thing tamed out ai the fsbx pbksu office ii nobby and uptodate guelph advo cate calendar received it is very pretty and moon ad vl red by those who have seen it mxt thanks for your beautiful calendar drr many thanks for calendar it is tho moit complete of any 1 have seen this year dr jmb it aeemod like old tlraoa to aee the familiar face of w h storey esq reevo- ejcot present as the moat promtneut spirit of the unaombly twontythreo yoara ago he took hla place aa chief maglatrate aa the tint council was organized then we had a population of 70nd now with a popula tion of 1600 double that aijnoorporatlod mr storey would not have been poeaeaaed of the ordiosry traitaof human nature had he not felt a pardonable pride in tho changed aurroubdings thpo uat merged from the position of a country hamlet now a reodgnised manufacturing oeotre giving employment to bnodreda ooperativea and this obange to a large decree the reeult of faia baaineet foresight and entorprf bo aa well- as hia loyalty to the plae of liis adoption iu one roapeot the inauguration toeeting was a trifle ead not a single meraber of lastyoaraoouncil waa among the mom bo re elect not one of them present aa a spectator nor to parjiojpajtejojhehonor of introduolng tbe new membero thia firat meeting bad for its key noto the spirit of progress this was manifest in reeve btoreyd inuuroral addreea as aleo in the words of approbation interpolated here and there by the members generally while he waa speaking council met for organ lnat ion at eleven oclock as required by statute after sub scribing to to tbe declaration a of offloa and of qualitioation the membera took their seats at the board aa follows reeve w h storeyi oounclllora james clark john clark j a murrfly- and i francis reeve storey then addressed tbe ooanoll outlining the work wbioh would naturally come before them during the year he said it baa always been enstomary for the reeve at the first meeting to say a few words respecting the dutieb of tbe members of the council and the queatfona which will probably ocoupy their attention dur ing the year the position i ocoopy is one entirely unsought by me but the people have voluntarily placed me here and i will do my beat to advance tbe interebts ot the municipality i am pleased to be here this year because ot the competent men who are aeeooiated with me considering the important matters to come before us the people-did- a wise thing in patting in a council of men acquainted with business methoda tbla year i aay this without intending any reflection upon the good men who have preceded na i believe it is generally oonoeded by our oithsena that we have arrived at the time when a better system of atreet lighting muat be introduced in the estimation of visitors to our town our reputation la im- mediately low when- tho matter of street lighting is introduced the people- demand oleotrio light and thia question muat receive our oarefdl oonsideratlbo a good deal of attention has been riven j the park but for some reason those in charge have not succeeded in seoarind the growth of shade trees the beaqtifyiog of the park will require to be looked into of lato years a spirit of misoondaot on the public at root a has beau notice able especially on certain street oornera wo muat do all jn que power to supprws all lawlesanesa and for any dia- torbanoe upon the etreeta which cornea before me the offenders will be punished with severuyr hthe preaent obnatablea are unable to oope with tbe disorder they muat have additional help all disorder must be auppreeaed as onr population has fn creased we nat urally have more children on the streots at night i think the introduction of the the prohibition plebrscite a bui to besubrviltted at the next session of parliament ottawa jan iorlustmatioua havo been given by tbe government for the prepara tion of a bill for the taking of a voto throughout canada on the question ot tho prohibition of tho liquor truffle suob a metthuru wua promised lant eeaaioi but owii to ilia dliliuulty of detlrmlniiif tho ehapo in which tliu ijutoiian nhould bo put to the electors and tbo fact ihut the froraior had to hurry uwuy to london to attoud the jubiloe celebrations nation wab doferred tho government beoa it ounnot possibly pouipono tho maltcr beyoud tho pretentboaaionandheneetttisnowhaving a draft bill drawn up to submit to parlia ment tbo intention is to euhmlt the qneatiou only to uch poiflonp aa arc quuli- fied to voto iu dominion olootiouo tbo vote will bo brought on at suoh time as the conflicting iiiturodtb can agree upon or failing agreement at u dais the govern ment will uume aijroaent it ia thought that the ilau yljjlejajului the middle of ootober would be tho mout buitable time- the main differenoo of opiniqii jg tho shape in whloh thonuedtlbn should go to the peoplo tbo liojajr intoroats havo inti mated that jbey waut thrco queatipns sub mitted aafbllowa jj 1 jtre you in favor of tho total prohibi tion ofthp importation maonfhotore and qiqb pf intoxiaattng liquors 2 aro yoii in favorof cpejibotionto manufacturers and vendors of liquorj tq tbeevent of prohibition 8 are you in of direct uxntion to reooup the troaaory for tbo loss of revgnue coppequent upon prohibition strong protflntb have been made from other quarters againet the complication of the iaaue which the addition of the becond and third quertiona involve the advo- ostes of prohibition want a straight vote on that qaeation unembarrassed by sldu isbuee xa four provinces there have already been popular votes op the liquor question but the intention la to submit the matter again along with the raat of the dominion the provinces which haye spoken are ontario nova scotia mauitoba and prinoo edwardislanj t the best0fiesuirs always follow the use of pr willi pi pills two oases in which they restored health and strength after all other means had falledwhut tbby have done forothere they wilt do for you fjrointlio oolborno rtiro8 i there uro fuw if any peoplo in altirray township northumberland oounly to whom tho nil me of chaso in not familiar mr jacob chaso who has followed tho occupaiiou of farmer and filionnan uud lidh dealer iaeepeciallt well huotvn he ima been ft great sufferer fromrhcbmn midlandroutecaljfornia ex cursions via the chloaeo milwaukee 5t st paul railway to los anarelea and other points in southern california these popular every saturday california excursions for both first and aecondotass pabsengera are personally conducted by intelligent competent and courteous oourierviwho will attend to tho wants of all passengers en route tbta is an entiroly new feature pf tourist oar service and will be greatly appreciated by families or partiea of friends travelling together or by ladlea travellinr alone the midland route tourlat cars aro upholstered sleeping cars and are supplied with all the accessories necessary to make the journey comfortable abd pleasant and the sleeping berth rate ia but 9600 for two persona from chicago to california aek tbe nearest tioket agent for a tourist car folder gtvlngoompletbinformatiorrj about the midland route or address eastern manager midland route no 05 adams street chicago 111 or a j taylor canadian passenger agent toron to orit the sealskin regulation a subscriber in buffalo writes i calen dar received think it very neat can yea spare me another for a canuck friend who ha taken quite a fancy to it wish ingtbefaks puxss a prosperous year i remain xotinv h t h curlew is desirable if parents will not keep their children away from tbo evils of being out after night oivie authority moat step in and i am in favor of the enact- raent of regulatione requiring all children under a certain age unaccompanied by their parents to be off the at recti by dine oclock i see ho necesalty for disturbing present officers in town i think aoton ia wen officered and so long as bar public offloera are faithful in the discharge of tbeir duties there will be no disposition on ray pari to change them we should however endea vor to ao perfect all mattere that the municipal machinery will run with ntmost aatfafaatlon i feel that we shall have a plena nt year togother and that the best of feellog will exist we may disagree upon some mat ters which will pome before us bat wo can do this goodnaturedly tho membera individually exproiaed approval of the sentiments presented by the reeve and the business of the day was proceeded with- the bylaw to appoint auditors for the oorrentyearwas introduced read tho requir ed number of timei and passed the appoint- ess befog messrs aoaon smith and n f moore the reeve requested tbe membera to oodsider carefully the ekisting transient traders bylaw in ktnfy reapeota the by law is a hardship really an ontrare in iprhe of its clauses when it prohibits a i bona fide bos engiging in i i bosinesb id town without making a deposit of ifio00 of coarse exist log baaineaaea must be vprbteoted hat whatever i a positive hardship should have our oonauder- atlon and if possible be satisfactorily ad- inated he faid assistant seoretary howell issues instructions ta the collectors to be more lenient wabnnioton jan hrwhen the atten tion of assistant secretary flowoll was olled io the difficulties experienced at detroit and suspension bridge by tourists and othere in the matter of tbeir detention of their sealskin garments he immediately sent the followlug telegram to the collectors of cuatoms at these ports admit seal skin garments imported as person effects if they are shown tohavo boon in uao of owners prior to tbe 29th ultimo mr howell said in explanation that it had been held by the treasury that sealskins aotually in transit io the unuted states prior to the passage of the act of december 2 189 witu lipt uub to t p of tbe act and it wpojd be manifestly unfair to hold that sealskin garments purchased by toqriats prior to december 30 and ptied by thorn in their travels between the united states and canada were subjept to tbe provisions of this act on their arrival in the united states tibra hb all hia neighbors know but has foriquauly succeeded in kottiug rid of tho duoufie to a reporter be ave the follow ing particulars i had boen aauffererfrom rheumatism for upwards of twenty years at timer briug confined to the house at ono time i was laid up for sixteen weobs and during a portiou of that tfhie wub bon- fiued to my bed and perfectly helpless i had the benefit otoxcellent medical treat ment butit was of no uvui f bollevo too that i havo tried every medicine ad vor- tiied for the euro of rlieuniuiam and i am euro i expanded 990000 and jot nothing more at any time than the rnercat tempor ary relief at last i was iqduoed to give pr williama pint pills a trial aud froth that timo idato my good fortune ib got lag rid of the djsease i continued asiog them for several months and daily fonrid harthotublethavsma7king noy life miserable and had done oo for so many years was diaappearing and at last all traces of pain had left me and i was cured i say dured for i have not since bad a recurrence of the trouble as proving the diversity of troables for which dr wii f at0 a oi it may be be stated that they restored mrs frankobase daughterinlaw of tho sou tie- man referred to to health and etrenrth after all othe means had apparently failed mrs obaae says i can eoarcely tel what my trouble waa for even doctors could not agree as to the nature of it one ssrid it wab consumption of the etomach and anothervwab equally emphatic that it aallyettroubleoiiqjhingjdoloow aud that ia for yeara i was a siok woman i know that i was afllioted with neuralgia my blood was poor and i waa aubjeot to depressing headaohes my appetite waa not good at any time and the leabt exer tion left me weak and despondent a lady friend who had been benefitted by the nee of dr williams pink fills advised me to try them and as they had also cared my fatherinlaw i determined to dp so and i have rauoh pauso for rejoicing that i did for youoan see that theyhavenxadea new woman of me i took tbe pills steadily for a couple of mouths and at the end of that time was enjoying the blessing of good health it gives mo much pleasnro to bo able to bear public testimony to the value of this wonderful medicine dr williamb fink pills ours by going to the root of the disease they renew and build up the blood and strengthen the nerves thus driving disease from the aya- tom avoid imitations by insisting that every box you purchase is enclosed inn wra bearing the fnll arkxtt after the gjaristinas holidays quiet times and dull irndc not nt all we will start a trade invigorator on saturday the 8th instant a great winter clenrhm sale and all our kalca have been successful why ijecauso first goods ore as represented second at theclofie of the i -i- ported whoroby a when the season and goodwill of icianug aaie aiki an our hiucs have been successful why because first goods ore as represented second at season wo mark down iiurplufrsimckjo pricus that effectively empty the helves third no rubbishy stuff is ever impi chenp show may he niado but bur regulnr stuck is reduced so as focrqvvd ther store with buyers while tho sale lasts is about ended we consider it loitimato business to thus dispose of surplus stock and it tends to confirm tho esteem our customers which wc hope to maintain as hcrctbtorc our present sale wo expect will be a record breaker wc aro impossible to enumerate every article in n newspaper advertisement wo eai jiot sending out patent dodgers and as it is manifestly rncstly request your presence ns early as possible a few lines of special value nrc hereunder quoted but rememberall goods can be had at a big reduction from regular prices tine hihclass tailoring there is on unmistakable individuality nbout our clothing that stamps ther wearer as welldressed we have a number di fall and winter suitings overcoatings trouserings etc to be cleared out 6t cost to make room for spring imputations wow ia the time to get the best at the clos- est prices fit style and finish guaranteed- ladies dress costumes worth 500 and 86 00 for pa i ljudies dress costumes worth 60 and 8800 for 5oc heavy velour cloths in black brownv navy blue and myrtle green 125 for goc heavy velour cloths in black brown j navy blue and myrtle green 8100 for 65c j a great variety of taney dress goods in all colorings worth 65c for 45c per yd persian c lamb caperincs with frilled mufis to match worth 25oo for ft r 750 black astrachnp caperines silver lama trimmed worth 82000 for 1500 girls giey persian lamb tam-pshan- ters worth j300 for 9350 ladies muffs in nil yursrfrorn 75c up ladles all wool vests worth 35c for 20c ladies all wool vests worth 40c for 25c lndjesall wool vests worth 75c for 50c ladies all wool vests jvorth 100 for 75c ladies all wool vests worth 125 for 90c boys 2 piece ready made suits worth 8225 for 9175 boys 2 piece ready made suits worth 8300 for 8200 boys 2 piece ready made suits worth 8350 for 8250 boys 2 piece ready made suits worth i500 for 8350 youths 3 piece ready made suits worlh 8350 for 82 75 youths 3 piece ready made suits worth 8400 for 83-25- youths 3 piece ready made suits worth 8450 for 8350 youths 3 piece ready made suits worth 8500 for 83-75- only a few glens and boysv overcoats left but they will be sold out- regardless of cost a snap for somebody 1 large ooat robe 812 soor 8806 1 astrachan buffalo roue large size 81600 for 81000 ildu jvducrtuniunfb avantei tndusti1i0us men ol clinracur thu iinkcottcomlaliytutonloont wanted a wanted over sovoutydollaru iiroql agents sell klondike coldfieuds l1kr a whirlwind proaiiootub 25centa worth 91 big pay caiilc1 uniiocossary tbe bbaule yoaiibetbon co iltnltod toronto we will give yoi a hearty velcdm6to come arid inspect our roods and see what a slaughter we have made in prices you will ely realize it the terrifiq cut we havo made in all lines of goods we will akvays give the highest price for butter and eggs just lhesam6 as cash to us bargain doy every day dress goods furs and ladies goods fine high class tailoring ready- towear clothingj etc roe block jbchin st corgitosaln wanted active apoot tohandlo thaonly remedy on earth that aillh the germ of ualducbu qrowb hair on any bald hoajrpn earth dii wiiitbs nkw lixin onowericoy lebt alexis bc montreal we have fob sale desirable buliainfflotiln actori two it oobka burvey and two in fimitba sarvoy foncod aud in rood shano tboy are offered at a bargain if purcbasod immediately 7 t0 moone aok rr wantedagents both men andavomen if you are ttlllbg to wrkwcanto you em ploymentwltb good pay nd you dan work all or part time ana at home or traveling tho work 1b light and easy write at once for terms etc to the hav7kb ntjesery c50mpant kochester ny robt noble the highest p rice for wheat at the peas warehouse oats acton barley station flour at bran acton shouts ilbur and 8beds all feed kinds of feed store 93sebils99r9 99 wyndhamst teleph one 140 williams pink pilla for pale people death of reqistrar master bkiilin jan 6 iaaao master bogistrr for the county of waterloo and formerly for aora 0 years member of tho ontario legislature for south waterloo died this morning aged 04 years he waa widely known and highly rebpected news of the day joaquin miller is frozen the poet will lose hla earn and most of his toea victonia b the eteamer toptka from alaska today reports the arrival in dawson recently of joaquin miller the poet who in endeavoring to force his way from circle city against a bliezard lost his ears several toes a0uger being indeed no badly frozen that months will be required to recover strength miirer is upwards of sixty yeara ot ago yet bravo as a iioq when he beard that those strung along the river were in danger of starvation he determined tts carry the news to invpeotor constantino the miners at circle city endeavored to dissuade- him but he eluded them and ultimately accomplished his eel f- fro posed task thonih at a costly price oiptainjiunsen of tho alaska comroerolal company has the poet aa bis guest mr w- j clark was struck by a peco of a outtiog maahine at walters falla and killed on monday two hamilton eboo dealers were fined 1 each for keeping their btoree open after 7 oclock in christmas week another case will be appealed there will be 75000 naroei iijt tho directory of toronto for 1698 and ttio publiflhors claim that this entitles tbo city to a- population of 225000 benjamin kloepfer coal merohaat of guolph and a brotbea of mr o eloepfor m p dleilmonday evening of poeuraonla qeiug h o a f flays at brantford william stovcb a ld of eighteen years pleaded guilty touelqg one dollar notes raised to ten dollars and was sent to kingston penitentiary for three yeara allison wbo waa oanviotod ot tbe murder of mrs orr near gait ha confessed to the crime he saya he killed mrs orr because he was not allowed to go on an excursion to niagara falls try imorval flour the best family flour in the market frank harris manager tfilnterlsffere and copper ovakins are well prepared for it having just opened a fino new etook of olotba specially suitable for winter suitings winter overcoatings fltc we have a very fine assortment in all uneb since 1 commencing business in aoton wo have had assurance from all customers that tbe garments turned out by ub havo given entire satisfaction from all standpoints fit stylo prices and onduring qualities your patronage is solicited cooper ot akins main street acton 09 ypu cant afford to overlook our values in fine orde- ed clothing our assortment is choice our- prices very close and our work unequalled for style and finish r e nelson merchant tairor and furnisher cash and one prloo oueuph ie you are enejrloetic and strong ip you aro above foolish projudleo against can- vaasing for agood book write- and gntmy propobitton the inforniatlob will cost nothing 1 have pat hundreds of man in tho way of dak fng money bomeofwbom aro now hob loan do good things for you if you arohonorabloand will wrk bard t s lins0oxt toronto wanted canvasseftsi dugen victobia hor li to and relgo baa canturodthourltlflbeniplro bxtraordln- ary tostimoalftlfl from tho great men ieod for copy freo marquis of lorno sayfl tbo base popnlarllfoottbo qneon i have seen her maloaty sends a kind lettor of appreciation solilngbytnouoandbglvob euthnaiaatio satli faction canvassers make 15 to 10 woekly the bbadleygauretson co limltod toronto teacher of piano and orscan will form classes in handshaping exer cises in acton on saturday january 22nd pupils will be examined at the end of the term for terms and particulars apply to mr trsmith main st acton underwear and hosiery we have now a full range in ladies childrens and gents underwear consisting of main street planing mills acton out john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of sdah doors framos mouldlu in all atyloa dressing matching and moulding to ordor on short nottco will aisortcd stock on tiand at prices toiul tbo tlinos john cameron proprietor ladles vests wool and silk mixture ladies vests all wool ladies vests natural wool ladies vesta cotton from ladies drawers all wool childrens all wool vests fr gents shirts from 40c to gents drawers from 4octo ladies cashmere hose 259- and ladles ribbed cashmere childrens stockings from gents hose 9i 00 75 wantedagents in every district on tho continent to take orders for highgrade canadiangrown nara- orybtook and seeds largest and tqoi aaortmenlnthetrate fait beniugspeiiat- uev superb samploa famished freo oorros poo den co in any language these positions are money makers and territory should do saourod at odco for tho ssasoa by all battlers looking for a good thing oarsalary or edmmlsalon ouars will interest anyono not earning s100000 per year got in bommuoioation with our nearoat office- ri- an oimort unity to roprebentawellostatmahod house ability more important than experience lukb brothers company iuternatlonal noraerloa obloago iii montreal quo iloobeiter if y 45 10 up 50 15 up 75 75 35 25 5 p s up c bgoodeme hctqn wanted men to sell for the tonthlll nurseries over 70q acres of cejuiillnnqrowa stoclc vfe import no stock from tho states 8tudeotareaoberirouredmfutsterslbt3or aatlflolsrki wuo wub to make wlvmnaemut find tb work of adlllno oar hardy- home orown nursory stook iauaae m well a proatabi wejiraa6jnoanobmeatliu8aaon tbo deiqana for ourcoocu li lnaroaslag owtns to tbo faot that wo guaran too all our stook free from sanjooale wa make poutraou for whole or part time mon employinent tuo year ronnd wo pay both salary and oommlasioo write us for our ti rina qntflcfree stonb weltrnaton toronto ontario queerest on record stranee aooldent to a hunter while followlhar his aame left alone to die intoxloatod man freezea to death on the loe ooanoll adjournad to meet on vbprady evoninr at 780 oolook when the itandlog oommittan will be atrnok tbe board of health appointed and otlior baainna tranaaoled the provi e it 1 8aw they will be held on either the i oth or 22nd of february itofktmrooiinnri jin 10 on maw yetpa o fanl frlaqnc who had been iviog in a abanty ob bttnaoleil bland for aoraitlroa wntaoroaa tbe ioa with a oonpla of wnda to midland afur doing aoma bonplng and aoma drinking lhay itarted for iimm again ofr tbe loa trlaqo becamo weary whtn witbla a milt of home and tat don to net hie mtnoanfop want on and gave him bo tfapbtlllntit morning than tainting hlmirrtf alerted em to ftsh ando6n lonii hfi wwbfrtne ttad rfrm to i lr tistttoyt ia tb oodyi i j ol fv tononto ont jan 10 an evening papor aaya the boat informed liberal polltiolani aay that tbe general election in ontario will take plaoa on eltber february 15ih or mod tbia would mean ataeeday eleotlon wblob polltiolani oonalder tbe bait pouible at it nioally gim one olear day wllboat pnbllo meeting for tbe preparation and one day for- real after tbe saturday night wind op all tbe important auctione o meat yean have taken plane on tan 4r i wahosvuxi jan 10 frank dayia while oat hnntlng in tbe woode anooceded in wounding a rabbit wblob endeavored to eaoape by orawllng into a hollow saw log aa tbe liole ran only part way through tho log davli prawled into the apertnre after it th l bap lub un the eldu o a bill arid beingdlslarbed from its resting plaoe by the banters efforts tooaptnre the rabbltiibegan to roll eliding down against a bank and bloating davis only means of axil herernained oonsned inido of tbe log for 2 boon but finally a mm till attraoted by bis orles oame to the resone and snoooeded by means of an axe and spade in releasing him tittle pills they also relieve pijtress from dyspcpali f indigestion and too hearty eating a per feet remedy for dizziness nausea- drowai ncss jjodtosteinthc mouth coated tongus fain in the side torpjd ijver the keguute the bowels purely vegcttble smallpilt sitiall dose small price substitution tho fraud of tbo day died on the street an asred lady of ouelph expiree while out walking sec jou get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills the campaign prepare for winds wo wonld oall yoar attontion to the fact that wo are prepared to supply y with inmber of baitable length for your darn doors viz 10 12 is or 11 fcot also bash doors frames mouldinos ato for building storm dborb pnt np at as low a rato as possible repair your pumps or put iri now ones before it is too cold wi can do it shop at foot of river street acton th08 ebbace manager prosperity tobusiness in 1898 j h hamilton ubjuubr iii and qran 5ood costs s you cannot afford i to use any but j the best no more for n n n n d 5 use greamrqf an elebant toilet lotion for removing tan sun- burn all roughness and red ness of the skin leaving it white and soft try a sarrtple bottle prepared by n ypu can get that f post always of us hamiltons block ouelph gukmii jan 7 while walking on queen street yesterday miss boyr sister of mrs arthur hogge dropped dead she was oaerled into mrs cottons rest- deaer and a physician summoned but be gave it as hie opinion that life was eallnot uaoorthsabalhsd fallen heart disease aa 78 yeara of pvf barrle uifaacdent of the drel sunsayings and loan go head office- toronto ont authorised capital b000000o0 tenyear maturity shares are pnid in monthly instalments of 50c per shnro for xao months when payments cease fcooo paid in maturity value 10000 money to loan at 3 straight loan or repairable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb i avafentiaotott having on band a largo quantity of scotob norway swedish and russian cr7snite and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchased i will sell at a reduction of 20 per cent and will allow all expenses io customers to and from our works john hi hamilton than manwanfed wa v does n n n n u d n a a a a 3 complete job printing plant t bjfiowh wwvv tob tort nnoeoupled distrlot in canada to x mil onr high grade oanadlan grown muraery stook bvery tree and buah raaran- es5 frtia from han joao aeala ubelal terms to part urns mon and good warn io those giving their entire timo to the the damand for good homo grown and acoll- snatedtturssry stook is on tbe increase apply nowaiid seonre good gronod all onretoflk guaranteed true to name or pnr- ehaae prloe refunded bpblaokpord co torohtooanda send your order to the free press acton hpmo0ee editor and publisher f- v itfvxfcfts every person who does not j have to pay storage on his money is familiar with ihe difficult prob- i lem of ru 11 triinll inctmi- u answer tho requirements of these k advanced times footwear is ono of tho unfailing necessities arid it costs a good deal in tbe course of a year if you got the wring kind we dont keep the wrong kind i not that we are more honest i than the other dealers but our long experience hits taught ushou to avoid being stuck on poor goods this knowledge is necessarily of benefit to our customers be- i cause tho cheaper a sboe firm ctn i buy the cheaper it can afford to i sell cheap doesnt- mean poor quality however forlfit did our q shoes would not becheap we w keed no door nimlli roi- keep no poor quality gooihj no matter what tho grade for present roads and weather we can recommend our fall and winter stook now complrre you want a pair of rubbers call and get them w wilijams tbs francai smox 1 rcbantaotnr ajlaalji

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